Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 14, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Bongs of Swat
"Bo you would lcavo this pleco of
The Judge said "but, of course,
Toull tell me, lady, on what grpunda
You ask for a divorce" v
Bhe camo back nt that plo-faced Judge
"With half a sneer and hiss
First Incom-bat-ablllty"
And then she added this
When I first met this Marble Dome
when he first camo to court
Kft promised he would sacrifice and
Blve me good support
Ha sworj that he would bat around .300
In the fight
But all this boob can bat around, yer
Honor, Is all night."
Vbe Judge glared at the trembling
With anger, plus fatigue:
"So you'ro the Homo-run Bakor
Of tho good old Midnight League?
This damo not only wins her pica,
But era the practice spreads,
I sentence you three seasons to
The Kansas City Feds."
Bill Donovan has skidded out and
Gathered In Ray Caldwell and Roger
Feckenpaugh for the Yanks.
Tip to Cap Huston why not point
Mm in tho general direction of Trls
fpeaker and Ty Cobb?
Not Quite
Soma earnest bystander seems to
have evolved tho thought that we havo
riven organized ball a clean bill of
health. '
Nothing like It. Many of tho com
plaints Issued In the Fed plea to the
Court are true beyond any doubt. O.
B., In spots, hoa been as full of bones
'us e. fish. If O. B. or the National
Comralsh had lit all spraddled out n
a. few such people as C. Murphy and
had them expurgated there would
Sever have been a Federal League.
Players, undoubtedly, have been un
derpaid and badly treated In any num
ber of coses. Bad rules have been
passed and good rules have been
broken. But in spite of this the ma
jority of club owners such people as
Somors, Lannln, Hempstead, Comlskey,
Navin, etc., have In the main been
0. B.'s Mistake
The game's big mistake was In tho
Working arrangement of tho National
The commission, controlling the des
tinies of 10,000 players and many dozen
Good Night!
They touted Reich to bo a peach.
They said he liked to wade in gore;
But Reich met Flynn, ah! what a sin.
Another "Hope' has gono jefore.
Some New York writers have been
consuming newspaper columns by tho
tnllo to tell what a wonderful fighter
this Retch young man had become and
how ho waB going tq sweep the other
white hopes before him. All of which
ras nice reading until he blazed Into
Fireman Flynn and came off second
best the other night.
Long Hay We Rule
It hasn't been so many years since
baseball, football, boxing and field and
track Bports comprised the outsldo
boundaries of the whole field of sport.
A few people played tennis and some
others played croquet. Once in a long
while there was a swimming meet
somewhere, but rarely out of intercol
legiate circles. Now take a look at tho
sport pages. Basketball, one of the
snappiest games played today, is
crowding the big pastimes for space.
Tennis and golf aro becoming mora
popular right along, and Philadelphia
not only has been to the fore In this
grand sport development, but still
stands high up in the business of da
Teloplng star athletes,
Philadelphia, however, still needs a
really big amateur sports club, one
with a membership sufficiently large
to employ a cracVc trainer; a club
Vjhose meets, like those of the Irish
American and Now York A. C, will
( T"T.
DbIZZZMW l- 1 -1j- fe ..afc ". y'-"4 H.H.HOL,DUW Wi
t 1 O-H l -iassssW Jl iiMB-ea-..- ' ' i im-s.'r"-S4
leagues, should have been composed of
flvo men the presidents of the two
major leagues two representatives
from the Players' Fraternity nnd a
fifth party, as chairman, to bo chosen
by the other four. Then any Injustice
could have been taken to a fairer
court. Tho player Is certainly entitled
to equal representation upon any com
mission controlling the game. And he
will be a good bit of a Jellyfish unless
he makes a stand for this right.
The Player's Part
With Improvements to be made the
player must also furnish his share of
the same. What havo those defending
tho player to say In regard to thoso
players who break training, loaf, sulk,
Jump signed contracts and bawl out
umpires as an alibi for their own mis
takes? Tho player's cause Isn't altogether
spotless. He has not, In his entirety,
been any tin god. Once In a while the
magnate also has his side.
The Wooden Temperament
Colonel TI. I, T., of the morn than
esteemed Chicago Tribune, says the
wooden temperament Is the best tem
perament for winning golf.
Undoubtedly. Given the same skill
and luck, we'd rather, for golf, have tho
unharasscd bosom of a cigar store In
dian than tho palpitating imagination
of a Napoleon or a Caesar.
But the same time, It Isn't so much
a matter of muscular control, as sug
gested, as It Is a matter of nerve con
trol. Muscular control comes easily
to many where there Is no great stress,
but who under fire are unable to keep
their quivering nrves In the proper
gripping. Naturally, the more wooden
these nerves are the easier It Is to hold
them In restraint.
Frequently In sport, despite most
theories to the contrary, the more brain
a man carries to the field the less
chanco he has to win. For brain alone
is at a big disadvantage against In
stinct, which doesn't have to think
and which may require no portion of
Imagination's Part
And a still harder blow at sportive
success Is the possession of an active
Probably the two least imaginative
people of tho decade who come closer
to being kinsmen of the ox are Jim
Jeffries and Jack Johnson. And be
tween them they havo held the world's
heavyweight championship for about
16 years.
attract stars from all over the country.
With such an organization and tho
Pcnn eent3, especially tlio famous
relay games, this city would become
the Mecca of the amateur.
Not a Prediction
Tho wise man doe3 not knock the Phils,
Nor call the team a cellar tenant.
Before the race, for 'spite of Ills
It may go out and win the pennant.
TJnsent Telegrams
There hasn't been a single reply to
previous requests for enlightenment
under this heading, wherefore today's
wlro Is not being sent to President Gil
more, of the Feds, in Jingle form, thus:
Say, Gil, we haven't had a line
For many days beyond a week,
For information now we pine
About your Philly club, oh, Speak.
Good Luck to You, Boys!
Ted Meredith, world's middle dis
tance runner; Don Llpplncott, Joe
Lockwood, Kaufman, Hortcr, Foster,
Gll(en, Haney, Johnnie Gallagher, B.
Gallagher, Foster and L. Schofleld are
entered to compete under the colors
of the Meadowbrook Club of the Wan
amaker store, In the MUlroso A. A.
games at Madison Square Garden,
New York city, tonight, and it Is pretty
certain the locals will not come home
empty handed. With athletic talent
trained to the minute tonight's meet
should produce one of the beat held In
New York this winter.
..,.,..... ,,.w -V-- - , ..I In .-lis ii.iii ..iii. hi . . h.mi. i -.,... i . - i i. i mi.mm, ' "" ' .. VJfV'''"' tft i n IB m. . "
. 7 m n
? ev - V
M rtAXL-SJir- . ' - '. .Se
. ,. . a . I ... .. i i 1 I Hi
( "
, ... , MY CfcT f WHAD I
I shot JoE I Ten. Yao I . .
rDNT AM A ) NO - oj The .Square LEAV;e ne 'BoJt This f . -
AH.MUSSY'.f UKe ,T? HAUervl'T ryjt- I oS "iTD J" ) , r ThG GLORY
W HAD A STRAIGHT SHOT Otfj . jJKaK ? I "r 2 "8 (WOOF Yo0 tfjrr
V---J That But i wamt t ej Kr-meL Z&mX ' , R Jre . a olOF
Moody Boxes Corbett in Final En
counter Tonight.
Three star limits have been arranged
by "Mugssy" T.iyloi foi the attraction of
the weekly show at Hie Hioadway A. C.
tonight. In tho last encounter on the
pronram AVilllo Mood, the Poll nich
mond veteran boxer, tacltlcs another ct
eian flst-fllnscr, 1'rcddv Corbett. The
other stellar scttoi will be between
"Redilv" Moore and Ktnnlev Hlnckle and
JJddle niimi nnd Pete Malune.
The card follows:
rirt Lout Ilmtiiv rni'liran rt Phltadcl
phli vs lnrbv rntirr. Sniokv llotlou
Second hnut Mike rtusscll, Utile Italy. vs
rmnkle Illrh. Hnuthnark.
Tlitril bnu: I'ete Mnlono (tray's Fern M
Krldlc Dunn. Wost I'hllailelnhlR
Smlmliiriim Stnnlej lllnrkl Gray'! Ferry.
r rcnjil v.norr Fouthwark
Wlnilmy-Freililv ("orlictt Soulhwark. ve.
Willie MoO'ly, Tort Richmond
Hilly NuBbickcl and Tat Mcllalo will utaca
tln'lr resocUo performance- nl the Quaker
itv nnd Nonpiioll Clubs tomorrow nlcht In
the hnal fra at tho Silth ami Dauphin streets
nrena Louisiana unrl Hairy Hmllh conceded to
be to of PMIudeliihla'H test bantams, will
rlash. At the Nonimroll llalph Crne boxes
Jackie Clark. Mx bouts aro carded.
An all-star show has been
McUutean for tho National
franced bv Jack
A. C. Saturday
Jack llanton. who will make the matches for
the Oljnipla Club In the future booked one
of the best shows of the season for Monday
nleht. llllo Moore meets Tred Yclle In tho
loblinv Nelson's lctorv orr Voune Pulton
came as a Mir lurnrlne and Incidentally made
him a hi5t of friends Juhnuv Hums wants
to match Nelson lth the luuchcst fishier v
After three necks nf strenuous Irjlnlmt Hap
py Davis, the '.oc.il 128 pound boer, echo re
centlv returned fiom Buffalo, Is prepared to
meet the beat In his class.
Two dark rlouds. fiam Iincford and Ham Mc
Vey, will fealuie la the first bout between
rrpro fighters In Wisconsin aline legal boxing
beevme effective Tliej dash at Kenoeha In a
lU-round no tumorrow night
Jobnn Flurns lias a brac of toutli protcpes
In .toe lion ell and Tumni) Carcj. 'the diminu
tive, nanager Is readv to sign up either of his
boxers with the leadlns men available
Johrny Dundee will set bark Into rlna; har
ness tomorrow nlKht when he endeavors to
knock the block oft Jimmy Duffy In a 10-round
bout In Milwaukee.
Jersey City Fighter Has Best of Fast
NEW TOIIK. Jan. 14 Joe Bhugrue. ths
Jersey City tighter, looms up today as ths
most logical candidate among the lightweight
atpirants for Freddie Welsh's title. Tha Jersey
boy last night had the better of Leach Crow,
the dentist-fighter. In a slashing 10-round
bout. While ShugTUe's victory was not a
crashing one, he fought the hard-hitting
dentist at his own same, stood too to toe with
the New York bo), eichangcd punches and at
times forced his opponent to back up. While
Cross got In some telling blows In the 10
rounds the speed, of the Jersey lad bewildered
him. Thu bout was full of action from the
tap of the gong to the last round. Both boys
were badly bruised at the finish.
This Is What Freddie Welsh Thinks
NEW YORK, Jan. ll.-lach Cross defeated
Joe Bhugrue In abashing 10-round bout at
Madison ekjuare Harden last night. Leach had
five rounds, his opponent three and two wars
even. Cross forced the fighting and landed
much harder blows than Shugrue. In ths poo
unci and tenth rounds Leach was at his best
and rocked the Jersey boy time and again In
tact, Shugrue was very tired all during the
tenth period. Besides earning his usual right
hand smash, Cross displayed a left hook that
had much steam behind It. Bhugruo found
Cross a mark for his left Jabs, but they failed
to alow him up or yrtvent Mm iromlforelor
the fighting. '
Penn State Will Not Meet Bed nnd
r Blue.
STATE COLLEGE, Pa , Jan. 14. The
absence of Pennsylvania nnd Lehigh from
Penn State's baseball schedule, nniiounced
today by student manager, Samuel L.
Miller, is the only tadlcat change In tho
list of games for tho 1315 .season. Twenty-two
contests aro scheduled, one more
than last jcar, and or these nine will be
played at home, while the other 13 games
will bo on foreign flolds. Colli the South
ern and New Kngland hips will bo taken
an usual.
March .11, United Slates Naval Ar.ldeniv. at
Annaiol!fl, Apitl I. A und M. of Nnith Caro
lina, at West RalelRh N. (' , -' 'Irlnlb. at
Chapel lllll, N 0., ,i, Washington an 1 l,eo, at
heUnclon, a., 0, Catholic University, at
Washington. 1). C . b, yvvurthmore. at Svvllth
more, 1'a , In Kusqueh.inn.1 Unlvrsltv, at
Male Collcse: is West IrsinU Unlvereltv, at
Htnte College If, Dickinson Colic cc at ritale
Collfse, -0, Washington and Jefferson College,
nt Stale College. -4, (JettHburir College, at
Mate Cullcfco: May 1, Jaiayctto Cnllcee, at
Kaatou, I, Dartmouth, nl llauover, N II., I,
Huiveialiv oi Vftmont at Burlington Vt : 3,
United States Military Acuclemv, at West
Point, it. Princeton Unlversllv. at I'rlnccton,
8. CarneBle Tech., at .State ColIcKC 13. Carne
sle 'le. h. at rlttshiirKh. fa., 14. Washtncton
and .lertrrson, at WawhlnKton, l'a ; IT,, Uni
versity of Pittsburgh, at PlttsburKh.l Pa.; 2,
Uislnus Collect at atalo College, June 3. Uni
versity of PIttHburffh, nt State College, 8,
Chinese University, at State college.
Football Teams Will Meet on Frank
lin Field October 23.
rirrnritGlI Pa Jan. ll.-I nlverslty ot
rennsvlvanla, and University of Pittsburgh
will meet net fill In roolball The game
will be plajed on Krnnklin Field Phlladel
rhla. October ii. This Information wai di
vulged at the month) meeting- or Hip Unl
veielty of Pittsburgh Athletic Council last
While the contract calls for a game this
I ear only. It Is believed that this Is the ntart
of annual reljtlous between thn two univer
sities nnd that there will be alternate games
at Plltrtiurgh and Philadelphia. Pitt men
admit that this wat what tnoy had in Mew
when they closed Tor the game In the (Juaker
City this year.
It lias been felt for a number of years that
an annual game between Penn and Pitt would
gradually develop latu one or the greatest
Krldlron cards In the country. Both Philadel
phia, and Pittsburgh are good football centres,
and Pittsburgh has been Improving j early In
this respect since the Pitt team has begun to
Kaln recognition among the big elevens of
tbr college world
Penn Will Meet Dartmouth
BOSTON, Jan. 14. For the first time In a
great many years the University of Ivnnsyl
anla football team will play In New Kngland,
n game having heen arranged between u. of
P. and the Dartmouth team to take place at
Fenway Park next fall. It will be the first
game of the Quakers on New England soil
tdne their defeat of Harvard by a score of
II to O way back in UK) I.
As Harvard will be playlnar Princeton on
that date at Prlrcston, It Is believed that they
will be abte to Induce the entire student bo ly
at Dartmouth to come to Boston to witness
a game between the U ot p. and their own
Carranza Draws Color Line
EL. PASO, Tex,, Jan, II, Because H would
Increase the war fliest of Ueneral Villa, the
Carronia Government will oppose ths tntry
Into Mexico of Jack Johnson, world's heavy
weight champion who Is booked to meet Jtss
W lllard in Juars on March H,
Johnson at present Is at Buenos Aires. Ar
gentina, on his v, ay north. lie natunlly
would attempt to enter Mexico Ihrojgh the
cast roast port of Tamiuo or Vers Crux,
both of which are held by the Carrnnia trnoiva
The trip from some Central American border
port would b dlfficult.aa wtuld any- entry
from the west const. Ths latter would r.
outre, a hard rile oyer the, mountain, which
might affect the condition of the champion.
Camden Defeats Do Neri Franchise
Will Bo Sold Today.
Camden continued Its vlctjrlnus marvh In
the Kasteni lilcjno bd-sketWlll rate last lllRht
when the rival Dp Ncrl cittlnut vc th line ' !
over fur the seventh Flralsht victory. The
Skooters were forced to tiavel nt a llvctj
clip but lhv were nlvvavn equal to the cic
ca Ion and lomped nvvay with n. d'J-to-3.! er
dlct 'I he iTamdeu franchise villi be sold this nfler
nocn. ciunrlen's lend in the race Is now one full
jraiie over Ue.iillncr, cccupanls of second place.
The 1 nc-llp JJld scoie.
V.d. Fl.O. A. l'la.
Adams, forward ! o ir,
Sterile, inrwaid n t in
I'nlln. ccnlre 2 it I ,
ISiovvn. suard t O 0 t
Dleshati, guard -r " - '
Totals is' o W
IE Nnitl.
I'.cs. n.o. a. Pts.
Kocurtj. rorward I lrt - -J
Dark, forward ,..,.2 n 1
llllson. cenlro o l o t)
Kl'ikntrie. iriuid 2 j '
Nuninan, Kiiard " O - o
Totals h 10 7 !W
Fouls LOin-nUted-Caniden. "i. Be Nerl. IK
rtcfeiee M.tllon. Time .'0-mlnuto halves
Standing of the Clubs
-w. i.. p.c. w. l. re.
Camden. .11 7 .irf.IaFper .... 11 1 .S-JJ
Kcvilnir .. i:i .illlirrenton.... f 13 ,4'IS
Ue Neil... 13 10 .MBc.;rryMoc;k.. 4 10 .SOW
Local Cue Hcprescntntlve Wins First
Block In League Contest.
Harry f line, the Philadelphia representa
tive, defeated Calvin Demarost. ot Chicago,
.100 1o Ml. last night In the opening block of
the Champion Billiard Players' league series,
which la being held at Alllnger's Acadetm
The local representative failed to display
sood fm in until the third inning, when he enl
Ifc'ted 27, following with his high run of the
gaiue. SI In the fourth session.
Tho Westerner did not strike his stride until
tli seventh Inning, when he registered 40, tak
ing tho lead. 11U In 103
In the ltMh Innlns C'llne made a run of 4,
nnd when Deniarest railed to score Cliue got
the balls nt the lower rail, where he ni(red
them rl-vcrlj for a total of 18, winning- tho
game . '
Two blocks of "no points each this afternoon
and evening will wind up the match. Scores:
I'MliB-O 4 27 .11 12 0 R "10 0 .IS 1.1 1 1 SO 0 10
."'i 4 18. Total, la-0. High run, SI Average,
llemaresl-6 II 12 2 22 I 40 00 78 22 41 0
0 0 it 10 it 3. Total, 201. High run, 7S. Aver
age. 13
To Continue Piatt Case
NKW VOUK, Jan. 14. Testimony consum
ing three nouns viae presented by accusers of
Piatt Ailanik. at a hearing, held last nlgtit.
by the HcsUtratlon Committee ot the. Metro
politan Awoclatlon of the A. A. U., In an
efinrt to prove tho charges that the Olymplo
star Is a professional by virtue of having- sold
some of his prizes So long did the testi
mony lake that It -was necassary for the com
mittee to ponpone the hearing until Saturday
afternoon, when nabert Stoll, the "John street
Jeweler." who It. really the crux of the entire
case, will be pressnt to give whatever Informa
tion he ran In the matter Stoll was to
have teen present last night, but another en
gagement kept him awav
Wild Dill to Get Players
DETROIT, J,n' M Manager Bill Lonovan.
of the New ork Americans, and Presllent
Navln, oi the Tigers, will shortly probably
agree on the transier ot First Batsman Plpp
and Outllelder High to the Yankees. Donovan
aul Navln held a conference last night, but
tha deal was not completed,
Welsh Will Fight Kobinson
NEW YOtlK, Jen. 14. -Freddie Welsh Is
mapplrg cut a busy campaign to last over six
or seven weeks. Ills lint bout will be In
Pittsburgh, against "Bed" Robinson, on Jan
uary 21.
- -
nsr rain
U, 1015.
... "
Representatives of Four Institutions
Convene at Catholic High.
Athletic ofltclals of St. Joseph's Collcce,
I. Sallo College, Vilianova 1'rcp and
Catholic High School will hold their sec
ond meeting tonight at tho latter Institu
tion for tho purpose of ananging a pro
gram und reelecting a Ndate for the four
cornorcd Indoor track meet to be held
here In the near future.
linvdowne UUh's basketball team will be
the kuoU of Jenkluliwti this afternoon, luns
ciowiio's cagenicn nre playing a fast article of
the Indoor s-poi t.
Vrcilltiir practice has started at Southern
JUBh Kt-ool under the tutelage or Prolessor
,VJ Some llkelv candidates havo reported,
and Kcr expects to develop a strong team.
Amelia has 'succeeded Haywood to the cap
tallicj of Gcortre Sohool. following the latter
raiiuio to return to school after ths holi
days. Captnln Dunleavy. Catholic High's star
basketbnller. will probably le seen at tha
centre position In thu fuluro instead of play
ing forward. "Dunnle" has proven himself a
euod Jumper.
Bojlng la being taught at Tome School, rant
J. Vincent raid to bo n former sparrlne part
ner of Kid WllllaroB, Is Instructing the Tome
boys Ho Is also coaching the wrestling con-
IuIlon and Mcconuis. two of Northeast's star
Iwakethall plajers, alio are out or the game
because of their studies, may get back Into
the line-up after February 1.
Merodith Officially Baned
Ted ilerBdllh, the University of Pennsylvania
middle distance runner, will bo unable to com
pete on tho Red and Blue relay team In Bos
ton on February ci
Uoorge Rrown, manager or ths Iloston 'Atli
letlo Association, has made this ruling, which
is pnicllcally backing up the statement made
by President I.lll, of the Amateur Athletlo
Union, a few daa ago.
A special meeting of the Track Committee
w-lll be held today to take up the matter of
University athletes representing other organi
sations during the college year, and string"
action Is expected to be taken
Murray Traded for Benton
NKW YORK. Jan. 14 From a seiiil-otflrUI
soutce It was learned last nlzht that Manager
Melravv, of the Cllants, has traded Outfielder
Jack Murray to the Cincinnati Reds for
Pitcher "Rube" Benton. Neither McOraw nor
Secretary Foster could l-o reached 'late last
night to ronllrm or deny the rumored barter.
Murray for soveral sears was the regular
rlghtflelder for the New York Nationals. He
served most of last season on the bench.
Benton la a fairly sood pitcher
South Phillies After (James
The South Phillies would like to ar
range games with all first and second
class teams in or out of town, preferring
Laurel Springs, Atlantic City, Wlldwood,
Cape May, Salem and teams on the Main
Line, paying a full guarantee Address
William McCalllon, 2109 Catharine street.
Endurnnce Bowling Match
A II-hour bowling contest will be held
at the Casino Bowling Alleys next Wed
nesday, starting at 13 o'clock noon and
continuing until midnight. Some of the
best bowlers In the city will participate in
the endurance event,
Sutton Wlus Billiard Match
NEWIIUROH. N. Y.. Jan. 14.-(eorce Sui
tor. (Ufeated Velkir Cochran. Soft to KM. In a
Champion Billiard Plajers' League match here
last nlsht.
Averages and high mns:
78, 23 3-13 1 Cochran
DO. IJ V-m.
j ..sWUJJTfll,! .JiirilJlliffHlllisJ
Colleges and Clubs RcpJ
lirnnroi" TnlrtfrtuI T'l.!. r
.v,u.s ...n-iwi mis icaji
Than Ever; Coaches Look
for Greal Season.
Urw vnmr i ii . .
, -....,. . jveports frnn. lC:'
various college and university centres wk
dlcate that large track squadr. contnU
' , " " """'" '""""er or cmbryT
and veteran stars aro the rule mill
man mo exception tnis year AltlioutSi
tho training period has Just passed nj
Initial stage, trainers and other Upsid
are beginning to hear of perform.;?
which would appear to Indicate som. si
markabie feats on field and track h.f
mldnmmr. "'
While none of tho coaches cares iAnW
diet Vletorv In nv n.rtl-i:. " '" .!
yet, It Is known that several have rn,tS
rial in quality and quantity nulls .Si
usual. At Cornell, Trainer Jocli ; MoakuS
has the largest squad In trolhlni- !ll
ever reported at Ithaca at this thu rf'
the. war. Rlmlln onlil " urat i
Pennsylvania and Tale. Harvard Pri3
planning for extremely active train"!'
In order to sustain the enthusiasm ,ci
athletes and break the monotoni? 5 LWl!
the various team managers are arrisrSl
their schedules iv Ith the Idea of carrilMI
""u" "j 5o BiBBd in orner that th. .7'
etes , will reach their championship fornix
In May for thy Intercollegiate AsslS.S
raraes. Tho I, A. A. A. A. A. haaksu!P3
flmpllfr the task this seaVon by ,t?2??."
Indoor championship meet at MadlsmfcL'"
All events are to be contested upon a W
tasl with a scoring system somewhat .!mn3
to that used In cross-country runnlne wf'
imiivit Hi.i .,,, -1. : . cinning, n,
rSup-rof rat'tlcipants w,ff SSV-JSM
ana field events In such a manner that K'
comblnallons averaging the lst performir
will be returned winner, ti.-- -"l "
nrst Indoor championship, ever held S SIS,
association, romintr Just at the time wh h,!
....... n.uu uucuMur seasons meet, furnlih il
nttlns c Umax to the broad-track ci!,tJi
That audi a series of contesta were desIrM 51
roiirgn atnieies and track team trslners ul
managers Is shoivn by the enthusiastic in
surances of large entries. vw.si.
..Th? ?ames havo been given chief r,!a fi
nie inaoor schedules of the track turns cjl
Tale, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Cornell, pri.a
lor,. Syracuse Mlchlgaii and other unlTenuWl
noted for their athletes. Cornell and MrSl
meet and compete nt New York Instead, jS
Princeton, rennsvtvsn an.i irr,,,.i v..7....".
fiAr1 'at !hey, "! be represented In a miSf
iomtpyoselftn'otp?0lfra'!n 'h8 "ln9 ""'' J
Delcrrntes of Five Clubs Convene IB
Lemon Hill. 1
Tho delegates reptescnting the thrti
yacht clubs and the two motorboat clufif
situated on the Schujlklll River wM
attend a nicotine; tonight In Lemon HlSi
Mansion to dlscusi tho combining of a3
... ..... nu tln- inr-iiiinj.i ui me CIUO3UII8,
an organiZHtlon to be known as tit
Schujlklll River Yacht Racing Assod3
Lynch May Also Flop
HARTFORD. Conn.. Jan 11 It um rtjroirejl
lMicli. former nrcsldont of tti Hruui
league, vtis belnir ccncsldeied ns head of UrJ
I'edijral Ix'oiruc. Several Java aijo LvncJittHl
s,..n ii-uvioio mum ufi reuuKniztu or intTi
Tiouifj ve nt pca.:e ror eo -called orsaali
.inncnrt, of th Federals, and Unch tp53
joiTctj ior t,orii iiours last etnltif, tut
uay neiuicr oi xnem nouir. tallv
Middles Will Meet Pcnn
ANNAPOLIS. Md, jan Nuvj'sHiU
iiu utttic dviivuuid iur me couiuig sprmi
lows: t
An II 17. Johns Hopkins. .May 1 Unlvenilil
of Vlrslnla: Hi. Columbia SJ, aeorgetoivn. Ml
or tne inceta win uo held at Annapolis.
The leunis schedule, also announced t9ctiL
follows: April 10. neoruetonn 17. PrincBitaU
Mar 1. rshlah. R Unlversltv nl Vlrslnls. IU
Pennsjlvanla 2.'. University of Michigan, !t
JUIU131 ttopains
Princeton Five Seats Columbia'
NEW YORK. Jan. II Princeton sprssr.sl
surprise en' the Columbia baskettolf five Its!
night by defeating the lilue and "(lite Mfl
Ktpsiiui ui' ICS wcv ii fntiri nv cur yn
margin of 20 to 2T The Timers n-on
cam In tho last half when thev oiercv".'
leid or five points, and led the fast comi
iaas a merrv iaie thrnusli a rousing "
that was nerve-raclcliitr in Us est Itcvment.
Federals Will Sue Caldwell
nmrr;n. inn. ii-rii nurfatA VeJenU
League flub plana to suu for damages NWrtl
rtay craldwelf, "who rejoined the New- If"l
Americans arter smnluR a Purrslo contra"
licit ullt make tin e.lTnrl In force him to 163'a
tho Yankees, according to President OltofJ
toaav. -ine jtunaio dun vvas reiniDursw
thu yannees tne amount it nau aaiancw
Caldwell, '.'SOO.
Doer Club Meetlnc
The members of thh .Kensington Kenr
Club will meet tonlfiht at PlerFon mj
Kensington avenue and Clearfield strew
Metropolitan Ilulldluc
llroad and Wallace 81s,
inviitcHinv RAfl
Nnnnnrnil A.fl. Kens. A.e.AOjlarW
'roMunuoiV niohx i (i'muhiuh'v iy
UAI.l'U JCHNi; vs. .lACKIR CLsflBI
aT.. III Ut.. (.!... TiiinArrsllf MlMI
Quaker City A.A.IV,u-1j8
ruui. uijittu iiuuu iw
(Eji Adama NcvvSpdper Service