Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 14, 1915, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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mti Feasts, Take "Naps"
Ind Havd uood 1 ime in
General, Citizens' Probe
w. -. .nntiiK In- nil ward TtoU.
m zrxr ',; aio a.,..?!.,
peiiu...- dnner ot the association
km. ' t.,n ho announced tlmt
!," . Sittectlvcs had teen working at
m ??":." .!, Wfl numnente.l Inst
Kt a "Pedal meeting of the board
W. h... ihe association held nt
IL n.nree . darby's rcsldenco, nt
bSr'wk announced that It was decided
f!fJlJ"ere the Lower Merlon Town-
"., mnrA aro n nnniPii in
Momcers- at nlBht and one during
ft """l' ..i ,1 nmn of Its brlchtcst
IB;" """,. h.
"""j1 ... .:: ;,fBvM m -.hadow'
F.' .... j..i thn davtlmo to neo how
IKnt was the day ofllccr. Durlns tho
Ufiiw ..,.- dirrn warn 11 ilava
W"".!.. !r tnu not seen at alt or
sTl. once, ""! durlnK the 10 'J'11'8 ot. th0
l53 '.i. v. wna nn twh or three
SKi One of tho bfflcern of tho Morion
IK? Aioclftt!on then patrolcd every
t'. . ir..in fm Mffht RiieeeRftlvo after
bki and only met tho day oftlcor one
t i . . .i l n tUm mvinl.
fefllt nlgnl Oinccra tUIIIU ll """ .
R . .: .. L-j.. t imuinvor. A Tliirn mnn
u detailed at tho railroad station every
tiiM on ft "special piece of work," and
iuT ioon became "chummy" with tho
f7- AfTItnrn Tin wrut Bonn told that
u would be Introduced to somo "chlck-
TJ"WIU1 WllOm HO tuuiu imvu uu niuun
If times." These "chickens" turned rut
k. . .inmnta rmnloved In noma of tho
hit homes In Merlon, and every housc-
iold of the little suouro is now an obok
h to what evldenco Is In cxlstenco against
ttdr servants.
Willi these servants tho pollco on duty
Etent regularly to their employers' homes,
Ui feasts ana enjoyea memseives wun
(kj xpenslvo food and drinks of the own-
(rl oi tne nomes. wncn moy couiu noi
trt food In this way, they would, as they
BA one evcnlnff, deliberately break Into a
rarigerator oi ono oi mo Aierion nomes
tid steal food. After a weeolc or two, tho
Soros detective was put down by tho
Jolly Merlon policemen as nn "easy mark"
lad 8 "good fellow," and he was sent Into
loirn and to neighboring Inns for whisky
"lidfood. These ncrc brought to tho rnll
toad Utlon at Merlon, n cozy flro was
Bide In the waiting mom, a supper was
ltd and then, ret?ularly each night, after
tit last train wns In, tho policemen und
tit directives lay down on tho station
bitches and went to Bleep, often bring
WiVened by the rallrond's trackwalkor
it i or f a. m.
TELEPHONE (31111.3 COciPEnATn.
Meantime, a goodly procession of cirls
Bearai to the Merlon stntlon and the place
Iteeama a veritable trystlng place for
!m fltirl Ih nnlff
Hna nt fhBM Will n (AUntinn. nnaAw
Smrai handy to tho police and "stood In
Jllh them." so that instead of being com-
tlBltA tl llHIlb 1.aI nlaM AMt. 1.. M
vvu iu ui tticii aicc juvii nuur mm
SO to the boxes In the Morion district
mm fcyuri iu ino Arumoro sianon, oa
Kthaage would ring up tho Ardmoro Bta
ttm and report for them, leaving tho po
m to their undisturbed sleep. Recently,
a6Tr'thjl fatanhnnn nn.nn.. t.n. U.
doing everything posslblo to co-operate
LVjUl tha resldpntn nf ATnrfnn In mttHne
nt stop to this practice.
(UiooDerles and runaways might occur,
M they did: an automobile skidded ono
"in. onu came crasning down the rail
road mhflt,tr1ftnt Almnnfr lHn t.
II, -- ..wit. UllUWOL liiiu biiu Witt
uoa whero the police wore sleeping; but
tsejr aleep was too deep to bo disturbed
tuuo mciacni or mat aort.
JTa? raAfH l,t. ... . ...
i l wciu un ana cacn morn-
fKvto hIs emPJyr the doings of tho
"i Moiuro.
W1iti all U- -. ..
iiil '" locio were careruiiy coi-
(.J - ui ino onicers or tne
in!!vniC Jy' Association got out of their
tcomiortabla l.orin ,. .. ..iu. .4 i
S nd continuously went down to the
. u At cxactly the hour of 1 the
afljljctlve Inalde the station would stand
mS.ri e Ms d00r nnd strike ono or two
!. ao'oaiing now many pollce
tSS! ta,"Mo aaIeeD- Th8 wsldent
S?nMf wouM then l00lc I" "o windows
M un sleepera and watch until they hur-
la. in.T l u' "auon oi i or
rL 'waa dono for verification evl-
THAU tn DTinTTin
IRm,'i ... ... . .i
Itn-.. V " " investigation went
K,,1!"1 Chlef Donaghy, tho head
lfc&wn ot ower Merlon; George
I&wi ,'""u,ni or tno Lower Merlon.
ISErU?t(.oram!sa,oners. and Mr. BUll-
"" """"nan or the Police Coramlt-
rtiTii... "Ten ,nto 'he confidence of
!lL f.Ugatn' and the facta were laid
Kff2JS!&. T? "tlsfy themselvea of
tafa w,T..".!r rePea they eacn in
"" Tlslted the Merion stations, be-
html .i a " and found tho unl
Vu 2.ri?h" r!,a telephone authorj
aid J!,'.9 .thf.n taken n'o the matter
Ki2&,n.?t,.,u,,(I a "ttM wire with
iH SSti thttt ,h9 eharges against the
wwnpJoye Involved were proved. The
K6"utll0rltles we-8 then notl
S w.rS mannr In which their prop
Sl!.,..,An? "d ad 'hey also made
&S h!i ,ra WM P'Tintr. The ex
iSa. S wm TomlnouaIy "fired"
Ja3iU .? ,0'CB or ln8 Lower Merlon
mfZolic" wa? to n hearing
-tjrv vresenoo or their fellows tha
iStor ?car" were likewise "flred." An
tanned nm ' . qt ,nB "earing was tno
i Z..il '""' contention tnat tno
Witter was a "frame up."
rad!i i .
I'lkiTvri, """" was at once mane
Cf police assigned .to the Merlon
WadUTi. '"" ""owing when another
stTafVr t ma.y b8 made the police, not
DjhlD ' """" Dut aU through tne
laveaHntinn l .t- r-. ,...-.
conduct ,',.".',.V' "r" i"uu"i"
IfflT11. wad about It this morning it
Bfi- AJurprUe to all of them except
aZ; ,'?T 'ivestlgators, that Bums de-
M littil 7 ii . l ' "VM ln tneir oeau-
- uuru jgr weess,
TO ENLAiiaB B-onriH.
result of this excellent piece of elvlo
Pene4 the eyes of the Lower
ffi ey of their police service, ond
wr win be taken at the next meet-
!,,!,-.. " " rco trow J to 26
IwJki. .iZ1 w"' p shortened, and an
Kill KT. and dlrct ervce of report-
. -ri"""'1" tlftt oracers win
IK?.?!'?0 from their boxes tp the Ard-
Smi avow the telephone ex-
fwir1? fop Merlon lUelf wlU be that
La,." ?Jvn three policemen at rusht
yy heretofore, and two of
Wntr the day, lnstad of one.
,""" oe sate puce xo nv
thf srpok
ttf ei th rt ,n'
n, m eosra oi aireciors or tne
" aw of poUe sb?vm
at Merlon. The queatlon Waa threshed
- uio BCBiion. ino poaru
would not disclose the nature of Its fur
ther action, however.
.. 'Wo .ftM. considering," said Mr. Dolt,
an entirely how method of police pre
lection for Merlon, something that has
f.ver J6''" cftTled out In any commu
nity. It will bo hovel and effective. Wo
nrn dAlAfmttiAri i.t t,..i -i.-,. ... .t..
... ...... ,IW huh .ttvrjun biibii uo ine
safest place on the Main Line for a
jtAafM a Is.. i.- a . - .
,.o.o,i iu uvo in, nnu when we perrect
our arrangements we will ntrlko, I think,
a hw note In community protection,
j, . tK,wrr Merlon police have a Very
dlfncult problem of protecting a widely
sproad-out tllalrlet with a smalt force,
and the residents nro going to help Chief
Donaghy In bin efforts. Merlon Is not
going to ho a healthy place after this
for crooks."
Pittsburgh DnlegnTe's Pica for Tom
, pornnco May Start Crusade.
Tho convention of tho Master House
Painters and Dccornlors' Aspoclnllon of
1'cnnsylvnnla, which lins been In session
at tho Adelphla Hotel for tho last three
das, cloics today. The meeting this
morning wns devoted to tho election of
oincers and the completion ot unfinished
There was much discussion todtty of
tho pnper rend yesterday by Vrank
Urown, of Pittsburgh, ndvocntlng tho
abolishment of Intemperance among em
ployes of tho trnde,
Mr. Urown declared that, though lie
could seo no good whatecr In strong
drink, ho would not undertake Its com
plete abolition nmong tho workmen bo
cauio such a. stop would not make for
much greater efficiency. His plea was
confined to moderation, which he assorted
wns nn economic necessity to the
pnlnter's business He said that all the
qualltl!i ln a workman thnt wore re
quired for doing good work as a painter
wcro drugged nnd deadened by tho ef
fects of whisky.
Tho paper rcrclvcd tho unanimous In
dorsement of tho association. A copy
of tho address has been forwarded to
tho International Association of Mastor
Painters for consideration, and Is ex
pocted to form a nucleus for a country
wide movement for temperance nmong
Po3cs ns Relntivo of Governor Carey
nt D. Leeds Miller's Home.
The police are today looking for a suavo
gentleman with a broken front tooth, a
"cousin ot Charlie's," who swindled Mrs.
D. Leeds Miller and her son-in-law,
Stephen Morris, both of Havorford, out
of J70 and hospitality, and who probably
Is playing, tho tamo trick on another
person now.
Tho stranger called on the Millers tho
other day Just dropped In, you know nnd
told them he was a relative of Charlie's
meaning Governor Carey, of Wyoming,
whose son married Miss Nelllo Miller,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs Miller. He waa
very pleasant nnd before he left he asked,
In nn embarrassed manner, for a small
loan to tide him over till a check came.
Ho got J20 nnd left.
Then Mr. Morris, who lives In tho same
house, came home and was told about
tho pleasant visitor. He winced.
"Thnt man got $30 and mileage to New
York from me by posing as n friend of
Charlie's." he said.
A telegram was sent to Governor Caroy.
The reply read:
Samo man, representing himself aB
a friend of yours, swindled . me
, recently. I should like to meot him
Young Radnor Man, Socially Promi
nent, Loses Life ln Accident.
Philadelphia social circles were shocked
today by news of the death of Walter
Erben, Jr., of Hndnor, who was killed
whon his nuto plunged Into n bakery
wagon on tho Lancaster pike near
Wynnewood, Injuring another man. The
Injured man Is Emllo Eranick, 2218 Alter
street, owner and driver of the wagon
The accident occurred late last night.
Branlck said ho was driving slowly up
Lancaster pike, when tho automobllo ap
peared 'over the ridge of a hill. It was
zlg-zagglng from side to side. Branlck
said he drove as far to tho right ns he
could, but when the machine wob abreast
of him It Bwerved dlroctly Into tho horses,
One horse was killed, Branlck and his
assistant, Michael Brennen, 2137 Ells
worth street, were hurled out, and wagon
and touring car were wrecked. The pole
of the wagon went through the wind
shield of the car, killing young Erben.
Erben and the Injured baker were hur
ried to tho Bryn Mawr Hoapltay In an,
automobile. Branlck had a broken leg,
but his assistant escaped unhurt.
Erben was socially prominent His
father Is head of the Erben-Hardlng
Company, yarn manufacturers. The body
was removed to the Erben residence tn
Will of Alexander B. Cunningham
Admitted to Probate,
The will of Alexander B. Cunningham,
late of 1924 Judson street, bequeaths JMO
to the Huntingdon Home for Orphans and
Friendless Children. The residue of the
$33,000 estate Is left to the testator's wife
and relatives,
Michael Conway, who died at 1M2 Illdge
avenue, January . left an eatato of J5000
In personal property to his widow and at
her death to be divided among five daugh
ters and three sens. The testator wrote!
"I have made no provision In the will for
my son Edward because of his continued
disobedience and the constant worrlment
which ho caused me during my lifetime."
Other wills admitted to probate today
are those ot Charles Korb. 810 Bouth 49th
street, who left an estate of $15,000 in
private bequests; William II. Embery, 461T
Qrlscom street, 800: Joseph M. Hobson,
6705 Qlrard avenue, $3500.
Hamlets along tho banks ot the river were almait obliterated Jy the
gorging of the ice flow- The house here shown la at Safe Hbor.
and shows Its condition when the occupants were taken out during
rniWnlght storm in a boat. A jeore of other home ia the nam
town sulssed a Ute flooding
This is a view of the ruSna caused in Messina in 1908, when one of the worst earthquakes in Italy's
history took more than 77,000 lives. The city of Avezzano, 50 miles from Rome, has now been
visited by a similar shock and doubtless like scenes will be left in its trail.
HOME, Jnn. 14. While details aro still
lacking the reports of tho arlous officials
In charge of tho relief work show tho
following cities nnd towns nftectcd:
Albe, 1000 reported dead In and near
Avezzanno, 10,000 Inhabitants; nt least
1000 dead and 1000 Injured; town com
pletely destroyed; death list In adjoining
territory very largo.
Alelll, 1000 reported doad; COO hurt, many
Arplno, 150 known dead, many hurt
Albano, somo doad, number unknown;
town badly damaged.
Arrlcln, 40 roported dead.
Bussl, reported destroyed.
Cnmpo-Dnsao. inrtl wrecked; 20 known
dead, rumored that many aro burled In
Caserta, buildings damaged.
Clprano, many houses destroyed; no
low of IUe reported.
Corl, partly demolished; no loss of llfo
Corvotrl, sccn reported dead.
Cucullo, roported destroyed.
I-'llacclano, three reported dead.
Gallano, several dead In ruins of noted
cathedral; others reported burled In ruins
of their homes; no details as yet ob
tainable. Mngllnno, entire city reported demol
ished, fnred death list will bo largo; no
details ohtalnable.
Monte Itotendo, three known dead, In
cluding the noted Professor Lulgl Mcg
nutl. Naples, none dend; many Injured.
Potonza. CO miles cast of Naples, entire
city reported badly dnmaged; population
about 20.000; no loss of llfo reported.
Poll, 5(0 out of total population of 4000
reported killed; town practically demol
ished. Palleno, slight loss.
Pereto, buildings damaged; Bovernl
Pogglo, buildings damaged.
Poppl, death list reported heavy; no de
tails as yet obtainable.
I'alestrlno, five dead; many hurt.
Tlome. r.ono dead ln city, but many hurt;
80 buildings destroyed.
Blpl, IE reported dead; many Injured.
Bora, 100 reported dead; town reported
completely wrecked.
Samo, Sonnlna, Sublacco and San vita,
many reported Injured In these towns,
but none dead
Sevra. 100 killed.
Torres Cajenti. nt least 150 believed to
bo dead and many Injured.
TIvoll, one dead; many hurt.
Terra Chlno, ten dead; many hurt.
Trevl and Torrlca, many reported in
jured; none dead.
Vlroll. two killed; 40 Injured.
Velletrl nnd Vlcovaro, many Injured;
none known dead. x
HOME, Jan. 14. A refugee from Avez
zano, an employe of the normal School
and college there, brought the first story
of an eyewitness of the effects of the
earthquake to Home.
"Avezzano Is a mass of ruins," ho said.
"In the normal school there were 140
girl students. The building was shaken
down like a house of cardboard. The
college was destroyed In the same man
ner. "Houses standing upon the shore of
Lake Fuclno were thrown Into its feed
and disappeared Into great chasms that
opened. Other houses were overthrown
and smashed Into heaps of dust that
burled their occupants, who dle"d with
out knowing wliat hat! happened,
"I believe that not a single student at
tho normal school escaped, I was caught
among the debris near the college and
was unable to get out for several hours.
For a long tlmo I heard the heart-rending
screams of the girls as they shrieked
for help. These gradually became weaker
and then died away altogether, Those
who were not crushed to death were suf
focated by the dust. Several survivors
fought to reach the Imprlsoped girls
even after their voices had been stilled,
but they had to abandon tha task Anally,
owing to the dust-laden air that pre
vented their breathing,"
25,000 MAY HAVE
Continued from I'ngo One
znno wero crushed In tho ruins of their
homes. Tho aovcrmentnl reports Bay
that tho houses collapsed under the vio
lence of the Bhock ns though they wero
made of cords. Flro broke out In tho
ruins Bhortly after tho Initial shock, but
It was quickly extinguished.
Tho uninjured Immediately started the
work ot rescue It Is stated thnt more
than 1500 persons wero Injured, many
seriously. Thero woa no way of getting
word of tho tragedy to the outside world
except by messenger, nnd It required
nearly nil day for tho courier to reach
a point whero he could get Into com
munication with Home. Tho King at
once ordered cavnlry and Infantry to tho
rescue and virtually all tho territory, nf
fectcd Is now under martial law.
Not only has railroad traffic Into tho
stricken district been Interrupted, but It
Is reported thnt ln many Instances tho
roadn along the mountain sides have been
turned Into deep gullies that are almost
The various brldgos and tunnels along
tho railroad woro nil destroyed, and re
ports current hero today say that at
least one train filled with passengers fell
Into a gully.
Nearly 1000 persons nro reported to have
been killed In and around tho village of
Albe, near Celnno. Cclnno lies 23 miles
southeast of Aqulla, near tho former bed
of Lago Tuclno. At TroU, ln the rPovlnco
of Perugia, two lives were lost
A dispatch from Naples oajs there has
been no loss of llfo In tho Province of
Potcnza, whero tho full strength of tho
earthquake was believed to have been
felt Communication was restored for
a brluf Interval today, and officials re
port that, whllo there hoa been great
property1! damage. It Ih not believed that
any one has berji killed.
Tho gravest anxiety had been felt for
this province, because all communication
with It has been cut off slnco tho earth
quake. Store than ,20 towns and villages wcro
greatly damaged or destioycd by the
earthquake. It la believed that moro
than 25,003 wcro Injured. At least 100,000
are homeless.
Announcement was made at noon that
King Victor Emmanuel had left Itomo for
the Interior to -visit the points where the
eaithquake was most severe Two special
trains left here early today carrying phy
sicians, nurses and medical supplies. The
King will take personal charge of the
relief work.
In ono of these trains was the Duchess
d'Aosta, personal representative of Queen
union nhrmn health orevcnted her from
going to tho sufferers The Duchess will ,
make a tour ot all tno uamuseu mm.,
ami aaMst III tho leliet ""
The Government Is taking energetlo
steps to rescue the victims and to restore
the shattered towns. Troops aro being
rushed to the devastated area with all
possible speed. Doctors and medical sup
plies are already on tho way.
Tho Government Is In excellent shape
to meet the present crisis, as the army
Is on practically war basis, while there
are tons of medical supplies stored at the
various headquarters. These wilt bo
utilized to the utmost extent.
Many believe the earthquake waa sent
as a divine warning to Italy not to enter
the war, and this belief Is entertained
evenJn Palace circles. In any case the
recent preparations of tho army have not
been wasted effort.
Thero Is nothing but the highest praise
everywhere for Pope Henedlct, who when
tho first shock was felt was reciting the
thanksgiving after the morning mass
Ho immediately directed that every effort
be made to aid the sufferers, and by his
example finally quelled an Incipient panto
among his attendants and guards.
Ills Holiness Immediately gave orders
for a Solemn High Mass In the Cathedral,
and had an Investigation made of tho
damage sustained at St. Peter's.
Premier Balandra, who also holds the
portfolio of Minister of the Interior, can
celed a trip that he had Intended to take
to Naples today nnd stayed In Home to
superintend relief measures here. A Cab
inet meetlir? was held this morning nt
which It was decided to appropriate ,
000 at once for tho relief of tho suffering
caused by the earthquake.
At the conclusion of the Cabinet meet
ing the Premier said!
"We fear that this disaster Is second
only to that at Messina In 'which mora
thm 77,000 perished. Wo aro hoping, of
course, that the restoration of coramu
nua vn i.nl show that the disaster was
A Food-Drink for AU Agea
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder
form. For Infants, Invalids and grow
ing children. Pure nutrition, upbuild
inir th whole body. Invigorate nurs
ing mothers and, the aged. Mora
healthful than em or coire.
TaSieitotubstUalt, AxU3rIIoaiK'i4'3
1P MMt I In IsaMI
not ns great as was at first feared, but
the dispatches thus far 'received Indicate
that 15,000 Is a conservative estimate ot
tho dend. (This statement was mado be
fore the Premier received reports that
reduced his estlmato of tho dead to fewer
than 4000.)
"Our relief efforts are alicady well
under way. It in csxcntla! that these bo
carried out with all haste, as tho weather
In somo of the districts nrfected 'by tho
earthquake Is very cold, which will bring
suffering to the homeless.
"Although tho damage hero In Itomo
was also very severe, the loss of llfo
was very small, and thoso who have
been driven from their homes aro being
cared for,"
At least 5" public buildings In Homo
wero moro or less seriously damaged by
tho quake. More than 160 windows were
broken In tho groat domo of St. Peter's.
Eighty houses, among them some fine
residents of Italian notables, wero de
stroyed. Tho marble cross at tho en
trance to St. Paul's collapsod, Officials
of the Vatican report that, among tho
windows broken In the buildings of the
Vatican group, wcro 48 belonging to
Mlchelangclo'a cupola
Several mosaics were damaged nnd tho
statue of the Itcdocmer, adorning tho
facade of the Dnslllc.i, also suffered.
Special prayers for the enrthqunko suf
ferers were said by Pope Henedlct In his
chapel during tho morning, and nt the
samo tlmo prelates throughout tho strick
en districts were ordered to hold special
services nnd to glvo what lellef they
could to the victims
fiencral Zupolll, Minister of War, has
dlcpntched BOOO soldiers Into the devas
tated sections to help care for the home
less anil to clean up tho debris Food,
blankets nnd tents from tho military
storca are being distributed among tho
sufferers. Tho relief trains, filled with
surgeons and engineers and medical
equipment, wero dispatched from Home
this morning, and others were made up
to be sent later In the day.
Word was received at noon that tho
first batch of Injured would nrrivo to
night from Avezzano on a special train.
From the ndvlces received by official
and private agencies It was estimated that
100 were killed ln Sevra and 100 In Arplno,
The towns of Palfnrano, Bussl and Cu
cullo were said to have been razed. At
Sera, In the district of Abruzzl, 40 persons
were crushed to death by falling wreck
age, Tho province of Aqulla suffered heavily
Forty persons are reported dead In the
village of Mogllano In that province. Ap
parently every city, town and village In
the district of Abruzzl and the compart
ment of Campania suffered more or less
Most of the public buildings were dam
aged In somo degree nnd many dwellings
collapsed entlioly
A lefugee from Avezzano gao tho fol
lowing account of his 'experience'
"When the shock occurred I waa driv
ing near the town. I felt the ground rock
and almost Immediately I heard the
screams of a naked girl, who Implored
mo to help her dig out her father and
sister who had been burled In the col
lapse of their home
"Presently I met two wounded soldiers
ho told me that the ton had been com
pletely destroyed. I tried to drive into
the town, but could not do so on ac
count of the debris which filled the
streets and tho dense clouds of dust and
Btnoke which rose from the ruins. I waa
able to make my way near the Bite of
the railway station, but found It a mass
of ruins "
At Bora, In the province of Caserta, the
cathedral was damaged, and among the
buildings razed were tha railway station,
the telegraph offlco and many dwellings.
Ancient castle walls, which formerly
stood near the city, were shaken down.
Aqulla, tha best built commercial city In
the Abruzzl, was hard hit. A hospital
there collapsed, tha debris burying the
patients. Factory buildings In the neigh
borhood wore cracked and tumbled.
A dispatch from Naples said:
"Father Alfana, director nf the Pnmer
elan observatory, declares that the earth
quake appears to have been most disas
trous for a radius of more than 100 miles.
lie llxes the centre ot the disturbance In
the province of Potenza (compartment of
Thousands of pairs of the
Season's Smartest Shoes
No few days' sellinff can
Bkim the cream off this
great stock. Youarefmra
to find all of the utyles,
your size and values juat
the same as the early
buyers. Thaf a what
makes this a real sale,
and worth while.
Values up to $7,50
cut to
$3.40 and 3.90
Women's "aliort lines" of
Evening- Slippers and Booti,
formerly 1 4 to f 6, now $2.90,
it S'estft Mt
With Obregon Said to Have
Replaced Zapata, First
Chiefs Rival Seeks His
WASHINGTON, Jan, 14. Villa, has cast
the die to win or loso all In Mexico, ac
cording to advices reaching here today.
His plan of campaign, the messages
stated, Is to wipe out tho Cnrranzlstas In
tho northern section. Then sweeping on
to Tnmplco nnd Pucbla, ho hopes to crush
the remaining forces, thus compelling
Cnrranza to glvo way permanently to
This Information cotnen simultaneously
with a report from HI raso, emanating
from Cnrranza headquarters at Vera
Cruz, to tho effect that General Obregon,
first lieutenant of Carrnnza, had entered
tho suburbs of Mexico City, from which
General Zapata was said yesterday to
have withdrawn The report was em
phatically denied nt tho Villa headquar
ters In Juarez, whero It was nllcgcd no
Cnrranza troops woro In the vicinity of
Mexico City.
Cnrran7lstns hero today asserted that
their leaders had massed 23,000 troops for
thn Torrcon-Soltlllo cnmpalgn, with 8000
nrrlvlng fresh yesterday at Tamplco. At
the snme time tho Vlllalstas maintained
they lind added 8000 new troops to their
Tamplem forces, and were predicting that
the Impending battles will bo the turning
point In the Internal struggle.
Simultaneous attacks at Torreon nnd
Puebla wcio Imminent today, together
with n "cloon-up" battle In tho Saltlllo
Stato Department officials were awnlt
lng confirmation of tho reported re-eloc-tton
of Gutierrez by the new peace con
vention. In tho mcantlmo they were In
clined to credit the report nnd to bcllevo
that Villa still supported him. Trouble
from Zapata over this move, however,
was feared, although tho Administration
Is Inclined to pin Its faith on Villa In this
crucal moment of Moxco's warfare.
Continued from 1'nitr One
devices for elevating the platforms could
not raise them enough. No Injuries were
roportod ns a result of this, but John
Harpci, who works nround tho dockfof
tho steam barge Horcules, moored nt
Pier 34, fell Into tho icy water whllo try
ing to climb Into his vessel.
In Camden the water Is up to Delaware
At Federal Btreet tho flodd extends to
Van Scivcr's furniture establishment,
nearly a block from the ferry, and passcn
gcis are obliged to take cars to pass It
or wndo through It.
Conditions aro worse at Kalgn's Point
The wharves there are dilapidated ns a
result of the lecent lire, nnd tho water
finds little rcslstnuce Secral sewers
have overflowed and one collapsed near
the ferry.
The Vine and Hhackamaxon street fer
rlcB aro not running, as tho water Is
no high on the Camden side that the
ferry-boats cannot get Into their slips.
The Delaware has gone over Its banks
at Gloucester, Washington Park, Pauls
boro and many other places, and traffic
to Gloucester and Woodbury and other
points is cut off.
The bonthouse of Herbert Duchcr lit
Gloucester was flooded and sunk. Many
families who occupy boathouses tho year
round were compelled to move to tho
Becond floors for safety.
Tho trolley tracks were completely sub
merged and service from Woodbury north
waB Interrupted at Timber Creek, while
the southbound cars from Camden could
go no farther than Jersey avenue.
Wreckage floating down the Btrenm In
dicated that bouses had been tlwept away
at other points
Traffic on the West Jersey nnd Sea
shore Hallroad Is threatened. Wrecking
crews were sent to several points along
the line and are making barricades ot
railroad ties along the river banks In
a final effort to stem the tide.
The Public Service Hallway Company
hopes to be able to continue Its service.
Luncheons 50c
Hot Turkey Sandwich
Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes Peaa
Ice Cream
1024-26 Chestnut Street P
Sale :5 1
-oi (
-81 I
J "91
f f i'
I f
ft I
If v 1
All . ji
4h Jj
930 Ckaitat iOi Nnlh 8H
Get Your
Suit or
at a
It takes GOOD clothes
to convince men that FIT,
the MOST important
thing- in a Suit or Over
coat! x
These are the Suits and
Overcoats that crowded
our big store all season at
their full Regular Prices I
The mates of these self
same Suits and Overcoats
are worn on the streets of
Philadelphia today by
men who paid our regular
prices for them, and at
those prices preferred
them to any and all
Suits and Overcoats'
:rrENOW $11.50
5J18 Suits and Overcoats
MOW $13.50 and $15
$20 Suits and Overcoats.
NOW $15 and $16.50
$25 Suitsand Overcoats
NOW $19 and $20
$30 Su's and Overcoats
NOW $24 and $25
And so on up to our
choicest Suits at $40, to
our superb Overcoats at
$50 and $55, now at sim
ilar Reductions!
Going South?
We have the Palm
Beach Suit you need, in
white, or a black with
close pin-stripe, $10.
Perry & Co,
"N. B. T."
16th & Chestnut St$,