Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 15, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Reported Taking Over of
Gould Interests By Kuhn,
Loeb & Co. Sent Prices
NEW YORK, Jan. U.-Overstdowlns
verythlnjt elne In tlio iRts tradlnc on
the stock vcchnnife today was a nhnrp
tlss In Missouri Pacific Issues. Tho stock,
,ln n very few minutes, roso 314 points to
10V4- At the c!oe It reacted to 9?. Tlie
company's 6 per cent, bonds rose 2U to
40Vti the 4s jumped 34 to tCil and tho
collateral 6s of 1917 Rallied 1 over the
closing; yesterday bv coins to 93.
Accompanying tho rise Ih tho company's
stocks and bonds wrs the report that
Kuhn, Loeb Co. had boiiKht out tho
Gould interests nt tho recent low price at
Which the stock so'd on the Kxchnmre,
and that tho banking firm would reor
ganize tho property.
Tho report n so bad It that Kuhn. !,ocb
& Co, would take euro of the Interest
falling duo on July 1 on the per cent,
notes, which It had been thought would
b defaulted and that tho road would be
placed In tho hands ot receivers.
Helped by tho rise of "Mop," the mar
ket closed stronir, with many Issues
touching lit slier points. l.olig Island n
Uj. "t at 31 '
Vnrsln buying Is stilt mlsslnu fiom '
stock market transaction-!, but n biontl- i
enlncr of speculative Interest was shown
In tho Increased demand for many of the
low-priced specialties which could be paid
for In full with less than the amount re
quired for marglrkon stocks la the usually
active list. There was besides a good
basis for bullish activities In some of
these Issues.
United States Steel common reflected
tho shifting' of position by some of tho
room traders, who put out small amounts
cf short stock because fit the published
torles of sale of Canadian steel rails
at 526 a ton, .against $23 a ton, the price
adhered to by the steel rnll makers He o
So far as can bo learned, exaggerated
Importance has been attached to theso
tiles, and It is asserted that they aio
ulmply due to n halt in buying of Cana
dian product bv the rallwnvs In tin
Dominion and will have no permanent
Influence on tho trade situation here.
Steel schedules are being marked up on
numerous classes, and tho necessities of
railroads can only be supplied by tho
large corporations like United States
Steel, as the Canadian output Is too small
to be considered In the placing of large
orders. .
The. most Important of such new busi
ness Is tho order for new steel cars sub
mitted to the Pressed Steel Car and
Standard Car Company, amounting to
about $10,000,000. This order calls for
comparatively prompt delivery, and ability
to supply the order quickly, In order to
comply with the demands of the Publlo
Service Commission and new State offi
cials. Is of more consequence than conces
sions In prices that might be obtained.
There was quiet absorption of Ujjlted
States Steel common. The copper
atocks continue to be supplied by brokers
Upposed to be actlnfe for T. F. Ryan,
a.nd prices nf those stockB were fraction
ally lower.
Western Union was up fractionally on
the good showing made In the company's
report for the year. Both gross and net
earnings were larger. It Is held In the
treet that "Western Union, selling around
K, la too low for a 4 pep cent, dividend
Covering of shorts in "Western Mary
land put the price of that stock Up1 1
to 16, j United Railways Investment
Stocks, both the common and preferred.
Were oft from the closing yesterday.
Call money loaned at 2 per cent. The
foreign exchange market was steady.
. Bld.Askrd.
JJradcn ou ov
Xr-Am T old 2 jo
no caw ihv 104
Gold Cons 1,11.18 J IMS
Gren Can , Z3 2S
.Ho" 11-1B i3.i
MlplMine :.y, su.
Otis Elr , Tl 73
lo P"f .... DU4 8H
Hiker-Hera 74
gterl Jum su 3jJ
5Jh Prod pref 87 SO
Vn Clrr Stores .... 9.1 07
do Brat . ...,,. 107 115
Tin Prof naw t u
Willys Ovd m M
do prjf 92 m
Aorld Film , au stf
NEW YORK. Jn. IS. The New York cof-
Je market opened fairly active, although a
further decline of 1 to 3 point was shown in
the openlnc ttgurttj
Opening futurea? February, B.2O3ftR0c:
JU'08'9.62c.: June offered MSc: July, T.SOa
I'!iS: September, T.WJT.Ble.: October. T.BsS
7L J,0Teml,r T.OO'ST.BBo,; December, 7.04
Western TJnlon. Earnings larger
WW YORK, Jan. 13. The Western Union
Telegraph Company has lsaued a. report for
the year ended December St. 101 (December
estimated), which compare a follows:
w . 1014, Increase
Total revenue ......... 1IT,0.11.41T l,4OO,M0
Total expenses 40.8113,745 sm (WS
JJet Income 8,181.428 l.B0423
jUdW and Dents' Clothing.
onday, jan. is, itni; 9 ?'
11 ,
fr reo. you Lurce- thats rioHt thcv do sav that i jv ew . . urv r s ZZ " Cai .,ac TTyzzfTT "
HASHYrOTlzeDrnitg.rN, WU. PR6AK THe ; fa,VfBW Z00U3Q1CAI. TAU fe HEB-eg.1 - TREAT S?f( 1J QUART V M$M
l.it8ltlh tow Clos
A lra Oo!l Mine .... ?H SSW ?8 H
AM Chalmers Vi 10H 8!f KJJi
AHej ChmeMprel.... 33 80 35 ,J,,
.,, . l0,.,tf..-, c in rAH 'n't
"Mpdifm 4V Mt W ""
AttiAgChemrircf 60 B04 Oil' Wft
'PnitnKnbuar... fi M. 4'4 ' ; t
Ah-fjIraaCan, 20H 30' 2H!t ?''
Atrrrlfinrsnpref..... 04 W4f 4 H'
Arnerlcan Car round. 47 4JJ 4I 47h
Airfrirm Cotton Oil.. 43K 44 434 44X
Am. Hide A Uilh. pref 24 'MM S3? 24
Am. lce... 'V4 4 ? ?4
f-YM M V)H 1"4 "J
American Linseed pref. 27 20' 2 P5!
nicnl.tcoitotlT . :7H "7'l : ',
rrrrlfanSmeltln..... flltf COM fBM Ml
AirtrlranBmeitlntpref.lflK In-Jt 100j JW'i
Am. 6ugr jrwn 107 ino J'P
iepnrsrpref....imi 113 in 1M
Am, Tel & Cable 8K 00 CO f0
pmi.oi'Iw. Mel....llk llWt 1IPK U?"
Amfrlcan Tobacco 2?3 2244 224' 2245J
Am Woolen pref 70W 704 70 M 0H
A nacrnda Copper. 20' Ml 2fl H5u
V-'wn C4 ftj 4 M
Baldwin Loco 40 3D ,$1.,
"aidwln Loco pref 103 I'H i" ;jj
'flllPorfitOMo ,.,. 71 72, 7H 7 '
nuilrrore Ohio pref.. 71K 71'. 7J 71
f'Hnlrbfm Ster 81H 6 01)1 &
PHhlfbem6tMlnrff... D7 "7M l)7ti fiH
PtcoVlyn n.pld Transit. MH f 0 8H JM
Ollfrmlarftroleum... Jfi 2H 2I! 21H
California ret. ntef..... 47 47H 47K 47H
Canadian radflc 160 Ifll 1BM lOO'f
'fMral leather .""V.' "-' ?6. W
OffAOhlo 42 13 42'4 4.1
' 1'ro fcrrrr. 4 'i Wi JS,
Chlcaw.RtfatW.pref.. T.H F. 2i 2. X
Mrtro.illl.A8t.l,aul M ' '' t ,'
Chic. Mil. A 81. P, pref,.124tj l?fi 12. 16
Chi A Northwest 1254 12JM 12.'. 12fl'
Tel Fuel A Iron 244 25 23i 2
Dltillers Securities 11 11 10' J
Krle. 2U 2;4 21M 224
Itlel.trref 34 34Ji 334 34
Fed MAS !) 0! 0U W
ttnut-a 1184 1204 1184 ISO
Turn Prndnrt.. ill 0' D'f !'
Corn Products ptcf . f!l r,'!4 C94 104
1'fl. Lad. A ttrlem..4C2 41 41 41"
I irmand Itln i.md. I S'i 64 ''
I rn IlloOrnnd pref "H ,,l4 ''' " s
Oencral Chemical 1GU 1R3 in1 K'
( mulHectric 143 144VX 1444 1414
(if neral Motor. 80 804 t-04 ROh
Ooodrlch Co. 204 S3 204 31 J
Goodrich Co pref.. . 05 05U 05 05
t itortIiern pref.. ..1144 1144 114M 1144
rnrfrhflm 48M 404 -48 404
nomcatako Mlotn ( - .. 118 118 118
IrtuUjio-yuiopoMaa. 11 104 10H 10
Inttrboro Met pref 80 60 60 50
International Paper..... 04 04 04 04
Inter! Paper pref 344 354 354 35
Indlan Steel pref 73 734 734 734
Iriplratlon 10 104 184 104
KfpsaCltv Southern... ?2 ?4 22 224
LarlcdeClaa 88 03 1)24 0 4
lehll Vn.ley IH34 1 i 131.4 l."4
Lone Island 3lh 30 32 3t
Maxwell Motor liM 18M 184 164
Vajwell Motor lit pref. 6-14 544 54 51
Vaxwe" Motor M pref. 224 22 22 22
Mercantile Marine 4 111
Mbtl'AS8M 112 113 112H 113
Vfjlmn Iflrcllum.... 51 64 61 54
Mexican Pet. pref 07H 67 07 87
Mlisouil.hansasATeias 0 04 0 04
Mo Kan A Tex pref.... 27 274 27M 27H
Miami Copper 174 174 17H 174
M lit ourl ParUlc 64 104 OH 0J
Montana Power Co.... 44 44 434 '34
Nat.onal lead. 4GH 47 47 47
eTad.l Consolidated... )! 12M 12H 124
N.Y..N.H.AH f44 634 534 534
New York Central t84 884 84 84
N.Y..O.AWest 22M 224 224 22M
Norfolk A Western 101H 1014 1014 1014
Northern Tadfle 102 101K 101H 1014
Pacific Mall 204 20 20 20
rrnn.jlranla 1054 1054 10-14 lO.'K
People's Gas 1204 1204 120 1204
HttsbnrtbCoal 184 184 17K 17'f
PlttsOO&StL 71 71 71 71
1 innd Steel Car 3.14 30 3SM 354
Ray Consolidated. 164 1C4 104 14
Heading 147M 147K 14CM 1474
Heading 2d pref 83 844 844 844
litpubliclronftSteeL.. 204 21 2C) 21
Republic I. A B. pref... 70K 764 76H "04
Rock Island M H H 4
Rock Island pref. 14 14 14 14
RnmeljCo 2H 2M Hi 14
Quick SUrer pref 14 24 24 2K
Mabcantlrllr 12H '3 13 13
St. Louis and South-, pref. . 34 34 34
'cuibfiri I aciuc. . -RM 54 K4J t-54
f-foller- '"Iwaj... . 164 1M l"i '6!
Standard Mill 444 47 464 47
ciuatrbaker W 414 40 4 4
Studebaker pref 04 1)44 044 044
lerrmff Copper. MM 31M ?04 :tl4
Texas Company 133 134 133H 134
IblidATcnue 414 41 404 41
Union Bae A Paper .... 64 f!4 64 0
Union Bag A Paper pref .. 284 27H 28H
United Dry Goods pref. 48H 48 48
Union Pacific..' llr-K 1 04 1184 1104
Unl-Bflncrref 84 bUK 80 80
Union Pao War :0H 284 :6H 284
United Railways Inr... 13 13 124 13
United Rylnr pref.... 324 324 3IW 32H
United States Steel 614 614 604 514
US Steel pref. 1073 108M 1074 108H
UtabCopper 614 624 60H 514
VaCarChem 18 18 18 18
do pre! 86.4 86 804
Wabash H H U H
Wabash pref 14 2 2 2
Western Union ;... 60 614 60H 604
Wheeling A Lake Erie.. 24 24 2 2
Wheeling A L E 2d pref. 34 4 34 4
-Atitu.eiici.ici.iei.. 73M 724 72 724
Western Maryland 14( 164 lo 16
Total aalea, 177,000 ahares.
Limit for French Defense Bonds
PAIU8. Jan. IB. The Mlnlatry has decided to
Introduce a bill In Parliament fixing 3,000,000
franca aa the limit for the laauance for na
tlonal defense and ordinary treasury bonds.
Mellor & Allen
The Provident Life &
Trust Co.
International Smokeless
Powder Makes New High
Record Lehigh Naviga
tion Shares Heavy.
IrreBUlarlly worked the trndlne; bn tlie
local exclmiiRO today. The orbltroBO
Rroup displayed a reactionary tendency
durlnp; tlio (rreator part of tlie acuslon,
nnd this oailaed some hesitancy In purely
Phllndelplila Issues. International Smoke
Ipss Ponder vns nn exception, extend
ln Its recent advance to 30, a now top
fltf-tire, on bti)ltiK by .T. W. Sparks & Co.
Talk of a pofsltilo I eduction l tile Lo
lilgli N'avliration dividend accompanied a
ducllnc of half n point In both tho stock
and trust certificates. Tho dividend last
yenr was barely earned, and unless the
enniltiBs of the LehlRh and New England
offset any fuither losses elsewhere, tho
board tnav decide It prudent to tonierve
the company's ri'otircos. However, the
next iiarterl payment Is not to he acted
upon until Kebiuatv SolIliiK r-llvItloiiit
Cfiusolldatcd Traction of New Jersey de
clined to 7d. on odd-lot offerings.
Dealings 111 bonds Hera not so large as
on Thursday. U til toil Hallway Investment
6b reacted to tho minimum price limit
of GS. Uethlehem Sttel fis were In do
mand at 8J' and SS. nnd City Is sold
ot lOO', The new UOWM lssuo will bo
offered to the public at par nnd Interest
tin Jninuin HI This will be the largest
nmiiuiil rrt uttered "over the counter"
nl mm limp The second greatest nutnDcr
was sold In May, 1014. when $I,I2j,C00 wcro
disponed of In this manner. The total
debt of this city Is only $33,000,000. against
J900.000 000 for New York. Tangible ns
eots amount to $257,000,000 nnd the bonds
nro freo of all taxes.
Interstate 4s advanced above 53 and
American Gas and Elctrlo were moder
ately active around S5. A block of $2000
Eloctrlo People's 4s changed hands at
77H and a 200 bond at 80. Philadelphia
Electrio 4s wero well takon nt 78. The Ss
wcro also In demand.
Tho mining group of stocks was quiet
todRy. Tonopnh held well In view ot the
suit Instituted yesterday It was an
nounced this morning that the Tonopah
MmiIii Company would shortl.v take over
tho property of the Dexter White Caps
Mining Compnnj, located In Marhattan,
Nevada, prolded tho latter'H stockholders
give their approval on February 2, when
they meet for that purpose. As In tho
Fannma proposition? tho Tonopah Com
pany will advance funds for development
work and take CO per cent, of Dexter
, close. High. Low. Close
10 Am Cnn .10 no 30
4 Amer Itwy pref lot 101 101 101
25 Atchleon 04 04 M
13 Cam Steel 43 45 43 43
lftl Von Tr N J...t721-J 7U4 70 70
TiO Hlcctrlc Btonme. 4014 4! 40 40
27 Ins Co N Am '2fM 11 21(, 21
4S4 Int Pow & Ch. 2I))1 .10 20V, .10
T4 Lchlsh Nav 70 T.V 73l! 734
15 do t c 78 7SH 7Si 7MI
14ii T-ohlK- Valley .. (Xl m m 07
r.n Minchlll 63 R.Y M
207 Penna Tl U 52 5JK M'i !tl
10 Penna Silt Mfir. no , no no nn
. 3i'rt rhlln Ulec .... 23H 2:i'4 ? 21'i
Bio P It T tr ctfo... It 11 II 11
27 Phil Trae 78 78 78 78
r, neatllnir 7.1 7.Ti, 73",. 73",,
5 Iioad 2d pref.. .. 41U 41U 41U
1003 Ton-Del 4',, 4W 4. 4
11)3 Ton-Mining ... Vi Vi 1X 7
50 Union Trae.... 38i 3RV4 asti 3HU
110 U O I 8JH 82i 82H 82
1 do prof IOH'4 108U 108U
1403 T7 B Steel 51H BH4 50 61W
100 Wabash K M J
20 W J & Seashore ISO 50 SO GO
Ex dtrldcnd. t'-at previous aale.
I-ast rrov.
unlo HlBh. Tyw. Clone.
2400 Am O & Elec.la 83H 81 83 85
l)O0O iieih Steel rf 6s . . PS 87 87
POOCH) 4s. 1041... 100 100V1 lonti loot?
10200 El Poo Tr 4s. 8014 ' SOU 77 77I
4WVI Intersta Rya 4a Bs I8U 5814 5814
WOO Kev Tel 1st B.. UHi 01 01 01
IOO I. Nv cons 4Vis. 07S bl 07T4 OIT4
30OO Leh Val Coal Be iiaA 101 101 104
400 do gen cons 414s 07 07 07 07
11200 Phlla Elec 4s. 78 704 78 78
SOOOPhll El 5e 10U4 101t lOUi 101U
2000 Read aen 4a... Dili na( n lit uail
1000 Hpan Am In Os.101 101 mi loi
400O Un Ilwya Inv Bs 03V4 13 05 03
NEW TOItK, Jan 16. The foreign exchange
market opened steady. Demand aterllnc:.
4 8.IV.JJ4.8.T4. cables, 4.84'lff4.84S. O0 days
4.81, francs. 5 1H: marka 87W871)4.
In late afternoon trading demand sterling
waa quoted at 4.83T4. It was made known
that the highest bid for demand for the noxt
eek was v.MU. Cnblea were offered at
4.84 5-16, fiO diys. 4.81V,4.8H4j franca, oft t4
to 5.10 and 5.18V4; marka jumped H to 87
C87H f
Public Accountanta
The Itourse.
Audits Investigations, irinanclal Btatementa.
announce the removal of their offices to
. 1418 Walnut Street ,n
January tlth, Itli.
Itbth. lr.w Clo
1000 Amer Arr B. . . loo 100 100
1000 'Amer Cot Oil 4 .... 00', 00'i BO't
1000 Am lock A Imp B..l0.1 103 10"
1000 Amer Tel el t 4a ... . 88 M 88
48OO0 Amer Tel cit 4'4r ... I)74 07 7i
two Amer Writ Pap f.s.. 02 02 02
Soon Armour Co 4tia . 02'i t2 2H
2O0O Atchison adj 4 tp.. 8l 4
21000 Atchison 4 , M'4 O-IU "a1
SotW) Atchlaon cv 4a 11IC0.. HH"i ' MH
1000 Aich Trana fi I- 4s . 87 87 87
1000 Allan Co Mno 4s . 89't 8;i Sjji
,1000 Halt A Oh reg 3'4 . 874 87(4 8i!4
Iomoii Halt it Ohio 4s. no 1"' W
loimw Halt A Oh CV 4JS . SIIJ, 80 88 i
1000 IIAO V U RAW V 4s. 8lj Sl'l Sl'i
1000 Heth Steel 1st f.. .. 11? lJt pt
2I.Vs llolh Mleel ird 3a.. . 8S.H Sijt MJi
4(Kio Itrook Itap Tr 5s 101S. l)4 mitf "
1000 Hush Term Hldg Ba... 8.1 81 83
WOO tnl Om A Elec 6s,... 01 4 n2i U1J4
4000Cnadn. South B .102(1 102(i 102H
11000 Cent Leather 1st 8s., Ilitt 00 M
moon Cent Pro 1st 4s. .. .80 B8U 811
70HO cues A Oh ev 4'4 . . 72'4 72 , 72
17000 Ull 11 A Q 4s... T . !n WJV4 0
iliooo do gen 4s 'nfS " EP
1000 Chl IV A Q 111 :iWs... SS'i 82i W.
1(100 Chl M A St P P(L 4Ua 8MJ 80 t 80
40l do aen 4s... ... 814 Rll .80
riHio Mo i.v s u i tun; loi 101
HK)0 do cp Bs IIHI4 10214 lie;
30HI tin Bfn 41(.. . . .11 (lU. IlKI lOOt
3IKX Chl It I A P col 4s 22. Strt, 22
1B00O Chl St P M A O 4s SIH 21 21
hum Col A south 4j4s .11 8. S3
142500 Con Oia ev lis 114 4 114. 1144
12000 Del A lltld rfd it 1010 IHI IIIH4 nn(i
.1300 Den A Illo Or 6 78 78 78
aroo Dtrolt Hdlson rfil Bs 38 38 38
4000 Ills Hedur Corp Bs. . . . B2i B2H R2Ui
371X10 Erie eonv 4s Ser A.. 01 004 01
2O000 do Ser n 03 otji .U4J4
2fnm Oeneral Motor 0...10IH 101 Ji 101
roon Oramtiy Con 0 W,i IHH SJ
.17(oiiii(i i.Un In 5s 2vjJ 2t'4 WW
100(1111 Hteel deli 4Vs StH RIW M
.VITO Indlnnn III A Ohio 4s 81 8t4 BU4
ISimo tiv.n Central 4s ... 40 40 40
10011 do rfd 4., 87 87 87
SOUP rto rhl It Bs. ..... O'l 00 li'l
l.'iooo Imp Cop cv fls 1010.. B7W 07 tiTW
ixioo Intp Copper cv m 1111 51
170(10 Intcrh Mot 4Hs 74 7I4 71
1.1000 Intcrb II T ref Bs.... PO'4 01 07
.KM.0 Inter Mer Mar 4'6s... B-IJ? 33. 8,1
1.I0O0 Intern! Alcohol 3s.... B9t t0S DJJ4
400) Inlernl Pancr fin ...1M'4 101V4 11
8n0 Int A Gt Nor 2d Bs.. 82 82 ,82
10O0 .lapnnpse ,3s 116 113 113
1000 K C Ft fl A M 4s.... 70JS 7011 70JJ
Bono ijvcka Steel f.s, 1013. !rft 11'iH POjj
inno i.nclcde Gas B lonv 100V 10054
mro i.k Sh db 4s, 1028 ihiij una? noli
.120M) do, 1011 nl nl til'?
200(1 I.eh Vnt C S 4'a. . 'I7'l 0"il U7M
1000 1.1c A M'T Bn . 101"V, 101 101
nmn lorlllard Bs . . . ...loS 102 102
BffXI louls A Nash 41 .... 124 "- "214
smn.Mii Knn A T Bs 80 80 W
noon Mo Pac 4s 43 4.1 4'.
27O00 ,Mo Pac cv B 40V4 -18 40K
BOOOfMo Pac col Bs 1017.. 01 01 91..
POOO Mo Pac cons Cs eni Wji 00)1
lono Nat Tubo Bs m& PK "
4000 n t a ! a a 7.1 7.1 71
1000 N Y O-M C col 8V4.. 70 . 70 70
7000 N T r A llud 4s.... 80V4 80J4 804
2000 N Y City 4s 1057.... IKH5 00J4 WJH
BOOO N X City 4Ua 1000. .IOOK 10044 10OJ4
rflOO N Y City 4Ha lOOjt 100 lOutl
2O0O N T City 449 10O3..1Ptf 104 104Js
SOOOO N T City 4Ua 1004. . . .100 t 100 100
20OO N Y City 4s Mav 'B7.104T4 104T4 10 IB
1000 N Y.Ba II A P 4a.. 83 85 85
2000 NY T)aa HAP Ba. .10CI , 10.1 1J
BOOO NY Nil A II a 104 30t?J 104K
1000 N Y Rwy 4s 72 72. 72
32000 N Y Itwy 3e .B2J4 B2 B2JJ
8000 N Y Rtnto 44 108 10s4J 10SJ4
2-000 N y Tel iten 4 (4s.... 034 034 03
loon Nor A Wet 4 03 03 03
ncoo do cv is io20 005; oni 0?
17000 Nor I'nc prior 4s 014 01U n
SiCOO do sen In "4tt 0414 JIK
7IYXI Ore Piort I- 4a 00 00 00
OOPO do Bs 10411 1WJ 101J1
mro Ore ny A N con 4s.. P0 0OJ1 00
7000 Pnc Coast 1st Be nail ns n
2000 I'aeine Tel 3s 07 H7i JJJj.
'-coO'Penna cv 3s 00i tnji 0
!lroo Public Serv N J Ba. . 87J4 87 "TJt
2PO0O Pending gen 4 Oltj 01 01J4
BOOO rtepub Cuba Bs 1004.. now nm no!4
liono rtock Island 6s B3 BIH 33
3000 Stl 8 F rfd ct 4s ata 0214 2'5
WOO dn gen Bs oo noJ on'i
1000 Scobonrd A U odj 8a.. 78 78 18
2000 do ata 4a 78W 78 78
20C0 Pouth Itell Be n74 n74 07(4
40MI South Pan 4s n 3'i 80
8-000 south Poo cv 4s 8154 S0 WW
270O0 docvKtlpM,. . n7?i 117 l-74
IKX10 South'Pac rfd 4s 87 S0V4 "7
11000 Pouth Itwy 4a Ki OtH 111
soon Bonth Ilwy Ba t)8i nsfi psH
10O0 Sparta 4. P1H 01t4 0JH
BOOO Tenn C A Ir 1st 5. .101 10144 101
BOOO Texas A Poc 1st 5s.. 00 00 00
2000 Texas Co cv Cs Ot 00 D0J4
8OO0 Third Ave 4 S1'4 8U4 81'j
4000 Tokvo 3s 82 82 82
1000 Tol Poo A "W 4a BS OS OS
2000 V H rtcalty B. ...V' K'i 75J4 7SJ4
10000 V s Ptthher Oa...... .10114 101 101
8000 IT S fitcel Bn 101(4 102U llfiH
1OO0 IT S Steel reg Ba 10174 101 101
sroo Union Iao 4s no PH4 no
10000 Union Pac cv 4s KK 80H BOji
2WO0 Tin rtwj'B 8 F 4a BUi M S4'
1000 Va nwy Bo oovi rwti ""
BOOO "Wabash 4a 30 30 BO
rflX) IVabaehi 1st Be 07 07 07
30000 Wabash 2d Ba 80 SB 80
22000 Wab Equ ct sta 4a. . 23 23 25
1000 Wnbaah Om 1 no 60 60
8000 Wab-P Ter let ct 4s, . 0 R
0000 West raectrle Bs.... 101 lorH 101
lono K'frt N Y A P let Ba. 01 00 0.1
25OC0 West Md 1st 4a 14 or) 014
270P0 West Shore 4a 80(4 80V4 R0'4
0000 Wlscon Cent gen 4s.. 81 81K 84H
January 14. 1D1S
At the regular Annual Meeting- of Stock
holders of this Tlank, held January 12th,
1015, the following gentlemen were elected
Directors for the ensuing year:
T Wlstar Drown Charles Wheeler
Oenrge Iliirnham, Jr. William T. Elliott
William Wood Charles E. Ingersoll
John Pltealrn A. A. Jackson
Charles II. Smith Samuel M Curwen
Henry W nlddle Clarence M. Urown
At a meeting nf the Board of Dlrectora,
held thla day. Mr. William T. Elliott was
unanimously re-elected President.
232 Walnut street
Philadelphia Jan. IB, 1818.
The Dlrectora have this day declared ,a
dividend of 4 per cent., payable on January
10 1015 to Stockholders of record, January
IB 1015. Checka will be mailed.
$1,443-8 EARLY
July Opens Unchanged, But
Later Moves Upward
Also Some Selling of
Long Trade Good.
CHlCAQb, Jan. 15. Mity wheat con
tinued lo climb lown.nl tho dollar and ft
half mark this mornlnB, openlnif nt 143
to 1.43U against 1.42 at the closn yes
terday. Boforo tho end ot the llrst half
hour It had risen to 1M. July opened
unchanged at 1.25. hut later moved up
ward. Trade Was fairly Rood. There
was some selling of long- wheat for a
An authority hero estlmnted that (ho
United States had 175,000,000 bushels of
wheat for export and carry over from
January 1 to July 1. The market at Liv
erpool was very firm, with a good
millers demand. Purchases wero being
made at an advance of 7V4d. for American
winters, with plato offers up 6d. The
markets at Buenos Aires were strong;
with freight rates showing a further
Dry weather Is reported oyer n large
part of India. Tho weather In Argentina
was favornble. Shipments from Argentina
for the week were smaller than hud been
pxpocted, being only "2,000 bushels ngalnst
810,000 bushels a year ago The visible
supply thele Is 560,000 bushels against
2,240,000 bushels a voar ago.
Corn was stronger on good buying by
cash and export houses and a fairly good
general commission call. Shipments from
Argentina for the week were less than
the estimate, amounting to 3,553,000 bush
els against 1,965,000 bushels n. year JiffO.
Of the total 1.SO2.O0O bushels went to the
United Kingdom and tho rest to Europe.
The visible supply thero Is 7,090,000 bushels
against 1,020,000 bushels a year ago,
Oats also waa flrmor. Shipments from
Argentina for the week were 1,140,000
bushels against 1,450,000 bushels a year
I . lovlslons opened higher on fair com-
mlasloii call, but reacted on rather free
selling. General trade was light.
Treading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat Open. High. Low. Close, clos.
May 1.4 15, 1.4"H 1.42 '1.43 I.42TJ
July ... .... 1.2(1 1.27'i 1.25Vi1.27H 1,2S,
Corn fnow delivery)
Mai T.Vi 781.1 73 78li ITiTi
"July 7014 70 7B fTD 75
January f52
flay . nv-4 ii'ir. "rt TUTi TW
JUlv B.1"J 84U B3 tS4J B.1
January ...10 42 10 42 10.40 10.42 "10.40
Mav 10.72 10.75 10.70 1070 M0.70
Jnnuary ....t0.77 ffl.82 0.7T 0.80 t0.77
May 10.1B 10.25 10.12 fl0 22 'lo.lO
Junuary ....18 20 18.33 18.13 18.S5 18.10
May 18.73 18.07 18.72 18 07 18.67
Bid. tAsked.
Dank clearings today compare with corre
sponding day laBt two years:
1013 11114 1013
Philadelphia $21.Mn,t)ll(I J.10.0H.007 XII, 38.1,412
rtnstnn .... 27.(133.281 .11,401. 7.38 33,728,830
Baltimore .. 0.031,827 7,017,823 7,280,111
Ne Vork ..2Sd 12-.MS2 370 .1711 BSH 410,'i,ll,",l
Et Louis 13,130,231 15,842,828 14,004,113
City of
Offered for Popular Subscription at Par.
Free of All Taxes in Pennsylvania.
Free From Tax Under Income Tax Act of Congress.
' 1 Legal Investment for Trust Funds.
j, Safe Investment for Personal, Partnership or Corporation Funds.
Readily Salable, and Always Available as Collateral to Secure Loans.
Bonds of the City of
largely by saving funds, trust estates and conservative institutions; They are a parties
ularly sate rorm or investment, giving aosoiute security ot principal and certainty on
income. This makes them very desirable for those who wish to be sure of permanenti
sate investment or ineir savings.
Issued in Registered or
muuipies. ouDscnpuoM
nail, oeginnuiii Jiiiurouoy,
uy cabu ur icuuicu luclk uruwu 10 oruer or iuy treasurer ror oo or suoscnpuuuj
Settlement must be made in full within fourteen days thereafter. Full descriptive cir
cular turnisnea on application.
RUDOLPH BLANKENBURG, Mayor of Philadelphia
JOHN M. WALTON, City Controller
?"MICHAEL J. RYAN, City Solicitor
10 to 10.30 A. M.
IB Tonopah Mln. 7W .23 Tonopah Pel, 44
23 Phlla Trac... 78., 100 U 8 Bteol.... Bl
10 Penna B2H 10 dp.. Bl
4 Ins Co N A.. 2IM 12 U a 1 82J4
8 do 21 20 Pennn B2H
,n Penna .. . . B2i no Leh Nav 734
IB Ins Co N A.. 21 IS Leh Nay t e. 78K
10 Penna Bait.,. 00. 10 Leh Valley,.. MS
Penna 1 B2)i 20 (Jen Asp pfd. 08
B Oen Asp pfd. BS 20 do.. ...... BJ
100 U S Steel.... 3t m US Steel..,. 51
40 do,, ...t.i, Bt 230 Int P & C... 20
,10 do Bl .11 do......... .10
lOO do......... Bl I Phlla niec.... 33
10 do mi. At 10 V 8, Steel.i.. 6
10 do, 1. Bl I
$2onn tin Ttwy Inv 6s TO
20O Phlla Plec 4s 1... 7',4
10.30 to 11 A. M.
2' Ton Ilel.. ..4-7-td 11 Penna .....620-1(1
10 !.eh Valley... 0054 3 Con Trac N J. .0
200 int Pow Ch .10 , 2 Penna ... .62 11.10
llltl 0 1 82 4 10. do...... .620-10
20 Penna ....... B2M S1 U Q I m 82),
100 Con Troa N J 71H ,
2000 Peth Steel Bs ?
lotxj Spanlah Am Iron da... '21,,
5000 Ileth Rtecl 6 SP.4
BOO Klec & Paop Tr 4s 01?
SOVO lleth Steel Bs,... 87'4
600 City la lull lOOli
11 to 11.30 A. M. ,
10 U B Steel.... Bl , 20 Ton Pl-" All1.?
10 Leh Nav 7B IUB Steel pM.10S,'i
10 U S Rteel.... Bl 10 Penna jl'?200,?
100 Ton Pel. ....4 7-10 100 Tonopah Bel. 454
4 Leh Nav 7SJ4 100 do.
20 Phlla dec.... 23H
2000 Elec ft Peop Tr 4s 7JW
2(Ki Interstate Itwy 4s ,JV.i
3000 I.eh Volley Coal 0 104
20in Interstate Pwy 4s 'ft
2C0 Else & Peop Tr 4s V4
11.30 A. M. to 12 M.
lOO Tonopah Bel. 4 2 Ton Pel. ....4 7-10
1011 do i 4 Am Uwy pfd.101
100 do 4 BWestJABS.fO
100 do 4 10 do .fO
800 do BO U 8 Steel.... Bl
100 U 8 Steel.... Bl 12 Penna B2H
2000 Un Ttwy Inv 6 flJ
2000 Am Oas & Eleo B gj
4(l Am Oas & Elec 3s... 81
4IK.U l.ch Vnt gen cons 4V4a U7
12 to 12.30 P M.
10") Tbnopah Mln. ffl 40US Bteol.... B0'4
fO Tonopnh Bel. 4?, .... ,.
23 Atchison 04 BO Union Trao... .W4
00 rhlla 11 T t o 11 00 Penna 02
12.30 to 1 P. M.
100 Penna .... 5H4 s
BOOO Keystone Telephone lei Bi... 01
BOOO Eleo & Peop Tr 4ej,... 77K
COOO Lehigh Nov cons 444a.. ...-. 11
1000 Reading: gen 4j..... P3H
1 to 1.30 P. JVC
BO Tonopah Bel. 44 400 do B1V4
20 Phlla Elec.... 2.1JJ 20 'Phlla Elec... 23
40 U a 1 824 83 Tonopah Mln. 7V4
100 U B Steel.... 51H
10000 Phlla Elec 4b 78
1000 Reading gen 4s 93H
1.30 to 2 P. M.
B Cam Steel.... 13 2 Mlnehill 33
143 Phlla Elec.... 23; 27 do......... 53
23 U S Steel.... 518 2 Tonopah Mln. 7i4
200 Phlla R T t o 11 10 Cam Steel.... 43
4 Penna 52 tl-10 10 Leh Valley... 67
2R Minchlll B5 60 Eleo Storage. 40
ISO Phlla Jilee.... 231
S000 Phlla Eleo Bi...., 101U
2 to 2.30 P. M.
100 Wabash 3 Read 2d pfd. 41';
20 Am Can 30 2 Phlla Trac... 78
100 Li 8 Steel.... BUi 10 Loh Valley... 6(04
2.30 to 3 P. M.
100 U 6 8teel.... B14 BO Phlla Elec.... 23U
100 do Bl BO U 8 tteel.... Bli5
150 Phlla R T t c 11 100 Ih Valley... 07
100 do 11 100 Reading ..7316-10
lono Phlla Elec 4s 78
500 Elec & Peop Tr 4s 80V4
1000 Spanish Am Iron Os 101
20(X) Elec & Peop Tr 4s 77"!
BOO Am Gas & Eloc Bs 83
Philadelphia 4
Philadelphia enjoy a high investment standing. They are held
Coupon form as desired, in denominations of $100 and its
wm De receivea at umce or cuy lreasurer, Koom io, wiji
January .1, iaio. OUUSCnpi,I0ns must De aCCOUipmufu
jv ew xotk. biock Exchant. u
fof $83,000, unchanged fttjfifiSS
vlous Bale. "WiUrt
The Southwork KntlonM B.Rv iB
tired flO.000 emwgonoy cunli,,5
local Subtreeujiiry, c' t,lffl
At thA nnhtiat m..il. - .. .H
Trust and HavlnB Company tJ,S!W
renin WAra rA.lAnlA h? cunni AJ
In tho hoard wert not filled, rat!
memberhlr from 17 to IB. r,a'w,'JlW
Jameo Elvernon, Jr., has -been J
n. illreotnr of thrt r,rttvin.w-... o 1
ouranco and Trust Company.
nellly, Brock V, Co. hn ..-. ...,)
xors 10 mo persons who PUrdisiTJiSl
rccoht $540,000 S per cent 10.y. SM
ment trust certlncate Issue 0 tk.TSa
R. n. Co.. notifying; thorn that ,h.WJ
has been canceled. 'Jur
ters to tho persons who tinnj,.71r,9
'finsp m
wef . . .
.10.1 mi .y'lsa
Cam Steel ......
Eleo Storage ..,
: sat a, m
ucn Jsp
. .. ' " .
00 pror.
Keystone Tel......
7'4 (18
22 !.
no I Cm
m 02
uy iici. ..
inae up ijorp.......
ijtn nav .......
uo t 9
Leh Vallnv ...
Leh Valley Tr........
do prof.
PMU Eleo
Phlla fo
do pref
do cum prtf...... .
Phlla R T
ao t c.
Ton Pel
Ton Mln
lfn Trao
TJ rj I
York Rwy
ao prec
. "" m
ni'iw luiwv, jan. id rotton tutmT
advanced from 5 to 13 points today. a2f
Ine at tho best prices. Trading iVS'
particularly heavy. . j
Teet'dy's 3B
January .... S" W 8
March ... 8.12 8.12 Ras aV.'!
-t.e... O !( D aJ ,m "
July ...... B4t 9.M R.A3
s??r s-w s-i(
8 81
You Will Receive
Va"v AffiJirFiiro 4
Investment Return!
through purchasing a shottf
term note we now oiler. Itsf
issue by a strong Public Utility!
Company is approved by foil
hnm(. Stntft CrimmiSfllnn onS
earnings exceed seven timejj
the interest cnarges. s
Send for Circular No, ISOh
describing this investment
William P. BonbrigIit&Co,lfi!
New Vork Boston Drljitt
Lunuoni iviidain x unnnngni ni
'$ ?h "IS
34(5 33 SjjiP
" M ; III
11 ': lal
....... .. 11 ..iti
1 ....... ... 714 73JiTvi I
.. ..-...... 4i 4J4jJfJI
-.-. .. 38(4 .V,
........... 0lt4 Big 61811'
80 32 JlM