Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 14, 1915, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Him in
p York mm,
B. 0. SltHJJL UF
r - r...:
omi or mvMiJ a ivi
g,d Chief News or the
lay Call Money 2J Per
14. With the excep-
Ssj . raw llUa
ln which coverlnB
Jgjj , fair degree of activity nnd
feSrth. trading " uu" uul """" ""
, today. The chief news or ino
StM "the announcement, a few minute?
T UnWoee. that the directors had
& to cut the aeml-annual dividend
35, common Btoclt to 2V4 per cent., a
S&tlon of a W of 1 per cent, for the
Wrt.uiUa period Tho stock Is thus
W?t n.r cent baala. Tho street.
I sk. rlav. had the report that
'rStldtnd would not be cut to 2 per
fJZ had been expected earlier In the
STaia based on 'his report ooin tne
Son and preferred stock of the com-
rT..ronK and act.ve at higher
NOT """ ..i.J 07i nVinuo tha
E. The common closed 27, above the
S rntday and tho preferred wan
jfnfrt wi a resumption of activity
t.mntlnn nt ncllvltv til
W::LV.. of aneclnltlcs around noon
t"Y,',,.., Car. after BRKKlnB oft to
IT., t from tho close yesterd
tho close yesterday,
laid to W'l. un W from ,ho Pcnln?'
?i-AlTldrid outlook of the compnrly Is
Li a tonic of board room discussion.
Xi January 23, last yenr. tho Directors
Mind i Per cent payable In quarterly
Milmenti, the first pa merit since
Srfln 1914 business was so bad that
Srtj were circulated In November of
tffitrti wwe
Kn;.nn to close the company's
Silt but these repotts were wiinoiu
Ulttlon and were positively denied at
Sin kut these repotts were, without
kruml they were circulated
nn should meet around January 2S
faict on the dividend. The annual ro
tor! for tho ear ended December 31 will
jgtlblied In February and Is expected
. ..v nrmr show InJ?
UsMltaient buying was In evidence In
It matured dividend payers, New York
Ctctral reflecting inia utmuim nun uu
timet of !i to S3 and Qroat Northern
Mtfirttd K hlffher at 114U. There also was
bMjuci of Investment purchasing of
hritrn Union, which lose ?i to 60i. The
fWail of the latter company are
-..iJt a n ,rnrtrl nnrt In nnmA nlinr.
ttn f the Street It was thought that
$J ctuijes were good for a E per
'w.l dividend In the near future
jMll copper stocks showed a bcttdr tone,
Jaalsamated advancing ? to 65, nnd
ttoiaet Copper, which yielded yester
jjjr on mmors of a discontinuance of
IBs inwniRHwmii tumnniiD, wmii, vjio
ilif denied, recovered 1 to 31& United
81lu Steel common lost to 61M,, and
tla moyed up to B1'4 M Itumely pro
tend told at 12, a Ions of 4 points from
(h hit previous sale
ITJnldd Hallways Investment stock,
fsmUhejl the feature or the trading yes
ferity, thowed a depressing tendency In
lis ifternoon. The preferred, after open
felltSI, sagged off to S29J, down a quar
Urron the final yesterday. Tho com
B03u also a fourth lower at 13V4. One
toltlm Exploration was strong, opening
inpt(7J. later going to 49. A quarter
wiloiUnthe" afternoon. Western Mary
)Hi rott to 15. up one point
J,tt!poncy loaned at 2 per cent., later
EOlit was steady
JlTi? wheat at Chicago made another
l!t upward by going to $1.429a In the
titnioon the price touched 143. This
htWhlrhcst nrlce in many years.
IPh attaining of a promlnont position
K wi country In International financing
!i Ulrictlng attention In banking circles.
n Utt of late financing now Includes
MJrtnch loan of $20,000,000 last sum
Btr, ti placing of 110,000,000 Argentine
KW, the British Columbia loan made
tiracth tho Equitable Trust Company,
H) Jlorfan syndicate Russian credit of
HMCOO, Italian and Swiss credits and
tM Uist of 15,000,000 province of Al
wfo, Canada, bonds yesterday by the
fmmon of the New York Stock Ex
omi. In addition to these financial
wautloni tils country has furnished
Birtit. for Canadian municipal bonds
150 olt
Tl aoit Important part of tho
sajaaaj haa been effected In tho last
w teka and has been conducted wlth
w JTta checking the downwnrd course
l money market. Exchange Is now
JWSfwn direct on many countries,
, .h"to'ore had been nrranged
CThv,h' '"'" furnished by Lon
MJ)wkr, and already the foreign ex
f market has become so extensive
hk,1" ff th mot Important fac
q la faanolu dealings here.
Annual Disbursement of UU
r Cent. Declared.
TOIUC. .Ton 1irri. m-.-t .
., T --... 4,10 xircuiuiif ui
1 .:. "vw untl unio KAIIrnn tnrtnv
M 1 1 semi-annual dividend of 2M per
EvH011 of H 1 Pr cent,
E- . .uu on a 0 per cent, basis.
. - BnJv
Pi eAmSJT' ir quarttriy iu per
WtfSSSi'.,kPayaWB February Is to
tasSrrrw. parablt Ptbnurv 1 ,AnM.M np
iris ,.... 'z ::::..:
llSuS n,SL.?nV oa Preferred, payalile
iS" rower and 8curltli Coroora.
rterly 1M ner ocnL on ore-
T80T "ry 10 to atock oj n
?KSSj,l,f p.er c!n,i on .preferred." pay
fta ,VUrf i to ttock at record Janu-
tttriWnc.". Company, aerotannual
jS&ffiSSrVIfbnMlnr to t"holdn
SSlUS1. .??raPr. "Hilar quarterly
SSSfSryP3 W pin,,inr 1 to itock of
K2?1 u CoIany, retulax rolannuU 8
GP " Preferred, payable Tebruary 1.
S.Port Increase In Puhllo De-
P!slts-:Rat. Unchanged.
m'J"- "-An Inert.., ,
rS,i.M".u ..wa reported by thi
te'-fiooSt.'" "1 wly statement
ffSgtr Mt wmawea uochang-ed at (
4So.l.i "MliMQ s.TL?oa
tSli.Frwtu. 1 ? 06S.000
W, 860,000
83.80O (XW
Swlness in Hoop? and Bands
"Man, Jan, .Makr In
rewuyivanla report an Increase
Wahut contractu for hoona and
warktt for both, producU
rairlir Biut, A .Mtni. e
uttiurt ..,''. r.rr- r:
J1 after bra declined to 105c
a o last year Bands are
.. flVflNINGr
!- - tit: i - 1 .
AlatVannutt, tt Bala ljt rnwClom
AmAV?Kl",M'"" M' ' p4t "B
2tie.Bi.?:v 46) 4" f 4R,
A,,r.n''; 2! 'l 2" "9,
jrrfticsnCanrref p4 04 4 n
Arm fen Car A round. 47 Wi A7 47
ArnMHMn.Stl0n.?"' 43 :, '3l 4,'f
Am Hide Leath. pref'M 4 4 J4
tr., ' "W '2'( "3t
American Linseed prefr2S 27 2(1 27
WMlt 4444
i.f,BSIP'l"nif- ' ft1, rnl rw
a c " n SmcitJne rref irrn- n vt lnn' 10U
,f"f"-; W7 in'. i-oU nr.'
AmBleeildy 31 31 1 ai
illl"'l' T'.tM 11.' I1R' URtf
flipfiifan Tobacco 22f 2"."1 2?2 22T
American Tobacco ptef. 107 107 in? 107
srpetindi Copper I'ftU f;,' ;n 2R"(
ItaWnin toco ptef .... 103 mvt lot 101
J ff '"'film . (' 7P,'r -R" 71'
1 f llrroro A Ohio pref 7X 72' 7I' 7Pf
fir rdctr Ftept, f,ji -ot, i;ji ;!
Prrrt hr nsrid Tnntlt -r.'f fl sv ffi'
California ret prcf 47' ( 17 17 47
Crnarilan Pacific I.w ),vH 1SW IS' M
,rlr Tealher . ... -n; v,f nfl .tfiU
; f r,r?'i M rrcf 101 u 10 m 102 10"
Ctf40hlo 42 42lf 42 42'f
Mrn Correr ... rt'( : M xH a J
f Mrstor.real Western. in fu im 10'f
ri "f?:,'.11 A Sl ,'"1 v7' "-s '' 8t
rhlc r a st I. prcf 12-. 124)4 121' 12l'
Cor Cm . ., . . 40if ,fi 45 45
f ' T"e ' Iron .. 2fl!j 2iK ?IU,?'
"'"ioSolstpref 42!f 42)f M2i
ulflllitrsjjtxutlties ln'( 11 11 11
"' 22 22 21!' 21K
rilflttpref 34" r-Hi f(4 .14
rrrr. Op 1171 nfii4 u8 iI9
Cctn Products n$ UH 0' 0!
rtritMIIecirlc 14.m K.15f 143'f 113'f
CrrcralMotor mi t-n 5Vj Kft
need rich Co "Rtf -05 sj nnj
Goodrich Coprof. ...... 054 x9.r 05 81
' ' THernpref. 1)4 14! Mt; 114tf
do do clfs 27U 7'i 2 '(
ftrrrrltin 471, 411 4Vi 48'
Ilarrfstcr corp 73 73 T 7,)
. doprpf. .. .. lit 114 lit
Harvester N J ptef 117 117 117 117
' " '' inlan. II 11 11 11
Inlernptlonat Paper 8J( PH 8'f 0W
Inter'l Taper ptef 3 m 31 341$ 3)it
Irtrlratlo'i .... tRf 10 18V 10
Kansas CltySouthern... 22 22 22 22
Ltjlrl Vnller . I84W 134K 13 IK 133M
Lake Erie &. Western. . f, 0 ft 0
loul?lIIe&NashvUlo..ll5M HMt 115M HB5i'
MackayCopref fl7f fi C8 OS
MnjellMotor m UJ.J itjtf )8M
iloxncll Motor 1st pref. 64 54S Ci 5414
M txv. ell Motor 2d pref. V2t( 2 ! 22 22M
VM1'BSM. ..ln'jl'' 1'2 112
M St P & S S M pref. . 120 120 120 120
ncrn lelrcllum. cm 01 ci CI
MIssouri.KansM&Teias OH 0)4 0 9 '
Mo Knn & Tex pref.... 27 27 27 27
Miami Copper 17f I7 17'f 17'
Mlsjourll'ac'flc OH CH fl'i fl'f
Mortena l'ower Co .. 44H 441 44 -4
Montana Power pref 09'( 99J 09!
National Mlscult ... .122K 123 121 123W
Nat. L'nomellng 11 ll'i lltf ll'f
Nat onal lead . . . 40 4B' 40)5 404
National Lead pref 107M 10JX 10H lOSif
hcvada Consolidated. 124 12'f 124 I2'
N Y..N.H.&II f.Vf 54f M HAH
e York Central f8X 504 l-HH S ';
North American C5' 05 0 05
Tvcithrtn I'acillc lOlJf 102W 102 102
rennylvanln 105' 105?f IPfilii lOMi
People's Gas HOW 12Qi 120)i 120K
1 ills! urch Coal 18 18lf 18'f 18U
Plttsbuich Coal pref ... 85 85M 85M -fiH
PittsCC&StL 70 71 71 71
J utsidblteicar 35 :Ci :B 35
lit Consolidated 18H 104 104 MX
'fnoInK 147 1473 ( 1 Ifijf 147H
Kcadlni; 1st pref 80 80 80 SO
hepubhc Iron Mot... 204 'Mi 204 204
Republic I. &b. pref... 75H "0U 704 7GW
Keck Island if H ii ii
flnmelyCo 2H 24 1H 24
ltumely Co pref 10 12 12 12
Quick Silver pref 2 2tf 14 14
ttalcaru Air Line 13 124 124 12H
bouthern Pacific M4 MM fr4J 854
Ecuttem hallway 154 154 155; 154
bludebaker 3EM 404 384 ."BJi
btudebaker pref 92 1)4 92 04
1 c: roue Coppor. LOJf 31'f 31 314
ThlrdATenuo 41 414 41 414
Tula City It T B8V C04 bO 094
Union Bae& Paper .... 5M 64 64 54
Union Uae & Paper pref .. 204 204 204
t-nlon I'acillc 1184 UM llbS 1184
Unlarlflciref SO 8U4 804 8114
UnionPacWar 27!f .04 -0JJ 294
United Kalluajslnv... 13J 14 13 13
United Iiylnv pref.... 33 3-1 32 3 !'
LBllubber 67 ."84 68 5S4
U. 6. liubber 1st pref... 104 1044 104 1014
United fctates bttel 514 614 614 514
U66teelpref. 107!. 1074 1074 1074
UtshCopper 614 514 614 514
VaCarCbem 174 18 18 18
Wabash pref 1! H l?i l?f
S(ttem Union 94 CO! 5'U 00
Western Maryland 14 15 134 144
Noolworth. . 0j 92 UJ U2
Total sales, 119,400.
Tonopah-Panama Mining Merger At
tacked In Court.
Collusion and fraud by the directors of
the Tonopah Mining Company and the
Panama Mining Company Is the cliargo
brought by Rolendo Koubn, n stockholder
of the latter company, In equity proceed
ings brought today in the United States
Court with a view to blocking the deal
whereby the Tonopah Company Is to ob
tain control of tho Panama concern.
Keuhn owns approximately 10,000 shares
of the capital stock of the Panama Com
pany, nnd at one time was Its presi
dent. His application for a preliminary
Injunction to prevent the consummation
of the transfer will be heard next Thurs
day by Judge Thompson.
The Panama company, ICeuhn says,
owns enormously valuable and wealthy
ore mines In Nicaragua. Directors of
the company, whose names he says nro
unknown to him, during tholr Incumbency
have been guilty of fraud, gross neglect
and Inattention, palpable breach of trust,
wilful and fraudulent mismanagement
and malfeasance In control of the com
pany's Vffolra In that they have failed
to publish an annual statement to stock
holders of affairs and conditions, and
have many times refused to give him
Information regarding the financial con
dition and management of the company.
They have also failed to hold and con
duct meetings of stockholders, and have
failed to keep an accurate and complete
record or minute book of the meetings
and proceedings of the Board of Directors
and stockholders. Keuhn and hU personal
representative. It Is asserted, have been
denied tho privilege of Inspecting the
stock book or the book containing the
names of the stockholders.
The defendants named by the stock
holder are the Panama Company, P, M.
Sawyer, president; L- S. Lucas, vice presi
dent, and II. 13, Moyer, secretary, nnd the
Tonopah Company, J. S. Austin, presi
dent! C, A. Mlgbee, secretary, and James
8. Austin and George 8. Munson, trustees.
In London bar illrer n 1-164 lower, at
SJlid. Br ounce. New York eonuaerelal waa
ouotid at 40H'- J""1 ", a dclin of Ho,
1 u m .
New York .
rMpiim ....
, 4K9 4
.":'";, ins -is
thrta to six (oontba. 1
Ueroantll pet
per ceot
thansre wi
in. 11. arums in toreian
, ID opBLUf. iinuuu
n wanr oiinE
bio, ,A
net, .aHi
francs, Jiac''"i -
Bank deartn todajs eompared with eorre
epSSSiD: day U ffo '",.., ,bia
m,iiac4sint& aaa ni tot
I'lX "rx.., .. 9, .
m li
Baton ainte
Activity in Lehigh Naviga
tion 4s Traction Stocks
Still Showing Signs of
Tho trading In bonds overahadowed
slock dcnllngft on tho Philadelphia market
today. Stimulated by tho removal of re
strictions, thero v,ns a distinct rovlval of
interest In high-grade eecurltles which
augured well for the chnngc of tho pub.
He's nttitudo toward the m.irkct in
almost every brokerage ofllco there was
a note of optimism noticeable, and Invrst
ors wcro reported to bcmaklng their np
poaranco In the (Ininclal dlstilct In ln
crcvislng riuantllle. A feature of tin
early trading uns tlin ealo of a block "f
$23 000 Lehlgli NnMgntlon i'i Phllndel
phla Klcctrlc ts were active and lather
erratic. A block of PXM Hold at 77', com
pared wltll 78, Inpl night's Uosc; the next
sale Was $700 nt 7D'ii, and tho pilco thon
went back to 78 Heading general 4s
wcro In demnnd nnd so were American
Ons and Kleclrlc 6s.
Tho trading in stocks was very quiet
and mostly In odd lots l.eliUh Vnllc
Transit common extended jeBterday
rise to 16, but the preferred v-na reac
tionary,! ai)d tho city true lions, were still
under" light prcRsute, Philadelphia Trac
tion Belling down to 73 and Ilapld Tran
sit sticking to the minimum price of
11. Union Traction ruled unchanged from
last .nlght'a close despite Mr Ullcln's
statement regarding tlin paing up of
$32 CO on the stock provided the city or
a responsible company will guarantee
6 per cent dividends In an inteivlow
he snld that If this were done he was In
favor of Dlrectoi Taylor's plaiw The
coal shares woie fiulet The IleartlnK
collieries, which have been Idlo nil this
week, resumed today nnd -will -work
through tho remainder of tho week.
International Smokeless Powder eold
up to 29. a new top price for the pres
ent swing
It was reported that tho bankers con
nected with the United nallwns Invest
ment Company had made arrangements
to obtain cash for the Philadelphia Com
pany scrip dividend, so that this will in
suro a continuance of payment of Interest
on tho Investment 3 per cent bonds Ac
tivity In these, which wan tho fenturo of
tVednosdaj 's market, nlmost entirely dis
appeared todai, but tho pi lie Improved
fractionally Thero was tnlk in local
financial circles of lefundlng the Western
New Yoik nnd Pennsylvania generat Is
by an Issue of new bonds guaranteed by
tho Peniisvivanln Itnllrond
Tonopah mining shares remained (Stag
nant despite the. suit brought by a stock
holder of tho Pannmn Mining Company
charging fraud In the plan for tho former
to obtain control of the lnttcr concern
Without authorization from the stock
holders Mr. Kouhn fivers, nil the prop
ertv, rights, titles and claims of everv
description have been assigned unto two
trustees, to perpetinto fraud upon the
stockholders An agreement of Januarv
31, 1114 is the Instrument through which
the convesance Is made Collusion was
resorted to between ceitnln olllcers and
directors of the two companies, It is
charged, In the making of the contruct.
10 to 10.30 A. M.
Sl rhlla niec . 2T4 in nemllnir 71'4
J Union Trac. ""j 1 I'hili 11 T t o 11
8 do Wj H V O I Vi
18 Phlla Trao .. "S IM Ton llel... 1 "-1U
1 I'enna Salt . HO '.0 !.eh Val Tr. . HI
40 V S Steel. .. .Ml, 40 Teh Voile.. . i"".
10 Phlla Trao... 7S IS Pcnna K
200 Phlla Kleo... 2-1, 0- do 6:
tl Penna 62j
iiroo Phiia Co iiit ru a;
1000 I eh Valley cone 4e K"I1
lono Phlla Klec In 7"'
10000 Ih Nat conn P-s n,'
irxm Phlla Plec 4. 7,'
30000 Ish Na cons 4i H7J
-CO 1'hlln Ploc 4i 7a
10W) Phlla riee 4s . 3
10.30 to 11 A. ar.
21 Le V Trpfd. 58 1 Am. P-wy pfd.101
10 Ih Val Tr. . 1 W do i,l
IB Cam Steel. II ion renna .'.-
10 V S Steel.... 81 U 100 do 3Zt
20 II U I 2'a
11000 Ih Val pen cona 4'tn 07
SlOCItv 4 1041 lOOV,
tin) Ueh Nav cona 4". . . .. Pi'
11 to 11.30 A. M.
"0 Penna B5 11-10 1 Penna ... . fcl
IB do .. ."21. W Dalt & Ohio. TO
2 do M
1000 F.leo A Ptop .Tr 4i 77JS
MOO Ponding ten 4 liVt
roo Iteadlne gen 4 l-i'i
20OO Am 0 A Eleo Be fii
1000 PhUa, Co 1st 3s ST
11.30 A. M. to 12 M.
BO Phlla It T t o 11 10 Pitts Coal.... Is
100 Keystone Tel. 13.
nooo Phlla Co lt Ss 0T
2000 Un Uwy Inv 5e OJJi
1000 Phlla, Vll & Halt t e 4s t7Ji
100 Phlla Eleo Bj 10Hi
12 to 12.30 P. M.
100 I S P & Chem pqj. B n'linci JOH
10 Phlla Elea... -IS 100 Ton Bel 4 7-10
128 Cam 8teel crlp OTU
1000 Un nwy Inv Bs... ,
B00O Lh Nav cons 414 t7'
4000 Con Trao N J Bs Ml'j
12.30 to 1 P, M.
M tl O I S2H 20 l"hlla Blee.... 23
1 to 1.30 P. M.
11 Cam Bteel ... 4 20 Phlla Eleo ... 2a
8J Phlla Bee.... H 15 Uh Val Tr.. lOjJ
1000 Keo & PeopTr 4s,. 7T;
4000 Penna. conv 3)S W15 '
1.30 to 2 P. It,
100 Un Ilwys W
4000 Interettte Rwy 4 gj
WOO lntenitate Uwy 4 ,., B8
BOO Interstate Rwy 4 ,,,., BSH
60iO Intaritate Jtwy "
500 Kleo i PeopTr 4s. . W
2000 Phlla, Wll & Bait t 0 4 UT!4
2 to 2.30 P. M
10 Eleo Storage. 40U 100 Phlla Wec.. SS
a u O I t2 12 Penna .,..0313-111
100 Klec & Peop Tr 4 ... 4
2O00 Un !Rwy Inv B M
2.30 to 3 P. M.
3 Lab Nav 79.. M U fl liubber,, BS
44 Cam Steal crlp. T
SO001PWU Eleo i..mei "
Bid Ask.
I of 11)10 reUtred.. ,...,..... 07 ..
2a ot 1M0 coupon , "'
Panama i registered. ,,,,., )? ,
Pnro 2a coupon " ; ,,,,,,nS
Pnm. new 8 rehrted ..100
pnma new coupoo.,,,,, !"JJU 10
ot ISW rtlUtered lOO
t, of WIS C4WPOB . . SS" l02
4i of 11121 rUtid , . 109 .,
of J0S5 coupon ... . MHi
Curb Member Pails
NEW TORK, Jan. 11 -Announcement
was made this afternoon that I. D. Noll
had notified the New York Curb Mwket
AMolaUon of W inablUtyto fuWll Ws
contract oa the curb.
v.;(e S&, J,,4,unSa
m:, fe"?"53"5'
. . ,
S llilPI SSvSPf' SSI
Thoto by autokunat
Elected a vice president of the
Philadelphia National Bank. He
was formerly cashier of the in
stitution. '
Men Low. Cloee.
2000 Amor Cot Oil 4&I .. v. .U'i wiji
1UMU Amer IIl.lo & t. tn.. lOH. 10l( 101 i.
2HV Amer JMllclt boo t ,M-!i ltU-i H-rf,
'IMH) Amor lei elt 4s 8S" fc SS
7ui0 ao ml 4"j 7- US I '
.ljO Araor Writ Pap St,... W til
2000 Armour Co 4 to WS HAl UVV
iiu Atihljon teg U- V' 1-
I'K) du auj 4s utp ... . W tU M
2M0 do 4 Wl, UJ' Al'i
I.UOH do ci 4l 11)00 . ... lll Ut'a irj'.j
1WO do .-w 101 101 UU
loou) Bait A. Olila 4b K!4 buU Ki
loaiwj do m 4Vi rt WS
1Gh Beth Steel rfit B3 8S std 87
uuw Umok imp ir Si WIS vA Vr Wa
llHAl UU Uas u Hleo U... V- M- VI
U)W Cent tia cons 0. . . 102.VJ IOJ'4 UU'S
A(0(4J Cent Uwther let C (M; '? W
um) Cent I'ai.lilo JVi... . Wia MVi Sln
Bouo do lit, 4a bSh w-a J
.(iO Che it Oh CV 4'4 . 71-, 71, ll,a
UOiio clien fa Ohio 4is. . . 88Mi )s(4 Mis
1000 Chi & Nwn gen 4 ta. 75 78 7.1
00 Clil : Nwn con Os....l00't luo 100'i
H7XI Chi 1) 4b . DIH, 11H VWfi
KmO Oil 11 & Q goll 4a . H 80h Bvk
HWM C'hl II ii t) 111 3V,s .. , Ki'j S.U
17000 Cht M J. Sl l? 4l . tf( 8 SIHj
1000 Chi Mil & Ht P ep Ba 102H 10211 10214
27hO Chi Mil i St P cv 4Vta U5h SU W&
.1000 Chi M ASP gon VAB.1W 100 1W
TTOOO 4 hi II I A P cul la . 211, JOS 2114
1CK Chi It I & P 4a 2lU io4, 21h
7WH.PO Chi HUP reg 4a. 10 SOW 20i-j
11K) Cul & South 4 87' 7U 87'i
10H) Col S. South 4Mb.. R5 85 85
lflim.0 Con O He V (la . 114H 11U4 HIM
4"hl (Mmlwrland Tel 6a . . Oil fK3 (16
Woo Iel & llud 4a 1010 . fiM I0'4 0'i(
1.000 Duluth Iron Ba . . lOiJ 100 10OJ
rooo tiia Seiur Corn Ba M M m
awm Ktle conv 4. Her A .. ft) (O 00
lDfioo nrlo conv 4s Scr Ii .. 05 ni ni
nooo I-rle Penn 4a. . . 8714 8TH 87H
2HWX) c,cn Motor Oa .. 101W 101V4 101U,
10e0 Oeo Ala ra . . 101 iniK 101W
1000 Otn Eleo deb Cs im 101 lrtl
2nno Ciramby cons Oa .... 00 00 00
BOOT) Hud Man In Ba . . 2sn, 2R14 2RS
20(10 do rfd Ba .... Tti 75 75
HKiO III Steel cv H4s ... 0S l"W 00U
(WriO Alcohol Ba ... Oft'J 'J Ofttii
loco in k fhi st . . 01 m
IfiTOO Inp Cop ov Oa 1010 074 7'l 0714
lifloo do e . . 00H nnvi out,
11000 Interb Met 4a .... 74i 74 74i
Hiiro interb n T rsf Is OR 07' 08
7nm Int Mer Mar 4'4a ... 13 3.1 31
lOOfO Intcrnl Paper fls 10114 101'4 10H4
V'fHK) lnt htm Pump Bl . 40 40 40
looo Kan Cits So 'a (-' 80 SO
"WW I.acl(a Steel Ba 1015 . . 004 OnW 00W
11-00 do 'a W23 00 00 00
HflO 1-aclede Oaa B . ... loon 100" 10i,
110i) Ik Sh deb 4a 1011... Olli 01 01H
2000 I.Ik M T 5a ... 101 10111 1011.
liriO do Ta . . 124 124 124
2001) Lorlllard r. 101V, 101'; 101M
von toli A Naah 4a ... 025, P2, 02
low Midi tato Tel Ba .. w us lis
1IK) Mot. & Ohio 4s . T5 71 7
Wll MS n-5 ItC ts 10 Ha S7 87 87
Khni Mr Kan ft T lit 4. TTK 7T4 TTU
2000 Mo P110 eol Os 1917 . 1WA (KHj l 1
VOfKJ Mont Pow 5a SI 8S 80
1H0 Nut Tube 5a ! WH, lni.
IO0O11 N V C . H :iVra ... 81 W 81', SUa
1000 N Y C i Hud 4b.. .. 8015 80(4 8HV1
JOdO N V City 4s 10.VI . 02 112 OJV
lOfn) ,S T C1H 4a I0.-.7 . . OOU OCT, tKTty
1000 N Y Cltv 4a 11151) . Ixl'S 1C, OKli,
Tri N Y City 4la . . . 10014 100; 1C0!4
ipao N Y ciiy 4'ss initl . ni4 104 , 1 1
1000 N Y C 4 irav 1017 10O. 100 loon
101)0 N Y C 4'4a Nov 1017 101?i 10454 104S
20(X) N Y Gas II & P 5fl 1UI un UU
UKO .N Y Hwj Ifl . . 7?l. 72 72
'.WO N Y Rn) "H Vi'4 52i
2000 N Y State 4a 1000 100 1(0 100
lOOOO N V Tel gon 4'4a . HIV 'V, 0 A.
00O0 Nor ft West ot 4H,a 102"i 102 102),
1HHH) Nor Pao prior 4a.. . 00'j uoj, CO:
2000 do ron .1 "44 Ht4 OlHi
8000 On t Powers 5s 0 04t4 05
IOiOO Oro hort I.lno Oa lOT', 107(4 1)7H
4000 Ore Hi 4 N con 4a 00 KlJ 00
10,K) Ore & W n .t N 4s... KS 85 85
2000 Paclna Tel "a UT", UTH ',',
K.OH0 Penna cv 3U" OO. 00J 00"4
1000 IMhllc Son V J Ba.. PS 88 88
HiiO lloidlnit sen 4a 0.1 01 l
looo Iiepub Culm 5a loot . on na nt,
1i Hep Ir S Ba 1040 ..02 02 02
-(loo Reck laland 4s &Z Ki 821)4,
41Hi do rfd 4s , ..BR ns as
15O00 do 5a . ... 15'i 51 B5
20() nv Stl Springs Bs 1021 00 11 INI
rOoO FtL, I M0180 4a Ill 6-4 ftl
Krtl St L, & 8 P rd 4 . M ai 05
lOoO do gen Bs 0H 00i (W,
1UK) do i,en A Ot 2! l'i
100O St Loula ata let ii.. 75 79 75
20U) St Ixuls Swn lnt 4.1.. 77 77 77,
2000 St Paul M & M 4a ., mi 0.114 MVS
1700,1 Seaboard A u adl Bs.. 7844 T8 78
ICO) do ata 4a 78 78 78
lOOfl do rfd 4s 81fJ 8MS hl,
fKl South Ball Ra 07M fW. OTti
IWiO S . N Alabama 1043..10OJJ loot :oo
45H00 Boutli Pao cv 4a .... 80'i 8M4 SO'S
Wiofi do cv ret t p Bs . 07'4 074 074,
w.'floo do rfd 4 SO 85V 85!
W oo South K-wy 4s . " 4 4
!KW do Ba . 0S ) "R
KlOfKl Texoa CO CV 6s . .. 014 JiVS S"',
1iW Third Aa raw 4s . 81 jj 81 J 81 J
211 do adj 6a . . . 78 CJ 78 78
KXO V S atubber fls . . lpi'C JOIJi 101'i
3B000 B 8 Biorc 02 J02W joyi?
S do reg 5s 1W loiji lOlt,
B3000 Union Pao U WTi J55 8i
40oO do cv 48 J 8l SOU
IBOon Un Hwya a F 4a.. .. 83, BJtJ Ml,
KK.I Va r-ar Chm 1st Bs.. 02, 4 , p2
noOOVa nwy Ba W4 04 "fi
numi Waitash 4s 30); 80 Wfi
ICOO do let Ba . ..... 07 07 7
Itfooo Wab 101111 t ata 4a. M 2 SJ
2000 Wt Flectrlo ,5s 101 101 101
BiixiO IVeat Md let At . . JO). 68U bi)
10C0 Weat II & M ov 6a . I8(J C8 8(,
Total sales, $2,031,000,
Yes. eloaa. High, Loir. Close
25 Am nwrs prof Wl lot 101 101
B Am Tel Tel . . 1W4 M li
10 Halt A Ohio 70 70 70
80 Cam Steel .. J An
10 Kite 6tor . . 40'i 40W 40W 40W
iw int s p c ..tjo m m m
ICO Kev Tel 1 1 1I
2 Lh!-h Nay .. Tfl T8 78 7B
40Lh Vall.y ...tJTH 6Ji MM .
73 Lehigh Val Tr . JMi 1JH is iau
2i do pref . ..20 MVi -HH 88W
8P) Penni P. R. . WH M 6JS Mn
I IVnn-n Salt Mfg- W) 00 00 to
10 Pittsburgh ci. . 3R 18 18
840 Phlla Flectrlo M'i jK JJH 2U
M Phjla It T I o It J 11 It
22 Ph la Trao ... 7J, 78 78 TJ
11 neadlnr 7-l'i 74 7Si Ti
2S0 Tonopah Bl . A' A' Av i'n
8 tinlon Trao . isw Sf, 8ACJ DSC,
OT United n,I R-"i ?H 82
BO XI S Sttel ' 511 Bin 51Vf
too V nwy 1 13 18H ISV4
rev. S-40
aale, Illsh. lew, P.M.
- MOO Am O A Bl 5a. I.;.;, Wf RJJ1 i,
S8 Cam etl scrip . 074 OTW OTW 7W
4000 con T N J Bs.lOlvl lOlt 10UI 101V,
'soli City iiWI WS 1 HVff H"
1000 Eleo Pro Tr S 7nJ 7714 7Tt
1V.0O Inter Ilwy 4a. 67vJ 6SJ, BS M
SOOOO Lb N cona 4?, 87!, 01 Ifltt OJH
loco I V gen en 4s. 07 07 11 07
1000 P W A B t o 4b OIH TW 7V
4S0 pa v ai loiB ooh m m $&
5000 Phlla Co latM. 87 B? 7 JJ
3700 Phil B10 ",7J ,70J4 TTJ4 78
100 Phlla Kleo Ba .Ipl 10$ IglVt 101
JOOiVi Reading aran 4a. IflU JJvS pa WU
SOOOtla Rwy Inv Ba. 6,m 6SH 85H (0
January 18. 1,15.
The Hoard 4tl ZIfctora bj.T this flay d
cured a aemlannuaj dtvldaod of alva (9) per
cent, or l-S5 per a bare on the capital stock
oi tbt company -Chicks will a mailed,
rutlio Actountanta
" '" "" UUtiH & PsAKalAlT"' '
1h Boui,
Auau. lawtlxtUeM, i'tiMttUt Etawaaa.
General Good Cash Demand
and Light Shipments From
Argentina Also Influence
CHICAGO, Jan. 14 Wheat showed In
creased strength at the opening: today on
bullish news fiom abroad and a Rood
general cash demand, combed with IlKht
flhlpmcnts from Argentina for tho week
and a promise of delajed competition
from that ijunrter The market ran up to
r oer csterday's clop for May The
selling- then became rather free, Including-
unloadliiK by ionic of those vslu
bouKht early
The market nt Liverpool waa very firm,
with offers light Thero was n sharp ml
vance In prices In ArRentina hecausn of
tinfavorabio weather. Word was received
of a c clone In that country and feaii
wore entertained of extensive damage.
It was impossible to obtain I'otails tit
wire communication with tho Interior was
Interrupted llnrveitlnR then- has been
checlted and more ruin la predicted t'Vnrn
wore entertained abroid of .1 acarclt of
supplies here
Trade In provision tta model ale.
Leading futures ranged as follows
Veitci lay J
inn upen inpn Iw
JWny . .. 1 4114 1 41", 1 40',
July j . 1 Sin, 1 ill"!, 1 2lf
( lone 1 lose
Lrn maw aenveryj
Jul) . ,
t).1 1 a
W111 .
January Hay ..
10 40 10 rs
10 SO 10 60 10f5 tl" 70 ! HI
. ID 07 t" s-
10 HO i0 10 til) 15
17 OT IS 10 '18.20
18 10 IbljT 18 W
10 15 10 15
. IS 00
18 NO
18 Ml
CHICAGO. Jan 14 -IIOOS -Ilet elpla. J2.
000, market ali.w nn 1 weak, 5c lower, mlted
and butch'ia fnOooum) itood h.nj. $(HIOir
(18V, rnuiill linn) $11 VlHll HI ll(,hl fl, BOit
CSV, plea (1 .'Vii si) lulk, sni4)ii(i so 1 T
11.1 -Hecelpta Sy00 market matly 10 ahado
higher, l.-er, $V (IVfjO '0, rowa anl lielicia,
SIJ'feSKi 'l.'xnnj JV 2ojrt "11 cnlna f7 Mii(
10W SHIILP -Uin-ilpts 14,000, murket al iw
and unchanged njtiia nnd VVcBteiu, $, 7oj
OM), lamba, fl! 751iS I V
VF1VV TfPI Jan 14 - Coffee future on tho
New "Vork Kxclianse weri? weak at th open
inc ilecllnra of - to 1 (olnla hrlnie recordeil
Openlnir futures tvbrunri 0 20c bid VIirh
life bid lny ll Miffl! VSc June. (1 40fb .If), .
July 7SVH7IOC. AURUHt 7 4ili7 50 Map.
tember 7 ;V7 57c H lolier 7 .'7i bid Nu
vember, 7.0Oc bid Ilcrenlber, 7 07(37 71c
NBW TOItK. Jan II. Tha curb market
ahowed a (rotnl deal of strength after (he rltil
ne3 uC esterda VUth litter weather con
dition the attendance waa pnallj nuKuitnted
The t'nlted Prnnt f-hnrlnK lue, wrrn iicthe
and Standard (Ml i-ubildlarles lUuiel In the
early trjdlne to a lontddeiuhte d-Kreo A
ajmpathctle upward mnioment li Ul,el to
u-nln Impatua aa the d.v) Krowa older
1111 A'ked
F,raden ("k "
Brlllih-Amerlcan Tobacco old l"j 111
do new ... . lN'i 10
OoldOeld Conolldated ! 1
Oreeno Cananea 2:1 25
I.a Tloeo hi i
Nlplaalnic Jl'a ',
Otia Elevator 71 71
dn pref UtVj V Is
Ulker-HeKeman 74 7
Slerllnu Gum "i TS.
Tobacco Products pref H, sn
Pnitod ( Isnr Btorea . ... . 114 07
do pref 107 liv
United Profit Sharing new I 41,
VVIIIjb O'erlanU Vi'i SH
do pref OJ OV
World Pllin V 51
Yukon Gold -la -Si
Census Bureau Report Gives Total
for December.
WASHINGTON. .Jan 11 Tho effect or
tho war on the American cotton Industry
was shown In a Census Ilurenu report to
day on December business, show Inc 4S0,
834 bales, exclusive of llnleis toiiKunwd
during December, against 456.2(52 In De
cember, 1313, and 80,465.063 cotton spindles
active against 31.004,716 In Dicember, 1913
Held in manufacturing establishments on
December 31 were 1,300,300 bales, against
1, 728,659 a year ago, and In Independent
warehouses 5 lk7.877 bales, against 3,112.791
last jtar Exportn last month wire
1,202,116 bales, against 1,230,830 In Decern
bei, 1913
NB1V YOP.K, Jan 14 Tlicia wna verj little
feature to the tatton market at tha opening,
Lr.ces balne steady, one point down to two
nlalier Fluctuatlona wcio narrow duiinf the
early tradlnr and the Hat was unchanged from
lrat nlsht a finals at tha end of tho Drat hour
There waa good buylnc by seerul of the lead
ins brokers, who were suppoaed to be coverlnc
short llnea Liverpool wua disappointing, and
reported scattered abort selling I.Uerpool
futures were quiet, with apot In fair de-
YesterdaVa It 1 -
close Open AM P Vt. P.M.
January ... 7 00 7 8V
March .. Rl n s 15 mi
May II 85-1 811 8 .CI 8 11
Julv 'V! RU S VI SV) N.11
October R 70 8 70 71 S.74
December . 8 00 .8 87
Linseed Oil Prices Advanced
MTtW YORK Jan 14 The American I.ln
aeed Otl Company today advanced He pricea
pf all eradsa of American Unseed oil 1 cent,
and la nominally quntiriK city brand at 55Q57C
and Woetern brand at SVfVie.
Philadelphia. January II, 1015.
At the annual eluctlon held on tho u'lli In
stant, the following Stockholdeia wem electct
Ptrectora of thla Dank, to serve for the enau.
In year, vu
Richard Ashhurat
Lincoln Oodfrey
Oeorge Wood
Alfred C Harrison
t ! t.. RUI1
R Dale Benson
Bamuet Rea
Plerra S duPont
Tboiuas S Uates
Aaa 8 Wing
Samuel it vauclaln
deorge H. Pralr
J:X.:: 11 MeFaddea William II. Donnar
Effingham II, Itorrla Wallace D Simmons
Randal Morgan Samuel D W'arrlner
At mealing of the Directors held this day,
MR. LEVI U RUB waa unanimously re
elected President Mr. Lincoln Oodfrey de
clined re-election aa Vice Prealdent
no were elected Vice Presldenta and Mr
IIOIUCH PORTESCUH waa appointed Cash.
' ' . Cashler
Januan 14, 1016.
At the regular Annual Meeting of Stock
holders of this Bank, held January Izth,
1915, the following gentlemen were elected
Director for th ensuing year.
T Wlatar Brown Charles Wheeler
George Burnham. Jr William T Elliott
William Wood Charlea II Ingersoll
John pltcalrn A, A Jackson
Charlea II Smith Sarnuel M Curwen
Henry W Blddle Clarence M Ilrown
At a meeting of the Board of Directors,
held thla day. Mr William T KlUott was
unanlmoualy --lcted Prealdent.
Kw Philadelphia, January II. 191U.
At the Annual Hlectlon held this day. the
following Dlrectora war re-electedt
dwrd A Schmidt Kdw C Bchmtunelaer
Otto a Wolf Harry A Poth
D Chia. Murtha Otto W. Schaunt
Oodfrey U. Rebmasn Wm B Hever.i
John S. Hanlfen Lin ford 0. Nice
A Raymond Baft John R LIveity
AJidy Braua 7oseph P Wlttman
tkxU alockholder of the Delaware lusur.
uc Compaoj at Philadelphia will be held
at tha offle of the fonipny 715 717 7
Cheatout street on Monday, January !3tb.
Mil at II oVUrk. pihju svu dlrectora
VII) be elected Poita urtll clu ot p. w.
JOSiiPlI C. BOZOKTH. Ewretiry.
14, 1915.
Philadelphia Markets
WHEAT. There waa a tood enport In
quiry, and with bulllah (peculation In all homo
Kraln enures prices here further nd 1 c I do.
on both aprlnit and winter varieties vw ci'iota
tr lota, In curort elrvator--No 2 11 I spot
and January, 1. Iltfl.44; Ni 2 red Western,
Olt.V. iterelpta, 10.0SS bushels Th
market derltntil Vv . but cloned ateady, with
a fair jport inquiry, local car Iota vera
quiet and unchanged. Quotationa Car lots. In
evport elevator No 2, upot and Janunrj iftm
7vti. . atcamer, 73W874C , No. .1, 72Va.l
Car lota for local trade, n, to locAllon No J
jellow. now, 7Slji7S'4f ateatror jellow, new,
i777V4e , No a yellow, new, 70tf70'4. , Mm
I lo jellow, now, 7HU730 , now cob, per iO Iba ,
OAIH.Itecelpta, 21,022 buaheli Trade
waa quiet, but pricea ruled steady Ouoti
tlona No 2 white, rstfMUa , atandard while,
57f7Vc , No 3 while. MHlfMo.
Ill K waa acarce anil firm We quote at
U lliil. 18 per buah , aa to qualltj. In eviort
ilnator and nt fllfl 10 for amall lota of
ncarlj gialn In bagi
rr.tllnt. -Hecelpli DOS uhla and 1 208 402
lba In iwoka Trade quiet, bin mill liniiia
Jlnnly held In ajmpalh with tlin alniiijih "t
wbent We qurio per I n II a In ho I H tutor,
clear $'. won. do , atmlglit, il 8.141 0 Vi, do.
tuti-nr n,Miff7, Ktnm, atrnlnht Jute miM
8 50Ha.7B, do,, paunt. juui wicka (I7HJi HI.
Mulnir. flrrt, clear sujW.1, do., atmlxht, Jil JO
"60 Ml. dn . talent H40Hi do invnrlio
Irsn.lr, 7 2.Ur7 T'l, city inllla, choice and fane
palont, J7 2547 50 ili inllla reKulnr Rind. a.
wlnlw, clonr. 5.f4Q4i wlrtcr etrivlglu, $5 254
0.50 winter, pnient S1UM&7 IV
HI II I'lOl lt.--Hupplle emoll end mnrket
firm, lut trade quiet Wo quote nearby and
V.cttrn, In woou al $0 AVl7 an to qualltl
rjto isiujns
Trade wag quiet and the market wna un
changed wuotatlona. City beef, In teta, smok
ed nnd alr-drlel, .Ofl-J7c VVraitin beef. In
He ainokcl, 2HfJ27, do city beef knuiklea
and tendera, ami.keJ nnd alr-drlet ssnak;.
'"j. Jl,tern brnf, knuckleo and tendera, innk
Jd 2MI.'uc , beef bame. .i2rk1, pork, famll.
.'IR2I vo hams, 1 p cured loote llWJUe :
do, aklnncJ looae. 1131 IV do. do emok
eJ Ht,til4i . other haina rtnoked city cured,
nv to brand nnd ueraxo HmtlRt.. h""'"
ammied Weatcin cured HMtt'.e . do., boiled,
roneleai. 20UJlc nltnle alioulderi fi. P
cured loose HRlL'iC do . rmok'ld lJfrl,2"-iC :
belllca in nlckle according to aeraKe loopn,
llOHUc Inukfapt bacon aa to nrand nn 1
avernxe cltv cured 17Jlt"c do . V eatern
cured , 17W1Sc lard VVeaicrn rellncd. tlercoa
1lylli,i , do. do, tuba lHttl'.i do pun.
cltv kettle, rendend In tlercea lllt'4o : do.,
puro clt kettlo rendereJ In tuba llWllvio.
I'lrmlv held but quiet Ilofliiera Hat prices
Siandaid nmnulnted. Be, line Eianulated,
4. ,V. , powuered r. OVi lonfectioners' A,
4.SJC , suit gradca. 4 lOtf t 70
lit Vll.U. the market wna quiet, but
aupplkn vero email and prlcii. ruled aicauj
guo'ullona Weurn. trcJh. aallil-paixed,
crianifr, fanty apix-lnla, HU. . extrt, Jo .
cvtM nrsta, .1 t , nrata. 32c, aeconds, iSo ,
ladle paclnl, .'2tii4c , a to quillty, nearby
prima, roncj. .lie, do, averono cxira, J c ,
no, llrsle, tin lie, do aecondtt 2SJHUC. Sw
cUl fancj brands or prima jol.l lng at 4iS-14c
I.I.OS Choice freah eKB were aourca and
wanted at ailvun. lug pri .a yuoiatlona. 111
fni 111a Sin oxlraa. 47o pei Uoa.,
noirbs ftrta, 11. 0 per atundurd can noarby
lurrinl n-celpta, 11120 pc-r care inled helJ
mil frock mid uiillnar ftjk 111 40441-' per
Late. WcirUm extra UrslJ V ' per eaao,
do. KiBta Sl I JO poi C1IBU, bilUlllrlll, UI0l(
1120 pir iue llefrliirtor iRJt. Kprltu MCk
rd choice 7i3c per dui , do, ordinary
,.. fjlr .lT,'i r,, r tint tnilLV hellXieu
I i-andte l' frc-sa i-una wore Jobbc! out at 5UUfi-o
lei doz
( IIIII.sk. Ornde fnlr and vnluea ateadlly
1 held CJuolatlona New lolk, full-cicam,
tarller rccilpta iholce, 10c, do, do, current
niakt, choice 15c , do . do fair 10 good. 11VW
J llc, do, part aklma. b'ifllu
I.IVK The market steady under moder
ate ofterlngs and n fair demand lluotatlona
Piinrlii LUjIIc old roosters lOiUOc , ounK
chlckcna, accordlne to quality, U4M4c , turk
oja 15VI7c dutka iv,a"lu. , Kic3c. 1.1015c,
quincau young weighing 2 lb3 and oor
apiece per PHlr. W)c . welshing 1'4WIH lbs
apiece por pair 40fi4Vc oM, per inlr, SOif
4ir pliieona per talr IV'fyiflc
IIIIsr.I) rODLTKY. Receipts of line
desltaple.Hiied stock llgllt anil uiurket urn.,
with ilemind fair Cjiiotutlulis 1 lenli-kllled
turkeia, dry-pliked and drj packet Pane),
neirbj, 2PaJ2c dp Weitorn, 21c , lair to
Kood, 1Si20c . old toms, lllc lowla 12 to
box. dr -picked nnd 'r packedSele ted
heavv lilt , weirhlne I'Mil lbs apiece, lMc ,
do 45flb lis nplere, 17Cjc do, .1 il llu
apiece 11i17c , do J lbs and under, 12'tfHc.
Towlf, 1. 1k . drj vveked-Western dry-pliJinJ,
41.'Tj.'u lba aploce, 17c , do . do 4 lba
Klc . do do. .c, lbs 14l do, do 1 lbs.
and under, IJrlu Old roosters dry-picked
11,. UrnllliiE Chickens Neil bj, IHfpJ lba
ojiltce 2d-'Ji . do., fair to good IbiiflSc ,
WeMern 1'titfJ II a apiece. JOc do ralr to
Kood 14ll!ic thlikcna drj-plcked nnd drj
iiacked In boxia-.Milk-fed 11 to 3d lba to
don . 17c . mill, fed 7 to 4J lbs to doi , 17c .
milk-fed 41 to 47 lba to doz 17c milk, fed,
41 lba to dorcn, ISc . milk-fed. IO Ibl and
i.cr lUc coin-fed !1 to 42 lba to doz, 154J
lr.tcc coru-fid, 4.1 to 47 lbs to doz, 10c.,
torn fed 48 lba to dca 17c. corn fei 00 lba
and otr, Pc Chickens, dr -picked and dry
parked n bbla Selected heavy, IKc West
em corn-fed, 5 lbs nnd over 17c Western
. orn fi d, 4 lba . lfiflflc,c , W estern coru-fod,
l1 lbs . HVaC -Western corn led JVf7i'l lbs ,
IPitirx. Duels, extra Kljil7c, do ordlnarj
to kooI l'JIflVc Geee nearby. Uvlli do,
Western, 10112c Squabs per dor W lute
we (.'hltiK It to 1-' lba per doi , SI 41M15. white,
welchlnij 8 to 10 lbs per doj . 1io-(i4 o
while nckjhlnfr S lbs per doi , S,1P 10. white.
1854 1916
OFFICE, Nos. 500 anrt 502 WALNUT STREET
(Company's Building)
Philadelphia, January 1, 1915.
Bonds and Mortgages (first liens on real estate) ?186,775.00
Bonds and Stocks (quotations as of Dec. 31, 1914) 910,105.0(1
Real Estate owned by the Company , 98,000.00
Premiums in course of collection 47,082.31
Cash in banks and office 92.063.9S
Loans on collateral 60,000.00
Accrued Interest, etc -. 10,407.00
Cash Capital $250,000.00
Reserve for reinsurance 734,874,09
Reserve for oBtstandint; losses 26,190,40
Reserve for taxes nnd other liabilities 9,693.93 $1,020,758.42
NET SURPLUS f393.275.7B
Surplus as to Policy Holders , 043,275,76
SIMON J. MARTIN, President
JOHN M. CAMPBELL, Vice President and Solicitor
JOHN A. SNYDER, Secretary
The Ideal Investment That Costs Par
Is Always Worth Par
The Guaranteed Mortgage
This Company has on hand at all times,
ready for immediate investment, mort
gages and mortgage bonds (first Hens)
in amounts of $500, $1000 and up
wards, secured upon improved real
estate in Philadelphia and its immediate
We oivn the securities we offer for sal$
Send for Circular
Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortgages
' Land Title Building, Philadelphia ' '
William It. MtlioUou, lrldnl
Htnrj- . DroHU. Mce-I'ns. bauiutl I amiul(, 8ejr nod Trtan.
Capital 52.OQ0.O0Q Surplu and ProfiU, $500,000
wolshina; 7 lbs pet 6 , f2.S01tt.gV ll
welihlna; 00'i Ha per dot,, ft BOSS IDs dark
and NO 2. 00c e$t 25
Demind only moderate, hut valuta .urenerally
steady Quotationa. Apples, New York, per
bbl.-KIng, IJffa, Oreanlnit. 2tW, Tork.fm
perlal, fj2 7ffi Ben Uavla, IS4V.1 COi Buy, $1.75
f2.r, llaldwln II 702 tv) other Hood eatlnu
varieties, $1 KQ2 Bo, medium, lfl BO, apples,
Western per box, 7Sc 81 50) apples,. 11
ware and Pennsylvania, jMjr hamper, tVMJOOe.l
lemons per box, jp2 60 ornea, iorio,
per oux, llfv.,'l lanarrines, riQOUK,
strap, jhki grapefruit, norma, pr dot.
I 'J
a, pineapples ier
rrfe.tMrtn ItloO. SL251r
2 2.1 Florida
Gt1 reinherrlea fanev lata
Cod, r.ariy
fare f'nd
per bbl SZTTt. cranberries, Capo
tllnek, per bbi , $2.i cranberries,
l.nrly niack per crate, 7B0.IJJI 50;
iranbeirlea Jpraev per crate, 71e
per crnie, iicija
Kleffer, per bbl,t
penra New York, Kleffer, per bob
strawberries K'orlda, per qt ."MJOuo.
Demand for eholre slock fairly rtl and
V nines cenemllv well suatnlned Quotatlcnsl
Vv hltn potatoes, tier hnah I'eflnasylvanla. free
from frot Olflftlc , New York, free from float,
4afiCVl, while onlatnea. Jernev. ber basket.,
(IBlflOc. sweet potatoes, Delaware, per hamper,
tatons, Rastnii Shore, per bbi , No. 1, ,4J2 79i.
larse i Jiri u
.no , i csiwi 70 aweeie, jersey, par oui.,
1. f.lS'.'fliBo No. 2. 22 BOi sweets. Jersey,
Ker Insket. OSfliKv onions, choice, per buah.,
)c, do, ordinary per buah., 70C.S do. choice,
Per loo-lb bait, $1 ftOffl 10, do., medium .per
'IO HB, e. OO-ll I 'V, OW.t ,nru,uii, v-o
10K, $1 1 do seconds, per 10011b, ra,
baa-c lianlsh, per ton, JlSqlO, rati 1 1
Now York, per crale. Toe 0-11,23;
1 win najr(
St. eabbaa
nuwfi, ..,iw tuiii, ier ui.iB. ,n w-,i-w.
erlnach, Norfolk per bbi , JIB1 60 kale, Nor-
rom per bbi, nugtBC , lotiuce c sonaa. pr
bnaket. S2i?.1, do, Notth rarollna per basket,
SI m2 beans, Plorlda por basket. fJlW.Ml
pens Plorldn per basket ti 503-1. esffrlant,
Klorlda, iwr box 1200 cucumbers. Horloa, per
baakct, ?1 75W1 50 squash Klorlda, per basket,
Sl oflfl2 peppers Plorlda per carrier, 2 50t
3 Bo. totnatoes, Florida, per carrier, fancy,
fj vVlf I ru .hole SI171 ') celery, New York,
pir bunch HMjWc , mushroome, per 4-lb. bas
ket, $11(1 50.
Tlio novernois of the Now Tork Btoclt
nTchnnfre have approved the restoration
of nrhltrnRO ilenlliiRa hetween New York
nut Kuropenn innrketsi under restriction
to bo donned Tho date vvhoii this will ba
resumed will bo announced later.
Tho Inland Steel Company is operating
nt nbout 75 per cent of capacity, com- '
pared with CO per cent. In the early part f
of December
The New York Stork Exchange commit ''
tee has established minimum price as
follow h, to take effect January 111 M.
llumelv prefer) ed, 12, International ArtI
rulturnl Corporation preferred, IB; Amer
ican Express, 95, Minneapolis nnd St.
Louis picferred, 23: Nashville, Chatta- j
nooga and St Louis, 125.
It Is understood that tV. II. Newbold'SJ
Son & Co have mado a proposition to
pince 51,200 000 Manufacturers' Club first
mortK'Tje fls on a basis which will cost
tho club about C 3 per cent. Interest,
Tho American Telephone and Telegraph
Companies report of earnings for It
months ended November 30 shows a grogs
Increase of J3.25S 314. but a net deinwa
of $31,848 Depreciation charges increased
$3,502,145 The surplus was $S,J17.1U, a d-
crease of $2,103,500
The Snuthwnrk N'ntlonal Bank has re-
tired $15,000 emersency currency at the
local Sub-Treasury.
Present officers of tho following Read-
InK hubsldlnrlci were re-elected today!
Headlnc Dolt Company, Norristown and j,
Main Line Connecting Hallroad Company,
Kiiltrhn'a Point and Philadelphia Feny
Company and tho Delaware ltlver Ferry
The United Cigar Stores Company haa
taken over the Unlttd Chemists Compa-
ny, a retail drug concern. Through the
drug company 100 combination drug and
cigar stores will be opened at once In
territory close, to New York city.
Anthony G Telix, of tin Central v.
tlon.il Hank, has been elected cashier
of tin" People's Hank of Pennsylvania.
new State institution Mr FlK fs secre
tary -ofathe. Philndeliihla Chapter of the ,
American-Institute of Banking He suc
ceeds Jacaij Wurzel, deceased, as cashier
of theT1 new bank
NRVV YORK Jan 14 Butter, quiet;
ry. eelDlS. 'HI" rtaillc.J r... - u,.w u.IJ
tun rl -v. ,...... ...-v.rf, h.....
" rcea 'rn-iK rem Ipla 474T Nearby white,
fancv 4SffV0c r- bj mixed, fancy. 434uc;
1 eah. tlrefj. 42C 1
Sw Tpi
9Kt wi .,.w.. -.-?