Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 15, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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lfeiiSJMiilfcWiPillianliBiilil frm
jjjjjfy Sunday sJSermons
Continued From Pago 6
Km to hurricane, and Ihe walers are
Kh4 int0 m,8hty wavcs nnd lh0 sh,p
I. ... iikn a. moiisler in distress. The
' .t,hi8n on Ihe brlilso cries! 'Break-
"i .heart!' ""a the orucr lo c,,nnB0 ,n
If' " Jlard n-portr Is shotited to the
Sman. Bui It Is too late. Tho great
K i rlkes upon the reefs and Is lost,
! en the next day only the circling
. that fly "bout the wreckage tell the
tft oMlte csel gone down with nit
1- hoard onwcpt ana unsung.
Sum start the voyage of the Chris-
.. ..J- amtllHtr alt I nd and tmnn
Sooth 'waters, but as they sail out of
frL.ur the sky becomes dark and
aft of their religion crashes upon
21 rooks. At flrst they are careful to
S tho commands of God, but after
iM revival they neglect their duties and
jtgillr come to wreck.
f A friend of mine holding n meeting,
Med how many who wero present had
jiert Christians, buf were now back
side". Finally 0 'fessed up. Then he
ijked them for tho reasons for their
falling " F'nn'l' a man Bot up and
iild he backslid through believing that
It could bo n Christian and keep his
i...r- nnfn on Sundays.. A man that keeps
Jj, ,0re open on Sundays Is an Anarchist.
Ft wouldn't buy l worth from him. A
l Lung lady arose and said that she back
' illd because of cards. A friend had given
I, M,ru ptu i oi.u .v .... ,.. .. ...
fwclDroclty. She said she had Invited
llTMVg man to attend, but that he didn't
v,(ow what kind of a party It was to be.
. ..jime.-but when ho found out what
Wttfc&s he said he xyas sorry, but he must
R ri for ho could not stay there. 'I ad-
K.rilred him for his loyalty to nis re-
lljfon; ho made me feel that I wasn't
mtrober.' the young lady said.
Another man stood up and said: 'I
luckilld when I voted for the saloon.'
?-., h hn'rllcl or he wouldn't have voted
i for Uie dirty thing. Why, ho backslid
P- More he voted that ticket, or ho wouldn't
htve voted it.
' "A young lady said: 'I thought I could
l a member of the church and dance.'
Lsure she could, "toil can bo a member
f tt the church and a burglar, too, but not
m.mtaer of the body of Christ. She
ild "I attended a dance and found my1
Alra 10 Dray uimilllBluliK. X CtLlBIIUBU
W mother and I found my desire to, pray
f -. krtAma ..AhMlniia. AtiH than she
r, M. 'ray desire to pray disappeared.' I
F tell you I never saw a drinking, dancing,
p tird-playlng Christian who nmountcd to
K tnythlng. The dance Is a quagmire of
K" wreckage. Tou wait until I get at it.
"Im apamst a lot OI n' pop
ular among church members, as you
Rsople are going to find out before I am
irmieh In Philadelphia. I don't give that
E (mapping his fingers) whether you like
h mv m-eachlne or not. Understand? It's
!' Question of whether you aro interested
I. b decency. If you live wrong you can't
ipeaka so lo.udly that I cannot hear what
you say.'
' "People say to mo: 'Why Is it so great
l eln If a man. finding himself falling In
l-tbe Christian life, quit It7' He con And
: Umself falling In business or society and
Uult with honor why not In religion?
Mr1l. rellslon Is not a business or social
SNtnterorlse. It is not for time, money,
Fvrr.i.i.. .!...,. - .nlotw ll fnr Cind.
"Wot v-rv backslider Is an apostate,
U tut every apostate is a backslider. Peter
Pt.o. n tinrksllrter. but ho came back and
B, preached that sermon at Pentecost, Judas
r jj a BacKsuaer, anu wnac lie uiu
preyed upon his mind that he did not
vant It Ho went out, but he never came
VI have never tabooed but two towns
' h mv life, and ono of these was a little
ytown in Iowa, where I once held a meet-
RIUQ iniVID A lean u.vu...u ... ...o . .
thflt inven hnrl an Infldttl club of 1B0 mem-
ters. There wero only two church mem-
Men In the place, and there was an tn
iterrosratlon point after them at that.
fithey could have started a foundling osy
?hira of their own In that community.
7.n fiuslnesi life, crises como unfore-
ileen. Hard times come. When they do
kfi may be able to get away with an
tTtrdraft at the bank U the cashier
4oen't know you too well. At the bank
tt heaven no checks on God'a mercy,
i when signed by God's loyal followers.
havs ever been turned down. If you
ttome with honest heart God will honor
,ui9 appeal if your hands axa red with
(.wood. i N
"There Is no man I so love and delight
Ite honor as the man who Is true. There
a no woman I so delight to honor as
,tbe young woman who Is true. There Is
to one I so abhor aB a man or woman
whose words are untruth and whose
word Is as unenduring sand. Imay dif
fer from a man In politics, religion or
business, and If hit la llvlncr ut to his
P RUtheat Ideals, even' If I think his Ideals
ft or religion are wrone. I resnect him and
, WJ do my best to cleat- up the errors
pm iaa mm to tne mgner iigni rarousa
the word of Jesus Christ.
Sl 1W MaMnaln. Ill 1.1 Aaa H&aaA
jBttlethlng many men will !. out. There
IJJ men whose honor and manhood hang
take meat in a butcher shop, for Bale at
much a pound. I thank God, though,
iwit most men are honest and most
poraen'are virtnouo and that even the
ilnlnorltv can ti mad tn vlld When VOU
Kfith the Gospel right.
ar God han rnn-lfA mif tiA natriA nnfh
i Jot both men and for women. Away with
iw hellish rinntrlna nf ifanhla. tnnrtfird
f llTing in this 20th century. It makes '
jjj omerence -whether the one who pins
Ivf' a pluB nat or a petticoat. YounB
reilovr, your sister has as good a. right ta
fill ts you do. as -von ha.v. Rhn has as
Lfood. a right to walk up street sreok-
- f a cigarette as you have. Tour wife
kii as good a right to line up be
r bar an(1 njt th. tooie as you
T ! She has as kood a right to
.W to the corner erooery in the) even
fS. and Blt around and put her
iM Un On IH atnva onrt 4.11 mllttV
l kn M y0" Don't you think that
, ii . ou wear whiskers and breeche
that you are privileged by God. She has
85" th9 street with a half a plug of
llthSf00 'Hcklns out of her mouth and
K enough to drown a Jaokrabblt as
liS. VB- 1 wouldn't clean out your old
EtPUlOOa foi vnlf TH ihmitt 14- m ,A..M
g,head, yes. air.
. .uere is many a fellow looking In ray
'" who. if v.i i. ,u i... i..
KS? b whining around the oourU for
....u Man il" e"t t0T Ma owri use
of Vnway below that marked by God,
M..,??,,ts that I113 wife keep to the
?Ah,ehr one.
I tihi . "v "uo p.an ror you ano an
pwer ror her.
lainn ,,?atn a, man being untrue in
Itru. tt3, l,..can taagine him being un
tllLiL ?oUuf- I can even-but It is
Etmm "tt-'jaWw him being untrue to the
IbS .i.at tha ltar-but to he un-
-JS5 heaven and lose all. Be true
d you yi lose hell, I pray
itl.i . a wcrs upon ine con
slr.'r5 Of yon backalldara vh& hur m.
fM ?,? -W,U "y'" tears and turn
'? "" roll unnn nn nlll, . .
e tonish j ...t, ii. it.:.
Way runnu.l. .. ...,! I . Z
IrkL . "S into a return to tie. God to
ffW you have been fal.eT
A hetlwn WOnuin named Fanatbta
for her great beauty, and
f yrus wanted her tot hu har.
nt bis renresentatlvei to hr and
fee money nd iwte c come.
t 'i uiiea um ana punmed their
W f tJWWatllttttaif)
with offetu suit more generous and tempt'
Ingi ut again the sent them away with
eorn A thlr time she said "Nay." Then
rJ 5 if1!? went in pr,on lt 8B her and
he douled and trebled and quadrupled
the offers his men had made, but still she
would not go. She told him that nhe
was a wife, and that she was true to her
thou?" "'?' "ranalheft where dwelled
"In the arms and on the breast of
my husband," she Bald.
Take her away," said Cyrus. "She Is
or no use to mo." Then he put her hus
band In command of the charioteers and
sent him Into battle at tho head of the
troops. Tanathea knew what this meanl
tnat her husband had been sent In that
ll? P'Kht be kilted. She waited while
the battle raged nnd when the field was
cleared ehe shouted his name and
searched for him and finally found him
wounded and djlng. She knelt and
clasped him In her arms, and as they
Kissed his lamp of life went out forever.
King Cyrus heard of tho man's death,
and came to the Held. Panathea saw
him coming, careening on his camel tike
ft shin In a storm. She called, 'Oh, hus
band! He comes-he shall not have me.
I was true to you In lite, and will be
truo to you In death.' And she drew
her dead husband's poniard from Its
sheath, drove It Into her own breast and
fell dead across his body.
"King Cyrus came up and dismounted.
He removed his turban and knelt by the
dead husband and wlfo, and thanked his
God that he had found In his kingdom
ono true and virtuous woman that his
money could not buy, nor his power In
timidate. "People of Philadelphia, preachers, the
problem of this century Is the problem
of tho first century. We must win the
world for God, and we will win the world
for God Just ns soon as we have men
and women who will be faithful to God
and will not Its and will not sell out to
the devil".
..lift .rui IT .ni
Corporal G. Mlley Promoted.
Corporal G. Mlley, of this city, has been
recommended by tho first adjutant for
promotion to sergeant, In recognition of
his good work whllo on guard duty at
League Island Navy Yard. He took tho
examination for the higher office this
Chief Justlco Gumtnere, It Is Be
lieved, Opposes "Recall ot Decision."
TRENTON, N. X, Jan. 15 -It Is the
belief here today that the doifrt of Er
rors and Appeals will not grant tho peti
tion for a tcargument of tho gas case.
It' Is understood that many of tho Judges
do not take kindly to the suggestion that
this Is a covert attempt to get for the
flrst time "a recall of Judicial decisions."
That this is the fact cannot bo staled,
but 6Vrybody Is afraid of tho work of
George I Becord, chief counsel, asking
for this reargument, and because Record
wns the main Booaevelt man In this
Chief Justice Gummero Is being sup
ported. It is declared by those who ought
to know, by many of his colleagues to
the effect that tho language of the Pub
lic Utility Commission roport shows con
clusively that the franchise ot the gas
company" was not valued and Is In no
sense a part of the $1,250,000 sot off for
"special property." It is rumored that
tho Court will take ndvantage of this
position of tho Chief Justice nnd. rcfuso
a rehearing on this ground, but back of
It all will be the deslro to ward off
what may be called "ft recall of this
Judicial decision."
Chicago Reserve Bank Member
Rnpped Administration.
WASHINGTON, Jan. IS. Henry B. Joy,
of Detroit, was cnllcd upon today by
Chairman Glass, of the House Banking
and Currency Committee, to resign as a
member of the Chicago Federal Reserve
Bank. The demand for his resignation
was based on the fact that Mr. Joy had
severely criticised the Administration and
Its handling of the new recerve system.
Chairman Glais' action, It Is understood,
was taken without consultation with the
Reserve Board.
Zudora ia left an orphan at an tartu
age. Iter other is kilted in a void mint
he mm discovered. Half an hour after
learning of the death of her husband Zu
dora'a mother, o tight rope walker urtlh a
Btreue, im teiztd with vertigo, fails, and it
Zudora and the fortune from the mine,
which later prows to oe worth $10,000,000,
are left to the guardlanehip of Frank
Keene, a circus man and the brother of
Zudora'a mother. Zudora, giving promise
of great beauty, reaches the age of 18.
The uncle, loho ha set himself up as a
Hindu mxistio, and is known as Hassam
Alt, decides in his greed that Zudora must
die before she comes inti possession of her
great fortune so that i may be left to
htm, the nextaf kin, ani he prevails upon
the girl to leave her money in his hands
three vtars longer and to say nolhinp to
any one about the fortune. Hassam Alt
sees an obstacle to his scheme in the per
son of John Storm, a young lawyer for
whom Zudora has taken a fancy, and he
commandc, the girl to put the man out of
her tnind. Storm comes to ask Hassam
Alt for the hand of his niece. At flrst the
crystal gater will not listen to the pro
posal, but Zudora Insists that if she can
not marry Storm she will marry no one.
"TVert, mell." said Hassam All, "if you
take suoh a stand I'll compromise. Solve
my next to casts and you can marru
him; all in a single cast and you mutt
renounce him,"
Zudora, using the knowledge pained
from years of association with her unclt,
unravtls a series of baffling mysteries.
A VnlUd States submarine and a collier
belonging to the Starr firm for which
Storm Is attorney, are bloton UP, appar
ently through the agency of a ray which
mtlts metal under water.
Looking for a photographer for Zudora,
Hassam All finds the inventor of the de
structive ray. He Blackmails him into
agreeing to commit murder. Zudora visits
the photographer, whose studio is beneath
the inventor's home.
THE Inventor, true to his class and
kind, instantly forgot his personal
danger. His whole soul waa bent upon
one servloe to humanity a world without
war. And he was positive that he alone
possessed the thing that would moke war
so horrible, so annihilating, that hu
manity would no longer dare to make
war. Presently the crackling of electric
ity was heard, and that strange odor
which always follows tho path of light
ning filled the room. Far out in the bay
was a aeries of empty barges being re
turned from tho deep sea dump. The
Inventor turned his ray upon that, after
carefully measuring tho distance, some
thing after the manner of a olvll engineer,
There was a remarkable ranga finder oa
th top of the) machine, but this the) In
renter used only when ohjeota were) bo
low the h or Iron.
The two men watched tha rear barge
Presently It listed, then it began to sag,
and a cloud of smoko buret forth from
the hatches.
"Good heavenst" gasped Hassam All.
"Did you strike that barge under water?1
"Ohl no. I am powerless against wood
underlwater, but all metals are Ilka bo
much paper."
"What aro you going to do with It Tr
Hassam All was dared by the colossal
cower of the machine,
"When the time comes I am going to
present it to tho TJnlUd States Govern
ment." "Man, there are millions and millions
In ltl"
"I am a patriot," said the Inventor
nirnply. .
It woe aboot this time that ZuSoml ar
rived at the photographer's studio on the
floor below. At tho sound of the Jnterior
bell the photographer pane out of his
dark room. To Zudora he did not looa
like any photographer she had ever seen.
His ble head was covered with a shook
of rusty colored halri he needed a ehavel
his necktie was awry; his coat was
peokled with tobacco ash, and ohemlcal
stains Invited attention. But his fore
head waa all right, end his eyes kindly, it
Ah. you are MUs Zudora. Tour uncle
telephoned to me that you would be here.
I don't take the average run of photo
graphs." His voice was energetic. There
waa a Teutonic burr to it, for all that hU
name waa Green. But Zudora did nji
notice' this at the time. "You see,' he
went on. "I'm something of an Inventor.
One of these days I'm going to revoru
tlonUe photography. Now, If you 1 Just
alt down for a. moment until I finish the
plate I'm working on, I'll be ru
He returned to the dark room. But he
did not bother with any plates. Instead,
be placed hie ear against a telephone-like
object and listened. Hassam AH was not
alone, evidently, In the secret of the roan
In the room above. A eoowl crossed the
face of Green, and he muttered an oath
In German. When he came back to Zu
dora he was smiling.
"Now, then, yoit waa fun length cs
"just the head, I wat tKmteBvtnsr
"Tou've eome to the right mm. toeo."
He took a pleee of wood from WW
desk. The wood was highly polished.
From a shelf he took down a beaker
j ... nf th llnuld uoon the
pUce of wood. Than he took erase liquid
from aneshw bottle and sp4 If over
4fc wmiV 4fltamtt
Ing the square In front of Zudora's face.
Next he threw on some dark liquid.
"Behold!" he said enthuslafltlcally.
"Why," she cried, astounded. "1 never
saw anything like that!"
"Few have," he declared. "Now, come
tomorrow at S and I'll have six for you.
When I can mako this cheap I'll put
tho average camera into the dust blnl"
And Zudora believed him.
Meantime, the secret service was bur
rowing and finding nothing; the Starr
Company was still at loggerheads with
Its men, and Storm was striving with
might and main to adjust the differences.
Two moro colliers had gone to the bot
tom mysteriously.
Tho day that Zuroda came for her
photographs was to be a led letter day
among her experiences. Hassam All had
preceded her, and while she was con
ferring with the photographer he was
working to gain his ends. That the In
ventor Bhould bo made the scapegoat was
nothing to him. He saw nothing but
untold millions in tho near distance.
But, unfortunately for his schemes, he
had reckoned without Fol Green's
Hassam All, despite tho Inventor's pro
tests, had cut an apertur.e through the
floor so that he could see what was going
on In the room below. At a favorable
moment he thrust a revolver toward the
"Now!" he whispered.
"It Is murder!"
"Now, or I wlllshoot!" Hassam All
had taken all precaution to disguise him
self. The elevator boy would never swear
that such and such a man had asked di
rections, and the law would never be
able to find such a man. "Hurry!"
Just before this, however, Zudora, being
alone for a moment, thought she would
try an experiment herself. She picked
up one of the beakers to learn If the sen
sitizing liquid contained ether, when the
bottle slipped from her hand and crashed
to the floor. Almost Instantly she saw
two faces form upon the liquid. She
looked up quickly. In time to see two
heads suddenly withdraw and heard a
rattle of wood as the aperture's covering
fell Into place
What could thnt mean? She stepped
back to the wnll She waited breathlessly,
but nothing happened. Her flrst thought
was that some one was trying to steal
the photographer's secret, and she became
determined to frustrate this base plan.
When, Haesaiu All looked again In or
der to dlreot the ray of the Inventor Zu
dora was gone! She had evidently seen
something. He felt an urgent need of get
ting away at once.
Oddly enough, she passed htm in the
upper hall as he was making for tho
elevator. So Intent was she upon her own
quest that she gave the man but a pass
ing glance.
Inventors are earelees generally in all
things save that upon which their
thoughts are set. It never .occurred to
the Inventor of the destructive ray to
lock the door after the flight of tho man
who professed to be his friend, but who
In reality waa the worst enemy ho had.
Bo Zudora had no difficulty In entering
the room. She did so as noiselessly as a
What she saw confused her at first
There was the noble bay and the ships
going down to the sea. But what signi
fied all these retorts, wires, keys and
squares of blaok rubber? -o roan with
all these strange things about him would
oontemplate the robbing of another man's
secret. She heard the roan mutter a few
words. Her heart missed a beat! Qui
etly as she had entered she stole forth.
What should she dot How should she
act In face of this tremendous discovery?
She must see Storm and ask his advice.
The inventive photographer had not
been Inactive all this time. He sensed
danger when he saw that weird photo
graph on the floor. He determined his
actions at once. If he could not have
the secret of that magical ray for the
fatherland no one should have It,
atnnr, naa arreatly excited when Zudora
disclosed her discoveries. Together they
went to the local secret servloe office.
They found the poor Inventor, who In
his soul wanted only me weuare oi Hu
manity. They found him In a broken
reed. Some one had destroyed the very
i,..ri nt the machine it had taken two
fortunes and years of labor to con
ceive. They COUIQ QO WB4l mojr wirwou
4ih tilm.
That night, unbeknown to Zudora, Has
sam All had a vmtori a vwum- who was
cold and murderous in his wrath.
Tou have despoiled me of my labors!"
"Indeed?" ssld Hassam AIL '
Tou hsrre robbed the fatherland of an
Invention that would have made us the
greatest power In the worldl"
"And cerhaps that is the very reason
why I despoiled you." said Hassam AH
mi "'Toil come to me and threaten.
when W IKUneT bl I could send you
to. prison for so many years that it would
he the aura rf"
-r inns that. But this 1 say to you I
Sows dy you'll slip, stud then beware of
WAmeaV called Haseam AH, "show this
gentleman to the door!"
And F&l Green, so called, passed forth
Into the nlsht A week later his body
was found to East river
By whose hand?
(Continued MondayA
Store Opens 8130 A, M,
The Rest of the Overcoats Are
to Be Sold at Once
This morning's great business shows how quickly it can be done.
' All day long the rush has gone, overcoats wheeling into line and marching away.
It is splendid business for us, splendid business for our customers and splendid business for our great
manufacturers whose stocks we took and distributed so quickly. (
There is no lack of good choosing today at $12.50, $18.50 and $25, which prices are very muchv les
than these fine coats have been regularly selling for. (First moor, Market)
And on the Subway Floor are several hundred overcoats whose new prices are $6.50, $9, $10.50, $12
and $13.50.
(Subway Floeii Market)
oys' Overcoats Next!
524 of the finest winter overcoats for boys in Philadel
phia have had about a third taken from their prices.
There are coats for the small boy of three years, his big
brother of 18 and all ages between.
New low prices are $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12, $15 and $20.
(First Floor, Market)
Specially Priced Waists
Navy or black chiffons, over white, with filet lace, $3.95.
Crepe de chine waists, plain and embroidered, light and
dark, $8.85.
Sample cotton waists at half.
nv4 Aisle)
Hurt Books Further Reduced
All volumes left from our great selling of slightly-hurt
books have now been marked at new and still lower prices.
Fiction, juveniles, religious works, travel and biogra
phy. (Main Floor, Thirteenth)
A Demonstration of
Kiograph Paper
Showing how to transfer photographs to watch-cases,
leather, silver and glass, lantern slides and other things.
Hours 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. tomorrow.
(Camera Store, Main Floor, Central) '
The New Lingerie Silks Are
the Prettiest Ever
We take full responsibility for the statement, and lfc is
not Baying a bit too much.
They are being used for some of the smartest gowns for
Palm Beach and other Southern resorts, and, of course, for
men's shirts and underwear-for winter or summer alike.
Plenty of new and decidedly different designs and com
binations of coloring. For example, a new tan shirting with
purple and greeir stripes and others with vivid colored
strijpe3 and large or small checks. Also wash satins; white
with black stripes.
You may pay for these anywhere from $1 to $2 a yard,
and there ai'e two beautiful fine white Japanese habutais,
27 inches wide, at $1,25 and $1.60 a yard, which are
(First Floer, Chestnut)
Going Sales!
Winter Sale of White.
Annual Sale of Furs.
Half-Yearly Disposal of Men's Furn
ishings. Winter Sale of Shoes.
Sale of Men's Hats.
Unexpected Sale of China.
Facts About the "Simplicity
A vacuum cleaner so simple in make that It don't t&ka
an expert to run it. And so easy ta rtni that it don't leave,
the house-cleaner 'fagged out."
And what bagfulls of dirt and germs it does pull out of
the rugs and carpets! $5.
(Subway Floor, Central)
Kenney Bath Spray
The shower bath without a Shock, and without a Splash
-no curtains necessary to save the wall-paper; $3.85.
' (Sub war Floor, Central)
Novelty Sets in the
Sale of Furs
An ermine and monkey set of oval muff and long scarf
may now be had for $166.60.
A set of the splendid fisher is $200,
Another of natural cross fox. is $88.25.
Fitch set, $60.
Blended kolinsky set, $73,25.
Natural skunk, $48,25.
White fox set, $69.75.
Natural Bkunk set, worked to Bhow the white, $50.
Not forgetting the large supplies of staple small furs
and fur coats, all a third less than regular prices.
(Thlnf Floor, Chestnut)
Pretty Embroidered Swisses
Arrive From Switzerland
It may surprise you to hear that they are on the whole
the best assortment that we have ever received from there.
Small, neat designs black figures and dots on white
grounds, white on black, white or black on gray and all
black- 60c to $1 a yard.
(First Fleer, Chestnut)
f' i ill '"'"' ifTTf'VrrtiCTi--TrriiitTi))iBiiTrriifiirifi'BTiiiiTiiri,"m,'ri,ii'ii
E ,