mmw&i!W'&ili EVENING LEBGEB-PHTLADBLPniA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 191S a !. 1 FRATERNAI OCIETIES ,HWSH! (,1 0fdn. of Odd Fellows ........ i Mill war InttUUrt In SUr &? t i- tt. -tfi9 an .4 itti-4n fh W - - 1.1- nnnfMMnn ItVi !..-. 3 iV- 771. in .UBJ. iiv. ... auain .nu a-unrts- "." ""'":"::.:..: ' order hit taken an active part In alt movement toward Id extenilon. !ila member ahlp was transferred by merf ement to Columbian Lorlga, No. 8V In Januar, 1SS9. Ho waa admitted into palwlln Encampment, No. St, In Auxuat, 1B8B, and be came a member of Thereta Br . .. No. 14T, In 187. lie v.a- IK .. i. -a a che alter of Canton I'hlla, mm. No I, ratrlarclw Militant, In Auru-i, HW 'ti an captain In hla canton from T$w't ,.....- .! In th vrand tvdlaa fiR'T.-j.. h extended ovor the greater cor- !;!,-',( (he above period, during which time !Mti?.. Men appointed to and served on the Mt<M on Appeala, tha Commute on H - ...j..iii and tha Committee on Mlleaxe Vise Or.nd Lodge, nnd aa dUtrlcl deputy & muter of the eighth dlatrlcl of I'hlla. If,-... ,i. .4a alan tha reDreiontatlve or tiU pfrr. i.. nmnn .od tor many yenri. and fiSua retreienlRtlve of hl eniampmont In RnrAd biteampment, where he sae aomce Sf-MW mmmltten. He was appointed grand ft?",- 1,1') anrl In IRtt.1. tK.u.v lltoi. Urother Hall waa Installed aa !ii icribe of the Grand Encampment of L..fanla. and In way, xuii, waa inatauea Brsioti lecretary or the urana ixoge ot RiKriTanla to fill tha vacancy causad by C jSS i of Jo'Ph II. Machay. P. O. i In !w latter poMtlona ha ha given 18 yeara of PK!r.I.ili. unit ha dlitllnyed marlrt WtSiniue ability and teal for tho advancement MtM Feltonehlp and toward Increased liar frchr and aeneral rtnowal of Interest and pros- Milt Lty HlBliu uiuivr uimvi tvuuni tin aierted has coiiirrended hla efllclont work. ufjiUoted hto whole time and energy, and iii mown an tarneatnets of purpose and iMtti to duty combined with experience and !vari tint mark him aa one eminently fitted f'ttr the position which he holds, aao-irwl Secretary Hall announce that tha fol-Tl'i-. immineea have signified their Intention to bt raadldates for tho respective offices ot a, oraod lodge: Deputy Grand Master J. P. Kile J-nXliu, for grand master; Qrand War K Perry A. Bhanor, for deputy grand master; hkonuxli Oeorga B. Gray, of No. 030; Frank tfiuam. of Ho. 814; IL IJ. Hberly, of No. IligttrMiiia, of No. 10S; Jacob B. Weaver, of XJC Hj'Boy D. Beman, of No. 1120, for grand T ? . dMn, CA.ranrW 1Tti(1i A trail ft (mill lecretary: Grand Treasurer M. Illcharda rjCaie ICr srlu uim,uiw uiaiiu ncyi u- iittUilve- Jms II. Avey, for grand ropre eallre to tha S. G I- The election takes iHt la each lodgo on the last meeting night "lmuloj'n Btar IO.lse sent a delegation with, Adr IniUlllng staff on a fraternal visit to irnmtt Lodge, of Glouceetor City, N. J., .h. tha Btnrr tmltirntut niv nfflonrM nf Jlr nm'i Lodge In a manner that .was a revela te to Die Jersey element of the 200 members rent, ine nam cunsiviva ol raw uranoi Mood. William M6orhad, William UlacV, luvte Wsmock, John Gmliajn, Harry Graham, iTtttm Patteraon and Jajnes Callaji. The cot done In full dress uniform and was .I.. Mil an, aYflrtAnt thmuchmit. Atter the 1 ttfenoiiy tbe Entertalnrrtbnt Committee served Ktt imx! things to eat and then there was f iH'laterctutng6 of compliments by several fmetlimakers. A pretty feature of the occasion ?i ! nraaentatlon of cast Brand collars to ItSftw toil grand and tha former secretary, I Willi served the lodge faithfully for many ran. retiring on account of removal from tUWTllat jltits. HHI3 Lodge last night conferred tho first W.Tiraa In full form on four candidates. The ftflll ftlfcr, characters In the degree add much to fif ttt cindlJates. Mllle haa asaln Btarted .liiVf, TtutmhMhin taama for the comlnc vcar. tttnninf with 10 mombrs on each team. Ths EnluQ ot membership clubs becomes, apparent. A a- I. 1011 )hnta urn n ntva nf tinim nC fftrtd to the Individual of cither team brlnar- sru uiQ most canaiaaies, jonti u. urensman ddftd to the rolls 20 new members, winning ttf otic, ine teams comoinca lotaica ox MMTdttu. Rilcome Lodgo conferral the nrit detrrce on itaiair -ut and on next Monday eventnff tvlll ijttiieccnd degree In full form. Thia 16Jko iQ wnJuct rsllgloua services at the Odd it.Wi' Home on February 14. Welcome lxljili gtttlnr ready to visit Palmyra. Lodge, i. Cundn, and will take over a. good delo titlos. IfUttUe Howe Rebekah Ixdge raid Clncln- tltj bit, their main object being to create an fecmitd Interest in the Kebekuh branch ot W ptatr. itfaqniiaiui ixK-ge win celebrate its 3:.d an- wsur on Januarv "25. the nttendnncn he Iitnited to the members and their faml tki. Tha talent will be drawn malnlv from Ita ( jviBuiviaiuBt Billy rtiuuiiK uiuer iiuinucrs iiiera fltJ'Jtiea mUifitrel entertainment nnd a comical W4 cuilctl number, entitled "The Cleran nith." ;..:va. iDruarjr id me iltit uistrici wm visit 'Jstticiiiftatui Lodge. Tho main speaker will be JpJH. Calvin O. AlthouBO, ot the Philadelphia dw Dcnooi, -wno is an nonorea menDer ot r.Ca:lmutus Lodre. sKiMcrton lodge made the 1420th meeting tfttTueiday evening a past grands' night. The gfniietp&l ipeech was made by c; B. 1), Rich- Cn closed retreshmenta were served, Qeorge 1 1. Surgtrt acting aa toastmaater. Brother .4K tntertBlriB with nlnnn sntna nnil nivnm. furiat the members whllo singing popular igrlMirltl bs held at the Orphanage by Ken ROmuuiock Lodge held open meeting on r?47. evening, wiin gamea. "ears' ana feu time for all. Joseph D. Promls, John r.tlftltnian an.l ltrilltn. a t,ltlla Inn .Via BSU reUaMes-1 at every meeting. IT Ulje last Monday night had. In addl- r to un uvin rnemoera, visuing Drotnera ma Kuturra IIIhafvb (law,, V fhltHa itfl". of Philadelphia, and Calumet Lodge. C P'Olinamton N, Y The first degree was fwhtm ana Brought forth the usual pralss a Uif visitors. Next Slonday evening tha KJM SJiree will be conferred In full form. j eommlttee appo.nted to organise an aseo t to Iroprovo the degree work report finals ,h0.rt tlm "W Worlcsrs" will ttafull swing. An effort Is to be made to livtai B oanner year in wo niaiory or n TaftAvah AnfanaJ ah TaHttavV O k& fPWtary decree on three candidates, whtch Cfr. ! at"H of ten Initiated since December Iiii:" "V. o'STee "1U be conferred upon the K'J.uoiaaies mis evening, ana e, large nsc to witness the worlc of tha degree STVr. Kwloq' Jo?epu itogcrs, cnairman ot X7Ji'iu.", Reception Committee, haa EH"",1" January xu as laatea' nignt. A PHil lai musical entertainment will be alven ! tuefit of the ladles and friends. JJsrvicesat the Odd Fellows' Homo last iS?J, J" !" c''?a of the committee on r" ? toi sermon waa prsacnea t j2h ' ,l4rllns0n neslstant pastor ot g The muslo waa by the large congrego the direction of Miss Eva Lynch. "WW Blppi, president of the home, made BEjUU Perm Rebekah lodge. No. 178, had llTf M.tns It.bekah Home. The sermon 'si jyvf." D' JUV' Bamuel B. Williams. ;Kr ,."l':,'own Baptist Church, German Eitit """ and Brunner street. The muslo ftlai fell Ur.i,'V? w wnaa Kraise, dusts .R'r11 Mrs. John Berkelbaoh, and Miss taiu k- -,BrDlca-on, A aaareas waa Stt lottfl' "" En!"!", president Bsr sra,s, vwo." .h5?..'p!',ft. ,nm ffrtii? theThlrd Philadelphia District. tfcir..r. ,ne WW iieliows- orphanage Rurt.v?r,,.es. W6re mad8 by Xttstrlot FuliLl- t. . u:U"'onn r 'isner. wno WffikSlI A- W-. BrownnJllfer, Charles B. at?t..tlr"'l"it, ' the home, and fcMfflii rvi.irir. man or the orphanage Bdu l?.IT?.m51!t,e' T)" mu" Incfuded a g9i orchestra ana chorus. Mer "Unity tMUtlon 0( Bryn Mawr, Camdsn, WIfton, Prld Of npmanrAwn Um. l Wlsaahlcken nr-i wmiiM r. AVyftSL'tt !-.s' n.ffi! of 1 -IsltatfnTS'fc'.lJItS-' Vi " "S tatl0M w instttuleJ. Three ?t. aVll .,' f .SSf, "?". Ji J9! 'ti5.,L,.n!!4 ? dlaplay o( flowers and refTiT.;.M,ml9war' ehalrman of if Ph'ii?2,'ilr and Propagation Com. W' visitation over to BroOier Mrberto. Wfiffl k 5aV ffi111 gi? Vartn rL5"a WlrM? UUai WatrjotTWho d3- rt'sji tlnvay a rVrfV- "It's" i " "vnt or ins dooj sftr. " Propagation Committee II $ ruth n5i" f .,J,C 8" .'h progress of Dittta .a1?! Joseph Armstrong spoke Wr fgmiH,";?.! eputy ararla Mas. "SS r'si riS... 'n "Hi" behind tba gun." F .' BScwr Mellor, " 'Vankfor'4 U. trSf'.kr """ w 11 ba held Jaiu i SLfilril!knrl: '.t4 officers of age m be lnataUed by Deputy B. 5J Slot oj"antloB( on January WiEt. ktV aWorw 5'"r1fM J a ifiKv.V.SJ"urtr.'K5t "? . faata i. " III ?? BlOre DrartavallAr in wortr ttuut any Ctv5f ! " o' vttnlmjj wania yoacora, i-vant- 'its 0,,i it&hitvlWtm JUJJ i ail i-J"1 faliOA, Prl4 of 9r- ifim. -Mit Nfes. in Improved Order of lied Men The gathering of the tribes compo-lng the Al led Association ot West Philadelphia, was IwM In tho council chamber of Tuckahoe Tribe on the sleep of the 12th un Notwithstanding the Inclem ency of the weather, tha meeting vaa the largest of any the sesoclatlon has held, nearly (too members, repro tenting forty tribes, being present. All ot the great chiefs and four past great SSchrma were rallait ttnnn tn IwRk. The principal talk of tha evening was dellcrcd by dr-at Sachem fharles R, pass, this being the nrtt meeting that he has at t'initeil In the hunting grounds of Philadelphia, ahd he rocelted an ovation Much ctedlt Is due ur, T c Ilcewlck for the success of tho gathering, Ihe Dakota Association, of Boulh Phlladel. phis, lns been hnldlna meetings every inn en I suns Decree Msster tleorge II. Stevens placed , the warrlor'a degree on the floor In Logan I lTiUf, tun work performed by tho team being highly commended. They are how prepared to work this degree In the council chambers ot all the tribes connected with tha association. On the sleep ot the 111th sun a district coun etl Wll. halit ri tli rtitnrll rhtmha, nf Alvnn. nuln Trlhe, the great chiefs and the deputy of I the tribe being present. On the sleep of the lath a similar meeting will be held In tho council ilinml'or of Naae Tribe Wjo.iilnn Tribe, the oldest tribe In the Stain (hatlnR celebrated Its 03th annltersary). held an Interesting meeting January 8 Although uld in organization, over CO per cent, uf the trlbo's members nre young men, who have added now life and made It the most actla tribe In South Philadelphia. They started the new year with five propositions to the chief ot records. Much ot the success Is due to tho active work of Bochem C. Boyle, vho Is ably supported by Benlor Bngamore Boheni and Junior Sagamore Shilling and to Chief of Records llobert Kern, who guides the officers and financiers of the tribe In the right direc tion Past Sachoms Strieker, Shields, Joyner, Watson, Smsth fjsllngher Downe and Dep uty Oreal Hachem Sterne are all taking their share of the tobor and responsibility On to night's sleep blg-hrarted brothers J Frank rtedrern, Peter J. Kite VWUIam Davis nnd the Uojb of Yonan Tribe w It trail to Wyoming and confer the chief's degreo on a class ofpale faces This work will be done as only Tnnnh car da It. lllro Tribes trailed to Camden and raised the chiefs ot Wyoming Tribe, No. 55, and Dakotr Tribe, No. 311, A large delegation ac companied the raising team and wera met by over 200 enthusiastic Jersey lied Men. The rltuallstlo work, as well as the drill of tha team, waa performed In the usually faultless style ot lllro. Interesting remarks wero made by Great Hep. Ilarper, or Now Jeraoyj P. O. B. John B. Pooro, D. Q. S. Warner. P, B. Dootor Betrwlok, Deputy a. S Malone, P. 8. IDo yean and others of 809. P. Q. B, Currlo, of New Jersey, gave 'an Interesting talk on Charltj" and O, 8. 8. Samuel II. Walker gave o talk vuch as he alone la noted tor and which has oorned for him the title of "the Billy Sunday 'of lledmanjrhlp." Tha Red Mon'a Jubilee Association held a meeting on Monday opening to plan for their outing In July. Thia will bo tho twenty-third anniversary. The , fallowing officers wore elected: Alex, Clark, of No. 25. president; I duls Segar. No. 184, vice president: James Plnkerton, No. 70. socretar) and, treasurer: Benjamin V. Ilcrta, No. 46, chairman of tt'lnnnce Committee. There were 22 tribes rep resented A letter of condolence was ordered sent to the family of the lata John P. Dulse, who waa prostdent ot tho association for Blx On the sleep of Monday, the 23th sun ot this moon. W innepurkett Tribe will colebrate Its fifteenth anniversary by holding a vaudeville how In their wigwam. In tie Parkway Build ing. In addition to a good entortalnmont thero will be remarks on tho history of lUdmanshlp. Tho board of great chiefs, will bo In attend ance and Great Senior Sagamore Samuel H. Walkor has been selected to deliver the ad dress ot tho evening. All who have heard Brother Walker speak know thoy will hoar something worth while. The trlbe'aj momoera are nrgod to mako a, special effort tone present on this sleep. On last Monday s sleep a paleface was adopted, and the team under tho captaincy of Past Sachem Krank I KIHott performed the work In a very creditable re0nntlie sleep of the 8th sun Great Sachem ?arveVS O. 'iSultnevK iSch'a Wonlc C Gr'caMhet0; Richard B. Tongue who ha. the tribes in that locality. On Monday's Bleep he waa In tho councl chamber of I'ontlao Tribe; on Tuesday's sleep. Ottawa Tribe, and on Wednesday's sleep. Wonewok Tribe. All the meetings were well attended. Great Sachem Charles B. Pnsi paid a fra terrnl visit to Katonka Tribe, of York on tho s'efp of the Uth It being 'Ir anniversary The council chamber was well tilled with the members ant, their The Great Sochcm talked upon the principles o the Order and was followed by Past Great Sachem William HTe0npAmanentbecI;rd of the Great Council met at the Great Council office on January 10 bjicI passed resolutions of respect and, condo fenco on the demise- of Past Sachem John P. Guise of Yuba Tribe, a member of the ,',, Committee. Copies ot the resolutions adorned9 Sere forwarded to the family of the 3e?eaa?o and the tribe of which be was a member. Patriotic Order Sons of Ahierlca Penn Treaty Commandery, No. CO. was In stituted at Morrla and Bepvlva streets Janu ary 7. About 800 members from 13 city ter members, headed by the commander-lm-chlef and staff and the Keystone Commandery Band, paraded through the neighborhood. The Institution waa In charge of II. S. Commander-in-Chief diaries 1L Davla.who pronounced the new nn-mnnrfarv nnn nf thfl mOSt nromlslng ever instituted. The commanderlss represented wero Nos. , 0, 20, 25, ax, ui, 03, 4i; 42, 48, Bl, BS and 80. These officers were Installed: George Orlscom, commander! Ilarnr Stauts, senior vice commander; Homer King, Junior vice commander; P.. Ray Mewger, re cordsr; Joseph Odgers, receiver; Wl Ilam Re volr, treasurer; George Baker, chaplain; Harry Peterson, Inspector: Walter Smith guard ; Wlnfleld Doebley, picket! William Albright. David Williams, Homer Stlnson. financiers. Brother D, H. Williams promoted this com mandery, which will meet every second and fourth Monday In Friendship Hall, Bepvlva and Norrls streets. A glad welcome will bs given to any visiting brother. Camp B83 turned out strong In spite of bad weather on Tuesday evening. The new presl dent, Albert Hanafy, announced his appoint ments to serve on the soversl committees of the camp during hla administration. There were two visitors from Camp 204, The visitors' register showed entries at nearly every meet ing. The Entertainment Committee waa au thorized to proceed with arranging for an honor night and banquet about the middle of next month tn commemoration of the contest held last term, ths Inauguration of a new con tsst during this regime and the celebration ot the birthdays ofAbraham Lincoln and Oaorga Washington. This occasion promises to bo a red letter event In the history of this camp. Camp 803 Installed its officers at last meeting through the fifth district president. Bowuel K. Btlnger. There waa a. good attendance, with two visitors. The retlrlns president. Robert M, Davis, iwas preaenteA wtth a beautiful em blem as a token of hla good work. Brother Jacob Duerr. a very old member of tho camp, making th presentation and commending the young members for taking acUvo Interest in (he affairs of the camp. The new president. IWHIIam Y. Davis, received encouragement as he took his chair, three new candidates being proposed for momlbtTBhlp. Brother James Shields, president of tho fifth district dart team, announced that Camf SMJ defeat. id camo SJ and also addeT a forfeited game to their credit owing to the failure ot Camp 4 to make Its appearance. There Is general activity In the Uth dis trict " "naequenc. of the Installation i of ofrtcers in tha varlouai camps. D. P. Welsh iipMsses his thanks to th. many roraben who lr Ending their help. Brothers William An dreei and Jlogoey, ofBoS, and King and Abel, of 03. are deep In the work, , Thar will be a dlstrlot meeting at Oanp), ArobJr ana Norrta streets, on, January 2d, ana all morrtbeni are Invited, to attend. Camp T will tnstalthe following jfAcerai aiarviy Q. Field, president! &,ArUeUV; vtcV president! J. Ollllngham ,. ff'A rfenry J. Btsger, treasurer) William ""'T irpir, reoordln secretary; Samuel a Mc Mullan conductor! Vt Leldy Rsd, "'Wt0J! fvank W, Carver, outer guardt Dr, , P. N, K. BThwenk,' Jainea H. Wolle. John J, lllsolsr, trustees. 3?presters of America I.. a,a nnaka rtttf tlO gi. h.ld a. largsly attended meeting on Januarj- 8, at Empire Hall. HVanktord vnu; and WllUam s..s a-14 h.. if tiAir nfrleerA Installed by Orand Chief Ran. Sir 2. i. Seymour, as fol. lowat Chief ranger. Raymond MoCarty; sub-ohf ranger, Bamuel . BlairK rsasurer, Oeoxg OMliams financial sjo retary, Alsxaads IMMrdi recoraiii ascrettry, Wilfred Drmeroai atntor rwir. rrm $, tSrtffloats Tta U retiring;001 rJsr. BotiH WlUUua TEauia, TW la on of th JaiwtaiKcetHfuJl Court U th Junior brtaeh eftl cWe iua th ri.WWj M tbltwawnr. Addres. eaterUlnrnsot Jtn4 JifibSsnU feUaw47 Aiaoarj thes taklnf Chief Ranger Chart BmtU. Orsnl Secretary Robert fSb.ftOrajad Trusts. Harry Young. ?iit Orand Trusts Jams "rocktit, iuprsm n.DicaVot.Uv Robert E4trd. pu( chief stick Frank: .unior e;r. vwvm ,,..., ittor taadii. Joseph Donahue, Junior bsadle, Uuitam fehitbl;, physlclsn. Oeorg. glmon, G&7VD JCCf?TWY OOT Ing secretary; F Barha, financial secretary; W. Lohr, treasurer; A Cahlll and Urother Ed wards, woodwards; Brothers Wagner and Mil ler, beadiest 11. McNamee, trustee! M. B. Whito, lecturer. The deputy, Thomas Naulty, complimented tho court on Its selection. There wero IB propositions. The coming year prom ises to bo ths best In the court's history. The annual banquet will be held on April T. Court Haverford's degree team and band la making a high reputation In West Philadel phia. Their fioor work for Court Glenmore and Court West Philadelphia won high praise. The ladles' night was a great success due to ths oftorts of the hard-working committee as sisting Brother McNnmoe's committee. A few of tho ladles' committee wero Mrs John Smith and (laughters, Mrs. Prank Barba, Mra. Edwards. Mrs, Fergerson, Mrs Allcson. Mrs, Mack and daughter, Mrs. Cahlll, Mrs. Kelley, Mrs. Kooms, Mrs. Wood and Mrs. M, Mc Grane 7ourt Cross Keys' meeting of last Monday evening enloycd several Interesting features, especially that ot the report of the Auditing Cominltttfo, which showed a surprisingly largo monetary gain for ths last quarter. A com plimentary vots of thanks was ordered ox tended to the fraternal editor of tho r.vri-i!o LxnoEB for "conferring tho favor of publishing the court'H weekly news In such an excellent and conclio manner " Brothers William Whltt, William Lorlng. Frank Collins, John Donrelly nnd James Keller wore chosen to compose tho Now Ritual Committee which will competo for the 11500 prize offered by the 8u- ?remn Court tor tho compilation and conitruc lon ot the most dignified and Impressive Ini tiatory ritual, to bo awarded at the next Bu fireme Court convention, which wilt be held n Augut at Ban Francisco Court Hamilton's report for the year read at last meeting ahowed an Increase in finances but a Iobs In membership. Tho members had a turprlso In the visit of Brother Mageo and Doctor Daly, of Court Schuylkill, during Good and Wolfore. Walter J. Daly, M. D., an nounced himself as a candidate for grand treasurer. Ho was unanimously Indorsed by the members presont, the delegate to the con vention being Instructed to vote accordingly. Dr. Felix M. Kater announced that hla first lecture to the membera would be January 20 on the subject, "What a Man Should Do for Himself." All membera ot ths order are In ltcd to hear him. Court General Georgo B. McClellon Is Jubl- Constderntlons of order and space mako It nece'ssary to ntlvanco hereafter the tiny of publication of the Intemnl Soci ety Department from Friday to Tluirs tlay. Secretaries should send their com munications tn the Vraternnl Kriltor promptly nfter their meetings ami no later thun to reach here Tuesday evening. lant over the treasurer's report that their mntured stock In a building and loan associa tion hod made a balance of over $2000. Nowly rlcctetl officers were Installed as follows: Sam uel Lleberman, chief ranger: Robert De Korte, suh-chtr ranger: Horry Wolfe, treasurer; C. A. 0"llara, financial secretary; William A. Kenny, recording secretary: Georgo Atrey, serior woodward; Joseph Ryan, Junior wood ward Joseph Mara, senior beadfe; Louis De Ko-te. junior beadle: Francis De 8ales Kelly, Georgo Warren Phillips, George DeWne, trus tees. Past Grand Chief Ranger Thomas Dug gan, "the fathtr of Court McClellan." In pre senting to the retiring chief a past chief rangera certificate, reviewed the history of the court, exhorting all to keep up the good work of upbuilding the membership and finance. The Entertainment Commltteo pro vided talent and refreshments, and an old fashioned McClellan night of song and story occupied the social session. Register of Willa J, II. Sheohan, a past chief ranger of Court McClellan, sent regrets at hla Inability to bs ""court Mcrherson held Its first meeting In It new hell, Fronkford avenue and East Clear field street, last .Tuesday. Ths; nowly-elccted officers were Installed by Deputy Farrell, of this court, who mode an Interesting speech re garding the duty of officers and members, and he waa heartily applauded. ,,.,. Deputy G. C. R. John Powell Installed the officers of Court Bethany last Friday evening. as follows! W. D. Park, chief ranger; Charles .Ferrary, sub-chief ranger; A. Meottel, treas urer: 6. II. McConnell. financial secretary; T. A. Donaghy. recording secretary; F. L. Sparr, senior woodward: H, It. Bchmltt, Junior 'wood ward: L. S. Sorber, senior beadle; A. Wilson. Junior beadle: Dr. Edgar Savldge. lecturer; Thomas W, Murphy, George , Berry, Stanley Tees is, trustees. Ins Entertainment Commlt teo furnished a. spread of "eats." Court aienwood's trustees' report on the strength of the court for 1014 shows 865 mem bers; amount received, 13008.28 1 amount ex oended. J2738.42: amount In eenoral fund, $10. 6n7.47! total value. I I0.O0B 24. making a gain of 81.(13,8,1. The intertalnment fund received 8210.07. added to balance of I90.6H. and the expense were 232 25. Th degree team asso ciation will hold Its stmlmonthiy meeting on Sunday next at 2 p, m for Important buTneis and rofreshments. A meeting will be held on Tuesday next at 0 o clock, followed by a drill by the captain, Joseph TresseJL who Is a ser geant In the ylrst Regiment. Company D. ArtlBartB' Order of Mutual Protection M. It. M. A. Htgglns haa arranged to hold the "Producers' Dinners" to ths following as semblies: aermantown. January 18; Oak Lane, t-.... lit. lUllHam Pnrfnn January 2fli Glrard. January 28; Dorian, January 20. All the. dinners will be held at th Hotel Walton. Brother Gerald P. Bagnall, former recorder of Brooklyn Assembly and recorder-elect of l,ong Island Assembly, died on i.n,u nttar a. few davs' ill ness of pneumonia, Th many friends of Urother , w. Tusssy. ncoAsrot Camden Assembly, will be Pleased tS know that h U recovering from an attack 0Vrogr?i.lvJVMr.nibeishlp Association will hold Its annual banquet on January 2d. ti Sssembllts i are elect ng this month repr. isntitf'S to I theamusJ session In this city n March. , Knights of the Golden Eagle Thsr wlU b meeting on nut Tuesday at th offlo of th 8uprm Castl. 814 North Broad strset, of the Board of Director of th newly ronntu tuuM-i juu Association which waa author ized by the Supreme Castle. Ths officer ana directors of this association are: Presi dent. John W, Ford, su from chief. Philadelphia I tee president, R. if. Cut. .. !. ,.hn n IT..II.U- a V., isosionj aec 3. G. Biltlmorei trurr. U. L. Gallagher, tT T' rTnhestiri dUsctor. Dr. J. Ilarvey JJuciulrian. P. O. C. Malnnsld. N. J.i Will tSnoSlMrtioo. P, fd-Pl-UadslphUi Oeo, aTlIlwlMottrPt. S. C. Long Branoa, N. .I Eil wffiwstir, V, 8, A., NswHavea. cini. OMrett 8. Bmllh. P- SVC., WUmlngton, 53. Xpollo CastU lnltlat4 iJti, vo1d . class e'iuMctiVVd ! ! " & the uSa of 6Brta Commandery under bj lisrshlp of Colonel Ouyant, who rsprsssntsd DlTulc't.Sr.ndCbl.f Ch 0. Huhn Thsr. rc.?atTorUIVa,r.JdVVbU .7lV-li IK rlehist cisir In th antlr order, and U woe th ovs ?Lm1 :ct &.&. &i k: mtalbanaust on th w? LK"Mf , "r ?ySVats! for MW IBSJObSr. TBI cU x- StiX- TaSuiSv Fsbruary and Uareli and U r S3V,VUV. ... a. -J-..-M Yn-... OlOrl OaU W1U U. TWH a-a .aw--- ejSh? tWTthu ou iu V castle Is In ths district Presided over by Dis trict Grand Chief Charles G, Huhn. Pride of Cambria and Star, of Cambria Cas tles hsd their orTIctr Installed, and ara enjoying n season of hrosperlly. They are making preparations to attend the next Grand Castle session to be held In Lebanon Past Chief Charles Huff, of Keystone Castle, who died on the 8th of January, was one nt tha oldest workers In continuous membership In the order, having Jolnod that castle In October, 1R7B, He was over 80 years of age. Chester Castle had a deltghtful entertain ment on the 7th, nnd there was a large at tendance of members. Tho Butiards' degree was conferred on a Urge number of candi dates. Frnternrtl Patriotic American!! ' Delegates from various councils of Philadel phia County met last week for the purpose of arranging foe a general class Initiation to bo nelil ni l,u l,tl temple reo ruary J?, when the beautiful ritual will be siempllfled by a selected corps of officers from the different councils Brother Itlchard II. Crockford will not only serve upon the large pipe organ, but will have charge of too aoeclally trained singers for the occasion. From the reports received from many of the councils there will be a large at tendance or members and nn extremely large class of Initiates. Many of the councils have sent special notices to all members. 1 ho Good of the Order As-oclstlon of Phila delphia, representing 10.000 members, met Inst .MotidAv evonlng at the Hall of Gratitude Coun cil, No. 0S2, Brldesburg, and ther was a large representation from the many councils present. Resolutions urging President .Wilson to sign tho Immigration bill were unanimously adopted, Btato Vice Councilor William II, Bheneman, Stat Council Secretary Oeorg S. Ford, Past State Councilor John R. McKelvey. Deputy State Councilors Freeman, MacDonald and Trlpmaker and othera addressed the Tho board of officers of the State Council has Issued a letter to the subordinate councils requesting them to adopt resolutions to be fnr wardeil to President Wilson urging hint to sign the Immigration Mil recently pns-cu ny eon gress, anil the many councils and thotistnds or members throughout this State are compiling therewith This order has not only been ery much Interested In this measure, but In every laudable way ha assisted and encouraged members of Congress to pass that law. John R. Murphy Council, No. 16 haa In stalled ths following officers! William Lang, councilor; Fred. A, Thomas, vice councilor! William Rldlsr, conductor! victor C. Peters, warden; Joseph Kyle, outside sentinel I War ren Flohersglll. Inside sentinel: Albert Leln Ingsr, representative to the Funeral Beneficial Assoolatlont Eugene Porter, alternat. Within the laat 80 days, the council lost two good working members by ths deatha of Brothers Joseph Oppenhelmer and Raymond Clark. Brothers Walton and Wlldey, of Frankford Council, were kind enough to offer their serv ices In behalf of Murphy Guards. Brother Leinlnger made one New Year'a resolution, and thai was to bring in a new member each month, and has handsd In his first proposition Loyal Council, No, 781, will make a good showing at the public class Initiation at Lu Lit Temple, February 22. Brother John Dobmon, a young member, set a record by proposing three candidates. The report of the Auditing Commltteo shows that the council Is progress ing, and brighter prospects are entertained for n general advancement, due to the Interest In the campaign for members. Knights of Malta The regular weekly convocation of Constan tino Commandery, No. 1, waa held at 2.128 Germantown avenue on Monday evening. Sir Knlffht Commander John For- sythe occupying the occidental choir, nssistod by Generalis simo William Swift in tho second Chair. Th "Malta" Committee reported having se cured tho services of a large number of talented friends to help celebrate tho thirtieth anniversary on Janunry 18. Tho Drosnun will consist of a vaudeville entertainment on tho first floor and "Vlctrola selections, dancing and refreshments on the second noor. a cuireimiBB waa a,-yvn . ed to mako arrangements toword reviving tho aide degree of our commandery, known as tho "14," or "Boxer, ' degroe. Past Commander Wheeler reported that arrangements are be ing mado for an allotment of epoce In tho Billy Sunday tabernacle within a few weeks for tho members of tho entire district of this order Full data will bo furnished to the com panions through the courtesy of thia column. Quaker City Commandery. No. 42,on February 4 will initiate tho candidates left over from the class installed on Eecember IT, nnd It Is anticipated that a large number of appli cations will be received for ontry at that time. The commai.Jcry planned the desreo work and selected three teama who will have charge of the different degrees. Recorder Sir William A. Gretilnger will oon glvo a lantern ir-ture on the entire 12 decrees exoriiplllying the work in detull. This commandery hns decided in view of prior successes tn reopen the charter for another six months. When the increase has readied tho number at whloh tho goal has been set the chater will be closed permanently. Knights of Friendship District Deputy R. Backtlger and staff In sulted the following officers of Protection Chamber No. 8: P. 8. K. M., L. Lamlelni S. K M., P. Stallman: Sr. Chap., II. Lelsner; Jr. Chap., II. Gerllach; M. R., R Cubler; S.S., N. Pasco; J, B., E. Rebltz; Chap., C. Stein; K. C , F. Gursky; K. W F. LaFetra. Comp. H. C. Thompson was presented with a P. . K. M. badge by H. Gill, and a watch charm for active service for the post tsrm by II. A. District Deputy William Mertx and staff in stalled the omcers of Northern Liberty Cham ber No 05 on Tuesday evening. An enjoyable evening waa passed by the members. Comp. Carl Debler was presented with a Past 8lr Knight Marshal's badge by II. A. Gerhart. District Deputy II. C. Thompson, of Phila delphia, paid a tislt to Mlllvllle Chamber No. 8, of New Jersey, on Wednesday evening, Koyal Arcanum There la soma splendid young material com Jng to the top In the list of officers for Phil adelphia Council In the persons of Clyde 1 Ollttld, .JUI1II I.UIUDII ,, uut. II. wlckersbam Philadelphia should have a CO class ot 18-year-olds without the slightest trouble this year. Haerford Council Installs Its officers tonight. There is a snap of activity In Haver ford alnco they captured the dearea team Drlza. German- town Councils wants them to join a contest for membership since both these teams won degrco prizes. Itegent Wolf Is looking up addi tional mme In foreign territory by making a match with a New Jersey council for prizes to be offered by ths grand councils of Penn sylvania, and New Jersey, Tomorrow evening Oakdsle Council will hold a special meeting to Initiate a class of candi dates. The Carnation Club will throw Its best efforts in tho work to make tho meeting a suo cess. It Is expected to have th prlre degree team of Germantown Council confer the de gree. Oakdale Council will show the greatest net gain on an average basis In Philadelphia. The various athletic teams in Integrity Coun cil or looking forward with a great deal of Interest for some good sport In the coming sea son. Chairmen Cvans. of the bowling league. Rnd Wlckersham. ot the baseball league, are looking un teeme and dates. On January 25 Past Supreme Regent Me Fadden will glvo an address at Integrity The big smoker of ths local councils at Lu 11 Temple was a huge success. The surprls Ing and enthuslsstio feature of th meeting goes to tho credit of Pennsylvania Council, which early In the m-nlng held; their regular business session and then marched to Lu Lu Temple and burst Into the festivities In tho midst of Regent Katon's speech, headed by a. band ot stalwart Highlanders, attired In full Bcottlsh uniform with bag pipes, and followed by Pennsylvania Council' uniformed degree team and several hundred members carrying silk flsgs and transparencies. A llv goat was led Into th hall and put upon the stag under th inscription.. "W bav Excelsior' goat." referring to th council which had lost the de gree prl. The ifall was filled, a, the su. preme and grand officers were escorted to th Platform. Ths presldsnt of ths Carnal on Club, W. J Sloklngsr, Introduced th chairman ot the ms.tlSg aa a "Cheerman" and th. "Billy" Sunday ot the Royal Arcanum, presenting lion. Arthur U. Eaton, grand regent ot th Penn sylvania Jurisdiction. Ifoyul Order of Moons Although th titular semimonthly meeting r Philadelphia Lodge hav been of very cleaalng natur, th meeting held on January S"-" " -n waa) UnMtaatfftnAYlla. th. banner one of tho series. Th ordinary stating accommoda tion for about TOO wer pro vided, and not only were these flLUd hut hundreds of lat oouiera stood throughout tha entire meeting. It 1 esti mated that fully 200 member attended a port ot th meeting durtriaf th mltmmoaai Incidental to th regular routine of business th nnanctal officer submitted thslr reports for th quarter ending Deiembsr 31, and the wero of euoh a gratifying natur that th -scmblsg 8v hearty applause. Ths total financial worth of phlladtlphla Lodg. No, 64, lias dow pd th 1160,000 mark, and aa this valu I lacrsaslnjr on an average of about 110.000 each quarter. It can b e ath&rsd, that ths flotiKt.1 conditio, ot th lodf l upon a YT? wosotU iroJid . tM lr fortnd th full rttuaUMl Initiatory ore tnonld Uvi torn catadUaU ware KVls4 to th roll, two of the. bijir entauatw from th Junior Moum Lodr. Th musts program u of A Bmwinly hlrt erdtr Among It selection th famous local Moo Baud rendered th xtt (rum ImLU." Broths Doctor Gwinhutt waa tfc vocal aololit. Th main address was delivered by Brother William Wallace-Smith, fori pi ex llayor BatfUt, who waa recently eieated ta th tS. isS? from th Wghttf ,Wm-t Th EroUwf orUa -d dcttd bit. To msaJberstla tf tkta nejmi tod-t fgHl tl ( WMiiaHMni frgHraiajI W IMJjM sffaSffl what pleasurable gatherings them regular meetings are, and as a consequence th at tendance la steadily. Increasing, , When, the new adltlon to the Moose Home Is completed there la every likelihood that th 3000 seating rapacity of the auditorium will be taxed nt every meeting. Th. proposed visitation lo Camden Lodge, No. Ill, which was nrst scheduled for Jan uary 7 and then changed to January 14, waa declared off, tor the reason that no official In vitation hod been recel'ed from the slsler lodge acres the river. It I qulto likely that betwoon 600 and 10WO members of Philadelphia Lodge would have taken ,Mirt In tho visitation, which would havo taxed tho ability of Candon I,odge to properly accommodate thorn upon such short notice. It Is probable that an of ficial Invitation will be extended later on, when ample Provision may bo mode for their ac commodation. Knights of Columbus At the laat meeting ot Thomaa E Cahlll Council a memorial meeting was held tor James A, Gaynon, who ws the organiser of this council, and waa for several years district deputy ot the first Pennsylvania district. At the time of his death ho wo one of the Registration Commissioners for this county. The members of tho council decided to erect a suitable monument over hi grave In Holy Cross Cemetery, The memorial addresses were delivered by John J, Ralillly, Esq.. chairman of ths Philadelphia chapter; Philip A, Hart, past master ot the fourth degree; Philip 8, McUevltl, Jr., district deputy of the first PenneyHania district, and Hon Charles J. Kfln-y, Rsq , grand knight ot Thomas 11 Ca hlll Council. The commltteo appointed to arranga for ths annual reception of tho Knight of Columbus on May 11, at the Academy of Muslo, will meet at headquarters tonight to perfeot arrangement. The 18th lecture. In tho chanter lector oouras will bo delivered by Joseph M. Corrtgan, D. D.. at SU Monica's parish hall, ITth and Rltner streets, this Sunday evening, Th aultject will bs "Problems of Church and Btato In This Country " The musical pro gram naa been nrrangea oy wiuiam j ijougn- CAMP HEINZ As winter headquarters of Troop 57 will look when completed. iBOY Hoy Scouta from Llnnorch, Ablnston, Bnln, Bryn Mawr, Ashbourno and other placea In Delaware, and Montgomery Counties will mlnglo and shake hands at tho Central Young Men's Christian Asso ciation, 1421 Arch street, tomorrow eve ning In their annual rally and Camp Dcl mont reunion. Many will be the tales nnd experiences they will swap, of swims and hikes and contests, ot wireless messages nnd smoke slsnallnc;, which thoy nil enjoyed on tha llttlo Islo on tho Delaware, five miles north of Trenton, N. J., last summer. More than 300 scouts, representing M troops from the two counties, and their euests some 200 first-class scouts nnd scoutmasters from tho Philadelphia troops will crowd the auditorium for tha proffiam. Tho brass band of tho Ash bourne troop- Is expected. Leaders of the Boy Scout movement in the counties who will bo present are Wlntlirop Sargent, chairman of tho Executive Scout Council: Isaac C. Sutton, scout commissioner of Montgomery County; Walter Whotstone, scout commissioner of Delaware County, and Georgo H. Weldner, secretary of the council. . . , Tha program in the nuditorlum will be gin at 7 o'clock. Dr. 'William Moore, the African game hunter, will give a talk. Illustrated by lantern slides, on big game hunting. An address by William Cross man, former headmaster of tho Haver ford School, will be Illustrated by moving pictures. His subject will be "Egypt" At the conclusion of the lectures. Com missioner Sutton will award the troop and Individual prizes won at Camp Bel mont. William It. Saunders, 2d, scoutmas ter of Bala Troop 1, the "Bucktalls," will, on behalf of his troop, receive tho troop efficiency prize, a large wooden shield garnished with silver and bronze. This prize represents efficiency In all forms of camp craft, woodcrnft, athletics and scout contests. The Ashbourne Troop, last year's winner, was a close second. The sanitation efficiency prize, a pair of mounted moose horns, will be awarded to the Jenklntown Troop, of whtch the Rev. J. G. Bartlett Is scoutmaster. This will bo followed by the awarding of the honor scout prizes, gold watchfobs, to sis scouts who carried off the highest honors In camp. They nra James rrescott, of the Jenklntown Troop; Ward Powell, Pros pect Park Troop; Jack Dearden, Ash bourne Troop; Wendell Caley, Bala Troop 1; William Edwards, Lansdowne Troop, and William Wood, Swarthmore Troop. The Eagle scout badges, the highest honor a Boy Scout can attain, will next be presented to 16 scouts. Henry E. Knowl ton, of the ,Bryn Mawr Troop; Edmund S. Vood, Swarthmore Troop; Jack Dearden, William Mclntyre. C. Kenneth Scull. Hammond Armstrong, Edwin Armstrong and Paul Kallenbach, of the Ashbourne Troop, and Alexander II. Holcombe, Jr., Isaac Kershaw, William I.. Saunders, Joseph Keefe. Harry Ferrelra, John Blnk enbncli, Henry Ingram and John Winters, of Bala Troop 1, are the scouts who have fulfilled the requirements, for the decora tion. Moving pictures and a demonstration of a new talking: machine will conclude the program. Judge Ben B. Lindsay, of Denver, the "hoys' friend," has a warm word for the Boy Scouts, whom he regards as the sal vation of the boy problem and the girl problem. A letter from "d" Jedge." as he Is called by Denver's kids who are brought before him, follows. It was writ ten to Dr. Charles D. Hart, chairman or the Executive Scout Council; llv dear Mr, Hart: "Courts and Jails will never do away with the gangs of lawless youth that Infest cities. It t abso lutely futile for any community to stand th terrlflo expense of police de partments, prisons, criminal courts, If It does not at the same time wholeheartedly support every Hort to conserve and prevent, The Boy Scout movement l our greatest hope, th greatest single ac tivity In this country promising solution, not, only of the boy probUm, but the girl problem, tor the best pro tector of girl l the youth who lives up to tbe laws and Ideal ot the Boy Scouts. "Devoted, farsecJng men have given tj this remedy, and It U the duty ot vary parent, Uacher and citl.&u to upport Jt The youth of the. land U anxious to join the Boy Scout move ment, for there is fun In It, besides every kind of instruction and oppor tunity to serv. "After J8 yrs of Juvenile work, I ay without uuestlon that It you give the Boy Scout movement the) mora) and flijW -WPWt It rightfully d KiMiia, 1 Jiw0 Court wW jsoea, rty, lecturer for L Rabid Council. Hum. mel's Concert Orchestra, under the direction of William J, Dougherty, and P. A, Flood nnd W, Sylvano Thunder, accompanists, and Our Lady of Mercy quartet, assisted by Miss Grace Wade, will furnlah ths musical program. Ily special Arrangement with William J. Mo Glnley, supreme secretary of the Knights ot Columbus, David Goldstein, ths noted lectursr on Socialism, .will deliver three lectures In Philadelphia, the first at Knlghta of Columbus Hall, IMS West oirartl avenue, on January 191 the second at West Philadelphia hall, Mh and Market streets, January 2ft. and th th rd at St. Bdmond' Auditorium, S3d and Mifflin streets, January 2L A special Invitation has been sent to socialist hsadquarter to send tepresentatltes to question Mr. Goldstein In hi attack on socialism. Order United American Mechanics Deputy S. C, A. W. Selden and hla newly organl7Kl Installation team from Penn Town ship Council No, ,1, visited Relief Council No. 47 on January (1, and David E. Thompson Council No 54 January 8. nnd installed their officers, Alt three councils are doing good work, and expect by this. Innovation In the order lo enthuse the several Councils In Phila delphia and thereby aid In securing a much needed Increase In membership In th Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Shield of Honor The committee on the "smoker" to be held In 8hleld of Honor Hall, 1722 North Broad alreet, on January 20, lias secured some ex cellent talent for the entertainment, and has engaged Junior Supreme Master Dr. George M, Orlm to deliver a short address. All mem ber of the order or urged to b preent and to bring non-member with them. Grand Master Miller and his deputlu or busy Installing ths offleer of the subordinate lodges. The grand master and ofttoer will visit Corinthian 1Jdgo, No. It, on January 28, and hope for a good number of the mem bers of other lodges Ths lodge meet at J.11S Columbia avenue . ,, . Deputy Grand Master Cneselbury installed SCOUTS no longor be needed. Tours, sin cerely. BEN B. XalNDSBT." II. It. Itoney, special field aeout com missioner, has sent hla resignation to James E. West, chief scout executive, at New York. Ho took this action ao that he could give his entiro attention to the Hnddonfield, N. J., troop, of which he is scoutmaster. Mr. Roney was, with tho exception of Gnrrlck Mallory, Jr., of Wilmington, Del., tho only special field scout commis sioner in tho United States. The position was created to meet the absence of a local council, the commissioner being re sponsible only to National Scout Coun cil. Mr. Honey is a momber of tho South Jersey Scoutmasters' Association, and of the Philadelphia Scout Council. Camp Heinz will soon resound with the yell of Troop 67: "Who are wet Who are wt The fifty-seventh variety! Pickles! Chow-chow! Spa-ghet-tl! E-jtl" Boom (bass drum) "Ah I Boy Scouts!" The camp, which receives Its name because the troop's number Is 67, will soon be the winter hike headquarters of the 67 members of the troop, whose city headquarters are on 57th street strangely enough, 67th street and Baltimore avenue. to bo exact. It is a log cabin, which the troop is busily engaged In building out on Darby Creek, below the West Chester Railway, about four miles from the 69th street terminal. Every Saturday after noon for a month tho hustling members of the troop, under their scoutmaster. Captain G, C. von der Llndt, will hike out to the spot which has been offered for the use of the troop by the owner of the property, a friend of the Boy Scoute Assistant Scoutmasters Edwin Duhrlng, H. J. Blanton and William Stewart have already directed tho gathering of the timber and nil thnt remains now is to slap tho cabin together. Plans7 The troop needs no plan, having already bullt two euch cabins out in West Overbrook. Tho cabin will be 24 feet square, with a door and two windows. It will have a large stone fireplace, cemented with mud, which will also bo used to chink the crevices between the logs. The roof will be thatched with branches and .grass, un less tho veteran carpenters nnd cabin builders decide to shingle it. When the troop's home In the woods Is finished it will be duly dedicated with ceremo nies, nnd the 67 members of 67, with head quarters on 67th street, will have a goal In view when they set out on their winter hikes. An Important program, for the Scout masters' Round Table was decided upon at the Inst meeting of the Scoutmasters' Committee at the City Club Tuesday evening. For the next four months tho meetings of ths Round Table, will be devoted to the first-class tests, which will be In the hands of experts in the various branches. The examinations wero heretofore conducted on the so called first-class hikes, when tho appli cants, sometimes as many as 76, were taken to points out of the city and given the tests. The Round Table meetings, which are attended by scoutmasters ex clusively, are expected to furnish the scoutmasters with tho "dope," and they In turn will bo qualified to pass 4t on to their troops. The next first-class tests will be given at the South Branch T. M. C. A. Monday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Walter 8. Cowing, scout executive of the Philadelphia Council, is expected to take charge of headquarters Monday, after an absence of nearly three weeks on account of Illness, due to overwork. He is at present in Springfield, Mass., visiting relatives, and Is reported as much Improved In health. A troop song to the air, "My Country 'TIs of Thee," has beenfwrltten for Troop 131, 16th and Oxford streets, by Miss Re becca Mayer, one of the first honorary members. She played It and the troop sang It for the first time Tuesday even ing. It reads: W ars Boy Scouts so true. We're loyal through and through lo our Ideal; We'r Troop On-Thlrty-On. We're out for work or fun; From dawn till set of sun Our deads or real. We signal and w drill. Our task all fulfill From day te day. "B prepared." we r taught, To all good glv our thought. All evil must b fought. Scoutmasters say. "Believe me," write the troop scribe, "it sounded swell. We officially thank Miss Mayer for her kindness. Too bad girls can't be scouts. She surely did her good turn that night." The entire troop haa pledged Itself td learn by heart "The Star-Spangled Ban ner," "My Country. T1 of Thee," "The Red, White and Blue," and "Maryland" within two weeks, A blu and gray silver-enamel badge the emblent of the Gettysburg Boy Scout Service Corps was today kent to Lieutenant F. John Romanes, of King Edward's Horse, at his home In Nig Ros shlxe, Scotland. Lieutenant Romanes, who waa formerly scoutmaster of Troop S7, ! now on hi way to tha front, If he has not already arrived at the scene of fighting, The Fourth Boy Scout Band In the city a assured Troop 111, ot which H. W, Rolston is scoutmaster, has made ar rangements to get instrument for a 14 piece brass band. Tbe Rev. Dr. Halntr, chaplain of the troop, throusn whom, the instruments 'war s&eured, will a.ot aa twlB.Mty itatU mtmOnf f tha Uecp the officers of Ottsvltle Lodge. No. S2, on January 4. and ho found a crowdsd hou awaiting him. Every offleer was rojlcall, and every officer-elect preeanted him self for Instsllatlon. . ., , ., . After about 20 years' occupation otihflt lodge room at 1.W1 Rlde avenus, Fidelity Lodge, No. 17. has rcmoftl tn Mil Brawn street. . It has fine hail, well furtilst4 and adapted to the work of th order, Fidelity will bo pleased to welcome visitor t their meetings. Fraternal Mystlo Ctrelo On Monday evening last s ruMlo merlin wits held for the Installation of th following Rullnga' Philadelphia Central No, 2, West Philadelphia No. 2117, Quaker City No. 3,31. Orient No. 21110 The ceremony was conducted by A. Stover Fitx, of Waynesboro, Grand Killer of the State, n-sleted by B 8, Mlllsr Grand Recorder, Allentownl C F Koons, Grand Treasurer, Waynesboro f J J Horragef. District Deputy Grand Ruler. Waynesboro, Many members locally prominent In the affair of the order wero present, as well as several suprsme erncers. Among ths latter was J, D Grimes, of Dayton, O., who has been with th organisation since Its Inception 80 years ago. New Century Ruling No. 1, of Philadelphia, presented nsllk banner, to bo contested for by the various rulings of Philadelphia, th mem bership campaign lasting throughout tho year. This bsnner will bs awarded every thre months to the Ruling having secured the great est number of new members during this period, nnd should any Ruling hold the banner for three successive periods It will retsln perma nent possession of It. Following tho announcement of this propo sition tho grand officers present announced that the Grand Ruling would also present a similar banner to be contested for .by all Rul ings In the Stat In a like membership cam Ealgn, details of th. contest to b announced iter. A dance and ether entertainment features followed th Installation ceremonies and pre sentatlon ot banners. Th meeting was largely attended and proved to be one of the most en thusiastic held In recent years. COUNTY 8COUT8' RALLY PROGRAM Big Qame Hunting (Illustrated), Dr. William mor Moving Pictures of Egypt, Oharlea Oroitman Awarding of Camp Delmont Prize, Isaac C. Button Awarding of Eagle Scout Badges. Isaac O. Button Moving Pictures. Music. is appointed. Troops In the city which already possess full brass bands are 21, 1, and 101, which were founded In the order given. A fine dinner at tho Valley Green Canoe Club, on tho Wlssahlcken, was the treat for 16 members of Troop 67 after a five mile hike and a. game ot haro-nnd-liounds Saturday afternoon. Scoutmaster Robert McDonald was the host. The revival spirit has Invaded Boy Scout ranks. Troop 80, for some time past lacking In troop spirit, "hit the trail" last night and determined to regain )ts former high position among Phila delphia troops. The rally was addressed by Ex-assistant Scoutmasters TIalstSy and Merryweather, whose inspiring- talks' re vived the troop spirit. PANAMA-PACIFIC C0HTEST4STSTO LEARN STAMPING- First List, to Be Published Sunday, Will Include Sub scriptions Entered Up to Today. Participants In the Evening Lnpaisn Pupua IiEDann subscription contest, th fifty winners in which will be taken free of charge to the Panama-Paclfla and San Diego Expositions, will be glad to know that the first publication of their stand ing is to bo made next Sunday, This presages the real start of the race. Heretofore cotitCstdnts had no Idea how they stood, because the Contest Edi tor nnd ills assistants have" been busy Indexing the names ot new contestants flocking In every day, before publishing a tabulation of the staptllng. The Contest Editor In this table will Include, all subscriptions for either paper turned In by tonight. Contestants are warned not to be discouraged If others are ahead of them. There is plenty of time to catch up, NeW contestants com ing In every day still have oppoitunlty to get into the winning 60, The work required Is not hard and the 60 winners will be given the greatest trip ever offered by a newspaper; a Journey that would cost hundreds of dollars If taken Individually. Representatives of the two newspapers will make nil ar rangements for tlie'comfott of the to per sons who will be the ijuesta of the news papers. June, when the trip Still be taken. Is the Ideal month for such a tour. Then the great Intermountaln country ami tho golden West are at their best By that time all the exhibits will have btvn put In place and perfected, at both the Panama-Paclflo Expoeitlon'and the twin event at San Diego, A tour of these expositions will be an education 11 wtl bo as good as a trip abroad, for neaiU ! foreign countries will have representatne, exhibits there. Send n our name now If you wish to get Into this greatest of al contests, to the Contest Editor b, filling out the coupon In the advertisement Order Changes In 'Hoy18p WILMINGTON. DaL, Jan 1$ -A, num. ber of moving picture theatres In Wil mington, which were recently Inspected by Building Inspector Anderson, frill be given a, short time to make construction changes tn order to comply with the law A supplementary report will then bet made by the building Inspector, and if the changes have not been made legal action against the proprietors will he in stituted. Dumont's Minstrels 8th end Arch Streets We want you to join the great throng of Social Club, Lodges. Outing and Baseball Clubs who have Held their Annual Benefits here. TERMS FIFTY PER CENT. ON ALL TICKETS SOLb Bet terra; in the city. A!Jre Hqward M. Evoru, UuiUM Mawtf r XuBijiij MlsMMb, m '41 II 11 i,l M m I i I a s 31 1