V'iviyiiw! RSBjy BwBIBt .BVEKINa LBDGER-PHILABEL'PHrA FItlDAY, ,TAHTTAHy 15, 1918. r lwilflMPW'W BILLY" SUNDAY'S. SERMONS Today f Sermon SUBJECT! R.THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" wtrfr '"". "; " " '" '" IE. risture, worKH i i" ..., IK' ..... mtth nee. like Raphael's iv I.iinn. DoVlnco's I.t Bupper, ISL . . .HMt.itnf a f?nncmtlon! thn .. . f:...iav Doro end Tlssot are all aYr .-,... limn ivhiiti thflV burn more louivj '- -' sSfoht W" about t0 co,nc (,own upon is city 01 uaoyion, ami me Saw or her 200 tower lengthened into Si, and the River i-.upnrairs roiiou outlined by tlio iiery spicuuur u hid . un: llRhtfl twinkled and glowed liipark ot llnmoi tlio hanging gardens . ..... forth their fragrance, and fenrllKht fell upon the flowers and the yjrbinif leavei, and they breathed their .uuWs of the city wore lighted for EL and promenade nnd dancing. The & haunts of pleasure Invited the iilh and pump and grandeur famous In mi oW city. Bcencs of riot mingled with K and mirth. Splendid equipages rolled S the streets. They came to tho hi place to do their hideous deeds of .,,, A royal feast had been pro JSmiid by Bclahaiwir. Chariots drawn IL.fs'nd plunged, rind their charioteers IT.,) jrit and whirl them around tlio fSnns and thero were thousands of lords rmd women uio n.. -- gltst Syrian age came to tho banquet. KQ LACIER BRKR CUOWD. 'So Pn wide tho gatca and bid the Suits come In. The chamberlain ana ino ifcipUirers, they arc all there. I hear the r',i.iikirki. ana me carois ot mo .. j t ha Maxa of lewels and fiBMIC, onu - - BL t ..a nit unit minff from their cob. pjyuji o- - fan. Dot let tho night pass, let those teiruei bo palilod that do not shout, 'Oh, tWihatiar, king, Hv forever I tell you k u no common sauer kraut, 'wlener- vznt, protzel and lager Deor crowo mat Inrltcd tnai nigm. it i win ii -j. Th. rnmn me lorus anu lauics. ul the mighty men of all tho land; they ttmt around the table. They poured their viae and lit It foam nnd sparkle and brfnklo W tne gooicm mm i " tolited every man his cup, nnd they fciiik to tho health of Belshazzur, the S'"And suddenly a stranffo conceit enters . . . a ..-1.1...... n wl Vi. nltn t r ft oeao oi ucioiiui", ii no ...w to hU steward, and he leaves the ban net hail followed by a retinue of aerv U. and when they return they carry b their arms the vessels of gold and ftlher, had taken from the temple of rn4l.m. which vesecls wero part of & worship of Cod. and to show his Jttred Of jenovan no orqerou viioin ui 01 them with Babylonish wine and (iffed their wine and sang the praises tf the gods of wood and Iron and brass. d aneered at the God of clods, Je torah. The hilarity grew, the voices !nn,?r and louder, tho music nnd thn i!!M. faster and faster flew the feet of Sjtteff lewd and partly nudo dancing girls Wit wrigBieu anu squinneu uv uuu uuitii tatith the table and spun on their fceefc and toes, and did their can can md other licentious, wriggling, snulrm- Ktn dances that In our day we call tho & ... i. . & .1 At.. .!.. I.v .... n m1 Xoriejr irot un tn kj 14.1 wc, ,... lather Qod-forsaken hell-born dances. Bud- Inlr a nuh lIKe ueam reu over mm tlMPhemous, Idolatrous, drunken, llccn tlrat mi. and they cazed In transfixed fiEence while from tho atmosphere they mr an armless hand nnd upon the frieze m the wall of the banquet hall It wrote letters that glowed like (Ire. and cold lirror wired pn that blasphemous crew, for they leallzed that they were stand far before suDernaturnl power. Belshai- '' countenance changed, his thoughts troubled, the Joints of his loins were ben, his knees smote one upon tho other 'ui I'll tell you od Bell wan ahout all B Uiat night. Now don't you rorgei 111 BENDS FOE HIS MOTHER. "When the soothsayers fdlled to read 5& writing on the wall terror again Jeded Belahaaxar and the drunken crowd, IM presently he sent for his mother, jaj there's many a young fellow who M no use for his mother and father, ier for the preacher, nor for anybody ,ho givea him good advice, until he Hats staggering drunk and rolling down a the way to perdition, or runs his ud Into some other man's pocket and Is f? lis way to p. reformatory or penl tmtliry, and he then realizes what a Sfool he was not to have taken the advice tfhis mother or preacher or anybody else JM was advising him. Bjuo, there's many a fool sissy wno .8'l listen to her mother and keeps on &wnln with her low-down companions ttu! some day she'll feed the red-light telct of your city. Kfla Cama hla tnnthr. thn mlnan. and M& Mid to hlmt 'Oh, king, live forever, 2 rei noi xny inougnt irouDio you, .Pita la a vounsr man named Danish ot ,W Hebrew extraction, and he can read II Ml rinn't nnrrv H.n tnr nanlal loulne when he came I can see him P to him and grab him and say, -Tut It here. I am mlarhtv aiad to sett Jl M that writing on tho wallT Well, II jm my goat. I sent for the wise men, W they are a punch of bluff and falsa A4?D18. asra hnimiira ntlifr nnd fat. ttttej on my table, and they can't tell tat it la. Bo I wish you would dope Mot and tell me what It Is. If you ?1 read that wHtlna fnr ma there. X WHS, Eola rtng on yur "ner and a tnn around your neck and let you 4t llat.1. .. I. . .1 I.. HpTta got a lot of rummies here, a Kiica oj bush. leaguers gormandlzlnr ott Pjo they can't figure out anything. E THE END OP BBLSHAZJJAIt. SAnt Daniel said: 'Keep your gold rind UnVAHrf (. L-1. . ... . 4- ,.. Br '"u sum cimin; 1 uoni warn 10 nua Ki'od you In your chariot: I will tell you KHi the handwHtlnip f TTnvjt vnn fnr. L'lkn that Qod irava Nabnehailnazzar. UStMbcr, a kingdom, and when he lifted W heart In pride, did not Clod knock ff OOWn. and maL- film Mrl nn hla llfidl iM 1.1. t 111.- .L. 1..--.. 'fe.' -" A1ICCV IIHO (IIS VCEUia, H HH not dwell with the wild aaaea; they KiX ,,ka 0,cen' anil h' body w wet ra tb dew of the heavens, and for KP VS?? h ,Ived 1,k8 beMt ot th B"j Will you never learn from example lrou cannot defy God and blaspheme jjgH"1 win reaa it for youi -weno, lUnZt!.." "Pnarsm." inn 1 tne in rtutlon of tho thlngl "Men. Ood HS7wi "y kingdom and finished r.c.V"' thou art weighed In the balance 'E3i!2!na Wan-Hns-. Pttres. thy kingdom ;5Med end jjv to tho MedM and Rr?.,! that all,' say BeL 'Onl !os- WMiu ""J00- That's nothing, fcet tho Cdnflnftd y v . fiuddt&lv !, ... IU . a -- . KK,'. wh the Babylonian were In PwIift..,Vl'!lr d""k8n rvelry. had KyJ? wvadtre out a elopm path down .. s "a through tne , " na, up into the palace. The l $1.11 WAS ttlfn Ihtfl d lf,rhf. L Jtecd ftewid lattadof wl. the Chaldeans, slain, Ite was weighed In the balance and found wanting. You have been weighed in the balance and found wahllng. Tes, you aro going to be weighed the same way as HelshaMnrs Ootl will not spring a now book on you by which to Judge youi It will be tho same old book I nm reading from now! Clod will Judge you, If It b EO.MO.OOO yenrs from how, by the same old book. By that ye shall he Judged. Not by your own esti mation of your worth. In that you are a heavyweight. Nor by public opinion, not on your life. PUBLIC OPINION INCOMPETENT. "You may Tic a great man, but you might not be a leading citizen of Phila delphia, but p'ubllc opinion Is not com petent to Judge. You may not meet with the sanction of puhllo opinion, nnd what publlo opinion would sanction Clod would damn. There In no criterion to 10 by, not on your life. You nsanult any old nnd long-Indulged evil that Is remunera tive to the .clique who stnrtcd It and you mako yourself the object of falsehood maledictions and their lies, and they will assault nnd assamlnate your character If they cannot debauch It. "That's why that dirty, low-down con temptible, sneering, snlrfllng-black-leg-ged whlHky gang Is after iner "Them Is nothing they will not atoop to do. Doctor Jenner said- "I have dis covered that by vncclnntlon I can reduce the mortality In smallpox ' Ninety-eight out of 10O were dying of smallpox, while today only four die. I would rather have smallpox, a hundred tq one, thnn I would typhoid fever or pncnmonla. Take a bath once In a while nnd smallpox won't bothei roil. "Doctor Jonticr fald I can reduen It, nnd they sneered nnd laughed at him Thnt was public opinion. They con demned It. IIi was right. "Some people swell up over their cul ture and refinement. If they only knew how little they weigh In salvation. You can't hire a (substitute In religion. Noth ing takes tho place of the necessity of faith nnd public acknowledgment of Jesus as your saviour. Take the Ten Commandments, MORAL LAW OF SBRMOK. " Thou shalt havo no other gods before Me.' I am going to take the moral law for my sermon tonight anil the Ton Commandments as a basis largely for whnt I have to say. An let md say that I stand here and ready to believe God Almighty wrote the Ten Commandments. You can say that Moses wrote them, as the Infidel can say that Humo wrote them. But, hold on there. I don't care n rap who wrote tho Ten Commandments. But any citizen In this audience or In thla city or In this State that Is not rendy to live by them ought to be In the penitentiary. That Is the place for him. Tho transgression of law. There can be no good citizenship where in" "n commandments are broken or Infracted. Nothing of political reform, no movements In social reform thnt nro not built upon the Ten Commandments, and when I say to you that I stand Arm and square on the Ten CommandmontB and when this old world Is burned to ashes, I will have n foundntlon as euro and enduring ns tho God upon whoso law I stand tonight. If you don't obey them, you'll bo damned Just as sure n you live and breathe. "What la a man's god7 Anything that he thinks more of than he does of God, With some people It is money. They worship money. Money Is Just as truly their god as If they would hang a fifty or a hundred dollar bill framed on tho wall and pray to it before they get Into bed. They do things in buwlness be cause there Is money In it and they don't care whether they break the law of God or man to make money. Many a man will sejl his conscience and sacrifice his honor to put a few dirty hundred dollars or more in the bank In a year than hn possibly could put In If he had obeyed the laws of God and man. Other people are worshiping society. They do things in their social life, In their dre; and go to places because society demands it, and if they didn't they would lose their standing. Ypu put society first. If you put God at all, he has to come tagging along after some beer, wine or champagne-soaked society leader and Ood has to play second fiddler and be 11 trailer to every Jack-rabbit proposition that comes along, "We're making money by the buckets full in this country, but we're going to hell in carload lots, freight prepaid. It'a a good thing to have money and the things it can buy, but It's also a good thing to sit down once In awhile and think of tho things we might loss which money can't buy. , WHISKY AS A MAN'S GOD. "Whisky Is many n man's god. He thinks more -Af, a whisky bottle, a keg of beer or a case of wine than he does about God. Oh, there are men hero to nlgftt who, if they were to die you would not need to preach their funeral sermon. Embalm them, put them in a coffin, carry them here, then go down to the booze Joint 'and get a bottle of whisky er ohampagne and put It in their coffin. That Is the story of their Ufa. All they have lived for Is to booze. There are men here tonight If they would die you would not need to preach their funeral sermon Put them In their coffin, carry them In here, buy a pack of cards and a faro bank and soma red and white and blue chips, put them in the coffin, and they will tell the story of their lives. That's all they have lived for, the dirty, black-legged gamblers! That Is the story of your life, you blackler. "There are others' where a bag of fold or a bundle of bills put in their coffin with their mortgages, stocks and bonds would be the sermon. There are others who need no funeral sermon. Put their carcass In the coffin and hunt up the girls and women with whom they have profllgated and look upon It as amuse ment for thtlr paaalon and lust, and lead In the girls whose lives are broken and whose honors have been torn to shreds, and let them stand here and rain down their tears. That Is the story of a good-for-nothing libertine's life. He has Just lived to gratify his luat and paaalon. There are some women here tonight It they would die they would not need to preach their funeral sermon. Put you In a coffin, go to your home, get rolir Jewels anil your clothes and bring them In here, put them on your coffin. All yiu have lived for Is to show off In society nnd all you think your body Is for la to be a fashionable frame upon which to hnng fashion's garments nnd a digestive nppnratus with which to gormandize upon alt tho viands that a rich husband can give you With some people God Is put In the background for pleasure. Get some dnncu programs and theatre pro grams nnd things of that sort. Put them on their coffin and they tell the story of their lives. TUB USE OP PnOPANlTT. " 'Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God In vain. How much nru you there? Many a man will break that commandment nnd think It Is of no con sequence. He speaks lightly of tho matter. Go to him and tnlk about being a Chris tian and accepting Jesus Christ nnd he will say: 'Why I never killed nnybody. I never stole anything. I never committed adultery. I nm not very bad.' 'Thou shnlt not take the name of tho Lord thy God In vnln, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that laketh His nnme In vnln.' I would not trust a profane man any too far In any transaction. One of tho things that shows the foundation of n man's character to bo rotten Is to hear him cuss and spew and vomit out oaths. What does ho want to cuss for? What would you think of n man who would stand up and publicly cuss his mother or his wife or his children? Better than your mother, your wife or your children Is the God whoie nnme you take In vain nnd Is thn Chrlt who died on tho cross: nnd the uay tnpn spew and vomit out thlr oaths vou would think Jesus Chrltt wns a' wretch. " 'Hememher the Sabbath day to keep It holy.' How much Sabbath-breaking wo havo In this country I I want to locate It all for you so you will remember It and I am golnc to glvo you the worst Sabbath breaking cities In this country and In their order. San Frnnclsco first 'San Francisco is a cesspool of hell. San Francisco Is as near a pagan city as any In tho country. "Then comes New Orleans, a perfect cesspool of filth nnd rot Then Clncln nntl and St. Louis. There they are In the order of their vllenesi and rot nnd their Sabbath-breaking proclivities that damn and rot this country today; nnd I tell you. whenever a city turns Its thentres loose on Sundny nnd has Its bascbnll parks open. It Is putting the rod flag down the track You put a red flag down a rall rond track and let the train come thun dering along, and thnt engineer will shut off steam, put on tho air. throw thnt engine Into the reverse, pull tho throttle orn, hn will burst tho boiler and flatten every wheel on that train before he will Th. m"i l1'?1 nnB' "" wl" nut " In the ditch before ho will go by. THE DANGER SIGNAL. "Yet God has put tho red ring out and we are running past it llko stampeded came. Micmemocr tho Sabbath day to arop it holy- To tho Jews the Sahhath day was the seventh day, commemorntlng tne Lord s crcntlon, and to the Christian It Is tho first day, commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the fact that wo keen the first dnv nf tho ,., Is 1 ono of tho strongest arguments In favor "' '" '""Burrecuon '"at you can find, Thero must havo been some tremenrinim event that would cause Jews like James and Peter and John something of tre mendous importsnee to happen to cause them to change from keeping the first day and to change without nuthorlty. And from the day that Jesus Christ got out in mr nepuicnro until today we have kept that day holy. And he blesses the people that do It. RESPECT THE SABBATH. "Yuu show me a man that breaks the Sabbath and I will show you a man that will break every other day. You show me a man that has no respoct for the Sab bath and I will show you a man that has no respect for nny other day. Show me n man that will break the Sabbath and I will show you one that will break man's law. The best Christian will be thn best citizen. The man that has the moat re speat for God's law will have the most re spect for man's law, and the man that has thn least respect for man's law will break Gods law. 'Remember tho Sab bath day to heep it holy.' '"HONOR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER THAT THY DAYS MAY BE LONG IN THE LAND WHICH THE LORD THY GOD GIVETH THEE.1 HONOR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER! Oh, how we are lowering the standard today In our respect for our father and our mother. Many a young buck calls his father 'the old man' and his mother 'the old woman,' and he seems to think It Is a mark of manhood when he can speak of them In sort of a pass ing disrespectful strain. 'HONOR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER The young man or young woman who la ashamed ot his or her father and mother because the brilliancy has faded out of their eyes and the roses have fled from their cheeks Is a fool. If your mother had thought a little more of herself per haps she would be Juat as pretty as you think you are now, for there was a time when she was Juat as handsome and at tractive as you are now, you-llttle frizzy headed sissy. Bay) If your mother had thought more of herself and less of you she might year better clothes now than she does and you would not be ashamed LETTER'S Best Coal Egfr $7, Store 97.25, Chestnut 37.60 Large Round Pea Coal. $5.60 Laroett Coal Yard in PhlladelpMa OWEN LETTER'S SONS Trenton Ave. & Westmoreland St P FOURTEENTH ANNUAL MTOMOBILE SHOW ADMISSION BfM Ea A tJt Mtottta BJWH, &ea B tl TANUARY 916 Sirs h feU4!pfcl ArtfeUe yr4e Ajaosiatj to have her around when soma of your little fool dancing, card-playing, wine drinking gahg ctimes to see you, but she made her on dress Ao service a vear longer Id order that thefa might be money enough to buy you a, dress of the latest pattern nnd tytve a dressmaker make It in tho latest style and design. WRINKLES ALL LOVE MARKS. "And I want to tell you that the wrinkles In her face nnd the caro lines In her cheeks, and that weary, tired look In her eyes, those scars are love marks for you, and yet you pass her up. Bay, young fellow, perhaps your father doesn't nppear ns well an you would live to have him, nnd you blush Just n little bit when you meet some of your friends when you are in company with your father, nnd you get Uneasy when some of them come to tho house to see you, for fear that your father might walk Into the parlor with his coat and hla collar off and In his stocking feet. "But remember, sir, that his bent form, his hard hands nnd his bronred cheeks tell of his kindness, his unselfishness and the suffering that ho endured and the sacrifices thnt he made In order that you might have the prlvllego of going to college to make you am bright iuj you think you are now. Remember, young fellow, that he worked hard and paved tho way for tho schoothouse ana church In order that he might leave a good home for you, paid for, and the farm well stocked nnd a lot of money In the bank, so you would not have to worry your lit tle fool head. So when you look at your father's white-hair and his wrinkled face and his slow step and his awkward hand, remember that these marks and mnrrlngs of humnn beauty nro simply Jewels In his crown of love for you, you lobster, "When President Garfield was inaugu rated he stepped from the platform after the ceremony was ended, walked over to a plain looking little woman with wrinkles In her face and dressed In an otd-fashloncd Mack dress and he gath ered her Into his arms and kissed her. It was his mother. I "When the mnrtyred MoKInley'a mother lay sick In bed In her home In Canton, O., Just at the time when the Preeldent had tho burden of the Spanish-American War upon his mind, a special wire .con nected the White House wlUi tho little home In Cnnton. The mother lay upon her sick bed rolling and tossing and she en Id to those about: "'I wish William were here; you can't havo told him how sick I am or he'd lA here ' One night they flashed to him: "Mr. President, we tWnk you'd better come,' and he wired baok: "'Tell mother I'll be there.' "A special train had been watting la the yards wltll steam up and It rueheI him aenms the country to Canton. A team of thoroughbreds trotted at the depot, and the Mayor of the town, or dered alt other trafllo off the ntreets. Over the town those steeds dashed, strik ing sparks of fire from th blocks with their Iron-shod hoofs. Up the stairs, three at a time, the head of the nation dashed, and, reaching his mother" bed side, he took her In hl arms and kissed her, and she said! '"William, my baiby, I knew you'd come.' "Would you laugh at him? If you did I'd spit on you, "Thou shalt not commit adultery. I'll not talk on that now! some other time. For every 1J marriages In the United States there Is one "divorce. Cincinnati led all the cities In 1912. There were 4216 marriages and 1184 divorces. Remarrying Is sought by M out of 100 divorced per uons, and In nearly every case the man marries the woman who was named ns co-reipondent or the woman marries the man In the case. , "You want to know why 1 condemn the theatre, Welt, Til tell you one rea son. Fifty years ago plays and popular songs upheld the wife and the marriage wv Today the sent they love to h and the play they lor to see scoff at the vdfs and marriage. Vi Love- Hf Wife, bat Oh, Yira KM' b dirty, flUby stuff. It isn't the grownups whs pa tronize these places so much fl th alsaliled, little, empty-headed klrttf with their sklit to their fehoetops who go there and snicker. "If the present rate of Inefeas In crime, divorce, desertion and drunkenness continues the American home will taund the depths of hell. " 'Thou shalt not kfll.' Somebody says! Wo nre all right there, "mil," we haven't murdered anybody.' But (latent It doesn't say anything about that There ar other ways of killing besides sticking a dagger In somebody's heart, shooting their brains out, pounding their head to a pulp with a club or an ax. There are other Ways of killing. There Is many a husband who Is killing his wife because she has found he la false to his vows and his promises. Many a husband Is killing his wife by neglect. He Is showing more love for some other woman than for the woman who left a great deal better home than ho ever gave her. Bhe left more hnpplnens than he has ever furnished her. She has never hail anything but heart ache and groans with him. Many a man Is killing his wife with cruelty because Continued en rage Six. (f: stout; opens a mo a. at. clorixb at buio p. ii. : M AIL Oil I'HONB OtlDISm FILLI3D Victor Records It Is much plensanter to purchano your Records whero you hnvo tho Inrgest selection We glvo you this ndvnntnite Inre, for wo hnvo prnctlcnily every Victor Record In the ontlro catalog. Convenient Weekly or Monthly Payments If You Desire No trading Hampt. SECOND FLOOR HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Lit Bftlars Double Yellow Trading Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until Noon : After That, Until Closing Time, 81nglo Stamps Market Eighth , Filbert Seventh THERE'S A GREAT DEAL OP SATISFACTION In aclectlnp; the very hnndsomo premiums thnt you can secure with full books of YELLOW TRADING STAMPS It's hotter merchandise thnn you test with other trading stamps. Jutiwi iniiiiii Continuing the GREATEST Clothing Disposal msS The Final Shipment Is Now in Full and Complete Readiness or the Selection of Every Man Who Knows and Wants GOOD Clothing, But Whose Purse Is Limited, They represent the wind-up of the entire stock of celebrated "PELHAM" Brand Suits and Overcoats. roSr Liverieht, Greenewald & Co. Boys' Clothing of 8th arid Sprinjr Garden Sis., Tills City. AVc Paid 50c on the Dollar and Offer the Advantage of the Same Saving to You. Smart Fashionable Winter Overcoats Populnr rjalmacann nnd drossy aeml-flttlns; effects In blue and t?ray meltons, black nnd blue kerseys, blue, bronn and srny chinchillas and rich Scotch tweeds. $12.50 to $15 Values, $6J5 $20&$22-50 Values, nn.SQ 822-50&$25 Values, $H75 $16 and $18 Values, $8J5 $23,50 to $26.50 Values. $12.75 $28 & $30 Values, $14.!;n BUHWAY AND SECOND FLOOR Regular $15 to $20 Hand-Tailored Suits, $9 Include favorite doublo-brensted effect with soft roll collar and all other latest styles. Also 5 Full Dress and $1 A ixedo Suits " .50 Trousers, $9g $12.50 Suits . . . $7,50 $25 & $28 Suits, $ g.50 Reserve Stocks From Philip Wal- coff Co. and RegM Wash Suit Co. Extraordinary Values Boys' $2 & $2.50 $J Wash Suits . . . Sailor, Oliver Twist, Russian nnd tho latest Tommy Tucker stylo; in striped pain tea, tan, white or blue -jchambray, percale, madras and poplin. Sizes 2 to 10. Boys' $7.50 Suits, $4.40 IVIIIi Mxtrn I'nlr or Knickerbockers Norfolk effects In soveiiteen all wool fabric. Sizes 7 to 18 years. Boys' 85c Pants, 59c Rloomers and Knickerbocker in fancy chovlots, cassimeres and blue serfre. Sizes 6 to 17 years. Boys' $7.50 and A CQ S8.50 Overcoats.. ttJK Double-breasted models of fancy ' chovlots and tweeds. Bizcs S to IS years. Boys' $3.50 and S1.R0 Reefers Kanoy cassimeres, cheviots nnd blue chinchillas. Sizes. 214 tp 10 years. SECOND FLOOR 2.45 If 1 i I Women's Watches $9 50 $12 Ones for Open face, rrold filled, plain polished cases with seven-Jewel Klein nnd Waltham movements. $2 and $2.50 Bangle Bracelets $1.25 and $1.50 Gold-filled, chased and 1ST FLOOR, 8TH I Fine I ? , - -U 1 Guaranteed At Nearly Half of Earlier Prices . . " .,5 Never Such Values in January! In Fact, They Surpass Even 1 MABKCT8Ta 5 Utttttl1.' 0Jered Dur'm9 "" DaW of Final Clearances That I Dents Gloves And other makes Just as fnmous, Inlnfnat strlrs mid best kinds, ore offered la (his sole at Savings of Third & More Fine White Kid Mousquetaire Gloves Beautiful quality, fresh, clean and underprlced as follows $1.75 and $2.00 Ten- QQ Dutton Gloves 70C $2.50 and $3 Six- $f OQ teen-Button Gloves 07 $3.25 and $3.50 $f PQ Twenty-Button Gloves OZf Dent's $1.25 to $2 Gloves 79c For women, misses and boys samples In cape, pique and kid, Tan, white and black. Dent's $1.50 to $2.50 $1 Gloves For men snmples of kid, mocha, suede, Royal buok, cape, etc, FIRST FLOOR, STH ST. SIDE the Tip End of the Season. f Seal & FHeh U V Those ; Mark ; These are the handsomest styles In coats and sets that 5 will surely havo ample opportunity for frequont serv- J Ice yet this season and we absolutely guarantee the S quality of each article. V $60 Fur Sets, $34.75 Black Fox Skunk-Dyed Raccoon Itabella, Sitka and Sable Fox These are fine, selected pelts, made up in the newest styles and richly- silk lined. FUR SETS CS niaek Fox rA 7C ' 32.S0 French Sets .-! f i Srnl Sets 9bO Illaek Foe 1 C Seta tO $m Russian M 7 tf Fitch Met .OU 9I40 Dyrd lllue Fox I7C (IMI Hudson Seal Set MUFFS sil7.no rilack $o Lynx Hulfi OB 8IH.B0 French iiiiirs,. 10. 5 112 llrussela a2.75 T.wn v Sf tiff as J i M7.RO Hudson Seal Blurs.., son 16.501 tHT.KO Hudson Sent Set Z tsKunu s aj en trimmed) . . 'tiOU (ISO Chliioln C7 Cf) ? 07.nitAuatrnUnn SOTJHI'J Opossum Set ... Ol fllO Scotch .Hole OC J Si-t. ZO ' FUR COATS I 1111) Hudson Sent Coal IS (ermine 'TO. 7Ci SIIO Trimmed French ,2M Hud.ou Seal C.mh. J sea, Co.UI....5750 j Inches (Jgr- J 94BO Imported Hudson Real Flteh-Trlmmed "OCf, S Coats nnd Crescent-Shape Jlult (to match), set OU Neckpieces to match muff at like reductions ni-uuKU l''J.UUn (ermine trimmed) A3 French Seal Coats , "49.75 47.50 1VVVVWVVVWVVVVIpVV1AVVVVVVVV c January Clearance of Men's Furnishings Bettor values smaller pricesand on such hieh-class Jiaberdashery, too. Men's 75c Shirts at. . 59 c Fine quality percale and madras with attached stiff cuffs. $1 Shirts for 69c Rich pongee In Jacquard effect on white grounds; also crepo In handsome stripes. Sqft French cuffs. $1.50 for Shirts 98c nxceptlonally 'Ann ponsee and crepe, the latter In very hand some stripes and rich colorings. Both with French guffs. S2 Union Suits, $1.29 "Wrlu-htn" SirliiR-..Vfcdlr Onrmrnta Made of soft-combed fcdtton yarn In ocru polor; also patural-Kray worsted rib. They JiaVe lone; sleeves, French Inserted neck, and nicely finished. Ankle lenirth; double-stitched seams. 50c All-Silk Pleckwear, 15c Made In the large, open-end style in tfopd. patterns. Also 1 nna IJi Incli solid eplor, .poplin, four-ln-hnntla-. Broken llnesj but every one a resular BOc tie. 25c Half Hose, 18c Flbrev plaited and Very lustrous. Beamles feet, double heel and toe, Fast black and colors, Three- pair COc. FlUST FLOOR, 7Tir & MARXIST J Women's & Misses' Apparel : Still More Great Reductions on Coats, Suits and Dresses of Smart style ana Most Desirable Kxnd for Immediate Wear, BestValues of all I 4aaanr6 L 8K? I l MWWK I V IuLa, YM &wM U JL, 1' iiiiUiii?ni l47sp JS y Misses' $15 $7 ttf to $20 Coats -W Itecluccd (o a half and a third o their real worth, F.xcellent assortment of styles, include fine Scotch and Kns llsh mixtures, boucles and chinchillas. In blue, blaok, brown and two-tone, effects many with full rlppU bottom and smart belt. Misses' $18.50 to $T A $20 Coat v E lea ant lil mono trimmed with totn or vswwr om !- Include fine dressy. Persians. tur, ur cloth or vsl trana. cloths, mixtures and.ohvtots and chinchillas, in the richest shads and ultra-fashionable styls. Misses 15 $7 t( Suits , ',OU IMcture shows one. ... Of serge, diagonal, cheviots and mixtures, in smart plain-tailored styles, or with dressy finishing touohes of braid and fur. Misses' and Women's S15.00 to $20.00 Dresses 8.75 ..' taups, etc. in ulnk. Alia some bUrlv and blu serge Include charmtuse lace, erp d enini, cmiron, tsneta. ana sum; In. Holland blue, blaok. SECOND FLOOR Men's $2.50 Soft Hats $1.39 Special purchase. Including the newest Bprlng styles in fine fur felt hats of the most desirable shades. Boys $1.50 Hats. , 79 j Fine wool cloth materials In the newest rah rah shape. Variety of patterns, soma have Inbanda, FIRST FLOOR, 7TII AND MARKKT BTS. That Extra Pair qf You'll find many a need, for an extra pair, and getting them nera loauy win save ypu consiaerauiy on ine price. Winter Shoes KXm Women's $3.50 and $4.00 $9 QQ Shoes at; . EXCEPTIONALLY well-mada shoes in the latest, most stylish lasts, of patent coltskin, gun-metal calf and glazed kldskln; button. lac and Ulucher, various htels. Sixes ili to I In lot. Bargain Specials in Young Folks' Footwear We bought th entire stock of boys' shoes from Lehigh Valley Bho Co., of Allerttown, at less than cost to manufacture. Boys' $3 & $3.50 Shoes, $1.98 1 Tan Russia dalf, gun-metal calf and, .- . .i..i.ih. 1... ...... ... m.,ni.l. ' and nw EnglUIi lasts. Single, double and hand-weltad white oak soles Bit 9 to U. 7 rstSv 1 I fefMJ KJtfiMfwf Children's $1.75 and $2 Shoes, $1.29 Bull gun metal calf, patent coltskin. dull and cloth tons, broad to shape high and reeular cut SlM mini FIRST FLOOR. NOtmi Men's $3 to $0 $9 CE Shoes 6,oa UustojB maker a surplus stork. Com In, patent ooltskln, gu metal 'o-alf and tan calf, some gray clotb or tan ooze top. B1m 8 to 10 In lot. Misses $2 and $2.50 Shoes, $1,49 null gun-metal and patent eoIUMn .loth and dull up button n; lt. C?l t . TF 41 S fMUMmm-mikv9Wrm&mukvsmm'mmMxmmja. wwMwimiim)U4mmws9msat ugwwmaM "nmm-wm Mmmmm,t tm Ig at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers