EVEttlffdfc EDnBB-niLADEXPSTA, FEIBAT. ffAHITAirr Vtii t$n. Cmihtl From Pge , v. , ." ' '" t ''rii .- i f h&"uljTUHhfMrWM'ntf ftio is lifafttji; tig tft A premature rave wlb Iwwort srl ami hfpUen heart. Thoii halt not WW Att HUWFV WIKV-. H a town In 'Illinois.. one afternoon (fte I hsa fcrfcaehed, a woman. afne 4own the aisle. J. heard the rtislle of her tlH eklrt when she wait JO feat Away. Slip wiis dressed In the height of fashion; , Mntakin coat hung to her ankles. It ,rs .trimmed with Kusslan snMo. In her .ar:nnd at her throat, diamonds. Aroumt iW neck, a MSpo Of pearls, On her Angers .Wore diamonds, rubles nml emeralds, Iter nlr waa.au black ,n a. taven'a wlnr, her 1tne dark, and Intelligent, her teeth tike pearl behind Una or coral. Great scald sir teats werd tolllnc town her cheeky Ws tlvors of wnter and she loaked-ot yna d mM: -Mr. Sunday, did yon annopnte :Utst you were going to preach to haarl r 'Vcs. wa am.' .only Sunday atternoonT' "Bo you. In your sermons to men. ever Isay anything about huabnhda being tin trun to their wives!' 'Xes, mo'am. t make ft. tens remarks on the subject.' She nnldf 'JQo you expect to tomorrow?' 'Yen; HU'am,' 'Do- you make It plaint '!'' You don't need to aooolnt '. commit tea j.ftrr I'm through.' HUa'' saW." , 'X', wish, I you would make It Jilaln, tottjorrow afternoon about huntmstd beliia' untrue to ttielr wives!" 1 sjildi 'tJtve ;rte.' jour , lutnd. The Jrd tiwjwypuj I pity you.' I smld: '1 am goldR; "to-start tjO-preach tomorrow afternoon, nfitiut 2j80 tfou' go Jiome, look yourawf?!m. 'your fejorot firel down on your knfiei and, stay1 there-; Wntir .about 4 o'clock. Vwil jmi pray whllo I Jtnocn down, sKin Jtoff art ts out.' atiu ir .God Almighty over- '.Wave. UelWefy ? to' jmertol mun he B,W,lt to' Ms ilotold .everything but cunt I, tell you' Upe old sinners will talk Jvliojit tf .to tula" -day. . 'Thou shati. not kill.' .Tlierj!. nfc .other wn of killing, I ftny. besides JLhat. There ore other ways of V.1ltlfig'3bir--.Bides Rhoollnit or breaking Jrour- Wife's- heart. Hon- am I .going to- descrtberit?, Language falls mo. I meat the womlin .Who reddens her hands wjtl.h,j fllooij of ner ujiiKrn ouspnnjr io iieieni-vnc i?no9 -ot conception, so as to relieve, her. frpm. the.' cares of motherhood, so thatsh'e Can flirt, in codless whisky, wine.. dismBaanc. ard-playtnff, Sabbath-breaftlhf.sopletJ'. V mean inai son oi; a wreicn, anu J. meari, too, the miserable, ood-JTor-npthmK, old. black-hearted lualpractltlpne'r who will 41Erace hla manhood and the hlg'li,cAl)loK' or the medical profession. M, 't'. the-, call them. I. M, they ought to .call 'them damnable murderers. They UKhr to trlng from the end of a Tppe the.samo, aj aiy oilier red-handed miirderer.' 'Thou shait not kill.' 1'ou are weighed a.nd found wanting, God looks' Into your life and finds that you are doing thing you should not do. It maifc.ls. fi thief-when h. aya.: -'This la a I pure article,' when It Is adulterated. If ft ha knows it,..undenit3nd, he U a thief. t Yeilrs ago; InXdnffdri.a bov rfr1.rf i J no aionE ni.iaiiTiNa ix. "Thou shalt not commit adultery.' I ftm not going to talk very much on that .portion of It tonight, for the reason that thl Isn't the place, and I haven't the time, although I havo the disposition. JBut I want to tell you that there la no ln on earth In all the world that 'Ool so rails against, as He does the,nln of adul tery. There Is no sin on earth, that Is more damning and blighting, because of that God drowned the world with a flood In the days of Noah. Because of that He rained Are and brimstone on8odom nd Gomorrah- I tell you there Is no .shorter, quicker route to hell than by the road of lust. XIany a man. for the imlle of a vile woman, will trample the lovo of ills. wife, beneath his teei l Wovn never found a man harcier to reach than the adulterer, it Is-not so hard to win the thief, or the drunkard, but, my friends, the libertine. God knowa Is -adamant; and Ifc seems Impossible to touch JWtn with God's loce. Are ypu Kiilty7 God pity you. Many a husband untrue tO his rWffe-nlAHL-- n 'TtHfa itni.,ia .n !... h ibnnd,-.ati(1 yotf-Tvould glv your right arm, yon would go to the butcher and let him chop it off with a cleaver or gouge your eye out before you would let become public the sins you have com rnHted. Just one lnsfan.ee, I WRvreftch ng,in a town In Iowa and a fellow there, one of the merchant's, cussed me up' and down the street, called me everything he could lay his tongue to. He wa furious In his denunciation. 'No decent man or woman would go to hear Sunday- preach.' Somebody said to hlmr 'Have you been up to hear Sunday preach? 'No!' and he ripped out oaths. No. He wouldn't' lower hla. marthood, his-'dlgnlty. by sit ting and. listening to such billingsgate, No, not I.' AlXi SORTS OP THIEVES. Thou ahalt not steal.' Listen a min- U. A man Is a thief when ha takes that for which he does not give adequate .return, either In property, iwork-or money. A man is a. thief when he makea false representation. A man fs a thief when he. ra: This Is all wool.' and it la half otiflj.. A- Wan is a thief when he ays: That Is Imported.' when It was nae'n fittaburgh pr-Philadelphia, A etm-tod IMftgf t MS row. the 1t Is no Mfrnld f (tome of yo Women hs wouldn't get within feel of you-. Ye. and some of you old h-gilpr that cart Jof In a 1lry sUMe or a bOozo joint and Hf people' ifebtttattwi to slirAhund yon dtnrt stop to find nut whether It Is trite or not. Thou shalt not bear false wjt neos.' Quit lying about people. Tiiou shstt not covet thy neighbor's house, nor his man servant, nor hla maid servant, nor hfsn, nor his ox. nor any thing that Is thy nefghbof s.' That means hi automobile. thy didn't havo them then or Moses would havo put one In. Nor his tnbbor-tlred carriage. They didn't Have those, either. Nor his steam yaoht, not his private ear. Thou shak' not covin.' The law Of Hod covers' tho desire and the overt act. The law of (Jod said: 'Thou shalt not covet' That in the deolre. 'Thou shalt not Steal.' That Is the overt act. Don't you sec iiow. God triad to guard you from both' horns of the dilemma? Wo covet and we tae. Thou shalt not covet That Is the de alre. Them Shalt not steatt' -That Is tin1 f-act. .putting covetousnesa. Into practice.! Ulod wot to help you and Ood goes at It both ways. ThOu shalt not covet.; tor If you do yml will steal. Thou shnltuiot Covet thy neighbor's house.' You lutve some beautiful homes In Philadelphia.' 1 have walked and driven oyer the hills ltifc.1 through the valleys and looked at your beautiful homes. ' Mj' Ideal of the closing life would be to.-jpet a nice farm, near some good, tem perphce., S.ibhnth-oWrv!nf" community wnfre uou is Known anu lovcu, ann more livn and die-on' a farm. 1 nover could understand why, when a farmer gets n home nahl for, he wants to rent It and njofco Into (own. I would IU her up and stay there, t wnrit to llvo and die out lV jlio country,, on a farm. I don't like the, city. MKE8 COUNTItY IIEST. "JM. I don't like the town. I want to live; In ibo country. Thou shalt not cbvrt ,tjiy. neighbor's "house, nor his man scr .vatiUJhor hla maid servant,' so If your neighbor Jma a -girl that Is a good conk. don't .gn nosing around ond ask linw WEAtltS at 3 s. rmtnt In Hssuefbertf. .Fnnemi .or, tiatutf, m, fret wa Kewlh 12th t. Int American MMnamcs- i-emetery. IIRI,t,Ktl-On Jamiary, 18. 1915, AOAlf C nncpnna m jvnni l. jieurr innemi sorv ptt m Hstunlsr. reetdenee, 040 North Alltaon at 3 p. m., I mi hi. imn Interment private. HESS. On ilaniMfyU, 1(115. WILMAM llAttnta. eon nf fhlllp and May Hess. Fnneral services en Saturday, at 2 p. m.. at the TMlilenee of his grandrsther, Harris rtiidderow, SSOS Market st. interment prl-. t-ate, at Fernwood Cemetery. HOflVKK. Suddenly, on .tnory la, lfltn, HAHltr H. IK OVKtt. I)u notice ot tbi funeral will be ntven, from the residence of his son, Charles Hoover, SSlt Routh Jei aup at. nOIISfH-On, Janitanr, IS, 10 til, frtEn. R1IICK A., hmtmml of Hoe HerfcH (ne Hunter) nd son nf the Isio Charles and Mnrv Hofachf Due notice of the funeral will b leen, from hli late reeldence, 1128 North d at llUNT.---On .tnnnary It. 10IS. ICATHflVN J, widow or William T. Hunt. Funeral eervlces on Friday, at p. m., at her late residence, 42111 VVeatmlneter ve. Interment nt Falrvlew Cemetery, Coateavllle, l on Baturdar, .IIHINNDN. On .tanuftry 14. toil, at hla late reelilence. SS5 Kouth Sydenham at , Phila delphia J. WAIINfilt, eon of the late Joseph w. nnd .Mary w. Johnaon, aired as years, ttflnilres and frlemla are invltel In attend Ihe funeral srrvlees, on Saturday afternoon, si '.' W o'clock, at the Flrat Unitarian Chur-h. Ctieetnnt above Blet at Intermeqt nt the coneenlence of the family. Iioaton papers please copy. KKI.I.Vr-On .Inntmry 1S. 1B1R. TIMOTHY Kfl.l.V, nt hla late rcaWerro, wyncllffo nve., Clirtnn Helshta, iwtawar County, Ta, Du notice of the funeral will be given, DKATH Claely. Interment fVrnwood Cemetery. January la. 191N .tOHN iuiBjn . rmm, KBHIIBH. IMi r.otlee of the funeral will no Kivrn, rrom his late realitence, mi Kaioa at.. Wlaahlc)in. - nt'HNI.K. -At Atlantic City, N, .t., on Jan. uary is. 1915,,CHAm,Ga If., husband of Lil lian M. Kuhnle. j-uneral services at Jeffries ft Keats' funeral parlors, 1J11 Atlantic ave Atlantis City, n. j, Saturday, at 11 a. m. Interment at I'leaeantvllle Cemetery, l.AVIIRR-On January 1ft, 1915, CATII AHINK, widow of I'hlllp J. Laulier (nes Fredfrichl, , Due notice of the funeral will fe given later ftom her late residence, 2178 East tetterly at, I,f.8J.!K..On Jsntmry la, IBIS. FttEOA. tllTA. widow of John t,elle. Funeral eeri. Ice on Saturday, at 2 p. m. at, the residence of her aon-ln-law, John K. nutler, 122 Daw son at, (Wlseahlckon). Interment prlente, l.KJVIS. OnJnnuary 14, 19IS, AMANDA M. I.BWIS, widow of William S. Lewis. Funeral from the,realdence of her eon.. Warren. W. Lewi. Warrington, Pa., on Monday, Jan uary IS, at lis. m. Interment at Southamp t.m tlaptlst Hurylng Ground. MAlt:illK.-on January 14, 1918, f.UCr, widow of Patrick Maftulre, Due notice of the funeral from 1T0S North 8d at. MeHONAI.Il-On January 18, MIR. Et.I.A c, beloved daughter of the late Malachl and Briaect McDonald Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, Monday morn. IU?A Bt o'clock, rrom her late residence, 2-T.W Catharine St. Solemn Maaa of nequlem at St. Anthony's Church at u.,10 o'clock. In MOHHIS. January 12. HUB, MAtlT ANN, wlilow of Ororao U Morrla and daughter of the late Thomas and Ann Thompson. Fu- DEATHS Hers! aervicen ea Baturday, HnnaryllJ, at 3 p. m., at her sen-in-laws reMnc9,.not ert Mccurdy, SRR jsnsl Wyomsng avi, Intsr meat at areenmmmt Cemetery MtlrtHiy. Suddenly, on January 15, 191B, JAMES F. huaband nf MArv M. Murnhr. Funetal on Saturday, at SM a. m.. from 3T1B llrown at., Weat I'hllndelphlA. Solemn Ilequlem Mass st St. Agatha's Church, at 10 s, m, Interment at Holy Croes Cemetery. M.VttRS, On Jan. 12. ,1B1B. J. .HOtVAnD IMr, eon of chrlatonher and Margaret A. Myers. Funeral service en Saturday, at.2 R. m. , at the realdenca of 1.1a parents, SIS reenwood ave., Jenklntown, IX Interment prh-ate, Illlialde Cemetery, NEIJfAN. At Norrlatown, ta. en January 13, mis, .CHAIHjE9 B. NE1MAN. Funeral from, his late residence, 40 East Chcatnut at., Norrlatown, Pa., on Saturday, at 1:30 p. m. . Interment at Xlontgomcry Cemeterr. IMt'I On, January 14, 19ir, MATIUAS. son- of John and Mnry Paul,. ..Funeral on Monday, at T:ao a. m., from 1141 Oerman town .are. requiem Maes at 9 a, rrt.i at Rt. Peter's Church. Interment at Most Holy Itc diemer Cemetery. I'lniElt. suddenly, on Jan, llth. iniff, HEOIIOE F, PEIFEn. agefl 77 yenrs. Hela tlves and rrlemts of the family, aim inch' mond Idge, No.A2JO. F, and A, M. Oriental 11. A, Chapter, No. IM Corinthian Chasseur Commandery. No, (V), K, T.! I.u Iji Temple, A. A. O. N. M. 8,: Phlla. Consistory, .lid De gree, A, and A nltei Anna M, Ilnas FVat, No. 01: O, A, n. Survivors' Attn,, 210 liegi. ment I'enna, Volunteers! Keystone Council, NO. 1, Stationary Engineers of l'onna.i Vul can Assembly- of Phlla, ; employes of the t'hlla P.lectrlo Co., and all other organlra tlnna of which he tvna a member, are In vited to nttend the funeral services, on Sun day afternoon, precisely at 2 o'clock, at the chapl of Andrew J. Hair ft Son, Arch and inth rts. interment iNorth Cedar Hill Ccme-tery. 8AT8 llANHON-4)n Jnuryl8, 19lV3trs, ANNA IiAKBon, wianw oi niim im 1 lOtice or tne tunerni win gir ju ti '" k.ll.. .. 41. her utr residence, 600 Fltswaler at, (for merly oerman St.). ItEF.D. suddenly, On January 18, 191. EH. NBST U,. huaband of Jennie, Heed (nee Al hrlsht). Due notice of funeral, from hla late residence. 2012 south UUh st. ItONRVr-On January J2. IBiB, JAME9 V.. nusoann or Ann M. Ilooth, p. m. nBATBS Itoner. FOneral on at 8 n. m...frorn .1622 Flak ave.. Illgn neqniem .mivfif. m Dl UIIUICP&.I rfIlUJCII, Hk B...V n. .... ...... ment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, UnnEHOM', On January IS, 191S, ANOB MNB IHiDDEllOW, wife of Thome; 8. Hud derow, Funeral serrlces on Saturday, st 3 nvnnr.naw. p. m., st the residence of her niece, Mrs. IlAchel E. Taylor, 23l Feileral st Camden & N. J. Interment nt Uetrel Cemetery, BANfiriEMI. On Jamlary 14, 191(1. Atf (ll'ST MAHTIN, son of August and Matilda, Sanrfleld. Funeral services on Sunday, at a P. m.i at, his lata residence. Thouron. ave. above Johreon at.i Oormantown. Inter ment Clielton Hills Cemetery, 8l'ATOI,A DONATO SPATOLA, 780 Fltz water at, T1H1MM, On January 14, 191R, ANNA CIIKIST1NA, widow of William Thumm, Funeral on Sunday, at 1.P. m., from the residence of her son, William A. Tochler mann, 8147 Amber at. Interment private, at Natthwood Cemetery. , TtlSTI. JOHN TtlSTf, 004 Carpenter at VANHEOimT. At Hurllngtnn, N. J on January II, 191.1. MOItTIMEH W, VANDB U1HFT. Funeral on Monday, at 2 p. m., from his late residence, 211 Stacy st.. Rur llngton, N. J. Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetere. AVHAHTNAIIV, On January 14, 1918, SAKAlf JANE, wife of Albert J.' Whart nnbv and daughter of William J. and lluth. Fvnieral eervlcea e ,.! rlt reeM.n2 to. luicrmenc 'nmMiii. f WAVK.-rxJVlNAWAyii.uTi NVrtnwood Cra.t.r.,"'!,, "' WKUft-Atremberton, N 4 12, 1018, DAVis. i: "vfeflft'V 5 tttas lata oa.l.- U V..I r' ' 'O. FllHfcJ?u ;:iJ.vwvni,IC"tr' "nwrten.. ' SSSWf Cen?,.e7y, Prt l ' 'V?rV ? MlST5ttUwl a M Si Veara. ltelAtlre n,i ,...i,lr'). i,'a are Invited to attend the runeiSi lh 'wsig Saturdae. at 2 tfrinitr rlS.nT!' ftvl4J8 her slater, Mrs. FranVjanton 2SJ Dover st. Intermont at Laurel iiiu'5' S' Hemalna mav bo virt -U".1!' CenuSS. Itemalna may be viewed on KmIS" imm a nni iv o ClOCK. " JMi etu WIUJansMM .Tannarv i .,..,. fr.n,,,,n,n -:;.-- . jmih .r wire ot Waltii"?!,' OINIA TltlMMRn. TlAla.lv,, an Mm,. -. . " "UeP TT itr. fVnTMTriV.'.,lu"-5.I5WU4 ik't ...w ----- -- - - . .-fc, , oeiturirn-w -. at 2 o'clock. Mher..e.t;ridrTJWrs street. Mt. Airy. Intormei. J.ChS aye., Saturday, at 1 p, m. n.m.i.'.'ya'tra Bis' lata residence. 7S J i.1 n Saturday Jiy. Interment . 19. 191lt T. !iSl swed at hf lata residence. I-S "Si U T40. Near Mooreatown, N. v 12. 1014. JOKRPit vrCtiV. "ri w. i. raiianaipnia, i-a., son of the lai-Tri" 1 and Mary "s'oung. imnarsi n slto,33l 2 p. m.. from the parlors of o. trS!?Vi'iil Client nut st., rniiftaeiphle, Internieiirtlt nt i.e-iiuiiiowr ivGnnjirrr, -'in' VlAW nrYNNnvfanuary 19. 19187 Ti'S?S AkKXANDBn. Funeral stnlc B.B' rock Bantlat Church, irut. .3 HMkiSi viewen ni ave. Cemetery. "'""'etBjS TOUNO. Near Mooreatown, N, J Xm imry it, ih, jUbM'M YOUNn. iL? ftta mucli they pay hoi- n week and then nffi'r her 'IS or 50 cents juorc to get her. Ir 'yoiirTrlrnd has a good, nlco delivery boy who doesn't boose or smoke clgnrettex. Idon'f, .go TtoslnK, around and offer hire more money. Thou shalt not covet thy nejglibor's house nor .his man servant, nor-his -maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass; nor1 anything that ,1s thoy neighbor's.'. MnnV n man wonld like to -have his hels!iWwire. You let her alone. Keep Vour eyes for your own. Keep your love for your- otvri. Thou ahalt not covet.' See how you go up n'galnst the word of God? Get, 111 now, I havo Just been trying to show you" th standard that God gives to everybody. Come on now. Not by public ophlfpn. not by your own estima tion of yourself, not by what people think of you in the lodge. '"What does God any? Stand up nnd let God meafohre you and see how far short you- come of being what GodX require ments are. Thou shalt n)t covet." .Well, .you say. what are we irolnr .to .in? i 'wfll tell you. Nineteen hiimlr-pil veara ago, in a manger, Jesus Christ wan boi-n. He kept that law that we haye broken; nd they put Him on the tree, and 'God' nays: "Accept of Iflm as vou'r K.ivlnni- -and I will put It down to vour craillL'' Have you kept the law? tf you have broken every commandment in thnt .Book, and accept Jesus Christ as vour Saviour. God will forgive you. He has promised to do It. Last Night's Sermon SUBJECT: "BACKSLIDING" "Text 'Thy own wickedness. ahnll cor rect thee. Thy backsliding shall reprovo thee. Know therefore and see that It Is' on evil thing and bitter that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy'God, and that my fear Is not In thee, salth the Lord-God of Hosts.' Jeremiah, 2d, 19. "In Imagination I have seen a stately ship sailing from port, her decks crowd ed with passengers. As she moves away from her slip and -leaves thVfoam'rie'cked tide, the people on board wave signals of farewell, and those. on the shore shout, 'Bon voyage!' The waters are calm, the Hky la blue above, nnd all believe thnt the Journey la to' be one' of profit or delight. But Just beyond the haibor the sky blackens and becomes as adamant. IbtL m IB fit IB m ix B ur IB M W 13 i I U i id J i Homes Last year 23,144 people who wanted to build homes wrote to THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL with questions to be answered by its architectural editors. Concluded on Pace Seven IN MK.MOIIIAM E9c.,!.S'.7",n laving remembrance of JOHN ENOCHS, who died January 1Z. lpoo. WIFE AND CHILDREN. Beafljs dry goads store and a ladv r.-imo to v, ome flannel. Ho measured It and. Bald, to th priprletor: 'Why, It la two Inches abort in its width 'Oh.' the other said. Juat atretch It, It wjll stretch two Inches. The boy aald, as he dropped It: 'But my conscience won't, stretch two Inches, sir.' That boy wa George Williams, the loundey of .the Ypunjj Men'a.Chrhulan As ,0Ciafln.' rchoir ahalt not steal,' Bryan la .as- clean-,aa ar hcmnd'jj tooth, and Is one of my best friends. Brygn said In n address:: 'As a rule, the man who hsoib a minion dollars has a better hane to keep out of the penitentiary ian the man who steals J1000. So true has thl become, that It has been sug gested not to steal on a small soaja.' There is lot of truth In that. Listen. The wan who 'stands by the wayside and holds a revolver under your 0ft .alAtpwidB-JsoUt- -money or" your Vf, measured by every moral standpoint. S no more a thief than the monopolist or Jhe. trusts that will get control ofSM tton s fuel or oil or bread supply and then wake, he poor man pay their prlcVand give him the a ternatlva or .ltJ V-Z ?f'f ?P tarln " fteeaing- to death, lie fs lust as bin- a. thle t .?.-... j!r .1 1 ant In a cauldron of inA, ..,. irZt .! $ Sfi.eiJ,h!,.,,Tt ".' "corner tho I t nny other cOinmrwilr m.V . ir? I Uwto'whf talfvVifld thVu Mskes u. .. .,,.. .,!, .nan nBt teal." boaot Gossipana, w no shalt not bear waJw witness,! x know mm ft yw -don-i: k. bati 1 wyittg, b4itlt doean'f, make any difference. W1S PWofttac tb truth. Thou shalt f im bear tis4i.jrttias apit thy nJffh. if-- ,.v. .uojnuj arojpitory ttttturxttfer heibhor. Ifoa don't tpp to rt-wt jotber not it u tu truth. f t wm fi4m ft ni s4 down tha mush- r or i it has reaSied eisiB4mEH jsjsianfljj.. Thou MAIt al ber tola witnr v rS! jab, yfrelBboj' in mm early mn I Warn fear $MBnlsf on, your hair totri I -rt mmm wrf.ywap tmms V" orro : I vtOt dourb You tav: lLan.1 mnminn 1 lim J . tM ve sm hmtA tetl abaui mISS-".?'- -i'IN- S7 Oakford at. UAXI2NDINK. On January 14 1015 THOMAH, huaband of the lau Hainan A Uajcendlne. Funerul onBunday. at 8 p. ro ar hi late reelJence, &00 King's Hlghn-av W. J,I?dd?.n',eJd' N J' IntirSSnt rS"5: BEAUKItv On Janaarr 14. 1915, CHAHL.ES . son of the late Adam and -.Emma fleaber Residence, ltf-'l East Harold at. Due notice of tho funeral will be given. BI.ACU. On January 18, 1910, WHAIER D. huaband or Mary black.- -Itnerni services on Saturday, at J p. m. sharp, at 1S10 irorth 10th at. Interment at Hlllsid. Cemetery'vla funeral cor, BI.UNDELL. On January 18; 1918, NOAH, LTOGETHER, more than 30,000 homes in the United States have been built from plans supplied by the Journal. Two booklets "What You Should Know When Building a Little House" (40 pp.) and "How "to Finance the Building of" a Little House" (20 pp.) have been published by the Journal and thousands of copies of these dis tributed free to its readers. - eon -el Noah ana the late Seyhejle 'BJiuidell, ,- iiii,i.i im omurasT. si ,i p. Jlj., hla late-.resldenc. 4523 North Smedley st. from In. terment at Norihwaad Ciam0tArv BUADIOUIK On JunUirV 13. 1815, IIBNRT husband of Elmlna Dradfuol. 4tU Nortli Cleveland wve. Funeral at the convenience of the family. Interment at Nortbwood Cere- CANKhl'm7:9n, ,he12t? 'n'-. AMANDA, widow of Charles Carnell, in her IKM yoax. Itelatlvea and friends of the family are re epoctfully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, at her late residence, 1907 North Tth. at., on-Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, In terment private. CIllUHTiV-. On January IS. 1916, JAMES .., ..uu,,i u, ciiunu -nristy, ejneral ."ISS'V.S' iaLP..,m. precfaely. from 2IKM North sth t. Services at the- Church of S(. Simeon. Stu sod Lehigh ae., at 320 Pi . Interment private. DKAHNLKY. On January IS, lsl.l, ISAAC DKARNUsr. Kelatlvea and friend, ire in. vlted to attend the funeral services, on Saturday aftemeon, at 3 o'clock precisely, at his latu residence 7560 Ridge ave." ftoi noruugh. Interment private. I IStUUIO. BBHNARSO DI KOIDIO. T21 South Hutchinson at "" Tsf IJUISlKiE. On January U, I9IB, EDWARD J.. Uuafcand of Loulaa faredse. Funeral services on Sunday, at 2;SO p. m at north At cvrner Columbia ave. and Dover at. In termeat at Jianitraa Cnttr. EICIIKVOn January 13, 1915, WALTEn E1U1BN. Jr. Km of ICWteVinrffemnwi T. B Brben. Relatives and friends arc invited to attend the tuoerai eerrlcee on Saturday, Jan. uary W. I?10- ,t 3 Fi- hla late reel dioce, Radnor. 1'a, Interment private. Car riages wilt meet JrU p. m, .train from Broad street station. HfIELH-On January. JSK 1915. TERESA, f daughter of TJiomaa and Margaret Flelda, wmtaim twjuroay, .at. aisu a. m., from the residence of her aunt. Mrs. Sarah Blum 2039 Eet Ilfusd at,.. Rwjulew Maaa st t be Chureb ef U.. V altatloo at log. m. Inte! ment at Most Jlely RedeemeS Cemetery, FISH Kit. On January 11, 1915 SARAH A wMo of ,Cha'le" '' 'J'K Funeral n Buoday. at 1:30 p. m., J rem bar. late reel dene. &0A CoUUs. aL In tar ment at Qreea wood Cemetery. FOIlHifTUK-On January It, 1918. COR. NBlia. JNSIXIE). dauinter ol T the i5l 'iBomas ana oueanna roraytne. formerly of 6J North. frdsewood at. Kunaral on Batur. day. at It a, m., from J1J1 Ludlow at. la-, tereaeat private. l-HAN'ft On Jaauarr 1. 1I5, MATILDA, daushtec of the late Aaron ' and Suhla Frants. rrfoeral aervlee a SaturdayTat I &S sJo'uni WW " WW OABWWOD.-At .WUMaaitewK, K. X, on' jaotwry Jfc 1915, J3A BUBABfeTlC widow of - CfcarUn If r&rwoed. BeUtlvea na trimaa. are uivued m attend funeral, on Saturday. Services at her late residence at ittdtt a. (a. Interment U. K Cesntery, WiU irastown, N. J. CA'I'I.KV- Da January ltt IBIS, JOSH. h?- .Rjtottvea sad frtends an Invited ta attead fusaral ervisaa, m Saturday, tea aeaVS Rortb W U " C3f,-5SmfrtoeSj".llrlcr04f.4?,el Orer. RentMvea' autaj Irtedds are lnviteil iV fiilni. ? wrvleM, at hu Ute realdenof, J3 Ml ., est fettuday, January 14, IMS, st I o'clscii tfcarp, feurBieot r iiS!i'V'W HAM1MON, im Saul Such service as this has a three-fold sig nificance. First: However conservative the estimate, many millions of dollars a year are spent by the direct personal advice of Journal editors in building homes. Furthermore, for each thousand who write us letters there are many thousands more who are devouring and devel oping the plans and ideas presented in the pages of the publication itself. "' ' -,' ' e . t. '. ' ..' - ;" ii-- At the same time, these thousands, whl are at the very moment getting ready to bui or specify building materials, heaters, paint! and varnishes, shades, plumbing supplies arid the like, are poring over the advertising col umns as well. The opportunity for maniil facturers of all such goods is obvious. TU, .s. J r ,t ' . d .me scuuuu. signmcance or inis servicers this: Whfin vrM hflup "hnilf o "K-t-o Irvtetlit. '- jr "- -.. v w uuj.j.. ck. J.JHfAAA IU1, K iamily, you have built with that family a conl fidence as sturdy and lasting as the four walji iof the home itself a confidence by which aUi advertisers in the publication may profit. i And third: -Through this vast corresnnnd j.i jj. .... i . . ?m ence mc eauors are aaiiy teelmg the pulse oi home owners everywhere, sensing their needs? their hopes, their problems, and thus learnirii from day to day how to bring the publicatiol always closer and closer to the reader, aid make it therefore more and more servicealj to all advertisers. 4 .i v, The curtIs publishing Company independence square, philadelphia Utf), fe' f- v i V rt H. it-. JT. '& Mlpjng its readers to build their homes istone of the twenty-four specific departments in which IHE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL renders free personal service to its readers by correspondence Mm- if ti nsrry r fewtti." : fk 4Wnry ym e-iM sMMIttr U, Mfmtki' m: -Jaottsry I. Mill. Kte?l I -. w Mf nr uh ffiMOmkrmimi, PtT j m, wi 2u.ii&ii MaMMMIHTW.-..- ,1 BBSSsiBBtBSlBl tJ.T,rf1lT winy in nil w mij .ljJ 7i g