Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 15, 1915, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Terrific Drive Against Pol
ish Capital Developing as
Foe Forces Way Five
. Miles Beyond Bzura.
rElrtOGHAD, Jan. IB.
Fighting Is furious In Russian Poland,
nd reticence on certain poInU In the of
ficial ulletlnn may be construed as vlr
tut admission of tlie development of a
terrlflo German drive on Wareaw,
The Kaiser's (treat eleven-Inch gun, nt
last brought to the front In tlusalan
Poland, south of the Vistula, are now
pounding away at tha nusslan positions
along a 15-mli line east of Boohacsew
and SklernlewlCe, the nearest point of
which Is little more than 25 miles from
Tonight's official report, althourh silent
on the nature of the bombardment, which
I learned from unofficial dispatches di
rect from the front, say that the fight
ing Is confined to artillery duels and to
Isolated Infantry attacks by the Germans,
All easily repulsed by the Russians' fire.
The violence of the long-range attack by
the Germane' bis guns Is accepted by
military experts here as Meaning, that an
assault In force on the Ruaslan centre
has begun.
Their activity centres alotisr a line to
the east of Bochaczew and Sklernlewlce.
Following a furious artillery action, the
Germans occupied the district to the
northeast of Botlmow, including the
towns of Blnikurl and Sucha. Those
positions are three or four miles south
west of Sochacsew and five miles east of
the Bxura, from which positions they
were reported omclally to have been
driven out at the point of tho bayonet.
Whatever the result of this expected
rush for the Polish capital, It Is evident
that the Germans have at last success
fully accomplished their long-sought Im
mediate objective, a firm foothold on the
eastern bank of the Bzura River.
The.v have made four attempts In two
days to pass the barriers of the nusslan
trenches, all of them reported to have
been broken. Jt was In one of these
dashes that they occupied the villages
southwest of Sochacxew.
Business Men Show Appreciation of
Fight for Rapid Transit.
At the conclusion of the Academy of
Music meeting last night the North Phil
adelphia Business Men' Association,
headed by Edward B. Zlegler, Its presi
dent, serenaded the Kvbnino Lsdobr.
The band accompanying the business
men played selections In keeping with
victory and there were prolonged oheers
by the marching rapid transit soldiers to
express their appreciation of tho Even
IMci Lnpaan's campaign for a high-speed
They remembered that subway line
through North Philadelphia was one of
the Important steps It advocated, ome
sang the songs of the transit meeting
nnd many who gathered to hear the late
hour concert applauded the serenaders
and made them give numerous selections.
The musicians' responded Vigorously and
then led the little army northward.
German Effort to Take Abandoned
Guns Balked by Sharpshooters.
PARIS, Jan. 15.
German soldiers trled to retrieve some
guns which the French had been com
pelled to abandon near Conde (on the
Alene) because of the deep, sticky clay,
not knowing that the French artillery
men had rendered the pieces useless be
fore they abandoned them. French sharp
shooters fired upon the Germans, kill
ing some of them and driving the rest
Th French are strengthening the po
sitions they took near Perthes and
Beausejour, between Rhelms and the
Argonne forest. In West Flanders and
along the heights of the Meuse severe
artillery duels continue.
Large Areas of French and Belgian
Battlefield Under Water.
PA RIB, Jan. 1C.
Most of the rivers In northern France
and west Flanders are at flood tide In
consequence of the hard ralne that have
been prevailing for many days The
Yser, the Ls. the Olse, the Alsne, the
Aire and the Meuse are out of their banks
at some place, Great stretches of low
lands In Belgium are under water, com
pelling both the Germans nnd the Allies
to shift their lines at come placea.
Some of the French pontoon bridges
In the Alsne were carried away by the
floods and when the French sappers at
tempted to save them they were fired
upon by the German artillerymen.
Selmas Now Held in New Strategic
PETROGRAD, Jan. 16. Occupation by
Turkish troops of the Tabrls district, In
Northern Persia, derives Its strategic Im
portance from the fact that It carries
with it Turkish control of highways nnd
railroads leading to the Russian frontier
These roads, which provide tho only prac
ticable routes throush Persia, are owned
and managed b either the Russian Go
uiment or Russian compnnlei which
have obtained concessions from Persia.
The occupation of Tabrix by the Turks
was accomplished only after a haid fight.
In which artillery was employed, accord
ing to Information which has reached the
Peifllan Legation here. The Turks have
swept on and occupied Bnlmai, driving
the Russians back to the frontier.
Allies' Line Advanced by Sharp In-
fantry Attack.
PARIS. Jan. 15
The French yesteidaj captured the hill
overlooking the town of I. a Bassee, says
a dispatch to the Petit Parlslen from
Despite the water-filled trenches the In
fantry charged with bayonets after an
aitillery fire The engagement lasted
more than two hours, and in It the
French won a position more than a kilo
metre in advance of their previous first
Hue of trenches The French loss was
Thte photograph, autographed by Billy
Sunday and reproduced in beautiful
photogravure, 10x15 inches, will be
sent free on receipt of. the attached
No undertaking of Billy Sunday hna matched In
importance his Philadelphia campaign. Because of the
intense interest in it the Public Ledger and Evening
Ledger have arranged to cover every detail of Sunday's
activities. Mr. Sunday's sermons will be printed in full
every day. All of tho articles will be generously illus
trated. The Public Ledger and Evening Ledger will
give the clearest and fullest conception of what the Billy
Sunday campaign means.
Pin a dollar hill to the coupon btlottf and send It in.
The paper will be served to you without delay
wherever you reside and this beautiful photogravure,
especially auitaWo for framing, will be mailed to you.
Subscription Blank
Public Ledger Company:
Independence Square, Philadelphia.
Enclosed And One Dollar for which tend me com.
fclnatlon number
1 Public Ledger Daily onlv for 9 weeks
2 Public Ledger Dally and Sunday for '6 weeks
S Public Ledger Dally and Evening Ledger for 6 watks ,
4 Evening Ledger Daily for 16 weeks
I Evening Ledg? and Sunday Ledger for 9 weka':
Stl f tmittn in the f qtm rrtest eanvenient for jrea.
New Force Moves Into
Egypt Two Towns of
Persia Taken by Ottomans
From Russians.
CAIRO, Jan. 15. The Turkish force
advancing- toward the Sues Canal num
ber 0,00O men. Their artillery Includes
many suns of the most modern type be
lieved to have been sent to Turkey from
British aviator brought this Informa
tion to English headquarters today.
They mads night of 18 miles and sot,
complete details of the Turks' equip-'
Report have- been rsoelved here that
a British detachment has surrendered to
the Turks.
capture of two towns from the Russians
In Persia and rapid advance by Turkish
troops toward the Sues Oanai were an
nounced In an official statement Issued
here today.
Turkish troops have advanced gradu
allv In Aserbaljan (province of Persia)
and "had new great successes on
Wednesday," says the report, "when
they occupied Tabriz and Belmas The
Russians nbandoned both places, though
they had at first prepared to defend
"Our forces inarching toward the Sues
Canal are making- rapid progress," the
report adds.
In the western theatre torpedoboats
nnd other small craft approached
within H kilometres (about nine miles)
of the coast at Westende.
Trench attacks on both sides of
Notre Dame J.orette, northwest of Ar
ihh, were repulsed
Two trenches which we took a week
.io near Ecurrle were recaptured by
the enemy. The battle here Is again
laglng today
We have cleat td the French from
the northorn bank of the Alsne,
northeast of Solssons. By continuous
attack we took CufTIes, Crouy. Bucy-Ir-Long.
Missy, Vauxvet and Vallerle.
The French suffered heavy losses In
their rctr-nt to Hip south bank of the
Alsne. which took place under tho
fire of our nrtlllei
"We repulsed a voij strong- attack
north of Verdun, near Consenveye, and
our position near Allly. French at
tacks at St. Mlhlel, which reached our
first line of. trenches, were repulsed by
counter iittnck with heavy French
Last night we took some of the
enemy's positions, which, after re
building oUr works, we left of our
own free will without fighting. "We
repulsed an attack near Mesnll, south
east of Bhelms
There are only artlllerj duels In the
In the eastern theatie of war there
Is no chance In Hast Prussia or north
ern Holland Our attacks are pro
gressing west of the Ylstubi In Poland
Fibrn tho sea to the I.y there have
been artlllerj combats, at times be
cbmlng very violent. "We have made
dome progress near Lombaertzyde
nnd near Becelaere.
To the north of Arras a brilliant
bajouet attack by our Zouaves cap
tured the enemy's positions near the
road from Arras to Mile.
In the same region, at La Taigette
and nt St. Lament, as well as to the
north of Andechy, which Is In the re
gion of Roye, our artillery has gained
the advantage over that of the enemy.
His batteries were silenced, two pieces
being demolished An ammunition
depot as blown up, and earthworks
under construction were destroed.
At a distance of two kilometers
northeast of Solsions the Qermans at
tacked St. Paul. They entered that
place, but we recaptured It.
There have also been violent artil
lery duels In the region of Craonne
and of Bhelms, In the course of which
the enemy's batteries have been fre
quently silenced.
In the region of Perthes, In the Ar
gonne and on the heights of the
Meuse theie Is nothing Important to
We have destroyed the pontoon
Bridges placed by the Germans on the
.Meuse at Ht Mlhlel and have repulsed
In the forest of Allly an attack di
rected against the trenches taken by
us on January S
In the Vosges, to the south of Sen
ones, we threw the Qermans Into
confusion In a sharp Infantry engage
ment, cut their wire entanglements
and overwhelmed their' trenches.
On the rest of the front there la
nothing to report
Headquarters of the army reports
that fighting at Kartaurgan continues. -We
captured many more oltlcers and
The pursuit of the defeated Turkish
forces continues from QUI In various
Continued from fane One
declared tq have succeeded In silencing
the German guns and alight gains have
been made.
Near Craopne and Rhelma violent can
nonading continues with the honors rest
ing wth the French. ,
The statement also claims successes for
the French troops near Lombaertayde and
Becelaere, In landers, and the capture
of German positions on the Arras-LUIe
On the Memo the French have de
stroyed pontoon bridges established by
the Germans at fit. Mlhlel. This la a
most Important success' for the French
as the Qermans have held their positions
here for many weeks, constantly threat
ening to drive a wedge ntq the French
army by orosilng- the Meuse.
The French also report the capture of
German trenched In . sharp infantry
engagement at Senones In the Voages.
Austriaus Announce Bepulae of Ef
forts to AdTance.
VIENNA, Jam H.-Tbe War Offloa an
nounced that the- Russian attacks on the
positions along the Nlds. have ended tor
the present.
Eveiy effort to take the Austrian posi
tions In thii station, ha been repulisd
with very heavy losses to the enemy and
almoat none to the Austrian, the ottl
etsJa eti
In th eastern Carpathian and i
southern Bufeawia oty urumponaat
tKirmljIwa btr riconndifertng par-
ma avi imm piae ami,, jn warns.
Continued from Page One
of the mysterious alumnus whose name
la being concealed, and said I
Can you call this demostratlon oftr
Williams replied that he could and the
notice In Thursday's paper was the re
sult. "Williams admlta be knows the name
of the alumnus whose Influence put such
a sudden and oomplete end to the elabo
rate plana of the University students to
participate. He will not divulge 'this
Proroet Smtth. although atvtntf out the
name of tha alumnus who suggested th
demonstration, for some reason he ru
fused to explain, would not glvo the
namo of the man who halted the pro
Proroet Smith said In hi first conver
sation the suggestion of a political com
plexion to the mass-meeting came from
the student body, and that he left it
entirely In their hands whether to hold
tbe parade.
"Do you know the names of the In
fluential alumni referred to in the Penn
sylvania aa having recommended that
the parade be abandoned?" the Provost
was asked.
"No," he said, "that came up through
tha atudent body, Two or three days
ago, before chapel, a group of students
talked It over with me. Some seemed to
lack enthusiasm for the parade. I asked
them why, nnd they said certain alumni
had suggested that the University keep
out of the mass-meeting on the ground
that It was political,
"'If thafa bo,' I said, 'do not hav
tha parade.'
M finally left the matter entirely In
their hands."
"will you give the names of those
students who made the suggestion?" was
"Well," said the Provost. "I don't
think I should do that without seeing
"Did any one else ask you to withdraw
your sanction for the parade?"
"No; I didn't withdraw It; I left the
matter In the hands of the students. I
do not believe the University should get
Into things of a political nature. Per
sonally, I was In favor of the transit
meeting. I am In favor of the plana for
transit development."
"Then you did not withdraw your aano
tlon for the parade, aa stated in the
"I did not."
The workings of the all-powerful hand
that duped the citizens of Logan hove
not been brought to light aa yet. The
Logan Improvement Association held a
mass-meeting lost night for the purpose
of planning a vigilance committee.
Cltisons whose homei have been robbed
and their neat door neighbors, ardent
supporters though they are of the transit
plans, were told It was their first duty
to protect their homes from robbery
They went to a meeting at which a vigi
lance committee was to be formed, and
came away with no more protection for
their homes than they had before. On
this account the Logan delegation was
not in the parade.
The vigilance committee was not
formed. Instead, resolutions to Councils
demanding more lights and pollcemon
were ndopted And In the meantime the
transit demonstration was going on at
the Academy of Music and Logan was
not there to participate In it.
"E. J. Latterly, president of the Logan
Improvement Association, denied that
Logan was not represented nt the mass
meeting. He expressed the opinion that
the section was as well represented as
any other part of the cltj
The representation would have been
larger. In Mr. Laffem's opinion, had the
transit demonstration not been on tho
same night as the meeting of the Logan
Improvement Association. He said he
told Director Taylor that he would not'
call on" this meeting o the association or
postpone It so Logan- residents could go
to the transit meeting.
Mr. Lafferty also denied any Influence
had been brought to bear In Logan to
dlveit residents from the transit demonstration.
Creations In spring gowns which were
to have been shown at an opening next
month were destroyed by fire early to
day In the store of Solomon T. Stein
berg, southwest corner 18th and Chest
nut streets. The cause of the fire is
unknown. The loss is estimated, nt $400.
Cenllnned from Tare One
told how some of thelong-faoed, 'terribly
nice ladlea" In the pews On the Sabbath,
"hang over tho back fences throughout
the week and tell all the bad thing" they
know about their neighbors, "
"Thou shalt not bear falao witness, he
hurled at the audience with terrlfla force,
and then he told many Interesting and
amusing stories of tho way some of the
gosMpers set.
"Tou say! 'Good morning, Mrs. J,( have
you Ifeard the latest anout airs, b.7 i
feel so sorry for tho family.' Tou are
a miserable old liar, for If you felt BOrry
you would keep your mouth shut. Tou
miserable old gimlet-eyed, plgeon-tled
thlngl I tell you, the devil Is so afraid
of somo of you women he wouldn't get
Within 20 feet of you. Tes, nnd some of
you old he-gosslpers that can loaf In n.
livery stable or a booze Joint and rip
people's reputations to a shred, and you
don't stop to find out whether It Is true
or not. 'Thou shalt not bear false wit
ness.' Quit lying about people," said
Mr. and Mrs. William Jennings Bryan
will attend the "Billy" Sunday service
In the tabernacle tomorrow evening" If
plana laid by the Secretary of Btato In
anticipation of his Philadelphia visit are
carried through,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bryan will arrive In this
city nt 8MG p. m. from Washington, nnd
will he met bv Louis Cobb and Thomas
Martindale, representatives of the Poor
Richard Club, whoso guests they are to
be at a banquet In tho Bellovue-Strat-ford
later In the evening,
Mr. Bryan has expressed a desire to eee
his old friend "Billy" In action against the
devil In this, hla biggest campaign. He
and Mrs. Bryan have Tlsltod the ovan-
gellst In Pittsburgh and in hla home at
Winona Lake, Ind and have continually
manifested their Interest In the revival
Hlll" telegraphed Secretaiy Bryan
this morning of the plans for the return
visit which he and Mrs. Sunday expect
to make to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bryan In Washington on Monday, where
Sunday will preach In Convention Hall.
Although It was Seoretnry Bryan's wish
that "Billy" and Mrs. Sunday dine with
him at that tlmo. Mr. Bunday said today
that he did not see how It could bo done
"unless he gives us good old-fashioned
mush and milk that we con eat In a
hurry." Tho Sunday party will return
to Philadelphia on Monday evening.
"Great! Great! Great!"
That's the way "Billy" Sunday de
scribed his feelings this morning over
the success of his "home-run" hitting at
sin and the devil at lost night's taber
nacle meeting when S84 men and women
"hit the trail."
"It's a sure manifestation that the
spirit of Christ Is arousing the church
people of Philadelphia and that the sin
ners are feeling the power of God," he
said. "Not much wonder tho boozo sellers
and the partners of the devil's family
aro howling against me and the revival.
Old Nick certainly was on the run last
It was an Inspiring scene. Repenting
the scenes In the tabernacle on Sunday,
when 1140 persons hit the trail nt two
meetings, there were loud prayers and
shouts of joy, nnd the great ruulleiico of
many thousands joined In singing the
cheery revival hymns.
"Como on, Germnntown! Come on,
Philadelphia! Come on, choir! Throw
away your hymn books come on and
stand up and join the army for Jesus
Standing high above the laughing, sing
ing, weeping, Joyous throng, the evan
gelist waved his arms and sounded his
call. Perspiration fell from his face at
every move nnd the muscles In his neck
were drawn tense. Like the leader of a
regiment, as It rushed forward to meet
the enemy with bayonets pointed, "Billy"
urged the men and women to leave the
world of sin and come forward for clean
liness, honesty and devout service to God.
And how they old come' By twos, by
fours, by scores and In crowds of half
a hundred they hit the trails. The as
sistants to Mr Sunday were kept busy
escorting the converts to seats in tho
glory rows Many of those who came
forward had tears In their eyes. Others
were laughing Some of them Just looked
ftralght ahead, their- Jaws set and their
teeth grinding. In the presence of the
thousands they stood up bravely and con
fessed their sins, and then, with hanging
heads nnd peace showing In their faces,
they sat down quletlv before the evan
gelist and repeated simple prayers
"Lord, Lord, have mercy on me, a
sinner. Help me to play square. Help
me to live for God and His church," they
Hot Shot From Taylor
In High Speed Battle
"Any one mho dara to interfere with or to retard the tiu'i develop
ment mil face the tvrath of the people."
"Inaction on the part of the Union Traction Company mil force the
city reluctantly to secure an independent operator to equip and operate the
city-owned system, in competition mth the existing system." i
"The people mil not permit a few selfish obstructionists to throttle the
proper extension and development of the city."
"Immediate action should be tal(en by City Councils so that the 'morl(
can proceed. If the special election to authorize the increase in the city's
indebtedness be held early in March actual construction can be begun in
"We shall stick together as a united citizenship and fight all delays
and all opposition which may appear until the city is committed to an adequate
transit development and the construction begun."
"Persons or interests who attempt to thwart the will of the people will
have to reckon with the ire of an incensed public."
"On March 20, 1915, the actual construction of the Philadelphia
Rapid Transit system will be started by the opening of ground in either
IV ashing ton or Independence Square in the line of the transit drainage
"The population of the city increases oVer 30,000 per year. We are
not going to force these people into flats and tenements because of the lack
of transit facilities."
"The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company must face (he issue in a
manner just to the public, otherwise 1ie Union Traction Company will be
forced by inaction on the pari of the Rapid Transit Company to comply with
its obligations in the premises, II is high lime for them to get together and
co-operate with the ci(y,"
"Discriminatory exchange tickets must be eliminated either under the
terms of the co-operative program, as arranged, or by due process of law,"'
"A street railway company which controls all of the available avenuej
for passenger transportation throughout (he city is, in fact, a monopoly and
cannot successfully decline to extend its system when and as reasonably re
quired to do so by public necessity,"
"The stockholders of the Union Traction Company should think veil
before refusing to accept the terms of the co-operative program, for the city
is going to establish the high-speed system regardless of any opposition."
"Scores of thousands of men are out of work- They do not want
charily; they want employment and the city can give them employment
promptly upon the construction work of these high-speed lines."
"We must be fair to the workingmert and women and (o their children
and secure to them their rights by relieving the existing discriminations against
"Tfa total cost of the lines recommended for immediate construction
will be $46,000,000. The city has never had an opportunity to invest
mqnej) at such a great profit to itself ard to Us citizens."
"Philadelphia has the smallest subway-elevated line of all the big
"Vast areas, of lani in every direction remain undeveloped on account
af inadequate transit facilities."
7k sttih)iihm0itl nf tiAmtMl tr.,it 4t)U1m !! ..!,'.?.... ,'.j.L.
- " T- W.-.WT-". s. .- t ,,.. ., w, ,MV, ., ",, b,IliI,lJlB UIIOllTFi I
I alls eongittim on turf act i. exemtivt time, toil and hcommienc"
Continued from Fara One
united clllienshlp woutd-flght all oppo
sition until construction or the nign-speea
nyslem was begun, nnd the prolonged ap
plause and cheers which greoted this
declaration proved that he would have
adequate support. .
George H. Williams, president of the
committee of League Island employes,
under whose auspices the meeting wAs
held, extended his thanks to the people
for their co-operation and explained
briefly the need of better transit facilities
to and from League Island, He said the
men often had aaked the Rapid Transit
Company to make better nrrangementa,
but could get no satisfaction. A little
snowstorm last winter, Williams de
clnrcd, delayed trafTic to tho yard to such
nn extent that 65 per cent, of the men
lost n day's pay.
Tho Rev. M. J. McSorley then offered
n short prayer, In whloh he expressed the
hope that all concerned would dial with
the mighty project with prudence and
Justice for the greater happiness of tho
whole city.
Construction of tho high-speed system
at the earliest possible moment waa
urged by Captain William S. Benson,
commandant of the League Island Navy
Yard, tha next speaker. He said!
"Aa an officer of the national govern
ment I feel It Is my duty to advance the
navy yard In every way. My Impreselon
Is that Philadelphia has not been fair to
the men of tho yard. Many of tha men,
who are not obliged to report tor work
until 8 oo1odt In tho mornlnsr, are there
at 7:80 o'olook beoauso they do not care
to take chances of being: late.
"Last winter many lost hours and
others lost days because of the Inade
quate tiatislt service. There are 2500 men
employed at League Island at present,
nnd soon thete will be double that num
ber "It should be borne In mind that
League Island Is the base of the reserve
fleet and the marine corps. Frequently
orders are recetved to movo large bodies
of men at short notice, and the impor
tance of proper transit facilities' readily
la seen.
"Then, too, when the yard la devel
oped, It will bring many more enlisted
men here, and there should bo means of
going to and from League Island ns
quickly aa possible. Tou can realise that
wo ar greatly Interested and feel that
you will welcome our aid and co-operation."
The audience showed Its approval by
hearty applause,
Captain Benson then Introduced Con
gressman Graham, chairman of the
Mr. Graham was warmly welcomed.
After explaining his belief In representa
tive government, he said:
"The town meeting Is greater than
Councils, greater than the Legislature,
greater than Congress. The voice of the
people Is the voice of power. Philadelphia
Is a great slant who has been asleep, but
Is awakening from his lethargy and be
coming ncttvo. We need Increased transit
facilities. We want n subway on Broad
street to the navy yard In order that we
may keep League Island one of the great
est naval bases In tho United States. Bet
ter service also Is required for Frankford,
Darby and other sections. We, as Phlla
dclphlans, must act In this matter as a
unit. Kvcry part of the city Is Interested
In every other part, I want you to speak
everywhero you so with a voice of power
for an improvement In this direction
which will be lasting.
'Thp cost should be borne by the city
Secretary, in Sharp Rc
Admits Appreciation
f-i r urn. i
ocrvicc or I hose. $Jj
Work m Politics
l am giaa to Have the pubBo v?"
t I appreciate the aervloe S3
work In politloa and f eel $
In seeing them rewarded, i. .$
k received his reward . Cr...i
so that every man can have his share In
the result when It la accomplished. We
are not advocating an attack upon exist
Ins Investments. I appeal to you as
Phlladelphlans that your civic pride shall
bring you warmly, earnestly and posi
tively to tho support of the project which
will benefit all. Phlladelphlan's history
shows n record of patriotism and emer
gency which cannot be excelled by any
other city In the world."
When the cheers had subsided, Mr.
Graham read messages expressing a sin
cere hope for the success of the projeot
from Mayor Blankenburg, Governor
Tener, Governor-elect Brumbaugh and
United States Senator Penrose.
The Mayor said he was with the meet
ing In spirit If not In person. Mt. Brum
baugh expressed himself similarly. Sen
ator Penrose advocated a special elec
tion to obtain transit funds and the con
struction of the proposed system at the
earliest possible moment.
Director Taylor, who had been sum
moned outside to address delegations of
several thousand business men and
trade union organizations from North
and Northeast Philadelphia, then ap
peared and was Introduced by the chair
man. Prolonged applause greeted him.
Mr Taylor launched right Into an array
of facts which held the earnest atten
tion of the audience. He made no at
tempt at oratory, but drove his truths
home bv statistics.
The Director declared that any one who
daied to Interfere with or retard the
city's development would face the wrath
of the people. He called attention to
the fact that many thousands of nen
were out of work who did not want char
ity. "They want employment," he as
aetred, "and the city can give It to
them by Immediate construction of the
high speed lines "
He said inaction on the part of the
Union Traction Company would force the
city reluctantly to obtain an Independf
ent operator to equip and ooerate the
clty-owned system In competition with
the existing system. His address fre
quently was Interrupted by applause.
At the conclusion of Director Taylor's
address, a workman of the League Island
Navy Yard asked Congressman Graham
to present the resolutions which
unanimously adopted.
The parade before the meeting was
led by the marines and bluejackets of
the NaVy Yard and was In charge of
Grand Marshal Harvey A, Zahn. Ills
aides were Lewis H. Kenney, Andrew A.
OUep, William i O'Brien, Edward II.
Coward, John R. Chlsholm, George H,
Williams, Thomas F. Maher, Clifford T,
Moore, Joseph O, Kane, John K. Mao.
Mlllan, Marine Band, V. S. N.i Marines.
U. 8, ,: Sailor. V. 8. N.
The blue1ac''ets w(-e 'o"o-ert hv
workmen of the vsrlous departments
numbering In all more than 3000 men
Headed by the Navy Vnrrt Bund, they
proceeded up Brosd street at 7;J0 o'clock.
passing around the east o of Ct " I
to Broad and Filbert -streets. Hero dele
gations of the Frankford Business Men
and Improvement A'so'lat'nn -nd V
northeast organizations Joined them ard
at the west entrance of City Hall, the
"'ood'a -d A,-ein Ru - . i
other West Philadelphia orgamwtlona
took th-tr "ls'e ' ' - ra a e th.n oro
ceMert to the Academy
Most of the marcher wore hteh hat
and carried pennants with the Inscrip
tion, "Taylor For Rapid Transit." .
Before the opening of the meetlnrPthe
audience wa entertained bv the I'ollce
Band, whleh, won much favor.
Father and Infant Burned to Death
NEW YORK 4at IS. A fa her and
two Infant children wen burned to
death in a fir la th tenement at w
8th avenue todar- The bit started to
the cellar and apreai rapidly. Other
tensor rOihed panteratiWkea, ieaatltr
etad to tha fire-ficapt-s, whr 1&f vera
issued y polte and firtmou,
State Bryan today sharply ratfrSh!
the nubtlcntion nf hi. !,.- . TAS.
W. Vlok, former American IUmJS
Customs In Ban to Demlnn ,...
show thnt TlrvAn ,iImh.i.j .. Lsi
-"w me
system In politic.
Bryan dlotated this statm.-,.
"I am glad to have the rjuhm, tI
that I appreciate the ! St
AlnlA raaslvad lila .. J
'" aw,D,uu. uib lOHftiTl IO twin,;
work, I thought he was a goodS
address an expression of my onhZHJ
tho subject" "i"1"
niaw iohk, Jan. 15. W. j, $fjl
politician, loomed up large yeMertiS
the President's lnreatlgatlon Into Uewt
who la keeplnir Jamea Mark Brihfijl
ooenlr ahoraoterisad u -trj.it '.'1
In the $10,000-a-year Job aa mm'S'
Santo Domingo. Hearing lariat rfr
the Dominican scandal are belnj US'
nero uj- special commissioner Jmt1,
Phelan, Senator-elect. jjjg
Not only ha Mr. Bryan whllewJlSjt
Minister Sullivan, according to the imlI
monr, but the Secretary of ati. C3
also ought job In Santo Doifi
"with whtoh to reward deserving Di
crate." fe
Witnesses yesterday said that a tf
000 loan to tha Dominican aovtrsMstl
oy me national city uanK of New ft
(which got the loan In competition!
the Banco Naolonal, organized by Uui
terests which, It Is alleged, put BallhtT
,ln as Minister) was the "meat" etui1
entire situation. Si
Walker Whiting Vlok, formerly AoaV-
can receiver of customs of Santo p?
mlngo. Introduced In evidence the fonS?
lng letter from Secretary Bryan: : -'SJ
"Department of State, Washington, Ji
August 20, pal
"Hon. Walker W. Vlok, Santo DejiiliS?
"My Dear Mr. Vlck Now that youttti
arrived and are acquainting yourlftti
the situation, can you let me know vtu
positions you have at your dlipoisTtltt'
-which to reward deserving DemoenUI
Whenever you desire a suggestion fas
me In regard to a man for any plid
there call on me. i
"You have had enough expt rinci Jt I
futitiu, iu niiun nun ,niu-uio nvii
are when the campaign Is on and kej
difficult it Is to find suitable rewirdilsi,
all the deserving. I do not knw.
what extent a knowledge of SpanliS a
necessary for employes. Let m toMtr.
wnaj. is requirea, losemer wnaut
salary, and when appointments are llWij
to be made. fj-j
"Sullivan will be down hefore lone tSrJ
ou and he together ought to. be lUj
to bring about such reforms as tniyw
necessary there. You will find SulHvu
a strong, courageous, reliable fellow, Til'
more I have seen of him the better inW
fled I am that he will fit Into the piiaj
lucre miu uu wuui la Iicuenaai7 iv v,
done. W. J. BRTANJJ
William E. Pulllam, 82 Beaver iUW
r.o.lv.. nt nalfim. nrlnr tn Mr. Ylcrf
appointment, one of the prlnclpltTW
nesses yesterday, classed the adTeoR
Bryan policies In the United SUtu
oelvershlp in Santo Domingo as "tlufi
ference between treating the rcifrj5
as an altruistic mission and trestlnjji
as a political exploitation." f
When Mr. Bryan learned that tbe'JJt',
tlonal City Bank had received tW-VI
loan In preference to the Banco NM
lin Immarilatelv thnucht Of the WW
t.,,1 nmwi! " -fr Pillllnm MAld. Ifidlklti
was like waving a red flag ti the f ace f
a bull with Bryan." Bryan lent Wi in
clusive ears to the Banco Naclonsl crjJ
Mr.' Pulllam, who has been 20 yearTSu
the Government service, made tMi'"!
lowing suggestion at the opening aja
testimony; . fm
"It you want to get at the mest Jf J
whole mlx-up and scandal I uggeit IMJ,
you call on the National City BMii'jj,
send a representative who can .expua
this Ji.uoonoo loan"
Justice Knllach Crltlcleed
. n.v .,nrs- ..mV It .f,l
Kallech. presiding Justice In the trSUJl
T.nnl. TflKthnl. U tnben to talk '"I'l
lalm,nt laBlfnA fnrinv hv W. F. S$?,
who says his notion In pasln uoojiWfB
appeal or ex-uounciimen iuntu -73,
Dougherty from his own rullnge 1
out precedent.
Offirlal Foreran
TWADinvnTftW. Jin.
. -o ,i...l ,nA Nir7
Bey; Fair tonight and Saturday! mm
colder tonieht In norm ana wen wa
1,1-- ji.,.,.i ..., ... nvr I.lllf,
Ana uiaiuruaiito uiafc , v.- - jsfj
perlcr yesterday has drifted 0TOOTi
wara to the vicinity of Lake'Ontfnw
has formed a trouEh.ltke depreMloa im
wa j a similar disturbance that Is aPP'HB
off the north Atlantic coast, i""Ba
nnm,n ianmA l'V tlffht ratUS Pt?'
portion of the north Atlantic 'Wfgfii
night, with a moderate rise In "WSSI
tura in all ot the pormeasjern "3M
the country. 8now flurries V.wfSl
along the northern border from ''"JSf
perlor westward, while light fln,..:Jst
been general in tne Racine ann jjr
.. . i
L. 5, Weather Bulletin
Qbttrvations miie st 8 a in.. fcn,
':. jffl
let; nain-
Sk.W'iv.3 3" si if
. .. - in
W jmii 1 1 ,nnyiniBLin"'"c " - , . ,,, xii i.w vwi muv,fr j ). ,5e- , , j
lluton. li,...Jt XI
Burtslo. N. Y... J3 l
L'hlcaso, III .... SO M
Clenlsnd, O... so w
Dnvr, Cot.. ..MM
D.i Holn la. as it
Dttrott, Mich... M SA.
Oututh. Minn.. 10 4
Glfton. Tt BU
llsitera. N C n 'a
tltm, Mont . ao so
Hurin U "' '.'
'tinuue. K "
KftnMS 1 -It) Mo. 0 W
Loul.vllle, K . St SO to
ileinphti. T.nn
New OrUine 81 12
New yorlt tl
Nflrth Platte U 3
OkUboms., Okie. 41 if
PMlafelpola , .. M
PhMBtx. Arts , ii
PttUburth. P. i
pariuao Mi "
PorlUnd On
OueKc, Ctn
at Isufc Ma
1 CUil
i am
S cicse
so 2
4 m
f L-
Mn KriocSJco .
Scrtntan, Fa
Ttnir . .
"Btsair wjit
aa a nl
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