?PIWW?!1115KPwBi!P WVBNINQ LEDGER-PHILADELPniX THTTRSDAY. JANUARY 14, 1916. AN PLOT SEEN IflREAT BRITAIN IN HANBFEK Ul MU1A i 1 A. 1 M.-,ir Circles roused 5vcr Alleged "Crooked" Purchase, Which May Embroil Unilcd Stales. LONDON. Jan. II. Rnort serious diplomatic ittuatton JS.... ..invlnsr the attention of the fite -.kin.t mid Involving the steam- Sfbidft. recently purchased from feraburg-Amercm lino by nn Amerl- fiftil"" ml "nr trnnsrerrea to Sfetieniillo circle that Urn purchase . . i- i 1. nni flint flAr. S,nT U Involved In the matter. 3ft. ,.. a Its root and purpose the Kin of tejt casB ot tna Dac,tt trans ?;. ,,.. h that It will facltltato the fir in uo "- Sfcr other and more Important German KSj sod ultimately Involve the United EEii In a controversy with Great tnuia- .,.,-. K "WASH BAUfci ViJiJH.Linu. Kj pacta g to sail soon from Gtilves n.. Tir.mMi with a cargo ot cotton. Jjtthlp has been the subject of much S&oondMice between tho two nations rrt fortulght. Sho was purchased fioni flffiertnan line bj Eduard N. nreltutig, Michigan, for a sum that Is wild to &6 ridiculously low as to assuio this flSemment that the transaction was ftwditent. In fact a "wash sale." The 111. f the shin's ono cargo of cotton, ?!i Mid. will be sufllclont to reimburse (ft W owner xor ner uuruia. IMll'U the purpoie of Germany, It ls Ivjcfca i u..w... -- . -- t..i. ..!.. 4h Darin, nn the hlirli sons A'liijBCh a cry through tho American 'art that a amp ot n nouirai nation, ny- 'I .a.,.- iM.rf.nn flat lina lioar, ImI,. frM 5rith. By this means Germany, It U laid, hopes to invoivo me uniicu ftttu In an embroilment Ith Great IJffllAlU Mill Information to this effect has been Jgmfllumcaieu IU uiu uiuiuu .jitiiea itu- llorlei, Willi sucn proois as mere are ltTjiifid. WASHINGTON WOrtlUED. WASHINGTON! Jan. II. .til proposed sailing of tho steamship 55j. which was recently adopted by STcoTernnicnt after what many persons yoplomatlc circles characterize as n KSlcloua" sale to nn American citizen. STlM engaging the attention of the J Iota Department. The utterances of Git Britain regarding the intention of iif Die Dacia's cargo of cotton at a Ger- bu) pou are xaicen so seriously oy the ffpirtment of State that an Inquiry has few ..nf in flrttnt TYi-ltnln ..bl.. If LtlatoTernment will Interfere with the f" " """ 0 IV JhUlLVIUtllll turn Ulfl divzei argo there InHtead of eoinff to fobis inquiry is or the greater Jmpor- hllnl V&Aaii.a U a A .1 I.-1 ii .ii ,tht If Great Britain will consent to audi i rdor'tranaferrlnff to American resib :(WC Urga number of the German and "lvtrffon mMl..i -. i- .. .-.. wciwwjii ycsaoiH now lyiHff line kJnerican ports. In the State Depart fcothere U now on foot a scheme to fnip BApnAMDNTO AFPAin. this connection, as having an 1m- )uiit bearing on the controversy over uatia, it was learned that tho Ger ay merchant vessel, the Alexandria. .Vhlch llBll li-an nl .. . t . H v pum iu Aincncans ana "allied to American registry as the Kfimento, had been Interned by Chill lpij around that she sunDlIed munl- ltfsLdu?pIfes l0 Gorman warships (Si . vPac,n waters and was there-'S?.l-.b?,.con8ldered ns n auxllllary of the German navy. til. nl. puruneni ot mate, ana V?hlrm'n. '". """Sly disinclined liin. fuictuon or tne American KI5T1 ihat ,,avo cone '"to pos wra of American dtlrens by "fraudu &."n, "Whether to benefit German fywrdlng to N-nni-t i 1 .... "S th. .ere wa" nethlng "flshy" S .v5!..Jala . Sacramento aiid fitcla mi. I . , 8 Kenulnenesa of tho ttne u,t h forthcoming before Itueai... ...uWtt.".a?c,Ptcd' SUC vl- iot. i.mT .. M' u u a,lesed, may WtM fiJ??lent,JP convincing to Gov itoh. .'!LclaIs t0 enabe them to de- taj( "-"acuon and the ship. St AVERTS SENSATION I OVER NORDICA'S WILL LProhlbttIntroductlon of let- WneaI? iK,,,Jn' ."--Sensational de lWt rjii.i" 'i10 ""lenient of the es- 'l!,.. iUlln Nordlca. tils irrnnH nn.ra riioto by American l'rcss Asm. "CURLY JOE" CASSIDY Former Democratic boss of Queens' County, New York, who was taken to Sing Sing yesterday to begin a term of 18 months. TRIES TO STEAL BABY HIPPO AS PRESENT TO EMPEROR -Austrian Laborer Attempts Kidnnp- iiifj in New York. nbw YUicu, Jan. 14 A young man squeezed between tho Iron stnnchloni of tho enclOHUio of tho hippo famll In the Central Park mcnagetle jesterday, and, after looking at MJss Murphy and her son Kongo In tho water, started dawn tho steps toward them, Mlii Murph, Indignant nt the lntiuslon, stnitcd for him. Headkeopcr "Bill" Snyder and Keeper Slechort pulled tho mnn out Jn time to save him from harm and filmed him over to Policeman Dlnccn. The pilioner said he was Ieo Bcita, nn Austrian laborer, of 220 East Kth slicet. "I wanted to get tho baby hippo and send It to Emperor Francis Joseph," he explained. He was sent to Bellevue Hospital for observation "SLATE MAKERS" . PARCELLING OUT POLITICAL "PAP" Kcpublicali Leaders Confer on Apportionment of 219 Jobs Woodward Favor ed for Appropriation Chairmanship. nepubllcan Organization leaders In the Legislature met again today at the He publican State Committee headquarters on South Broad street, to complete the legislative "slate" which they discussed all diy yesterday at conferences ot tho "slate" committees of both the Senate and House. Neither the list of commit to members nor the men "slated" for the 122 House and the 97 Seimlo Jobs that remain to be tilled Is expected to be an nounced untlt Saturday. While nothing as yet hna been ngroed upon, It Is generally understood that James P. Woodward, ot Allegheny, will get the Important place of chairman ot the House Appropriations Committee. Senator Buckman, of ltucks, Is said to bo the probnble chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Senator Kurtz, of Jefferson, Is also being men tioned. Senators Vnre, McN'Ichol, Crow and Sproul -n 111 most probably retain their present committee chairmanships. Speaker Ambler and Senator Kline, piesldent pro tern of the Senate, went over the flood of applications for places on the parlous committees, while the "slate" committees of tho House and Sen. ate were holding sessions Governor-elect Brumbaugh will go to Hanlsburg tomorrow to discuss routine matters of the Chler Executive's oITlce with Governor Tenor and to fa familiarize himself with tho Executhe Mansion, where ho will live for tho next four jears, beginning Tuesday. Governor Tcner. and Mrs. Tener will entertain Doctor Brumbaugh nt luncheon. Tho Governor-elect will also confer with tho Inaugural Committee before ho re turns to Philadelphia tomorrow night. Democratic State Chairman MorriB re gained control of the Democratic Club, moi Walnut street, last night. John It. Howard, a Moirls supporter nnd Demo cratic leader In tho 40th ward, was elect ed a director, Viler 113 Morris adherent-), moat of them Federal o(Hcoholders had been ejected members of tho club The vote against tho Ilosklns candidate, J. II. Berkley, was 103 to 31. Tho Young Republicans ot Philadelphia, at their annual election last night, elected (he following officers: President, Maylln J. Pickering. Vice picsidents, Philip H. Johnson, Charles E. Bartlett. William C. Brown and Charles Henry Fox Hccordlng secretary, II C. Hogrebe Corresponding secretary, Henry F. Muschump. Financial Hecrctary, F. It Wadllnger. Treasurer, John C Lindsey. Board of Directors: ihar!ei Gardner Samuel It Cay ton n)uk Jlnrdln William B. Herbert Charles an Horn Henry S Montgomery T I. Matthew if Into MLr.k.H William J Hums Tohn J Oalne D C Clilfa.nt Jloivard V Brlnton .tames Crawford John M. Drlvnr diaries Ftatct iwijifflwwiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiwiifi Hi iililuiilih mi il imiiiliiliiiiiiniii in in in i ti liTI lliLL.ii II1 !':' u! I !' 'V i ' tii il'li iin'iMiMiilI I liiii!iii!i!i!ii!;!ii!llii ! ! i!!!!!! I'lll ii 1 1 ! m t nt' rK&r be. d n ?Ty li. 19H, have fcsJiL !n avo ded through -nJ n,-. We Are Always Striving to do belter ; that's our policy. The things we require of ourselves arc, as clearly as we can put them, the things you naturally re quire of us. Wc arc both on the hunt for the best in coal; that's our business. Put yourself in our hands to do for you that for which we have had a lifelong training. You must admit, we ought to know. Try us out. Send in that order today and be convinced. Egg $7.00; Stove $7.25; Nut $7.50; Pea $5.50 25c added if carried GEO. B. NEWTON COAL CO. 1527 CHESTNUT STREET SI'IIUCE 0400 ItACE 3S0U mmmmmm ilital JB -3,-Wfl Mb, WMJlf.r"ne Court Justice Goff. The MiW.Tr.." " a'd that differences ' &IM tlm. !en ,,e?e" "id husband ' Sam,i, numbec of letters, de i Jfc will V , en candalous" In char- PS t mill? ot cou bs a -i M.ToSic.8 Goff " "lln. SB U m Tyne B" rt to have f&S.!. pt1" D beneflcUry In 8 M, im"' yim" other heirs-are I,""' WilU A Second Hoonm.n !F on nn,..j - . --..., IW V fTr3r lslanJ Where ,11-i -jr xsiana, wnere "J?. Practically exqludea her 1 Irt N. t pertJr ' b0ll equally , w w Jersey and this State. '3 AttBEBI KHita TATHEB We Will ream Today of SStaSK ,haa be?" Prisoner, mSTsjSi fi tSln veral robbery' asf1 f hu iwr..r j? ""y " S Hunt.. tVL "'"' " man is r wi!I.Johnion' f "t. Pleas- wayne, and he Is now in the il jt"te'?n 'he home of Attorney io'itlM HlJ:1i,a'x ot "bblnr the fa.,ft tw hour, later ta. hi! T"1"5. hut news ir""1 ben kept from Johni.nn. rffMa,i,, Cro"Ine8 Muet 0 BrJcUeS b"? Utility Commission to- Lrot "" raovJ ot It railroad b J...u rP alonr tha rr.,A. t f Vtbm'JSSS .l,M .fls1 1 Zs&79 '"Pavlowa Gives Her Second Lesson in the One-Step Pavlova has standardized the modern dances for you: made the steps so graceful and yet so simple that all can do them alike and so all can thoroughly enjoy them. In the Thurs day Evening Ledger you will find the second figure of her standardized one-step ex plained The Side-Glide Follow these articles carefullyj practice them in yqur own home; you will be delighted w(th the progress you makel The lessons appear every Tuesday and Thursday Exclutlvety In tht ONE CENT MANN ACT MAY INVOLVE MUOH'MA'RRIED MINISTER ) Federal nnd Stato Authorities After the Her. J, W. Darnell, CHICAGO, Jan. 14, James Morrison Darnell, Unltarlnn minister, whose mar ital' tlimmiUIja Include charge by three younc women who claim to be his wives, today faced possible prosecution on one of two rharges. State's Attorney Hoyne today took per sonal charge of an Investigation lo learn If Hie preacher plajcd the part of bride groom In more than one ceremony, while the brldo ot the first still was living. lllllton C. Clnbaugh, lotal head of tho Bureau of Investigation ot the Deunrt- mlnL ot J" , ""Mi' to learn whether Darnell, In his alleged trips to and from pastorates In Indlnna, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota violated the Mann white slave net. I'roccss servers from tho Clicult Court today set out lo locate the minister Id serve him with papers In the divorce ault brought against him by 17-year-old Doris Vnughn "Darnell," who says she married the mlhlster last fall. It wm not until yesterday that the girl bride decided to give up Darnell. It will not be until the father of nuttt Super "Darnell," of Owalonna, Minn., and Kthel Spurgeon "Darnell," of Avon, 111., arrive lyre that omelals can decide whether Ijartiell's ense will be n matter for Stale or federal officials. PAUL CRET SAFE IN FRANCE OhrlBtnms Card Received From Arch itect Now nt tho Front. A Christmas card, mailed Beveral das before Ihe Yuletlde ncason, was received today from Trofessor Paul Cret, the sol-dler-archllect, who Is fighting with the french nnnj, by Professor Warren T. I.alrd, of the nnhltectuial school ot tho University of Pennsylvania. Professor Cret staled that so far he Is safe and welt After fighting for month In the region of the Tpres, lie said, he has been re moved to a riew position In northern France. Brisk fighting Is reported In progress there, ills correspondence on the card was ns follows: 1 "It Is Impossible for tne to keep in touch with my friends. I have received seveial letters, nmong them one each from Mrn. Cret and jourself Many thanks for the Information, Hegt wishes for Christmas 1 still regret, rtnore lhan )oil can bellexc, evetythllig oer there friends, achoot nnd pupils So far I am safe enough, though 1 ha.vo been In hard places, especially In Belgium. "PAUL CHUT " Joo Tuber "Wins Amateur Bouts Joe Tuber, of Rotitlnvark, d.fest.d I)nnr Ki'ek, of tha same voting dlrtrlct. In the flnst lioul of the loo-pound amateur lournsm.nt nt thn Osyety Theatre last ntsht. The former was nwanifrt a diamond ring, while Buck re ctUed second prlie, a gold watch AUSTRIANS HURL RUSSIANS BACK TO UfcSOK PASS Invftders of Hungary Jtcpulsed. In "Upper Xing Vnlley. VIENNA. Jan U Oniclnl announcement was made tfeday lhat llie rtusslah troops whd Invaded Hungary IhroUgh Ufaok Pass Tiad been defeated by Austria-Hungarian troops In the valley of the tipper t'ng Illvet and had retreated toward the pass The Ilusslnns are beihg pursued In attempt to cut off their retreat ElUENDS TO DISCUSS TEAOB Philadelphia Friends will meet tonight In tho Meeting House, at lGth ami Race streets, to consider constructive measure, for world-wide peace. Any proposition for nn Increase In nrmnment Is expected to meet with decided objection This Is the first of a scries of Interdenomina tional meetings to be held In Various part ot tho city for promotion of peace STOItU OI'tlNH 81.10 A. M. CI.OSKS AT Hi30 V. St. MAIL ORIUMI.M" OIlDUnS IdM.KD : Dent's Gloves SALE CONTINUES Some Other Equally Famous Makes Are Also Included. One of tho irreatest rIovo events of the year offering savings of a third lo half on those colebmteil itiulia. Fine While Kid Mousquctairc Gloves Bplc, span and new, novor out of their llssuo wrnpplngn I.7B nnd 2 TUN-MUTTON t0 KIND J70C 2.B0 nnd S3 SI.VJHI3N- 1 on MUTTON KIND 1.017 i.i-n nnd s;ijid twi'SiTI- "li luii ninu .... 1.59 79c -Smn-Tan, Dent's $1.25 to ?2.0() Gloves . . i lor Women. MNspr nnd l!os pies in cape, pique und Itfd white nnd blnclc. Dent's $1.50 lo $2.50 $1 Gloves For Men Sample In kid, mocha, suedo, Iloyal buck. cano. otc. FIRST FLOOR, 8TH 8TRKET SIDE HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Lit BMtlhrs Double Yellow Trading Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until Noon : After That, Until Closing Time, Single Stamps Market Eighth Filbert Seventh Tlio fine premiums given in ex change for YELLOW TRADING STAMPS nre lenlly surnrisinK they nre ar ticles that would cost you dollars to buy. Double Stamps in the Morning. Underwear & Hosiery $2 to $2.50 $1 AQ women's sample vests ot clove nllh oni; some lieauunillv Pink and white in lot ome band to uioideieil fullv oin- 50c to 65c Union on Suits 5C Medium nnd heavy weight cotton ribbed suits $1.25 Silk Stockings Limited quantity of whmen's Ingrain thread slllc stockings that nro very sheer and lustrous. Jn all-black, with high-spliced hools, double soles and roinforced garter tops. Have slight Imperfections. 25c 35c "Onyx" Cotton Stockintrs Women's medium-weight black cotton, have oxtra spliced toe, heel aim xjupiox lops. riRST FLOOR, SOUTH Special January Sale oi en's FumishingS. Smart, New Ill-Silk Neckwear at Less Than Half Price .Underwear, Sleeping Garments, Sliirls, Bath Robes, Suspenders and Half Hose at a Generous Third or rourth Less lhan ) on tVould Customarily Pay. An event that will supply every such need for months to conic, with unusual economy and thoroughly good quality. $2 UNION SUITS n.29i "Wright's" Spring Needle Garments Noted for Quality and Fit. bolt combed cotton yarn in ecru. color: also natural crray worsted rib. Have long sleeves, French inserted neck, nicely finished, nre ankle-length and have double stitched scams. 50c Derby Rib Underwear, 39c Heavy cotton-rib garment, soft and warm: ecru color. Shirts have wov en nock; drawers are fully rein forced. All good sizes. $1 "Chalmers" 7Qr Union Suits.. Perfectly Finitlied in Every Detail. Of soft-romhed Kgyptlnn cotton jnrn In ecru voter. Itne vroven neck, long; sleeves nnd nre nnkle length. iood sIkph. $1 Neglige Shirts, 19c lllgh-jrrado solsettc; launders nlce lv , rich patterns; both plain neg lige and plaited styles. Slightly mussed from handling, nothing to mnr wear. Good sizes. mm robes.... .45 $Mm SRieh Patterns in Attractive Tivo-Tonc) MmrJmlMiWw ) Combinations. ,MmM "' S Genuine blanket robe, cut full with ml fllj J lolling collar, piped scams and cord and C KLIlMr tassel to lntrtch. S fSSUi 51 Natural Wool Underwear, 79c Wool mixed with Just enough col ton to prevent shrinking. Natural gray color. Shirts have high-cut neck; dravvors aro mado full nnd extra leinforced. 15. 50c All -Silk Neckwear. . . Plenty of Smart Patterns fiom Which lo Choose. llrokcn llnest mntle In Inrge, open end nlinpei up-ln-dnte oni on, nnd rfTerfs. 13vcry une n reculilr f0c tie. 25c Half Hose, 18c Fibre plaited and verv lustrous Have senmln-?s feet and double heel nnd toe Fast black and colors 'Hirer jinlrs 30c. $1 Pajamas g9c Good Quality Outing Flannel , tn Neat Patterns. Meely finished nnd correctly tn ml r. Jacket nrr mlllinry style, fnstenlne vrltli liuttonm trousers cut eood nnd full. .$1 & $1.50 70 Neglige Shirts Variety of Neat, Rich Sti iped Effects. Ilndr of hlcli-Krnilr poilKrrl perfectly finished. Cont style wllli nl Inched soft cuffs. I'ull mnRF of slrrs. T-IIIST FLOOR SnVHNTH AND MARKET STREETS 0 Final Shipment of the Great Purchase From J lUiveright, Qreenewalld Sfc Co. IFhose Factory is at Sth and Spring Garden Streets and who have ranked among the kest,nanujacturing tailors v for two score years. We Bought Something Like 4000 of These Splendid "Pelham" Brand Suits arid Orcrcoats THE PRICES ARE ABOUT HALF OF THE ACTUAL VALUE Evcfy Man Who Needs New Clothing Will Be Wise Indeed to Choose From Today's Fine Big Replenished Assortments Balmacaan & Semisitting Overcoats Cleverly tailored, flne-flttlnB narments, in blue and Bray meltons, blue nnd black korseys, blue, bionn nnd Kra chinchillas and rich Scotch tweeds $12.50 to $15 Values, $g.75 1 $16 and $18 Values, $g J5 Jn Subway and on Second J'loor $2e&$22-50 Values, $10.Sifl $22 & $25 Values, $H.75 $23.50 to $26.50 Values, $9 75 $28 & $30 Values, $llfjj) $15 to Suits ... $20 $Q Hand-tailored from smart. al v.uoL materials and in nil ot the latest st los, I.iicIiicJIiik dnuhle-brenstcd effects with soft 10II collar $12.fi0 Suits ;$7.5Q $2o and $28 $1 tif Suits lO.OU $25 Full Dress and $14 Tuxedo Suits x $3.50 Worsted $1 QO Trousers x 7 Special Purchases of Youths' Clothing From Philip Walcoff Co. and Regatta Wash Suit Co., New York. t For Boys $2 & $2.50 Wash Suits SECOND 1'I.OOIt. AND SIAJtKE SEVENTH T 8TS. Striped traUtea, tan, white or blue chambrajs, perculo, madras and poplin. uussian unu me new lommy "lUCKer myies nizcs i!"s iu u jeuis. Boys' 85c Pants, 59c Fancy cheviots, cassimeres and blue seises, ntoomers und Knickerbock ers, tilzes 6 to 17 joars Boys' $7.50 & $8.50 $f Cf) Overcoats t.OVf Of fancy cheviots and tweeds l)ou-blo-bieasted styles, sizes S to 18 years. Boys' $7.50 $4 Af Suits . V Willi rxfra pnlr of KnlrkerbocLers. Seventeen styles, Norfolk effects In func all-nool fabrics. Sizes 7 to IS years In sailor, Oliver Twist, Hoys' $5 Overcoats, $2.90 Double breasted and In smnrt. fancy cheviots Sizes 7 to 18 years. Hoys' $3.50 & $1.50 $0 AK Reefers A.J Pancv (asslmeres, thevlots and blue chinchllliis, KIzch 2 to 10 years. 40c lo $1 Camisoles, 29 c to 69c Seco silk In pink and nhlte, trimmed with shadow lace and rib bon. One sketched. $4.98 to $8.98 Petticoats, $1.95to$4.98 Pink, white and light blue crepe de chine. Also dancing- skirts of chiffon; full plait ed; all colors and black. One Sketched. 40c tol Silk Bloomers, 25c to 79c Women's pink, blue and laven der. Blaatia bands. 98c to $10 SScLar49clo$4.98 Women's eowns, skirts, combin ations, cometcovers and drawers. BllKhtly soiled or mussed BBl'ONO VUOOli vVjjyffjf Friday Bargains Misses' 50c Union Suits, 29c Extra heavy, fleece lined, cotton ribbed, some slightly Imperfect Final yf.0011, south 30c to 55c Ribbons, yd. 19c Remnants of plain and fancy rib bons; i to Inch widths. Good lOHlU. v,'.t Aid uc $1 Hand Hags, 79c Leather, fitted with purse and mir ror; nicely lined. The new calling shapes; platted or plain. VAIN AIIQADE $1.50 to $3 Corsets, $1 Large assortment of models! sizes 18 to SO Inches. No Mall or I'lione Orders. ilAIN AIIPABB Women's 9c to 12 2c Cr Handkerchiefs " AH pure Jlnen; sheer and heavy qualities; wanted quarter-Inch hem. first rwyon, SOUTH 50c Full Clamp Ice Skates, 27c Well-known Union Hardware Co.'s Ice Skates Steel foot plate and runner, silvered finish. All sizes. TJHHD FLOQIt. BFOKTINCJ qOQD8 65c Quilting Cotton, roll 49c So-called two-pound roll. FIHBT 7L00B, NOTIONS $1.25 Inlaid Q7lor Linoleum, sq. yd, " - Remnant lengths, tw yards yde, many of same design. Please bring sizes TOURTJI FLOOR $24.00 Axminster Si a rrf Rugs, 9x12 feet ":' Aiexanaer bmitn ec Bonn extra qual ity grade. Mostly floral effects Limited lot FOURTH FLOOR 85c Book AQ Racks... wc Heavy bam boo, stands 25 inches hgh; 17 Inches ulde, 3 s h e 1 csj ends fin ished with knobs. Like Sketch, Limited lot No Stall or I'hoqa Or den. THIRD FLOOR $1 to $1.25 Flounc- QQ,, ings, yard Ji7t- No tlnll, I'linoe or f. O, II, Order. Tine embroidered Hwlss, -voile and none Sheer and lovely, most desliable patterns In blind and lacey effects; 45 Inches wlile M IN ARCAUH DRESS TRIMMINGS $2.50 to $5.98 $1 QO Trimmings, yd. -1 7 Crystal bands and all-overs for evening and dance dresses. Irides cent and crystal bead banding, stud ded with pearls and rhlneatone, 3 to 6 Inches wide. FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH 75c Alarm Clocks, 55c Nickel, guaranteed good timekeeper. Stop alarm MAIN ARiDB AND THIRD FLOOR Women's $1.50 Umbrellas, 98c I'nlon taffeta. pUIn and fancy han dles. Silk case and tassel Fllisr FLOOR KUlyTH $7 Enamel Cribs, $1.98 Continuous post: national fabric spring with medlcntetl pine fibre cotton-top mattress. Complete fl.DN, $25 Sample Brass $1 C OC Reds 1D.OD Homo continuous post with heavy fillers, some Colonial design Bright and dull finish. $22.50 Bedroom $1C QQ Pieces, each uc Mahogany finish bureau, chiffonier and triplicate mirror toilet table to match. Adam design. FOURTH KLOOlt $3.50 German Sil- $1 QQ ver Mesh 'Bags. . . Iteverslble ring mesh, silk lined, fancy Frenoh-gray frames with soldered chain. 12c Silver-plated Tea yr Spoons, each " Ultra heavy VIRST FLOOR BTH k. MaRKET DCS. $7 to $9 Trunks, $5,95 Basswosd foundation with heavy duck covering fibre bound, three centre bands, hardwood slats rlu foraed with black ateel trlouluys. two tray a Slsea ii to SS FIFTH Ft.ixjR ; UJ-IHtO'UElta Sga&lN OUU BIQ XUa'AtHlAftT BESV O BVHBVTIIINa AX LOWEST; 1'UICKS FliUMI VLOOHS U'ttOTUi5il