Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 18, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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L. UlMlHi I ll.M J
Tha Jans' Recessional
(Tanked from Ji. JT.p..n.r startled
grasp and ftred point blank at loth
the Feds and O. B.) '
Magnates of balldom, known of old,
Kings of our hatting line afar,
Beneath whose legal hand ye hold
Dominion over bum and star
3Uty off this stuff oo with us ytt,
lt us forget 1st us forget,
The tumult and the clouting dies
The captains drift away from fame
Still stands, with hit and sacrifice,
The remnant of a Qrond Old Game
HmOarry Ban be with us yet
Let us forget let us forget.
Var oatted, the old thrtti melts away.
To follow soon you couldnt Mre usj
Xo, all tee have from Yesterday
jira dreams of itathewson and Tyrus;
Stagnates and players, spare us yet
Z us forget let us forget.
JCf, 4rvnJa with bate and power, ye hose
Wild tongues that have not truth tn
Jfuoh boastings as yoV come to use
With duU recourse before the law
If soon ye see the structure blow
Do net forget we told you so.
tffcci-Johnion to reach Mexico soon."
Tm thAt nahappr country to know bo
Hmlt t pain, torture and bllchtT
Zf Cmnlzad Baseball la a trust, just
Vrfcat troulcl you label Mr. Haughton's
Baxrard array at talent?
Our Was Experta
Boms magadn baa a yarn to the af
flict that trhlle -we may bay a forr men
trained to shoot In case of war -we bava
practically none trained at the art of
trench digging.
This Trlld statement Is mads in the
face of the foot that more than 600,000
golfers are now plylns their trade In the
United States.
The Old Story
Ton man who man the eoohlesheJl fhey
call a racing boat.
Who drive the thing four grilling miles
where there's no chance to shirk!
Xncw that the men who rule the sport
refuse to out its distance short,
'And you have nought to do with tt
you onhi do the work.
Four mlloa Is too long for a raoe that
ts more or less of a continual spurt,
with the men nearly always making a
supreme effort. Any contest that grinds
all the natural strength and buoyancy
out of a man and makes him finish on
pure nerra and drop over the line limp
aa wet rag needs some revision.
It la a Pity
Btafcertngr seems to be the order of
the day in nearly every lino of sport.
Witness now the tennis wari
foer Ban Meed's tn sorry pUght,
Wtth anger-reddened, peevish face,
pra other fori elect to fight
'And than out down hi battle space.
Auto Ehow Greatest Etwt
Zf you happen to notloe members of
the Philadelphia Automobile Trade
Association a bit chesty this morning,
do not be surprised, as the 14th annual
how,, which was brought to & oloso
Saturday night In the Metropolitan
Building, was the most successful ever
promoted. In the attendance line the
show was all that could possibly be ex
pected. Sales were reported numerous.
Teeinfty for Instance
Ban Francisco la to be the polfer'a
psmdlss In May and the latter part of
(April, Th ore's to be more than a
Arf5 j9sSf0 rc- -i I A r -JW1
rS p-v-
this picTufie was 3NAPPer A
AFTtfR CoH.TRAPPic cams weKfecrevtX our of his
!niv.jvj M & ikl fi,-r wiarr;. Incfr "rwis
IJ" r-Mr-kli -t..-- V win,. i,.
rilwSncK kwmo evesv
tmpiATHiMTHe:TpFsetsp,nMf3A ways and M6AN& coAuuTTeref FofeTHec.- - - fes . 1 -n "-IwlJrrWTmBACaP 1 'xYWpA- Vw
CPwTHe pRewr Hi PWsseNce YHee iaePfteperMyaTBfr -that,! 4sg333m& (ff&T Wgt I! ' m WWw-fW MJmt ti3k&em
pyTwmWR. expeweHcg!,p aomb pf THe mystery uio. e aotweo,' I "mlS mm. tt H M, &t -WMmW fifffP m
The Feds have added nine now
charges to their already long list
against Organized Ball. But the list
Is still Incomplete. Neither mayhem nor
arson has been charged up to date.
The Sporting Accent
A. magnate once bought seven blokes
From out the buahers' tone!
He purchased a bonansa
With the accent on the bone.
The Outcome
Sir What Is the lnsldo on this suit
of the Feds against Organized Ball?
Who stands the best chance to win?
For the day after we forocast with
rare Inner sight and enduring Judg
ment the following tip-off as given out
by the main guys to the press t
Garry Hermann "The decision
handed down by Judge Landls proves
our contention in every respect. It Is
a crushing blow to the Feds and a big
victory for the forces of Organized Ball.
It is Just what wo expected.
Jimmy Gllmoro "The Fedornl League
yesterday achieved Its most notablo vic
tory. Every contention made by us was
upheld and proven nnd the decision of
Judge Landls can only bo taken as a
sweeping victory, complete In every de
tail. Organized Baseball la now upon Its
last legs.
The only chance for any Inside tip as
to what has happened will be to lamp
the faction seizing the privilege of an
In the way of exercise we recommend
midwinter golf as a rare privilege one
not to be overlooked. As a sport we In
finitely prefer sweeping out the cellar
provided the cellar Is fairly dry.
"It win take Jack Johnson only two
weeks to get back Into the pink of con
dition." Exchange. Verily, the leopard
can change his spots after all.
month of putting and the other things
golfers do.
Sport Koto
Ty Cobb and many other of the base
ball stars are spending the winter
months playing golf down South.
That suggested an Idea for a hit of
comment of Frank G. Monke7 of the
International News Service, who
penned the following: Where but a
few short months ago he whaled the
horsehlde pill amid the plaudits of the
fans, he swats where all is still. Alone
with caddy at his side (on whom the
olubs are piled), he swings with all the
old-time pep that set the bleachers
wild. The shouts that used to greet his
drives, from throats of grandstand
ginks, are mighty far away from him
while he te on the links. While he is
on the links down South, away from
baseball strife, he mutters as he beats
the ball, 1Ma here Is sure the llfel"
Johnson Is All Bight; Itfa "Villa
Now It seems that Jaok Johnson,
with whom TJnolo Bam offlolals would
like very much to shake hands, will
find his Journey Juarea-ward, where he
Is scheduled to meet Jess Wlllard,
March 6, anything but a path of roses.
General Corranza, It is understood,
will have Johnson arrested as soon aa
he sets foot on Mexican soil. Then he
win have the Negro either deported as
an undesirable alien or 'turn him over
to the United States Marshals,
Carranza Is not the least bit angry
with Johnson. No, indeed I The Mexi
can general has learned that General
Villa, his rival, will cut In on the spoils
of the titular battle, so rather than see
Villa rake In extra pesos has decided to
step In and crimp the whole affair.
J .,-..TVi5,CTrt-.. Jf
wittw ur nc nwrs
ivnp how it happens.
I W ngmi inmaw m'y -imi iiisimiijiii
IHi va3 VsyiPli -'O ffYr'-J
of m$m f Jswfz. ly
F Um "Slffltffi
Box In Final Fray nt Olympla Club
Whon Willie Moore, the hard-hitting
Southwark lighter, shakes mitts with
Freddy Telle, of Taunton, Mass., In the
star bout at the Olympla A. A. tonight
It will bo tho third occasion the fight
era have faced each other within tho
Bquared circle. In their first bout the
Down East boy returned a winner, but
In a return match Mooro displayed suffi
cient form to cam tho honors. Both
boys have reported to Matchmaker Jack
Hanlon In prima condition
The Olympla's program follows!
First bout Kid Goodman, New York, ts.
Younu Dlitslns, this city.
Stcoid bout Plnkey Burns, Iftw York, tn.
Younc McGoern, this city
Thirl bout Tommy CKeeft, Southwark, ts.
Kid Thomas, Southwark.
Semlnlnd-up Younff Gradwell. Nrwark, vs.
Pal Mooro. this city.
wind-up rrea Yelle, 'raunton, Alans., i
Wllllo Sloore, this city.
Bobldeau Fights Gallant Tonight
Reports from Erldxeport. Conn , havo H that
Earn Itobldoau. of this city. Is In tiptop form
for his 11-round sttto with Gilbert Gallant, of
Boston tonight Itobblo Is confident that he
will win by a knockout.
Morris Bout Is Postponed
JOPLIN, Mo.. Jan. lS.-Carl Morris
sprained ankle will cause a postponement
of the 15-rounfl bout between Morris and
George Hodel, scheduled for January 21.
Penn Gym Team Scheduled
NEW HAVEN, Jan. 13 -Tho schedule
of the Tnle University gymnastic team
has been announced as follows: February
20, United States Naval Academy at An
napolis; February 26, Rutgers at New
Haven: March 6, Brown at Providence;
March 18, University of Pennsylvania at
Now Haven, and March 20, Princeton at.
Now Haven.
Tale Ulne to Play Giants
NEW YORK, Jon. 18. The manager of
the Yale baseball team has arranged with
John J. Modraw to open the (Slants'
season at the Polo Grounds with two
games on April 13
Klnsella Still Giant Scout
NEW YORK. Jan. 18. Dick Klnsella,
the noted Ivory Hunter, will continue his
sen-Ices as scout for the Giants. Before
leaving for Chicago Klnsella signed a
contract with McQraw.
Davis Signs With Braves
BOSTON. Jan. IS. George Davis, the
former Williams College player, who
Jumped into fame by pitching a no-hlt
game for the Boston Braves last season,
has signed a contract for 1S15 with the
world's champions.
Iiocal Bocoor Players "Win
J., Jan. 18. On o
field cor-
ered with mud
una many pools
lv nnols of watnr.
of water
which made sclentlflo playlne almost Impossi
ble, the Hibernians, of Philadelphia, handed
the 8oottlsh-Amerlcans, of this city, a sound
trounclns at Clark's Oval In an exhibition
pro Saturday afternoon, 4 tools to 1,
"A course In boxing for girls and
women la the best thing In the world
to cure and prevent bad temper, hys
terlos and a 'catty disposition."
No less an authority than Dewltt
Van Court, the veteran Instructor of
boxing at the Los Angeles A. C, of
Los Angeles, Cal and the trainer of
champions, has staked his reputation
on that assertion.
- - f?eieMrae - .
1 1 hi i, 111 I, 1 1 1 11 .hi 11 1 1
h.is ii ri fin I .1 r iTi tMiT t l . . - .s vrr . - Mt. swj mi null Kmr i.'.iavwiiiv ' zr H ,nn h ill . ii, m i ii r i r I ttw immmmwi " - K" .i'l - rrr sm,tm
iiutainMsif--F-ii-r .siaxfaeKxeMar. -"- "r- esi m hs a-smsir t- trn rnt.ni ii' p n"'i 'ii i y. . jfvwmsm s
vk&???5K?rse(jmmM.'mk y t """' E . ,--,r..w ... .Mn, YAWym-
sya-.aMiaiag-m zj&i&r i ( rSjutWkWmmsmkm wmsl rmi
THE DAYS OF REAL SPORT J. f . ' ' f sHE fflBi
JACK KNIQH J LANDS '"" rjfc OgM P --
Philadelphia Ball Player to Succeed
Sheckard ns Spider Leader.
Jack Knight, of this city, hero of diamond
battles In many climes, has at last landed a
managerial berth.
When the announcement of Knlsht s ap
pointment as leader of the Clevolnnd American
Association team uns made last night It uas
coupled Tlth the Information that James
Sheckard, former Cub and last sear manager
of tho locnl A A. team hnd been granted his
unconditional release Ills home la In Colum
bia. Pa.
Knight mndo a hurried trip to Cleveland
yesterday In response to a call sent here for
him by Prcsldout Somors When he boarded
tha westbound train he hnd no Idea what was
on the mind of tho Spiders' ownor.
After a brief conference, hoveer, the plan
of putting him In charge of tho Spldors was
outlined, terms were agreed upon and Knight
hiked for a return train to the Qijaker City.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 18 Federal League
developments came thick and fast here
following tho arrival of President Gll
moro, of tho league
Gllmore Bald ho has signed two third
basemen, one a National League and the
other nn International League star, of
whom Tlelder Jones may take his pick.
Pitcher Miles Main, formerly of Detroit,
was ofllclally awarded to tho St. Louis
It Is said In Fedornl League circles
that Charlie Deal, tho hero of the world's
series, has deserted tho Boston Braves
and has toeon signed by Gllmore.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. IS Ernest
Johnson, shortstop of the Los Angeles
baseball team, has signed n three-year
contract with the Federal League, It has
been announced here. He came to Los
Angeles two years ago from the Chicago
White Sox.
CHICAGO, Jan. 18 Walter Poeslnger,
nn outfielder and first baseman, of the
.University of Michigan, has been Blgned
by the Chicago Federals.
MILWAUKEE, Jan. 18. There Is n
strong possibility that Russell Black
burne, the Idol of Milwaukee fans In 1B13,
will return to tho Brewers. A report from
Chicago Bays that "Lena" will come hero
as part of tho deal for "Happy" Fcsch,
and adds that the Hon. "Ping" Bodle,
home-run slugger, will come with him.
Baseball fans of Salt Lake In three days
rals6d J12.EO0 In cash toward tho $100,000
desired to see Salt Lake through her first
season as a member of the Coast League.
The Initial payment on the franohlso was
made Tuesday, and it is hoped to have
0,000 In cash on hand In a few days.
NEW YORK, Jan. 18. Secretary John
B. Foster, of the Giants, has announced
the 10 spring exhibition dates of Mc
Graw's second team, as follows:
April 3, 4, 6, Little Itock, Ark.; 6 and 7,
Memphis, Tenn.; 8, Nashville; 9 and 10,
Chattanooga; 12, Norfolk, Va.; 13, Polo
NEW TOIMC Jan 18 Secretary John B
Heydler. of tho National League will leave
this afternoon for Chicago for Uio bis suit
which the Federal League has brought against
o-ganlzed ball, and which will bo heard on
Wednesday. Mr Hevdler said last night
practically all the HI club owners of both tho
National and American Leagues will attend
the hcarlnit. President Tener. of the Na
tional League, will have to wait at Harris
bun until Tuesday, when the Inaugural of
tr.e new Governor will tako place. He expects
to arrive tn Chicago, however, tn time for
tho hearing
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Jan. IS. Dave
Hhean, an ex-Cub, will probably be chosen
to manage the Providence Club next sea
son, now that "Wild Bill" Donovan has
been selected to handle the Now York
Highlanders. Bheaa captained the Rhode
Island team last season.
Basketball Series Starts Tomorrow
The first game of the series for the cham.
plonahlp of 'West Philadelphia between Vln
corns and St. Agatha Interstate team will be
played at Hallahan JlnJI tomorrow night.
u mam i'i 3i
.usiii'"1" i i Jin. .1 i .iii,i ' npr-'-" T-T-Titnr iijirii - i - j, - 3JF37rriiiL4iLZj-i Z.mmmiSlSmWStSaTm,Lmw!JmSI'i ivni-.-'J' ' '" 9
Ty Cobb, for many years his stable
mate, believes that Wild BUI Donovan
will effect tho desired uplift with the
New York Americans.
"Hill Is o royal good fellow," says
Ty, "and possessed xf a personality
that Is bound to win tho support of
every playor. Besides he Is possessed
of a hustling spirit and Is one of the
earnest pltahors I inave oyon seen.
Whon I first broke in at Detroit Bill
was " handicapped by Incompetent
catching. I have seen him time and
time again lose by one run under tho
most exasperating faults of his bat
tery mate. Yet never once did ho
whimper. He always tried to shoulder
tho responsibility.
"Donovan," continued Cobb, "knows
Just about as much baseball as any
man allvo and possesses the faculty
of applying this knowledge properly.
I am sure he mill give New York a
vastly Improved club before tho end
of tho season."
Middle Distance Runner Has Injured
Foot to Nurse.
NBW YOniC, Jan. IS On th adrtce of a
physician. Homer Baker, of the New York
Athletlo Club, the half-mils national and In
ternational champion, who has been suffering
from an Injury to his right foot, will not run
until the summer comes around
About two months ago Uaker hurt his foot,
and by running several times since then has
made tho Injured member worse. Bernlo
Wefers. tho trainer of tho Meroury foot track
team, towed the wonderful athlete to a phy
sician yesterday to have his leg; examined.
The doctor advised Baker to stop running for
tho remainder of the Indoor season.
To Improve Race Track
HOLLAND, Mich., Jan. U. To make
the race track at the Holland fair
grounds one of the best In the State and
put racing on such a plane that Hol
land will become a race centre that will
attract the best horses In Michigan and
other States Is the ambition of the pres
ent fair association officials.
College Hockey Match Tonight
NEW TOIIK, Jan 18 The Columbia and
Trinity hockey teams will play at the Bt.
Nicholas Itlnk tonlgt.t, the contest being the
first regular home game for the Jilue and
White. S ,
The Cleveland American League
baseball team will hereafter be known
as the "Indians," according to word
received from Cleveland. The decision
was reached at a meeting of club offi
cials and baseball writers,
The name "Naps," It was felt, had
become obsolete when Napoleon La
Jole went to the Athletics. It was
also decided at the meeting to have
"Spiders" as the name for the Cleve
land American Association team.
Penn Has Won One Game and lost
Two In. Collegiate Sport.
College. Won. Lost. Pet.
Tale 2 0 1000
Princeton lx p l.noo
Cornell J 1 .W
Columbia 1 2 .333
Pennsylvania 1 , JJ-tl
Dartmouth 6 2 .000
Yale and Princeton are tied In the Intercol
legiate Baskotball League, neither having lost
a game Tho Blue, however, has nlayod one
more game than tho Tigers. Seeal surprises
were fumlshod last week. Cornell lost to
Yale and Columbia was beaten by Prlncoton
anNBnYOHi.. Jan. 18. Leach Cross, who re
cently gave Young Shugrue tho hardest task
he over experienced In tho ring, will appear
at the Broadway Sporting Club tomorow night
against Harry Pierce.
National Basketball Standing
w. l. r c vr. i. p.c.
Corley 8 2 .800 Mt. Carroel.. 8 3 .000
Wei Eleo... 0 3 .60T Junior 5 4 .421)
Strayerls ...0 3 OCT St. Monica.. 1 0 .147
Madonna ..8 0 .600 St. Anthony. 0 7 .000
The schsdulo for Tuesday follows:
At Cloverdale Hall, 12th and Dickinson
streets Corley vs. Junior and Madonna vs.
Mt. Carmel.
Star Basketball Player May Be Sus
pended If Ho Jumps.
If Billy Kummer, who Informed the Jasper
team that unless ho rocelved an Increase In
salary, he would play with the Jeannette, Pa.,
West Tenn League, walks onto tho floor with
that organization tonight ho Is ltabla to a
heavy suspension for Jumping his agreement
Kummer will not only be suspended
for the remainder of the season by President
Scheffer, hut tt wll! require a unanimous vote
for him to return next yoar.
No club In the Eastern League will be per
mitted to play any game aglnit a West Penn
League team, either before or after the sea
son, and Kummerwni he compelled to accept
any amount the West Penn League choses to
glrs htm
Camden Plvo Still Leads
Camden suffered Its first setback In Its last
eight starts when the Reading quintet, runners
up for the lead In the EaBtern League basket
ball pennant chase, administered the Jersey
It rb b. 30 to 34 drubbing Saturday night on the
Reading floor. Although beaten, Camden still
milntama the top position, leading Reading
by one-halt a game.
"White Truck Show Tonight
Philadelphia's only Motor Truck Show, the
display at the salesrooms of the White Com
pany, 210 North Broad street, will begin to
ntght at 8 o'clock and will continue all week,
morning, afternoon and evening, ending noxt
Saturday night. In connection with the open
ing ceremonies, an address en the subject of
motor trucks will be delivered by City Statis
tician IS. J, Catttell, who Is an authority on
the subject, ,
Williams Pavoro Newport
NHW TORK. Jan. 18. R. Norrts Williams,
2d, who took tha national lawn tennis cham
Blonshlp away from Maurice E. McLoughlln.
has come out In favor of continuing the na
tional tournament at Newport. William
heads a committee which Includes eight hold,
ere of the all-comers' title who oppose the
plana of the West Side Tennis Club to bring
the tournament to this city
The other champions are Richard D. Bears,
Henry W, Slocum, Oltle 8. Campbell Fred II,
Hovey, TVIlltam A. Lamed, William J,
Clothier and Beats C. Wright. Two of the
champlons,Maurlee 1. McLoughlln and Mai
colm D, whitman, have decided to remain
neutral for the present.
- """-r
tv-vt -,s, Vv .... Mif.aBtmij'jjiJiJtArag
Many Other Changes
Also Approved at Mccbl
of Intercollegiate AssocSh
tion Members in New Yofl
amendments that win ... . . TJ
fluence on all future intercollenS
let n mints In t.i. w' W
mended by the Executive and jZ
Committees of the lntr.Mi ..r rSL
elation of Amateur Athletes cf iS
Hotel yesterday afternoon
.inese recommendations will bt 3F
upon at the annual meeting of ti$
....... vuimr)r 0( Ma ttj
small doubt but that they will bi mSS
and put Into forco at once. 2
Tho constitutional amendments. iM
through .will help to standard!
letlcs prior to the noxt Olymplo ,3
and will conform with the rules &'
International Athlotlo Federation.
The ExecuUvo Committee. compJf
E. J. Btackpole, Jr., of WS
Grcenough, of Harvard, T. M. OalbrS
of Prlncoton. and C. W. Townsend, ct tSl
University of Ponnsvlvnni .... .. 3i
vlsory Committee, comprising anitijffl
of Cornell, and Thornton Gerrlsh, of h$
uiu, wo.o wioso wno sat in learlonrl?
terday. -3
Tho committees first took tro the dlT,-H
;-ri iV'l.."'"' I" ana the brc ?!
.. ... hub icrommenaea that each twZit
a man mamake a't lal.uX . : !
?.lef.,U.,a,.at.5?c?-. " may awaltlM-
In tho pole vault and th hi, i .. MA
Pmme?de.i tnat th0 number ofjtrSs uX,
stricted to three, as at present, but iW ft
competitors bo allowed to take their ilS
and third trials at once? if th.y SuM
tend of awaiting their regull? turn n.
will bo welcomed by the athletes .2
"cold" while waiting 15 or 20 mhwX to
the r next trv nt thi. ,!,. .. 'i'"""''0
mi... " " u,,u P"a!
Collogrlnna Xoso letters
ANN AltBOR. lllch.. Jnn. 18.-HW?
McHale. of Locnn.qnnrt Tnrt ,.i m
James, of "Vondalla, 111., members cf"Et
Michigan football squad, are threttaS
with the loss of their varsity letter, tr
tho result of their playing indejunJat!
football. Both men. It Is said, usMu.1
sumea names.
Boxers Off to Australia
DENVER, Col., Jan. 18,-Splder KouiW
of San Francisco, and Young Abo Atte'l
rt Tlantrap Inf. 1,ai-a fn. C.. t?..i.S
where they will accompany other baten I
to Australia. Itoache and Attell hitrl
signed with snowy tinker to do battltW I
times beforo his club.
White Arrives In New York
NEW YORK, Jan. 18 -Charley WWMJ
his manager, Nate Lewis, and trafctMj
Ike Bernstein, have arrived here, Chirltjij
mcais iiiumiJiuji ricuiuu iveisil, la .'
round contest January 28.
Announce Army Football Ditejj
WnST POINT, N. Y.. Jan 18 The Arafl
football schedule tor 1015 was announctd ftf
terday. Nine games comprise the cud f
tho cadets next fall, all of which tUMi.
nkved at West Point except the chamDtOubJl
contest with the Navy, which will till pVt!
nt thn Vnln nrniind In New York on Nona
ber 27. The schedulo follows October i. BoW
Lross. v. ueusuurg. in. oigaie. . us
of Notre Duine, U, UnUersity of Miini;
Springneia Training; ticnooi: -, iavr.
New Car to Race
An lp-ht.rT7HnHar pji fins of tha flrtt Of &
kind, will bo entered In tho next Icdl&upf 1
Duu-mue race, proviaea ino niana 91 ajww
Tlttln Itnarlrn'i Vititncpfit rfiffiatPfii drlttf. O
tlirmtcrh nn Hfhdulpi1. Tha car la ft Xisi' 1
manufactured In Detroit, with a plitos. f
placement or only U4U cumc incr.es ibq s
weight oC only 1730 pounds. Its epeed la
maiea at Jiu nines nn nour.
The pictorial feature of the SpiWlri -j
flclal Athletlo Almanac this year la owrj
jueiu mull oyer aiiiuuk mo man im-.w-'j
are college croups of club teams. pIctiKM K
officials und athletlo scenes at various CM
plonehlps, Including many Individual Wg
erams showing the improvement In iM.rKogf
for the arlous track and field events slnct BJ
orsanlzatlon of the Amateur AthletlS U
in xosa.
Cnm- n .ft. k-a ill.lnT... TT1n In tRI CCG3. 1
try will meet In the flv4 mile team ri . W
noveny eem ot me annual muwr ""f'j-Ts-Bj
Brooklyn Cotlege, to be hell In the 3"f';f
inent Armory. Hrooklyn, next Saturdir s'TOi
Among the stars entered are Jlanou 2,1
maninen. Arthur Fogel. the Junior croMsHl
try cnampionj narry oniun, vHtv, , Hm I
champion or America, ana wiir u'iw
veteran Mlllrosa A. A. runner. tTn rwj I
for two men teams and Kolenmau 1
Fozel, the Irlsh-Ameiican A. C. pur, SUi
boen Installed the favorltles. Ml
OLYMPIAA.A. ass&sss!
WirXIK JIOOUK vs. ntEW JHf m
Arfm 9K- iiiii iim. Mn- Arena lies. i'
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