EVEyiNO LRDGBR-PHILADlSLPni THUBBDAY, JANUABYU, 1018. "" f ' ' -.... t ... . . . . , If ffHEATRLW ' '" A ... .t. tore -vrc u iu Stars of Yesteryear? tll.llMijilnhln'a fnlle mnlnl ,1 tVCen I "! " - RRtr are evenly divided between, stars IBs .... (.,. ,ititnt a ii,.. Till PWJ "l"1 I""'" -,...".... ,. .,.. X complexion of things tan be dropped ff of tlte Important consideration .V... the stars of yesteryear? A K8f see the week WW ,mve ""n n" 'tear none nl nil tint ft general survey M(h-countr. such ss n critic of nnotli vuv tins nuide " ,,,Bt fo,,p yen -W tnm woip roaming nbrond, wlillo t?y " more lhn" 3I Rra pUr8Ulng tl,e KorpldlRoer sVrhs answer is "" " " Bsi it waa In the old days. Just tlio S.ii. In true. Today wo have well- :VT...i rusts of plnyorn who would "Jfiure HP ver well to the standards or a! in hnlf dozen .vents ago. "The Hong !TL." i.ncnrd In Philadelphia with KnoteM W'l- n ""'-tle "lar;.ln. Merits' of a 'R ,tu,t' n,,d w,th ' the rene IMsM have put her nnmo In the bulbs KiKJdnce. in New York It acquired John Mason "" ,, ............... (nufh unly two Beetles. Robert l-.dcson now1 aharlns with" Charles Ulchmnn the Inor honors of following the word wltH after me ime i(i 1 1 ". i""j cni RW The examples could he endlessly g.Ultipllel.; ,. ,. ,,. . ,. , FA lUrieiu pi. !' ."- ."t-srv eood ense of the decline of the tar t ii i iin"ii,aw,n "ti i"n . Patriarch, hns Bono out at the head of Mi own company. Heorgo in nan aeomeu Skelr to do so nftcr his success In "The nimblers": Gall Kane has 6very qunllfl- intlon lor lemmine nuuum, n.ou vj in with half a dozen others juat as 'ItMit In ihelr "bits," Rive a performance which lor general iiiimn mm Diwcim-, a 2.M o. imliVldunl work, far outshines the ifir-itrewn efforts that used to ho the rule In the Amcrlcnn theatre. The "star 'i)iltra"Ja on t'ie decline. Vituperation KtTtr It fB IlcUIKao ii.tiiis " lit, What Now York Is Koing tAVInthron -mea' $10,000 prize piny, idrtn of Karth." has had n roBpect Mbut not ovcrenthualastlc reception In Kjw York. No one hns roasteil Alice Brown'a New Ilnclnnd drnmn, and no WJ ha waxed eloquent over It. The ftneral tone Is one of lecofrtilzlnR worthy ilort. but not finding It very excltlnR. Tbi lame cvenlnR John Drew rcap- tfirtd at tho Krhplre In a revlvnl of 111 old success, "Jloscmnry." Tho Hun W; "Mr. Drew never hnd a part that nl(d htm better than Sir Jasper, oven tn he acted It first. It suits him now tttier than It over did. Miss Carlisle tc!!scs much of the Rlrlish charm and fragile beauty that Mnude Adams brought to the part of tho heroine. In tho "cut were Harry Hnrwood, who acted tho imt role In the orlRlnal performance at tb Empire Thcatro; Mrs. whlfTen, who to ttie delight of her admirers lias not itnek to her Intention of leaving the ituje: Herbert Druce nnd Trnnk Thomas, JrbO plaved the vouthful lover." More War In Vaudeville Comparatl e quiet has rclRncd In the Jjriely theatres since the days of tho so calfed "Advanced Vaudeville." which Henri Klaw and Rrlancer nttemtited to Mroduce to America. Now war Is on Kiln. Morris I.oew, who Is what they jiJI.a "magnatn" of "small time," or the .tfry, very popular-priced variety, has decided to Invnrln thn flelil nf l.llmi. fflced entertainment which tho United swung winces nava monopolized here tofore. Mr. Loew hns rented the Now Jerk Theatre In the llroadwav iiuirirt fM' Hammerstcln'H Victoria nnd the Pal!, Imt'A VIllArl nln.. RU. Y-I.l. , .. --.-.-b ,..w luatt U1UIIC, IIIQ JVVIlIt in WMtl have coma back with tho nn- Muncement of a rmtmlnr-tirlceri flrnli W-compete with Marcus I-oow In tho ffiUei outilde of New York. They nro nl mdy beginning tho building of large itohomeB in Hoston and Frovldence. It Ural be a, merry war. It muy profit the WKer nnd It mm not. JM XV Imitators Union i. ...t w ai.vii tu inu loiiuwins h iB Hrld. j- gjel Httrymore. J-Ontiy PmIj,. n -urore-ntorsf. M Cohiin. NHrlUon from this ll.t 1 rermltted. godless to say, the Harvard Lamnoon. ."DlCh fltPnlahau 1.A l .. ...1...J . , ,!?Kln,r when "Tho Hello f Bond Ti.iT . wa " Boton recently. Just the way she does hers. For l&wi Notes Rt-t Bwet Idea In eccontrlo advertla- -" mo announcement that an Eng- manager with Interests In America Is uin- complete, plionographlo records of Production nnnTi.cn nnri nll ... .. ... Kdlth T.ll.(.. . . . lft : ,"'lu i" io nava a new piece SSi . -1 Crothe. "who wrote "Tho jgjt of raddy Whack." lately seen at IHILDREN'S CORNER The Smoke I H18. s a very bad story about some Sf peopie aruj prooaDiy you it" n(t read it at alUbut If you J, you wera wfcrn.641 UtlAn a !. !. it. -u . !... rgw ronco upon a ilme" you can poa- T1 trtCfl fn ihak. i-ktwtaf wa Vilr mnA iTw?1 and vev old. j' vr Boms of the alrle disobeyed i timii ana asked questions about Waif rkl tho tatriu from ' IVHU. IIM1AMS) ilaisia m . d Mem, up (A eAlmney to rdam. JKf that didn't ooncern them at " mey comd va asked all -WW m wuhtd about hir qwn ' &tlt to aak nUdlttoia about "Of OIS& Hint la iuil.tH Ihi . TWr thlTfla. It fllSlfir 44n n avarl i j-UiuaU yoj, oow wair," Wi$ JyvSfcttftlBMJSJttiBRijS 3KEfBntt CHARLOTTE IVES Coming to the Garrick with Lew Fields. the Walnut It Is called "Mother Ca rey's Chickens," and will come out of rehearsal about February. ApKI.ri(!-"TliB rtfllo of nonrt Siret," with Sam Ilernnnl, ''The Olrl from Kay-s." r vnmp'ii. Mr. Ilcrnnni la Just n- amuslnir us ner In hi- Impemonntlon of "I'lKiry" iW-jti-nhflmfr, the iloftnenholmor s 00 IlhOAl)--"Jerrr." with Miss mills Burke. A oometly by Catherine Chl-holm Cu-hlnu. Miss llurke capturea a huahand In eight costumes. Amu-InK . q in FOIil.li"9r-"The Clin of Olrls," with Nkti'ue Alt. A now mtiRlcal coinoJy. with a pleaalnc score by Oresto Vessella, tho Atlanllc City bomlmaatsr. Tho libretto, unfortunately, la ilenflly tlult " GAItHK'K "The Mlrado Man." ulth Oenriro Nash. W. II. Thomp-on nml (Jail Kans (Icorse Cohan s con-edy-drnmn of tho crooks who try to exploit a patriarchal healer and ppd on cnnerts. A Bkllftll handling of a difficult eilbjcct . C.15 KFlTira-Mr. nnd Mrs rarter de Haven "On tho School Playitround": Ilonney and Ilent and a variegated bill of more than ttminl merit 2 00 .VOO J.rnry,-(ouraae ' . The first production 'of an Enpfllahman'a may aralnst war V nne splrlted play with a atnrtllnaly dramntlo endlllK h.;io WAI.NI'T-"A Fnol. Tlla Monv and a Olrl." with fiap Wjirdard Lucy Daly. A musical comely exploiting Mr. Ward's pcrennl.11 tramp 8:00 WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT i T'arado anl moss-meetlnjr for transit rrn gram. Academy of Mualo, 7 .10 o'clock Fre !.'Xnn Memorial Ilrldae Committee, Tlourao. 8:,0 o clock, Philadelphia Club of Printing House Crafts men's dinner, Continental Hotel: S o'clock. Slngla Tax Hocloly. annual meeting, 1503 Walnut street; M o clock, I'cnnsylvnnla Women's Press Association, Hotel Adelphla: S o'clock. Northwestern General Hospital J0H class comnlsncement. Union Methodist Uplscopal Church: 8 o'clock. Oermau Hud Crosi benefit, "Lleb Vater land." Metropolitan Opera House; 8 o'clock, Knelsi Quartet, Wltherspoon Hall; 8:15 o'rlock lecture, "Modern Steels and Their Hejt Treatment," Itobert R. Abbott. Franklin In stitute; 8 o'clock, Lyceum Institute concert, ICencsoth Israel alumnt building: 8:1.1 o'clock Homeopathic Medical Society, Hahnemann College: H:H0 o'clock. I-iOcture, "Hadlum ahd Its Hays." Prof. Iter ate O Itlchards. West Branch Y. M. C. A.; 8 o'clock American Philosophical Society, 101 South Eth street. 8 o'clock "Hilly" Sunday revival sermon, tabernacle. Vino and 10th streets. Manayunk Hoard of Trade. Free Commercial Exchange directors. Bourse. Free Ijuicaster Avenue and B2d Street Ilusiness Men, Ijinsdowne avenue and f3d street, p'reo, Haddington Board of Trade, Ulrard avenue and 00th street, lee. Jxmon Improvement Ixague, Broad stmt and Wlndrlm avenue. Free. Oermantown Improvement Association. Free Kaltenborn Quartet, Drexel Institute, con cert. Fairies the nueon bravely, "for J &n'i ha.ro other fnlrlws leanilnff to be so curious; I think I will shut you up In the trunks of 'these big old trees.'.' , Ho tfho waved her wand and the med dlesome fairies vanished; tent by manic Into the big tree trunks. And the blsr old forest, once so full of stir and fairy laughter, was still; the sun beams which flickered through the leaves looked In vain for their fairy playmates. Years went by In the silent forest, the old frees died and fell to the ground. The litter of years burled them deep and the chemistry of time changed tho old tree trunks to coal. The fairies burled with them grew dark and dingy with waiting. Then, one day came tlm miners with their lamps and picks and shovels. "What's that noise J heart" whispered one fairy. "X don't know, but I'm just going to 'Walt and see," said another, "for If I ever get safely out of tiere, I'll never no, neVer ask another question " go they "watched and waited and be hold I The coal was taken out and put n oars, Then an engine came and pulled the cars to a city where the coal was dumped by a factory. "fTow our time has come," whispered, b. fairy. '"I feel euro we will soon be free!" And sure enough 1 For the coal wa slhoveled Into a fur nace and the hot names Jerked the fairies from their long, tiresome prison and tossed them up the chimney to freedom- But were those bad falrUs grateful? Alas, not Vor Instead of floating thank fully up to the sky wnere the raia could, wash them clean, they settled 4own, down, down on the town. And the women's white clothes and the men's snow collars showed tta grimy marks of smoke fairy ftngera and nvary body wished, there was no aucjj mag a nmoke. For you . fchoso naughty fairies tin tiadn t Uaroed to let other PsA alon. "OtHEATRlCAL w MUSIC Apropos of the playing tonight of fichoenberg's sextet nnd the reception which tho composer's work has received from tho critics both here And abroad, the following, ndnptrd from the drsmttlln columns of this paper, Is Innocently offered! The Music Lover's Omar The ernwd no question makes of eyes end noes. Hut hero or there, as strikes Its fancy, koc. Hut the brave miisle cricket on the altle. He knows nlotit It alii he knows, he knows. Concerning Bchoenberg Much has been written about Bchoen berK, but there Is llttlo available material on the sextet, and the sextet Is, by the way, a work which calls for little ad vance notice. The composer himself Is an Interesting person, and the following e cerpts from a letter concerning him nro lntdrestlng enough. Tho queer thing Is that tho letter wub written by n musle critic, who so far forgets the ethics of his profession Ihnt he actually writes mil sla criticisms as If music were Interesting to human beings. The letter was written to an unmusical person who asked sim ply "Who is Hchoonberg?" flchoenberg was a perfectly good and won derfully talented conuxrtr, with a taim for writing terribly complex orohertral scores In an Idiom not a bit adancd be yond that of StraiiM, He spent all his time writing the Ourrelloder,'1 a long and hentttlful choral work, and since he was putting note on imper for tit hours a day, didn't he murti tlmo left to earn money. He and his wife reelly stoned In a cellar room II had that from a friend). He lost courage and couldn't flnlMi the "Onr rHIeder' snd holrdy nould play his stuff. Htrauss spnke of him nt a banquet and said ho rnuld think scores that he (Strauss) couldn't een road (a puro mschanlcn.1 com plexity, not a harmonl.' on)! but that didn't butter parsnips. So BCTioenberg de cided. he'd as welt die for a sheep aff for a lamb, and began writing the stuff he wanted, never eipeotlng the ptlbl o to like It, Then csme the three piano Pieces, the "Pelleas" and .MeltaoJide,rnd the "Verk lseite Naeht " The nrst quartet came a little later alonr with the eocohd big group' of songs The second quartet, the "Knm tneii) mphenle ' the six orchestral pieces snd the Pierrot songs came later. In the "third period.' The "Pellraa" dales from shout II (IV end en. I Mipvoae. does the "Verklaerte Nocht." It was between the second and third periods that Bchoenberg wrrfte his "Harmonlelehre " Thn second period piece were put on, a few 'Vienna programs about 1908-0 and hooted pff. But Bcheonfcerg got a tiny Job as teacher In a muslo Softool about this time end that watered his onions. Thsn his publisher, the Universal Edition. Vienna, urged him to flnlth the "Ourrellsder," whioh he did in hl second manner. Incongruous "but in teresting to the mind." And then said publisher put up untold monels to hire no orchestral Instruments and BOO or more voices to perform It, with t,oen.,?'tfcol: ducting. That was In the fall of lOli" wns a huge success, and Behoenberars "rep." was made Joint Beoltal An Interesting recital was given last night at Wltherspoon Hall by Mmo. Mes-sen-Stone, contralto, and Attrello Glornl, pianist. The recital was for the bepeflt of the Settlement Muslo School, and was rnthcr liberally pntronlzed. .Mr. aiornl's manner at the piano Is en tirely plenslng. Without any affectation, and bo without superficial or meretricious appeal, he directs himself to a complete nnd accurate Interpretation of his music. Lust night his musla Included three Cho pin numbers, Liszt's "Variations on a Thome by Bach," and In his third group a mlnuett of his own. In the Chopin "Scherzo" tho player's rhythmical sense seemed faulty; In the Bach It asserted Itself with greater accuracy and feeling, it may be said that to play Bach one muat havo a mind nnd a soul, and that to piny a Liszt variation of Bach one must have n soul on fire. Mr. Glornl's playing remained peculiarly cerebral; but It was so forceful, so splendidly resonant that It satisfied. Mmo. NleBsen-Stone sang In five lan guages, and though the Russian alone was In perfect accent, the others were so clearly enunciated, yet without sacrifice of melody, thnt this adventitious versatil ity on tho singer's part wns an added pleasure. In Wolfs "Im Herbat" Mme. N'clssen-Stone failed vocally of her cli max In "Meln Lleb 1st falsch," 'but re covered with finely dramatic tones on her lower register. So In Strauss' "Caeellle" her voice which seemed merely capable of uttering the higher notes, was capable of expressing and Interpreting all that came within her more legitimate range. It seemed Mme, Nlessen-Stone's Intention to display ns great a variety In Interpre tation as In language, and the effort was largely successful. SUFFRAGISTS TO INSTRUCT IN FARMING AT BAZAAR Equal Franchise Society Will Have Agricultural Booth nt Affair. Elaborate preparations for a. farm and garden booth, under tho auspices of the Equal Franchise Society, at the Keystone State Bazaar, to be held In this city, at tho New Century Drawing Hooms, 121 South 12th street, on February 25 and 26, are being made. Many prominent suf fragists have consented to preside at this booth and Impart their learning to pros pective agriculturists Mrs. O. Foulke. or 1024 Clinton street. Is among those who will give Instruction. She formerly operated a farm near West Chester, and was so successful that she was given recently an appointment' as In structor at the State Agricultural School. Special seedlngs and cuts from the greenhouses on the farms of Mrs. Ho ratio Gates Lloyd, at Haverford, and Miss Fanny T. Cochran, at Westtown, wilt be donated and sold at the booth. Farm and garden Implements, as well as accessories, will also be for sale. Among thesd will be tools of all descrip tions, such as plows, rakes, hoes, shovels, Watering cans, buckets, etc, There will be hats and aprons for the ladles who de sire to take up this line of work and re main tidy at the same time, Miss M, N, Stewart, of 1725 Fine street, will be In charge of the sale of these, assisted by Miss Emily Kalgn Smith, Miss Dorothy Welsh, MUs Margaret Kuhl Kelly, Mrs. R Talt Mch'enrle, Mrs, Morris Jastrow and others, alt of whom are said to have expert knowledge on gardening and farm ing. Knelsel Quartet Plays Tonight The Knelsel Quartet will give Its second chamber muBlo concert tonight at Wlth erspoon Hall under the auspices of the University Extension Society, The week's series of leotures and concerts under the University Extension auspices will be concluded Saturday afternoon In Asso ciation Hall, Qermantown. when there Will Da motion pictures and readings for children by Mrs. Helen Wilson Clonlnger, Quartet In Concert Tonight The Kaltenborn Quartet, of New "york, will be heard tonight at one of the series of free publlo concerts at the Drexel Institute, 3M and Chestnut streets. The Kaltenborn Quartet consists of two vio lins, a viola and violoncello, Gounod, Beethoven and Schumann will be played. Parade on Washing-ton's Birthday Members of the Patriotic Order. Sons of America, the Knights of Malta, the Loyal Orange Institution, Knights of the Golden Eagle and many Bible classes will march In parade on Broad street on Washing ton's Birthday If the preliminary plans are carried through. Seventy-five men representing fraternal orders have formed a committee to plan for the celebration of Washington's Birthday. Amateurs to Present Comedy The members of the Miss Gladys WIN Hams Bible Class, of St. Paul's Protes tant Episcopal Church, Chestnut HIU, will present a comedy called ' Mr Bob" tonight at St George's Protestant Episco pal Church, Indiana avenue and livinj. ton trst- tb proceeds of thn entai talmnesi vfll b sflwa l V Uttt chuiaJi, FtfOTgLAYS Motion pictures In natural colors nro in sight literally, A recently patented In vention, which Is being financed by some of tho best known nnd moat practical men In the photoplay business, will soon be at work, picturing plays nnd scenes nnd reproducing them In the colors of their actual being, The Invention con sists of a machine which, It Is claimed, will solve tho vexatious problem of re producing plctnrm In natural colors. In addition, It Is said that the films will be absolutely fltckcrlcss, Edmond Lyale Is tho Inventor. Hut more Is claimed for the new Inven tion, instead of being n camera that shows llnea of definition or mere silhou ettes on n screen the full dimensions nf every plajcr are revenlcil with fidelity nnd the perspective Is ns actual ns a stage scene where actors apponr In per son to piny their respective roles. In other words, the Inventor snys that his camera will produce a scene with all tho color nnd animation and nppearanco of the legitimate stago, Instead of showing iietWJSa.Jtf; GLADYS HANSON Of the Lubin Players. a fllckorlng shadowgraph on a flat sur face. This will give tho pictures actual depth, as well as length and breadth. Tho magic machine will be domon started early tho coming spring. A CO-OPEHATIVE HOUSE. To Mllwnukee must go the distinction of having the only co-opt ratlvo moving plcturo theatre In America. The house Is under the management of an Alderman nnd Is conducted ns a neighborhood social enterprise. What Is more remarkable Is thnt the theatre Is n financial succesH. Alderman James Hcffeman, of the 23d Ward, Is the genius who hns promoted tho scheme. Associated v.lth him as amateur theatrical magnates ,are Ho of his neighbors. Tho house Is known as the Grace Theatre. It Is situated at N'atlonnl ave nue intl 28th street. Mr. Heffernan Is the active manager, and performs his dutleB without recompense another unique distinction for an Alderman. The shareholders hold about J20 worth of stock eooh. One of tho rules of tho theatre Is that passes shall not be Issued to stock holders or members of their families. Two years ago theatrical men opened the theatre with the financial assistance of Mr. Heffernan and a few neighbors. From the outset the theatro lost money. When It was about to suspend Mr. Hef fernan took charge. Invited tho neigh bors to a free performance, and whon they were onco Inside locked the doors and spoke as follows: "Boys, we must save this theatre. It Is a nice little theatre for our family use. I'm going to sell each of you two shares of stock, and we'll put this thing on a paying basis I'll run It for you." Tho plan worked out successfully. NEW LUBIN rtECIlUIT. Gladys Hanson haa Joined the Lubtn players and will be featured In Henry Arthur Jones' "Tho Evangellat," which the Lubln Company Is now making. Miss Hanson's career has been a most In teretlng one. Born In Atlanta, Go., her ambition always was to go on the stage and her parents, being liberal minded, aided her In this ambition. Following her debut In Atlanta, Miss Hanson went to New York and received an Important part In "Tha Spoilers," under the direc tion of Daniel Frohman. Her next en gagement was with D. H. Sothern. Florence Reed was his leading woman and Mlas Hanson played a heavy part. Shortly after Joining the Southern com pany Miss Reed was taken 111 and Miss Hanson was made leading woman. For two years Miss Hanson was with Kyrle Bellew as his leading woman, play ing In "The Builder of Bridges," "The Scandal" and the revival of "Raffles." She also played with Mrs. Flske In "The Modern Marriage." Following- this she played the leading female roles, under David Belasco, In "The Woman" and "The Governor's Lady." , I m f m ml 1 TODAY'S PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR fiueeef to Chanu: GERMANTOWN Germantown Ave. and pchoo jn CHESTNUT ST. OPERA HOUSE Home of World's Greatest Photoplays. AKEHNOONB. 1 TO S, 100 and J5o. EVKNINOB, 7 TO II. 10c. lBo and tie. MIDVALE East rail BELVIDERE LOCUST fleraantown Avew pel, uravefq um Std and EUnsam fits. WINDSOR Krnstnstoa and rrankford Avea. Hexulnf tan nnd AUrtbeur Ave. IRIS CAYUGA farms, St, and flerniaotown Ave. 83d and Uarerfard Ave. OVERBROOK THE RIDGE lllli 81. and Bldse Ave. 41st and lMacMttr Ave. LEADER TULPEHOCKEN S'gffi&Ssy, Union aS-PAwy" aVaSge. at.. "-" (Vcm t sTVH -f JI1.1f.1ll REGENT U3J.SI Market jftt. B!I AND if AUKET BTS. GRAND COMING ATTRACTIONS WUt MA ABMIMttON l&a, UVt KOBTH - KYHSONO AJMttSSMN-M BJA STRESS Log &a YES, HERODOTUS WAS RIGHT, GIRLS! AIDA'S OBESITY IS PROVED Verdi's Heroine Was Plumpest Girl From Kar nak to Last Cataract Her Secret? Milk! By EOnQE JADE Reduce, If you feel that way, girls, but see that nobody Is around scratching on the dlshpan while you're smoothing the Axmlnster, or maybe, In the year 6915, your picture will be In the archaeo logical seotton of a museum and visitors will give you the "ha, ha" on "free days." Alda, who had an exclusive contract advertising Ethiopia In Egypt more than 2000 years before Noah built the ark, had the short end In her dicker with life, nnd when they burled her alive with her griefs Verdi had to go and dig tho last named up for Oscar Hamtnerateln. Alda was a nice girl She had the plumpest figure of any damsel from Knrnnk to tho last cataract; nnd that was stylo, for In those days straight fronts wore not affected by the best people. Curves, wrinkles nnd even folds of fnt were the open sesame to the favor of tho Pharoahs. Alda wns Rood for this, snd no one knew her secret Hhe died with H and It rested with her for centuries, but now they havo dug up something else on Aldn. It's a bronze bowl which the University of Pennsylvania professors say Is nt leaRt 4000 years old. It gives the dusky princess nway completely. It la decorated with a sorlcs of pictures showing Alda's method of putting on weight She Ib depicted with n retinue of servants nnd ten cows. As fast as the slaves can milk the short hours Alda disposes of tho milk. Ton empty bowls are at the ptinooss' feet nnd she In the act of saying, "Fill 'em up again." The bowl was discovered by an expe dition sent out by tho University of Pennsylvania n few years ago. Since then It had reposed In tho University Museum, encrusted with the patina, or deposit, which covered Alda's secret. To day It was subjected to a cleaning pro cess, and the authorities were amazed to find tho picture story carefully engraved upon It, Tho discovery removes somewhat of a stain from the reputation of Herodotus, the Father of History, who remarked upon Alda's obesity, according to report. In his writings. Modern savants believed ho had been deceived, but tho new dis covery bears out the truth of his report. CHAMELEON-LIKE COLORS OF MR. LEDERER'S ROLES This Being a Fact, Not a Fiction Title. When It comes to having a varied rep ertoire of rolos, Internal Revenue Col lector Lederer can vie with the most versatile artistes. The Income tax law" Is responsible for that. In his capacity as Collector he recently filed with him self, as Dispersing Agent for tho Gov ernment, his personal return under that law, and claimed, In tho former role, certain exemptions against himself In the latter. Then, as a Federal agent, he con sidered the exemptions he had claimed personally, and passed upon them, c course, allowing them and deducting them from himself, the Collector. Mr. Lederer then drew a check In his olllclal cnpaclty to himself as a private person, paying to himself his salary, at the samo time making a deduction from himself for the amount due under the tnx. Mr. Iederer,- the man, then paid to Mr. Lederer, the official, that which was due, drawing a check from himself to himself as Collector. In the latter ca pacity he received this from himself In tho former. Then as agent, he made a receipt for tho amount to himself as payer, gave It to himself as a private person, and received It from himself as nn official person. GREEK CATHOLICS CELEBRATE Pontifical Mass nt Cathedral In Ob servance of New Tear. Business today Is at a standstill among members of the Ruthenlan Greek Catho lic Church, who are celebrating their New Year. The year was ushered In at midnight with a pontifical mass In the Cathedral of tha Immaculate Concep tion, Franklin and Brown streets. The ancient rite of blessing five loaves of bread, several bushels of wheat and urns of oil nnd wine was performed early today by Bishop Ortynsky, bend of the Greek Catholic Church In America. Many little stores In the vicinity of Brown and Tth streets, which are owned by Ruthenlan Greeks, were closed today because of the holiday. There was no mummers' parade, but in different parts of the city celebrations are going on. Neutrality Meeting Here January 28 The first appearance of Dr. Martin O. Brumbaugh at a public meeting as Gov ernor of Pennsylvania will be made Jan uary 23, when he will preside at a meet ing of the American Neutrality League In this city. The meeting Will have as It subject preservation of strict neutrality by the Unted States during the war Speakers will Include Congressman Ste phen G, Porter, of Allegheny County: Congressman 'William A. Metx, New York, and Congressman Henry Vollmer, Iowa. The Bargain WITH WM, H. 1TAKT skcond capacity wkek THE CHRISTIAN Twice Dally Afternoons, tU. Eras Site Preceded by Hestone Cumedr Pictures. CORSAIR nnillct? stc Trvr sv. ... wiwuii vr ind nri , aMU Deep Purple Featurins- CUrs HirahsJI Young1 LILY OF THE VALLEY Love Everlasting HSJios lbscact JVUSTER KEY MASTER KEY MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY Mr.. Black If Back ?', MAY UUTTK SACRIFICIAL FIRES j'S.Vi.T,'' , . ITie Spoiler. By Bex Iteeen The Truth Wagon& SS3 When It' One of Your Own jSpo&ttjEsy sfltfltP?" '" "SBB Pn M'. - J9 mKml" ' '' "w) lL W ' -ar is . k VBBBBV ' .bBBBBBBBBBBbV ! Photo by Ia Keedlck, SIR DOUGLAS MAWSON Antarctic explorer, who has re turned after two years of hard ship. He will lecturo in this city. EXPLORER COMING HERE Dr. Sir Douglas Mawson Will Lecture) on Ill-fated Expedition. Plilladelphlaiui Interested In polar ex plorations nre awaiting the arrival of lir Sir Douglas Mawson, Antarctic explorer and discoverer of "tho place where storms are spawned," who will lecture hero. Sir Douglas arrived In New York yesterday to begin n speaking tour. The sole survivor of an Antarctic ex pedition In 1913, in whl oh Lieutenant B. B. Nlnnee, of the British Navy, and Dr. X. Mertz, Swiss ski champion, perished. Sir Douglas wandered for 81 days alone. One dog's ment furnished His food for 83 days, and during eight of these days his last surviving companion also lived on the dog's meat. In tho two years he spent In tho Antarctic regions. Sir Doug las said he discovered the breeding place of the South American hurricanes In Ad melle Land. The wind there blows 0 miles nn hour on the average, he tolls. SYMPHONY CLUB TO PLAY Fine Program Prepared for Lyceum Instltuto Meeting. Slxty-flve members of the Philadelphia Symphony Club will play tonight nt tho meeting of tho Lyceum Institute In the Alumni Building. Broad street and Co lumbia avenue In addition to the orchestral numbers there will be four solos by Antonio Scar dU7.lo. baritone; Miss Reba Stonger, 'cel list; Herman Weinberg, violinist, and Theodore Cella, harpist. Among the com positions to be played tonight are selec tions from the work of Bach, Meyerbeer, Grieg, Maesenct nnd Vendlcatam. The orchestra Is now at its best, nnd each Individual musician has put forth hts best effort to make the evening a complnto success, not only for the orches tra, but also for the Lycoum Institute. The committee In charge nre Morton Oppenhclmcr, Stanley Oppenhelmcr and Rhea Olsho, chairman. ORIENTALS' LOT DEBATED Arts nnd Letters Society Discusses United Stntes Policy. "Resolved, That the United Slates Government has been unjust In Its treat ment of the Orientals In the West," waB tho BUbicct of a debate and nn Interesting feature of the 60th meeting of the Society of ArtB nnd Letters In the New Century Drawing Room, 121 South 12th street, last night. The entertainment consisted of two piano boIos by Hnrry C. Hartmnnn, read ings by Miss Clara Adams, songs by Miss ICntherlne Teghtmaler, a reading try Dr. Daniel Jianslleld Hoyt. a paper by Miss Curtis Wnger-Smlth, song by IxjuIs C. Shotrldge, a reading by Mrs. Robert C. Goddos, Jr., nnd two cello numbers by William A Schmidt KILLED IN PALL DOWNSTAIRS Attnck of Vertigo Fatal to Naval Mechanic. A fall down stairs, said to have been due to nn nttack of vertigo while alone In his home at 2S23 Kast Clearfield' street, caused the death of John Wil liams, the head mechanic on tha steam ship Great Northern, now nt Cramp's shipyard. He was found a few minutes after the accident by his daughter, who had been called out on an errand, and was taken to the Episcopal Hospital, Where he died early today. Williams was a shipwright by trade and had been employed at William Cramp & Sons for SO years. He was 63 years old. A son and a daughter, with whom he lived, survive him, m& & Ja& I vf 0 mJ b? 1 VJn Ttn tiavn n rTitt.tt it,- A-l..l.!T. CL... Chalmers Motor i j . -, . I KTa SUBURBANITES H0E CHANCES TO WIN IN EXPOSITION CONTEST Competition Less Keen in Outlying Districts. Winners to Sec Wonders of Wesf. Enthusiasm for the contest being con ducted by the Kvenino LHDdErt and the Punt.to Lnuaen to decide upon W persons to be taken free of charge to the Ifln-amn-Pnctrie nnd Snn Diego Expositions Is rapidly on the Incfcnse. Contestants Who have been hard nt work for days getting subscriptions to the two newspnpere say they are Just beginning to realize" ths size of the reward that Is to be given" the 50 winners, Such n trip never before has been of fered by a nowspaper. Tho M winners will he taken to thn big expositions at Snn Francisco nnd San Diego absolutely free of charge. Vn route they will visit tho natural beauty spots of the greAt West, Including many points where the avcrago tourist never stops. The best of accommodations wilt bo provided for them on trains and at the hotels, ahd It will not cost tho CO tourists a cent. All arrangements for the trip will be made by representatives of the BvbniNU Lbdour nnd 1'unt.lc Lkdokr tinder the dlroction of the Contest Editor, who Is In charge of tho competition, At present he is being kept busy with a large corps of assistants, handling the subscriptions being sent In by tho contestants and re cording the points to their credit. An he has heretofore announced, there Is no geographical limit to the contest He also has pointed out tho golden op portunities existing In the suburbs of this city for contestants, all of which have not been snapped up by any means. There will be far less competition In such places than In the city. It costs nothing to enter this contest. All you havo to do Is to nil out the blank In the advertisement and mall it to the Contest Kdltor, who will supply all In formation. Now Is the tlmo to enter the contest and get into the class of the lucky flrty. A good start now will menn you cannot be headed by some other con testant. CONSUMER IS THE LOSER WHILE COAL APPEAL PENDS Old Uetnll Kates Will Stand Until Decision Is Beached. Should tho courts eventually decide that the Public Service Commission acted legally whon it ordered n reduction of 40 cents a ton on anthracite coal brought to Philadelphia, this would mean In creased profits to the coal dealers to whom a big sum would bo refunded. Ac cording to tho order of the Commission, the decreased rates were to have gone Into effect on Jnnuary 12. The appeal to the Dauphin County courts supersedes this order, but the railroads ore re quired to keep a record of every ton of coal shipped after that date. If the decision of the court sustains the CommlsBlon, the railroads will be re quired to refund 40 cents on every ton of coal hauled after January 12, Mean while tho consumer will be obliged to pnv the old rates. Tho case probably will be carried to the State Supremo Court, no matter what tbe Dnuphln County court's decision mny De. Ward W. Pierson, one of the nttornevs who argued the caBe for the consumers before the Commission, yesterday applied 10 me commission ror permission to ap pear as a co-defendant In the ense when It Is reopened. It Is understood the Com mission will grant his request. VESSEL GETS RECOP.D BATE 45 Cents Freight Each Pnld on 130, 000 Case3 of Oil. All records for the coit of carrvlng oil to the Orient In n sailing vessel wire eclipsed this morning, when It was an nounced that the Norwegian bark Perkeo had been chartered to carry 150,000 cases of petroleum from this port to Japan at the rate of 45 cents per case. This cargo brings the owners JIS.OOO, or nearly as much ns the crnft Is worth It was believed that the rate of 20 cents a case, obtained by the bark Wlndrush yesteny, was the high-water mark, Shipping men say the 45-rent rate paid tho Perkeo will be pasied In a few days. Master Bakers Plan Exhibit Detailed plans for the, annum lonven tlon of the Master Rakers of Pennsyl vania were discussed at n meeting nt CM Vine street yesterday, nnd a new feature In the form of an exhibition was decided upon. Seventy-five master bakers from all sections of the State were at the meeting. F K. Schllckenmeyer, of this city, presided. Open. Evenings Cn. nf Phila?1nlifi . ' Nrfl. H..VI vt fl