vmK't9um,iimm tmmmfm nmmnfimmii t Mijwit-wwwwitinimwiiwp ippERS RESENT IBEE. ON FACILITIES p DEPTH OF PORT Busy of Rivals Respon sible for Dissemination of false Statements About Rhannel, Experts Say. fftrtiiman J Hampton Moore mint fek.nn misinformed when he declared Kg oornment collier were unable, to 1 it till P0rl "OCaUBO Ul UIO BIIIIUVY- t 0( the Delaware ttlvcr channel, f.... Mn (aid today. This report. fl, nld, hits been circulated by Jealous Statu rivals, nna Air. .viooros oeuer fi h proved a surprise. It Is the tfnlmoui opinion that the channel to Sft jilchmond has sufficient depth to Sfol, (he biggest collier In the Qoverri .,4ryca to como and go In absolute fL'itorr that the collier Trotheus fenW horo on her first trip Is branded KfWroe bf lhe poIot wl, ,col lhe Ve'!" fS'iJwn the river after aho had been Ht li Just another of those lies about fffij port which should not be dlgnllled fi t reply" on shipping man said to- W fci reports that the Delaware channel V .. .i.H.. nnontrh tnr r-nlllora ivns nut Ml IWl wt' -"WM Circulation shortly nflet J. H. Weaver fbo,of this city, hnd obtained n coit al 'to the shipment of 200,000 .tons of Jl l Uie Pacific coast for the use of m Nvy Department, iius cunccrn ia fc.tr.tli9 lowest bidder Tor 500,000 tons of Zd for tho War Department's use In Mum. It is sam innimo iirst coniract M kve to be canceled and the .bid on t-, f .,.. ltt.,4(,r If 4Via nnnt linn In (WIS DUlSr nliiiu' i.i'o - . v... .... .- He shipped through any other than this nt VCOAI. OPDRATOna BLAMED Although J. H Weaver &. Co. refuse to Sk ny statement, thero li a rumor' ffcoal circles that the ngltatlon ngnlnat tli port of Philadelphia Is largely duo jS'lha Inllucnce of some Virginia coal jptritors. Th Virginia operators, it is saiu, cn j0fejgvlrtu.il monopoly of the coal bunl tui, part of which has recently been 1tTtn to the local company nt ft saving WwdmateIr 5125,000, to tho aovern SiL Humors In Washington wore clr diltted to' tho effect several weeks ngo pat, the coal furnished from Pcnnsyl tinli mints was not up to specifications. Sleitlra6ny before tho Houbo Committee Naval Affairs, however, proved that tin ceil was as good, If not better, than thi requirements. The Now York, which .fWl Pennsylvania coal on her trial trip, I iKMoea her contract speed ty one Knot. ITat w hole controversy, which started ut gthHtaie bids wote being consldeied by flhi Government for coal for the Panama SRaQroad, Is now said to have been due lie efforts to divert the contract from Ithi Philadelphia company. m PILOTS DEFEND PORT. Kj JUcuesIng the subject, J, S, W. Isollert. president of tho Maritime Ex fSuiie, said: JTend months ago, when J. II. fttMer & Co. contemplated tho shipment .r?eoil y colliers, they made Inquiries fff the depth that It was safo to load ptiulj. We were nssured by all that Pit knowledge of river conditions that UliTiiislj could be loaded and taken to fa. safely. All the vessels that have loft Aire ca" this contract have been taken to fa luely, and we have the assurance tt pilots that thero was not the sllght t difficulty In conducting them to the GREAT TIIMMPI Ainc tpaccip Pa Miles of Grade Displaced in m Transcontinental Route. ifPnp, Wash , Jan. U -Tho Sno- ZTC "" 'unei or the Uhlcngo, 1111 rtt k V St' Pftul Hal""ad, which will Hilar vrama lomorrow, is a trlfio K2? two mllcs lonef- W wm displace K.k "i "ven mlles ' heavy grades Im.i """""continental route. The iS:?.1110" w"l be abandoned between fw .?8 a,na Kochclus rises to a point ''hi-M ri? t feet abovo the highest point Bn. I Ulroue 'ho tunnel. Mi .m .1 OI U18 tunnel- for traffic ?5?i? Hi? road t0 "Iscontlnue the ?W ith0 bis Mallet ''elPer engines J5?,PVe been necessary for both JWM and passenger trains since the gi m opened flvo years ago. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY jmn ntinniT EbTTLH TYPE (or like thla) feSgSa '. Kf !!n"2 Ifetoi WntVdth-ri:'!;;:;: r 1",, Kas-waak 10o per Una m SIZE TYPE for like thls'k IlBttttio0." cT'inc8t!ons xcpt Help ISifiyS?10 nl Itooms. IWn Sn.r.7 '".." J'M i a'ST.n..r.!fiL"" !i w n i9w!b Zt ,T ""uonw., laa per iins Etfflti riic' Cl5ally ,a- ,.u Hnu?iiiJIe.)'Ae1 ontiat msuursment. 1TB .KOTtCES-slthtr MMr m rtlOM , ,,, i,oo TJAIIT ONLT ' Effait Dtctmttr 1, !H. PBsSitHM?ATION "ATE iS "rosa morning and evening PUBLIC LEDGER rMOXtNlNO) EVENING LEDGER rg3rau mts p.r ua ntt to raits glvan S.iAHP . SITUATIONS WANTE11 UOW",9pLN THE PUBLIC MODQBR mM 'vvlSgSrtS 1N '"1K EVBN1NO g W(eUOUT ADPITIONAb S?l.i!fJ!5 ,tor n"r " nonj hat teggti!dsr xya.nt ad at offlc ratia 0 WANTED-I-EMAIB $& it-.." X" ' "" T fcSVa ani 'iy- "uig salary jpectxd. 1! , StklS0 "4 " ready or festtaoYv""1" r.at; All r ed r. . , . . . Ps m ;,.. " " na njgoi i tSajf. K" NflafJ and elm eU EVBNINO HELP WANTED HEMALB AwfWy,.-rTwo. I nermsn or rSHtSm'tlU? J20u l'nnn it Phone 1!flttbrtt.Ht. I -. --- . hiMwork.wnnii.Hl fflM hou?iwX"iVnr,'l. K'rt wanted. ...neral TI "S.iPnKTA oun dwnir... .... un" m . " for -......a JK; rricrcnco Mn in -n." . . i ...M ..... "2-".V?. s''0 and upialrs Kir competent .Mw.i,m. ' ,,' Iniit tj( i7. ixHiijr urcie. ViZ l?f.h. ob,,,lP vMiiabl Informs ii??i.. ." .".I""."1 PPsltloin tn In' tril Sl5i.M,M .1"'nh n.tIer On- i,l.i- ' "e.t al on,,p fr "U" ff-,s 5?.n. t. y ,.h" .rommerolsl Ix-tmrt. sltlons for Ledger Adtei-tfiitri WANI'lltv-A "A girl for plnln eooklnn nnd hnio- ,.-?. ."""' 'nmiiy: ni nm nMhni "n " ".Newhnll at . nermnntonn, lath " ni iivio pUHl. AJ'T,'i!?J,rl f.ar K'nernl office nork Call inm.tH'S .T'"lrr: a' niornlne, Atnler Kent iJ?r.u..,ac,."rln,1' Work, Slcnton at, and H i-oaan t , nennnntown. ASTM)--Cnnipelenl alenoarapher mil nfter ivi '.Thursrlsj. mornln Atnntrr-Kent Mfu . Anrkt, Btenton asc and K t.ogan at. ritn AJfTi:U-CapB,le lady canvBier by larue plnpo lioiise-. Applj. etntlne expcflenoo nnd rrpreiipe t JJJr jnic HELP WANTED MALE a I'Aiini: cnPAHTMnsT sTonn nj.Qi'iriKs a Titrmnitoin.Y r.x rritiKNriit) runrt niti'i;HtNTns'u- '.'.V.i .ON,; w,l I'AH tll'I.l) SlMII.AIt position, iv .w.swr.u IM'iSX&T.E KXl'CrilBNVIiANll I't'I t. rTi i J "" 1'K1)0,:l1 ClllSMtST WANTUD-Lnrre toml ehpmlcnl In utittry requires on especially triiftworthy nnd efflrlent man: atiout no, with ood ticli nleal (Muonttrm, nnd not le than mo jrnrc' factory exiicrlcnrc: i( no operate n -nlunlil rret proccie, till, priltlon l only opin to nmn or rroMn IntrerlH nnl ood liitilm who can Inimt e.'SOO or more In thr Imslnoa, lil"!' Is lioih for our protrdlon nnd to tmke no oitiplnjmcit so prnMiiMr that w will lm the highest IneenlUe to fidclllv ntul pcr iTianenrc. the Income will dp er atlafnc tor. tntr full partlcttlnrjt of oierlonco anil rerjionnl hletnry Addreta l'nsldent, J SIH, Lwdier Central GOOD nnAUOHTSVAK Rtnte ePrlcnc, nlao salary dcalred. J IH1, Ldgcr Cen tral. MEN, setrnl: reliable: eollclt: ctcrllont propo altlon: tilff return". MH I,nnd Tltlo llulldlne. SAI.KS MANAOr.n or bualnees man for oic tenaKo merchandise onterprleo. llooni f01, flU) flieetmit. SAI.TOMAN IllRh-clasi Bin ttnnted for ronnplanla torrllon. rnuat te experienced In automobile apark 1urv permanent an,l Kood connection for right man Anpl In person to 13'IT Iten rotate Tnlat TlldR Soi.iriTon. rjcpritiPNTiin niivt .w pt'APi.Nn, pitnriTAiiw. positikn. rtrr niti ncii. M'lu.v Mit. ii.utvr.Y, a.iti lAiVU TiTi-K ui.no. AVANTRIi Yomifr man ns ntaltnnl to fuper Intendent In textile mill Oeminn Protenant, Mltli jihlpplnp exper., prcf.: to rccolvo conrld erntlon, ftatn ape, experlen e, pal.irv f pectetl and referencca. .1 P.13. tdcer (.Vntinl. WA!TTr"T) Men to reprencnt firm mnmific turlnc; hlah-claes apeclaltlei. experience "not recesaarv, mtiry and traNellnc expinfca paid: tend IS for eamplea and case to notd delay. Tho Moilton f-nlei Co., 7 Water tt., Itoom oil, lioaton. Ma WAS1KIWI expert tnnsarlne tolHtora for work In tho downtown iMatrlct during Sunday aervlcea: must have referencca, writ toda. Th Proehytfrlan llminer, rutwbiirnh T'a VANTi:iv-A man to work on Terry towel loome; one familiar with business. M 11J. LcdKer Ofnce Y'OUN'O'MAN as assistant la credU and col lection department or larco manufacturlivn concern: must bo Rood correspondent, reply. Btntlmt CKe, oxiierlenco roferonre and salary oxpectci, J 1K. ledger .enirai Yf)UNO MAN. oxpcrlom-cd, to njialrt In ahlp plni; department: muxt onernto typewriter: state aire, rrferove and aalnry expected. Ad- g reBrt I', u. nox jww TOt'Nn !IF1N, R. for school net In vaudeville: experience unn:oaary: eoaehlnff free Srnr tin Phllllrs Marks, ;OS North Tranklln Y'Ot'NO MAN wanted, at out 17 jeara ct nie. aeetistomed to general office xvork. D 1.0. Ijcdsor Offleo. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE AIWRESa WORK wanted bv private party, aoetal or othonvlae T W5. Ledger Central BOOKKKEPnn. cashier cencral office ns'tat nnt with, thorough tralnlnK and exnerlence: MUST HAVU employment, will mako good In tojponilble position. J 7B7. IrfdKer Cen tral. ItOOKKCnrnn and cashier, vounc lady, Kcn eral oxparlenco, would accont asilJtarU'a po altlon' operate typewriter J 04tt Ld. Cent CUAMhKIlMAin AND WAITUnsS - French woman: roterencea, Thona H7 Llanerch, OHAMDURWOHK and waiting or UrM hou;e vvt.rk: no washing or Ironing Phone Dlck.H37, CHAMUnnWOKK or light housework' up state rrotaatant girl. I. lis ledger Ofnce COOK Competent Qerman-Amerlcan woman wlhea poult Ion as cook ain Chrlst'an st COOK Experienced Herman-American ,Call 724 Hsiiice st Phone Walnut .71,jTVVKt'ert COOK, coinpotcnt. Kngllsh Pr"'f,,ant ileslres joallloiiigoodeference l.WOJ-alrmount avo doOlTlNO and downstairs work In small fam ily thoroughly exp i refa I. ISO, Led Ofti rOOKIKb and downstairs work, colored; com pSSltdxOTriaiiced: refaJdlO Wchater st fiTY and evening claes. In sewing, cutting and s of pattarns -li'M w. i.un t, -v. wnitK Young colored woman, expert- "encsai furnish Vest refa, TO S Watts i at DOWNBTAinS WOHK and cooking: settle I offn, Wl N 2Hh Phone puJSIl W TTtWrhMMAlCKP. of NeW York desires enange'ta: DonSwnso?UiUv Phone w;al40& W iMVrrHMAKntl. cxn , for ladles' and children's ""pod work n SO day. 21 ldjHInhrldge rjioae rvpEnT ilILL, CU3RK. bookkeeper and .-Si'iAtnli.r. accurato and rapid ai flgurea; operate any hilling machine: 8 J ears' oxperl- i;llWT-OUA.H8 German cook wants poittlon: io1ts good Kngllsht best ot reference from ..rt emclover Call Tlryn Jlawr345 D. ailtlj" colored wishes hounowork- city, coun- en r. j ii. i'.g. " nini. ccdored housework adult family: good cook. tlS. refereiice.lfl llaliitrldgo st. abwsTEVENiNa cloaks and tailop.- d suits at horns or out. short notice. O. M MoNlchoIs, 1717 Christian st. Phono trv rt.. v..... " i .... .. - Dickinson, 3417 X. HOUBBWOItK, small family, or chamborwork "rJiii waiting. Writs. 1B16 Christian at. . LADY WIMj HEAD to the blind or invalid! per fcoun tlrms upon Inquiry. J 834. Idgtr cenvrai. tTTnY'B MAID, experienced! nratrclass .refer- .ices SO Cricket terrace, Animorc, i-a ilANAaiNa IISKWie-Woraan of ability and exp. : tctiool or private I 118. Id. Onlce. MOTHEU'S HELPER or nursery governeaai good slanwtreas; country preferred, Box 103, NURSE, Protestant girl. w'hX".JPn0,T"Sn nV nurse or light upstairs work. O 830, Led. Oft. POSITION as companion , to m,.,nvalli or or to California. J AM, ledger Centra., ..r. . ..awnpiia rtv riivi puti and flta. reno vating t ell kinds of handwork. 88, Ledger BranchSOjh and South. BTENOdnAPHER"" Efficient and conaelen. etlouVyoung lady desires position where appll. cation to work wilt be appreciated. J 040, Ledger central, STENOGRAPHER Efficient and conscientious, desires position with opportunltleii i moderate salary : raferencs. a SM. Ledger Off lea.' BTENOanAPHER. sxpsrlenced. expert, accu. ratsi mod, salary; good rafs. D lgl. Led. Off. TVd'Olhta wish positions at cooklntj goad references. 8407 Catharine. WHEN IN NEED of an experienced offlca as-. alstant. bookkeeper, stenographer or clerk, call ud Walnut 8000 and consult lth Miss Dean of tbs Commercial Department. iio has a list of high-grade, experienced girls eager for positions. Avail yourself of the free rvlc to Lodger Advertisers NOW, StTNO LADY, expert stenogTapher, 8 years' experience, very willing worker and not afraid of long hours nd hard work, needs and d aires eltustloui can aut s secretary, p 931, Ledger Qfttae. YOUNO colorad woman wlahss cooking-, house work or chamberwork : flral-laaa worker j ebllglngs couatry or will go any place! ref srenoe. J 7SB S Chadwtcjc. SITUATIONS WANTED MAIiE A'cUNT-ANTy' oredlt, oolUotlon, oft man . arpJlealijposj bestrf C 87 Ledger Off ALI. AROUND MtVliAMC nts st.'a I, to sJ'tua wth estate d" general ispalia cu nilar lUtM'iMan tti 10 Tbewlui aj, Aii3KlANT bookktaper or clerk atsasgraphy and tyjwi1tliig, J ye aaes. can fmr gooa refa. J TOE, l ImowleOue pn- BQQinrerHp; gBPBK and awouatant. . M etaj4 desire PlUoa wftlj repttUWs U Wast wf. J Ji9, Ledger CeaUftl. ! ( LRDOER-pniLADEtPHIA", THTTItBDAT, JAWtTARY SITUATIONS WANTED MAIiE llixjKttr.l'PEn experienced, office mah; tnod--emte salary licjt reference. J JI7, Led. t ent llOOKKnwPKrt, office manager, thorough, val uable wperienre Manager, 3119Notth 10th BOOKKltKITSR, stenographer nnd general of fl'e 1 ttorkjjiaiexpd i beii tef .1 1112, l.ed.Cent HOSS lMLVTBII. ""special merhnnle wants workbirso contern titne. ke, ion N 4th 1JOY, 17, dealres poalllun of any kind: need3 iPL'U. ll M". I dger Offli'e, . t-'H.M KFDUrt, whlto, married. 7 seats' ex lerl.ncc, d jeara with last employer, etend strictly tempetatei best of reforeme. W. W. Hem. 4(M B Aslnnead at , (lermantown. Bell IJ'etie. Ciermantow-n iwa V . t'HAtJI'e-tilTlt-Hellablc man. Idleneas due to dea h In emplojer'a family, rcferen ea Thos. .JJjelllUBs. 71 H. llortter t Phlla. OlIAUlTEUn, single, white, experienced mam pronUncnt clly refs. J B4?. ledger Central. COl.t.Kcron, IS jeers." experience; reference: ecurlty, Addiefs jQ'.tJIl1N.Slat KNCIINIlcn, llceni-ed, small plant, or watch man, soft or hard coal. Ciil, tjdaer pit POlflt YOt'Nti'MKN dealro work ai home In evenltieai can furnllh best of references: .clerical work preferred C ast, ledger Oftlce. it, itTuMii . . m rt..j ' .;. '"rr.t: HUUHIMIAN, Al feT7w!hes position prlwr- !fj?-fjrn.lng to run num. U 151, Led. Off.. mac ItlNIST, all around, (1 jeara' experience, "pw an,i rera r work, wanta noa lion any. whero. Write to 17,1. Ledger Branch, lflth '- ' ,i, xiki ixuxrr i nil, ii, '.,, Sno nntmhln nc tAtnntinnn phmnn ttn7 SlAN AfJtl WirtJ (lerman. want imltlons. man an butler and hntiseman, wlfo cook, good referenrei 1 Bl'i. Ledger Central JHN and wire, white, want situation 'butler . "nd cnok , niat-elaaa help D 157. l.cd Off AN. ''4,Tnalde ealcs exterlcnce, desires a po- sltlon of ahv kind ,1 VA ledger Central. MrrtlANit'AI, (Vraughtaman, t, jeara' broa3 experletiee. dealres position whero technical knoivledao nnd nlillftv la appreciated first - . 'Ina rererfnee ,T .Id. ledger Central L''L"'!? '4 s dialrea posltlcm:" Pelrco , snftnl grnd thor ennveratnt In bonkkeep- Imr tlmrke.'plng purnlla, etc: rmisl lernble onVe ejp In r-lin. enp aat mod lnt.-- vlew aellrtted It 71 led Pr '.'OOO ttldeo ave pills' ntfYntne married man, 2", experl- eneed cnnipoltor. with alight knewledge of arUertlalng. dealrcs position. 1 711, Ledger t entrftl. STrnrrrArtY aterng neeount off mannrer deHrca poltlnn' beat ref C t:IedgerOff sritim-ARY (n'xrarv exrerlenee" ern "ale- nnertpher moderate sal. t r,n Ledger Cent Slvni'.MAVn IIP n vrrdMlreV poult Inn nt flrt-r'lflsa ptare reference n 11 1 ted. Off VM'VfVMl PHTM! ind hnotHiner. Mch aehont grtdltnte t ir"V etnprlenre lf ref, wnull like Intexietr .! im Ledger '"enttnl HTrNTKlnAf'ltfn efri" tnu "ern rnnirac' cnrnle- beat re' ,t 117 ledger Central rrKN'nnrtvPiifn-T'al'hrui riem-cut young map. 1 4I Ledger Central. YOI'NO rA. nmbltlnua nge 2 with Unl verslty education. delrea to become con nected with n bualneaa which offern an op portunity for advancement on the basis of merit' pnaaeaae executive ahllllr and a knowledge of credits. r 111. IdgerOfflce. YriT'NO MAN' Seven veara wltiriirgo nalnf. vnrmah, color nnd cliemlenl manufncfurlnir companv a naaiBlant general superintendent tlealrea poaltlnn- ejreptlonnl experience and nbllltv In factory n'onngrment and na?lrtanre to reaponaltile exeeutle ,T 711 ledger Cent YOT'NO vt VN ro-clnir Sn'ir ir,l fnelUh rnmnerelnl prnerlenee wlplie t nUlon here or to represent t'nv bnalne In !. titli Vtner-Pa- nrltea Qnt.h thnrousbh rhone Poplar re", n 1",'- Ml Vernon at YOT'NTO pin?,, mnn with rnnd and nrder-ll-'n? experlen e w-int rt cbln e to earn Ida IIMng an' n rrmnnent polllen. 11 112, Te leer Office Vf'l'Vd vv t venr nr nre nnrrle1de aliea roslt'on o nnv kind 7 v ear' cvperl nee In clerical line' bet refetence "210 CantrclJ ft Ant'N'fl roloTel tnnn wife like plai-ea together In or out cltv c.itl twn dn or write In plva'e or nubll" bet.t ref T?I7 Pearl at Vol S'H colored mnn vvlchea position aa houae mr n or butler four veara' exprlnce cltv reference 1712 Ttllnbrldce at Vllt'S'l MAV 2n wlrlielerlnirpositlon ref erence T 5",(: 1 edger Central. Y'M'VO colore.' mu w Nhea work of any kind refenre. Call 241", ftedner at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COOKS, cliambernmlfla. chlldnurnea houaework elrla Herman and Pollah clrla want poaltline Mlpa Tlfwo Tlotighertv. 1.111 W. Olrard ave automodii.es Pot 'Sato I 1IAVI3 for salo 1P12 Stutx roadster: In ex cellent condition pnoi ledger Office. LOANS on automohllpff necotUtd placpd In ttorage. Lyons Co.. 15.12 Land Title Pldg. AUTO LIVEEY AND OAKAGES CONTINENTAL OAnAOE. 1STH AND NOR rla Bts , ttorage and repairing nt modernte pricea ;,,,.oT, . , i, . , ...,- . t . t. . .v., Cara lakbn on .lead and lhe storage, repair ing a uperlaltj : cata to hire. 1J21 Alrdrlo et. Phone Tioga C227. BUSINESS NOTICES We can afford to remodel or repair jour furs much cheaper than tho large do FUnS partment stores We .glva you expert workmanship Phono Ilelmnnt 23SI W, C'llAS J POOS 0117 Arch at BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Ilecauao of advancing age and Illness, my ouaiter Intel est In old-eatabllahed Chestnut it business fa for sale A mfe. permanent Investment, has for years paid, and la now Pitying over tocp per annum. Amount ro nulred, $1.1.000 Will divide. D 103. Ledgor Offio WILL INVKST S5OO0 in establlahed business which will upo ground nnd brick building In Philadelphia: concern must be Bound and tent or buy property to get Investment. I. !i..7 1 edger Ct ntrul ci-'Airatid lumber ard, with feed store, rall tuad siding, established 40 jcars, 1011 busi ness S21.VHH), agent selling for heirs. Address M S.11. Ledger Office ; HAKFUV, rent or sale, established 20 ear: corner roomj, utable In tear, good reason for soling, will tear Investigation. Address L Oil. ledger Central P."ltnTP.H having" their owrl establishment can Im rf.o their Incume by handling our frte talking rreuhlnu offer Apply 13IJ ,rcn st AtlloiUOIlILE aeiensorlcs business of Charles ru Ith Co , .1r.' N Ptoad st , for sale. Call or address, at ttore CARPET CLEANING WEST. I'HILA. MONARCH STOHAdU CO. So PER Y All D. 3S70-7. LANCASTEIt 'AVn CLEANING AND DYEINQ OSTItfCH rEATHERfl AND FANCIES CLEANLD. 11H) J1A1L11OTJ510 Chestnut DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD FISH NEW IMPORTATION fine singing German canaries, $.1 each; every bird guaranteed good singer: cages, II upward: call hero you will, the largest and best stock In the clly to elect from: birds can safely be sent to all part, by prb yAHL m "INE-URED poultry breeding stock: tho finest dock obtainable. Ilarred Plymouth Rocka, Wyandottea, Leghorn, Huff Cochins, Mlnorcas, call and se our Immense stock. " " B a VAI1I.H. 31U Market St. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DHEbSMAKINO taught! short, prac, course. McDowell, 307 Denekla Rldg , 11th tc Market. Hemstitching dono white sou wait, A. Reich. ard. 1113 Chestnut t'lctorlal Review patterns. iron sale ANTIQUES-Chalrs. 100 rs. old, $1; mahog OUT., JJUi UflV"U,, .w. m w " IT-.,,-, MILLIARD! pool, vomb , zd-hand, bought, soiarwted. tx'il. Keater, 820 Ulrard av 'nras'ITlNlE-ANTIOIIE A arandfather'a Clock, Imported i an Inlaid centra table, mahogany chairs, stands, ma. hogany rockers, 1 feather bed, 9 feather pit. lovvs, carpets, stoves, dishes, tables. Beda, etc., couch, glassware. 432 Mala street, Had dontleld, N. J. INSTRUCTION FRENCH In three months by refined young Parisian ladyi easy conversations .method; terms moderate. Mile. L. Uerlhln, 1503 Arch HO a. pi. -10 P ") Musical C. W. I1UOH-8. 1737 Dlsmond. teaohsr of piano and accompanist. Diamond 8434 P. WANTED FURNITURE X . rtHSS. Kips. Furniture COMjljLJi5-!gte--?e. BOOMS FOB. RENT BAmKO, SSl-Koomt furn ynfurn.. Sd Uggr. mr Mwiefsi ' T!''B...g;TT . UlibAD. N.. XdlS-yery fltrw wcu-BMcra QflBUIB tWV4W -.e-.e. ------- t cEssTNUT, iS-Large. neatly furnished ruoi oo. seionFflojr bosrd optional phune. flllSIMf 4-17 " lra11, " i . - 1 1.. 1 .... i-i 1 t ( II ruaii. LnBie our HarUij 5 Wl X IU-1- l iw. - - -- "t ?. rTL I etiWi, Tr.ifin US-LI I-l ""g?'. TT .-J' J--, -- -rrrr. CHnikrttK, 4J0t--rCMrta, turn, front room, WUon lXmtrot twnn. s run . , SUU O uXfrTi B1- Si il" l - rf VpV uooms .Son bent OtRATtD AVE, Wh-Dflght room, prlv. fam ily! suitable for 1 or 2 renned cathollo men seeking a gooil home; terms reasonable OREns, 1M0 Onfurnlihed rooms, running vvater, private bath; owner. MT. VF.HNON, lStlS-CVsr. apt, bath, kitchen, ette. also sunny rma with kitchenette, $1.2.1. PINK. lVtrt Parlor rooms: atao others: bright and cheerful running water, rorncr house. POWKLTON, .IPiVl bestratile furn, vacantles Mr ji few business people. Paring 1M2.W SlPJNd OARDEN, 1711-Urge comfortably furnished front room, adjoining bath; sepa. rate beds; amiable for two gentlemen HI'RPCr.. 1117 One or two comfortable room's, furnlshedot unfumlrhed, tenaonable. SPRUCB, 022 Desirable suite, with prlsvte bath; open Are ipnone (owner, SI'RtfCn, 402-Newly opened, very attractive fur, rooms; nil cohcvnlences; lrea.m2a.l3. WALNUT, VtoS-iM floor, unfurn., bath; south. ernexposuro!j)1easant rooms. Preston 2728 D, WAl,NUT"riT 6021 rev" dealrabie vacancies, furn, or unfurn., refined neighborhood, pr. vate: pnone. flTli. N 0.1.1 Hirnlhed rooma. well healed" reusekeeplng. Idging, eonvs, rop, ;H2 u 12T11, S., ,117 Prlv ato family will rent furn front rooms: also other rooms reasonable. 11TH". N,. KMLargo fronF rooma: well heat" ed suit .gentlemen. Toplnr JI701 W. VsTitT N". oil -eritlemen or" married" couple, well-turnlahed room In renned family 15TII Ni 1K,0 Two very dcelrable, Irable, large welt heated confortnbir rurnianen rooms; home cooKlng. Vonlar MM I&flfri, 420 Second" front, latpe, aunnylcTeKii ind wntm. Phono Dickinson Ball W Uni, N., 2000 Furnished housekeeping rooms: 2 UnrurnisneQ ronwn. mniuiia ipji . v 17TH, B , 25.1 Sitting room and bedroom; also atnglO rPOin; " V"llv,,,r,,yrr, 24TII, N"7 171S lirge furn or unfur. room Prlv ato family. Phone, Diamond r,o;7 A Riilmrlinn KOn nTM'-l or 2 largo rooma furnished or unrurnlshod. with kltd"'!, ir desired, nil mod em ronvenlcncea. t W. Choltcn ave. Phono Clermnnlown 14.10 W. Trofesalonal Offleee. LOCUST. WOT mrst-floor office: iultablo for oetfiiat or phislclan: fifl it month. lM'It 13, 114 Phvslelnn dealr"" to share ofll wllli reliable jloctor;otherjincancjes BOARDING Aiti'll "021-2021 -llnnanenielv rurnlshed, iludlng superior table, $0; table, $4. ct'DAR AVtL. 1002 Dealratle fur, rooma with good table board , private, wooa. -i u ....,,, v ivv. 100T ties, vaeanelca vvell.tiiriil rooma; good table board: phone ..-r. rSVYT Tnrn AlrflhtA rOOma. WltllbOSrd: not 'a boarding house, but a home for a , few i:,in. irentlemen: garage In. rear. Daring 7402 vv Phnin dlsnlavnd nt Id Cent.. POPLMt 2000-Clean, warm room, with good board ; nomo ihumo, i-nfuun,",. I'OWKLTON AVK , 40.17 Well-heated, attrac, 1 rma ' with board, private tamlly. moderate. 51tii'f'R. 12.10-Attractlve roonva, nlao aulto with private batlu tnblebonrd wai.ntt IOI4-resliMe furnished rooms: exceptional table oard conv flaring 747 BOARD WANTED ... r.f ....-. -nnn'D n,lPt. refilled loCatlOU, " ".- """"I .!"": 'J,1"l.rf t,i,li ni-ef.e. wllli lonrd for 0 people red dc'rea .1 7.M. Led nv ger central. APARTMENTS WALNUT. 1222-21 (Kenwood) Dcslraji'c yac : single or en aulto. prlv. baths: will clnngo to aiilt tenant: tuoderato rate Walnut sisi. SPrUNO tlAIIDBN. 1010 Excellent ants i In ,8 different houses; some furn'd: kltchenettea. CHILTON APAnTI.inNT3 .1218 RAR1NO ST. Two firat-ltoor rooms: suit dentist or doctor or npartmenta MjraJljMcCtalnmannger. LION'S HEAD Handsomely furnished opts. 1211-1B locust. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FUnNISHFn APVRTMBNT4 rooma and bath and reception hall; overlooking Clark Park. neighborhood 41.1 & Cheater. Preston 2PM HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street IIANDSOMD. UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING .APA.RTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises TOR VACANCIES and complete Information of all apartments free, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13lh and Spruce eta Phone Walnut 080. or "rite for "Apartment Directory." January ndltlon. free. KENT APARTMENTS .,$?.. Hottaekceplng apartments 4 rooms and bath, SI'J JO month Dee janitor "AI.MONEHftON." 17th. N.. fflO-IIousekeep- Ing .ik,i reiriFipji"'i"i'. PTTII AND CHBSTNUT llkpc apt , 2 rma 1 bath : : low rent P P Co 1317 Penni. Pldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OKHMANTOiTN -HOICE properties In all sections of Qtn.. M', " Hlf'ch-dWfck y',oa:"ormran-;rwn' -nONTIRY-ANDHKSTNUT HILL Pelham Trust Co. 0740 Germantown ave NEW J HUSKY Atlantic Cltx. N. J. SNAPS In choice cottages, hotela.lots etc. dale, rent. ew. Choicest cor. lot Ventnor. $tn00 el COS! liniCHIimim. tttv lladdontleld. N. J. TTTvr. nvvr-RtL riNU PROPERTIES al 'VrgllPrPe. VNircJARCY MARSHALL Kll Federal at- Camden. IVoorthurr Heights. N. J. PROPERTIES RKVEJIAL desirable homea and Improved hldg lots at reasonabla prices John Mayhow PENNSYLVANIA FARMS TnrT ACRF8 location, land, buildings, water ancV railroad facilities, all first class; has -wryihlng that goes to make a good far .. wliwaw,, vour wanta West Cheitor nineiTEIt COUNTY FARM Bargain; 177 CI.S..? near Vain IJne, V P It.: make good rrrcnE-S4fA)-nownlngtown district; bar 40 Aunt- ''.....j wsst Cheater. Pa. gain REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic CUr. N. J. Ilani'eS-foVtMlfe.rp1-P.-rtfet,C:' CHAa S.h,5t'.T.'"kaF h . Mnn-. -vs.. Atlantlo City. . REAI. ESTATE EOR RENT CITY otB linEEN BT.. comer oprjoslto Resdlng Sta. tiorTrgiri. Brown. Iu5 Cheainut st. Kaetorlra. 11 arehonsea. Mfg. Floors. -itothaL FLOOn BPACJE LOW RE1NT CPpTtA Company" 1817enna. Bldg. OMcee. Business Rooms, Etc DESIRABLB oftlce. 11th floor, Pennsylvania. Eiar 18th and Chestnut. . For particulars riSfi' to cashier. 2d floor. West End Tr. Bid VVo FLOORS, sultabls for light manufae. turiini w offices. 8jgIL.Proaf st. Usxcelld Opportunity for physician oVdintist central; to rooms; oftlce at low ??nt-l i ".' R Co., , MIT Pennsylvania Bldg. West Philadelphia. -i "" ...j Flf.roofho7s, JOSS A 16ST N. -2d at. good .Jadltlont wide main it.; i on. squar. from P.VX'..? i J a1?., BMT..'t-ea.T.e .v. aMu" "SX- "iannri? RENT WEST PIULA. hous. for rent, faolne George's IIUlT Falrmount Park, convenient train and trolley; rent reasonable apph ""rf'tid and Parkslde av. env rcasuu u. ahv' mmuw i-,,., - Atlantlo City. N. J. HOTELS, boarding, houses, cottages, etc , to inset every requirement. Dn & Moore, 40 8 Florida ave. MORTGAGES ATTORNEY os others having trust or privet funds to Invest In mortgages please tanmiu i,l, at. with I U28 Le.lg.r Of Hi e iSOUllO FUR "1ST AND 3D MORt'OAUEd KJMtKLJICllE-TXT tatQCb-.taut t MONEaf T X.0AN 6HORT-TI&B losa ea autemoWUs, edtaaut pviWty. Won Oe- INS w lillo Wdg. WIG'S DIARY Jan 4 19U (ATgye DIARY OFABOVj n RAINY AHO t70G.y DAY NOTHIMG DoWG IN THE MORMlMS BOTDURlNta TH6. AFTaRNCOM t. vACNT OUeR. TO JOT-. HE. HAS AN OLDtlR DROTmCR, AND aiiTeR and hsb, oeAUK AB OV6R TH&9B ALLTMB TlMe . WtT V06MT TO JONEJ FLORI3T ABOUT A HA(. A MILE AVAV AMD HE GOT FLCHAeRS fOR HIS M0TH6R AND GRANDMOTHER Gee! T UJA5 LIKG SUHMf3R )M THE PlOBiST v-a HM A PILLOW FieiHT vWHEM WG Got back at might aftsr auppef i weni ooer t- juts and vme Had a masic lanterw fHow WITH ThCIR NEW. MAGIC LAMTDRM AbomlimtlonallBt "Wliat did thc sny lo you?" nakeil little ltetirv's mother nftar his first vlalt lo tlio new Suiulnv school "The tcaclior said she vvab Bind to aeo me there." Yea?" "Anil she said she hoped I -would como every Sunday." "And v,ns that all aho BaidT" "No; she nsked mo If our family be longed to thnt abomination " Chicago Itocord-TIcrnld Kcallsttc Scenery That tree wni so natural that tho au dience thundered Its applause." "1 aupposn the lieo responded with a bough," Kansas City Journal. IT ALL DEPENDS ON Copyright Kllegend. Blsettrr. IMPERTINENCE Head of firm (discovering that hla apprentice and his voting1 daughter are corresponding) Well, well, It's love letters the rascal Is w rltlng to my daughter, and on my typewriter, too! Quite So Some woni'n seem to think thnt being married three or four years Is sufficient grounds for any divorce. Louisville Courier-Journal, F-ssi.i" "' - " Cj ' swjs.psssssasaset,i,B,Ss FORCED zzsS- ft. 191B. &.C RAPPLE THE PADDED CETiT. I TELU VOU WHAT J j OUR KID Db s I j . 4&f WHOSE THE HAT IS 6 LeLevM wiLxiawt ANOTHER ACTIVITY OF WAR learning lo sing "Its a Long, Lous deceiving the Allies. ILLUSTRATED WAR PHASES 15 .In ,ih,Hitt W x.uu,.t,u Opinion. Svvrct .vouns wife (to special cou ntable, about to so on dut) Well, dear. If yon won't take TJnv, will joU promise me that If ou see a burglar or a street fight, sou won't Inter fere? A DOUBLE HOLIDAY. "Welt, did you have a pleasant Christmas?" "I should say no! I was bo -Ick afterwards that I had to stay a whole week from school. Gee, I had u good time!" Way to Tlpporar" for the purpose pf L .1&VA jg-' tfc t r