jppn pspsw A. ALLIED ARMY LOSES FOOTHOLD NEAR SOISSONS-RUSSIAN DRIVE ONCRACOW HALTEj RUSSIANS IN FLIGHT AS TURK VANGUARD . WINS TABRIZ, PERSIA ,Ottoman Forces Sweep Into Second Largest Persian City and Speed Invasion of Egypt. Turkish forces are ravaging north western Persia and the Itueslans are fleeing; before them. Tabriz, a (itrong Itua slan poet and second largest Persian city, lia been occupied by the Ottoman forces, and the country roundabout has been do Tftitated. The Turkish Invasion of Egypt Is Immi nent In ptt of rcuorta that It had been, abandoned. British military authorities ta Egypt ar expecting the attack, but eUolare tt U doomed to failure. PETROORAD, Jan. 18. The Turkish ad WJoe guard oaeupted Tabrls, Persia, on Wednesday, aocordlng to an ofllclal dis patch seoelved bar today. Next to Teheran, the Persian oapltal, fAbrta fa the largest city In the country. It Ilea In the Province of Azerbaijan, bout SO miles front Lake Urumlah. Its population (a about 113,000. A strong Hussion garrison haa been maintained there atnoe Russia mado all the northern part of Persia into the "Russian sphere f Influence." The Turkish array operating In eastern Armenia, and northwestern Persia Is devastating the country, and Is leaving the country a desert In ita wake, 61xty thousand persona are homeless. Thoun euids era freoxlng to death In the moun tain puses of Transoaucasla. The Turks liave begun to slaughter Christians, the refugees report, and ter ror reigns. In the Azerbaijan province of Persia there Is no food and thousands ora famine-stricken. The following analysis of conditions In Baatern Egypt was allowed to pass by the censor and may be considered otllclnJ: CAIRO, Egypt., Jan. 13, The British military authorities consider that a Turk ish attack from Palestine cannot bn de ferred much longer. The forces that the German officers aro bringing against Egypt are large, and If they get within striking distance of the British lines they will' make a determined effort to. break through. The Germans are not deterred by the misfortunes ft tho Tuiks in Transcau casia. Their object Is not to win vic tories for the Turks, but to distract the attention of Great Britain from West Flanders. It Is only with this object that they embarked In the direction of Egypt on what, from a military stand point, la foredoomed to failure. EVERYBODY NOW PICKING ON EMBATTLED AUSTRIA Bohemia Threatens to Join Russian Invaders. an.VEVA, Jnn 13 Information has reached here fiom Prague, by way of Innsbruck, to the effect that a petition, signed by Influential Bohemians, has been forwarded to Emperor Franci Joseph, demanding that more energetic measuies be taken to protect Bohomla. from possi ble Kusslan Invasion The petition says that this action must be taken "for tho salvation of our coun try," and makes tho threat that tho signers -will Join with Austria's enemy unless the request is granted. Leading men of Prague, Including some Bohemian members of the Austrian Chamber of Deputies, have signed the petition. DOVER FORTS SINK GERMAN SUBMARINES Continued from Page One admitted In today's ofllclal report from Paris, but at all other points on the line, it is declared, the French havo maintained their ground. Berlin, on tho contrary! reports a German gain near NIeuport despite the bad weather that haa impeded operations In West Flanders. TWO GERMAN SUBMARINES REPORTED SUNK AT DOVER Hostile Bald on Channel Fort Frus trated by Fire of Forts. ' LONDON, Jan. 13. A daring raid upon Dover harbor by two German submarines was frustrated and both of the hostile craft were sunk by the fire of the harbor forts, according to unofficial dispatches received herj. Up to 4:45 o'clock this afternoon the Admiralty had made no announcement regarding- the fate of the submarines which were fired on by the Dover forts this morning. All of the London news papers, however, carry long accounts irom their Dover correspondents, and all assert that the two submarines actually "were hit and Bunk. The Evening News declares that the ubmarlnea wero accompanied by aero planes It says: "Persistent rumors are In circulation i,ef tho presence early this morning over the Channel and channel "towns of hostile air craft These reports come from vari ous paints along the Channel and from very reliable correspondents. "Two German submarines tried to enter Dover harbor, but were sighted by the lookouts of the forts and fired upon. The submarines were reported to have been hit and sunk." The Evening Star sajs that the sub marines were sighted well outside of the eutiance) to the Channel and were not fljtd vn unUl they ware well within range. Both Immediately disappeared from vie, and the gunner are con fident that they sank them It was tn the Straits of Dover that the German submarine sunk the British battleship Formidable on New Tear's Ply. and at that time it was reported that the submarines had tried to makt their way into the harbor Dover harbor. 64 miles from London. l uiie of the most Important lo EnslaiHl It ta pretested by Dover Castle and ev ml mry strong detached forts. NEW CANNIBAS. TSIBE "OPgNHA0gK, Jaa U The Swedish exploder. Or Otto Nopdantkjold. wluj re ctmiy e lived lo Christiana after a two yafi ii xptmta una. gtts ptttti part f Soutk Arwlti. anoettsnsad t ! it a itinuttrlt tntiuderf an V4-a trtsw W naaifcati tts- ej,ialftM j i i h ssf a tkru untuioi EVENING OFFICIAL WAR REPORTS FRENCH The bad Weather which continues almost along the entlro line front tenders operations very difficult, espe cially In Belgium, whet-a great sand storms In tho dunes near the sea aid Occurring. In the region of NIeuport and at Ypres our artillery has been veiy sue-' cessttil against the works of tho enemy. On tho Alsne. to the northeast of Soissons, the fighting around !p ir No. 132 has been very severe and hilled during the whole of the day The Germans employed In these en gagements large bodies of troops. Wo havo maintained our position on tho heights of Pentes to the west of the hill. Toward the east, our troops have been compelled to (relinquish some ground. The fighting continues. Between Solshons and Berry-Au-Ilac the flio of our nrtlllery has caused, In many places, explosions In the midst of the enemy's batteries In the region of Champagne, from Rhclms to the Argonne, or, violent nrtlllery duels have taken place. In the region of Soualn the salient of the field forts to the north of the farm of Ueausejour, referred to In yesterday's communique, remains In our hands, and we have established a trench at a distance of 60 yards from that of tho Germans. In the Argonne rain and wind Imvn Interfered with Infantry action. Between tho Argonne and the Mo selle Itlver there has beon Intermittent cannonade, In the Vosges fog and heavy snow falls have hampered operations. GERMAN Western theatre of wn.r. Fierce artillery duels have occurred in the neighborhood of NIeuport. resulting In the evacuation of tho enemy's trenches at Pallnsburgh, n suburb of NIeuport The enemy's nttaoka near the canal of La Basses havo been finally re pelled. French attack nt La Bolssells Hill and Touvlon were repulsed. Yesterday's unsuccessful attacks on tho hlllB near Crouy wore followed by German counter attacks, which le iiulted In complete defeat, clearing the hills to tho northeast of Bussle and also north of Ciony. We took two French positions. 1700 prisoners, four cannon and several ma chine guns. French sappers attacked In the neighborhood of St Mlhlcl, but their attacks were successfully repelled. Our troops took the hills to the north and northeast of Nomeny. 1 ho situation In the Vosges In un changed. Eastern thaatie of war: The situa tion Is unchanged. AUSTRIAN The enemy's attempt to force tho Nida Itlver (southern Poland) was re newed jtsterday with violent artil lery fire. On the entlro front In the southern portion In the forenoon strong hostile forces renewed their attack, which soon collapsed under our artillery fire. Hundreds of dead and wounded were loft in front of our positions. Simultaneously an nrtlllery battln took placo south of the Vistula. On this occasion one of our batteries suc ceeded In getting the rango of a farm and the Russians who had had been thero for some dajs weie compelled to evacuate their positions. 'In tho Carpathians serious opera tions are Impeded by the unfaorabla weather. In the upper Ung Valley tho enemy has retlied nearer the Uzsok rasa. The report that Przemysl sent repre sentatives to parley with the enemy January 10 la baseless. RUSSIAN Hard fighting with the Turkish rear guard Is In progress In tho direction of Oltl. There Is also fighting on the Oljytsu River, which engagement is going In our favor. In the region of Kara Urgan, 20 miles southwest of Sari Kamysh, lighting Is going on uith the advantage on our side On the 11th we captured the Wd Turkish Regiment, consisting of 11 officers , 3 surgeons and about 1600 men. Wo destroyed a battalion of the 62d Regiment. The survlvprs, one officer and 260 men, were all captured. TURKISH Turkish troops have taken all the dominating frontier positions of the enemy during the last fortnight's fight ing. Snow and frost are delaying opera tions in the region of Oltl and Arda gan. Despite the bad weather the Turks operating near Azerbaijan are pursuing the enemy, having occupied Urumlah. AIR RAID DESTROYS BRITISH ARMY BASES AT DUNKIRK Havoc Wrought by Sunday's Attack, Berlin Reports. IXJNDON, Jan 13. A wireless dispatch from Bfrlln nays that the military establishments In nnd near Dunkirk, one of the principal con tinental bases of the Dritlsli army, wero destroyed by the German airship flotilla which, attacked that city on Sunday. The Dunkirk lighting plant lso was wrecked. A dispatch from Geneva says that word has reached thero from Friedriehshufcn, where the Zeppelin works aro situated, that the Germans havo establlbhed a base for tholr ierlal fighting traft near Ghent. Bel.'lum. Four Zeppelins of the latest type and a number of aeroplanes have been assem bled at tho now grounds It la from that place that the Zeppelins made their re cent raids over Calais and Dunkirk. TURKEY BOWS TO ITALY'S DEMAND FOR REPARATION Flag- to Re Saluted and Soldiers Fun lulled for Hodeldah Outrage. LONDON, Jan 13. A dispatch to the Chronicle from Milan says that Italy's demands for reparation for the Hodeldah Incident have been agreed to In their entirety by Turkey These demands Included a military salute to the Italian flag and the participation of Italian consular authorities In the Investigation of the violation by the Turk.) of the consulate at Hodeldah. The soldiers who broke Into the consul a to are to be punished following the In - eatigatlon. ' The release of British Vice Consul Richardson at Hodeldah Is also conceded by Turkey. From, Rome coracs a dispatch to the Morning Post which announces that "Qsnnsns are dally leaving Italy In large numlMtrs. Many applications which Ger mans made for Italian nationality In the tgst few dajs have been refused. VICTORY, OR A NEW SOUP? Lritish Censor Its It Pass, So 'Balrfght, LONDON Jan. 11 The nws tickers in the. various newspaper offices today print ed ib following buUctlu. Jffcjwjwlffa JJJsMsW 9 i'etrogrsd ft pfetuwuhmfl, iajfst ofMfu 9 ' TUo CksKchU Press Bureau has no ob tkclloa ta lh pubUiMlon at tbt above, Out aka no fspoabill!y lot Its ae curacy. LEDGER PttlLADEkrniA, wmnyrffiHriAT. JANUARY 18. .1015.. RATTLES RAGING AT FOUR POINTS ON P'-hwi ;,.,," S'Tf " ; "i r ' "i i' ' ii'V ' ? f t-P? t VIiM: J? TA ft Xkrft The heaviest fighting along the western battle front la now in prog ress near the centre. Northeast of Soissons (A), near the junction' of the Oise and the Aisne, and at Le Fortin (C), east of Rhclms. the French are attacking in heavy force. At Perthes (B), northeast of Chalons, where the line bends down toward the Argonne, the oppos ing trenches have changed hands several times and the fighting continues. GZAR CAPTURES TURK REGIMENT IN THE CAUCASUS Sultan Suffers Another Dis aster in Surrender of 92d and Annihilation of Other Forces. PETnOOrtAD, Jan 13 Tho capture nf the entire 92d Turkish Regiment by the Russians In Transcaucasia Is ofllclally reported In a statement Issued here to day. On January II the Russians captured 1500 men with 11 offlceis nnd thrco sur geons. An entire battalion of the o2d Regiment was wiped out, the 200 sm vlvora all being mado captives The fighting has been In the Oltl and Kaiu lirgan regions The Turks who are fighting around Kara Urgan, on tho Erzerum road, are the remnants of the forces that was de feated at fiarl Komysch Enver Pasha Is in command of the Turkish forces around Ardagan, but they have been too badly scattered to give any help to tho re mainder of the Turkish army of Invasion Reinforcements of probably 100.0O) Turks had arrived In the Kara Urgan legion'. During tho early stages pf the fighting near Kara Urgan the Russians captured Moury Bey, chief of staff of the third Ottoman army corps. The following details of Russia's navol activities on the Black Sea have been received from Sebastapol. "On January 6th our cruisers sighted the Jlldlrll (formerly tho German cruiser Breslau) and Hamjidich in tho middle of the night. The second broadside from our ships destroyed tho Mldlrlll's searchlight. The tno leseels ceased firing and dlsap peaied In tho darkness. "At the Turkish marine hasps of Sour mene and Riza we destrojed SI esscls. The TurklBh cruisers bombarded the port of Koos, setting many buildings on tire The Turkish cruiser Mldlrll, by mis take, bombarded tho positions of the Turks near Liman, north of Kopa. caus ing the Turkish forts to evacuate the points they held. AUSTRIAN ARTILLERY HALTS CZAR'S DASH ACROSS NIDA Column Driving nt Cracow Through South Poland Meets Repulse. VIENNA, Jan. 13 The Russian column advancing on Cra cow through southern Poland and which at one time reached Mlechow, near the Poland-Gallcla border, has been beaten back in a vIeoioub attempt to force ho Nida River. Violent artillery flrlng char acterized tho Russian attack. Austrian ordnance made vigorous reply nnd the engagement may be set down as a defi nite victory In the movement to protect Cracow. The Russians made an all day attack, but their pontoons were destroyed time and again by a raking fire from the Aus trian cannon across the Nlda. On the entire southern front yester day forenoon hostile forces renewed their assaults, which wero effectually checked by Austrian artillery fire. At various points Russian attacKs collapsed under Bturdy defensive tactics of the Austrian corps on the field. simultaneously an nrtlllery battle took south of the Vistula. On this oc casion Austrian batteries succeeded In getting tho range of a farm, and the Russians, who had been thero for some days, were compelled to evacuate their positions. In the Carpathians serious operations are Impeded bv the unfavorable weather. In the upper Ung Valley the enemy has retired nearer the Uzsok Pass The report that Przemysl sent repre sentatlves to parley with the enemy Jan uary 10 fs baseless KAISER TAKES TRENCHES IN SUBURB OF NIEUPORT Artillery Tire Drives French From Xines at Falinsburgh, RERUN, Jan 13. Gains for the Germans at the northern end and near the centre of the long battle front are announced In an official state ment Issued by Oerman headquarters this afternoon at I o'clock. Despite the bad weather the German artillery In West Flanders has succeeded In causing the French to evacuate some of their trenches at Palinsburg. a suburb of NIeuport, about a mile west of Lombaertzyde. French attacks near Crony (east of Soissons) have been repulsed and German counter attacks there have been success ful. BRITISH LINES REINFORCED Germany Sleets Situation by Calling1 1 Out Heeerves. LONDON. Jan. 13. Get Britain Is sending thousands of men to Franoe every week, according to Berlin reports Germany, aware of this, U making great military preparations for a counter movement German reserves are being palled to the colors. The further statement Is made that the German generals are gathering up the ruins ta assume direction of all the oani Palgns, JjOVE 10BN MAN DIES Tlobesi: ?. the, Manavimk man whn shot Marine "VVIIUjs In a houa In North r Aiarvina street and tnen II red ttirt bul lets through ill breast, died tbls morn lngfl at the Hahnemann Hospital. Ths woman was shot throueh ih Imr am,? kir condition la not serious I., who was jnrricd, i uiftut4 Ub tn voman. FRENCH COMPELLED TO YIELD GROUND ON FRONT AT SOISSONS i Germans, Heavily Rein forced, Advance Lines East of Spur 132 Else where Allies Stand Firm. PARIS, Jan. 13 Severe fighting for positions In the vicinity of Spur 132 to northeast of Sols sons and also on the west of that town "UI1 continues, ,ospllo tho fact thnt tho weather conditions shou little iiniuove meiit. The French have been compelled to codo some territory to tho eastward of Spur 132. but nt no point have they re llnqulshcd iin.v positions of Importance In the territory between NIeuport and Ypres the artillery duel continues with the advantngo accruing to the Kicnrh Heavy storms and gales of wind which have swept the tand neiosi the duties Into the faces of the tioops arc reported from the north The fighting In the li.lnll of Spur 13.' continued all of esteida and part of lat night, the Germans having been veiy heavllv reinforced The same situation Is reported from Soissons to Ilerrv-au-Bae The Flinch nrtlllery has covered Itself with glorv hero, having pioduced numer ous pYpolons amidst the German bat teries Fiom Rhelms to tho Aigonne region there hrus been a violent nrtlllery duel which continues, and in tho Cliampagno district, near Beauccjoiir, the French In fantry Iihs pushed forward until Us tienches are hut Co sards from tho Gci min llliep. Between the Argonne nnd the Moselle onlj Intermittent cannonades aro report ed, nnd tile onlv news ofllclnllj announced from upper Alnace is that fog and heavy falls of snow have Impeded operations. GERMAN MOVE ON SERB BORDER REGARDED AS RUSE Petrograd Sees Attempt to Divert Russians From Polnnd, TETROGRAn, Jnn. 11. News reaching here of a pioposed ex pedition of several nrmy coips by the Germans and Austrlnns against Servla Is ooked upon In Russian military circles a ruse on tho part of Ihe Germans to distinct Russia's attention from tho Polish campaign and to divert reinforce ments from the Russian aimles In roland. Competent opinion Inclines to the belief that Germany's next great effort In the east will be far from central Poland, where the enemy will continue a stub born defensive, varied by s-cetlonal coun ter attacks The statement that Germany Is sending three corps to Join the Austrl nns In a fresh effoit to subjugate Servlu Is so much advertised abroad that It Is probably untrue and Is Intended to Induce the Russians to divert their dispositions or gieatly Increase their forces in Buko vviua, where they are advancing nt tho rate of about a dozen miles a day towaid a Junction with the Servian army. It Is more likely that tho large German forces which arc unquestionably assem bling Inside the Austrian zone ale Intend ed for new formations In the Carpathians, preparatory to fourth nttempt, with all the men Austria and Germnny can spare, to luvndo western Gallcla. The Popolo Romano, usually well In formed about Austrian plans, states that the forthcoming Austro-German attack on Servla will not be In the nature of a punitive expedition, but will aim nt Join ing hands with Turkey across Servla, with co-operation In BulgarlR ZAPATA REPORTED TO BE QUITTING MEXICO CITY Carranza Forces Advancing;, Accord ing to Embassy at Washington. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 -Zapata Is evacuating Mexico t'it In the face of two Carranza columns advancing under Generals Obregon nnd Sanchez from the east and southeast, according to dis patches received at the Mexican Em bassy from Vera Cruz today Ohregou has taken San Martin. 30 miles from Mexico City; General Ilerrera has re lieved Monteroy, which was under at tack by the Villa forces; General Gon xalea has taken Valles, near Tamplco, and a Carranza force has taken Vic toria from the Vlllalstas. General Angeles, the Villa commander, Is being driven back toward Torreon and Ilerrera and Vlllareal are planning to Join the Carianza forces and retake Sal-tlllo FOURTEENTH ANNUAL IJStjjf'fj'! WTOMOBILE SHOW ADMISSION 50c Society Day (Thursday) $1 1 c At the Mtropolltan Building. Broad and Wallace Btreata JANUARY 9-16 fitreetioa ot the phfhtdelphla, -WttomobUe Trade AitocUtloa. f "" n i ii .,,, .. ., m I M " ' 5 WESTERN FRONT MM0 W$v fy&A"4$y GERMAN AVIATORS RAVAGE FOE FROM NEW GHENT BASE Aerial Warfare Now Real ity, But Civilians at Dun kirk Are Chief Sufferers. Zeppelin Movement. l.ON'UO.V, Jan. 13 Aerial activity con tinues (o he tho chief fentuto nt the ic portH from the fighting fiont In France nnd Uelglum. Gorman aviators aic par ticularly active In the north. Thej pay dallv visits to Dunkirk and the towns In that vicinity nnd drop bombs piomls cuously. As n result a number of civi lians are known to hove been killed, but the rigid consulship makes It Impossible to obtain details Tho Germans arc known to have estab lished n. Zeppelin anil aeroplane base at a point on tho outskirts of Ghent. They have taken eMr.iordlnarv piecautlons to pi ntect tholr hangars which aro reported of a new construction with nets su plated that explosive bombs dropped bv hostile nvlatois will be diverted nnd the sheds nnd their contents caved It Is believed ceitnln that the first big attempted Xeppctln movement will bo from this base As a result oMraoidi miry precautions hove been taken both here and In 1'nrls to meet It when it comes. Tho lights of both cities have bien greatly dlmrmd, while details of nlimen with iirmoied planes mounting rapld-flrers nre stationed nt strategic noslllons Yeslerdit when the Ficnch Assembly met half n dozen nrmoied Fieneh mono planes maintained a constant flight over Paris to guard against iitleiman visita tion. BIG GUNS POUND OPPOSING LINES ON NORTHERN FLANK Flood3 in Flanders Put Stop to All Infantry Movements. PARIS, Jan 13. Near Aimenlleres nnd In West Flanders the aitllleiy of each side la engaging that of thu other across tlin Inland seas of flooded lowlands and the gigantic quag mires Infantry movements have censed almost altogethei The Get mans havo sent another batch ot new aeroplanes nnd dirigibles Into Belgium, stationing them at Ghent It Is now learned that the German nlr raids on Dunkirk were made simultaneously with a visit by President Polncare to that cltv. The French President visited the French base hospitals there and dis tributed gifts among the wounded. Field Maishal Sir John French is mov ing fresh British tioops to tho fiont to meet tho Gel man attacks east of Amlenb. Prisoners coming from the noith sa that an epidemic of typhoid piovalls In the German ranks. 'The numbei of cases Is lncreuslng, especially among the late nirlvalt, from the volunteer arms FRENCH MAINTAIN ALSACE POSITIONS, PARIS REPORTS Return to Attack After Repulse at Cernay. PARIS, Jnn 11. The Government still withholds de tails of the fighting In Alsace, wheie snow bus interfeied with the planned movement on a large ccale. It Is stated at headquarters, however, that the French aio malntalng nil of tho positions recently captured The advance of the French tioops west of Mulhausen lias evidently been checked, although reports from Hasle say that the Importance of recent French victo ries near Cernay and Altklrch was under estimated. Late leporls fiom Gentian sources de clare that the battle at Cernay Ib still lugliig, the Fitmch having returned to the attack nftor having been driven back with heavy losses. MEARS & BROWN CITY AND HI'IIUHUAN HKAI, ESTATE Properties ilanaged Rents Collected, Iniuranre and Mortgagee Placed. Mete on application. 202 South 15th Street . ITALY AWAITS LEAD OF RUMANIA BEFORE PLUNGING INTO WAR Agreement Reported Reached and Two Nations Will Side With Allies in February. LONDON, Jan, 13. There Is at present every likelihood that Italy nnd Rumania will enter the war on the side of the Allies before the end of February. For political reasons which cannot bo fully explained at present Rumania will strike first but Italy's Intervention will follow so rloely upon Its Balkan ally's action that the entry ot the two powers Into the conflict will be practically simultaneous. The real object of thp visit lo Rome of a special envoy of Rumania, which was announced briefly In tho newspapots hcie, Is to draw up the final plans for the move by tho two countries. The Government nt Bucharest Is em barrassed considerably by tho warlike utterances of certain members of the Rumanian Parliament now In Paris. These men belong to an ultia-JIngo party, and their efforts to drag their countiy Into the battle befoio It Is ready havo been a sourco of much atinoy nnce to the moro consetvntlve states men In Rumania, who, under the sur face, are quite as determined to declare war as their less discreet compatriots In France. Tho situation In both Italy nnd Ru mania as legards mobilization Is very similar to tho "state of danger of war" that was declared In Germany before the soldiers began actually to go to tho front. The Governments of both nations refuse to bo hurried In their deliberate preparation to enter the nienn In the very pink of condition. When they start they expect to have all tho odds In their favor. RUMANIA AND BULGARIA MAY REACH AGREEMENT POriA, Jan 13. Rumania apparently has come to a final decision to take action In Tiansvlvanla, Hungary, nnd tho cam paign Is generally expected to begin about the "middle of February. It is expected that the Rumanian Min ister to Bulgaria, now at Bucharest, will return soon bringing definite proposals which will facilitate an understanding be tween the two countries. The restitution to Bulgnrla of the towns of Dobiltch nnd Baltlchlk and surrounding districts prob nbly will be offered. Another cause for hesitation b Ru mania was uncertainty regarding Italy. Tho Italian occupation of Avlona was universally approved b.v Rumania, as It will minimise the rlks ' of Rumania's action and gientlj shorten the wni. It is held. Recent Rumanian manifestations of friendship for Italy are due to the con viction that Italj Is preparing to act with the Entente Powers. Should Italy, how ever, ultimately decide to pieservo her neutrality, the resolution of Rumania will remain unchanged s Thnt nil nt ftiiUnwInn. In,litrll, lm.. tnnt loutes leading to Transylvania Is now In Russian hands, will tend to quicken action by Rumania. Tho great Russian success In Caucasia also has had a stimulating effect. RUMANIAN ENVOY CALLS UPON KING OF ENGLAND LONDON. Jan. 13.-N. Mlsu, the new Rumanian Minister to England, called ai Buckingham Palace today where he was lecclved In audience by King Geoige. At the same time the Rumanian envos pie scntcd his credentials, confliniing his rc cont appointment to the post The visit of Minister Mlsu was taken hero to show the growing friendship be tween Rumania and the Allies It gave weight to recent reports that Rumania soon would enter the war on the side of Britain, Russia and France Dr. Harte, Director of the Department of Health and Charities of Philadelphia, says "The human foot," the Director says in his -weekly bulletin, "is qne of the most abused parts of the tody. Shoes should fit the foot. Shoes that are too large are nearly as had as those that are too small. The heel of the foot should fit snugly in the shoe, while the toes should be given just room enough to spread out flatly and allow free movement, "The sole ihould be flexible and should follow the natural outline of the foot, which is aoraewhat fanltke in ihape, the narrowest part being the heel and widest at the toes, The heels should be low and broad. High heels' 'give the foot n unnatural position, which cramps the tc-si and otherwise distorts the shape of the foot, tilts the whole body forward and gives rise to an awkward and unnaturo' gait, which causes the person to tire easily and suffer other discomforts." Bacl temper, nervous irritation, fatigue and even lame ?iw". ". """k'd' by Dr, Harte, Director of Health, to ill-fitting shoes. Every Requisite mentioned by Dr. Harle as being necessary in footwear is found in the DUCATOR, JOS, I. MEANY & CO., INC 16 and 18 North Fifth St., Philadelphia Wholesale Distributors for RICE & HUTCH1NS. INC, BOSTON. U. S. A. II J MERCIER'S RELEASEI EFFECTED BY PLEAS1 OF GERMAN PRELAW Arrhhishnn nf ("Vilnr,-' t3 - " "&": sing tervention Frees CartJinU Hmm IV.rtU. 1 A x .vai x CV.IUI11.U1 -trejjl Pope Asks Explanation?!, ,ian, jd. v.aruinai von ti mnriM. Arnltl,lhnn rt , ' ""' " "-"'"sue, n, tz tttnrtjtrt "1MAjat . Srtl I. Z u..u v,tc.,i. ,u unsung, m!11( .. , Belgium, to hi rn-,1ltflt l,.t.i. ,1.. ,-.-., -.... ...o., nt ma jvrcnDlsnop Ol'lfJ mica, u icavo mo paiaco and comtnn3 " ireeiy Willi Ills episcopate, 8J j pHiciics irom v.oipgnc Cnrrtlnnl vnn trnrtinn,,,, v.. -. " . ,, alS() e inmeu uio release oi iieigian prltati y were iiucrneu in ucrtnany. 8om """ uinirj W on ineir way 10 iieiRium It Is reported that the Pops h celved convincing evidence that CanSin, Merclcr, Archbishop of Mnllnes, was i?l ually nrtcstcd, German soldiers hiltfi surrounded tho Archleplscopal t)tS and prevented tho Cardinal from l8 lug it. I' or this reason, without jujfif any notice to tho Geiman dental ttf Pope has demanded an cxplanstloniSl tho Cai dlnal's arrest and the confli&f tion or ins pasiorni letter, which ttfif tho causo of the German anger. JK "The German denial thnt Pn:?rl Merclcr was arrested In Brussols ti thV ntitvr (n n fenlmtnnl fl.tian " ant, iki ,-,, ...rf ... .- . .vi uuj ,,, jj buna. "Tho Cardinal was not physically nrrested and brought away fiom his tesl dence, hut ho nevertheless was BlW In a state of arrest within his palace mj1 was watched by tho military $. "Tho German Government,, reilltinr that violence ugalust a nrlnie ef tv chutch would have painful consewnctj mrougnoui me worm, nnu nieo amotg tho Catholic population of Germany, am fearing tho effect of measures uhlfh' might be taken by tho Vatican, decide! hurriedly to lestore conditions to Unfc, former stntus. Nevertheless, an atfef violence has been committed ngaltut th rrlmato of Belgium. "The Holy See has asked that rem tlou be made by tho German GovmhJ inent." AMSTERDAM. Jnn 13 - The Tid nn that most of tho priests In the dlOMiij, of Mechlin have refused to ouey m Gtrja man order not to circulate Cardinal MrM .-i i ,,.... . .1.. .... ...1 .L2iV ricrs pnsiorui luiiur. uu me kiuuhu uu.j they take orders from tho Cardinal uij not from the military AUSTRIA APOLOGIZES 1 FOR DIPLOMATS' ARRESJj Envoys Held for Conversing ii Trnnrh nllfl F.nErllsh. A, I VIENNA. Jan. It , Tho Austrian Government today dliT.' ercd nn apology for tho arrest of DoctoK Choffat, the Swiss Minister, and M. Da Kerche, the Danish Charge d'Affaira, ho" were arrested on Sunday because therlM stated on conversing In French and Enj llsh on a train The Austrian authori,.!ji Insisted that they talk In German, lul tliev reiuseu. as huqii us me lucim.ij of the diplomats became known they vi released g Count Bcrchtold, the Austrian Forwa Minister, delivered the apologies in petwi at tho Danish and Swiss Legations J It Is reported that Russia Is sendinjl heavy force ot troops into aervm LETTER'S; Best Coal : I Ecc $7, Stove $7.25, Chestnut $7.51 L,arce iiuunu rta v-,uui, ?jv Largest Coal Yard in PAIIadelpMa OWEN LETTER'S SONS,' Trenton Ave. & Westmoreland St 1 m mil ill mnlllMM Ml ? j mMmKamKmKKKmmMaK- .jMaMsallMBlal , .Jag