Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 13, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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J..1 J.
now famous
pTast That One Sporting
Writer of Mis uay oaia
n.A Fin ihf Hun..
c uuiu - ,-
led Under 10 Seconds.
lenit was n fast man In hln day.
i-feislonal ball player, tlia newspa
La .nortlng writers of thfl '80s and
ItfUr . -- nf 1ia fnslont. IJn
jEf , Bder at stealing bases, they say,
tBw .- imo we hear of His stealing
BiJ? "' " i. xrav.
:& M.,.ir of the Ath1(
WiS ,, . iiln catcher of.
sTnttcn team In 1883, and Billy was
S fielder for tho Pittsburgh Pl
& two teams were fighting a Ufa
ifi!& .. i..ii tnr Innt nlace. The
l;ii', , ... nn r ni11v iKnorcanlzed
ggbiin players, but tho Washington
Jmm even worse.
Sj; teams met in Pittsburgh on August
tely hd just been mentioned as man
fit the Pittsburgh team, and ho was
(lift .. . .... , Tfr mna n mljuirnlilrt
"KVjflg Ilia neau U". " " -
i-Sk .t,. racers say. Pittsburgh won
ifibi tcott of IB to" 3, and Sunday's play
KTn'l the only brilliant feature. Fcr
La Sulllvun pitched for Washington
Efrconnlo Mack was behind the bat.
guides Meanns mo " -- -.
TiTirJive out three hits, scored four
Sind nrndo four catches In tho out-
jjilthit dia a loi. " ' " "- o-
WJcore flown.
pi hat called forth considerable
few from the "press.
jauir Sunday, of tho PIttsburghs, Is
ftffulMt ball player living," said tho
B&nniti Enquirer. "He can cover a
iSired yards In a stralght-away run
Wk than 10 seconds. Thero la no
"jga player In tho country who can
(Jllcite this perrormanco or como nny
"Sm near even time. THo honor of
VKj the second best man lies between
"Si Latham, of the St Louis Browns,
"jSF'Bllly Hamilton, of tho Kansas
joij' It Is a toss up for a choice be-
iCTMn ic fc"v i'rf
pnble circumstances on a sood cinder
JS' probably do tho hundred In some-
ttfij like 11 scconus."
ftjthe sporting writers of tho day,
ETer, did not agree with the En
ffl&i comment that Billy Sunday
fSj co 1 yards In less than 10 scc
'S3? and 'ne rend In tho editorial of
"SoSportIng Life of August 14, 1889, a
RBmenlby Its editor, Francis C. RIchter,
probably one of tho best Informed men
"ffjoblstlc records of his time: '
S?0or Cincinnati contemporary," says
; w .Jucnier, ireaia seconaa too liniiy.
"tbus are but small divisions of time,
lit of imiwenso Importance even in f rac-
tion al ln (printing. Ten seconds for 100
jviiU the best amateur record In the
world, iai It Mr. Sunday or any other
nil player could cover the distance In
fcontlnned from Pane On
ho hammefed that one thing ho seems to
hato most-the "booze" business.
"You tell mo you do not expect to be
come a drunkard, that you never Intend
to drink so much that you will become
an outcast to your friends and your
home. Well, again Jt say you are n fool.
No man ever Intended to become a drunk
ard. Every drunkard started out to bo
simply a moderate drinker. The fellow
Who tells me ho can leave It alono when
he wants to, lies. It is a lie. If you can,
why don't you leave It alono7
My boy, hear me, I have walked along
the shores of time and have seen them
strewn with tho wrecks of those who
have drifted In from tho seas of lust and
passion, and are fit only for danger
signals to warn the coming race.
Ma eyes (laming, perspiration pouring
from his head, faco and body, his arms
whirling In tho air, Jumping back and
forth across tho platform, pounding tho
pulpit until the force of his blos could
bo heard In the rear of the tabernacle,
"Billy" hit at every form of moral evil
And ho did not forget to warn the young
girls to beware of nny young man wlio
could not prove'thnt ho never drnnk and
never went with company that ha would
not viant his mother to know ho was
"Young girl," he called, "dn't you go
with that Oodless, God-forsaken, sneering
young man that walks the streets smok
ing cigarettes. Ho would not walk tho
streets with you If you smoked cigar
ettes. But you say ou will marry him
and reform hlmj ho would not mnrry you
10 rcrorm you. Don't go to that dance
Don't you know that It Is the most damn
able, low-down Institution on the face of
God's earth, thnt It causes more ruin
than nnything this side of hell? Don't
you go with thnt young man; don't you
go to that dance.
"That la whv wo have so many whlp
poorwlll widows around the country; they
married some of theso mutts to reform
them, and Instead of doing that tho un
dertaker got them. Don't go with that
young fellow for a Joy ride at midnight.
If a young fellow came up and naked
my girl to take her Joyriding at mld
nlgfht, I "would v knock him oft tho fnco
of the earth. I toll you, If automobiles
and carriages could talk, thoro would be
something doing.
"Girls, "When some young fellow comes
up to vpu and asks you tho greatest
question thut jou will over be aaked or
called upon to answer, next to the salva
tion of your own soul, what will you
say? 'Oh, this Is so sudden.' That Is all
a bluff; you have been waiting for It all
tho time.
"But, girls, never mind now, get down
to facts. When ho asks you that great
est question, the most Important one that
any girl is over asked, next to the sal
vntlon of her soul, Just say: 'Sit down
nnd let me ask you three questions. I
want to ask you these thrco questions
nnd-tf I am satisfied with your answers
It will determine my nnswer to your
question. 'Did jou bcllevo me to bo vir
tuous when you came hero to ask mo to
be your wife?' 'Oh. es. I belioved you
to bo virtuous. That's tho reason I camo
here. Violets dipped in dew would be
as cow fodder compared to you.' The
second question: 'Have you as a young
man lived ns you demand of me, as a
girl, that I should have Hyed7' Tho third
question: 'If I, as a girl, had lived and
dono ns you, as a young man, and you
kn!V it, would you ask mo to marry
"They will lino up, nnd nine times out
of 10 theje will take the count. You
can line them up, and I know what I
am talking about, and I defy any man
on God's earth to successfully contradict
tat, time or less he could make more i me. I ' have tho goods. Thp averago
toil; at professional sprinting than at
Mil ulavlnir '
ipHf,,Rlchter thought a lot of Sunday's
laaqr as a sprinter ana irequentiy re
ttnti to him as the "Chicago sprinter,"
kiln? the name from Sunday's homo
fajn. Sunday was a great favorite with
Jgfanj here. In fact, during the sea
wgjf 1S90 Sunday and Hecker were about
Oi only players on tho Pittsburgh team
Ult thfl fan pnrffri in rrn in boa
fcsunoay made the star play of tho
it a uiu x'uui.iu xjUdqish oi tne
jMnfcKtfttfter one of the games with
Pittrturih here in 1890 "It was a run
tt catch which he mado after a daring
g near the base lines. Sunday also
Wils aide at the bat and by his sprlnt-
SlJCdreri ttn fmlw nin
ffctaiiay ht tne nrst ba pltohe(1 ro; n
.JMSjand stole second. Tho next two
"3, wo easily retired, but Laroque
ld out a single and Sunday scored
JWYery close dfvlnlnn "
'Tery close decision.
km All glory for Sunday.
SP it was not all glory for Sunday In
Jjkseba!.days The bleachers and the
wtr went after htm tho sme as the
SL'The records charge Billy up with
"jjjj ome games for his club. "In
atith Inning the Phillies Bcore three
IK '!? words say, "and the Pltts
Sfr lhlnka ' Sunday's stupid base
t'-au-s-yniy lw. nnd thus the locals
Y the score of 5 to 4."
"tupld play that la referred to was
fit Hi I ... .. ... . ..
UTIm . "" sicep" wnuo taKing a
PVt drat base. Smith, of the Pitts-
ijj-j.- uii iiuru uuao ana Bun
mux nrst, with two men out. and
wghs heavy artillery at the bat.
eytf took a big lead and then stood
SSmm !r the clrcmBtances, the pa-
jSaii " y,aa "P lo amim to get
Kfc .UM Sunaay was a, sura out.
SAEnl". was caught and the game
5". m the defeat was charged against
fwt' runner Sunday was In a class
i1sflTt0Te3'' o th8 Boston team, and
inrrKon and Fomrtv nt , -Phim..
nJtMfi 1f ,n the eame- mo- tn year
ffiM flnlshed tha season with tha
SJ his best year as a base
??"' 1Q that VfUtr 1lA dtnlA M tinaon nn
m r"v""""i inquirer oam coma
nundred In less than 11
itva tha
H,,"; a interesting raoa between
fk'W.l.Ba ounoay ror the base-steal- ,
iffi!? Dut Hamilton was a better
"ll clean "swipes" to spare.
Hts bond tax repealed
JlicUor Recommends That Pe
g& Bf Hade to legislature.
Ifmendatlon that the Legisla-
HBiai . '"oaity tne statutes im-iSr.-?
Bt& tax of four mills on Phlla-
fffi1 bbnds haa been made
PSg .SPOncllmanlo Committee on Leff.
J5l.T- T. 't DU"cor iiyan. xna
3ui!vll city bonds nirE!rrB-n.4 fwr rji
?Jn 'MlntJ out that tha contem-
uTfc. of th8 c,ty' deb by h8
r.translt 8n ber permanent
a JnA? W1U Breay Increase the
g. we tax the city must pay on
loii,. ,Bt'"un to the fact that
t B t,0( Philadelphia's revenue Is
uwmce the operation of the
UC&tiOn nf il.A .tBh.t.. .,
" Savlnars lnBtl(nilAnB .A u-
i'm th, state tax. the city must
lA'tf h0n. lts bon3i eTrt though
Ktttmr t"Miuugna coming unaer
S trovHo It I. ullmuM h.t
Lt3UuMons' hold about H,0S0,a
S4, on Which tha dtv navii n
taargs uf between 5O,009 and
young man Is more particular about tho
companylio keeps man tne average gin,
I'll tell you. If ho meets somebody on
the street whom he doesn't wnnt to meet
ho will duck into the first open door
way and avoid the publicity of meeting
her, for fear she might smile or give
an Indication that shdjfiad seen him some
vihere and sometime before that. Yet
our so-called best girls keep company
with young men whose character would
make a black mark on a piece of
"So with the boy. Ho will Bit at your
tablo and drink beer, and I want to tell
you If you aro low down enough to serve
beer and wine in yiur honje, when you
serve it'you are as low down as tho
saloonkeeper, and I don't care whether
you do Itlfor society or for anything else.
If you serve liquor or drink you are as
low down as tho saloonkeeper In my
opinion. So tho boy who had not grit
enough to turn down his glass at the
banquet nnd refuse to drink is now a
blear-eyed, staggering, vermln-cqvercd
drunkard, reeling to hell. He couldn't
stand the sneers of the crowd; many a
fellow started out to play cards for beans
nnd tonight he would stake his soul for
a show-down.
"The hole in the gambling table Is not
very big; It Is about big enough to shove
a dollar through, but it Is big enough to
shove your wife through; big enough to
shove your happiness through; your home
through; your salary, your character;
Just big enough to Bhove everything that
Is dear to you in this world through the
little solid top of the table.
"Listen to me. Bad as It Is to be af
flicted with physical leprosy, moral lep
rosy is 10,000 times worse. I don't care
If you areithe richest man In the town,
thfi biggest taxpayer In Philadelphia
County, the biggest politician in the con
gressional district or In the State. I
.don't care a rap If you carry tha political
vote, and If you can change the vote from
Democratlo to Republican In the conven
tion if after your worldly career Is closed
my text would make you a fitting epitaph
for your tombstone and obituary notice
In the papers, then what difference would
It make what you had done 'He was a
Jeper,' He was a great politician but 'he
was a leper.' What difference would it
make?" '
iirain inat nlRht Sunday asked men and
women to turn from their lives of sin
and wickedness. In response th persons
marched forward through the sawdust
trails in the big tabernacle at 19th and
Vine streets and declared for God.
It was an Inspiring sight as those con
verts came forward. Bravely some of
them "hit the trail," smiling and Jubilant
In their, Joy of the new life. Others shed
tears rt regret over their lives of sin
and suffering in the past. As they came
forward they wera encouraged by the
music of good, old revival hymns.
"Wfc'ro Marching to Zlon" was started
by the great choir of 1S00 voices as soon
as "Billy" extended his Invitation. As
the converts rnarhedyforward they
Joined tn the singing, and the audience
made the big tabernacle quiver with the
melody, lime and again, as men and
women of prominence stepped up to the
platform and took Sunday's hand and
were escorted by his assistants to the
"glory rows," their friends applauded
heartily. Many persons shed happy tears
as they saw wayward sons and daugh
ter nnd careless, worldly husbands de
clare their Intentions of becoming Chrls-
Aif'the line grew and the seats in the
front of the building Blled with converts
tha tune was changed to "Just as I Am,
Without One Plea," a4 there was an-
pther rush for tne evangeim.
Ha bad preached a stirring wrmon on
"Scoring Certain Belief " When he
toppa and prayed w4 then urged tho
men and" women to offer their bouIb to
God perspiration wns pouring from his
face, his hair was ruffled, ami It seemed
to tha audience he must drop from ex
haustion. But "Billy" was not weak.
Hn was strong In anticipation of the
convert he was to greet. He stepped
to the front of the platform, walked down
on tho Btcps and smiled nnd offered words
of encouragement to the men and women
who grnsped his hand and professed a
new belief.
Tho first person to hit tho trail last,
night was a oung man. Ho reached
Sunday with trembling lips, nnd grasped
his hand as though in a death grip, ,111s
name, he wild, was Hunter Wharton, and
he gave hts address as 2702 Oxford street.
The neit In line was a brawny, khakl-clad
iMnrlne one of the men Who hnd helped
to plant tho StarB and Stripes In Vera.
Crux. Next ratine umnn, who gave his
name and address as John J, MoConnoll,
of 235 South 24th street.
"I have been going through tho world
wildly," ho declared, "but now I have
found peace and will trot square with
Another young man, one who said he
was a backslider, followed McConnell,
and close behind him camo a teacher
who led a girl of 15. Great tenrs wcro
pouring from her big, black eyes.
On nnd on tho converts camo. Their
clothing and their words told they'camo
from every wnlk of life. Some wero
poor, some wero rich, some wcro stu
dents, Borne iero business and profes
sional men nnd women. Moat of them
wero men, probably becauso of tho ter
rific Btorm that mado It dangerous for
a woman to be on the streets last night.
.Whpn Sunday had finished his sermon,
tib Btood on a chair nnd waved his nrmn.
He looked llko a mighty leader calling hts
army nbout him to light.
"I sound tho charge," ho shouted, and
then they came forward with a rush.
Almost nil tho new "iBms" came In for
their share of denunciation last night.
While tho wind howled about the taber
nncle, the doors slammed and the terrldo
fall of rain boat upon the 'broad roof,
"Billy" hurled his verbal thrusts nt all
who had turned from the old-time reli
gion. Even above the din of the furious
Btorm, his voice sounded out llko a
clarion call.
Again he attacked the saloon nnd the
brothol. Again ho rounded the preacher
who aro afraid to preich "hell " From
tho devil como nil tho new Ideas on living
nnd the new beliefs of religion, "Billy"
"Immigrants who turn tho American
Sabbath into a feast of stale beer and
pretzels and manufacturers of the fol-de-rol,
tommyrot aesthetic religions and trial
marriages aro all tools of tho dovll," ho
"They ace a girl who Is pretty and
good-looking," ho sneered at tho trlal
marrlago crowd. "They say, 'Como on,
sissy, let's try It six months, and If
things don't go right v.o can play quits.'
Arrhl" he snarled, "thank God such an
infamous, God-forsaken, licentious, hell
born doctrine will never exist so long as
man preaches God's word nnd woman
hears It."
Sunday assured tho good Immigrants
that, so for as he is concerned, thoy aro
nil we:ome to this country to help mako
It great.
"I'll to the nrst to stand at Ellis Tslnnd
and welcome the man or woman who
wants to come hero and assimilate our
v.a, but, so help mo God, I would not
yield to nny clique, oven though they
come half a million a year, who "turn our
Sabbath Into a Continental Sabbath with
their dirty, disgusting beer feasts They
enn't put the Bible out of our public
schools and put their vile, licentious
dances tn Its place Let them keep their
hands oft our schools If they don't llko
our ways, lot them stay out "
Turning to the latest "isms," "Billy"
"New thought! All this fascinating.
sugar-coated mixture and ethical culture
and higher criticism 1 You ve got it in
tho Bible, and thero's nothing now under
the sun. Whether you call It new. or
whatever you call It, It's the samo old
With one of his deft gestures, he di
rected the attention of the audience to
the ministers. "I don't believe you can
remember when you heard a sermon on
hell," ho said, "They convey tho im
pression that everything's going to bo
sweet and lovely and cultured and es
thetic In the next world It's a He!" ho
stamped. "Well, you'll hear about hell
while I'm here "
"Let's get away from all this sickening,
sweet, namby-pamby, useless, silly, hell
born, devil-begotten rubbish. Let's get
back to Christ! Let's get back to tho
PentecostI Back to the apoBtolIc belief,
back to the belief of our forefathers,
back to God's klnudom! Oh, Phllndol
phlnns, God's got to come first and all
other things can trail "
Suddenly the tension snapped Ho
rushed to the edge of the platform,
shoved his head far forward and shook
his finger. "Tho trouble with jou Is,"
he roared, "you've got too many preach
ers breaklmr their necks to Dlenso a few
society damea."
"Damnable heresies keeping people out
of the kmsdom of Heaven"; "Isms and
clsms"; "Eddyism, labeled Christian Sci
ence"; "Millennial Dawnlsm," where all
you have to do Is to conceive your son
is Jesus and he is" theso Sunday bom
barded as he had bombarded nothing else
in this city.
The Isms and clsms, he shouted, are
the devil's most Insidious, most powerful
weapon. Against them the nation has to
fight; against all who deny that Jesus
Christ is the son of God
"Whoever said Jesus Christ Is not the
Bon of God," he exploded, "lies, lies, lies!
The Bible says it and I say It. There is
no other way to keep out of hell, sav
by the shed blood of Christ!"
He smashed Christian Science "Eddy
Ism," he Insisted on calling It Just as
hard as he could.
"Oh." he cried, "If Mother Eddy rises
from the dead before the great resurrec
tion. I'll eat a polecat for supper and
wash It down with a quart of whisky!"
He charged that "Millennial Dawnlsm,"
in its advertisements, became the Inter
national "Bible Study Association, and
that association was "only another heresy
calling people away from Jesus Christ."
"Wa'v. trnrten nwnv from the old faiths
"of the old seers," he stormed. "Nobody
seems to bo afraid of uod jn our aay.
The true vision of God seems to have
failed. And your humanltarlanlBm Is ex
hausted. Your spiritual senses are dulled.
The doctrine of atonement of man's only
hope of Heaven seems, too crude." He
sneered. "Too crude." '
Speaker Clark Admits Bight, But
Deprecates Taste of Interrogator.
WASHINGTON, Jan. . The next
time Pj-esldent Wilson addresses the
House he may be quled by any mem.
ber or Senator, In the opinion of Speaker
Clark this afternoon. Representative
Smith, of Michigan, asked the Speaker
whether it would, be proper tq question
the Chief Executive when he reads any
message Clark said the member has
the right, "but tnt rresiaeni can reiuse
to be Interrogated."
"Wpuld it be In order to address tha
Speaker while the President waa speak
ing?" asked Representative Moore, of
Pennsylvania. ..,.
"Yes," said the Speaker, "but It would
b exercising wretched taste,"
Store Opens 8:30 At M
Store Oldies S:S0 P, M,
Notice of Two Great Sales at
Wanamaker's Tomorrow
Clearaway Sale in
en's Wear Store
Thousands upon thousands of shirts, neckties, pajamas ami all such good things at an average of
half the regular prices.
We know of some men who never buy anything to put in their chiffoniers except in the Wanamaker
Half-Yearly Sales of men's furnishings. Then they stock up stock up for six months or more.
For those men and all other men who want to save there are great reductions here tomorrow.
65c to $1.85 for shirts Thousands and thousands of
shirts, including nearly every kind of cotton, mercerized,
madras, percale and spme silk shirts.
12 'ic to $2 for neckties Still more thousands and
thousands, including the very finest that have come in the
Winter fashions.
$2.50 each for all the sweaters in the sale Some won
derful values among these.
$7.50 and $10 for Angora jackets Not many of these,
but all in the sale are less than half price.
$10 and $12.50 for raincoats And we know of none
better or more serviceable at any price than you( will find
going at these halved prices.
$2.50 to $5 for house coats Only a small group, but
they are very fine things.
$1.65 to $5 for pajamas A splendid big assortment,
starting at $1.65 for cotton and going to $5 for pure silk.
This Sale always brings a busy three days' response
naturally be earliest tomorrow morning.
Nearly every sort of pajamas a man wants can be found in
this collection.
25c and 50c for suspenders Just half price.
$3.50 nnd $5 for silk knitted reefers A good variety
of styles to choose from.
$8.50, $13.50 and $30 for splendid big steamer rugs
Wonderful choice among these.
$2.50 a piece for a few blazers The price is only a
fraction of the value. v
$2.35 for blanket bathrobes A considerable assort
ment. $7.50 for Terry cloth bathrobes Be early to get your
choice of these.
50c each for a few hundred of our regulation
50c, 75c and $1 for fine imported silk and linen hand
kerchiefs Many of them in very rich decorative effects.
Men who want the best of the savings will
(Slain Floor, Market, and Subway Gallery, Market)
inter Sale of
Men's and women's shoes,-part specially purchased and part reduced from stock. All Wanamakef
standard shoes made for this Winter's selling. Prices average a third less; in many cases a half.
By all odds the greatest shoe-buying opportunity presented this Winter. A full range of sizes and
widths to start with and some rare bargains for first-comers. - -
6000 Pair of Women's Shoes at 3.65
Patent leather button, plain toes, Cuban-Louis, heels,
fawn, gray or black cloth tops ; overgaiter effects.
Dull leather button, plain toes, Cuban-Loui3 heels,
fawn, gray or black clothtops.
Patent and dull leather button with black cloth tops,
tipped toes and regular Cuban heels ; same with plain toes.
7000 Pair of Women's Shoes at $3.35
Patent leather button, plain toes, Cuban-Louis heels,
black or gray silk vesting tops.
Patent leather "button, plain toes, Cuban-Louis heels,
gray cloth tops.
Dull leather button, plain toes, Cuban-Louis heels,
black cloth quarters.
Dull black calfskin button, tipped toes, Cuban heels and
dull kidskin tops.
Black glazed kidskin button, tipped toes, Cuban heels,
black cloth tops.
All dull matt kidskin button, plain toes and Cuban
Louis heels. These on the new broad toe, short vamp last.
Patent leather lace, plain toes, Cuban-Louis heels,
fawn cloth tops.
Dull leather lace, plain toes, Cuban-Louis heels, gray
cloth tops.
1000 Pair of JVbmen's Shoes at $2.50
Splendid, serviceable street shoes of tan calfskin, in
button and lace styles.
2000 Pair of Women's Shoes at $2
Button shoes in this Winter's styles; mostly patent
leather, but some dull leather; "several styles of heels.
Mostly with the well-liked black cloth tops.
2500 Pair of Men's Shoes at $'4
These shoes are from one of the best factories in the
world and are in great demand at their regular price.
Patent leather button with dull leather tops, with
fancy cloth tops, with tan cloth tops, some with plain toes.
Patent leather lace with dull leather tops. ""
Black calfskin lace.
Black kidskin lace and Blucher lace.
Tan calfskin lace and Blucher lace.
Black kidskin lace with cork sole and lined with brown
300 Pair of Men's Shoes at $3
Factory-hurt and sample shoes, the latter in size 7-B,
lOOf) Pair of Men's Shoes at $2.85
Black calfskin lace made over a smart last.
Black kidskin Blucher lace made over the U, S. Army
last, with wide toes and broad, low heels,
, (Main Floor and Subway Gallery, Market)