on iTij!? iii-WiW'(iiffia ft a wfw - -t"-! -gst EVENING MBGER-PHILAMLPIttX FRIDAY, JANUARY TB. X916. 18 )E CONDITIONS prices ruled stedr on fine good Quotations! Western, freth, solid-packed, creamery, laneTi etxtlala. BOc , extra, 8e t extra firsts, Sm.j firsts, 82c; seconds, S"f., Mdle-psced, Tift 8(o., sa to quality i nearby prints, fancy, 3Tc. do., average extra, 8c. j do., firsts, :C1?.I4 t do., seconds, 28fr30c PpVflal fancy brands of prints Jobbing nt 42itltc . , , IKKIS -Fresh eggs, nefe more plentiful and prices declined Jl.uOjfl "1 ier raw under an Indifferent demand, guotmlons, In freo cases: Nenrby, extras, 42v per dor S nearbr firsts, $12 per standard cnees nearby current receipts, ?ll 40 per case: mined, lwld and fresh and ordinary slock, finoftlo.'.) per raaej Western, extra, firsts, $12 per case: do , firsts, $ll.4( per case: Routhem, tll.HMtlMO, per tse. Tlefrlaeralor eggs, spring pe!ked riolee, 2"c. per doi.j do., ordinary to fair, Klp2Se per dor. I'ancy selected candled freah ejrgs were joblied out at 4M?47e. per dot t'IIKK8n. Trade fair anil values well sus talned. quotations: New York, full-cream, earlier receipts choice, inc.: do., do., current make, choice, 1V.: do , do , fair to good, MViQ t4fte. do , part Btclms, Slft.tc. POULTIlV MVK. Trie market steady under moderate offerings and a fair demand. Quotations: Fowls, 13iBe.s old roosters, lOtftOHai young rlilokens, according to quality, 13014c.) turk eys, ISfJiTc.i ducks, IBelOc.j geese, llfllnc! guineas, young, weighing, s, lbs. . and over apiece, per pair, BOc.t weighing 1H01K lbs. apiece, per pair, 4045e.: old, per pair, 30 40c. pigeons, per pair, lsoise. IHtlCSMKD. The . market generally firm on flna desirable sited stoek, with demand Rbsorblig the limited offerings: quotations: Fresh-killed turkeys, dry-picked and dry packed r ancy, nearby, 21 5Kc ; do, Western, lie i fair to .good. 1020c.i old toma, tile, Fowls, 12 to box, dry-picked and dry-packed -Selected heavy, inc.! weighing 4WOT lbs. apiece,, 18o.j do., ,4HV4..lbs. apiece, lT'ic do., AWM lbs. apiece ISiUJe i do, 3 fbs. and under, 12G1.1C . Fowls barrels, dry picked and dry-packed Western, dry-picked, 4!4W lha. apiece, ITc i do, do. 4 lbs ldo I do., do., 3H lbs. lie.) do., rto 3 lbs. and under, 12tfl3ev . Old roosters. drr-plckd, lac. Broiling Chickens Nearby, Mffe ,1b. apiece, 20022c,! do., ralf to good, letHBe t vestern, VAlsi lbs, apiece, 20e i do,., fair to good, M&lBc, Chickens, dry.plcked and dry packed. In boxes-Mllk-fed, 31 to 38 lbs.1 dea, ITfti milk-fed. 37 to 42 lbs. to do , lTo. milk-fed, 43 to 47 lbs. to dos., 17e.j milk, fed. 48 lbs. to doien, 19c j milk-fed, 00 lbs. end oer, 10c i corn-fed. 31 to 42 lbs, to, dot. , loft lSHc.S corn-red, 4.1, to 47 lbs. to doi., Inc.) corn-fed, 48 lbs, to dca , 17o. corn-fed, RO lbs, and oi er, 18c Thickens, dry-picked and dry packed, in bbls. Selected heavy, 180,! West ern, corn-fed, B lbs and over, ITc.l Western, rorn-fed, 4 lb , lMflflHc.l Western, com-fed, 314, lbs,, lr.Vje.1 Western, corn-fed, 2Vj3 lbs , M01P.C- Duck', extra, lWlTc.j Ho, ordinary to good, 12t7lle. Oeese, nearby, 12fM4c. ; do., Western, lOffllc, Siusbs, per dot. Wh te, neighing U to 12 lbs, per doa., $4 40SJS: white, weighing P to 10 lbs. per doi., $1 N07f4 301 white, weighing 8 lbs per dot., $3113 80: white, weighing 7 lbs per dot., $2 (WMI2.R0J while, weighing rvrjfl'4 lbs per doa.. $1.f)0fl2 10: dark and No. 2, 00c.f$l HI F11ESII FKUITS The market generally steady, but trad quiet. Quotations: Apples, New Tork, per bbl. King, $2b2.7S Greening, $2e3i Tork Imperial, $2 C2.75J Ben Davis $l.B0C2.28j Fpy, H.TBO 02.60: ttaldwln. II 7592.601 other good eating varieties. $1,7692.601 medium, $191.60: applet, Weatern, per box, J6c.c1.50: apples, Iela ware and Pennsylvania, iwr hamper, SOfJOOo.t lemons, per box, $2172.60; oranges, Florida, per box, $1.6002.80: tangerines, Florida, per strap, 12ft .1; grapefruit, Florida, per box, 110 2: pineapples, per erale form Illco, ILSSn 2 23 Florida, $1H2 rranberrles fanev lata arletle. per nbl $3.60(m.r.0 cranberries. Cape Cod. Karly mack, per bbl., $203; cran berries, cape Cod, Early iilack, per crate, T80. rY$!.B0, cranberries, Jersey, per crate, 7.1e.r $1.25: pears, New rork, Kleffer, per bhl., $1 T2; strawberries. Florida, per qt., 38J60c. VEGETABLES VF.OKTAni.E8 Demand fair for choice slock and price generally welt msintstslsl. Quotations: White potato pf bush., I'm sylvanla, BSflWd.t Nw fork a to quality. OW IMPROVEMENT; 43W&ZC. : white HJ&a nj.."!)d F?. JMlBa.i .IrAms, - .. -. ,.. ,-,v , Winer TOimH. rmni owoc.i aweet 1 larga. X1.2M1 4 i.ivtv. xvnaicrji niiuip. di ES?Si 'oo. Itpim i!o. smoke.1. liflmse.: ui7t,iJn ckV, "fording ' nvewte. looee. ;?'?' ""kfs.st bMrnn " brand an, .rS8." "re!. I7t.l8e.i do.. Western iSv'(n?c ' arJ'. Western, refined. tierces, 1flHc. I .10 . do. tub, UflllUc ; ilo., pure ,fltv, kettle render t1. lit tierces. llfMV p . rto, imro city, ltettlo rendered, In tut, lttfimc, 11EFINISD .SUGARS ' The tnflrttat ft,-rw t, nUi tl.n..-.., (,., 1.A091.TD. sweets, Jersey per COLLECTIONS FAIR esrsi ner bush. -TOffiTSe.l do, choice per JOO-ib bag, 1 WiTJI.riOi ae., medium, per I00-(b. bar, $1.28, do., aeeonds, Jer loi,.b. bag, II: cabbage, Danish, per ton, I29I81 cauliflower. New York per crate, lte. fl$l,2: anlnach. Norfolk, per bhl , IMJt.lVO: kale, Norfolk, pr bbl.. ooS7Re 1 lettuce, Flor ida, per basket, $lJ1 beans. Flortda, per1 basket, ll.BOfJ.B0; peas. Flcrlda, per basket. ing of Cotton Goods Still V'!".' . Stamlnl granulated. Hc,i fine grrtnu IM1, I.H ie . DOWdereil. TiOV. 1 rinrnlniMrS .owtin; egspi.ni. Fiorina, per nox, fi.rrftqr cueumberi pers, Kiorinn, per pasxet, at lata era, Florida, per basket, Spasmodic Wool ouppiy A, t.S.V.i soft grades. 4.10O4 TO. 3.60; iquaeh, Florida, per basket, li.noaai pep- DAIRY PRODUCTS lIUTTKIt. The market was quiet, , but ryrw, rtorinit, per carrier, ,rrf,m,j lomatoen, Florida, per carrier, fancy, $2.BOfl1.BOi choice. $11.60 celery. New Tork, per bunch, 3.10 Bnc ; mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, $191 60, oW Lcatncr manca 3i2 &! u k"l nd tender, wnok), 1 X? ' ii .T. a . eured, loose, UHt&Uoi ' erf llS'StJ?'. 'SV"e' H131- ' d do., smok en. lHfil4e ! other hams, tiiuivm miu nr.d mLrt trndc conditions are gradually BSrlr.'. according to Dun's Review. Vffl. change Is reported in inn rouon Pi during the past week. Buying 1b Pd?r?ji nn.l order are mostly Sttmodle and orders aro mostly 0JV1.. ." .. Prior, however, are ?JIind the mills report Improvement Kilers for their products. The local fci'.... I. lenorted as being firmer, B?.J5..J In crudes of wool suitable Kmtsrv Roods, this clnss continuing MSlimr e nunnllM of low and bmm wool 1nvo become much ro wsiuiu ..i,,,,. nrn non-tcnuentlv not & to sell except at higher figures. IK?. h Instant It was announced by ,y" .,.. i iimt Rlilmnentn would bo !8!.. a -t AiiBtenllnit me.rlnn uool to TlJiilted States, provided that n guar raws be Blvcn that It would not be ro- Thi lifting of the embargo has had a P...... n inwur the nrlces of fine wools IW..V - ... 1..a Innillrv fnr tlmnn ffca uiere ib jv" ...... ....,.., --. - -- Ir" .! rpi.A annnlv In this countrv is Snrted to be about 65 per cent, of what iTTW ft year ukv. ihu .,. . w..vt !:! ..,..nit will have to bo Imported ' will the domestic clip Is ready. Manu facturer! 01 ClOaKS HMU BUlin nuilio 111111, iyi, trade generally Is quiet, the sample met are out and they are tailing a few iritri for future delivery. Among tho ilrtaljt manufacturers there Is a fair tora of business, but the senson thus r. ho not come up to the expectations tho manufacturers. ITho Iron and steel market shows some tint more, strength and tho prospect f railroads entering Into tho market as layiri Is siaieu 10 ue muio cutuurus kt. Locomotive builders are In receipt st orders which Indicates a tendency on tte part of railroads to purchase moro frtdy and It Is expected that they will ito place their mil orders shortly. Fin- . . .V ...I.I mllta n a nna.nllntf mi .1 I jsmewha't better basis and the volume of ffirrertt DUSincoB in itliuucu iu uv nu- OTted. Dealers In electrical goods ro tort a satisfactory volume of If.slneaa biousehold specialities, but larger deal- .1. 1. Mnn.nMnn wllh hiilldlnir nnprn. .em-irork are moderate. Prices are firm ma conevu" " S!ot dealers aro wen cmpioyea in sia ! .oods and also In supplementary LinM .nnaalna Tnunrlrlpn nrA nnor. 'attot at from 60 to 70 per cent, capacity ,134 JODuers snu reiunern itiu uuny, frlcej are firm and collections fair. Tho IJOU1CI IU(IIVWfc v.,w...w ...... ,........ K!i, the supply on hand of heavy 'Mther low. uiazea Kia mnnuracturcrs L.i alra atntn their trndn In llriRnt- Wictory, owing to European conditions. IBM dealers report moderate sales, anu '.Ln. tl.... la o lanrlannv 4 r Kn In bill amounts, general conditions are pal. f'WZST JERSEY STOCK ISSUE ' - mi.... - Siociiolders Will Also Be Asked to .Authorize $13,000,000 Bonds. Tin itackholders of the Weit Jersey and fnihen Railroad Company aro to be asked it 1 iiwctal meeting on February 4 to author 1h s Usui of $.1,000,000 stock and a mort rill id itcure f U.000,000 bonds. The official llcilci uyi: rt.1t b Intended to Issue the additional stock tsd toads from time to time ne the board or itirectors deem It essential, nrst. to rottre the tttlicues of lmlettrilnest ror si :il.(Hi and to pty off the nocttng debt, amounting In fj4 Stures to $600,000, an ORkTegate of about anflOnO nt lnMhtMi1nM all nt whlh la t the Pennsylvania Kallroad Company and pcou nt lunaea; ana, secona, to proviae tail to comDlete the elevation of vour tracks lVmirb the city of Camden and for future tUBlou snd betterments to tho road and nlawent and for other .necessary corporate HTHJIfK. Hijt'ln the proposed mortgage sufficient bonds )ui of resrrvea 10 retire sucn amouni oi me Kinyi ti,3iJ,oou of first conrolldated niorl fUv tends as may be outstanding at their iwaritj on the first of July, HJ36.7' inn? crrtnv mtvn a ttz-vivic CITTnAnn. tb. ir Tinno naalnta. U,m lltrket strong; to shade higher. (.Mixed jsd bstoiurs, J0.BO(8a ooj good heavy, 0.70g ,Jt rough heavy, $6 6030.08; light, $6.55 .MO FI8, 5.a)li3: hulk. J0.70IIU.85. ruu-i'ua iteceipts, oouo. maricet ateaay. 5ms, $bxo; cows and heifers, $3.B08 lis: Wdttrs snd feeders, $1.6088.40: Texana. $B y &jspb .mvA ...... -.... it BL-viyis, io.iaw: inurKei ivu. lower. ! tnd Weitem. 83.40B3. :aniba. 75 , f LIVE STOCK BECEIPTS attCAao, Jan. 16 -Ftollowlng are the runs jure itock at the various centres: Itogs. taitue. bneep H. 8, Tarda.... sst ? SSr..v::.v::;;:; .44.000 . 3,000 . 0,200 , 6,600 , 8,000 , 1,100 . 1.000 . 6,000 3.000 18.000 300 3,000 000 1,000 80O 800 2,000 TOO 6.000 600 ft66 1,600 BATES TOR MONEY M1u ... . . EJ" 2 B2 3KS5 ;:.''"- 4 4Ho fiar-M.""""'.'.-. ....... 4H80H 4V4SO imvMrri0 ,lx 'nonth,' - P8m Baaka' Discount Bates ' - 4 ntctl. " . ...... 41 Itlloji. 4 QUa5 " " i City .is ".nuelsoo'V.'.V (., Days SO 00 DO W 6 B '.(SO (4 6 6 i Si U 5 6 H R BV4 6 6 BAIlBIIiVEa 17 J'Sft. .eommerelal bar silver was mii-iii i Tl1 "nI wr ounce, a decline bwe.',ion" Quotation for bar silver iwT 17CI11K rkl nun. a4 If .. . ,.,, ... W4 ; jViHIjT. iUadelpliia Markets GRAIrV ant. wmTTn "S"'!"!' 2T6,8aa bush. The "' caf ;t. 'k"'' ,,iv".--i" ""o SfiV.H.1'- $M31.48; No. 3 red 8S7l.IUTei.BOi No. 1 Northern Dulutb. umSS',p!?,j4000 bu,h- ElI,olrt ,0- nivKfTS: ,Qu.i?.u?V .-.r.lv 2 . -wiovt unn. ss-tvjk1; 2. spot and January. TOiff ni2 'SSJ,Kfa, " location. No. 3 ays steamer yellow, new, n.w. inrTTrfm ifi T aam 1 nirw cob. cer TO lb lTm .. . . . dBSS.wpt,,,.-?)ws Jh. Trade -was L..v&"a. fiSU&fiOd.: ilinMl vKita JvTUlt S"i e wfalta. MHtirrus. " '" '" .tt L higher under aarltv. t" 11.1 We UiK3Jiif .W Pi.i.H-t?;?"?"!?! KVJfeS"IP,j 8.bbl, od 1.8TT.230 w- rahtn 1l .H.u,, .t miii limits rT euuiuaiur wiiii anvunoa in ,. ;J7"Tr' .nxsc. clw. lOatia; i! Wa V. $1 3MHiA1k' .. I.U .K.' "". ,:, . .i.iu.. Dial. ISOMLBOl do.. raTiiL IlT: fM. j(TTtrt. "ZVt. ' TTJT.T .iW,4rffe,tp1r Sa "inter. tUtf. IS.BdiSar arfntaa 50 wtoter, patssot,' $cu6d . ZFa ' W V' pppu email and rnukst PHOVISIOWS 'H feut crH rtil4 el4Jy & jifeewiTWrtr as; 1865-FIFTY YEARS-1915 THE . Life and Trust Company K" of Philadelphia FOURTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS ASSETS Insurance Department: Bond's and Mortgages and Ground Rents $24,557,-louoo Real Estate, Office Buildings and Properties bought in under fore closure, etc 1,258,617.68 Loans on Collateral Security 2,810,711.78 Loans on Policies of this Company 10,653,169.25 Premium Notes secured by Liens on Policies ..". 1,006.79 Bonds and Stocks at Market Value, at this date (sec list) 39,844,980.00 Cash 384,462.43 $79,510,428.64 Accrued Interest 1,018,36870 Overdue Interest 74,485.75 Deferred and Uncollected Premiums, Less Cost of Collection 1,496,054.45 Apart from Insurance: Bonds and Mortgages on Real Estate.. 613,284.06 Real Estate 105,100.00 Loans on Collateral Security 9,598,249.00 Loan (Foreign Exchange Gqld Fund) .... 26,600.00 Bonds and Stocks at Market Value, at this date (see list) 4,683,805.00 Accrued Interest less Accrued Taxes, ctc 87,203.86 Collections in Transit H 75, 107.12 Cash 1,864,063.08 i'he Company publishes the following Statement of its Assets and Liabilities LIABILITIES Insurance Department: Death Claims unpaid $266,858.37 Dividends unpaid, including those appor tioned for the first half of 1915 1,235,065.36 Premiums paid in advance and other liabilities 697,458.70 Insurance Fund Reserve, computed by American Table, 3'2 75,504,'516.00 Additional Insurance Reserve required to place all Policies on 3 basis 3,128,250.00 Additional Reserve for possible taxes for 1914 236,688.28 1 Contingency Reserve (not including Capital Stock) 1,030,500.83 $82,099,337,54 $82,099,337.54 $17,053,412.12 99,152,749.66 PHILADELPHIA, First Month 1st, 1915. at this date: BUSINESS OF THE COMPANY FOR 1914 Premiums and Annuities received during the year $11,127,244.79 Interest on Life Insurance Fund, less amount appiica 10 reauce oook values, etc 3,206,421.79 Apart from Insurance: Deposits 9,886,748.14 Certified Checks and Clearing House Due Bills 3,951.54 Unpaid Dividends , 240.00 Capital and Surplus: Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus (including accrued interest nnrl excess of market values over book values)... 6,162,472.44 7,162,472.44 17,053,412.12 $99,152,749.66 $14,333,666.58 Distribution of Surplus (in Cash or for Insurance) 2,018,492,46 Endowment Policies matured and paid during the year.... 2,866,278.11 Total amount paid for matured Endowment Policies since organization of Company in 1865 39,625,453.42 Losses by death during the year (573 deaths) 2,338,686.00 Total amount paid for death claims since organization of Company 41,105,714.99 Annuities and Instalment Certificates paid during the year. 198,079.00 15,937 Policies issued in 1914, insuring 40,787,222.00 120,633 Policies outstanding Twelfth Month 31, 1914, in suring 319,756,629.00 Trust Funds (kept entirely separate from Company's assets) ,. Investments for Trust Accounts 64,704,196.30 Investments held as collateral on Corpor ate Trusts 20,075,912.32 Uninvested 354,796.65 $85,134,905.27 Philadelphia. Morris Building, 31st December, 1914. we have examined and verified nil the assets and trust funds of The Provident Life nnd Trust Company of Philadelphia and we have verified Jhe Company's liabilities, Including a test of the clerical accuracy of the insurance Hcservo aa prepared by tho Company's actuarial department; and wo hereby certify that the accompanying balance sheet anil scheduloa of Investments are correct and. In our opinion, correctly set forth the Company's financial condition at 31st December. 1914. LYDItAND. TIOSS BTIOS. & MONTOOMRRT, Certified Publio Accountants. GOVERNMENT, STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL BONDS "Market at this Par Value Ttnllnro 373,000 United States of Mexico, Gold, t,1Ht"o"V'i,-iS;"ioii 162,000 County of Allejrheny, Pa., County Road, Series 4, i, 1931 000,000 City of Boston, 3V4. 1929 to 1945......................... 200000 City of Cincinnati, Ohio, Consol. Sin. Fd. 3V4. 1952 223,000 Gloucester City. N. J., 4, 1919 to 1933...... 38,000 City bf Lynchburg, Va., JUdg:, i&, ip,-"- 300.000 Massachusetts, Commonwealth of, Gold, 3W. 1831......". 32 000 City of Mobile. Ala., Waterworks and Seworace. JHfo. 1939......... 160000C ty of New "tfork, Consolidated Stock. Gold. V4. 1915 to 1918.... 919000 City of New York, Corp. Stock. Gold, jm, 1953 and 1954 125000 City of New York, Assessment, Gold, 4. 1918 and 1919...- 400000 City of Now York, Corporate Stock, Gold, 4, 19f to 1957 100000 City of New York, Corporate Stock, Gold, 4V4, 1957 600000 City of New York, Corporate Stock, '&; fflift'iw 118,000 City of New York. Corporate Stock. Gold. 3. 1816-1917 305 000 City of Now York, Corporate Stock. Gold, 6. 1J17-1918 12500 City of Philadelphia, Loan of 1898. Series H, 3. 1915.. 100 000 City of Philadelphia; Loan of 1898, Series Q, 3V4. 1924 30000 City of Philadelphia, Loan of 1913, 4, 1943 30,500 City of Pittsburgh, Pa., '14. 1915"............ .... jj;; 160 000 City of Portland, Multonomah Co.. Oregon. Bridge, Gold, 4,., 1934 4 000 Fort of Portland, Oregon, Gold, 6, 1922 100,000 City of Richmond., Virginia, 6, 1921.. 100000 Salt Lake City, Utah, TUdg.. V1-M;j - 100000 Salt Lake City. Utah, Bfdg.. 4V4fc, 1921........... 60 000 City of San Diego, California. VA.. 1316 to 1933 Value Date. 261,100 145,920 813,000 180,000 208,000 34,920 279,000 23,760 158,300 781,150 121,750 380,000 101,000 605,000 115,820 310,050 12,375 95,000 30,000 30.600 139.600 4.120 102.000 98.000 99.000 48.490 23,000 44,000 166,000 700,000 200,000 331.000 600,000 706,000 200,000 260,000 25,000 1300,000 125,000 663,000 331,000 70,000 1UO.WU 490,000 23,000 00,000 210,000 200,000 200,000 100,000 668,000 356,000 260,000 260,000 6.000 100,000 400,000 b5,000 K44.000 444,000 170,000 154,000 60,000 4,000 160,000 399,000 SOO.000 RAILROAD BONDS (Including Street Railway) -a. .. . .. aI T- .. .- 1.H..1 IriBB f3fM Altoona & Logan vauey fircinc iw. w. ww. .. -. iuw' 1933. (Gtd. bv The American Rwys. Co.) ,:,: ;0tlC,0 Atclilson. T. i ; S. Fe Ky. Co., 100-yr. Adj. Unstamped, Gold. 4, A.i.nTon:&'s:''Fe'itwy. Co.. Adjust, (stpd,). Gold, 4. 1995., 127.920 Atchison" Top. & S. Fe Rwy. Co. (Eastern Oklahoma uiv.j, tar. AtchTson. Topeka' & Santa 'Fe Rwy. Co. Callfornm-ArUona MUnT-Ut TaSd Ref. Mtge. ,f;y...:'-6'-iV-,H'-i55: gMg lajtllSore & Ohio R. R. Co.. &JIW"'"":": g&gg Ba UmSro Ohio ' R bT Co? (Pittsburgh- Junction and Middle, t-U lltL Kill aa a a a a a a . . a tWUfUUV T.ifiVn'a: Ohio It ft CO." (SVW. Div.2, Ut Mtgi. Gold, ZM. 1825.... 108,760 SS & Oh o EQUlpmSnt-Trust of &b 1912. 4, 1915 to 1917 660.890 SSi.n A Ohio Eauloment Trust of 1913, 4W, 1815.1918 VAfS Buffalo & Susquehanna R. R. Corp., 1st uoid. .,"". y-i.siii' ',0',w Buffalo & Susq. Rwy. Co.. 1st Mtge. 60-yr Gold (Ctf. Dep.), 4H?i. m Cei'of'aVorgla";:". wim !feiiwsteto 4tz Ceeapac1fl?0RW'c-aoid"Mrge.V &, 192) (Gtd. by South- CealfteTCu'-Lln ' J'",.n!f.ii.ikSi r.o iff. Notes, due 1319 180,000 Chesapeake" & Ohio Rwy.-'Co.. 1st Cons, tge, 60-yr. Qold, 6. &mmei&stiLmt s lSMS&Ssif: '3 Chicago' & East 111. R. Co.. wag. amp,. );' . 23 000 ffi.iTndian'aTOlli ft.Bt, Louis Short Line- Rwy. Co., let Mtge., ,&. MUwaukee & Bt Paul Rwy. Co , Puget Hound & willapa CJXr Rwy 6. 6-yn 'Ctf... 1918y(Gtd.'by Chicago. Hllw. & tfu u Paul Rwy. Co.)...................;j,.MH"",J',,iM" 644!ooo Ch cago j". ' AJ-rTo .'Eaulb. Tr. of 1912. ii, 1915.1918,.,,.".. 440.640 f2 SV."RrT ifonstl Mfge;. 20-yr., Gold, Serlek B, 6. 1927.. 1S7.5Q0 YSSSSi. Rook I.laho:& Paclflo Rwy-Co.. 1st Mtge.. ."f......... Chica1! fE!!.; 330C00 Chicago & Western Indiana ft. 'It.' Co.'. 3-yr.. Mtge,. Notes, t. , t ? "-V-"-- L INSURANCE BONDS AND STOCKS Par Valua ""H?,1 ra!U8 Dollars ' at tnls Date 644,000 Chicago & Western Indiana R. R. Co., Consol., 60-yr Gold, Gtd. 4, 1952 " 4.4,3.0 400,000 Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chlcngo & St. Louis Rwy. Co., Gen. Mtge. Gold, i, 1993..., , -33-000 149,000 Clevelnnd Terminal & Valley R. R. Co., 1st. Mtge., Gold, (Gtd. . by Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co.), 4, 1915 117,710 300,000 Consolidated Traction Co.. 1st Mtge., Gold (N. J.), 5. 1533 303,000 438,000 Easton & Amboy R. R. Co., 1st Mtge. (Gtd. by Lehigh Val. R. R. Co.), 5, 1920 .. 300,000 Elgin, Jollet & Eastern Rwy. Co., 1st Mtge., Gold, 5, 1841 312,000 297,000 Erie R. R. Co., 1st Consol. Prior Lien, Gold, 4, 1896 237,600 800,000 Erie R. R. Co., 1st Gen. Lien, Gold, 4, 1986 636,000 400,000 Erie R. R. Co., Pennsylvania Coll., 60-yr Oold, 4, 1951 344,000 80,000 Evansvllle & T. H. R. It. Co., 1st Gen. Mtge., Gold, 6, 1942 67,200 13,000 Georgia Paclflo Rwy. Co.. 1st Mtge., Gold, 6, 1922 13,780 213,000 Greenbrier Rwy. Co., 1st Mtge. Gold (Gtd. by the C. & O. Rwy. Co.), 4. 1940 J 204.120 133,000 Hocking Valley Rwy. Co.. 1st Consol. Mtge., Gold, 4U, 1993. 125,660 63,000 Hocking Valley Rwy. Co.. Equip. Trust Notes. Gold, Series A, 4, 1915-1916 62,280 43.000 Hocking Valley Rwy. Co., "Equip. Obligation," Gold, Car Trust No. 2 of 1907. 4, 1915-1916 42.570 123,500 Hudson & Manhattan R. R. Co., let Lien, Rfdg. Mtge., Gold, 6, 1957 , 97,125 123,000 Hudson & Manhattan R. R. Co.. Adj. Income, 6, 1957 ; 31.250 608,000 Illinois Central R. R. Co.. Equip. Trust, Gold, Series A, 4H. 1915-1919 602,910 69.000 Jersey City & Bergen R. R. Co., 1st Mtge, Extended, 4V4, 1923.... 66,240 43 OOO Kansas City. F. Scott & Memphis R. R. Co.. Cons. Mtge., 6, 1928 46,010 250 000 Kansas City. Fort Scott & Memphis Rwy. Co., Rfdg. Mtge., Gold (Gtd. by St. Louis & Ran Francisco R. R. Co.), 4, 1938 170,000 38,000 Kansas City Southern Rwy. Co., 1st Mtge., 60-yr., Gold, 3, 1850 26,220 948 000 Lake Shore & Mich. So. Rwy. Co., 25-yr. (Deb.), Gold, 4, 1028 and 1931 8o3.200 200.000 Lehigh Valley R. R. Co., Gen. Consol. Mtge.. Gold, 4, 2003 176,000 498 000 Lehigh Valley R. rJ Co..' Coll. Trust. Gold. 4. 1915 to ia......... .. 486,240 121 000 Lehigh Valley R. R. Co., Equip. Trust, Gold, Series J, 4Vs, 1915 and 1917 120.000 200,000 Ling Isl. R. R. Co., Rfdg. Mtge., Gold (Old. P. R. R. Co.), 4, 1949. 168.000 84 000 Long Island R. R. Co., Ferry, 1st Mtge.. Gold, 4W, 1922 78,120 360 000 Louisville & Nashville R. R. Co.. Unified Mtgy., Gold, 4, 1940 318.600 200000 Louisville & Nash. Southern (Monon. Coll.), Jt, Gold. 4, 1952 160,000 221 000 Louisville & Nashville R. R, Co., Equip. Notes, Series A, 6, 1916-1917 221,000 200,000 Manhattan Rwy. Co.. Consol. Mtge., Gold (N. Y.), 4, 1990.......... 176,000 133 OOO Market Street Elevated Passenger Rwy. Co., 1st Mtge., Gold Watd. by Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co.) (Pa.). 4, 195?. 123.690 240.000 Mason City & Ft. Dodge R. R. Co., Ut Mtge., 60-yr., Gold, 4. 1865. 132,000 100.000 Metropolitan West Side Elev. Rwy. Co., 1st Mtge., 40-yr., Gold (Chicago, 111.), 4, 1838 75,000 200 000 Minneapolis. St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Rwy. Co., 1st Consol., M.y3old. (Int. gtd. by Canadian Paclflo Rwy. Co.), 4, 1838...! 176.000 136 000 Missouri Paclflo Rwy. Co. (Coll.) Trust. Oold, 6, 1017 123,760 600000 M isour Paclflo Railway Co.. la Coll. Mtge., Gold. 6 1920 425,000 T'oWMononeahela Rlv. R. R. Co.. 1st Mtge., Gold (Gtd. by 11. & O. ' R. R-). 6, 1919 , 8.000 274 000 Morris k Essex R. R. Co., 1st Consol. Gtd. Mtge., 7. 1915. 274.000 100 OOO Nassau ElectrhJ R. R. Co.. 1st Consol. Mtge.. Gold (Gtd. by Brooklyn Heights R, R. Co.), 4, 1951 ." 79,000 100 000 n7y. Cent. & Hudson Rlv. R. R. CS 3-yr. Gold Notes, 4M, 1815.. 99,000 472000 N Y Cen. & Hud, Rlv. R. R. Co., 1st Rfdg. Mtge., Gold, 3, 1997 377,600 600000 N Y. Cen. & Hud. Rlv. R. R. Co,, SO-yr. Deb. Gold, 4. 1034." 4351000 425000 New York Central & Hudson River It. R. Co., Lake Shore Coll. HW Trust. Gold. 3Vi. 1998 310,250 38' 000 New YorkCentral & Hudson River It. R. Co., Michigan Central "'Coll.. Gold, 3W, 1998 , 267,400 4 000 New York & Erie R. R-Co., Ext'd (3d) Mtge., Gold, 414. 1923 3,920 7i000 New York & Erie It. tC Co., Ext'd (4th) MtlP.. Gold, 1, 1920. 7,070 87 000 New York Railways Company, 30-yr. 1st Real Estate and Re- funding Mortgage. Gold, i. 1912.,, 26,270 112000 New York Rwys. Co.. 30-yr. adj. Mtge. Income, 6, 1942 67,120 60000 Norfolk & West. Rwy. Co., 1st Consol. Mtge., Gold, 4, 1998 ,. 46,000 250'000Norf. & West. Rwy. Co.. Dlv. 1st Lien & Gen. Mtge., Gold, i, 1944 212.600 10'ooONorfbik & Western, Equip., Gold. 4, Series C 1915 9.900 323000 Norfolk & Western. Equip., Series of 1914, 4t4, 1915 to 1919 319,870 axiooo Northern Paclflo uwy. Co., Gen. Lien, Itwy, and Land Grant, ' Gold. 3, 2017, , ., 124,000 320 000 Northern Wo. Rwy. Cp. (St, Paul-Duluth Dlv.). Mtge., Gold, ' . 1998 ..,.... 278,400 50 000 Northern Paclflo-a. Northern C. B. & Q., Coll.), Joint. Gold, 4. 1921 237,600 650 000 Oregon Short Line R. R. Co., 25Tyr, Rfdg., Gold (Gtd. by Union 650,000 urego n Co) 1i 1M9.,;.... .'. f,M,&00 550000 Oregon Short Line Rwy, Co., 1st Mtge., Gold (Int. gtd, by Union HI 000 Passdlo & Newark Electric Traction Co., 1st Mtge., 40-yr., Gold ",,W0 fata, by Consolidated Traction Co.) (N, J.), t, 19J7.. .....', 172.710 sjo 000 Pennsylvania Co, (Coll. Trust), 15-25-yr.. Gold (Gtd. by P. R. R. Co.), i, 31 ,.... ., 343,600 Par Value JTarkrt Valus Dolinra nt this Date. 200,000 Pennsylvania & New Tork C'nnnl nnd R. ft. Co., Gen. Consol, Mtge. (Gtd. by Lehigh Valley It. It. Co.), 1, 193D , IK.flOO Say 100.000 Penna, R. R. Co., Consol. Mtge., Sterling (20.000), .Wi. 1913 ,. W.noo 1,655,000 Pennsylvania IX. R. Co., 10-yr. Coin., Hold, 3'4, 19J5 .,.... 'l.S.tS0 3,000 Pennsylvania Gen. Frgt. Equip. Tr., Gold, 4. 1915, Issue of 1908 (Gtd. by P. It. R. Co.) .-,.,. .,,,i 2,970 370,000 Pennsylvania General Freight KnuipniftnT Trust, Gold, 4?S, 1915 to 1917, Issue of 1907 (Gtd. by Penni. Il.TtCo.) 2C5.30O 1:0,000 Pennsylvania General Freight Equipment Trust, Gold, 4, 1915 to 1917, Issue of 1910 (Otd.Tiy Pennn,-Rr R. Co.) 167,630 714,000 Pennsylvania General Freight Equipment Trust, Gold, 4, 1915 to 1919. Issue, of 1912 (Gtd. by Penna. II. R. Co.) 702,430 815,000 Pennsylvania Genernl Freight Equipment Trust, Gold, Issue of . 1913- WX, 1915 to 1919 (Otd. by Penna. R. R. Co.) 906,959 300,000 Pere Marquette R. R. Co., Rfdg. Mtge., Gold, 4, 1955 (Gtd. by The Cin., Ham. A Dayton Rwy. Co.) 30,000 48,000 Perklomen R. R. Co., 1st Mtge. 2d Series, Gold, 6, 1918 (Gtd.) 48,480 230,000 Phlln,, Balto. & Washington R. R. Co., 1st Mtge.. 4, 1913 242.300 SO.OOOPhlla. & Erie R. It,, Gen. Mtge., 5, 1920 30,600 108,000 Philadelphia & Reading It. R. Co.. Sink. Fd. Ext.. Gold, 4. 1932 (Old. by Phlia. & Reading Coal and Iron Co. and by jr Rending Co.) , 101,760 45,000 Pittsburgh, Cin., Chicago & St. Louis Rwy. Co Cons. Mtge., Gold, 4, 1913, Series D (Gtd. by The Penno. R. R. Co.) 41,854 780,000 Reading Co. and P. & It. Coal & Iron Co., Gen. Mtge., Gold, 4, 1837 ., 725,400 715,000 Reading Co. (Jersey Central Coll.), Gold, 4, 1951 641,600 110,000 Richmond & Danville R. R, Co., Cons. Mtge.. Gold, 0. 1915 110,000. 100,000 Rio Grande Western Ry. Co., 1st Tr. Mtge., 60-yr., Gold, 4, 1939.... ,57,009 100,000 Rio Grande Western Rwy. Co., 1st Cons. Mtge., 60-yr., Gold, 4, 1949. Sub Series A 61,00; 230,000 St Louis, Iron M'n & So. Rwy. Co. (Itlver A: Gulf Dlvs.), 1st Mtge.. 30-yr Gold, 4. 1933 167,500 139,000 St. Louis & San Francisco It. R. Co., Rfdg. Mtge., Gold, 4, 1951... 6,180 70,000 St. Paul & Duluth R. R. Co., 2d Mtge., b, 1117 70,000 103,000 Seaboard Air Line Rwy,, Equip, Trust Ctfs., Gold, 5. 1016, Series I 101,600 200,000 Seaboard Air Lino Rwy. Co., 3-yr., Gold Notes, 6, 1916 196,000 200,000 Second Avenue R. R. Co., of New York, 1st Consol, Mtge., 5. 1948 (Gtd. by Metropolitan Street Rwy, Co,)..., 40,000 340,000 South Carolina & Georgia R, It. Co., 1st Mtge.. Gold. 6, 1919 316,800 600,000 Southern Pacific R. R. Co., 1st Rfdg. Mtge., Gold, 1, 1955 (Gtd. by Southern Pacific Co.) , , 420,000 672,000 Southern Pacific Equip. Tr Series A, 4W. 1915 to 1919..,., ,. 668,600 183,000 Southern Pacific. Equip. Tr Series C, 4H, 1915 to 1919, ,.. 179,500 225,000 Southern Ry. Co. (St. Louis Dlv.), 1st Mtg. 60-yr., Gold, t, 1851... 160,000 600,000 Terminal R. R. Asso. of St. Louis, Gen. Mtge;, Rfdg. Sink. Fd., Gold, 4, 1853 (Int. and Sink. Fd. gtd. by 14 It. R. Cos.) 415,000 60,000 Union Traction Co. of Indiana, 1st Gen. Mtge.. Gold. 6, 1919 45,000 200,000 Union Traction Co. of Phlla., 60-yr. Sink. Fund Coll. Trust Mtge., Gold, 4. 1952 164.000 65,900 Virginia Midland Rwy. Co., 3d Mtge., Series C, t, 1916 65,900 250,000 Wabash R. R. Co.. 1st Mtge., Gold, 6, 1939 243,v00 176,000 Washington Terminal Co.. 1st Mtge., Gold, 3l, 1945 (Gtd. by The Bait. & Ohio It. R. Co. & Phlln., Bait. & Wash. It. R. Co.)... 141,750 68,000 West Jersey & Seashore R. It. Co., 1st Mtge. Cons., Gold, 3ft, Series B. 1936 , t , 60,460 305,000 Western Maryland R, R. Co., 1st Mtge.. 60-yr.. Gold, 4S, 1952,..,.. 164,700 75,000 Wilmington & Northern R. R. Co., Stock Tr, Ctfs., Gold, ., 61,500 100,000 Wisconsin Central Rwy. Co., 1st Gen. Mtge., Gold, 4, 1949..",, .1,00. MISCELLANEOUS BONDS 200,000 Connecticut Rwy. & Lighting Co., 1st & Rfdg. 60-yr. Stamped, Gold. 4V4, 1851 (Int. gtd. by The United Oas Impt. Co.) ....,, 188,000 83,000 Continental Coal Co., 1st Mtge., Gold, 5. 1952 (Otd. by The To ledo & Ohio Central Rwy. Co. and The Hocking Valley Rwy. Co.) 76,360 100,000 East Pittsburgh Improvement Co., 1st Mtge., 30.yr,, Gold, 6, 1931 (Gtd. by Becurlty Investment Co., Pittsburgh)., 97,000 200.000 Fairmont Coal Co.. 1st Mtge, 30-yr. Sink. Fd., Gold, 6, 1931..,,,,., 186,000 235,000 Gloucester Ferry Co.. 1st Mtge., Gold. 6, 1928.. 211,500 100,000 Kanawha & Hocking Coal & Coke Co., 1st Mtge., Gold, 6, 1951 (Gtd. by The Toledo & Ohio Cent, Rwy. & The Hock. Val. Rwy.) 92.000 200,000 Kansas City Rwy. & Lt. Co.. 1st Lien Rfdg. 10-yr , Gold. 654, 1913.. lSO.OOS 239,000 Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co., Fund, & Impt, 60-yr Gold, 4, 1848, Series A t ,,..,.,.., 227,03) 600,000 Lehigh & Wllkes-Barre Coal Co., Consol, Mtge., Gold, 4, 1915 (Gtd. by Central II. R. of N, J.) , , 435,001 350.000 Norfolk Western Rwy. Co. Pocahontas Coal & Coke Co., Joint ' Purchase Money, 1st Mtge., Gold, 4, 1941 ., jn.JOt 100,000 Omaha Gas Co., 1st Consol. Mtge., Gold, 5. 1917 .,0M 60 000 Springfield -Rwy. and Light Co., Coll. Trust, Oold, 6. 1933 44.009 lOo'oOO Welsbach Co., 80-yr. Sink, Fd. Coll. Trust Mtge., aold. 6, 1930... 8301 STOCKS 39 OOO 300 shares Buffalo & Susquehanna It. R. Corp., Pfil. Stok..! 4,if4 ifl'700 414 shares North Penna. R. R. Co, (Gtd. 8 by Phlla. & Rdg. R. It. Co.). ,,......,,....,"..,. ..,,,,,.,.,,.. ,.,,,,., 37,261 250.000 2600 shares Hudson Companies (N. Y.), Preferred ,.,..,..,.;. 12 Oi Total Market Value at this date, . , , $39,844,960.00 BONDS AND STOCKS APART FROM INSURANCE STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL BONDS at this Date, $WT Chicago (Harbor Construction). 4. Mil... .; J 48 000 City of New Tork, Corporate Stock, Oold, 3. 1915....,..., .... . SWOT City of Now York. Corporate Stock. -Gold, 4. 55 and 1966....,,..,. 23T.W 1 RAILROAD BONDS (Including Street Railway) tUXttAU. Coast I4n U. R. Co., 1st Cons. Mtg. 60-yr., Gold, i, 1953.,., wiWtti" & "Ohio R. n, Co. (PlUsburgh Junotlon and SfUtii. i WsStJiera ' OWRB. Co-. 1-yr., See, OoW ! ' SoB1Sr& Ohio R. R..CO. (B. W. Dlv.). 1st jUtfe., Wj . '" SwaiUlttmora & Ohio R. R. Co.. Prior Ueav Qol , 5M. . 1o) Baltimore & Ohio KqUlpmen. Tnut Ot ?, UU. J?"'"; J W9 Brooklyn. Bath 6 West End R. R. Co.. Gen. Mtge-. . V Hd- '' by Atlantlo Ave R. R, Cp.. of Brooklyn. N. T.).. . - iseRffalo&SiMuhar4nn R Corp.. 1st ills. OeW. 'J"?- h iSciwil I'atffto Kry CO., Jit Rfdg. Mtge-. Gold. U CCRaV pr flautfcwn Feice.j. .,,...t; . -'-:::: '"ZZ 63,660 turn 105.000 108,760 ,000 .000 J, M.E0O wm Market Value Par Value. "" Date, 100,000 Chicago & Alton Rwy, Ca, 1st Wen 60-yr., Gold, 3H. 1930 17,000 71,000 Great Northern Rwy. (Canada), 1st Mtge., Gold, 4, 1934 (Gtd, by The Canadian Northern Rwy. Co.) v ,. 133,260 120,600 Hudson & Manhattan R. R. Co., 1st Lien Rfdg, Mtge.. W&, 1987...... 97,123 '125,000 Hudson & Manhattan R R. Co.', Adj. Income, 6, 1967..., i..., 31,250 60,000 Kansas City & Nwn. R, li. Co., 1st Mtge,, Gold, 6. 1S3, Series A . 4S,60Q 200.000 Lake Shore & Mich. 8o, Rwy. Co., 35-yr. (deb.), Gold, 4. 1938 180,000 SO0,00Q LehlgU Valley R- R. Cp- Gei Consol. Mtge,, Oold, i, 2003......... 66.000 Nassau Electric R. R, Co., 1st Consol, Mtge., Gold, i, 1961 (Gtd, by Brooklyn Heights It. R. Ca) a. " 100,000 N. Y CenU Hud. Rlv. R, R. Co.. -yr., DeU, Gold, 4, 1934 US.069 New York Central & nudson RJver R. R. Co., Lake Show Coll. Trut, Gold, V4. 1998, Coupon ISO OM Participation fn Purchase of 84.800,000 Phlla. Rapid Transit Co, JQ-yrs. SVflold t Bonds, 1163 ,. 8$,000 St. Louis & Sn rndsect R. R, Co., Rfdg. Mtge., Gold, , 1951.. jzs.OOQ'soiithern Ry. C. ISt- JL,ouU Dlv.). 1st Mtg. 60-yr Qoltf, $, 1951. . 100.000 Terre Haute, Indianapolis & Eastern Traottoa Co., lit and Rfdg Mtge.. Gold. Sffc H45. . MJf union True. Co., at Phlla,, BtV-yr. StnH. VS- Col). Trust Mtge., Odd. a,. !:,.,-. .. ,.j. WAMJVbcoailfl Castes) Rwy, Ctw lit 43ss. MtW CcU, 1, 1M 264,080 13.140 709 I.20 99.000 24,110 100.0Q4 92,090 mm MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Far Value. 85.000 Buffalo City Gss Co 1st Mtge., gold, i, !flX!yinr.....,.., B2,00Q Continental Coal Co., 1st Mtge., Oolol tv& 1952 (Otd. tyhe Toledo & Ohio Central Rwy. Co. and The Hiking llay 'Rwy. Co.). . 23,000 East Pittsburgh Improvement Co., 1st ljRs&iRyr., .Gcdd. t, mi (Otd. by Security Investment Co., PlttEgh)' , . . .T 100.000 Kanawha 4 llbcklng Coal & Coke Co.. UtHSe., Bold, -6. 1951 (Gtd. br Toledo Ohio Central Rwy. Co. Una HocUlng Valley Market Value at this Date. V.tUV v.mo tz,m 3hloys 1915 IS.OOQOhlo Syndicate, Participation In, Hrvln & Ca. Synd, Mgtjt,, 1, 100,000 Publla rftrvlce Corp., N. J., Participating Note, Kfc, 4816 200,000 St, Joseph Rwy.. Lt., Heat, & V. Co., 1st Mtge-. Gold, I' 40,000 Southern light k Traction Co.. Coll. Trust, Gold, 6, 18 200,000 St, Joseph Rwy.. Lt., Heat, & V. Co., 1st, Mtge-. Gold, 5. 93T.. .. 40.000 Southern Light i Traction Co.. Coll. Trust. Oold, t. 1149.,!, J76.000 Vc.tmorl:uid Coil Co.. olL Notes, Series A to E, f, ISlBilJW... STOCKS 45,000 430 shares Buffalo & Susquehanna, R. R. Corp, Preferred..... 414O0 413 shares Central National Bank (of Philadelphia).,. 250,000 200 shares Hudson Companies, Preferred ...,...:.,. 17,6001230 shares Tacoraa Ind and Imp. Co., 1 Cum, Br .... "io.OOO 1009 shares The Traeuon Power Securutu L-. Ltd. (WOO) Uu,0W 10.000 shares The United, G4 Improvement Co. .00l 86,009 S4.00I 94,OT 13,00. mm iv,a If "at TotiU HrkM Valaa at this data. -a- .tttM&M I , 1 ; II m Al yM ' a rf 4 a4 4,