0 nimnriliiinmw S3I1AL da Lisa EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JAfftJABY 13, 1915. t. , .nwi-lwuilwA ' ' ' - " ' -' - -i ".. -' 111 . i i i i r--1iiin si..i i...in..Tirrii.iiii.ii-ii ' f ' "" ' "" . m i nBHMHT VLMJH Jijl MIIAHJL AM tZ F$k LfoVITATlONS have been Uauod by Spsnocr Bjly ifcKeon, nntl Francis V. Kemble on HfueWr, Jnnuary ftt 4:w q cloCK ln U1 a"" hnrch. d and Walnut streets. Only tho Im P...!. relatives wilt bo present at the small Option, wnicu "... " - Iwr. and Mrs. Josoph D. McCall will enter l , '.. dinnr Saturday night In honor of their fl.nthler, MIM Lenoro A. McCnll, when their issue" ' .,..,- ,,.... rMH ttr Tnnnnn S atS Will inciuuo il.n i; " , .w.i.v.u, l' Nancy W. Cook. Miss L. Emley Cook, i. . ,...t,.tt, Norrls. Miss Lois Jackson'. Mlsa EhHha Scott, Nathanlol Davis, Wchard Bui- aIbsaB." . tr.ltau aa A frill Onnelrn tirl ttn .1 tut Jerome k. ijohu"!-. i"" . -. Kimuels, Tristram Coinn Colkot, 2d, and Henry WV Adam'- The srucsts will afterward attend !tfe meeting 01 Mrs. xtuiuimiavu uum,m& titvea. .-...,, Walter Atlee Edwards and Mre. 'Entrant, who were married on Docember 31, W taken apartments at tho Colonial, 11th and '.... .fronts. Mrs. Edwards will bo remem- terrd M Mlsa Annie Hare I'owcl, of Newport, ln t. Mr and Mrs. James E. Gorman entertained it dinner last night at tholr homo In Ovor-.- .... i ,innr of Captain Edward Ball Colo, J nr n.. nnd Mrs. Cole and their sons. Ic&arlei Henry Colo, 2d, and Edward Ball Cole, rjr Mrs. Colo Is ft cousin 01 iur. uurmnn. r ui . ' i. dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Gorman took their '' ti to the opera. Captain and Mrs. Colo and l a..4aa Tlfinnn aaIa TTIn their sons win ieavo wum v..-., .... H j(rs carl Austin will glvo an Informal Ua on Saturday afternoon rrom 4 until , o ciock. at ,v. 2?1 and Locust stroets, to meet Miss Si. ,it Waters, of Oreenwlch, Conn., who will arrive on Friday to spend several weeks M the guest or Mrs. Austin. I Th annual luncheon of tho Equal Franchise Society will bo neiu tomorrow i i .u-,v ... ,w rtvr Room of tho Bellevue-Stratford. Mrs. JBoratlo Gates Lloyd is chairman of tho Com- 'ilttee on 'Arrangements, anu moso wno i.uvo l ..icwi tn bo hostesses lncludo Mrs. George i& Earle, Mrs. Horaco H. Burrell, Mrs. Ferree 'Brinton, Miss Ellen McMurtrle. Mrs. uorneuus StiTenson, Mrs. Herbert Dulles, Mrs. Edwin C. Orlce, Mrs. MorrlB Jastrow, Mrs. Herman Xoeb, Mrs. F. H. Bodman, Miss Emily Bell, W John Cooke Hirst. Mrs. H. H. Donaldson, lum. H. Frazlor Harris. Mrs. Henry C. Davis. Ur, jAmes D. Wlnsor. Mrs. Albert McVltty, l,W ThomoB Robbins, Miss Fanny Travis Coch- . Mrs. Frank MIleB Day, Miss Mary Con- yirse, Mrs. J. A. Develln, Mrs. Harry Lowon- burr. Dr. Mary Stlllwcll-Kuscl, Mrs. C. Htuart Peterson. Miss Marian Mott, Mrs. John H. JIuuer, Miss Eleanoro Gocpp, Mrs. C. A. Hagcn, Un Albert A. Jackson, Mrs. J. Levering Jones, .Mill Sarah G. Tomklns, Mrs. Charles Z. in.nx -nr.o ll'llfrori T.Atvln. Mm. Itlchards "TtMor, Miss Mary A. Burnham and Miss Caro- Un Katzensteln. Preceding the luncheon tne umtial meollng will bo held ln the Hed Boom Mr. and Mrs. J, Ernest Richards entertained lbox party last night at tho opera. f Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fell have returned from hunting trip ln the South. BMrs. Qeorgo Fales Baker has returned from Uiewood, where she spent the week-end. Doc. lor and Mrs. Baker will glvo a theatre party 'tonight for Miss Margaret Berwlnd, daughter ft Mr. and Mrs. Henry Augustus Berwlnd. -Mlaj Mary Stuart Wurts, daughter of Mr. and and Mrs. Charles Stewart Wurts, will be given !amall danca by her parents at their residence, KJ Spruce street, on Monday evening, Janu- ?M!ii Charlotte Fahnestock, daughter of Mr. lad Mrs. James F. Fahnestock, of 237 East IRltUnhouie Square, will be honor guest at a lUrfe theatre party, followed by supper at the iBtllevue-Stratrord, to be given by her parentB JM Monday evening, February 1. f t tiles Katharine H. Hare will bo entertained at Ihuicheon and cards on Friday, January 22, by jMii. Qerrltt P. Judd, of Ardmore. Miss Hare's psiagement was announced recently to John fiP. Conger. luiai Sara D. Wilkinson and Mlsa Elizabeth BTOMnaon, of 2010 Walnut street, have sent out Rotations for two bridges, the first of which BU,be given Wednesday, January 20, and the fittwU on the following day. . The officers of the General Robert B. Tatter- BW Chapter. U. S. Daughters of 1812. held a tawtlng yeaterdav mornlnir In thB Historical ?( Building ln commemoration ol the 123d Itaalyeriary 0f the birth of General Robert Mttrjon, The ladles were afterward tha miejits & thl reuenL Mrs. 8. Hnmvrtnn Mitchell at Wxhwn at "La Con d'Or." Mrs. Mitchell's UptoU Included Mrs, Richard Peters, Mrs. Brd Penniwell, Mrs. George Rosa and, tho ' uclnnes. BMr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hare, of Wynnes j'Od rO&fl ljtft va.t.n1i r n nualr'a b,. In Nton. ALONG TnE MAIN LINE LSTObrook Miss Rosalie MoMlchen. of Rose- &fi Oyerbrook, will give a small dance at Jg home on Monday evening, January 25, In ffwr of Mis Sara Beecher Finck, debutante toghter of Dr. and Mrs, Edward Beecher rasa. Lwa. Edward A, Bookrayer, of Ro-Arden, has r- w k anor? stay in Wernersvllle, lf-illja tfnthiHM. nkha. nn rnwc R8 Wypnefieid avenues, wll entertain at fcBC"OA and r-n-rAtt tAi, Thava u111 ha 14 IfiWU present. GERMANTOWN djeatir A. Hobson. of a West Pomona G?fcLr'11 ntnaln ftt "" on Thursday at 1 allrlOm Slhirl.r nnn,M nf Mr. Anil If ThWdore Bchwerlner, o t0 Schuyler h SpeisdlnB several weeks in Reading as -Mt of her aunt. Miss Mislpw, Sj'te Bowdlth. of m High street, sailed for """ C Saturday, where he will remain Wftt swat,. rJlljaj, Jr W Cody, of 1 it aw avenue, will be glad to hear that ho has en tlrely recovered from his recent Berlous Illness, E. E. Blumner, of E0 West Haines street, left last week for a three weeks' trip through Penn sylvania. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Craig, of 6324 McCallUm Btreet, havo gone to New York for sevoral days. The Mothers In Council of Gertnantown will give tholr annual reception to parents today at tho home of Mrs, Thomas Racburn White, 151 West Coulter street. Tho speaker of tho evening will be Dr. Frederlo Cowing, Ha subjoct will be "Some Constructive Criticisms of Educational Processes." Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Dudley, of 2807 Queen lane, are 'being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter, born Wednesday, January 6. Miss Helen Fling, of Greene and Coulter streets, wilt entertain at luncheon and bridge shortly In honor of Miss Eleanor Edmonds. Miss Frances Omerly, of 353 Polham road, Is spending several days In Atlantic City. Mrs. Vnlentlno Kotch, of New York, Is at present tho guest of hor mother, Mrs. James Mnckeown, of 6032 Pulaski avenue. Miss Dorothy Malllson entertained at "E00" last evening at her home, ES0D Chew street. The guests Included Miss Marlon L. Clark, Miss Clnrlco F. Moyer, MIbb Leo Schoenley, Miss Ella Bennls, Miss Katherlne Leclcr, Miss Janet Young, Miss Marjorio Malllson, Gordon Urqu hart, Harold Byerley, Raymond MacPaul, Ed Ward SlmonB, Francis K. McCarthy, Caldwell Van Roden and Gilbert Lane. Mr. and Mrs. John Duffy, 14fi Mayland street, entertained nt dinner last ovcnlng In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Dowllng. whose wedding took place recently. Among those present were Mrs. John Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. John Chine, Miss Catharine Murphy, Miss Louise Thurston, Miss M. Gavaghan, Henry Calyunhoun and Howard Alsdorf. William J. Fling, accompanied by his daugh ter. Miss Ethel Fling, will leave on Friday, Jan uary IE, for Florida, to spend tho remainder of the winter. Sidney Lnske, of New York, Is spending four weeks with his uncle, Adolph Schwerinor, 5628 McMahon avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Thurman, of 5335 Bell fleld avenue, will leave on Thursday next for ICIsslmmee, Fia where they will spend the balance of the winter. debutanteZS BESIDES the "at homes" today there will bo tho usual affairs for the debutantes. Miss Jane Harding, daughter of Mrs. Georgo J. Hard ing, will be guest of honor at a luncheon to be given by Mrs. William Howell, Jr., at her homo, 130 South 22d street. The guests will Include Miss Charlotte Fahnestock, Miss Katherlne Seeler, Miss Emily La Farge Claxton, Miss Jean Christian Bullitt, Miss Hope McMtchaol, Miss Helena Robinson, Miss Anna Mary Walt hour, Miss Edith Novln Smythe, Miss Mary E. Clayton and Miss Roberta B. Downing. Mies Mildred Marston Jack, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. Foster Jack, of 1533 LocUBt street, will bo guest of honor at a theatre party, fol lowed by tea at the Bellevue-Stratford, to be given by Mrs. Irwhi N. Megargee. Miss Margaret Berwlnd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Berwlnd, will be guest of honor at a theatre party which Dr. and Mrs. George Fales Baker will give. A supper and dancing at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Baker will follow. ALONG THE READING Tho next meeting of tho Woman's Club of Wyncote, of which Mrs. Maurice J. Hoover la the January leader, wilt take place on Wednes day afternoon, January 20, at 2:80 o'clock, at the home of Mrs, Hoover, ln Wyncote. A leotura will be given by Helen Louise Johnson, chair man of the horn a economics department of the Woman's Federation. Mrs. Harold P. Moon, of Wyncote road, Jen kintown, will entertain at a children's party In honor of her son, Harold P. Moon, Jr., on Fri day,' January 15, from 3 until C o'clock. There 'will be 21 children present. On Saturday evening, January 18, there will bo the muslcale at the Old York Road Country Club, which promises to be a great success. Miss Jeanette Brommell, reader; Miss Helen Beatrice Reed, harpist, and Joseph G. Sullivan will tako part. On ' Saturday evening, January 23, at 8ilB o'clock, there will be a military "600" for the members at the Old York Road Country Club house. The committee In charge Includes Mr. and Mrs. Elmer IC Schultz and Dr, and Mrs. C, L. Card. Mr, and Mrs. Henry IT. Shelp, of York road, Oak Lane, have gone to Florida, where they will remain during the winter season. Mrs. N. D Schlmpf has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Herbert Btoer, of U North Broad Btreet, Logan, for some time, WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Joseph C. Klnsell, of the Batterlee apartments. 43th and Chestnut streets, will en tertain at cards Friday afternoon. Klllarney roses and maiden-hair fern will b. usd In the decoration. Mrs. Klneell's guests will Mrs. E. Crosby, Mrs. Robert J. Hoben, Mrs. A. J Simons, Mrs. John Koch, Mrs. M. Olll bee, Mrs. a Gurk, Miss B Nelson. Miss M. Nelson, Mrs. W. B. Berry, Mrs. Paul Connelly, Mrs. A- Curry, Mrs. William Loveland, Mrs William Meyer, Mrs. John Kernan, Mrs. George. Klnsell, Mrs. William Houok, Mrs. 3, Nebhutb, Mrs. J. James and Mrs, J. Enoch. Mrs- Forrtat B. Bnglish will entertain th members of her bridgft dub oo Monday. Janu ary , her bony. ? fiwth Wh street. MIIS. FREDERICK JOST AND AT HOME TODAY Wednesday a Favorite Afternoon for Informal Receiving. January as a month for receiving has bo como very popular for the "at homes," which are Informal, no cards having been Issued, and for the formal ones, for which cards are re ceived and for which tho hostesses have long receiving lines, Wednesday seoms to be the moat favored day. Those who will be at home this afternoon are Mrs. Samuel Prlco Wotherlll nnd Mrs. C. Shlllard Smith, nt the residence of Mrs. Wetherlll, 251 South 18th street. No cards have been sent out. Mrs. Henry Warrington Doughten, 1930 Pino street, during tho winter. No carda haVe been sont out. Mrs. Avery D. Andrews, 135 South 18th street, until February. No cards. Mrs. Henry J. Rowland, 1607 Locust street, until February. Mrs. Frank Staley and Miss Helen C. Staley, 13G South 23d Btreet, after 4 o'clock until February. No cards. g ' Mrs. Henry D. Paxson, 2038 Locust street, after 3 o'clock, until February. No cards. Mrs. Thomas H. Fcnton nnd Mrs. J. B. W. Bldlack, 1319 Spruce street, after 4 o'clock, until February. No cards. Mrs. George II. Lea and Miss Elizabeth Lea, 245 South 19th street, after 4 o'clock, during the winter. Mrs. Samuel Keen Ashton, the Misses Ash ton and Miss Emma Ashton Dorr, 254 South 23d street, after 4 o'clock, until February. Mrs. Benjamin Janney Rudderow, 280 South 23d street, after 3 o'clock, until Lent. No cards. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoxle Harrison Smith, 2025 Locust street, until February. Mrs, Joseph B. Walnwrlght and Miss Mary Coates will be at home, 321 South 22d street, after 4 o'clock. No cards. Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Paxon, of 2036 Locust street, will entertain at dinner tonight for her receiving party and their husbands. Those who will attend are Dr. and Mrs. Spencer Trotter, Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Reeves, Jr., the Rev. and Mrs. George Warrington Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. William Newbold Ely and Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Tatum. WILMINGTON Several Interesting weddings are scheduled for this week. Tomorrow night, at 7 o'clock, the marriage of Miss Ruth Mullln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John S. Mullln, of this city, and Richard Jackson Freeman, of Germantown, Fa., will take place in Grace Methodist Episcopal Church. The Rev, Robert BagneU, pastor of Park Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, will officiate, assisted by Bishop Joseph Berry, of Philadelphia, and the Rev. George Edward Reed, D, D pastor of Grace Church. Mr. Mullln will give his daughter In marriage, and she will havo four attendants Mrs. J, Paul Mullln, a matron of honor; Mlsa Marion Beadenkopf, as maid of honor; Miss Edith, Montgomery, of Wil mington, und Miss Helen Biggs, of Mlddletown, as bridesmaids. Jane Mullln, a niece of the bride, and Margaret Wlckeraham, of Woodbury, N, J., will be flower girls. The bridegroom's best man will be his father, Frank A. Freeman, of Oyerbrook. Pa. Two of the bride's brothers J, Paul Mullln, of this city, and John H. Mullln, of Baltimore; Edwin La vino, Dr, Leslie Mulford, of Philadelphia; Wynne Armstrong, of Merchantville, N, J., and C, I Pleraon, of Bt. David's, Pa., will be the other ushers, After the wedding ceremony the bridal party will receive .the guests ln the Rose Room of the Hotel du Pont. After their return from a bridal trip Mr. and Mrs. Freeman will live at C419 Oyerbrook avenue, Philadelphia. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Miss Gwendolyn B, Taylor, of m Linden Street, Camden, will entertain the members of her "500" club Wednesday evening. Her guests will be Miss Laura M. Hutton, Miss Lorraine Bernet, Miss Evelyn P, Jarden, Lewis H Hale, EUwood K. Acker, Jr., Harry G. a Williams, Clarence II. Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. William H Wentt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lynn Walker and; Mr. and Mrs. P. Jules Lafore. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. HaUinger, of Merchant Ytlle, have been visiting Mra. Halllnger's rela tives In Boston, Mass.' Mr. mm! Mrs. Alhert Fog, of peean City, formerly of this city, are visiting- their daughter. Mm, J. U MafcaSey. Fliuloguph by MtrceftU. HER SON, GORDON JOST AT THE OPERA Many parties wore given last night at the Metropolitan performance In splto of inclement weather, Boclety at tended the opera in full force last night. Miss Mario Loulso Wntmmakcr, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Wanamaker, was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. D. Tcarson Poarco, of Ardmore, nt tho opern, followed by supper nt tho Rltz-Carlton. Tho guests wore Mr. nnd Mrs. Arturo do Hceren, Miss Mary Brown Wnrburton, Miss Chnrlotto Harding Brown, Miss Ruth Coxe, MIbb Cordelia Biddlo, MIbb Pauline Dlsston, Fltz-Eugene Thayer, Lewis Parsons, Edward McLean, New York; Augusto de Heeren, Livingston Sullivan, Philip S. P. Randolph, Jr., Joseph G. Ilosongarton, Jr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles B. Wright, of Chestnut Hill, entertained In their box, followed by sup per at tho Rltss-Carlton, In honor of Mrs. James Putnam, of New York. The guests at tho supper were Mr. nnd Mra. Charles S. W. Packard, Mra. and Mra. Sidney W. Keith. Mr nnd Mrs. William Ellla Scull, Mr. and Mrs. George Dallas Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles E. Coxo, Mr. nnd Mrs. William R. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roberts, Mr. nnd Mrs. War ner J. Steel, Mrs. Benjamin Chew Tllghmnn, Miss Esther B. Hnre, Langdon E. Mitchell, Samuel Chow, Louis A. Diddle, Theodore W. Cramp, Henry McKean Ingersoll. Mrs. Alexander Brinton Coxe entertained Mr. and Mrs. James Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. W. Packard, Mrs. Charles Randolph Snowden and Robert Ralston In their box. Mrs. J. Harrison Smith, of tho Bellevue Stratford, entertained at dinner before the opera. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. F. Beaston, of 307 East Alle gheny avenue, will give a supper at their home later In the avenlng. Those who will attend will bo Miss Gertrudo Wills, Miss Nanco Kor man, Miss Cella Stern, Miss Clara Rlodle, Miss Frances Hackell, Miss Florence Schoppe, Miss Martha Simon, Frank Beaston, James Myers, Bruce Anderson, Harry Lister,' James Town, George Kuylcr and William Hauley, NORTHWEST PHILADELPHIA The O La La Club and the Bluejays will give a skating party on GuBtlne Lake, Fairmount Park, Saturday evonlng, January 16. Mr. and Mrs, Lelbber entertained last night In honor of their son's, George Lelbber, 21st birthday, at their residence at Nlcetown and Harrowgate lane, The house wbb beautifully decorated In red and green, MISS LOUISE FOSTER CHAS15 Mil Chans, who I resident of GerinamowE, will 6 a dstutante of seat scaton. .s4aAAAHeP ' V IIISASASSBBi i Jv HHssAVfei A fcz5. W' i jaaa322aMMwi e 1 jHkI 'VraHsSSsmR IE AAAAAB6aEBiii'"''rTO8sBSBSSAkAHr ' fa AAAAB!PHPili&TCinnflBAftBAV ss bassBhBaIRIB HS5d3i SaVHmaHaV ' Hi AAASAH8fiyAT LIHHkBBU Hi AAAHBAAAftWSlti& 1V guHBsH? 8 sBHaaaIaaaaKbW V IS 9aVaaavIHaHa1aaaaaaaaaaHB1m ALTHOUGH clothes for Southern wear seem .to be filling the shops, late winter garb Is not altogether neglected, for after all, the per centage of those who will shortly desert the city for warmer climes Is very small, and those who remain are quite as much Interested In their appearance the remaining Inclement days. Mrs. John C. Oltpln, who will bo remembered as Miss Lucy Dlsston, looks wett tn a brown suit of duvetyne cloth, made on extremely plain lines. The coat Is short In front, having a vest of brown, and cut qulto long InHhe back. Mrs. Gilpin wears a brown chiffon waist and quite a largo sailor-shape hf.t of black velvet, with two pompons of marten fur hanging tooiely on the edge. Mrs. Frank Byrd Gummey was seen lately wearing a handsome street suit of black broad cloth. Following tho mode of tho hour, the skirt Is full, (ho coat knee-length and trimmed with lynx fur cuffs and collar. A touch of color Is given by a close-fitting hat of tango green felt, which has a hand of fur and a pompon of the same. Dark blue has becomo unusually popular, es pecially with tho debutantes, for street wear. TIOGA Mrs. Henry K. Boyer will give a luncheon In honor of her daughter, Miss Alma S. Boyer, on Friday afternoon. Covers will be laid for 12. Mr. nnd Mrs. Llnd Mason Baker, of 1805 West Erie avenuo, will give a dinner, followed by brldgc-nhlst, tonight, ln honor of their guest, Mrs. Edward O'DonnolI, of Madison, N. J. Pink roses, ferns nnd smllax will bo combined effec tively In the decorations. Tho popular host and hostess will entertain also on Friday night In honor of their guest. Miss Carollno Staeter, of 2031 North Broad street, gave n. theatre party last night, followed by a supper at tho Bellevue-Stratford, for Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Miss Sophie Spencer, of 1713 West Tioga street, ontertalned at cards, yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Hnrry Walton, Miss Louise Mnucr, Mrs. Walter Whitman, Miss Margaret McCurdy, Mrs. Dickin son Shaw, Mrs. George Estes, Mrs. Edgar Hob son, Mrs. Eleanor Hobson, Miss Helen Lolgh man nnd Mrs. Arthur Custer. Mrs. Aris P. Hausman, of 3221 North 15th street, is entertaining at luncheon this after noon, Mrs. Robert Frlos, Miss Nellie Miller, Mrs. Carl Ilerschcl, Mrs. S. Wclkcl, Miss Kath ryn Parker, MrB. John JoncH, Miss Margaret Hilton, Mrs. Rhea Duryea, Miss Florcnco Dal rymple and Mrs. Marlon W. Benjamin. Mrs. David Charles taurtha, of West Tioga stteet, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. George Burn ham, of Asbury Park. Mrs. Murtha'a daughter, Miss Eleanor Murtha, has returned to school at Hollldaysburg, Pa. Mrs. Elmer Crawford, who has been spending some time In Chicago, has returned to her home, 1823 West Tioga street. Dr. nnd Mrs. Louts H, Mutschler, of 2030 Tioga street, will have Doctor Mutschlor's sis ter, Mrs. Leonard A. Parkhurst, of Somers, Mont, aa their guest the latter part of the month. Franklin B. Moon has announced the engage ment of his sister, Mlsa Lottlo May Moon, to Benjamin Roy Tucker, of Pottsville, Pa. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mlsa Rao Feinglass, of 2007' North 31st street, gave a reception In honor of her cousin. Miss TUlIe Bloom, of New York. The guests were entertained with various musical selections, which were rendered by Morris Walger, Philip Friedman and Herbert Velll. Tho gucstB In cluded I. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. P. Feinglass, Mrs. F. Werman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leviton, Miss Reba Feinglass, Miss Rose Albert, Miss Julia Albert, Miss Elizabeth Feldman, Miss Esther Kuksteln, MUa Rosenbaum, Miss Ida Feinglass, Charles Kuksteln, Joseph Freeman, Harry Albert, Samuel Lerner, Samuel Bellltz, Harry Feinglass, Philip Friedman, Mr. Eddln ger, Sol Feinglass, Herbert Velll, Morris Walger, Mr. Feckter and Maxwell 'Rosenbaum. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Stephens, of 1918 North Park avenue, will give a card party, fol lowed by a supper tonight, ln honor of their house guest, Mrs. Clifford II. Terry, of East Orange, N. J. The color scheme of the decora tions is pink, the roses used being combined with ferns. Other guests will be Mr. and Mrs. John P. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wolsten holme, Miss Wilson, George Barry, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Comegys, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wilson and Mr, and Mrs. Louis Rutherford, Miss Estelle Winters, of 12th street and Glrnrd avenue, entertained at luncheon and "500" yes terday. Her guests were members of her card club, and Included Mrs. Percy Sherlock, Mrs. Albert Schenck, Mrs, Charles Hafner, Mrs, Fred erick Carter, Mrs. Frank Smith, Misses Alice and Edna McFadden, Miss Bertha Wenlger, Misses Lillian and Mabel Reler and Mrs. How ard Jantzen. Miss Anna Slnnott, of 2031 North 15th street, was guest of honor at a "500" party, followed by a supper recently, at the home of Miss Mercedes M. Schulx, of 2337 North 13th street. Those present were Miss Florence Mills, Miss Agnes M. Kalmbach, Miss Sara G. Ferry, Miss Elizabeth Miller, Miss Stella M. Schulz, Miss Mary Miller, Mlsa Slnnott will leave for an extended trip through the West on Thursday, Mrs. Emily P, Nash, of 2167 North 13th street, has announced the marriage of her daughter, Miss Anna J, Nash, to Walter A. Young, of North Franklin street. The ceremony was per formed on Wednesday morning, January 6, In the Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, Broad and Diamond streets, by the pastor, the Rev, Dr. John R. Davles. Mr, and Mrs. Young on their return from a short wedding Journey will live at 2156 North 19th street, where they wilt re celve after February 1, SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Henry V. Moore entertained at luncheon yesterday at her home, U2S Tasker street. MUs Mary Pecker, of 2427 South 2Ut street, ontertalned at bridge yesterday. There were five tables. FRANKFORD Mrs. John pale, of Russelvllle, is the guest of Mrs. 3. F. Bj.usnr, at 8973 Franiford ave nue, for a few weeks. Miss Elinor Flood wears a good-looking navy blue coat suit. The coat has the popular naf row-shoulder effect and Is slightly short-waist ed. Brown fur Is used on the collar. Miss Flood's hat la a sallor-shapo of whits bcngatlne silk with a wreath of tiny flowers encircling the crown. A girlish suit of tan cloth Is worn by MHs Elisabeth Wlster. Plain lines are nartlcularly effectivo In this costume, the coat being narrow across tho shoulders and slightly short-walsfed, with the over-popular flare-skirt effect. Blue fox furs are worn, which are becoming to Miss Winter's brilliant coloring. Her hat Is a toque of tan velvet, worn slightly to one side, Mrs. B. Dobson Altemua wears to afternoon affairs a stunning coat suit of heavy black ototh. Tho skirt Is plain, but tho coat Is ex ceptionally odd and smart. There Is a yoke affect ln tho back, below which Is a full cape of the goods gathered on to the yoke at the shoulder line. A 12-Inch band of seal fur fin ishes the cont, which reaches to the knees. Seal Is also used on tho doep cuffs nnd high standing collar. A chic black hat, which Is close fitting, finishes this striking costume. LANSDOWNE The Home and School League will give "Shakespearean Night" for the benefit of the new school building, ln the Twentieth Century Club,- January 13. Among tho chaperones of tho affair will be Mrs. William Anderson, Mra. J, Eugeno Baker, Mrs. D. Morton Bond, Mrs. Benjamin W. Cars kaddon, Mrs. John B. Clothier, Mrs. Wilfred Conrad, Mrs. Cornelius E. Ebry, Mrs. X. Byrno Dougherty, Mrs. Clarence H. Eppelsheimer, Mrs. Lacey II. Evans, Mrs. Edward R. Fackler, Mrs. William H. P. Fisher, Mrs. Robert W. Gick, Mrs. Horaco Farnham Griffith, Mrs. J. Herbert Ogdcn, Mrs. Francis D. Ogden, Mrs. Crosswell McBoo and Mrs. Walton L. Philips. The Beta Theta nnd Yo Owla Club aro pre paring for their mlnatrel show, "The Lans downe Folllea of 1915," which will be given February 12 In the 20th Century Club. v Miss Martha Beech, of Shadeland avenue, Is visiting frlcnda In Washington, D. C Miss E. Cora Ycagor, of South Lansdowns avenue. Is spending the week In Atlantic City. AMUSEMENTS Forrest Ppr& Mat. Today .$1.00 THE GIRL OP GIRLS VEB8E1,LA'S MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESS Lait Evu. 8:1!S Saturday Mat. neat Beats 11.60. nuxt wnnic shats TOMOnnovv CHARLKS PROIIMAN Presents THE GREAT TIIREC-STAR COMBINATION JULIA SANDERSON DONALD BRIAN JOSEPH CAWTHORN in THE GIRL FROM UTAH BROAD Mat. Today m,. Miss BILLIE BURKE JERY NEXT WEEK SEATS TOMOIin6w MAUDE ADMS ounb!.enm TIIB Legend op Leonora And THE LADins' SHAKESPEARE weTiTa't. QUALITY STREET ACADEMY OP MUSIC newmansts War Pictures FRI. EVG. 8A:TB SAT. MAT. aA.Ta FRANCE THg WAR TICKETS at Heppe's. 2Bo to i.1.00, NOW Chestnut St OPERA I Home of World's HOUSE Greatest Photonlari AFTERN'NS 1 to 6 2X)c&15c7Eroa!i 10,15,25c 2D CAPACITY WEEK ICHEISTIAN Twice Dally Afternoons, 2:B0. Eveninge. 8:30. Preceded by Keystone Comedy Pictures. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY, JAN. 23 xffir PAVLOWA (The Divinity or the Dance) TWO ENTIRELY NEW PROGRAMS Mall orders received now. Seat sale open Saturday, January 111. 111)1' Chestnut st. Trices, COo to J3 60. SIR DOUGLAS MAWSON " "RACINO WITH DEATH IN ANTARCTIO BLIZZARDS" Under the Auspices of the Oeof raphlca! Society WITHERSPOON HALL, JANUARY 20tll, 8llB Tickets S1.00, at Heppe's THE MARKET ST., ABOVE 18TII PICTURES U TO 11 FLORENCE Stanley In .TtTW T-t , ,L,,r nrn, " Thursday, rrlday. Saturday, DU8T1N FARNUM in -UAMKI JURBY" MARKET STREET, Below 60th Vaudeville Phofopuy. Procram Chanced Mon. & Thurs CROSS KEYS THEATRE Dally 1 (n I Evcnlnss T and t at a ivl, I 10c, 18c, 20o WHAT A 8hAr Victoria TUEATIUi WOMAN o WILL DO ' UT1I ANU MAitKPT ST9. In Conjunction Wltn VdVlle Headed liy Schoen's "RUJ'-F HOUSE KIDS" GT r T TT MABKET STREET Ju U JtS ill OPPOSITE WANAMAKER'S 'audevllle 11:80 to llsSO Lancton, Luclsr Co., De Witt, Bums Terrenes, Mlnola Hunt and Her Little Laujh. Lander, Moor O'Brien fc Carmack, Others. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE "ilanv Qoo4 Mr and Mrs. Carter DeHaven, Hooser TAtnasen Bent; "On the School Waygrounds" , HI!!.'1 Marvelous Manchurlanj; Mcilahw it lAdssr. Chappelle, and Others Garrick , Mat. Today j',. 1.60 QEO. II. COHAN'S Powerful Comedy-Drams, THEMIRAC LE MAN TJTTI.E -'" I ti - ss. " "T" A VI 4k TUEATRE HthtDe Lancer "UU U It ALr! Preceded by 'Lonesoou Like" NUCON'B GRAND Today ana, t a "THE BONU DOCTORS" THE no AD TO TOMORROW" . N1KKO TROUPE, CLARK & MyCbL LOUUII, FITZSIMMOXS & CAM ERON, LAUGHING VlCTl'RtS LYBICmoMvo JANUARY la MABIE TEMPEST f tgX, JU BEATS NOW BELLING. A "nT7T TDtTT Popular 11.00 Mat- Tomorrow AJJJJUriiJ. TONIGHT, AT5.U SAM B&RVARD "THE BELLE O" BOND STREET" EMPIRE Tonlabt Novelty Taw Coiuski CHARLES ROBINSON ana IU COMPAXr DTT Hf f "M T ' H DUM'VJTS U1SBRU.3 MAT TOPAT 10c, 30e Aq? Mfl THBATR8 4teuj9 ' UAOiVlU DAVfc MA8IOM AHE J.W s...