Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 14, 1915, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Verbal Obstructionists Side
track Ship Purchase and
Other Irhportant Bills for
Time Being.
WASHINGTON. Jan. H.-When the
Senate convened today It faced a Icfclsla
tlve tangle that already ha prevented
debate ort.the ship-purchase bltt, Adaption
of the conference report on the immigra
tion bill, held up tli ft District of Columbia
appropriation measure and threatens to
tie up legislation during: the remainder of
the Week,
For three days the Senate has wrested
with the Bheppard prohibition rider to
the district appropriation bill, making
the national capital "dry" territory,
which requires suspension of the rules
before ft can be Voted upon.
Debate on (he district supply bill has
been -n aging for a week, preventing die
cusston of the Important ship-purchase
bill, which the President Insists must
become law at this session.
Senator Towneend has succeeded In
holding; up adoption of the conferenco
report on the Immigration bill, with the
literacy test, by objecting to the Senate
voting upon It Until that body ha dis
posed of his volunteer officers' retire
ment bill, which retires on half pay cer
tain officers who served during the Civil
War. Senator TtoblnsOn, who has clmrgo
of the Immigration report, today said
he would attempt to bring It up again
at tho first opportunity.
Until these measures are dliposed It la
apparent that the ship-purchase bill will
be "throttled" until next Monday at the
"Jimmy," Skeleton Keys, Even In
dex of Prospective Victims Found.
An Indexed ledger which, the police say,
contained scores of addresses of his
, prospective victims, together with the
" hours which he considered the most
i- favorable for robbery, dlaarnms of states
and houses and other Information -nas
taken from Leonard Buchanan after his
arrest at 41th and Wyaluslng streets by
Special Officer Taulk.
A Search of Buchanan's pockets re
vealed also at last CO kejs, Including sev
eral of the skeleton Variety; a "Jimmy,"
Implements for picking locks and a large
number of pawn tickets.
Faulk said he saw Buchanan acting
suspiciously at 44th and Wyaluslng streets
early this morning. He questioned him
and Buchanan drew n revolver, Faulk
told Magistrate Hole loda, mid unit .
"Hands up!" The officer grappled with
tho man and wrested the revolver from
Ms grasp.
Booms at 1525 South Bancroft street, In
TThlcn Buchanan said he lived, were
searched and clothes and other articles
found, which wpro subsequently Identified
by Joseph Carney, 627 North 45th street,
.William Stewart, 702 Lex street, and John
. 'Mcintosh, Wallace and Lex streets u
T their "property. The police say Buchanan
hair served several Jail terms. He was
locked up In default of I100O ball.
HHIIIIIIHHh ' , ssllllllH
fcslBHsllllK;! m ' JBKl
sHHIllflBsllBsiEk -flSsllllllH
HsH' SkIsiH
LlllBaBBBlllalH!! ,,tfh sVsKnBiHBiiiBg
This photograph, autographed by Billy
Sunday and reproduced in beautiful
photogravure, 10x15 inches, will be
sent free on receipt of the attached
No undertaking of Billy Sunday has matched In
Importance his Philadelphia campaign. Because of the
Intense interest in it the Public Ledger and Evening
Ledger have arranged to cover every detail of Sunday's
activities. Mr. Sunday's sermons will be printed In full
every day. All of the articles will bo generously Ulus.
trated. The Public Ledger and Evening Ledger will
five the clearest and fullest conception of what the Billy
Sunday campaign means.
Pin a dollar till to the coupon bilow and tend it in.
The paper will bo served to you without delay
wherever you reside and this bcautlftu" photogravure,
especially suitable for framing, will be mailed to you.
Subscription Blank
Public Ledger Company!
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Jwwi rtHhknttuu m w trm
"nn-lfuli nr I ill I I .. u. j j . . i n Uil - ' ' wwon li ii i iMdUjMMwaaaMWMBiigiiiWfciwdtowfciWigii mitliiiHirtWiiipirtMiiMWMayWimiiii """f'T ' Tr ii ! i i iri I bJM. -i 1---1 ir-"- r -ii-iii -i m -iir i . '
s,fe &
i'i&iSf H'-'
HA ? y ',
Continued from Pate One
will be accompanied by the bAnd of U.
S. ti. Houth Carolina,
Nuvy Ynrd employes and their leaders
Rill march ns follows Joseph W. Levili,
D-shop, foundry: Paul Znchrlnger, I
shop. electrical; Thomas W. MncNell, Tl
shop, lopper; band; Clayton Miller and
William Allen, All-shop, machine shop,
Inside; ntchard V Davis, MO-shop, ma
chine shop, outside; band; Thomas K.
O'Conncr. X-shop, boiler shop; Samuel
Price. P-shop, pattern snop; Joseph 5Iar
tln, X-shop, Tool plant.
Tho fourth division will assemble on
tho east side of Broad stieet, facing the
north, the right resting on Lombard
btreet, with the left of the line extending
down b'otith street, east of Broad, and
will consist of the following Hull Divi
sion Shops and their lenders:
Captain Kdward H Conard, band,
Oeore Dawson, A shop, Sheetmetal
Shop, John Glover, B Shop, Boat Shop;
William Lyons O Shop, rihlpsmlth, Ivl
Shop, Insldo Hhlpfltters, T Shop, Sail
Loft; James Henderson, J Shop, Joiner
Shop. George Annesley, KC Shop. Out
side Shlpftttcrs: band: Charles Stein; It
Shop, nigging Loft; P Shop, Shipwright,
Captnln Frank -Watson, W Shop, Palot
Shop; L2, Public Works
Tho following statement was Issued by
Mr. Zahn:
The Grand Marshal takes this op
portunity to thank tho officers, em-
1 XJfl Y. li II f ' t w. VT in ....XvRlII IMilff 1 Ha' tt f tVMiiSl it .R.iL V.iv...
",fA ,, -ri", IP'1! ''.( "'section
j1? ' , riOPlMWfvL rir. AX5?, ' ' ' .,
'TWpSaJ v'' '' "V V' '" ''' ' '' USff'h'f1 " l B(i t&WVif A
' ' ' . "V'V, til V A tt . I i i r ft t f ' Tk XT
. ....f )!
jrtaf sanvnlct tmymk
SOUTH PtfllCAt' C .'''' X
ployca nntl enlisted force or the navy
ynrd for tho co-operation nnd onthutil
astlc support plven In this inovemont,
which means bo much to tho future
development of tho nuvy ynrd. The
adoption of the plans forigbwajs itnd
high-speed linen, as planned hy Di
rector A. Merrltt Taylor, of the De
partment of City Transit, not only
meaiM that the subway will coino to
the navy yard gate, and tnat the
navy yard will bo connected by sub
wnjs and high-speed lines to all sec
tions of the city for one five-cent fare,
but It nlao means that tho future
crowth of tho navy jard Is assured,
and thnt the heavy expenditures belni;
made by tho Government for the Im
provement and development of tho
navy yard will be Justified.
The Orand Marshal also takes this
occasion to thanli the many business
men's orRnnlzatlons, and all other
public-spirited cltUens who have co
operated with and rendered such
aluable assistance to the Committee
of Employes to Advocate the De
velopment of the Philadelphia Navy
Yard. It would bo Impossible to
acknowledge each communication scp-
nruieiy, owing to tne limited time,
but the plan of tho parade Is pub
lished In detail, In ordor that every
organization desiring to take part In
the parade and demonstration can
do o. IlArtVEY A. 55AHN.
The following will be seated on the
stage at the Academy as vlco presidents
of the meeting:
2XX.i1i!0,t """- l-dniund V Prendrant.
ArohbUhqp uf the Cathgllc ArtfidlocMo of
"ine itiicnt nv
Thomaa Juines Garland.
nisliop S-jRWan of tho Kvlipt l)ojee oJ
Jtattl Jteenli Krnutkopf
c?r$.m H . -'urtl, of the Pteno l.r.oatR
auil BrrMMi I,kiiki,
olonel Jairtcu U'lveHon, Jr., of the Phlla-
i). A. Van Valkenburs, of tlx North
rllS'."'f,, Ulrlch. proldent of the Central
Labor Union,
M P. lanon. of the Philadelphia nword.
J,01'?. J:..Volllr- of ne Wenlne Telegraph.
P II. Wfaaleir. of the Brasisa Lueuia,
J.'.tr.f B,?rr nicliarJon, oi the Kiuim aur.
William K. C'uatrn. prealdtnt of thu Phlladel-'
phla llcaril ot "fr!!.
..J J- w- Hotou. president of the Maritime
Ktehanje, .
lluwsrd D French, drat lc pldtnt
Chamtxr r Commjria.
li. T. I'lfl.hor. 5ridtnt, Merchants an4
Manufacturer' Ajlixlalloii.
William Hancock, prealdcnt. United Duilnu
llui'a AMiKlatlon. '
Uoire II. Wllllama. prIJnt, Committee
of JiniJloyta la AUwucal tlw tuvaloim.nl of
the I'hliadtlphla Navy Yard,
Nanater Holts Panrota,
Dr. Kdward P, Smith, protbat, University
of Ixnnailvanli.
Oeorge II. Prasler, of Drovtn Brothers & Co.,
ma anv aB
Day, ot Duy ai1- Zlmmartnan,
H C. Millar, of Uleroi i. Co., bankara,
former president. PhlUdalpnla Stock Bxchaage.
. Arthur E. Turner, U llarpor A Turner,
Clarenos I Harper, of Harper Turner,
Franklin N Ilrewer, of the Wanamaker store.
W. vs Atierburr, vlc prteldant, Pennsyl
varlla lUllroad.
A. J. iMvniy. anccutiva aiautant la tne
Morris I- Clothier, ot Stravvtrlde & Clothier,
noei, or 'jtrsAjai nrotnara.
ibal. of Ulmbtft Brathara.
1311. rilmtei. of (Jlmttl Brother
Coltnal santuai I. Lit. ot Lit Brothts
W. It. NWiolwn, prealdaot, Uuut Title Trutt
Fnderlck 71, BtntwUldee. of Btrawbrldge A
Itaac II. ClothUr, Jr , of Straatfldse S.
aiBj- Tia&itf & urns.
eiccirio uQsipany
William c
r X&1
tie Co-tipin
MvCa.ll, ill
Juhnson. i
vies prtsidtqf, Phila-
PhJudelphJa IBleetrle
deluhla Klev'tr
iiauara l
vvsitax if. jttiinaon.
vise Cfitidsett, Pluli-
JtiphU Itlootrtc Comiar
H K. Mulfoi of ft, K.
WlUUm H Clark, pntlJ.
MulrJrd A Co.
president Quaker City Na
tional Bsnk
Farey M. Chandler, of Chindlsr IJrolbers
Ice. . . .
AlCMt E 'furner or iiirpar a jurntr oaag-
U Steele praaMeat VMIiIam Ktit
inj. ouuiwis
Mstrla, Men . chairman Psmotratlo
of Hals. Joaas a Cut.
tta-y wanvwM'. . . .
C-t.,.1,1, tmmit prwWat Wiliiinj .( &
. i-?. tfWMr.
iwltati a.
puis wteswv
jeaatta H i
9B? AiHsilllV
At the left, above, is a dlaeram
showing the radiating lines from
City Hall down which thouaando
will march tonight from all sec
tions of the city to take their
places in the parade. On the right,
is the Director of Rapid Transit,
who will address the meeting. Be
low is a map of the line of march.
asmuel 8. Felt, of Fela Co., manufao
turcra William Ilurnham, president Blandaxd Steel
William It, Wanamaker, merchant.
Udward I!. Smith, of K. II. Umlth U Co,
Thomaa Newhall, of B. D. Bmlth A Co ,
tank or . ...
Jamea Mapes Sodce, president Link Belt
Dr. Krancli A Fauitht, Allied Buelncai
Men's Ataoclatlon of Wt Philadelphia.
William J. Wohl, Ilrewerytown BualneM
Mn's Asaortatlnn
.lohn I). ai-npeon, Taxpayera' Aeaoclitlon, et
Dnrhy. .
Itob.rt I' Phenrnrd, Tlualnris Men and Tax
payers AftAoclatlon, of Frnnkford
Jnneph c MrMnramon, Cheater Avenue Im
prucincnt Aaitorlatton
William copeland Furber, Buslneis Science
VMward F Swift, Clvlo Association of the
Hth Ward
l.raklne Paln. Cheetnut Street Business
Mcn'K Aesoclatlon
Thomas V. Clemens, Kaat aermsjitown Im
proicment Association
William A Uunlap, Falrmount Business
Men's Aasoclntlon
Dmld Coldesh, 40th Ward Bualneas Men's
t;. r Wanner, B7th Street Improvement An
aoclatton '
William Gibbons. 40th and Market Ctreets
tlnslnesa Men's Association v
Vr Seneca Egbert, 40lh Street Station As
sociation J. W, Flanaean, Falls of Schuylkill Business
Men's Association
F. W. Melvln, Olr.ir.l Improvement Associa
tion C. V Hone, George's Hill Improvement As
sentation William H Kmhardt. Germontown and
Chestnut 1IIII Improvrmont Ataoclatlon,
Walter Gabell, North Philadelphia Brokers'
' William Vernon, Tabor Improvement Aa6
clntlon Ueorgo V. Nltasche, publicity manacer, Unl
vt,raltv of Pennaylanta
J JCdviatd Illrcher. Wjomlng- Citizens' At
xodstlnn. 42d Ward
K Leslie Allleon, West Susquehanna Avenue
lluiilnt nn Men'a Aaaoclatlon
Philip C'onnay, Wcat Bnd Bualneas Men's
,.h . A ,K,ttuFh,l M , ?, w"t I'hlladelphla
Uuslneaa Men a Association
John T. I'fdlnw, Woodland Avenue Bualneas
Men's Ataoclatlon
a II. Crone, Wynnelleld Improvement
fiorencp.j uaiiHaner. reaur enerwooa Im-
nMV.manf Ix.vilA
OlwarJ n Martin chairman. Transit Com
inltt'e, United Ilualnfts Cilrn s AtSoclStlon
William S Thomas. Jr.. Overs and CleAnA.'
H, I! Shortlldce, Bflth and Spruce Streets
BiiMnettt Men's Association.
Alexander Ferguaon, Operative Builders' As
aoMsllon Wm M. Hrlnkworth, North Philadelphia
Real ratals Brokers Ataoclatlon.
( liarles K. Beat). Coal Exchange,
William P. Uiegert Oak Ijinc-Mclrooo Im
prrvement Ataoclatlon
Exrhnne of Philadelphia
I. P. lllrclna. Iladdlnat
i nariea u joyen urocera ana importers
lllrrlna, Haddington Board of Trade
Mrs iSilwIn C Orlce.
l.foxu. or Philadelphia
jioina anu Hcnroi
Arnoa H. liluue, li
luntlng- Park Improvement,
William F. Hanaor. Kenslnston Merchants
K, .1 Larferty. Lofan Improvement League.
C II Stetter Larcliwood Avenue Improve
ment Association
William Hewitt, Lancaster Avenue Bualneas
I' I. Hclsntr, Matket Street Merchants' As
sociation It. r. Ualo, Mldvala Kngtneerlng Society.
K. II Weber, North Front Street Merchants'
Morris Finer, North 8th Street Butlneie
Men's Association.
Samuel T. Woods. North Frnnkford Atenue
Buttneis Men'a Anaoclatlon.
KJwtrd E Zlegler, North rblladelphla Bual
neta Men's Asaoclatlcn
J Fred Burkhart olney Improvement As
sociation. Hdwlu M Abbott, Oak I.ans Park Improve
ment Ataoclatlon
John J Co)le, Overbrook Improvement As-
William It. Tucker. Philadelphia Board of
M. !). Kelly. Philadelphia Chamber of Com
merce. Itlrhard Forater, Philadelphia Shoe Its
palrers AatocUtlon.
Fredeilck A. Myers, Philadelphia Heal Estate
Brokers' Asa.xlatlon, . . ,
W A. U'eymann, Philadelphia Piano Trade
Association. . .
William B. Scull. M. I), Port Rlohmond
Butlntsa Men's Improvement Association,
ur Jonn li. ijauey, eoutn i-niiautipniii iuai-
nes Men's Also:
John J. Urr, Soiithweatcrn Bualneas Men's
Ittnnnement Ataoclatlon. . ., .
Wilbur II, Zimmerman, Tioga Ilutlneta Man's
w'llllain F Dixon. 21at Ward Bosrd of Trade.
William oung, Jr., AllioU Prlnlln.Triidaa,
Joseph M, Hlchla, Ilulldlng Trsdea Union.
1 snlel McKenna. BriokUjera' Union,
Frank Veeney. Klevator Corutmctors' Union,
Jamea A. Cooley, Hoiatlnt; llnslneera.
Jamea O'Neill, Bricklayers' union.
'.Vllllt J. Wilaon. Fiaitcwrs". Union.
Harry fl. Flinn, Street Car Men's Union.
I Lovlttky. Cigar Makers' Union.
Joim J PhUllpa, Typographical Union No. J.
1-allo Shenk, Stationary Knglneera' Union.
Charlea Cat bun, MutKlS.na' Unlou.
Thomas J. Ball, Textile Union
Frank Ackemmn. Hattara' Union.
Rolert Kelntel. Union, Label Trades Depart
nn.ni. Central Ixibor Union.
Harry W. Hemple, Trades Union New?.
Ionard Krarf. wUJrf, Ilulldlne Tradas
Council, American Fedaratlon of Labor.
Arthur McDonald, United Textile Workera.
alartln Yrager, Diatrlet Council ef Teamsters.
7U.rt K. Catiutt William LvU
Mkliael Francis Doy Strickland L, Knaits
Chsrlea t., Harrison . Theodora .Lawla
Charles C. Harrl.on. Jr.Il. N. Kelly, Jr.
Jolm II McClatchy Ouirt"msgna Tower
William J, oetneimer jospn us p. twm
Joaepli W. Cooper
HOLert Tnorruia
Anthony M IjSB
X, I, Haten
Wlnthrou Smith
Thomaa J. Jeffries
Dr. John J, Tuner
W llllapi t Tllden
aaorge W. Field
,cutt Bailey
IViill Uumther
Cheater W, Hill
nYllllam 11. bheppard
Joseph R, Orundy
Frank L. Lyla
ii. W. Ntoholton
William c liowan
Jobn u couins
Fdtnuod Btlrllng
Harry U, Call
James fl. Bnn
Janus P. Contldtne
Klmtf Wchllohter
n m ones
V. B. Lawls
i mum I ' I
President Prepartng1 Porteuoua Ad
dresi to Commerce Chamber.
WASHINGTON, Jan. It - President
Wilson Intends to mk what may Prr
haps be the most significant peeh,on
business he haa thus far made when he
addresses the United States, Chamber of
Commerce here early next month, it we
announced here today.
With evidence lieforo him that tntny
lines of business are reviving-, he will
Issue to the country a no(s of ressiur
nee stronger tban sn he has thus tut
given. Whether bt will touUt upon the
tariff Usue wm not made known, but
dUeussion ot thin subject by Secretary
of Cewwif ? JiadfUld thla wek Indicates
to eimnv that the Prwtdent might
tUKif oritki of tha 9noriUl4 UtU
Chitf Maehlnitt PhUadetphla Ntvy Yard. ,
Thett tonga ioere written etpecially lor the great Rapid Transit
demonstration tonight, and will be iung by thoutands of Philadelphia
who will pack the Academy of Miittio to demand transit facilities.
Air.' "It'saLongWaytoTipperary"
' Into Phitadetphia came the P. R. T. one day,
For laying tracks on all the ttresle
It got tho right of way.
By making Us And siibwayt,
It htlpid bbth cast and west,
Now if it inxprdvee north and south,
It would surely suit us beat.
It's a long way to League Island,
When to work yoi must go;
t' a lottg way to have to walk there,
When the care art blocked by snow;
Then ydu itand there on the cdrner,
To move there is no use;
With but one line that you can take there,
And that's out bf juice.
Into directorship came a bright young man one day,
To settle transit problems
In a fair and honest way.
He needs our help to better things,
So help him if you can;
His middle riame ts Merritt,
A. M. Taylor it the man.
Let's have a quick election and vole for a big loan,
To place a tuoway on Broad street
That will take us quickly home.
We hope the Mayor and Councils
Will see their way quite clear,
To lend their efforts to the cause
For which we're gathered here.
Air: "Marching Through Georgia"
Sherman had an army and he marched it to the sea,
Over many obstacles and on to victory,
We hope that hist'ry will rcptat and successful ice shall be,
While we are marching for transit.
Hurraht Hurrahl We'll make the welkin ring,
Hurrah! Hurraht For transit we will sing,
We hope this march of progress success to us will bring,
While we are marching for transit.
Taylor has an army of a hundred thousand strong,
To back him up in all his plans to help tho cause along,
Each one bears petitions which will right a grievous wrong,
While we are marching for transit.
Each of us within his heart should feci a cixnc pride,
Keep our city to the fore and let success abide;
Since there's no flaw within the law, get Councils to decide
Right vow to give us rapid transit. -
Air: "When You're a Long, Long Way
From Home"
In this ioum the cars are running,
Run by a com.pa.ny that's cunning;
Just a little slow. "
They always go,
And that is true;
After work when you are weary,
You take a car and then feel dreary;
When the car does Stop,
Then off you hop,
i Us blocked anew.
When you're a long, long way from, home,
It makes you feel like you're alone,
It's hard to find a car or two
That can take you right straight through;
And then you phone your wife at home,
And then your voice rings in her car,
Then the wire is hot with cusses,
It's hard to have these fusses; '
i No other ears are near, ' '
With your fett and supper cold, -And
you're a long, long way from home.
In tome towns they're elevated,
Some havo subways celebrated,
. Which just goes to show,
I That we are elou,
But don't feel blue,
'Cause there's one who's always working,
For good transit whiah is lurking, ffli1
A. M. Taylor ia the man r
Who has the plan,
To tell to you,
When you're a long, long way from home,
It makes you feel like you're alo-ne,
It's hard to find a ear or two,
That can take you right straight through;
And when you're riding to the yard,
You hear a voice sing out to you,
To work you'll have to walk, sir,
The line's tied up, don't balk, sir; ,
Then you're docked an hour or two;
You are mad all through and fume,
And you're a long, long way from home.
Continued from Pete One
equivalent to 17.15 per cent, on tho amount
paid In on their shares. If they ac
cept the terms of the program, It Is
contemrMaeled that they will be called
upon to pay up portion of their unpalcj
liability on their shares gradually and In
the comparatively amall amounts neces
sary to provide funds for the normal ex
tension of the existing system,
"If the normal extension of the exlit
Ipg system only calls for $MO,000 per year.
It means that the Union fraction stock
holder will b required to reinvest pnly
pne-half of his present rental or dividend
annually, and that his rental or dividend
would be Increased to the extent of t per
cent, on the amount of such reinvestment,
and that Ills; stock lltblllty would be
credited with Payment so made.
"You wilt understand tjiat the existing
surface sstem must be extepded by
somo one as the city tows. As i to who
should PHt MP the, money for tha x.
tension Is a qijestlon between the Union
Traction Company and the Philadelphia
Jtapld TmrUU Company.
"A Sires rainnr vm,p,, ......... -....-
trols all of the available, avenues for the
transportation of'Mssengeri throughout
tha citF Is, In f(tcfAft. monopoly and can
not sudceisfully rjecllne to extend Its aur.
fae railways when and as required o do
so by public ncegsty.
"The tjnloq Traqtlon Company aock.
tioWeri can refute the protection whlclf
has been accotflea tho existing system
and the nt Income thereof by the term
of the co-operstlve program, but they
cannot deny to the oltlxens of Phlladel.
phla adequate rapid transit facilities
wblch the eltliena hava determined to t.
"If the city In the establishment of
adequate rapid1 transit facilities, be
forced throuwh Inaction on the part of
tht Union Traction Company's; stock
holders, to aeoura an Indepanfte-nt operator
to equip and opra,t the new system In
competition with tha existing system, the
Ueiw Traction Company stockholders will
find tha aarnlngs of their property d
pitted to is extent that will greatly im
pair tha value of their property
' I hop that they will recosnUe this
fact and welcome that protection which if
eatt to Ue integrity of their Invest
ment. 'If tbv will Join hand with tha Phils,.
4MpW IftasW Trwwtt Company a4 -with
eta cfty In tM mtwr the win gerfoj
ti. 1015-
" '" ' ' ' '
a great service to themselves and to the
people of Philadelphia."
Asked If he favored the special elec
tion enabling the people to vote on the
queMlon of providing funds for proposed
transit development, Mr. Elklns satdl
"I am In favor of anything; which will
benefit the city and protect Union Trac
tion etockhqlders."
Regan Mistook Trombone Solo for
Musk of Heavenly Choir,"
WJien a man goes to sleep on a grave
In a noXru cemetery and Is awakened
by the Inspiring muilo of blatant trom
bona he can hardly be blamed for be
llevlne thftt he died and went to heaven.
This Is what happened to Patrick. Ite.
Ban, of S) North I7tli street. Last nlcht
he left home In a happy frame of mind,
but remained out late. Us weit through
tha cemetery which Is attached to the
Home for Aged Colored Persona, at Hth
street and Glrard avehue. One of the
graves looked Invltlnir, and even the
tombstone looked soft to Patrick, so he
laid down and went to sleep.
He waa still lying thera when Beraeant
Brown, of the 33th street and Lancaster
avenue police station, came alonir also
maklnn a short cut home, it was his day
off. He Hi ays a trombone, in . -us...
;""i"s uiiu, us naa it with h m.
He saw Began asleep and decided to sere
nade htm,
Brown played a mournful dirge, thd
kind ona usually hears from a German
band on a rainy day
The. sleeper opened his ya, and, re.
memberinB th. picture) of the Anger Oa-
fcrU,,,lSl'oolt ili9 0"nwn for that dis
tinguished person. The trombone added
to the deception,
"Am I deadt" nifran asked. "Where
are you polnic to take, me?" "
"I'm going to take you, to heaven." said
Brown Then he accomnan'el Began to
the S9th street and, lyanoaster avenue
police station. Magistrate Boyle jug.
tf4 ihat Reejan Heap at home In the
future, and discharged him ?
u ifimmm , ltJ ,ILlpil. j,
PADUCAH. Ky, Jan H -Night rldera
railed qut Pedro Slohundfo a farmer,
from his home near Lovelactville, and
suoi Btui w aeain according; to Informa
tion riAchinf tha authorities, her.
WerrtBdrc-'i death is the second re
etlr oharsl to night rider In western
Keatuefcy Previous! Hmh snn .-..,-
Jtf'tL iIP.?J" iw
?oMjr mtd htsftA to m$.
Rob Camac Street Hi
Despite PrccautioJ
Mass Meeting Tonigjuf
rrotest to Councils.
Defylna- a aQuad of nolle,, ...1
eraiClty Hall detectives who w,49j
Honed last night In Logan, which
tho last week has become n mtuxB
burglars, robbers entered the horS
C. A. Wright, Jr., of IMS Camae tttg
a member of tho Executive CommliX,ra
tho Logan Improvement League Jp
that body won In session. .
Tho robberv In ihr, Wrl . J9
curred whtlo Mr. "Wright nnd HaaiBiSfl
zona, who nro momnera or Uie EteMjJUi
uommiitee, were outlining plans fajJJI
i;HjilliiiKJ w ui-uiauu ueusr pOllct to?
tection. A child's eafo containing fs'ij
stolen. No cluo to tho thieves' lls1
Last night's robbery la one nf .3
whldh havo occurred In Logan, tietimn
lory oi wnicn is in inc. Jurisdlctloiivi
tno unamptosc street nna willow ftS?
avenue police district. Attache tr. ?
district are only 68 pollcement who'twi'
guard tha Safety of about 40.000 llvsi iti
more than JIO.000,000 worth of proj)tn7
A maea mcctlmr to nroteat nriln.t a'M
robberlen will tnko placo tonight In (i,'
Councils' Finance Committee, bf i?
Jobn P. Connelly Is chairman, will t.
asked to grant an appropriation for Wat
policemen. Besolutlonn will be lntrodstelc
tonight asking; Councils to take lmatiltdl
action. Mi
Edwin J. Lafforty, president of tt
loarrue, saia: ;sg
"W Intond to ask Councils' VtatS
ommuico to grant appropriation! al
nilloklv an nosnlbla so tho r.ttv tHll V.'.ZV
nbled to assign more pollcemon to tki
Logan section. I am strongly In favor m
n Rroator pollco forco In Phlladelohls'il
outlylnr; districts, because In the lutrntA
n phenomenal mftnnor. , fc
At our meeting Thursday nlcht vt'
ask Councils to pay especial attention!
i no recent rouuenecs in our sccilon."
OwImk to the many robberies of litt).
not only In Logan, but other suburbs, iHjT
probable that similar demands wfil U'
made by other Improvement assodalWJ
It was notnted nut todav hv a nn1lfJ!5
clal, that tha number of men now iUh
tloncd In certain pollco districts Uct'
have jurisdiction over residential ect'oa
Is Inadequate. '
and about 250 substitutes. A veteran m.
11 AftlKlnl ntfft&fl Iflnt, fliAf n tl.t ii
..vv v...u.u. ....bu .VUUJ ...uv . v,, Sim
the population of Philadelphia (,WM.
should have at least I0CO uniformed ia
patrolling the streets. Va
Organization politics today was bladieT
by many persons for the failure ol tie
city to make adequatb provision 'fa
proper policing. Efforts to get Coiuff
to appropriate money for tha appatv
ment Of additional noltcemen tints IK.'
rector Porter assumed charge of th Pv
He Snfotv Dennrtmnnt. hnvn hpen irwidl
Investigation of records In the peptrij
mont or nniety snows tne last appropr
lion xor tne appointment- ot anoJ't,
policemen was made during the IUylM'
administration. Tnis was on juntw
1911, when 200 men were appointed aW
Councils had rrranted the nnDrofirlity
at the tlmo Henry Clay was DlreeUifit
the Department of Public Safety.
Police Lieutenant Charles Hornibr, l
the Logan district, today told liow'ttl
CS men covered more than 10 aujeare
miles of territory. "I feel certain Bin
would be fewer robberies In Logan id
tVi AtA Wnpd Ciat T.nn and V,thi fflit
lying sections, which are Included in ?J .
territory. If I had n larger workfel
force," asserted the lieutenant. "V7y
mounted men oiien cover seven miitm
a beat. The Datrolmen have route! 1W
cover two miles and more. We are jf!rff
.....Ktktn. nn..llil. .a t..ln. ahAlll W ,
crensc In robberies. M
"A typical route one or my mouaWt!
men has to cover," he said, "Is hear
yasningion lone to uuy line, ,
miles In length, thence to Ogontz iiwt
down to Stenton avenue, another tfs.
miles, and from Stenton ayermetw
C7rRhftln rftnA. .ilpli mnlfAH iha tfiUi
distance sU miles." Wk
Inestlgatlon shows that It renoire)
from one and a half to two hounjiSf
the average poHcemnn In tho Logan ifc,
trlct to cover Ills bent. Some of toe ow
trlcts to which but ono man Is snip
take In 40 to W city blocks.
A petition containing hundrt4
names will be drawn up tonight t jj
mass-meeting. This will be iwljB,
Councils and will demand add'ltta
btueroata for the section. Pla
...III V.. ah1..4.i ,..I.U .A- t4a fonSi
Hon of the vigilance committee "iB
' Official Forecait
iirauntMri'rriNr. Jan. 1C
Fnr esatarn T'annavlvnnlft. Kalr tO&IfH
slightly warmer; Friday fain gtntlta
moderate eist to soutlieast winus, jot
For Xew Jersey Partly cloudy WgL
nnu Friday,
'TriSi rtna art ulnsm hnai mnifArl ftllt ill
field of observation and a ridge tf w
barometer overlies the Atlantlo st
this morning, Partly cloudy weathM.lffl
vans under its Influence, wltn a mow
reaction to colder along the At!;
slope from Virginia northward, a
urate disturbance that IS central
Lake Kunerior Is causing silently
tempcrutures from the Upper L!
gion southward to the Uuir, wntie
erato decrease In temperature lit
curred In most of the rial lis li'
general, the weather is fair In S-t
tncta from the Jtocky Mountains
ward this morning, with temptn
normal or slightly higher.
U. S. Weather Bureau Uullettn
Ubsrstleot maJ at a a rn (Uraj
last fUln' VIe-
Ststloa. Ham. n't fail Wind. IT;
Ainisne tii ,. a .)$
Atlsntle City..., 3 M
Elainarek. ti. U. It H
aVUun, Mats.,, il 2
eicro. III. . , H Si
levemna, ", f ft
envar, coio.. j! zs
is Moines. Is 3 H)
etroit. iliU ..88 2s
uluth limn 1
siena. sion
uron. n 1J
Jacksonville. i:
Kwnias ti
New Orla
Kauai tltv U.i
i !
r-Tr:7--T,. T,T Sd iz
US. . rvjr. 49 oa
S,"r'laffe. W.b. o U
a uiisiaiiai tt"a as
l W
I'lttaoursb., I
Furilano, tie.
lot'l-ml Ois
Qil(,t, Can .
8 W
11 13
il uis, uisn
a Frotwiai,.,
wns. r4
r 1 1
SI? 'H
W ft 181