SPEED, NOT BATTING, MADE BILLY SUNDAY GREAT BALL PLAYER Evangelist of Today Kept Old-time Pitchers Guess ing, But Was Never Known as a Slugger. Thtre Is contrast between tls- "Billy" Sunday that hits to hnrd In the taber nacle pulpit and the "Hilly" Sunday tJmt faced the National League pitchers as a member of lite Chicago While Sox, the Tltlsburgh IMrates anil the Phillies IxiCk in the eu's mm In Iwo. "Billy's" balling average has Increased, anil Instead of beating out Infield singles, the evangelist U now hitting so hnnl thAt lls (111 ven take him right home. When "Hilly" goes Into the pulpit to take his lilt at the sins of the sinners onn oon see him pull up his shoulder anil push aut his elbows like the graceful fleet-footed batsman wno steps Into the box lo Int the ball The crowds In the tabrrnac.e. Jim like the crouds that used lo (111 the grandstand .nt the 1'hlllles' grounds, hardly know Just what to cx Pet from"HIUy" when he steps Into the Plajr. HIT HAIID AT TIMES. "Hilly" kept the old-time pitchers guess ing There were times when he hit the ball hard, and there weie times when he laid down little bunts nnd bent them out. ,Hls speed as a runner wns oiii of his biggest assets ns a batsman Kilt with It all he never shone ns miii'h as a batftnan ns he does us mi eviinge 1st. Sam Thompson, of the 1'hi.lLs, Uov Ittior Tener, who then plnyed wlih the Chicago team; oM 1'op Ansuti, l-;d Ui-la-hanty and Connie -Muck, ns well as other stars of their daj, led Bundny at the bHt "Billy's" best jear at Hie bat was 117. Before that time nud even In that jenr "Billy" could hardly ba considered a regular player on his team. In fact, In all the years that he played ball he was generally behind the other placers In the number of games played. His absence from the game on' 'Octo ber S, 18S9, cost him n chance to decide a championship, even though lie was on a second division team The New York and the Uoston teams were running a neck-to-ncck race for the pennant that year. Two points separated them. The last games were to be played that day. New York wan to play Cleveland, and Boston was scheduled to play Pittsburgh Sunday was playing In the outfield for the Pittsburgh team, but for some leasuii he did not Play, The Pittsburgh team beat Boston hy the score of 6 to 1, and New York won the .pennant. So "Hilly:' lost his chance to receivo credit for help ing to win a championship f,or New York. HIGH-WATEit MARK IN 1SS7, rn 1SS7. out nf a season of more than 100 games, Sunday played In 4S and hnd a baiting BVi-mp of ,li'J. This was ,hls high-water mark, and (he careful rec ords that were kept by Sporting Life for those years do not show him In the .300 class again. Yet there were times when Sunday was. a terror with the batt In the early part of the season of .1&83 the box scores show that. he.was hitting the ball hard. Two home runs, a three-bagger and n double were his record for extra base hits In a single week But after that he settled down to a fnlrly steady hitter of scratch singles, with an occasional extra base hit mixed in, and finished tho season ylth on average of .2!, which waa hardly enough to bo considered good hitting for an outfielder, when Brouthers, of the Boston team, led tho league with an average of .378. "Billy" had a better record In 1890, the lest year he played the game, and was fiequentiy spoken of as the leader of his team at bat In the newspaper reports of the Individual games. In the series' be tween; the Phillies nnd Pittsburgh in June of that year, "BlUy" stepped Into a fast pitched ball and was on the hospital list for several days. In the Public Lr.naER of Juno 24, 1S90, there Is the fol lowing account of the accident: "The only incident tp mar the game was-an accident to Centre Fielder Sunday that may result In Keeping that popular player ofT the field for a week or two. While at bat In the third,. Inning he was struck on the shoulder by a swiftly pitched ball, and was compelled to re tire." SOME COSTLY ERRORS. "The Phillies, lost the second game," the writer says', "but errors by Larpque and -Sunday gave them live runs in the first inning." As this comment might suggest, "Billy"' sometimes made costly errors, but. In the evangelist's own words, that Is the subject of another sermon. "BlUy" was hitting well Just before the accident. On June 21, "the best hitting was done by Sunday, who, out of five time at bat, cracked out two singles and a- double." That must be considered high praise when one considers that he was batting with such men as "Ed" Dela hanty, "Sam" Thompson, "BlUy" Hamil ton and the rest of the old-time Phllly outfit After his accident Sunday again hit well, and when he was transferred to the Phillies later In the season he hit con sistently and was often" seen In the box score among the heavy hitters. Tho Phillies were anxious to get Sunday for their team. They hart the championship bee In their bonnets strong,- and they wanted Sunday to help them out. "Billy" was a valuable man to the learn; despite his light hitting, and when he once got on the bases his speed made hm one of the most danger ous base runners In the game. Ills bat ting average that year was ,265, but he made 127 base hits In US games, and as a base stealer was second only to "BlUy" Hamilton, the Phillies' left fielder. SUNDAY FlgES SHELLS IN DEVIL'S FORTS Continued from Paso One tlnually trying to attract crowds through preaching on "foolish, popular subject," "Billy" said: "There are many foolish, short-dghted ministers who are satisfied. If they can only draw a large crowd. Some are as crazy after sensation aa the yellowest newspaper that ever came off the press. That's the reason we have these sermons on 'the hobble skirt' anil 'the merry widow hat," and other nonsensical torn myrot If there weren't so many light rotnded fellows breaking Into pulpits you would have to work harder and sweat more. I wouldn't give a snap of my fingers for a big crowd If there weren't any devils cast out" And. as the evangelist made thU state ment, he sneered at the clergymen, shook bis head and the perspiration flew (rem hie face In big drops. Then the grat audience that tilled the tabernacle went wild and applauded and laughed until tears came Into hundreds of eyes. Turning next to church member. "BHly" shook hi fist at the audience and yJle4( Ther; are Some of you people In this Vg crowd that have the devil in you. Uaybe you don't treat your wife square. Maybe you cheat In your weights. Get rid of U devil? What does It matter if a cuurrti ts, poked to the roof if aottuo bsppens to turn the devil paleT What Is i lie use of pulling cfcalra la the aisles t there u no devil to chuut down the s.siM b4 out the a.u? Ttie object of Ha. cburch (s ta ei ut lvUc W be Jmus caja uuwd Irtrni the Uuuax, vr 3Air.if Mw, mm- an hi 0 SUNDAY CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES TODAY ,n Hi i At the Tabernacle. t p. m Mr. Sunday will deliver hit Jirrmnn: "Why Could Xot We Crtlt them Outt" T.-.10 p, in.--Mr. Sunday tclll de liver his Sermon, "Backsliding." Shop Meetings. tt m.- Members of the Sunday paity will address employe of the Kleettie Storage tlaltery Company, the ' Vdlllns I'nprr Company, the West Philadelphia shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company nnti n com filncrl meeting of the lllec tio Dental Company and Fleer Chewing (Jam Company employes. STATISTICS. V Attendance. Yesterday afternoon , , 18,000 Yesterday evening 19,000 Approximate grand total,, . ,181,000 A'tiiitftrr of persons rod- verted to date '.I" Collections. t Yestetday afternoon SMt,63 Yesterday evening fifl,5 f?liiirf InMl ;a,.5tf.R7 Average contribution from each person , 05 disciples, excepting Peter, .lames and John, who were with lllm, surrounded by a crowd questioning them because they seemed to be unable to twist the devil out from a little hoy brought to ihem by his fnther. The disciples wore having a great time because they thought tliey weie nbniit 'the real thlUK.' us they had at tracted a throng. Hut what did It mal lei hnw many people were around them wien thev hod not been nble tn cast out the evil spirit? "Now, listen to this What was the result, when Jesus came on the scene? The fntlierr iitlctl.V slipped nwny from the iinillltude ami spake Just two words softly' and riiilptlv-t 'Hue rompasslon.' and In mi Instant, the rhlld wns mnde whole. That shows the way (!od le spond" to sliireritv It Is neither long piHeri nor big ciowiIh th.it nlonse Christ I never did have much time for long winded prners It's the humble ones given from the hem t. the heart that Is free from sin. thnt bring the prize "Every man who humbles himself will be lifted up. but everj one who exalts himself will bo lowered." FOUR HUNDREDWOMEN HEAR "BILLY" SUNDAY AT NOON MEETING Four hundred women heard "Billy" Sunday this afternoon nt the first of the ilinw.ng room meetings of the evangelist's campaign. He spoke In the home of Miss t'barlesanna "Huston. SS2I Wajne avenue. Oerrfiuntown. The house Is a large one. Hoors dividing the rooms were thrown open and womn who hnd come to thu meeting crowned Into four rooms on the first ,tloor nnd climbed tho stairs to take their places there. Only women were Invited to the meeting. Homer Rode heaver, the rholrmnster, and others of tho Sunrin.v nartv also attended. "Billy" Sunday spoke on "The Seven Age),." the division of time ns mnde In the Bible. Thin wns the "Ace of Grace." he enld, but a world catastrophe would follow It. as disaster had closed the other ages. The Flood, he sold wns the end of the Age of Innocence. The war wns not mentioned when "Billy" Sunday discussed the disaster In the "Age iif ,Grace." but It was Inferred he meant that the period was near an end. "Billy" 'Sunday surprised the audience. Tt was prepared for nearly any subject, but the talk on the ages was not the rigorous, crushing arraignment tho taber nacle crowds know bo well. Sunday touched on economics In his talk. He denied that a thin pocketbook wag the cause of any girl's degradation. "The girl who goes wrong has a black heart," he said. His talk dealt mainly with the future and the coming of a new age. The millennium would follow the "Age of Grace," he said, and Christ would come on earth. Then would follow His personal reign. Homer Rodeheaver lead a chorus bo fore "Billy" Sunday began speaking. They sang "Because He I.oves Me So," "I Shall Be Ready" and "The Rock of Ages." The women henrd "Billy" Sunday In abso lute silence. The Impression he made ap peared to be a deep one. Four young marines from the Philadel phia Navy Yard were the first to teach "BlUy" Sunday last night when a throng of 152 hit the sawdiiBt trail at the con clusion of "Billy's" sermon on "The Moral Leper" In the tabernacle. That sermon was not ,a salvation ser mon, nnd neither have, any that Sunday lias been preaching during the first 10 days of the campaign. But he has Impressed the people so much that during the three days he has been calling for trail hitters K6S men and women have grasped his hand and declared themselves believers in Jesus Christ. The evangelist preached the same ser mon last night that he had In the after noon. -It Is one of the few sermons he will repeat during his work In Phila delphia. But, despltu the repetition, there were many present in the afternoon who remained In the tabernacle to hear him In the evening. It Is Sunday' s unusual power and magnetism that makes people want to hear his sermons over and over again. AN IMPRESSIVE 8CENE. It was an Inspiring scene when the evangelist stopped preaching and asked men and women to come forward and accept Christ as their personal saviour. H. D. Ackley, the "pianist, began to play the beautiful music of "Jesus, I Am Coming Home," and softly the great choir took up the words. As the song rose through the "rough rafters of the big building the audience Joined in sing ing, and then the men and women started marching forward. Many of them joined In singing as they came. Thrice during the after meeting, while the musia sounded and the assistants of Mr. Sunday were busy escorting the con verts to seats In the glory rows, the evan. gellst called for trail-hitters. "On." he cried, "If you think it's right and manly and womanly to be a Christian, camp, come, come!" Then he turned to the ministers and o the choir, and urged all Christians and workers for God's Kingdom to go out among the people and bring the timid for ward as they expressed their desires to be led to the platform, There was a ready response. Among the first to assist in the work was Bishop Joseph F. Berry) of (he Methodist Church. PROMINENT MINISTERS HELP. Among the clergymen, besides Bishop Berry, who assisted the "trail hitters." were the Bev. Dr. Clarence E. AVoollton und the Rev. Dr. George II. Blckley, chairman of the prayei-msetlng com mittee. It was the belief of many that there would have been more converts If there had been more personal appeals by the ministers and church workers in at tendance. Almost all the you us men who gnswored the call tor converts were from groups of men that attended in bodies from industrial and commercial establish meets. Among the concerns represented were the Bell Telephone and Western Elec trlq Coqipaules, with 400 employees; Smith, Kline & French Company, 400; John T. Lewis Company, 100; Garrett & Buchanan, 100; Ford Automobile Com pany. 100: J. E. Caldwell & Co.. CO; West . Bud Trust Company, (0; Seamen's Miss ion, wj; jioopes a lownnna, ; jians wm Brothers, 36; Jamts Boyd Com pany. ; Pullman Company, SO: H A. Reed Company. 3C, and Diets llschlne Company. 14- There wre 20 marines al together at the meeting "Why fiould We Not Cast Tbara 0utf fill be the subject of Mr. Sunday's sr iiiou in lb tabernacle at 1 o'clock this UeriuMB. Tealght he will talk os "JJauJisuams.'' EYETKft TTCtmtfTC-PmEADTSL'FlTTA, THTTRSBAY, JANUARY - - ' - i - - L ' ' i T - r . CROWDS COMING THROUGH PARKWAY FROM Im'iwjijiimJirfiLujimjii. jqiiimuiju'ijiuim nwwiuuwuuu n.mwwi'i'"iuwlimtiwW.Uu4w wtftWjftfetesas'WWWaiwstwaiswi mm i ' mmHKBBumwm 1 1 ;JBif 1 Hi i -limJHHiMK Mi 1 : ' Pip- I iiHPyHHHiHBH' : j- i KiiTV WdW1 ra MKIli8Bil8SSBBifflffl8lBiKll Hr HI asRj'Wffli ' ' ' &f lis ' i 1 r m- '--. 1 1 m f I Miilil 1 BllB - -A mm H?' s IwjsOTfcliliKSi1! -Mm 3, i mm HKSf?mmMSM "Mm mm? 'lm Mi!S8iSffiMpPMWsg.. mmmmkJSKfmi'ms mm BKlaHaJiJffliiS BHisisVL1sLUKQnBKlasislsisZsslSisK3 "8stslKW3K?it. JS3S3T s!S2!BS5Ba's!???3 This is a scene enacted every day when the con jregation flocks out along between the rows of columns extending from SUNDAY'S SERMON TODAY SUBJECT "WHY COULD WE NOT CAST OUT THE DEVILP" "In the gospel according to Murk, the ninth chapter nnd the SSth vorfce: 'Why could not we oast him out?' " hen Jesus came down from the Mount of Trnntficuratlon with Peter, James and John and renched the valley below He saw the remainder of the dis ciples surrounded by a multitude of peo ple nuesllniiliig them. There were tho Ethical Cnlturlsts, the highbrows of the doy; the Pharisees, who were tho hvpo crltlcal, churchy knockers: the Sadducef-H, who weri- the hen-tics nnd higher critics. As Jpsiis came nearer He noted n father who hnd brought his little boy. who was possessed of an evil spirit which had thrown him In (Ire and water, had caused him to have convulsions nnd made him to fall on the ground -nnd gnash his teeth and fonm nt the mouth. The disciples had each tried tn drive It out, but all hnd failed and the devil was even tlion exer cising his power and had the boy writh ing on the ground In suoh convulsions lis he hnd never before had. "Now notice. Flrst.tho disciples thought they had a big crowd utouiid them. Hut what did It mutter If thoic wns n big crowd and there was no devil enst out7 That'B the trouble with many today. Thoj think that God ln't within ten miles of a meeting unless there Is a big crowd. GET AFTER DEVILS. "I can see those disciples praying and talking and having a big lime. There are many fool short-sighted ministers who are eatlsfled If they can onlj draw a largo crowd. Some are as crazy after sensation as the yellowest newspaper that ever came off tho press. That's the reason we have these sermons on The Hobble Skirt' and the 'Merry Widow Hat and other such nonsensical tommy rot. If there wasn't so many March hare sort of fellows breaking Into pulpits you would have to sweat moie and work harder. I wouldn't give that (snapping his fingers) for a largo crowd If there weren't any devils cast out. There are some of you right her- today that have the devil In you. Maybe jou don't treat your wife square. Maybe jou cheat In your weights. Get rid of the devil. What does it matter If you pack a church to the roof If nothing happens to turn the devil pale? What Is the use of putting chairs in the aisles If there Is no ilevll to chase down the aisles and out the doors? "The object of the church Is to cast out devils. "So the disciples thought they were hav ing a great time with that large crowd. The father had brought his child there because he thought the disciples could cast out the devil. But now the case seemed hopeless and the devil was show ing Its greatest power. That's the way when Christ expects to accomplish any thing, then all of the devils In hell try to prevent It. That's the way it Is now with his aides, that dirty, whisky-soaked gang are spreading dirty black-hearted lies right now about these meetings. They never opened their trap until they heard I was coming here. WHEN JESUS COMES, There nevery was a meeting held In which there weren't some who had devils In them which ought to be cast out. I'll bet my life that some of you out there are filled with the devil. "But how quickly all changed when Jesus came on the scene. It always does The Scribes and the Pharisees stopped their quizzing the disciples when Jesus came on the scene. So will you all, Then you won't look wise and say: "Where did Cain get his wife?" You'll stagger back In awe at His power. "The father saw Jesus and he forsook the crowd. That's what always happens when any one sees. Jesus, The world will flock to the church because the world knows that it's where Christ is. The people will always flock to a place where Christ is Deing preacneo, "So the father turned his back, on the crowd and said to Jesui, 'Have compas sion.' That's all. I think these long winded prayers will never get anything "When Pefer was sinking he aald, 'Help me or I'll sink,' That's all, but If he tried to make a long-winded prayer he would have been at th bottom of the sea before Christ could have touched him, ' I think It Is a good suggestion to use th condenser freely. "Were you ever In th same fix as that father? Have you a boy who is a drunk ard, a girl who Is frivolous, friends who are going wrong, a husband or wife who Is untrue? If you have some relative like that you will know how that father felt when h said. 'Have compassion.' If ji terrible calamity strikes, you there Is only one who can remedy It and that Is Jesus Christ You can go to all of your phil osophers, critics, millionaires, but they, can't hslp you. No one ever went to Christ like that and was disappointed. NEVER DISAPPOINTS. "He knows what tt Is to be friendless, to nave every one desert Him, to not have a place for His head. He knows what It is to be lied about, for they lied about Him from the time II was born until the end. Tby could find no spot, no blemish on Him, so they started a regular cam paign of clllflcatlou. Ha knows what it is to be spit upon, to be taunted. No on ever had a harder time la this world than Jesus Christ. It I can only help Hto 9 hear some of th frurdatg of the Mth century I'll fight nil of tho forces of hell to the last ditch. "No matter what our Int. Christ will have compassion. The fnther was help less himself, so he said. 'Have compas sion.' Onn you Imagine Jesus Christ turn ing n ilenf -ar to such a plea7 1 can't. The devil defied tho disciples, but Jesus said, 't charge you tn come out of him' (He not only drove him out, but barred Ihe door ngnlnst his returning) 'and enter no nioic Into hint ' So He did two things. He droe the devil out of him nnd then told him to stnj out. No more would that devil bother him He might bear the scats caused by the devil being in him before, but It was now 'good by demon.' So It Is with n diunkard. lie may bear the scars he received before he was le deemrri, but tho Lord can make him stay anuy fiom the booze. "Tho l.oul i-.innot only drive the devil out, but lie inn Keep him from comlnK back. Knlwitlnn Is n double-barreled proposition. The Iird can save miu and make- you stii.v saved. "The deepest soi row comes through our ohm llcsli und blood. The highest Joy nlso comes through the successes nnd high achievements of our nun flesh and blood, of our friends. Think or that father, with his boy Just delivered from the power of tho ilovil, paying !5 cents per jear for missions. Think of him sitting In the pew. nnd when the plate was passed digging down deep In his pocket to look for a nickel or a cent. JESUS KNOWS REASON. "Tim while the mother nnd father were lejolclng over tho ilevll being cost out, tho disciples came lo Him nnd naked: "Why could we not cast him out?" They didn't go anywhere else. They went right to Jesus. A preachers' meeting Is a mighty poor plnco to go to find dut why you have failed. Go to Jesus. "Jesus said to the disciples 'that kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fnstlng.' "The disciples hadn't been praying and fasting. They hnd been quarreling among themselves ns to who should be the greatest In the kingdom of God. Jesus said to them. 'What was It that ye disputed nmnng yourselves by the way?' "I'm glad this lesson wns not left out of the Bible. If It had been deft out I would never hno known that the disciples could fall. Just think, men who had lived with Jesus, had talked with lllm for yenrs; heard Him pieach. We are apt to think that they were of a per fection not possible for us. But It Is possible .for us to bo as perfect as the disciples or ns Paul, The disciples were Just common flesh and blood, the same as wo are. "We can get a good lesson from this and can learn from the mis takes of other people. The trouble with the disciples ,was that they were not getting tho power from God to do tho things He wanted. It's ns Impossible to pray right when your life Is wrong as It Is to run an automobile with dish water. NEARING CHRISTIANITY. "Christianity Is not n mere system of teaching. Christianity Is a system of teaching, plus living. He not hearers of the word only, but doers of the word. Christianity Is not a Scripture and creed, but Scripture and creed, plus Jesus. Seo? "Christianity Is a new mind. What we see of evil wo despise when we have a new mind, "Christianity Is a new will. You will do the good and hate the wrong, "Christ Is a new attraction. I love what I hated and I hate what I loved, Pon't tell me that you are a Christian when you loved a lewd show more than you do a prayer meeting. "Christianity Is a new motive power. Man will never rise higher than his Ideals. Man will never go farther than his dynamic force, There was an old steamer on the MUsIssIddI which alwavs brought up the rear when the boats came in ana me people used to come down and watch her behind all of the others. One day she failed to appear and they waited and waited and the next time the boats came in she was leading them all. She was under full steam and had a brand-new coat of paint. 'Hay, cap tain,' some one yelled, 'does that new coat of paint make you lead them all?' 'Not on your life,' was the answer, 'She's got a new boiler and a new engine. That's what makes her go." So with Christianity. Christianity la a new mo tive power. It gives a man power to pass booxe and say, 'Not on your life.' THE CHURCH SCRAP." "I think that the worst thjng that ever wriggled out of th pit of hell Is a churoh scrap. "What binder revivals? It Isn't the saloonkeepers alone, it Isn't the licen tiousness, it isn't the red-light district, Ifs the quarrel and selfishness of God's people. O, God, pity you. If I didn't have enough religion In me to stop quar reling and stay (topped, I'd get It on I'd quit the church. What could the disciples think of preaching. Bach wanted to have the best chance, each wauted to b th Wget duck in th puddle, each wantad to get In th spotlight "Why could w not cast him out? Be cause tuty were scrapping with each other In their selfish arbitration they cout4 pot se Qo4'f vH. God wuj aevr .,.,.. i.... .. SUNDAY TABERNACLE EEXreCT&'S? from the auditorium and moves Logan Square. hear a prayer when pride Is the main spring. "I believe thnt some time In the lifo of eery man nnd woman there wilt como n time 'when they will pray. When tho Titanic went down overv matt prayed. I say there will conic n tlmo in tho life of every one of you when you will pray. "Hut God won't hear n selfish prayer simply because you wantto brlbo God, and think Ho will hear It. My cars nro brass. Look nt the Pharisee strutting up tho tcmplo like a peacock, present ing himself like n bird of paradise, nnd In n sonorous oratory bellowing out: 'I Thank Thee, God, I am not ns other men. I thank Thee Hint 1' nth not ns this publican here." Right then tho ro coidlng nngel dropped his pen nnd gavo up in despair. But when you come llko n publican, 'God be merciful to me, a Bln ner.' then God will hear your prayer. Every man who humbles himself will be lifted up, but every ono who exalts him self will be lowered." Noonday Meetings Jack Cardiff, "Billy" Sunday's athletic tiainor, at a nobn meeting today, told r00 employes of the Electric Storage Bat tery Company how he came to give up prize fighting nnd vnudcvllln work to Join tho Sunday party. The meeting was held in the auditorium of tho establishment at lOlh street and Indiana avonue. Cardiff was greeted with cheers ns he mounted the platform and pulled off his cont. After assailing "booze" he related the story of his conversion In Canton, O.. threo years ngo, where he left n lucra tive position on the vaudeville circuit to Join forces with "Billy"' Sunday. "Every man who lays a nickel on the bar-room tahle for a glass of beer Is in the pay of th devil, whether he knows It or not," said Cardiff. "When men nre awakened to their duty to God." he snld. "the days of the red light district nnd the saloon will be ended." Seated on bales of cotton, several hundred women and mon employed In the Dohson Mills. Falls of Schuylkill, to day heard Mts. William Asher, who Is nttarhed to the staff of "Billy" Sunday, speak on the evangelistic revival. Be fore MrH. Asher spoke a musical program wns rendered. Mrs. Asher Invited the women and men to visit the tabernacle and hear "Blll" Sunday speak. Tho meeting today was one of a scries of noonday sessions which Sunday plans to hold in mills, factories and other Industrial establish ments of this city. MrH. "Billy" Sunday did not get to the noon meeting for tvorklng girls held at tho factory of the A. M. Collins Manu facturing Company, Americnn street and Glrard avenue, today, but it wns a good meeting Just the same, and the young working women showed their apprecia tion of tho efforts of the evangelists to guide nnd instruct them. Homer Rode heaver, the choir lender, spoke. John nnd AVIlllnm II. Norrls. of the factory force, furnished violin music and uMIss Helen Glllis, an operntlve, played the piano, Mrs. Ada Stewart, of the Sus quehanna Avenue Presbyterian Church, sang a solo. George B, Teaz, of the North Branch of tho Y. M C A., was on the platform. After a wong service, while walling for Mrs. Sundny. "Rodoy" struck up a trombone solo. After an opening prayer "Rodey" began his talk. He told of his early life In the Cumberland Val ley and his subsequent wanderings. He said he had strayed awny from God many a time In his life, but through all his vicissitudes he had never gotten from under the Influence of IiIb mother's prajers. His theme ias "Re Cheerful," He told the girls never to get glum and sour One hundred men wearing stained over alls assembled to hear the Rev. John Wallace Welsh, first assistant to "Billy" Sunday n the Pennsylvania Railroad cab shop, 22d street and Powelton avenue, today. "1 belong to the menagerie which has come to Philadelphia," said llr. Welsh, smilingly, "We have come here with one purpose In mind, and that Is to tell Phlln- ItKSOHTS rOCOKO MOUNTAINS". PA. TOBOGGANING at BUCK HILL Rut Recuperation Recreation j THE WINTER INK Buck Ulll yall p. CHARLESTON, B. p. CALHOUN MANSION Vl. '-or Xfluslv patronise; orlstnsl Co. lonlsl t urnlihlnss i Soutboni cooklci, yukt Ins. golf, itnots. Mr. end Urs. J. H. B.rloHtl, JACKSONVILLE. FI.A. ROOM. WITH BATH. I1.W HOTEL BURBRIDGE MEW MODERN FIREPROOF Tii rilCT ST. ACGCSTINB. TUL. THE BARCELONA",8" Prlvsu btlh; excluilv. A. .N, BUAIR, SCHOOLS AMI COLLBCK9 PHILADELPHIA .Ji..i". SRMMAR 8CH0OL rOR UE.V 14S1 Arch St. Nw Day end jSvHOsgTna lut eMBlsf J.TtolttUurj OHdf V. , .,unf AlO WIVU Bumes-raser, ureiuag. sai let U. T045. Sparks From "Billy's" Aiml and Atmfghtv has no double standard to paten. Neither should you have. Girls, ivhen a man asks pou to be nl xclfe, ask him three questions: "Do you believe I am vtrtuoutr Have you lived as vir tuously as you ask of met If I had lived and done as 1dtt have done, ivoitld you- bo slandlnO Here asking my hand in marriage!" There, are thousand of men In Philadelphia, so outrageous that they ought to bo made to take a bath of lysol, earbollo acid and formalde hyde, and compelled to lead a decent life for twotyedrs before they touch the hand of1 a. decent woman or the doorbell of a decent home. and didn't make hell for man, ire made It for the devil .and his an gel. ttUt If you're, fool enough lo worship the devil you can go to hclll God Almighty en)oys a little fun sometimes, That's the reason fie made monkeys and parrats and donkeys and some of yowf 1 don't care anything about your wealth, t don't care anything about your political or social drag. 1 don't care a snap about anything you may be, If, whan you die, the only epitaph you deserve is, "He was n leperlf yoitr life has been a horrible failure! Don't gd to the dance, the most damnable, hellish, low-down Insti tution on the faee of God's dirt, the clutch of the devil, tho ruination of more girls than anything this side of the pit of hell. You little dunces. lt will i win your womanhood and rob you of every sttcak of moials you have In the world! Society takes io note of that young girl keeping company iclth that "good-for-nothing" fellow. So ciety takes no note of that young fellow drinking at their banquets. It wails until she Is on the road to maternity and he Is a ragged, maud lin, staggering drunkard, and then slams the door in their faces. Suppose every moral leper in this city were compelled and Impelled to go down the street shouting "Un clean! Unclean!" Suppose every moral leper were compelled lo make a revelation to his wife and every wife were forced to vtakc, ft full rev elation to her husband! Gee, but wouldn't the divorce lawyers be busy! delphlnns tho truth. The trouble these days is that people Imnglna different relig ious organizations are subsidized and are hirelings of capltnl-" Concluding his re marks, the clergyman said he belonged to nn organization which wns known as tho A. O. 1.. H., whlclf ho later explained meant "Ancient Order of tho 1-ovlng Ileal t." Employes of the EIcctro-Dcntal Com pnu, U.Id nnd Arch streets, wore ad dressed nt noon by "Bob" Stover, who plays n trombone at the tabernacle. Ha urged tho men to attend the meetings nt the tabernacle. "Sunday" SideMtf "I've heard 'BlUy- Sunday cuitil thing from n. clown to an r,.i .! -- -- 'osi, efti'sai remarked, "but vesteroW i.i 3 - - "ciinp nnytning i nave ever seen of hf singe, Jlllly' Sunday Is mp menso." Mrs Uobson Alleimis wn -... & ninny who enjoyed "Hllly'g" trfP leiunj. ono iiiiu a mnnri SBMlT.S from her white spats lo her ini.iitt loque nnd Vciv Jail Henrd In the mil-serv! "Slep down from the chairs, -bg! ladles." p'!j "Are you a jnolhor?" "Yes." ri1 vunv. ih.n. nti.," OMS 5 "What Is your number?" "Clood-hv until tnmnri-nw "You are not Mrs. Sunday, &r wil Being . good-looking evidently IJlIB msnuvnntnges. uno or the most nihil members of tho polleo force hrf llshed n reputation for gallantry tin lltennsn. eiinenlnllv fmvnt-,1 i.l.' Vlrl women who nre getting well aioS ycnrB, consequently nt lltnei he ltita sieged with questioners. Far fromrfiri: plaining, ho performs his duty n teSi mood. Ho was seen to frown, haaSa when one young woman asitea ItSM question, nnd then turned to her fjri with "i simpiy wnntea to hear Mi ,7, 1 like It. ns much an I IIIca i.i. i.,US "I wonder If ho Is being convetledSlP friend remarked. as. "What makes you ask thnt?" aB ."Well, maybe ho don't need lt; vflH tnlnly looks good to me." C "Billy" snys God hates loafcrs fiff? Ackley, Mr. Sunday's secretary! ISS thnt. nn doubt. Hut h l. ..''.,.21 duslVlous A few of bin dally choreil! elude two piano recitals, mornltutf&i nfternoon. at tho tnbornnclc; the ooiffi' of .100 ordinary. 1!00 ointik, 160 nppeijB nmnv other Itttois. answering an Iniiit nlte quantity of telephone colli jjjn? cldently many foolish questions, NaES m Fomo of the Billy Sundaylsms nuytui Into the nriivcrh column. Hla "nl?? lutlons nro llko fainting wonnn4s have to bo carried out," was ll,,t'i several occasions in tho audience yutuJ uay. "I had a 'hell' of n good tlme,"?E man remarked ns ho donned Ills ovuwkl "If !, nA It-nlflft nfif-en. !.. 1SS -. ..,u . u.B.......u ,..oui, vain D09 preached llko that, it would sure i"i busy day for tho undertaker. NtRTrf aentns woutct De mere aplenty.' Thliti the casual comment of ono man uhfTSj shaking with laughter yesterday. M ,,-,-.. t.-.- , ..nl.1 l.t.. .-Hi I ,1V... ...7SS! 1UU LKJl. B.1IU ilia menu, out I (J M tho church seats would have to WJiH off at auction. Thoy euro would ifii great ucmnnu. rt'M "I certninly wish I hnd his nerti nerves," ono man tald. "1 wondt&t nUl-KWIICUl L.'Un-T llt-IL, Illlll UJ. If he eatB celery." $400,000 for Wilmington StHeti WILMINGTON, Del., Jan. U.-VS bers of City Council and the 8trMtfiTi Sewer Department last night conform on the subject of new street paving; nnu it is prooauie mat wunin a letr'tun a hill will bo prepnred nnd pressritto a the Legislature providing a loan of H,B for street work. WINTER RESORTS Ledger Central will supply you with full information about winter resorts in any section of the country. Tell you exact locations, seasons, attractions and facil itiest for recreation or rest. Give you particulars regarding train schedules and connections, sailing dates of steamship lines for any port, Pullman and boat accommodations, cost of traycl and hotel rates en route and at resorts. This service is entirely without charge. Simply call at the ' BALCONY LEDGER CENTRAL Broad and Ghcttnui ISth