Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 14, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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Lf7c TWZes 77ia: Cause a
The Matrimonial pathway Is by tio
Means strewn with roses, ns ho, many
Sentimentalists fondly Imagine. Too fre
quently do thorns appear. And the thorns
are often very tiny llttlo affairs, but
rone the less prickly for that For a
littlo thbfn can be Just as aggravatlngj
M a bis one.
In matrimony as In everything else,
little trifles go to wake or mar happi
ness Men frequently overlook this fact.
In the big1 things, men may provo do
llghlful and most exemplary husbands.
BUt In the little things that mean so
much to a woman they often fall hopo
lessly. These small fallings are very trifling
and, at flrst notice Immaterial. Hut
they do cause a rift In the matrimonial
lute, and one that widens and widens
till the whole' Is maried.
1 knew a man "who ncarlr drove his
Wife crazy by a habit he had of always
leaving ills toothbrush on tho dressing
table, Nothing that she Could sny (and,
by the way, sho said a good deal) could
induce him to leae It In Its proper plnce
on the bathroom rack. They used to
argue for hours over this. Finally tho
natter ended In divorce. And all over a
toothbrush, tool It did seem a waslo of
energy. But ho wouldn't give In. He
was built that way. "When the cane wont
through the courts, I don't think the
toothbrush was mentioned. But It was
the root of the matter, all the same.
Another divorce was brought nbout by
the husband always forgetting to put his
ocks In the laundry bag on ( Monday
morning. "Darn It oil I" he would Bay.
when his wife lemonstrated with him.
"Tou can't expect mo to remember tri
fles like that!"
But the trouble was eho did ccpcct It.
Bhe pinned a notice to his shaving glass
bearing tho proud Inscription: "Socks In
the laundry hag this morning"
And he tore It down. This little com
dy went on regularly for weeks. She
would write the notice regularly and he
as regularly would tear ltt down. But
Anally she got so mad that the comedy
became tragedy to her. And a divorce
resulted. Tes, I admit they were both
foolish, both to blame. It was, a ridicu
lous affair. But the Irusband should
have given In over such a little trifle.
Husbands do havb irritating little ways
that "fuss" their wives no end. For In
stance, when the supper bell rings,
they'll choose, thaf particular moment
for displaying an extraordinary fondness
for the dog, and Btart In -teaching him
some new stunts. "John, John, supper's
waiting!" the little wife will call. But
John suddenly becomes deaf to all sum-
'Man's Girl"
"Well, Bailie, did you have a good time
at the Evans' house party? Sit down
there and tell mo every teeny-weeny bit
tof gossip you heard and what everybody
Bald, and, most of all, what Doris Seton
aid to the male population In general.
Tou may begin with the last, in true
feminine fashion."
Sallla laughed and started in to do as
her friend asked
'"We had a perfectly great time, and
everybodv was as nice as can be." sho
aid. "We said everything there ,jvnB to
be said, and tangoed, and played auc
tion, and flirted, and, In fact, did all the
usual things one does do on a house
"Now, my dear, ynn needn't be bo non
commltnl with me," answered the cu
flous one sweetly. "I know you and
Doris had a falling out about something
or you'd never foe so charitable. Or can
It be that you have mado friends with
her? Now, do be a dear, and tell your
Bosaipy old friend all about it."
"Sly dear Zlodge, you're so out and
out curic-us that I can't resist you! Right
In the face of my charitable scruples I'll
tell you all about It if you don't breathe
it to a eoul," said Sallle,
Tho oath of secrecy was duly adminis
tered, and tho recording angel probably
got out hU pencil.
"Well, you know what kind of a. girl
Sorts is. Eie was as distant ns she pos
sibly could be when we were all going- up
In the train. Bhe Just looked out of the
window and fairly yawned In the face of
the girls who were silly enough to try
to talk to her. There was a. little out-of-town
girl who was visiting Dorothy
during the holidays, and she got a regu
lar case on Doris. Bhe Is so good look
ing" that this little stranger Just natu
rally waa attracted by her like a new
man- Is,
"My dear, she treated this poor little
thin? UK a servant Her name was Nell,
and every minute you'd hear Nell, please'
get my bag, dear; I'd like a clean hand
kerchief,', or "Get me some water; there's
a dear." When every one was down for
dinner on the first evening Doris was as
nice as pie, Bhe admired our gowns, and
purred over us until every one was wild,
live Boon saw the reason for this sudden
change of tactics he was a six-footer
and very handsome. He said he always
uttered clear of the girl who didn't Ilka
ether girls.
"From that time on we were handled
With gloves, and nobody could aay a word,
because it would sound catty And when
she was alone with ui she never spoke a
word. 8h spoiled the whole party; we
were all cross at being her eatapaws, and
7t we couldn't object to kindness!"
"And did she make an awful hit with
the handsome person? She certainly de
served to, after taking- the trouble to be
nice to you girls. It must have been
dreadfully bard for her tQ do it, because
he told me she had no use. for women,"
xA Madge.
"Oh, y. he's hr slave. She's had a
letter from him every day since we came
kgrce, but you know how she U. She'll
throw Wat down hard as soon as a new
SKWibWtr ixa across her horizon.
"pon't be crone, dear; it'a i tally funny.
'A- &t mm that can't fool the right man
vr long, and it Will allorae back on hr
4 wm hsad In th end,"
in . i .
f Lemon Sponge
fm one eunee of gelatine In a pint of
urijw. with the rind of a lemon and one.
lnjf yoond of lump sugar- Let this aim
kM jay T half an hour. Strain through
atom n wbtn ssarty col4 a43 tb
3t-8 at tbrea toaioMb aw whtafe until
th Httu 1 wt W wl ibfek.
ioa H aa m. jr hw14 it K set.
,., mioa sf M s AUuiji ue
r sa asJ iJ w B
in" i ...im -
Rifl in the Conjugal Lute,
metises nnd clarion calls. He Is enthralled
with the dog nnd all tho suppers In crea
tion con wait till the spell breaks. l'Va
known the Bpell to last 15'mlnutcs, tbo
Yes, It Is aggravating.
Heading tho newspaper at meal-limes Is
another husbandly falling. What man In
this city doesn't do that sometimes? Ills
Svl'fo mny bo looking perfectly bewitching,
l.cf wit may bo fairly BClntlltatlng, Bhe
may havo a hundred bright things lb
entertain him with but nol ho wants his
paper, and he'll havo It, loo. Bhe fceli
Aggrieved, and I nm Inclined to sympa
thize with her
The huiband who Is always bringing
Btray men homo for a meal without giv
ing his wife warning can be particularly
aggravating, too. He Is a "good fellow,"
alvvaja cheery nnd hospitable, nnd the
men nil llko him Immensely. "Come homo
with mo to dinner, old scout," ho will
Bay, clapping n friend heartily on the
Bhoulder. "Kvery one's wclcomo at my
liouno nnd Mary will bo delighted to see
Hut "Mars" Isn't Sho feels nggrlovcd,
for this Is tho servants pvenlng off, and
there are only, cold chops for dinner.
"If you'd only 'phoned mo from the of
fice, t could havo had audi a nlco dinner
ready," she whispers to her husband
plaintively. ,
"Oh, anything will do for us," he an
swers nlilly. But there Is a critical look
In tho corner of hla oyo which quite up
sets his wife for tho whole meal.
The absent-minded huiband Is ery
hard to bear with, too. though he may
bo by disposition tho best fellow on earth
But what's tho good of a fine disposition
when your thoughts' nro wool-gathering
all tho time?
"Tom Is no companion at nil to me,"
declared an aggi loved little wife lately.
"Ho never llBtens when t talk to him,
nnd no for asking him to do a small
commission In town, why, It's quite hope
less! If ho does remember anjthlng
about tho matter, he alwajs buys tho
wrong thing. But It seldom reaches me,
nnhow, for he nearly always leaves It
behind In tho train or trolley on hlsway
1 do not quite know which Is worse
tho forgetful husband or the neglectful
one. Tho effect Is pretty much the same
in tho long run, nnd tho wife has a nat
ural right to feel annoyed.
If tho wheels of married life are to
"run with nnv sort of smoothness, they
muit be oiled with consideration nnd
tafctfulnesi Tho husband who wishes to
make n success of his matrimonial ven
ture will lemember that It Is the little
trifles of life which go to make qr mar
Guv lrtm&erei. son. of Ann?, the
Marchioness of Wimberley. ia at Harptre
ficftoof. of jchtch John Erleinh is head
master John and Anne are moaned to be
married. Lord Arthur Meriet, uncle of
Guv Wtmberleu. tcarna John that there is
a plot to put the boy out of the way. Dick
Meriet, a cousin, and in line far the in'
herltance of the great Yimberleu estates,
is conccrnedin the plot. The other plot
ters are Terttaan, a ecitnee master at
ilarplree, who has a hold on John Erlelah,
and Sirs Travera, Erlclvh'a sister. Mrs
Traiera naa deserted bv the man she
lo.cd. and thlt man uas accidentally
killed by John Erleigh. Sirs Trovers does
not know that her own brother killed the
father of her child, James
James Trovers falls in love with Guv's
sister Joan. In an automoMfs accident he
saves her life, but loses his right hand,
and his career as a pianist
Mrs Trovers sees Vertiaan and informs
Mm that if he exposes Erlelah, she wilt
expose Win- IVimbcrlcv takes his motor
car for a trip home The car breaks down.
After walklna half a mile Wimberlev
trips oxer an obstruction. When he
awakens he finds himself in an old barn.
Bendinp over him Is Doctor Anderson, of
John Erleloh's school. Doctor Anderson
and an assistant attempt to trantport Aim
across a river. Jni a struagts Wimbertey
drau.s hi revolver, fires and makes his
Lord Arthur discovers Vsrtloan wound
ed. He says he was following two men
tcho had attempted to kidnap Quy Wim
berley. Lord Arthur disbelieves the story and
demands from Erleigh that Ycrttgan be
dismissed. The truth is that Doctor Ander
son, who attempted the kidnapping, is in a
plot of whtoh Yerttgan knows nothing.
James 7 ravers is deeply in love with
Lady Joajt Meriet.
Her niotner and his mother ogres that
the children must not be encouraged.
nimout naming, uvy wmoericy ais-
jsrletgn tells Anne that the boy has run
away. After Lord Arthur's accusation
against Sirs. Trovers, Erleigh goss to Lon
don. itrs. Trovers denies ail knowledge of
the boy's toHsrcaboutf .
Fifty thousand pounds is demanded far
the return of Quy. Lady Anne agrees to
pay it,
He took an envelope out of his pocket
and laid it on the table. Mr, Hurray took
some strips of paper out and examined
"How did they pay?" he queried after
a pause.
"Postal orders." L
"dot the numbers?"
'Tea. I've marked them dowp, on tho
back of this letter."
"Tou needn't worry about all that
now," Interrupted Lord Arthur sharply.
"Nothing Is to be done In the matter un
til we have the boy sate and sound."
"Quite true, my lord," said Murray,
"but we needn't alt with our hands folded.
on our knees, so to speak. Well, let the
advertisement go in. They don't say how
they are going to answer it"
"A letter, I suppose, as they name no
date for the answer."
A few minutes later the luncheon broke
viD, On .March 1 the advertisement was
put in the Times, and on the following
day a letter arrived at Monksllver ad
dressed to Lady Wirabexley. Like the pre
vious one, it had been posted in the W,.
C district of London. It ran as follows:
"At U o'clock on the morning of March
4 the money is to bo taken In canvas baits
of 3QQ sovereigns apiece1 and deposited in
the following place: On the coast of
Bsex, near the mouth of the Blackwater,
there Is a small Island called Bartsea,
At dead low water it Is possible to cross
the sands to it from the mainland. The
men will cross with the money two of
tlem with a. horse and cart and will re
main on the island until it is high tide,
will tli will be about half-past 6 o'clock
in the evening We shall then coma and
ju?t tbsm with the boy and hand him
over to them In .exchange for tlie cash.
Thtty will take uo boat with tnem sad if
t he it la any boat son in the neighbor
..jtl we shall utra sod fe'o back with tit
b,, 1 wmiii warn jou that tbr u no
With stormy weather, tho problem of
drying clothes becomes a serious one. It
Is no wonder that with the Inadequate
facilities offered by the average apart
ment tho tendency Is more nnd more to
send clothes to a commercial laundry.
Out even It wo do this with the so-called
"flat" pieces, nnd send other pieces to
be dono entirely by the laundry or merety
"rough-diy," there aro always some
pieces which must be washed anJ dried
at home, and many of lis still prefer to
have laundry dono at home, so that the
solution of drying clothes remains to be
For tho small apartment dweller there
Is nn excellent lack which exactly fills
this need of drvlnc clothes In the house,
Tho rack consists of parallol strips of
Vtond nbout flvn feet In length. Inter
sected with narrow rope. The entire rack
Is ery light, nnd operates by n small
pulley, os that It can be cosily raised and
lowered from the celling. To use It, the
rack Is lowered, fastened nt a convenient
helsht nnd hung with tho wet clothing
When It Is entirely full, a slight pull
ralKca It ns close tn the celling ns de
sired, so that It la out of the way and
yet gels the heat from the Upper part of
tho room It Is best to do this toward
night, so that tho clothes may dry when
no person In In the room to bo affected
bj the moisture. Such a rack costs nbout
IS, and will be found most convenient In
the Binall kitchen or other room In which
Indooi drvlng Is possible.
ttvpn If we nrc a suburbanite and live
In a detached house with a jard which Is
nmplo for drying In sunny weather, we
still have the same problem of drying In
doors when the weather bf cornea stori'y
If the house Is our onn and our means
nro gencious, tho most satisfactory per
manent plnti Is to have a regulation
clothes drvor heated cither by coal, gas
or clcctrlcllv 1 heso drjors consist of i-cc-tlons
of metal rack with a pull at the end
which can bo diawn out of the metal com
partment Into which they fit. Clothes are
hung on theo racks In the extended por
tion nnd then pushed back Into the actual
drying cabinet Most of these dryers are
fitted with a small stove, which heats the
drvei at the same time It heats water,
takes CRrc of the washbollers. or hats
Irons The drjera como In nil sizes and
nic best built In to suit tho actual condi
tions of the room In prlco thoy iang
ftom JSO up, but once Installed they are
as permanent a part of tho equipment as
tho heating plant itself, nnd pay their way
In largo homes where thero Is a consid
erable amount of linen each nook.
I3ver ono is familiar with the whirling
umbiella-llke drers fastened by posts In
the back urd A varlatlon.ot this Is ono
In which theio aro from cfght to twolvo
projecting arms fitted with cord between
Instead of being an Inverted umbrella,
It looks like the niokes of the umbrella
in the natural position The unusual
point nbout this rack Is that It la a buc
cess when tiBcd on the lawn In dry
weather Its peculiarity Is that these
same arms can be removed separately
fiom the posts and nttached to n cleat
along a wall nnd thus serve for Indoor
usi. Similar sockets to those used In
the outside fixtures can bo nailed at a
height of nbout eight feet to a basement
or cellar wall. Then each arm easily
slips Into these sockets on the wail, giv
ing, tho name drlng area within that
ws possible outdoors. When not In use,
the racks fall flat nsalnst tho wall, so as
to savo space- Whatever our conditions
of living, some right solution can be
found of the unpleasant winter drying
of clothes. t '
shelter on tho island or the mainland,
and we shall be perfectly awaro of any
attempt on jour part to trap us. If any
such attempt is made you will never see
jour son again."
Lady Wimbcrley, white faced and on
the verge of tears, handed the letter
across the breakfast table to Lord Arthur.
He read It through and smiled.
"Well, that'll bo easy enough," ho said.
"I'll see the thing through. Tou can
leavo even thing to me." He rose from
the table nnd put the letter in his pocket.
"Arthur," said Lady Wlmberley in a
low -voice, "you'll promise mothat no at
tempt shall be. made to capture tho men."
"Tes, Anne, I promise you that. No
thing shall be dono until wo have the boy
safe In our hands. 1'vo made that clear
to the police I'll seo that they -do not
oven have the meeting place watched."
"Shall you go with the money?"
"Tes, and I shall take Denham, X think.
I've not decided about that, but in any
case I shall be one of the two. Now I
must get down Into Harptree, Russell
and Murray are expecting me."
Half an hour later he was at the police
station. The detective read the letter
aloud to save time.
"Bartsea?" queried Russell, "X don't
know it."
"Got a map," said Lord Arthur. "I
looked It out before I came down a bit
of a thing the Island a muabank, I
should think."
A map was produced and they studied
It, their heads bent over the table.
' "A mile from the mainland," said Lord
Arthur; "so I make It. The nearest sta
tion five miles, or perhaps six mainland
nothing but flat rnarah. No houses on
the island, Well, I suppose we must fol
The Editor of tho "Woman's Page offer readers of the Kvbnino Ledqeh
a number of dotty prize for original Ideas and helpful suooestlans. These moi
deal urtth any subject which is of general interest to women, and include
Ways of Making Extra Money,
ivrtferfalnmenfj and Parties,
Sewing Devices,
Management of Children,
Sickroom, Suggestions,
Labor-saving Devices,
Household Help),
Renovation of Clothes,
Home Decoration, ' S
Educational Bints, ' ,
and divide variety of topics not indicated.
Ideas and suggestions should not exceed ISO words in length, and only one
suggestion should le dealt with in each article suomltteds This should le
written clearly on one side of the paper only, and in every case the name and,
address in full of sender should os given. If the latter does not desire his or
her name to oe published in the paper, a request to that effect should to added,
and a nom-de-plume given.
The decision of the Editor of the Woman's Page shall in every case oe
regarded as final Bhe will select those suggestgns which she considers of
the mon practical value, and will award several prizes daily, ranging from
ft to 60 cents. EVE&Y ByQCtEBTlON FQBIJBBED WtbL JtEOBiyB A.
Envelopes should os addressed to
Editor of Woman's Page, Evening Ledger, Independence Square,
and should have the word "MuagssUpn" written in the top left-hand comer "
lll.jL.l.lLI,.W,lll,IPJM.M1mW.BLH,l..,lll IIHIULHIIII.IILI llll, i I V' I lllt,l',ll 1ll' II iPA. 1) fall I IJ L 1 1 1 1 II 8WW. I II1W ,
. mmm w , n i '
Home Remedies
It often happens that an accident of
some kind occurs In tho homo or Home
ono has a trifling Illness, which Isn't seri
ous enough to need a doctor's treatment.
Strange as It may seem, there are many
intelligent people, who don't know how to
handle tho simplest maladies, nnd either
make blunders which will Injure tho pa
tient, or will lose their heads and neg
lect the ailing one entirely.
Here are a few simple "first aids"
which It would bo well to commit to
memory, as there are somo remedies
and ou can always employ them. To re
move a near, put one-quarter of a tea
spoonful of boraclc acid into a tumbler
low out the Instructions. I'll go down
and see about the horse nna cart. We
can take the gold down In Lady Wlmber
ley's biff car I suppose we couldn't get
the car across the Band?"
The Inspector shook his head thought
fully. ""They've got brains," he said after a
pause. "Whoever takes the money over
will have to wait on the island until
nearly midnight, unless they're taken off
In a boat. Then the time has been chosen
very carefully Just enough daylight left
to take over the gold and seo that it's
alt right, and then It's dark-so they can
slip away more easily."
"They'd, not slip away at all," said the
detective, "if I were given a free hand.
I'd lay them by the heels before they'd
gone a couple of miles, and the boy"d bo
as safe as if he -were at home in his
nursery asleep."
"Tou see your way clearly, then?"
said the Inspector. "Tou havs a plan
already?" "Tes."
"Tou needn't trouble to give it to me,
Mr. Murray," Lord Arthur interrupted.
Wothtng is to be done until his young
lordship is safe."
"Nothing would bo done, my lord."
"I mean, no plans must be laid. It is
possible these scoundrels might get wind
of them however carefully you went to
work. Now mind what I say. "There will
be a reward offered tor the capture of
these men after we have Lord Wlmber
ley in our hands a big reward something
worth having."
"Still, a fast motor-boat, my lord ly
ing up one of those creeks," and he placed
bis finger on the may, "out of alibi a
of warm water. Apply this to the ecar
as often as' posslblo until tho scar dis
appears. A sudden attack of Indigestion will bo
rel'evcd by eating as much salt as you
can hold between jour thumb and finger.
If ou notice pneumonia symptoms,
send for the doctor, nnd whllo you are
waiting, rub the chest well with sweet
oil, and apply pulverized lobelia quickly,
and you will often find that you havo
averted a real case of pneumonia.
When you havo a "Jumping" tooth
ache, heat somo lnegar, take several
small pieces of cotton, dip In the vine
Bar, and apply to the hillow tooth. Then
put a flannel cloth dipped In tho vine
gar on the check, and you will find your
tooth will soon stop aching.
: : f
dozen armed men a searchlight other
boats out seaward all out of range "
"That'll do, Mr. Murray," Lord Arthur
Interrupted. "It makes ono's mouth
water to hear of It But Lady Wlmberley
has mado rrlo promise now about the
escort for tho gold I shall go for one,
nnd I thought of taking Denham. It
would almost be better If tho police kept
out of It. There ia Just the chance they
might say we'd broken the contract."
He pulled the map toward him and
they began to discuss plans, A quarter of
an hour later It was settled that Lord
Arthur should go and take Denham with
The morning ofMarch 4 was fine, but
a bitter east wind was blowing in from
the sea and, as far as the eye could reach,
the water was ridged with lines of foam.
At ten o'clock the big car from Monk
silver came to a standstill near tho edge
of the marshland. Lord Arthur drove
and Denham sat In the front seat beside
him. The rest of the body was filled with
small canvas bags.
"Like chucking ll into the sea, my
lord," said Denham angrily as he alighted.
"Worse, my friend worse. But it's got
to go. I suppose that's our Island, eh?"
and he pointed at a long piece of green
marsh that was separated from the main
land by a channel nearly a mils In width.
The tide was still running out, and here
and there humps and ridges of sand
showed above the water. The island could
hardly have been more than a quarter ot
a mile in length.
"Flat as a board," said Lord Arthur.
"The fellow was right when he said that'
there was no shelter. A rabbit couldn't
hide on it unless it burrowed under
ground. I suppose that's our fellow with
the cart"
"Tes, my lord. He's coming alontf
from the next village. I think I told you
I thought it best to get the vehicle from
some village a little further along the
"Tes, but he moves slowly, doesn't lie??
and Lord Arthur locked at hla watch.
"We can't get across yet, ray lord," said
Denham: "we're a bltaarly,"
"I know, but there's 411 the loading; up
to be done 250 bags of what did you tell
'em." .
"Ballast, my lord-to be picked up by
a yacht that's calling for it about night
fall." Lord Arthur4aughed. "What a likely
story," he chuckled. "They aren't In
quisltlve in these parts, are they?"
The horse, a big, powerful animal, drew
the cart up by the side of the motorcar,
and the driver, a lean, sunbunU fellow
with a large, vacant face, stared stupidly
at Lord Arthur
"Now then, ray man," said the latter.
filmply pbon or write us your ordsrs for
anything In lh mtrkst Tour wtnta will ts
as cs.rfullr flIUd as If you mad your own
Esrsanal election. Our products aro ths
est grades obtainable. Prompt delivery
avrrutt. bugs anu ron-TOf
stti ms-emi
rmtxt. tiss-iss? , ism
Motoring In winter time Is really very
delighted and exhilarating If only one
can keep warm enough! One sees bo
many blue cheeks nnd red noses In au
tomobiles Uicse days that the pleasure
of tho thing seems doubtful But I al
ways manage to keep warm, for 1 wear
piles of clothes.
Tho other day my great friend Elinor
called round for me in her runabout.
Bhe rushed into the house in ber usual
tempestuous way, and I knew at once
that some schema was brewing In her
"Dorothy," sho cried excitedly, "1
want you to come out In the car with
me, and we'll run down for a glimpse of
tho Bea. Tills town Is getting too small
to contain mat Can you como right
It happened that I could and was very
glad to go. I accepted her Invitation with
flattering alacrity.
"Bo sure to wear heaps of clothes,"
continued Elinor In her peremptory way.
"Becauso the briny breczeB will certainly
bo chilly, s If you have n heavy topcoat,
slip It on over your suit By the way,
what do you think of my new topcoat?"
"It looks exceedingly smart," I said nt
once. And Indeed It did. It was fashioned
of rough cheviot, with a largo plaid pat
tern. Tho belt was slightly hlgh-walstcd,
nnd was stitched closely to the coat. I
' Popular Banana Dishes
Few people nowadays like bananas,
but this Is often the fault of tho per
son who prepares them. Tou can get
indigestion very easily from a watery
dish of fried or stowed bananas, but if
you learn somo really appetizing manner
of cooking bananas, you will become a
convert to tho cult. Even the fresh fruit
with cream arid sugar on It Is enjoyable,
If all tho little strings aro removed and
the dark spots cut out Dark spots are
only a sign that your banana Is over
ripe. In rospect to actual nourishment the
banana Is the most nourishing food there
Is, and Is In tho class with the potato,
bread and cereals. They aro a food ele
ment, giving heat and energy, and you
will bo wlso to include them In your
diet often. A ripo. uncooked banana may
bo given to children without and fear
of consequences, If the rough, fuzzy part
Is removed. It Is this which Irritates the
delicate digestion.
A nice luncheon dish with bananas is
made of batter cake made out of the
same kind of dough you ueo for short
cake. Arrange your Btlces of banana
over tho dough and sprinkle with sugar,
spice and batter. When it la-baked serve
with .cream and sugar.
of "John Bredon. Solicitor."
"Tou'd better look oharp unless you want
to stay on tho island all night with me.
What's your name?"
"Well Reuben, there'll be a sovereign
for you if you set to work smartly."
The promise of what 'must have been
more than a week's wages left the labour
"Where be the load?" he said stolidly.
Then he scowled at the Bea as though he
bore It some grudge.
"Hero In the car," said Denham sav
agely. "Wake up, mate. Tou're not In
bed yet, by a long chalk."
The man muttered something under his
breath, and, alighting from the cart, be
gan to slap his chest with his arms as
if to warm himself. This done, he ap
peared to come to life, and went to work
with a will. I
"Nigh froze, I am." he said, and that
was the only remark he made during the
loading up of the cart When the last bag
had been put in, he guffawed and ejacu
lated: "Ballast I wish as there were more of
Copyrlsht 1011, by the Associated Newspa
pers, Limited.
nTTTrrrnirnTTTrrT-r- i
The Popular Topcoat
thought the set-In sleeve partlcuiui.''!
iiio collar was cut nigh and fnulff
at tho left with two large bone buttBl
No one need fear cold winds bW5J
..-u.,u . v.n mill tk KOliar 01
'It t nn rnmfnrtfilAtAAf b.Ij yii
Just the very thing for motorln ! JW
time of tho year. Of course, It It IjJ
lined, and Is qulto as warm as any jg
coat could be. As a matter of fact, if
new heavy topcoats aro quite t&kinj gj
place of the furcoat now. Don't yoalfl
tho wldo ftaro at the bottom? I (Rj
It Is particularly chic!" m
I ran upstairs and donned mr .. m
, u mj
motoring topcoat. It Is of light t!
colored wool vclour, with a large coS?
thatvbuttona close up to tho chin. tJi1
heavy folds at the waist are gathertd l5
a loose belt, and tho coat Is three-quwjjt
length. These vclour toneoatii . Zm
popular Just now, and I see a great tnujf
of them worn everywhere. Ham
Many topcoats aro made of mwrtS
while the heavier weave of fancy nijl
tures is seen frequently. Hough gsetf
predominate, and always look exceedfe
smart. ' jd
Elinor and I had a very dellirhtfni J3
down to tho seashore, and spent a pWf;
urn. uiuu mete, -l wjsu i naa a car ell
my own. rtcally I must save up and sji
if I can manage to get one somo day) "a
Chocolate Cream
Ttequlred: Three-quarters ot an am
ot gelatine, one quart of milk, four luj?
tablespoonfuls of grated chocoliteJ
ounce of sugar, vanilla flavoring, crew
Dissolve tho gelatine In tho milk, Jtljl
then add the chocolate and sugar. M
for 10 minutes, stirring all the time. WlS
nearly cold, beat thoroughly with siTtff
wnisK, navor wun vanilla and pour tea
- .nn1 n... i. ,- -a.
.i. uiuiu. jmiii uut iu nerve. anajKU
lumps of whipped cream around. sM'
Ask an artist what he conjidert
the chief charm of beautiful hair asl
1, twill nncw,, itinf 1, lnl-c fftf ,vm
color, brilliance and a looseness tffl
eliminates any nam, ucnniic iratj
naturally Dcautiiui anu tieauny o
are obtained bv retaining a perfect!!
clean head. In washing the hair it B
not advisable to use a makeshityM5
always use a preparation madcfof
shampooing only, iou can enjoy w
best that is known for about ttet
cents a shamnoo bv tzettinir a Daclo&I
of canthrox from your druggist; fijl
solve a teaspoonful in a cup of fc,
water and your shampoo ts re?l
After its use the hair dries rapifflfl
with uniform color. Dandruifj exMMl
oil and dirt are dissolved and entirwi-
disappear. Your hair will be so Stum
that it will look much heavier vm
... t. . . . e, ...III leV
it is. its lustre ana soilness win v
delight you, while the stimulated spA
gains the health which insures vm
growth. Adv. m
saves work and adds a
new dish to the dinner
bill of fere at small cost, a
dish that every member
of your family will like.
To preserve all the aavor
heat It by putting the can
in bofling water.