Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 15, 1915, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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I ' Z. ,
Her vfrhMs I a playlet called "Th War
flttdea '
Sftllflrnl rtue Are trovlnr no popular
thl XAfldOtl tllAf A VAIldoVlllft hOU III
N York In ptnnnlnic n wrles df short
liirlfariie of current plrt. Thea elf
emrclilngfl by the tlratnn will begin with
n trnMty on "On Trial," calleel "On
flit." Tomhty dray, librettist flf "Watch
Yoilr Step," will mipply the wit.
It I a wore alatennent Df financial fact,
not an Indiscretion, to reconl that Joseph
lliooka la talilhR off "-My l.ndy'a DreM."
Tliet proflta have been Insufficient,
i Hitching Jokes to Actors
Tliay rwniej clsara after itln; beauilee
ttrt; wlah Joke.ii upon actora when the
Supply at ConfereMinen Riven out. This
latter fact la orlej of the mysteries of mod
ern advertising- t3verbotly known these
Anecdotes are fakes. The have the evi
dence written In their very first line. For
.they Invariably b"ln "0. Gracious Puff
,hnrd, the xlraorilnar!ty popular come
dian, now playln? at the I.yrrrt Theatre
In the phenomenal laugh-success, 'Hay It
Again, oneo met a one-armed tramp
driving an auto, who aald "
Oceaslorfally, of course, they are good
Anecdotes. ven Ingenuous one. Witness
thn following concerning the fluestlona
'Which George Nash (see advertising col
umnS for tho usual facts) heard a young
irentlerhaii of five, ask a mother who wan
very bliaj knitting for tlie tlelglans
"Mother, what color Is the graas?" On
being told, "Mother, what make It green?
Did God paint It? Welt, did God paint
It" Finally the weary woman, to avoid
further discussion, began answering from
between the lines of her book, "I don't
know, dear." to his endless battery of
questions. After this had continued for
some time and the eager ehl'tl had asked
possibly a dozen questions. Hip boy lost
patience ami at Inst exclaimed In grent
disgust, "Why, mother! I am ashamed
of you, reallj. You Just don't know noth
ing at all."
And sometimes the storv realty could
have happened to that particular actor
and to nobody else For Instance. I
Francis Wilson, who Is not appearing I
at any theatre In I'hllndplphla, was a
sreat admirer of the art of the late Joe
Jefferson, In whose company he acted
.many times. In fact, Wltson has written
'a long and most Interesting biography of
hint. Jefferson was a moat enthusiastic
amateur painter, and produced many can
vanes, chiefly landscapes. One day Wll
'ion happened to hear of n number of
these Jefferson pictures being put up ut
auction, and being desirous of yet an
other souvenir of 'he admired playor, pur
chased one Word of the sale reached
Jefferson, and he wrote Wilson to this
ffect: "Congratulate jou op jour cour
age, don't tell any one what you paid
or It." And by return mall Wilson sent
this; "I'm ashamed of It, too; don't tell
any one I bought It "
'Granville Barker's Season
A weel from today Granville Darker,
cully England's foremost producer, be
gins his first American season. Whether
any city but New York Is to hare the
privilege of seeing his work Is not an
nounced, As present plans go, Mr. Dar
ker, his wife, Ivlllah McCarthy, and their
English company are to produce Hernard
Bhaw's dellglitful early-Christian comedv,
"AndrocleB and the J.ion," at Wallack s
en tho 18th. Ian Maclaren, who has
been plajing n( the Little Theatre, m
with Mr. Barker, as are also O P Hegglr
Arnold Lucy and Edgar Kent With
"Androcles" goes a short play by Anatole
France, "The Man Who Married a Dumb
Wife.'r The staging of the latter will be
A-DEI I'lU- ,vThe IMIe of tJon,l Street, ' with
Mim Fiernsrd, 'Th Olrl from Kara," re
vsmped , Mr, tlerrsrd Is jus! a amualnr as
ever In his tmpernonstlnn nf finny ' Jte.
geiilielmer, the Ilosgenhetnicr RilS
tlltUAl) ' inn." with Miss lllllle Hurleo A
ranir.ll' by Cathrrlrm Chlaliolm crushing Miss
uiirse raptures s nusoann in rum cnsiuniei
The Olrl of Olrla," with Natalia
Alt new musical coinrny, nun a piessins
score hj Qrrsto Vessells, the Atlantic c'lt
bsn'lmeeter The llhreilo. iinfortunstel-
rtesilly dull , 8'llt
OAItrtlCK - 'The Miracle Men." lth lors
Nnh W tl ThorntisAn and Dull Kane
e'-nrite ' ohsn s con rrfy-drama of the rrnoks
who try to esplolt patriarchs! h.ilrr nnd
end i converts A skilful handling nf
dlMciilt mlijeet , . .. s IS
KFtTIIH-Mr. sntl Mrs Carter le llsien,
"On thi Hehool Pat ground', ftminey ml
pent nnl varlmalrri Mil nf more ihnn
usial merit . ....... " '' B '
I I TTI.lv "Cnursse The first prndiittlnn nf
n Kngllshmin's play srslnet wnr A llne
aplrtted plhy with n afnrtllnsly drsmatlc
ending a 10
Al.NIT."A Knol. Ids Monv and Olrl,"
with Hop VVsrl ntd I uey tialy A muilesj
'oinedv exploiting Mr. Ward's pirennlal
tramp . . 8 00
Hitherto unpublished portrait of
Maude Adam3, coming to the
Philadelphia Baritone to Bp Heard
in Excellent Frogrnm,
One cif tho most Interesting recitals that
linsj boon arranged In some time Is that of
I)r H II Mpscliutz, the well-known burl
nine, for Monday evening, Jnnunrv i'j. nt
Griffith Hull, 1120 Chestnut titieet Doctor
Ivlpschutx hits appeared with the Philadel
phia Orchestra In a number of IIh cdu
ntlonnl ronrerta nt the Aciuliuiv of
Music nnd elsewhere und has been heard
In rccllnl with other well-known soloists
In Philadelphia Ills rich baritone vole
done b an American. Ilobcrt K Jones,
who orlglnallv planned It for tho Now
York Stage Hocletv
The rest of Mr llaikcr's engitKcment
which Is backed b iniiiij of thn founders i
of the New Theatre, will be given over to
Hhaw'a "Doctor's Dlleinmn." acted pri
vately In Philadelphia this f.ill. "I.,i
Martlage Force," by Mollere, "Philip the i
King." a one-act poetic tlinma by John
iMasefleld. "The Death of 'lliitaKllen "
by Maeterlinck. "The Sentimentalists "
George Meredith's blank verse eoinedj.
Mr IJarker own "Madras House," and
his remarkable production of "A Mid
summer Night's Dream" along new
America Is due for .1 taic pxpeileucf In
Mr ftarker's production Something still
rarer Mr. Parker has Induced tlernard
Shaw tn mnke his diet visit to .mij-lci
In connection with the first-night of
"Androcles "
News Notes
Alia Nazlmova Is taking the vaudeville
cure for temporary managerial collapse
i " ' Sf'-i XwiTtv I
la am, rfa1BsBilv,st wTErtixA
u9 I. tfaB?jji
IsaHsl .'4 IHHaBaHi
Night Caps
ONE DAT In the middle bfwlnter,
some fairies out In the lake drifted
U) toward the shore.
"Oh me!" they exclaimed, "what a
tunny looking place this Is!"
"To think thla Is the wonderful shore
fre have always hesrd about!" said one
But It looks bare and queer," cried
another, "not one bit like I thought It
'would look. I'm almost disappointed!
"Tou needn't, be," said one of the big
ger fairies; "I've seen It this way before,
eud I assure you it's all-right."
"But where are the flowers? The trees
and the children playing on the beach?
EWhere are all the things you have told us
The bigger fairy laughed. "Do sou
now what ou are thinking about'"
iie asked, "you i- thinking about sum
mer And this Isn't summer, this Is
"And are all the trees and flowers just
er summer?" asked the fairies who had
"Then you need me to help!" he said,
"for I can make the water dash higher
than you can'"
So he pitched In and helped them. All
the short winter afternoon thev worked,
Mr North Wlntl dashing the water over
the piles and the fairies changing It Into
Ice before It could get back down again
By night time, the piles were covered
with a cap of white The fairies were
happy because they coup see the Ice
and the children, for children came run
ning to see the wonderful sight. They
called the Ice caps "night caps " Have
you ever seen Ice night caps on the edge
can find them.
Copyright, ins- Clara Inornm Judion.
1'hito h Hnesler
Is well known for tho sympathetic ren
dering of lleder of many styles as well aa
In operatic nrlnn In which be has also
been heard In connection with tho Phila
delphia Operatic Society
The program which he has arranged for
his recital Is nit exceedingly striking
group of numbers bj the greatest of song
wrltors, Including Brahms, Tschalkowskv,
StruunB, Bizet. Wolfe, Debussy, Massenet,
Franz, Welngartner, Fogel, Ware, Gilbert,
nailer lllldach and Homer Tho choice
shows excellent dlsoretlon in seizing upon
churacterlsln numbers of each composer,
and the concert has attracted a great deal
of attention hv reason of Its artistic
The Kneisel Quartet
tot then thlntt, beesuae tltmi art Tlrtuous,
there ehslt be no more cakes and ale?
-Sir Toby Ileleh
The concert of chamber music given last
nlht by the Kneisel Quartet was a
study In temperaments nnd a leison In
generosity temperaments because their
three numbers were olio exquisite, another
profound nnd the third human! generos
ity because we who have our takes nnd
ale do not i enounce virtue and beg those
who have virtue (Iloccherlnl In this case)
not to tepudlalo the cakes nnd ale of
Schocnberg nnd Dvorak,
What was to be expected In (he work
of (lie quartet, With Mr. Ietz resloied to
It nnd with Messrs. Gardner and Klsen
berg to assist It, was Judicious playing,
robust and satisfying tone nnd a measure
of exaltation which arose more from sin- .
cere Interpretation of the music thnn
from virtuosity of tempernment Pre- ,
clscly these things were renllrcd, the. i
allegro of the Dvorak quartet (In D
minor), with which the program began,
was almost stupidl) plaved, hut before ,
Its ravishing ndnslo wos reached the '
players had taken up tho slak of their
Inspiration The complexities of execu
tion In the Schocnberg sextet wero solved
with a fine facllltv, and the touching and
artificial graces of the Iloccherlnl quintet
Hire ncallv nnd deftly expressed Mr
Gardner, playing now the viola, and Mr
CtHonborg, the additional 'cello both tn
S.moenberg nnd Iloccherlnl, wnio thor
ough! good
The Hchocnberg sextet bears the title
of n poem by Itlchnrd Dehmel, nn nil
June! or offspring of the 1'eberhreUl'
movement Tho music which this happy
movement evoked was largely rngtlme
such in the Beltings tn the songs of Otto
Julius The "Verklaerle Narht" Is not
of that order, It Is of exceptional dra
matic power and Intensity, a conversation
between H mm, nnd a woman, lit which
forgiveness for sin l Itaelf tiiinslm
'irert Into affirmation Arter the fact
one can think of Nlctrsche and his "be
yond good and evil " In a senso It can
b said that the music of Schocuhcrg Is
also 'Jenselts "
It Is not of the eume nerlnd a tho
quartet heard here l.isjt venr, and It docs
not offend normil or critical, canons In
ntiv wnv The strict logic of Hrhoen
l'ig which lends him to distinct devel
opment of the four voices of a quartet,
as It might lead him to the distinct de
velopment of the hundred voices of nn
oicbostrn, without regard, to the tllscorda
which such a development might bring
about, li onlj suggested in the sextet. In
fuel, the unison nf die Instruments, In
tnrrylng tho melodh themes, and In ex
pressing the motif of the transfiguration
In partlcularlj notablo for Its power and
effectiveness. When tho strings are
divided tho cnntrnpiintnl development Is
sunn and conventional If tho sextet
needed to depend upon unusual qualities
for Miict ess. It would never be played
The fact In that II Is the result of a
profound und moving Inspiration tho
poem of Dehmel. It Is a theme which
has luen ttcnted sentimentally by Goethe,
and romantically by Dowson, and reli
giously In tho New Testament &Jn this
time, It must be treated with a certain
tragic optimism a bitter Joyousness, and
i dfsiialrlng nfllrmntlon All this, I
should say, the mush of Schoonberg has
expressed He has expn ssed It with more
bcmilv of mrlodv than the profound lone
poems of HtniusH can often he made to
vlell Ills major themes nro of nn In
effnlile nppenl, nnel the melndle Intil
cncles of the middle portion, which sug
gest the later development of lls genius,
aro Infinitely more worthy of attention,
because they urc In finitely richer In mean
ing thnn tho "passago work" which can
bet found In nine-tenths of the chamber
music from the ISth century down Quar
rel na we may with tho later renuncia
tions of beauty In tho nnme of musical
Justice, we are none the less compelled
to yield tribute! to the fresh and far
reaching Inspiration of this work.
It may be noted, for tho snko of com
pleteness, that the npplauso after the sex
tet was normal: after the quintet of Uoc
t hcrlnl It was enthusiastic and bore a
ccrtnln nura of thanks for this relief.
After Schocnberg, Iloccherlnl was like
tho prattling of n doll: before Hchoenberg.
Dvorak was as the voice of n man. And
remained so
mm" r
WWWSMmm If. MLr.
Denmark's leading emotional
actress, wife of Ibsen's publisher,
who is appearing in Box Office
Attraction films.
U v
Blnlne Alumni to Give Show
1 lie Alumni Association or tho fumes O.
Illulne School, COth- nnd N'orrls streets, will
give a minstrel show and dnnee In ,u I.u
Temple tonight Tho entertainment will
be given under the direction of Hobert
Adams and members of the alumni IhjTM
charge of thn Bale of tickets Tho music
will re furnished by the school orchestra
under the dlreitlon of llenrv Klonower.
The question of Sunday opening Is being
considered by many reputable managers
Thete Is no deslro on their part to offend
the church element, but nn honeut effort
will he made to furnish clean amusement
for tho thousands who do not attend
places of worship on Sunday afternoons
und evenings. '
It Is argued that photo-playa nro noise
less, and bo will not offend: theit seml
cducatlonnl pictures could bo shown, und
that nobody will bo hurt and many
thousands amused.
One munugor, who declined the use of
his name on tho ground that ho might
get Into political trouble, made tho sweep
ing accusation that Philadelphia vau
hypocritical in tho matter of Sund.iy
"In thn summer," ho Bald, "you can
go to Fnlrmount Park on Sundays nnd
slide the nlldo and rldo the merry-go-round
and Indulge In similar amuse'hipntB
Put to look at motion pictures In the city,
leso than two miles away, Is sinful You
can sco photo-playB nt Willow Grove
Park, but not In Market street Wherein
lies the difference? Tn nurope, nnd es
pecially In Austria, which Is the rtrlctest
fntholic country In the world, everv
amusement, from photo-plays to grand
opera, Is In full wlng on Sunday I can
not see the harm of clean amusement on
Sunday "
What action managers will tnkn to agi
tato the matter Is not yet clear It Is
known that some of the political lenders
are fundamentally opposed to Sunday
opening, and as an act of the Legislature
and permlsfllon of the city authorities
would be required for consent, the pros
pect Is not any too good.
The State Board of Moving Picture Cen
sors announces that fiom tills tlmo for
ward every film exhibited In Pennsyl
vania, Irrespective of the time It has
been on the market, must bear tho official
stamp of tho board '
Forty exhlbltoro havn been fined JIO
each for Knowing films that have not been
npproved by tho board Since January
New Day and Kveninr Term Jim open
ing, Unsurptiased eriulpnmnt Expert
men teachera Hend for folder
Modern Dancsa Th CORTISSOZ School
1BS0 Chestnut Et Phone. Locuat 8102
t, ltV when Hie- board besn operations!,
6118 reela have beeri submitted tor examl
natlop, each reel containing 1000 feet of
film Thus 6,118,000 feet, or 118 miles of
film, have been examined by tho tato
The amount of fines and fees collected
have made the Btate Hoard of Censora
Vivian Martin has been selected to ap
pear opposite Itobert Warwick In the film
Izntlon of "Alias Jimmy Valentine," writ
ten by Paul Armstrong, kauretto Tay
lor, who has, been starred In "Peg o My
Heart," Is the woman who played tho
heart of Hose Lane, when tho play waa
originally produced. Hose Uine la the
part that Miss Martin will appear in
on tho screen.
Bnventy-flve of the 2E0 scenes In pro
duction of "Wildfire," In which Lillian
Hussell stars, worn taken at Charleston,
B. C These scenes; Included a race In
tho morning In which nvo or six of the
thoroughbred horses took part. In tho
afternoon pictures of the crowds, the pad
dock, nnd other scenes wero taken. In
nddltlon to Miss Ittissell, who starred In
the production of "Wildfire," Lionel Bar
rymore, n brother of Kthcl nnd John liar
rymorc, took part.
Francis X nushman, lending player
with tho ftnsanay Kastern Company, on
IiIh recent trip through tho West, made
careful study of the effect of motion pic
tures on tho public He declared that tat
every Instance the effect on tho audi
ences was beneficial nnd uplifting.
"I have come to the conclusion that
pluitoplan nro tho single greatest power
for good In thn world," declnred Mr.
Ilushman. "Tho theatres I visited nil dis
played plays of a high character as well
as being entertaining, There wan not tho
slightest discrimination In any of tho
many theatres I visited In Philadelphia,
lloston, Baltimore, Now York, Norfolk
or Washington. Men, women and chil
dren enmo In, some tired from tho trials
of the day and all left buoyed up by
the entertainment."
1 g t
Medical Club of Philadelphia, Bellevue-Btrat-fore!
. o'Uork
Discussion, "New Movement In Art," Acad
emy of the Fine Arts, 8 o'clock.
rianquet. Tynothetso of Philadelphia, Manu
facturers' Club, 7 o'clock.
Drama Ilea, Ttevlew Club of Oak Lane, Mer
cantile Hall. 8 o'clock.
TMener to Oonorat William CJ. (Wtos,
Heiwnnee nub; 7 o'clock,
Itlnlne School "frolic," I.u Du Temple: 8
Dobson Weavers Resume Work
Weavers In the Falls of Schuylkill mill
of John and James Dobson, Inc., ro
tumed to work today. The weavcrfl quit
work yesterday afternoon, It Is said,
after a dispute arising out of nn alleged
reduction In ptico on piece work. Mill
officers today would neither deny nor af
firm that scalo had been raised.
Steftmshlps Ai-rlvlng Today'
. 8ir'..P."3n??i"?i . fttennwc teVl.
na mine xrnPOTlBllon lOmtn "?"Stl
fltr. Pfwnfe. New York werehtnftV.
Btsmhlp C'empsny ""twin, (jfgl
fltr. Bkoat.el (Nor ), Shields tntn-1. m
crcniiuinuvian-Amerioiin. ""cgiei
a, VlavlAn ltftnnl.,1.. &.. . ko3d
dlse, tl, P. Ilaesr & Bon Co. "" ta
Steamships to Arrive
Name. From,
Monsnllan ,..,.. . .....flUsimw .. .
Ancons ,,,., , Messina
Dominion ,ii .Liverpool
Jhemleto Rotterdam'!.' '??
Ih"rnleo Rotterdam '?"
nrvssol e... Tjrne .,,,'. 'S1';
Ksfra, Ituelva '."' "EM
flnaen .Chrlstlanla "?'"'
Kiruna .,.,.. ........Narvik ,,,... 'K?11
Jemtlsnel hhleM, ,,'.'."?
... .. , (.'iL.eraam ,. t.hI
..,.....,.,., r rtii -"
AuciiencrRg .....Cms artndt I CM
Tunlalsna iM...Cardlft ....""ftS
feniaborg ..,..., A rdreaaan .." tUI
Florentlno ,..,, .Ituelva . ' 'j?W
Port Antonio ...... ..Port AnlonloV'jS
etenmBhlpa to Ieav
Name. 1'or.
Ancona Naples ,.
Mongolian , Olaairow ."
frown 7olnt Ixindon ... If"
Mancheater Wxchanae Minche.i.. " "!fl
" ,
Steamships Arriving Today 1
Nnpoll .....Nnnlen ...
IipUnd Uverpnol , ,
Steamships to Leavt
Name. For.
'''"Ison riordeaitx .,,,
Philadelphia Liverpool .
Minnetonka .....tmdon
Ontuna ,. Liverpool ... " J-
flan Ouillalmo .... NapleV ., " '!
.1. Ainaicruam . .. iwiierdarn .....JjJm
.Urgent demand for tonnage still pretil'1f
the steam market, with the supply r .,
highest over known
atile vessels liname to meet It, IUti il
Knnwn VAft.aia ,. l, ."!
voysffes nre hnlnr phw..:,'ll
good rates In the sail market, JJJ
ViUJlrliall fltr). tlnltlmorn in a lr...r
Isntlo port, oats, 34,000 qnartera, at or bSI
Os. Bd , February ". or ittaj
Tcesdalo (r ), Atlantlo rtanne to J1
coast Italy, oxrludlng Genoa grain. lanul
VAliKT' J0 n'1 eharterers uarMt3
ClOei nee nnv nemnrrflore -Tnnn.-i, AM
Ilenpark (Dr.), 23,000 quarters, same
I'nddlngton f Dr ), 20 000 quarlwi,
February 1-20.
Carolyn. 2443 tons. Atlantlo and Ficlbl
trade, one round trip, private) termi .1
livery nnd redelivery north of Hatterai, prVrtal
Antllla. 2114 tons, transatlantic tnH IVji
round trip, private terms, delivery and WZi
Carlh 22S0 tona, New Vork to firemen, i
ton. nrlvnto terma. nromnt :
T U I.uckenbach, ,1102 tons, south Atluiki
port to Dromon or a IlaHle port, cotton, jttj
ymn iviiiw, uuiiurH-icifiuni
412 (South Hide) MAItKI'.T RT.
Rpeclal KnBBKemenl Hcclnnlng- TOMOrtROTr,
International Ladies' Orchestra
formerly with the " 4
Subject to Change.
Kenalnstan and
Allegheny Avea.
Germantown Ave.
nnd Hrhoo! lane
The llaranlll Kltru Atlructlnn Ifarr IWI
Oermarltown At.
A Tulpohocken Ht.
THP nPArn.FT "tiie wpoiLKa
" "" - .inn. zi, iz, ts '
Home of World's lreteat rhotoplays. THE CHRISTIAN
AITEHNOONS, I TO ft, loc and ISo. Twice Dally Afterneinns, Silo Etri, tin
KKNINUH, 7 TO 11, 10c, ISo and 2Sc, I'rereeleil by" Keystone Cotnrely Plctirt.
1632-31 Market
nprp PI IODIC Fenturlnr TIAItA'
--w. m. KIMItAt.I. 0
lHtb St. and
Itldse Are.
Cayura Ht, and
O rrraan town Ave.
tillil, NTAOE IlltlVElt
03d und
Huvrrford Ave.
41st and
I sncniter Ave.
413 (Nntlth Hide)
Markrt Ht.
Kenslnrtnn and
rrankford Area.
a- di i. i- Q-i. Mllll
ivits. oiacK s uucti yi, ntvtlN
silent' bell"
songs of the soul
Logan iJvKNiNO ice, bhoaq street arUlL.iKa
MA and
lx,cst fits.
W-II. t loVU " KI"IUW4
"" " -.iiv, inn, km;
le alE!vA9i9laJlMaM.BrdEliBE
rlr V -r. "
"Thn you nttd m to htlpl"
tvtrjnn 4ba ebors before.
"Jut for aummer," replied the bljjar
ftllrr." but Wlntsr haa pretty (IrhU ot
ita own and Jolly thing to do, too."
"I'd like to know whatl cried the
fairies; they were disappointed about not
atelnsr the lummer ilghta you sea ana
they couldn't, all In a minute, rallx that
,thr wava anything worth seelnu but
)nst on thlntr they had planned to Mi
?SJrtta fl that way someUrries, Jtut i
opU do, you know
WeH, i4d Oi JIW fairy, thausht
Wlly, "there's, Ice."
"leaf rriHd tha skeptical fairies
Taey climbed up on th tip-top of th
highest wavea nd craned their neck
tswarda the thore, but not , bit of Ice
would tby . Of courii notl Tor h
te TtM all flat down on tno waUrbut
b ijOrtsa. didn't reallM thatl They
could only fs tba gray bara shore, with
M perm nr If.
i don't baliava then Is any ! whara
"mm ctn m it," admitted the bitrnsr fairy,
bi it you'll help me, can mk
sorne lc alone thoae bis piles at the
4iS "f tbe ahtir. then you tan see wbat
it la Jik."
Of uure the falrlea mantd to help,
IWriwt always Ilk doing thln, o ihay
-ara im work, at we, Tbr rod towards
flw etwra en tlia hlihast wavcj. and wltia
lt HMf Awe thay daah4 th9 water
t4, y r ni bw bpoms $U& along
idt 1h worklay irrr loos;
Wtl wJw Mi-wld blow mimg but old lir
ItMtli "Win Wia w ytt Writ
trte I to Sfl fcs4 la bit kind
fcr wtes
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Victrola in the home a
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HEPPE Victor Prices and Terms
Victor prices are uniform all over the United States, but at Heppe's you may
purchase any Victor outfit at the cash prices and settle by cash, or charge account
or our rental-payment plan, by which al 1 rent applies to your purchase, without
anyextra interest charges for this privilege. We deliver free anywhere in the
, United States. ,
Patrons tell us that our service is a great advantage in record shopping. ",
. Here are our outfits complete with prices and the terms of our rental-payment
plan. .',..,
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VICTROLA IV . ; $15.00 VIQTROLA X ,,...
fj 10-Inch Double-fact- Records,..,' ,.,,.,,. 4.50 Resarclswyuur selection .,, ,,,,.,.,,
Total cost ,' , ",.... ,..,..,,.,,, $19.50 ' Tqtal'cost ., j..,..e .."., 585.00
Tay $3 down, $2.50 mqntlily. . ',' ' '.J'jiy $5 down; $5 mpnthly.
VICTROUA VI ,. .,.-.,., ,,.., 525.00 VICTROLA XI ,.. 5100.00
6 10-inch Poubje-face Records ...,....,.,. . ,...,, ,,..,,.,,. 4 JO Records, your selection ................................... 10.00
Total cpst ,'...,. ...... .,', ...... 529.50 Total cost ..,.,.,..,... .,,..,,.,,,,.,. ,.,.,,$U0.Q0
ray aown, o niontniy, ' ' ,, ray w nown, w ppntniy.
VICTROLA VIII .. ....... ,. ,..,.,.;.. ,lr...T., ...... , 540.00 VICTROLA XIV . .,..v.V ; ,.,,',.. ,......,.,.,.., ..,,5(50,00
Records, your selection ,. 5.00 Records, your selection .................. ., ...... ........ 10.00
JLOtal COSt . . .. ....... .V. ff .f '..t.. ...... t... 45,0Q -i Qtai COSt ...i-.fc.t.f-...i.r.v...9twf....5.00(OQ
Pay $4 down, $3.50 W$Mkfy,' J - Pay $10 dow $8 "iptllhjy,
VICTROLA IX . e.fjrtv M,f ,. 550.00 VICTROLA XVI .n.tf..;. ,-..,,,,, , 5200,00
Records, your selection ,,,....,v,. ,,,,.. ,.,,,( ..,,w.,,., 10,00 Records, your selecttqn ....', , ,.,,,,. iq.qq
Total ejos.t .,.,,.,..,',.,,,.,,,,,,,... $60.00 r4lal cost .... .Mf.v n V.m. $210.00
Pay. S&xJown. $4 monthly. , - Pay $IQ dowtj, flv monthly. . 4
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