jjVBlsriKG LEDGER PHILADELPHIA , gtTBBB'AT, XAttTTAKY T2, 1915. I Tr ,i - - r i SOCIAL dna IKON MittBUTANIIg v.li i rm i ii i ni u vt r I OMv fLslLl) 3M I jwtiii' " i p' josnt'HlKB COOKK, of Chestnut Ml Will o""" " - mr. JRI'n" 24, . .i,am Innlchf At tlifl nnttlmnrA Tm dance " " - . i Unn rtf Mls nnrnthl' I.rvrr,. SfrfCWO in " -- -- I RUC91B from thlB city win Include A. Iloblnson nnrt U Brooke Kritt arris. V j m-. -I. li. Colftlinn will entertain : . .... nl.ll, Inltililn r?rlrket Hhlli nn m . . f Ml Kllnnr -Tmlil limn. EfitMC ln "u" fetuunt of tho Benson. it ,j Mrs. Albert K. flousscl, 210$ Tine II announce tile nnRiiBe'neni ui wieir ... U..A tin Di-imnl' tlMiaaAl nrtrl "ilter. C9 ijeiiui" u . - . IKUm iTencii, son 01 jinny . ricuuu i f&Spruco street. Mr. French was grndu Iw tt Harvard In the class of 1D12. Flrtchor Is spendlni; some ft, George S. it Atlantlo City recuperating from her CJjtt llinwo. Im'tnl Mrs. J- R. Klchnrds, of nadnor, nro nd!ng Uio winter with Jtrs. Illchanls' mother, fi neither, at 216 North 34th street. Kf nd Mrs. Vf. W. Hubbard nnd Miss Isi. Hubbard, of Chcstertown, Md are Ijglrj t the Bellevue-Stratford nnd will re- Snhere for nuoui nt, Vn- ? Mannox, of New York, nnd her son "i been spending n few days with Mrs. Mnn- "K'l cuents, Mr and Mis. Charles P. Perkins. '55' De Lanccy place. win Eleanor F Cohen, of 334 South 2lst street, W(0M to Tlnehurst, N. C, for the rest of the ftu noderirraduntcs of Villannva CoIIokb will Ws iklr class dance tonight ut tho Adelphln Hotel Mil Katherlno Hess, the daughter of Mr. fe'Mn Frank Hess, formerly of this city, who i JlT In Coburs, Can., nas oecn visiunB in pfibargh as tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Willis p$cOook, at their homo on 6th avenue. Miss Haiirajono 0I ll,e rcceivniK puny ui iub ich rtJ tj Mr. and Mrs. MeCook Inst week to In- wee tneir oauBiucr, Lian iuuunw imtuirai Jcook, who has been one of tho most feted of iPltbburgh debutantes. Bliss JlcCook has Ejj friends In this city, having been educated ftliie Convent of the Sacred Heart at Torrcs- UC Wr. and Mrs. Hess will remain at Coburg ef the winter, nnd will return tho early of Lent, which they will spend at their tSUje In St. David's place In Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs, William Galo, who have been ntidlns: tao past month In New York as the (rirtti of Mrs. Gale's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ITOiim If. Knorr, have rqturned to Chelsea, Here they will spend the remainder o-? the iiljr. Itr. and Mrs. Knorr will remain eev- (El meks longer In New York. Tt mid-winter promenade of tho Gamma Eta 6fpa Fraternity of Amorlca will be held nt MBotel Walton by Iho Philadelphia Chnp- "Jni'tomorrow evening. About 200 couples are ex iipecitl feature will be tho two contests to nn between the parts. The first will be a toeing contest of the rctrular variety, but In Mil tome of the cleverest amateurs In this' dtjr inl New York will compete. Then will wm a lucny numncr contest, wnore me winner jJlujhj. Handsomo prizes will bo nwarded jttj winners. Special decorations In tho ball- a win nelp make the occasion a gala event. filjsril hu been received of the safe arrival In Sr of Mr, and Mrs. J". Herman Harrlgan. jtrj, Harrlffan will be remembered as Miss ri)de Kellam, of Sherwood. Ije and JIrs Edward W. Blddle. who re p returned from abroad, will spend the Jjattr la Philadelphia at the Rlttenhouse. W CHESTNUT HILL Jjl.i Qlee Club of the Chestnut Hill Academy J tive a concert on February 19. Ijkj, Mount Airy Literary Club met at the Ja of Mrs. E. M. Osier. 444 East Mount iS?ut avenue, yesterday. The toDlo under Jtei was the Ufa and playa of Christopher riSjwr. Mrs. Edwin H. Hand Is the president LJMeJub. JLjEdward M, Gregar recently moved from i to 7M Boyer street, ML Airy. ' KjJlUv. Richmond Shrlvo, canon of the JfcjIjTnnlty Cathedral, Quebec, and rector of iM'ter's Church. Hherbrooke, Is vUltlng hts igmr. Mrs. Ralph U Hayes, T439 Devon Mies Shreve arrived 'from New Yoric ft' Join her father. M 4 Mrs, dark DUlenbeck. of Algenhurst. mJp&V QrOVft a.VntiM inva faaiiAH tnvltfiHnnfl iSR 4anc to be held at tho Germantown fS&VUU9 wud on Friday evoning1, reornary aji; "" -. '- - - I'ALONG THE MAIN LIN,E HD-Mrs, W. A. Plckford entertained her Claaa yesteniav at a buffet luncheon. eorations were polnBettlas. The sewlngr aeW every two weeks at the different at homes. Those present yesterday were f. Bamuel BtoDhenson. Mrs. Calvin Q. iHti. Frederick C. Newbourtr. Jr.. Mrs. J.O. Sullivan. Mrs. Herbert J. Tlly. Mrs. ,8eebufger, Mrs. Joseph V, Little, Mrs. " Tlly. Mrs. J. V. H. Titus. Mrs. :p Olrnn. Mrs. F. Baker. Mrs. Walton. ?dward Legge, of Boston: Mrs. 'William ?. Mrs, j. Charles Parry, Mrs. B. Clarka nd Mrs. Hmv. iftoruary j y,. cynwvd Bovs1 Club will P, Informal danoe at the Bala-Cyuwyd nw. Joseph H. Keif Is ohalrman. . Ralph Kinder, of City avenue, 1 ttractlve luncheon vestsrdav In honor I eliter-ln-law xrr ttdmi n. v..viflm. KiWl, R j wno i h.. UMt. MrM. pck. iS o remembered a alias oilv Younr. lUTlg to Mr. Peokbaw took placa on 7' "e In Bristol. R. I. eua COttace for tha mil torn wealu. "m home this week. K Mr Allen Waller, of IUT Belton t' taim A her embroldar nluh at Mitero.. aitemoon. whn her fueats 'Mel Vnn llurii'Hm Mtl4rt WJUr, wni'i "P9 Crnl'f, MrB' Clpo,'BO Wnller. Mrs, Wl Inm Sehenelc. Mrs. Frank timery. Mrs. "Ullnm Sine,-, Mr. Charles Fox, Mrs. Blalno Vnn Horn, Mrs. Welrloh Lord and Mrs. Frank P. Mural. Mls Katharine WM..r r tn-.o r....n.i.. veniie, gave a dellfhtful luncheon yesterday Pink roses were combined with ferns In tho dec orations amr the pink tolor scheme was carried out In the favors, which were roses nnd bon bon baskets. Her guests were Mrs. Albert Hall, Miss Lucille Morris, Miss Alice DcLong, Miss Dorothy Joneb. Miss Mntiilo Wiggins, Miss Adellno Froellch, Mlsi Dorothea Hackelt. Miss Emma Btrohin, Miss Marie Gilo and Miss Mary McNccly. MEnioN-Mr. nnd Mrs. John rtutherford Boyd will leave next week for New York, whero they will live permanently. Miss Mario S. Qtilnn, daughter of Mr nnd Mrs. Jnnics Qulnn, entertnlncd at bridge last night. There wero 12 guests present. GEltMANTOWN Miss Louise McKnle, of Hnnsbcrry nnd New hall streots, will entertain today at luncheon nnd bridge In honor of Miss Evelyn Harrington, The guests will Include Miss lluth Elsenhower, Miss Helen Goimlcy, Miss Beatrice Flood, Mrs, John Bromley, Miss Mildred Cavcrly, Miss Eleanor UHrker, Miss Kathnrlno Barker,, Mrs Keith Downing, Miss hhllth Burk, Miss Jean ' Dengary, Miss Ethel Burk, Miss Harriet Gay, j Miss Madeline Asbury, Miss Hclene Asbury, MIhs Lnulso Sauter, Jllss .Matilda Wleshncr, I Miss Itltnor Walling. Tho guests will be senti'd ' at small tnbles with whlto baskets, filled with white roses, ns centrepieces. Mrs. James P. Nlcolls, of 233 Pelhnm road, will give a bridge nnd "5Q0" party on Saturday afternoon at tho Automobile Club, the proceed:) to bo used for tho Babies' Hospital. Sllss Charlesanna Huston, of 5421 Wnyno ave nue, will have the Itev. William A. Sunday to speak at a parlor meeting In her home today. Cards of Invitation have been Issued. Mrs. William S. Lloyd, of 233 Hnrvcy street, will entertain at brldgo on Wednesday, Jan uary 20. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joshua Hnrmar, of Trenton, will come to Germantown to live next fall. Mr. Hnrmar Is connected with tho Mldvalo Steel Works and Is tho uncle of William Wurts llarmar. ALONG THE READING Miss Bertha Kohne; of Pittsburgh, who will net as nutld of honor at the wedding of Miss Helena Asbury, of Oak Lane, nnd Howard Len fdd Murray, on Wednesday evening, January 20, will entertain the bridal party at dinner at the Huntingdon Valley Country Cluh on Filday night. The guests will Include Miss Asbury, Miss Elizabeth Asbury, sister of tho bride; Miss Helen Murray, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Madeline Asbury, a cousin of the bride; Miss Natalie Rand, Miss Mnrie Cummlngs, Miss Elizabeth Cummlngs, Howard Lonford Murray, J. Elder Blacklcdge, of Indianapolis, lnd., who wilt act ns best man; Julius Meyn, of Ham mond, lnd.; Phillip E. Wright, Jr., Warren Wells, Wesley Mo Williams, R. Morris Urquhardt and Howell Cummlngs, Jr., all of this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. James P. McFarland, of York rond, Ogontz, will cntortaln at dinner boforo tho dance at the Huntingdon Valloy Country Club, on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. James B. McFarland, Jr., will be their guests. Mrs. Wharton Stork, of Old York road, has issued Invitations for a dinner on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Fry will also give a dinner before tho dance, when covers will bo laid for 16 guests. The next meeting of Mrs. Troth's dancing class will take place at Manheim, the Germantown Cricket Club, on Friday evening. There will be a cotillon, which will be led by Edward W. Clark, 3d. Miss Margaret Cole Berns, of Chelten avenue, Oak Lane, will be honor guest at a danco Janu ary 14, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry File- dar, of Ardmore. Thirty guests have been In vited, Including Mrs. Walter Tisot and her daughter, Miss Marjorls Tisot. who will come on from New York and remain as the guests of. Mrs. Berns until January 27. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. F. At Fontyn, of 4083 Chancellor street, entertained last night at dinner and "BOO." Twelve guests were present. Mrs. Fontyn ,was one of the last year's popular brides and will be remembered as MIbs Florence Matlack, of 50th and Walnut streets. Mrs. William Hansborough, of Winchester, Va,, la visiting her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. J, R. Miller, 827 South 43th street SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Blanche Lane, of 2527 South 18th street. In the Glrard Estate, will entertain the mem bers of the Friday evening dancing class after the dance this week, at a supper to be given at her home. The guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Beebe, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brlttaln, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis, Lieutenant Arthur T. Barney, U. S. N., and Mrs. Barney; Lieu tenant Commander Guy A. Blssett, ,U, S. N., and Mrs. Blssett; Lieutenant Charles A. Lutr, U. S. M. C, and Mrs. LuUt Lieutenant Com mander Raymond Stedman Keyes, U, B. N., and Mrs. Keyes; Lieutenant Taylor, U. S. N.j and Samuel Parker, Miss Ella McDonald, of 1611 Wolf street, will entertain the members of her sewing plub on Friday evening. A buffet luncheon will be served. The gueBts will Include Miss Alloa Mo Caulley, Miss Mae Gertrude Taylor, Miss Alice McDonald, Mlea Mae McDonald, Miss Margaret McDonald, Miss Elsie Billy, Mrs. Morris Horan, Mrs. Savery, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. B. Rolley, Miss Anna, C. McCauUey, Mss Catherine Clare and Miss Mae Issertelt Mis Thelma Hesse, of 28M Catharine ftrwt. will entertain Informally tomorrow evening at her home. Her guests will Jnolude Miss Louisa Sohaffer, Miss Helen Schaffer, Miss , Edith Hohaffer, Miss Catharine Hesse and Miss Inns, Hesss. Mt. Dudley Guilford, of 2408 South Jlst street, will give tea Saturday afternoon from 4 to 6. Mrs. J Brown, of I0S South 9th street, will entertain tomorrow afternoon at "500," followed by luncheon. Ur guests wJ be Mr Paul Boydw, Mrs, Ja UU " Saiiabath, Hua, MISS ELEANOR Alias Beers, who is the daughter of Mr. nnd n dinner of eighteen covers tonight in honor of of Mrs. Ducr's Dancing Class. ter, Mrs. Frank Isaac, Mm. Clayton Schwouok, Mrs. Henry Tsoeninger, Mrs. Renshaw, Mrs. Joseph Wnyiie. Mis. Illco and Mrs. Wahn, of Colllngswood. Mrs. Walter Bnnrdmnu Decker, wife of Lieu tenant Decker, V. 8. N., of tho Connecticut, will entertain nt cards this afternoon at her homo In the Glrurd Estate, 2323 South 21st street, in honor of JIrs. John Baxter Smith, wife of Paymaster Smith, U, S. N., of the Navy Yard. A buffet luncheon will bo served. Her guests will bo Mrs. Bruico Ware, Mrs. William Leo Pryor, Mrs. J. T. Fonner, Mrs. Raymond S. Keyes, Mrs. Guy A. Blssett, Mrs. Ralph L. Shepaid, Mrs. W. F. Cochrane, Mrs. A. It. Couit, Mis. Charles A. Lutz, Irs. Fur long, -Mrs. Baikcr, Mrs. Beebe nnd Mrs. C. T. Blackburn. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Samuel Alcorn, of '1720 Wallaco street, will entertain at brldgo tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. Paul Thompson, of S21 North JGth street, entertained last night In honor of Mr. Thomp son's birthday. The marriage has been announced of Miss Carrie Storn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Stern, of Baltimore, Md., to Abraham Goldberger, of this city, on December 27. Mr. and Airs. Gold berger am receiving nt their home, 2233 North ISth street. Mrs. Thumns H. Jackson will entertain the membeis of her sewing circle on Friday after noon nt her home, 1312 Hunting Park avenue. A buffet lujjcheon will be served. Her guests will he Mrs. Thomas Poole, Mrs. Frank Kllgore, Mrs. John Costello, Mrs. Paul Thy, Mrs. Rachael Kelly, Mrs. Carl Jackson, Airs. Edward Large, Mrs. William Brown and Mrs. Frod neuter. Mrs. John P. Wilson, of 1320 North Park ave nue, gave a box party yesterday afternoon for her young granddaughter. Miss Helen W. Neville. Tho guests, were Miss Caroline Ring gold, Miss Helen Wplstenholme, Miss Ruth Wolstenholme, Arthur Stephens, Anne Wilson and Russell Wilson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Abtam Strauss have returned from their wedding Journey and will receive after February 1 at their homo, 1905 Diamond street. Airs. Strauss will be remembered as Miss Miriam Meyers, daughter of Mrs. Clara Meyers. Miss Alary Brennan nnnounces the marriage of her niece, Allss Marie Brennan, and John Ryan, of 3905 North Falrhlll street. They will sail for Ireland Saturday morning. Photo hf Uu(Ml tine ivnpmn STnirnwk'T Jlrt. Slofcowiki ii the wife of Leopold Stofcowiki, J HxM hade of tho PiiilaJelaala Ow&eatra 1 FREEMAN BEERS rhoio i, n..n. s.u.iio Mrs. Edwin C. Beers, of the Belgrnvin, will givo Dr. and Airs. J. Lcslio Davis, lieforo tho meeting TIOGA Airs. Charles E. Lukcns. picsldent of tho 1311 rinochle Club, gnvo her annual luncheon for the members yesterday at her homo, 3415 North 10th street. This entertainment, like the previous ones, was n very delightful affair. Beautiful pink hollyhocks wero used In tho decorations, the color scheme of which was pink and gieen. Tho favors were long-handled Japanese baskets, shaped llko cornucopias and filled with pink hollyhocks; pink and green rib bon bows ornamented the basket handles, the colors alternating, one being pink, tho next green. The guests weio Airs. Thomas Lukens,4 Airs. Samuel Alcott, Airs. Annie Addis, Airs. John D. Ellis, Airs. James Spencer, Airs. William H. Slemmor, Airs. Frank H. Stovor, Alrsi Charles Patterson, Airs. Clayton Stokes, Airs. John Goodfellow and Airs. Nelson Sailer. Airs. Samuel Alattern Billings, of 3348 North lBth street, gave a luncheon yesterday. Her guests Included Airs. Charles G. Tatnall, Airs. Clinton B. Aloyer, Airs. George H. White. Mrs. G. H. Wobensmlth, Allss Llllle Lyndall and Allss Mary K. Buckman. Allss Mildred Heist, of 1826 West Tioga street, entertained at cards this afternoon. Her guests, who are members of her card club, were Allss Edna Scull, Allss Dorothy Greaves. Allss Emma Lawrence, Allss Adeline Froellch, Allss Hazel Crawford, Allss Florence AIncAlorris, Allss A'lolet Carson, Miss Beatrice Kottner. Miss AInrlan Jones, Aliss Alice AIcFadden. Allss Florence Geikler and Miss Charlotte Fleming Miss Alma S. Boyer will be the hostess at tea tomorrow afternoon from 4 until 6:30 o'clock at her home, S647 North 11th street. Allss Beyer's guests will be Allss Kalhryn Munce, Miss Inez Livingston, Miss Elma Wlndlsch, Miss Jfarte WIndlsoh, Allss Alice Whalln. Allss Ma Rtsbo and Miss Ann Wheolln. Mrs. Alvln Bllfer, of 4817 North Uth street, entertained at luncheon yesterday for Mrs. Frank Craybach, Atrs, Jacob Crnybach, Airs. Samuel Rich and Atrs. Benjamin Cohen. Mrs. Deacon Stelnmetz announces the mar rjage of her daughter, Allss Alary P. StelnmeU, to Ernest T. Phillips on Tuesday, January 12, at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Airs. Harvey Freeman, 1413 West Erie ave nue, by the Rev. Dr. H. E. Hand, pastor of West York Methodist Church, 17th and York streets. On their return from their wedding trip Air. and Airs. Phillips will be at home after March 21 at 4831 North Lelthgow street, Logan. Miss Dorothy Ztirn, of 2012 West Tioga street, had as her guest Miss Leona F. Zurn, of Luna dale. Albert Nepley announces the engagement of his daughter, Miss Adele Alanson, to James Oliver Mumford, of Honesdale, Pa, J. Allen Irvine, of 2137 West Ontario street, Is visiting his uncle. Dr. William Mann Irvine, of Alercerabu'rg, Pai Mies Helen J, Simon, of MM North Afarvlne street, Is visiting her aunt. Airs. Charles J. Hoff man, of Newark, N. J. HOXBOHOUGH Mrs. Harry H. Thompson, of 477 Monastery avenue, will entertain her card club at "MO"' today, The game will be followed by a' buffet luncheon, Her guests will be Mrs. A. I Ad ams, Mrs. Alary Alott, Airs. George Holland, Mrs. John O. Struse, Mrs. W, W, Wilson, Mrs. Benjamin F. Hendren, Mrs. Wlll(am Ames, Miss Edith Rlghter, Mrs. Paxson James and Mrs, William R. Haggart. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hendren, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nice, Mr. and Mrs. John O. Btruse, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Davis, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. William Ames, members of the Thursday Even. Ing Card Club, gave a -dinner, followed by danc ing, last night at Gwynned. The Men's auild of St David's Episcopal Church will hold their annual banquet In the Rlrlih, hew tfloJgbii DBBUTANTI3 nffnlrs lately have been In the form of luncheons, thentro and dinner par ties, dances nnd balls. Today, however, will bo n departure from the ordinary trend of things, when Miss Sophy Blspham will be formally presented by her parents, the Itev. nnd Atrs. Clarence Wyatt Blspham, of 4220 Pine street, at n lea. Airs. Blspham will have a number of her friends receiving, among whom will bo Mrs. Henry AloKnlght Moore, Airs. Franklin AtcCrea WIrgman, Mrs. Robert Menner, Airs. Thomas Gnrinnd, Miss Helen Heberton nnd Miss Pauline Smith. Among those who will assist Allss Blspham will be Allss Barbara Blspham, Allss Eleanor Blspham, Allss Louise Alltchell, Miss Dorothy Deacon, Allss Harriot Clay Ijeaf, Allss Sybil Wright, Alhs Ellen Orton, Allss Alay Vernier Brlnton, Atlss Elizabeth Latta, Allss Alarguortta Cnperton, Miss Dorothy Alason and Allss Ituth Wilson Following tho tea there will bo n sup per and dance for the receiving party Dd NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Air. nnd Mrs. David Hunter celebrated their golden wedding anniversary recently at their homo, 180S North Front street Tho home was beautifully docornled with pnlms and ferns, Mr. nnd Airs. Hunter havo 11 children, 35 grandchildren and five grcat-grandchlldron. Among the guests wore Airs. Clark, Mr. and Atrs, William Welsh, Airs. C. Arohlbald, Air. and Mrs. William Dent, George Hunter, Air. and Airs. Laird Hunter, Jr., Lolrrt Hunter, 3d, Airs. William Smith, Allss D. Smith, Atr. nnd Airs, C. Rcnnes nnd daughter, Air. nnd Airs. II. Crust nnd family, Air. nnd Airs. William Alnlloy, Peter and James Hunter, of Canada; James Bntcholor, of Brooklyn; Air. nnd Mrs. Godfrey, of Washington, D. C.i'A. Legy, Air. and Airs. H. Archlblo, Air. nnd Atrs. William Welsh, Jr., nnd Doctor and Airs. N. Winkler, Archibald Hawkrldgo, of 2164 East York Btrcet, has returned to his home after spending a few days in Colllngsdale, Pn. Air. and Air. John Palmer, of 2225 Amber street, havo been entertaining their cousin, Aliss Reba Hamilton Tweed. Allss Tweed will leave tho early part of the week for New York, where she will Join her mother nnd brother, Wnlter James Tweed. Atlss Anna Slnnott, of 2031 North 15th street, was guest of honor at a "COO" party, followed by a supper recently, at tho home of -Alias Alcrcedes AI. Schulz, or 2337 North 13th street. Those present were Allss Florence Mills, Atlss Agns AI. Knlmbach, Allss Sara G. Ferry, Allss Elizabeth Miller, Miss Stella AI. Schuiy, Aliss Alary Atilier. Miss Slnnol left for nn extended trip through the Ve3t on Thursdny. Aliss Lauretta Thaler, of Wllllamaport, Pa Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. James Hutton, of 723 East Allegheny avenue. v Air. and Airs. Hntrnch, of 3099 Kensington avenue, nre receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, .Margaret Hatrach. Mr. nnd Airs. Griffith, of US Allegheny ave nue, nre receiving congratulations on the birth of n daughter. Air. and Alra. Wnrrcn Llndsy, of 3101 Kensing ton avenue, entertained yesterday at cards, followed by a buffet luncheon. The guests In cluded Air. and Airs. Aloffet, Mr. nnd Mrs. Emery, Doctor and Airs. Borzell, Airs. Snyder, Harloy Ackermnn and Air. and Airs. Warren Llndlg. William Wheaton. of 1412 East Hewson street, hns Just returned from a short stay in his New Jersey home. Miss Cella Stelm entertained tho members of the O La La Club at tier residence, 42S East Somerset street, yesterdny. Those present were Aliss Nance Borman, Allss Burt Wills, Allss Frances Hackel, Aliss Martha Simon, Aliss Flor ence Schoppe, Miss Cella Stern, Miss Clara, Reldle, Allss Pearl Brady and Allss Ethel Kug ler. Miss Gertrude Blum and Allss Anna Pnrker have Just returned from Paterson and Brook lyn, whore they spent some time with their cousin. FIUNKFORD Air. and Airs. Ellis Clark Harklns, of Penn street, entertained yesterday In honor of their niece, Allss Jane S. Clark, of Waterford, N. Y. Levin Bartholomew, who Is a law student at Indianapolis, has been the guest of Airs. Walton 1C Biles for some time past. Airs. William Carrell, of 2608 Rhawn street, entertained yesterday at cards. Her guests Included Air. and Mrs. William Connell, Mr. and Airs. Harris H. Wells, Air. and Mrs. Wal ter Doke, Air. and Airs. Henry R. Twadell, Aliss Edith Carson, Miss Elsie R. Baker, Allss Sarah S. Clarke, Frank Crawford. Philip Ed wards, John Slaugh and William Brown, Jr. The Frankford Historical Society, 4510 Frnnk. ford avenue, will be "at home" every Tuesday evening. Air. and Airs. William Kuhn, Jr., of North Eth street, will entertain at cards tonight. Those present will be Air. and Airs, Hatch, Aliss Emily S. AtoBurney, Miss Ivy Hamilton, Harry Meyers and Howard Patterson. Miss Virginia Wagner, of Penn street, will entertain tomorrow afternoon at luncheon and cards. Twenty-four persons have been Invited and the bouse will be decorated with white flowers and greens. The members of her sewing circle and "EO0" wll be present. Miss Wagner will leave Frankford Sunday niornln'g for New Hampshire, where she expects to re main until spring as the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Westwood, formerly of Frankford. WILMINGTON Announcement Is made of the marriage of Miss Viola Frederick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Frederick, of 1111 Franklin street, and Dr. Harvey Patton, on Saturday, January 9. After March 1 Dr. and Mrs. Patton will be at home at 641 Van Buren street Mrs. Henry n. Cranor, ef Oeothohocken, Pa., will be 'a guest of Airs. B. Denver Ooppag for two days of this week, and will attend the an niversary luncheon at the New Century Club todMV yonniftr men. Allss Dorothy Mason, who Is the daughter of Admiral Alason, and Miss Huth Wilson, daughter of Captain and Mrs. Wilson, both of Washington, will be week-end guests of Allss Blspham. Miss Alary Evelyn Chew will be guest of honor nt a small dlnnor-dnnce to be given by Mrs. Samuel Chew, of 1718 Wnlnut street. There will bo nbout 100 guests present, mainly from the debutante and younger men set. Atlss Mildred Alarston Jack, daughter of Df. nnd Atrs. Ii, Foster Jack, of 1033 Locust street, will ho guest of honor nt a luncheon to be given by Airs. Harold E. Roberts, of Grey-stone, Hav erford. Tho guests will Include Allss Eleanor Edmonds, Allss Frances Omerly, Miss Helen Oleason, Atrs. John Bromley, Miss Louise Eve land, Allss Eleanor Eveland, Airs. Harold Hart. Airs. Hnrt will bo Mrs. Roberts guest for set I eml weeks. LANSDOWNE Mrs. Woltor n. John, of Atedla, will enter tain with, a luncheon tomorrow In honor of Miss Grace Maxwell, of 98 East Greenwood avenue. Airs. Ella Butz, of East Stratford avenue. Is spending the week In New York. Airs. Luther Peck, of Maple avenue, has re turned home from a week's stay In Atlantis City. SJewnrt L. B. Kenzer, of East Batttaioro are mie, Is visiting friends In Harrlsburg. Mrs. Henry Blrklnblne, of Harrlsburg-, Is visit ing her parents. Air. and Airs. Thomas M. Long cope, of S Runnymedo avenue. Mrs. A. L. Pennock, of 33 Violet lane. Is spend ing tho month of January In Florida. Air. nnd Airs. II. P. Dorman, of East Essex avenue, nre spending two weeks In Bermuda. Airs. Clarence Eppelshelmer, of Hill Dale road, gavo a luncheon yesterday afternoon for the" members of tho 20th Century Club, of which she is tho president. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Dr. Charles Pancoast, of 203 Cooper street, who wont abroad about a month ago, is- now doing hospital work In Vienna, Austria. Dr. nnd Airs. A. B. Davis, of BU Cooper street, ore receiving congratulations upon the) birth of n daughter last week. Airs. H. F. Goodell and small son, of Liver more. Cal returned to their homo last week after spending several months with Airs. Goodell'a mother. Airs. Charles Holllngsted. Airs. Norman C. Ives, of Overbrook, is visiting her sister. Airs. E. T. Woodruff. Edgar A. Freeman nnd T. G. Coulter aro spending somo tlmo In Florida. Allss Henrietta Fralley, of East Arnple avenue, Alerchnntville, is visiting In Baltimore. . AMUSEMENTS FORREST Last 3 Evgs. &&& m 0"Ba2rJ VE3SEM.A Will Conduct TONIGHT THE GIRL OF GIRLS vm.iu.. Mu.iei ..... " Comedy Succeaa Speclnl Mntlneea TODAY AND TOMOilHOW waii I'iCTtrnns a Tlm, 12, s and 4 THU EUROPEAN WAR AS IT IS 15o and 23o NEXT WEEK--SEATS TODAr CIIAni.KH FnOHMAN Prmenti THE OREAT TimEE-STAR COMBINATION JULIA SANDERSON DONALD BRIAN JOSEPH CAWTHORN in THE GIRL FROM UTAH BROAD Last 3 Evcrs. LAST MAT. BATtmUAV Miss BILLIE BURKE jry NEXT WEEK BEATS TODAV MAUDE ADAMS SodS.'Sih tii Legend ov Leonora And THE LADIES' SHAKESPEARE w"da,in".', QUALITY STREET ACADEMY OP MUSIC NEWMAN 32' Motion Pictures Tomorrow B Sat. Mat. - PRANCE $g WAR aVSuai, WAR PICTURES TICKETS t Heppe's. 2Jo to 11,00. NOW. Chestnut St. f,S5S Home of World' Great cat Phnrnntawn At rn.n.N no 1 to 5 10c&15cTE,;o,i 10,15,25c -" w ,v ((den. gCHRISTIAN Twice Dally Afternoons, S-.SO. Evenlnsi, g;S0. Preceded by Keymon Comedy I'lcturu. CROSS AIARKET STREET. Blow 60ta iniiflnttll And V clUUCVJUt; ThotOTAtrm IV ij 1 O Proimm Churned lion. A Thura. THEATRE "al'lT 10c 1 ffSjaff1 ' WHAT A """aT-Victoria T1U5XTRa WOMAN o wig&flfflF&lB1 ITTTT T nA 1 Vdv'lle Haaded by Schoen'a lLlLj DU WUFF HOUSE KIU8" B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE" A. HIT IN EVBRY ACT! Mr- and Mrs. Carter Dallaven; Tat llooney & Marloq Utnt; H. Bare Mclluih's "On ha School flaygrounda") Uanaloua Manchurlana; McMahon & Chapplle4 others. G' T r V XT' MARKET STREET " " XJ VJ X III OPPOSITE WANAUAKER'S Vaudeville 11 :SO tq Ui8 Ijincton, I,uclr Co., Da Witt, Rurn k Torrteea, Mlnola Hunt and llif L.1UU Lauib-Landir. Moor. O'Brien A CarmacW. Others. n A -OTJTriV Thla a- Nut Week Evening! 8.13 UVXVJLVJ.VX.Matlnea Wed and Sal. at J GEO. M. COHAN'S Powerful Comedy-Drama IB THE MIRACLE MAN n,'8de'a)..utl,g0S NIXON'S GRAND Today 2 il. T 9 "THE BONO DOCTORS' ROAD TO TOMORROW"! N1KKO TROUPE 1 CLARK & McCUL LOUOU; P1TZS1MMONS t CAM ERON, LAt'UHINU F1CTURB3. LITTLE Evj-. 8:80. Pop. II Mat Today,: to Double Blfl A War Drama ''COURAGE" Pracodd by "LoflMOim Like" THEATRE! ITthtUaLaneey LYRIC moWSvc JANUARY 18 MARIE TEMPEST ' M&M,. BEATS NOW SELLING " ADELPHI vwv&f SAM BERNARD "THE! BELLB OV BOND STREET" DUMONT' S HiSK?ffl?SJSf ira kaby to airr MARRijai "'tTTlT'PTjl TottlsbtHoveRy Tease CeatrH ' CASINO gUrS e