WWWHH'L-1''tt3W'll(l-W W 'Wly B,iiJiU"4UWWlill'JIM)lJW MWWP'wt iijuTj1jwliwfeNiWW''"wj :i:iir i iiT.jiiwljiinipgipiiife irmpiw v, i(,wiw"iyfpiii Wiii;ui.(JM!iJ i-CYLINDER UTO PROHOUNGED IfRIUMPH OF GENIUS m Form of Engine Will fecvolulionize Molor In dustry, Expert Says. Biow Closes Tomorrow. Sraf the mot striking teatures at tha SSlelphlft Automobile Trnde AssocIr fe. show, now belli luld In the Met- P. '..... n-.l ,l tU -K((tl HIIIIU1I1K, "' "" ".... feu li the now eight-Cylinder type of fifL'nslne. This engine la practically fft M far as Ideal power In con Jm Theoretically nnd practlenlly the ffiicyllnder lins been found far better JTj. .... tli a air .,PM1 Merrill, of Detroit, one of the J.pwted auinoruieB m mc .. uu J.monitratlnR the power of the Cadll- HBfeltM, remarked fer the mind of the builders the elRht- tflktit type of engine la about as per il.. . .. i. nmalhln to make It. t mean fc at viewpoint of power. The Ideal fcLtf i that which la conatant nnd rcSrf varies. In water and In wind, Kftn fcoth of thoao elements aro steady, TEkira Weal power. The single-cylinder I'tefta. s thing of the past as far as thu n.Mi In concerned, gives nnn urcar .. .ffnrt imward when there Ir a mit drop In temperature with result- 1 .5 a ahJ mnnllillAai AfttW ', twla-cyUnder engine there was still Ttrut deal lost. In the four-cylinder . 4 wa im. a" - " " " I ".'-. mnafderably overcome. How- Tit remained tor the eight-cylinder jjn, to solve many questions. Wltl ".' ...i .wiiMrtiti. nnirinn inn n inipnrv 7f the driving power of cars hfta been !lv.nl many per oent. The eight will I L.Ki)Ir beoome the standard type. It llilfflost penoui in. .............- "It IS hardly pruunuiu wmi wj ui un jii ...r witness the triumph of a 12- !, engine. To all practical purposes it ttght would liavo the is wiuppea B1BT Waji. J."e utile auvai,ta.t: w wo Blued from the building of a 12-cycle sites would not repay the builders for manufacture. The extra use of lubrl imi and Increased quantity of gasoline Mica Ifouia do rwiuuou iuu wr would be too expensive. The eight III come to stay, nlifonal firing in the eight, as 'In S.u.f tvnes of engines, results In !iath running with very little loss of jrttr, Home ioik navo hii iucu. umi uu Lf cycllnders on one aide of t"ho engine il llrtd at the same time. Such Is not mcu. The firing is done diagonally, in Impulse offsetting the other and all 'iemMnins; to make a most wonderful iWblnatlon of power, night here let me correct the Impression that the energy 'iiriloped In a gasoline engine Is a result il in tiploslon of the gas caused by titof, There Is no oxploslon. The gas b' burnt. This heated gaseous matter ivMllei the propelling cycltndrlcal lm- p:'Ji. ji"Ti)Vrove that the elght-cycllnder en rtr4 til come to stay, let me say that tiler the engine was pronounced roady foripproval It had been subjected to a ml of W.OCO miles under most trying JtpMoni. It Is a radical change from thi'ili. but I am sure In the end tha Wiooblllsts will simply fall in love ta it" Rut nltht was society night "and mans- it Philadelphia's society folk came and ialoyed the show, which Is the talk of llii country. tTba ihow will end tomorrow nlcht. Tho toon will be closed at 10:30 o'clock. On and after February IS the Iteiral ttlei organization, with headquarters at B-3 North Broad street, will exhibit and iimositrate their Iteeal cars. m. PJiexion cars of new and distinctive bmiu may tie Inspected at 629 North bell itreet. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAT iting STTI.T1 TTPOT a 1II. thl.t '-r-- - - " v 4...V V..4 & Iniertlon 1.1c txr Itn -Ha pr tin 1 SuMMons In a wtok. Ifeto toiuecutlye InitrtlonV.'. WW Tin. nn,ran ai.. j . jtallaawetlc loo pr line BUS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Si..lima..a ul elamncatlons icpt Hlp S?.Stttt'00f.wn, t nd round. Per- Jl!itrUon '. 20o per Una 'J InMrttons In a week.... 17V4e per lint Iw-Uae eonuaot (dally ad- KrUdao ; 12V4o per line llMt Itnee to tha Inch. Bp'g N0TICE3-ther paper- ... 60o ... 11.00 tnnrtiom , TikTT.-r riMr.v H Efftct Dtcimber 1, 114. rrWfTlfXT ATTriM TATt? iMrUoa la toth tb morning and evening PUBLIC LEDGER (UORHINO) EVENING LEDGER (DVBNJKa) Jfcw etsU per Una net to rata alvaa ttrnfVSP ...B1TUATIONS WANTBD Kl'nPBn'O IN TUB PUBLIC LHDOEJl mtA wS5SX?S lti H evenino ..mU ,M.JJ4 i AWnAAi . 1. - . Wei.!!, t alUI' tor near your home that liS.gm Ledier want d at office rate PEBSONAtB Ja.1?rrTOK'iiAa movedi i!K7.: " North 8th (above Aroh), ISJ" aulta to hlr. Lar lu 6icu- t etenlBir WUUUI1' loF aae. upea aay t5CT!""rH TH l-ABQVB ATKTHI I ti.''prVlon. would HKe to meetTidy LiiiNORTH 8TH (ABOVE AHITH. HEW? WANTED FEMALE pri.olty paraanentt In. aal. iowaatalra work for fmlfyo7 jfiW Cheetout. before a oolook. ?Y -.wusvr LUin saai.tofj ynaay morninr i KLSS"?,?1, Oerman tri to auul aiexk. jOia w Buaquehlnaa ave, uwui. j 137. Leaser CXIlca. i. MKO- pooKWaaart a4 ?U(V. T.. Ir "ooa By -,b ter at once lot thla (raa lfin. i! ? ,(aieri:(aV Dapart oj (eoeral offtca worki ilvo rafer- SiadaUle aalary. P am. Lodger Offlea. tasoUataat, kltahenoook onlyi oouap-y. !lfiTlaclvy.il?rm?ntl.T waeVly, J.S4 "waa m fcasTii, 4 , m t, HEfcP WANTEDMALE it..rt.I.'N.!L-.vi!o. "as HBI.O A vVi'iV.'.'i.V V5 ' ':... .!? f ANHWBIl- 5i?J,Ti,- r 1 ta-ilVl.lP r,l BHII'i, KSirv i vti Rnti.t. J nil. LEtxiF.n AM..,?'lf, 1IH 'or auburbe, man M houeemnni mual know how to run automo- "lie1, ti 13(1. ledger orfle. iii"M'5ST,.l,T,..T.'"3 Lat iSt Jufriiona Vtnsi! ANVltcTl ",N?. ANll VDIKIU8 AM' . I'-TII-IIATK PI.A.NT. STATU IV Tllll!r. I.EDOKn OFFICE. i'f.N efralt rillablai aollclt; eirelUnl nropo .altloni big reiurni. 210 t,nd TUlamilldjn. SAt,BSMAN. aondi collector, work with oom marrlal phntntnlicn ealary and commla i!H,ib0Jlljr9ulrdJl)s7! ledger Central, 6ALE8MAN Eper. mam excluiUe local ler . rltoryi com, baele 01 Drexel Illd after 10 TtNBMITII - flood lln.mllh wanted Friday morning, In report S o'clock, 410 Carpenter at., Oertnanlpwn WAjjTlSr&A" litgli-grniie man of rnanaglna ability In overy community for a buelneie of wonderful merit, moet aalable produot aver pin cM before tho publlo and a neceeelty In every place of bualneae, homo, alio to auto mobile and boat owners. A repeat order bual neea in a rlaea by Utelf. whro volume of nlrs and profile hip unllmlled. rharaelr. Integrity and oriranltntlnii tock of a poeltn uaianlrn and rxilmhp lerrltori tine to thrro wfeka' Kiippl) nmcuntlna lo JIOO to l!.ViO to alart Don't mlea ihia real oppor tunity, M II la clenn-cut and rlaht In eery I articular. Telephona Walnut In7!i, or write 1-A-V. Co., 1213 Kllliert at., I'hlla., i'a. WANTF.D 0 expert mnaaalne aollcltora for work In the downtown district durln Sunday aorvlceai must have references; write today. The rreb tartan Banner, I'ltuburgli, Ta, WANTED A man to work on Terry tonel loonn: nno familiar with bualneea M 11.1, 1 'leer Office. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE AMTlltlCAN I'rol.. mlddlr-mird. laliea a po altpin, plain took houeil(trjor nnuntr prif : no laundry work. Add 1) 2uci, I.eOser funce. nOOKKBRPEn. cashier, aeneral office aailal ant ulth thorouah training unl experience: XIl'ST HAVF, employment, will make Rood In reiponelbls position J T37. ledger Cen tral. BOOKKKUPEIl and ihler. oum lady, gen nral oxperfence. would accept ftBBlfltnnt'a po sition, operate typewriter, J 010. Led Cent. BOOKKEEl'En. typewriter. B cars' fxperl fnco: beat rferencoa from preaent emplojer. J DjO. Ledger Central. BOOKKKni'Ert Thor, nx;,.. cabbie of InkliiK entlo- cliarKi ood correrpnmlmt and typhi . knowlodnc of atcnoisrapliv II "IT. Led. Cent DOOKKl"Bl'EIt itld utenoKraphcr. ten cnra' experience, baMnc Initiative and oxecutlm ability, beat of refa. J MT. ledger Central. 'EOOKKDEPllll. caahler, typlit. A years' exp ; competent, references. J 1I7, Ledger Central. flOOKKKBI'nn, caahler. experienced, noat penman, rapid anl accurate. J 8V, Ld Cent CHAMntiRMAlD-AND rAii RESiT- French woman; reforonccs. Phono 14 1 Llanorcli cTfAMllE"firOnK and waiting or light hnuac" worki no waahlne or Ironing. Phone Dlck.D.IT. CIIAVnraHWOHK or State Proteetant girl light houaework: up L 128. ledger Ofnce. OLLHK--Flle. card flto experience. J tatema, typiac, general oi SM. ledger Central. COOK White woman wanta poaltlon cooking In private family and rtownatalra work; long experience; good reference. :JJ02 North tlth arreac. COOK Competent German-American woman wliihea poaltlon aa cook. gW.1 Chrlatlan at. CO'JK, experienced, all tranchea baking and paltry. I. 1.15, Ledger Ofdce COOK, competent. Engllih Hroteatarit. deilrea poiltlon; good refeitnce. 1820 Falrmountave. COOKING and downatalra work, colored, "com petent and experienced; refa 1010 Webitar at. COOK J NO, chamberwork or houaework, no laundry work; colored girl. Ij132, Led. Off. COOKINO and dowmtalra work: willing to anlat with laundry. L 1.11, Ledger Offlce. DAY and ovenlng claaaea In sewing, cutting and me of patterns. 272d N. 13th DAY'S WORK Young colored woman, experi enced; furnlih belt refa. 72il 8. Watts at. DHESSMAKRH, good fitter and styles, wants engagements home, out. 1W1D Montroie. Dlok- iron . ,. DKEHSMAKElt, exper.. on evening and atreet . . f. ...,ilaa. n liAmaa n n. T -Arl tiff. IjCWri. UUCIaT 1CI lt.P IIV"a' a "rTT. DUBaHMiAKEIl. first claia, wiihes engage- niClllB uy UP?. "'" .a . aw( "" -"' 5IIKSHMAKBK of New York desires angaga'ta; avenlnggownaapeclalty. Phone Wal. 4 W. 5TlnitlENCED wnltrees or chamliermald de elres Bit ; ref, 10SMartln ave Ilryn JIawr. J"inST-CLAS3 German cook wanta position: speaks good KnelUh, best of reference from laL employer Call Ilryn Mawr 845 D. GIUU"co!orod, wishes housework; city, coun try. ref. Call or write, 1731 N. Camao. OlitU Polish, speaka English, wants house work. Call 024 Olive at. OOWNS, EVENING CLOAKS AND TAILOIl ed suits: at horn or out, short notice. O. M. MdNlohola, .1717 Christian at. Phone uiCKinionjwwv HOUSEKEEPER or homework for elderly couple, city, suburbs; Protestant, good ref erence!. 0.10 S. 60th st. HOUSEWORK White Protestant girl, thor oughly experienced; privilege of attending night achool. L 184, Ledger Office. inJUbEWORK No laundry work; small fam". "iff "city pref.: Prot. 18J8 N. Wllllngton at. HOUSEWORK, small family, or chamberwork ana waiting. rua. wio iirisuun . JlANAQINO H8KPR. Woman of ability and exp.: school or private. L 110, Led. Office. NBVT colored girl desires position; good coofel raference, 1307 Cambridge. BTENOORAPHER Expert, experienced in aeo- retarlal wora, gooa corresponaent, capaoiv oc taklnc charge of offlce and private work; know!, or DOOKKeeping. ti i, .caaer en. STENOORAP1IER Efficient and conscientious young lady desires position where application to work will ba appreciated. J 840, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, efflclent and conscientious, desires position with opportunities; moderate salary, renrgncss. u ., jmbi vuk.. BTENOaRAPHER Bright young lady, 0 yeara' experience, familiar with brokerage business, alio commercial. H 844, Ledger Central, BTENOORAPHER Young lady, aoourata, does neat work, xpard. J 244, Ledger Central. BTENOORAPHER, experienced, expert, accu ratei mod, salary; good rets. D 131. Led Off. WHEN IN NEED of an experienced office as sistant, bookkeeper, stenographer or clerk, call up Walnut 3000 and consult with Miss Dean, of tha Commercial Department, who has a list of high-grade, experienced girls eager for positions. Avail yourself of tha Xraa service to Ledger Advertisers NOW. WIDOW', refined, wishes position, working; housekeeper! adults pref. IB 8. Conestoga St. YOUNG GIRL studying muslo would Ilka posl tlon with lady or refined adult family; handy and willing; bast references; city or suburbs. L 13l, imager unics YOUNa LADY wishes to teach or amuse little children! can teach French and Oerman to beginners, u '', uanr utoi. YOUNO WOMAN ot Intelligence and refine ment, capable and adaptable, will act as traveling companion. qui, mH ,,,. YOUNG GIRL wishes poaltlon, chamberwork or houaework. Call 4S Olive. TOUNU UALIS OSSirca posiliDfi k vuiuuiuh for a taw hours a day. D 133. Lsdgar Offloe.. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, eradlt oollaotlon. off. man., exp., daalr. poa.; bast raf. O 387, Ledyer Off. ALL-AROUND MECHANIC wanta steady po altlon wtin estate, au iu., num v.u.t aalary. Jjacaiuuan, mm insoaof aw. DOOKKEKPER, accountant, Pelrce School grad. and U. of P. avg. achool man, exp., ate sa. aeairaa parra. poauion. j woi. LSB.unt. tUHjjmvturLjn ana uuiva ...ui.. iuii wm, 10, hlfb and bus. college education; good ref, lurnieoaa; moo, saiarr. uo, wmr .m. COY. IT. daalrea position of any kind; natds work. O B3a, Laager Offloe. CHAUTFlOUn ilaobanlo, Irish. 8 year,, ax- .! -. wm & Art il ant- myA itAmnat ant highly raeom,. auTct abatajnar. 8 yeara' tour, con' t, wishes ra-angag. D201. ledger Office. 25LC- nnnvmin and wlfa want Doaltlon as wj.Ae "t-w, n eawn sx UNUI.VEFR. licensed, small plant, or watch man, soft or hard ooal C 82a. Ledger Office 1IOUSB11AN, JANITOR. PORTBR-Young col ored man, positively aobar very best refer? once. D. A. 1814 Catharine at. J APAMEattS-Oootv cook aaalu amploymaat la prtr. fm.i nat, willing wortari axci ref.; auto Hoanaed ohaagaurTj 888, Xadgar Central. MAN AND WTTB--rranoh.eha.uffaur. ..expert machsjilo. and wlfa flrat-olaaa SVanch .cook; highest refarencas, Address 1319 N 8(b st . tslsphona, Kensington 1174 MAN AND WIFE want poaltlona on farm good reference. 1438 qermaauwn aa MAN, Sa, Inside saJ axparlaoca, desires a po- atuw. ox soy 'ul'i t s r " '""' MSOHANICAL Uriugbis xp dtauea poaltlon w edas and ability as a where tscBBkal uowl. Otlliy Sa sdmuuu. iiTiieias EVENING LElXJlOn PHILADELPHIA', PBTHAY, STAliTTTABY SITUATIONS WANTED MALE OFFICE" MAN," 2, deilfe7posltlon7 Pelrce School graduate; thor. converaant In book keeping, timekeeping, payrolls, eta.; conald office exp. In various cap ; sal. mod : Inter view aolfclted H 73. Led. Pr 2000 Ridge ave. PAt.rjflltAN, oulalde man, good peraonallly. nergetle, Inlttatlte, connect with eilabllabed housei pref, mechanical line. J EM, Led, Cent. SECnETARY, alenog , account , off, manager, desires position; best tef. t' 82(1. Ledger .Off tifiCRETARY, 10 yeara' experience! exp. ate nograpiier: moderate eat J B0, Ledger Ctnt STENWIIIAPHKR-Fallhtul. clean-cut young .Jnan, J HI4, Ledger central. , VA t.KT7attendant, renned young man, 21, wishes position i experienced; referencea, li.tilcrOfflct . 10UNO MAN posreaslng Bnanlsh and English commercial experience wishes position here or to represent any buslnssa in South Amer lea; writes Spanish thoroughly. Phone Poplar . BMo p. ic2a Mt, Vemon st. YOUNO MAN, 28 years, registered pharmacist In Pennsylvania, wlshea connection with large drug or chemical house where education, per sonality and business ability would assure mutual satisfaction; slate nature ot work t and salary. D 12a. Ledger Office YOtlNtl MAN employed In evenings desires few hours' work In daytime; telephone ex change, bookkeeping, caahler and clerical ex. parlance: reference for honesty and ability, b 20a Ledger Office. YOUNO MAN, 22, manual training education, .1 ) ears' experience In construction and lum ber camps, desires lo conneot with a firm of fering a future; construction preferred! ref er e resAddressB4pJLedgerCentreh' YOUNO MAN, 24 yeara of age, married, de sires position of any kind; 7 yeara' experi ence In clerical line; best reference. 2218 Cantre'l st OUNO colored man wlahea position as house msn or butler, four yeara' experience; illy inference I712nalnbrlde at OfNO man. I'nherslty student, self-auppnrt- hi, desires work Saturdays. K M, Ud Cent. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COOKS, chambermaids, chlldnursea, house work rlrU, Polish and German girls, want positions: wanted, Oerman cooks and col ored mother and daughter. Miss Rose Dougn- . erty 131.1 W. Olrard at. AUTOMOBILES IVr Hale t.KT MP 8l:l.l. YO! R AITOt FOI1 YOP ON fOMMIHHION. NO CHAIIUKS UNTIL HOI.U, CLIENTS WAITING RALPH UAltAUE, 10TII AND NORRIS FOR DALE Uulck rnceabout, 8100; Stevens Duryea and Mitchell, with delivery bodies, lift) each; also 11)14 Ford touring car, also 101:1 touring. Mnnayunk Garage, Main and Curaon eta,, Manayunk. WE HUT BKVf:itAL late modela of FTank Itn cara ready for Immediate dellierv at at tractive prices SWEETHJN ACTOMOB1LU CO.. HBO Choetnut at. CARS bought, sold and exchanged, 12 a month atoiSKo while sclllna;. sold free uf charge, jllamai-, ri-ti4 N S0th.CaIIUelmont 4SII I IIAV E for sale 11112 Rtutx roadster; In ex ccllenttondllloji P lail. Iwilgcr Office. LOAN.4 on automobile" negotiated, placel In itorage. Lyons Co.. 13.12 Land Title Uldg, AUTO LIVEBY AND OAEAQE3 CRYSTAL PALACE GARAGE Cara taken on dead and live atorase; repay ing a specialty: cara to hire. 1321 Atrdrla st Phone Tioga 0227. BUSINESS NOTICES We csn afford to remodel or repair your furs much cheaper than the large tle- FUAS partment stores We glva you expert workmanship. Phone Xlelmont 2384 W. CHAS J. HOPS. 0137 Arch et, BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES AUTOMOBILE accessories business of Charles Smith & Co., 302 N. Broad St., for sale. Call or address at atore. DAKERY, rent or sale, eatabllahed SO yeara; corner: 8 rooms; stable In tear; good reason for sallng; will bear Imestlgation. Address L M.I. ledger Central. BARBERS having their own establishment can Increase their Income by handling our free talking machine offer. Apply LJ.H2 Arch at. COAL and lumber yard, with feed store; rail road siding; established 40 years; 1318 busi ness 121,000; agent sslltng for heirs. Address M 8317 Ledger Office. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Because of adysnclng age and Illness, my quarter Interest In old-established Cheetnut at bualneas Is for sale A ssfe, permanent Investment; haa for seara paid, and le now paying over 10tJ per annum. Amount re quired, $18,000. Will divide. D 100, Ledger Office. WILL INVEST JBCO0 In established business which will use ground and brick building In Philadelphia, concern muat be sound and rent or buy orooerty to get Investment, 1. 1)87. Ledser Central J5O00 WANTED from a few Investor for proposition of timely Interest; 7 per cent In terest on all money Invested; bank and per sonal references exp-actad and given. E 41, Ledger Central, OABPET CLEANING WEST. PI1ILA. MONARCH STORAOE CO 8c. PER YARD. 8870-73 LANCASTER 'AV& CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS. AND FANCIE8 CLEANED, DYED. MAILHOT.1810 Chestnut. DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD EISH NDW IMPORTATION fine singing Oerman canaries, 1.1 each: every bird guaranteed good singer; cages. 1 upward: csll where you will, the largest and best stock In the city to select from; blrda can safely be sent to all "" by WrE."c. VAIILBI 819 Markat st. FINE-BRED poultry breeding stock: tha finest stock obtainable: Barred Plymouth Rocks. Wyandottss, Leghorn, Buff Cochins, Mlnorcaa; call and aea our Immense atock, B. C. VAHLE, 310 Market st. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DRESSMAKING taught; short, praq. course. MoDowell. 807 Denckla Bldg., 11th A Market. Hemstitching done while you wait, A. Reich, ard. 1118 Chestnut. Pictorial Review pattsrns. EOR SALE ANTIQUES-Chalrs, 100 jrrs. old, 81; mahog. bur.. 810; brlc-a-brac. COq to IS. 785 Walnut. BILLIARD, pool, comb., 2d-hand, bought, aolaT rented, ax'd. Keafer, 820 Qlrard ave. ininNiTirnH antique A Orandfather'a Clock, Imported; an Inlaid centre table, mahogany chalra, atands, ma hogany rockers, 1 feather bed, 8 feather pil lows, carpets, stoves, dlahaa. tabtaa. bade, etc.. couch, glassware. 432 Main street. Had. donflsld. N. J. INSTRUCTION lUQNCII In three months by refined young Parisian lady: easy conversational methods terms moderate. Mile. L. Barthln, 160a Arch 110 a. m.-lO p ro.). Musical - i i-- j-i !. OPJUilA.JU tanor ssirs vuiis, v'iv oholr, torio ano opera, u ww, .emi, w...w. 7i rtr tfimifTTA 'piano and accompanist. Diamond 8434 O. 1131 uiamona. M tsaoner as WANTED FURNITURE iUafc Kens srumuura jp., g.sa ftwiuswi, mw WANTilD To purohaaa for caah tna seat oar- galn to an aiectna J" ,."" iniurt ba modem and, la psrteot ooodltlon; Baker, Detroit or Ohio preferred. AJldraaa D lit. Ledger Offloe. BOOMS F0K BENT BARING. 8840-Hooma furo. or unfum., 24 iloor, for lMUsakeepLnjr1BlnaWI BROAD, N.. 804 Large, attractively furnlsh ad rooms, staam beat, alactria light, aouthern axpoaurei axosUant location i 0 mis. from Silrt of eltyi splaadU dUUBJf wool muU npilanal. Photo displayed at Ledger Oaotral, ISSJSSIRSS Chestnut. lSJl Well-furnlahed slnxla and Vr.M. carnal runalna water, ?ir,?,- . eaae T a m sisaiiis em aaa ff a, is ausj NUT. sa fc.p, . w.umm on aecond floor, board optional, phone. ;.im ioTLi Rnms. slusla oe an aulta. room ,wipp ioru-Rooms. stnxla or aa aulta. Cj3i,,.wi --;j, - bona icust i. vSmHy-f. 4llf Daalrable rooms, private famll imW. tails board next door. Baring 7a rsai x mny, iat w.-- "- - - eStKUT, 4430-BP. vaa,J. warm, cheer io' . Lnv 1. aiirfLea. Preston 6203. CH ful "." w.. . . " T ' ' ' . oo'., . ".--. ..- .-. CHRISTIAN. KRIBTIAN. HOI B"u- nun. . til "bU,' prlvaU temllyi ganUatnaa prat. iixUOifD. if Fraat room. run. watari atuth. axpoii also alas". rnTpUmoad 14MD. ninARD AVE.. 1808 Bright room, prl iam tlri sultUts Tior 1 or 1 raflasd cafholte maa seeVfi 5 Jood home, terms reasonable GREEN 7t Large from room furnished baautlfuUx. aU eoovaolences; suluUe for SSisg gacUamaa, prlv. taja. Phpna. MTVNNTl8SS-CU ai. hath. Utjhaa stte' also auioje rats., srith kltehaaatta, 88 M. yjSSSSJSiSRSSjsr ROOMS FOR RENT TOWRLTON, 8808 Desirable turn, vacancies for a few business people Darlnf 18.12 W SANSOM, 1830 Desirable roeme.elngle or com. muiiicamm UPTTiy lurniingq; quiet SPRINO OARDBN, 1711-trxe comfortsbly furnished front room, sdjolnlng bsth; aepa . rate bedaj suitable for two gentlemen SPRUCtd, 1105 - NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMel! HOME COMFORTS SPRUCE, 118T One or two comfortable rooma, ftirnlshedorunfurnlshed; reasonable. BFRUCR. 2022-Deslrable suite, with prlavte bath; open fire; phone: owner. SPRUCE, 4021-Nwly opened, erv aitretlve fur, rooma; all conevnlencea, Pree, 2M.1 WALNUT, 4303 2d floor, nnfurn., balh; south ern expoauretplesaant roornaPreaton 27.'6 D WALNUT ST., 8021-Faw desirable acancles. turn, or unfum. ; refined neighborhood, prl vsle; phone DTIt, B 282 Large airy roma, from 82.50 a week up. Walnut 0108. UTII, N M Furnished rooms, well healed -rotisekecplng, lodging; conss. Pop, 8042 D 12Tir S., .117 Private family will rent furn front rooma; also other rooms; reasonable 13TH. N , 1041 Large front rooms: well heal ed, ault gentlemen. Poplar B7B4 W, l.vni. N. 000 Nicely furn room, 2.N). home comforts; convenient to centre of city 15TII, N., 82.1 Gentlemen or married couple, well-turnlehed room In refined family 1.1111, c, com fort sbl N., IBS-Two .very desirable., large. r lurmsnaa room furnished rooms: well heated, home cooking. Poplar 8131. lfjTII ST., 8., 414 Two communicating rooma. ad), bath! 88 per weeki board optional. 15TII. S, 420 Second front: larse, aunny.clcni and tv arm. Phone Dickinson Sl1 W. 17TI1, y. 2.V1-Sitting ro6m and bedroom, l alnale room; all convenlencea. 2ITII. N, 1718 Irge furn. or unfur. room private family, Phone. Diamond M177 A. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent with gaa, sult able for light hkpg. 8.1T B. Lehigh ave. Professional Offices, LOCUST, 1B03 Flrat.floor offlca: suitable for oculist or physlclsni 28 per month. 15TH, S.. 314 Physician desires to shsre offl i wjtJirjfUablejloclor:ot he r acncle s. BOARDING AI1CII 202t.202n-llsndrmel furnished, In cluding superior table, td: table. II. CEDAR AVE.. 4902 Desirable fur, rooma with good table board; private. Wood. 2333 P. FA1RMOUNT AVE.. 1007 Dee. vacancleei weli-furn. rooma; good table board; phone PINE. W)27 Two desirable rooms, with bosrd! not a hoarding; house, but a home for a few buelnea gentlemen: garage In rear. Daring 74.12 W. Pluitoilsplavedat Led., Cent. POPLAR. 200ft Clean, warm room, with Rood board, home table, reasonable, POWELTON AVE., 4037 Well-heated, attrac. rma with bosrd: private family jnodc rate SPRUCF 1220-Allractlve rooms; also suite with prltato bath.table board WAI.STT 4rvM lieeiiaiile mrnlhed room; esceptlonal table board, convltarlnK I. 1RTII. N. 174rt Nlielj fllrnlslcd front room running water. exoel.jabJeJ)Ja;moj,lkH. APARTMENTS WALNUT, 1222-24 (Kenwood) Dealrab'e xocs. alngle or en suite: prlv. bathe; will change to eult tenant; moderate rale. Walnut 8181 WALNUT 8T, 1431-Apartmente of 1 to 4 rooms, with baths, furnished or unfurnished first clasa: $23 up. Apply Janitor. SPRING GARDEN, 1010 Excellent ante. In 8 different housee: some furn'd; kitchenettes. CHILTON APARTMENTS 8218 PJARINO ST. Two flrst-fioor rooma: suit dentist or doctor or spartmenla. Mrs. Belle McCIaln. manager I lOM't; HP An Handsomely furnished L.1U1N J HCrtlJ pt -,218.18 Locust. EURNI3HED APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMBNT.4 rooms and bath and reception hall; overlookln Clark lrk neighborhood 41d ft Chester. Preston 2184 t HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS T H E N A S H , 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises FOR VACANCIES and complete Information of all apartments free, consult .,., APARTMENT BUREAU 18th and Spruce sis Thnne Watmit M0, or write forJ'Apartment Directory," January CQlUOn, a? Ifjq. KENT APARTMENTS 1513 HouiekMplnfr Rptrtmenti. 4 roomi and bath; Sjal.OU inonn aw J"im" "ALMONEBSON." 17th. N.O-Housekeep- 1 n g aaiJa:n: rrtgiriivaj ii"hii... 17TH AND CHESTNUT Hkpg apt.. 2 rms . h.Vh. low rent. P. R Co. 1317 Penna. Wdg. REAL ESTATE EOR SALE GERMANTOTTN -HOICE nropartlss In all ssctlons of Gtn., Ml "aSt Chiit ll.l all prices. Write for specie' AIT, V5"l.Ai' .... . - vein n.m.nnn Hit. J. H. uniawics .".. -. -- "SONT AIRT AND CHESTNUT HILL p.lham Trust Co.. 0710 Oermantown ave. NEW JBRBET Atlantlo Cltr. N. J. SNAPS In choice cottagss, hotels.lols. etc, riale. rent. c. Choicest cor. lot Ventnor, 81000 be" cost. Bruckmann. 810 Guarantee Bldg. Haddonfleld. N. J. 777vr nEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES st "wYialn prl?S. WM. CARET MARSHALL. Ml Faderal st.. Camdsn. Woodbury nelghts, X. J. nmnCRAL desirable homaa and Improved, bldg, BTffrt reaaonabla prloes, John Mayhaw. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS Too ACREB. location, land, buildings, water uidraUroad facilities, sit first class; .has rU-rvihlns that goea to make a good farm S.Jeril a?ock farms " ehssp. 1M. s5o snd 2S0 yOUr Wn " tVa.si rHaiar.r P Waal Ch C.nRaarrriIn..FPAnnUl2!ra,kn..6 ..rV! IMosracr. J R. ThamcHn, a.u ... ....... --,. 40 ACR EH 34BOO; Downlngtown dlstrlot; bar ' AD. Hsald. Wast Cheater. Pa. gain. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Allantle Cltr. K. J. iivttct a. cottages, apartments, etc., to ex- "ohaSf. for PWIadslpVla properties CHAS. WR.IlM B. Penna. ave.. Atlantlo City, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 01 a (1REEN BT.. corner onooelte Reading Sta tloniaTSrsaln. Brown. ICC Chestnut it. vtnrtea. Warehouses, Mfr. Jloors. CBNTIVASLOOH ffiAOfeLOWRklNT- Offices, Bualneas Booms, Ete. tTNScCELLED"OPPORTUNITT for phjslelsn "S.Tiatlat central! two rooma; office at low r-?.i" "' R Co .1317 Pennsylvania Uldg Tvn irLOORB, suiiaoia for iiani mauuiac g.ffflces. 844 N. Uroaa at. - ..i-iif or onicas. pot ,w-m -.. 'nk-hAlF of office or desk room for rent! trll looatlon. 21T Welghtmaa Bldg. yraa Phlladelohla. "if-rSS'houaa. 1888 1887 N. tld st. good oondltloBl wide main st. ton square from wrk Atily st 1870 N. 8!d St.. or HAMMOND CO., B2d Lancaster ave. vvht PHILA. house for rent, facing Ocoige's "iimi Falraounl Park, convenient train and trolley , rent "Seasonable, Apply Blane's Phar- ma"?. 2d and Parkslda ave Atlantlo City, N. J. HOTELS, boardlnr, houses, cottages, ete., to mast every requirement. Dean A Meore, Si a Florida ave. MORTGAGES , in. ...in or others havlnr trust or prhate nest In mortgssss pleas aoinmu- stmmHNRT Krrioi nlrattat With I. WWMWV- V.M.. S0:O0O" FOR 1T R 1ST AND IB..IOJlTOABEa tiAi:s.t- MONEY TO LOAN fcliOftT-TtUa loaaa ajrfonvebUaj. without pljk Irfvw Oo 1S it SUlaj Slf. C2. Aa-3" Wlfi'5 MARY JAN. 15 1911 (A TRUE DIARY &Y f Btff) All, THBSE DAYS ARE WARM AS TOA&T ABOUT 4.2. VWCjsIT To SUNDAY SCHOOL IN THe MOHNING. THE OOOMAtsS COW JOT A CAIP BULL, DQRM THia MORrJIMtJI IT 14 BLACK AND WHITS ANP CAN HARDLY STAND ON ITS LCcSS. I 5AW IT THIS morning. During thb AFTeRNOON I ysBNT POWJN Tb caooDRicHas VetTM LLOYP. WO LOqKeD AT DOOK.S AND WSNT UP INTO VWILCi BOOM AMD LLOYP iHOlAjfiD MB HIS MODEL rtOMAN AftTlLLOfW He MADe ron. thp. hnjh SCHOOL,. I MW WlU.'i TWO GUNS ANO THE. THftS HE HAD AROUND HIS' RCOf NO PUNISHMENT. Clara I think your young; man Is very forward. It lie were mine I would sit on hlmt Olnils That's exactly what 1 do, and he seems to enjoy It! THE ALLIES' PLOT or England's diplomacy and its result as German eyes are pleased to see it. Lustlga Blatter, Doth of you in front" Usually Teacher What Is the elephant hunted for, Emerson? lirlRht Pupil Magazine articles!' Puck. Why "What do you suppose makes that baby cr so awfully loud?" Why, both of Its parents are hard of hearing, you know." Chicago Tribune. OBLIGING. Elderly lady Do you take Instan taneous photographs? Photographer Sure, ma'am; step In and I'll take ou before you're a min ute older. " TUOl HI.,') AHEAD. iJrs. Pry-Tliey lull me you're work ing hard night and day, Sarah Ann. Mrs. Bradi Yea. I'm under bond to keep the peace for beating my hus band, and the magistrate said if I hit him agin he'll fine ma t& Mrs. Pry--Ands you're working hard to keep out of mischief? Mri. Brady No! I'm worktn," hard to save up the fine' Hardly 'Some of the weddings muat make Cupid laugh to his sleeve," remarks new spa par cynic Not the Cupid whose Idctare yaav srtaAliitwa Traaavaipt, . on ititiu'k on ilit i T5, THTt: C RA PPLE THB PADDED CELL YOO HAM&MT TOL& I MB YOU LOVE ME. Jk ONCE TODAi V4W0S M) I n VHAT 0THZ& Z fry " on attut-k fiotii the iv l -"And you behind" "And I'll come in last." Correct Dad, what is Tommy a willowy maiden? Dad A aklnny girl who has a wealthy father, my son. Cincinnati Enquirer. Where- He Would Begin Father Son, can't ou possibly cut down your college expenses? Bon I might possibly do without any books. Hartford Times. IVsaa ly 0. sTirrf , London Opinloa. Greengrocer (to lady with marriageable daughters) And shall I sen . ..u some mistletoe? Customer Oh, It's not a bit of use, there's not a young man left In the place. WHY CANT SOME OF THE KRUPP EXPERTS INVENT AN UMBRELLA GUN FOR SUBURBANITES? Vm vAMe otDJAxjj f v 15 r "HfSrrT Uystander. THE IRRESISTIBLE!. Even before the battle they or"- i ready victorious. Copyright. Fllegende BUeUer, AT TUB STATION "How dare you kiss me, sir!" "Ves, and he has kissed me, too!" "13eg your pardon, ladiesl I am all confused, I'm looking for my wife!" I JJ HiiHJr?r I i ! i i wUUtMU. J J4A LJiT tasSTTMa