vV3STl?A v a WEDNESDAY January 13, 1915 Ctmrinn 4 jDJLF'S events in war and peace as recorded by the ever-present photographer v-- ttfflyWf ir-'-yyyy'ww" --iv , - , ' f re i &f i. &?A 3MSEiy . J tLttBR ..W:t &(4t jj At '1 T ? "& . JUT IL k. . .i in?i-i ? fc T mnzn. & ' 'tV m BTO. ,r tower ortrfwCSisSfffeMMiS '.., hmbi ;,.. SWPXS ' tir'7'j-j. ar a iM"l C f F.',V' 0h& 3Us wVclSSOT J r -t d r. ssT "W W ZJMT- 7&. . 7km ',: '&& . z 'w-sr-'f- .y-rVfW'YH'lGBftAri'V"' rmrrwv m iX&Zg a .T. ".. rK 1 3 m & .&U2: r$ i. JS-x2S. 1-'XC .. 4v gft-'i'5--T32r ?&. .SS KP3 &&&. "&. w& Mi BxHI A DRAMATIC MOMENT IN THE FIGHTING ZONE A scpud of French cyclists out on a scouting expedition that discovered that they are under fire from German snipers and have taken advantage of the! shelter of a small house on the roadway to spy out the enemy before proceeding AL ,& A i tx &3 m " ',' ' . ! Afr! Si L 1 r A ) 4 " V ..- !"i I. ' .'.., "6, h p W -."Sim r V 2 . . v;i ' v . ??: : . GERMAN RED CROSS SOLDIER Though his mission is hu mantarian, curiously enough, he wears a rifle strapped to his back. His dog he slips from the leash whenever there are wounded men to be found in a wooded area. RUSSIAN INFANTRY SETTING OUT FOR THE FRONT FROM WARSAW The Government of the Czar has permitted such photographs to be taken to show that Ivan Ivan ovitch is a big, husky fellow with warm clothing and modern equipment. He and his kind have died by- the tens of thousands in recent clashes. BBBlBBBK ESSSKtr BBBBBnBHBiBBBH&buOWEj'v' " '' BilBMBBBBWy:-j: .sbMA; -- I BBBBIHffiuliBSInBBHBlSvBLr ' " i HH(HHH9HK' 'b SibibbbbHI BBBMlBBfBlTBfBBBlBrTPTrM 4'4BBBBSHBflHEBBV BBBBBlBBBHBBVVr ttcSBBflHBHSflBBHBBaB) BBBBBBKflBHBBr - r jHKBBHI BBHBBHBHPflfiPBBR1 fex.- v -f . m SJBBiiBBBJmMffBfflllffWiMlMBW KPK V s -f' SBBaBBBSffl SBBBBlBMiMBB? TBSlBBBHB89HBnBs8HI BBBBMKBV -4 "- W' HEbHBhHHbSH89 ' iiBit jwiiBSr' '-''' uiBMHiBliBri'mH FUNERAL OF GARipALDIANS WHO FOUGHT FOR FRANCE Services over the bodies of these two members of the regiment of Lieutenant Peppino Garibaldi were held only 500 yards from the first lines of trenches. Their leader himself met death later on the same day. He took an active part in the Madero revolution in Mexico. "V" -r": S J - m I it V , w' nsn m jf . w M m &8BM v&im k !ftj ?M WK. 3"'?';zztc?'V't A sd J: tfa., .&'; m M 7 -:! n S J? ht &4 mmrnm 'OjB ';?-S !lm. . raafir ,ssk ;.a t J - - f-'t . - w "' :- mA H2&& S5 sf save MODERN SIGNAL CORPS OF SCOTS , WHA HAE WI' WALLACE BLED' The Scottish regiments who have gone to the Continent to scotch the Germans' advance still cling to the uniform of tradition, except that the gaily colored kilt of old now consists of drab and husinesslike khaki. BELGIUM'S UNHAPPY HISTORY REPEATED IN POLAND ey well guarded by German soldiery. Photo by Pu'l Ttorniiion. th orit procession III 1 I I III ll I !! I I HI! II !!! Ill I '" ' ' """" ' ' HI I II- tyttifjtaBMflfflBBggtFMaBBflBMMBJBWBlBBBBBBBBBBMBBS" KJKtSHBIUSIBtBSTBA PPKaliiBBBlBBBlHiflHBBllBBBPlBlBBBV aXtttaKtSKuHillBBlliBBBBBBni ' 9" & ' ' HPMUBKlSiBiBBBHB JtfASSt'. .JrSHBBBBSffSfiBlBBBBBBBIiBiBlltf'l " " " ' S'''""BKeMH QBJH lpEai UbBiHbe?cJJBbKI JH Hl ' B VflH9a EalEBHk JlB aBBHSa3BBPaBBBES9HV''tlBBBBBBHL ilH BBKKjwfeB .jSMBBBiSffBEBgBiL J SliflnS t Mfe: iHaMJiBt BBBBBHBFSfeRfc f kwh fljHBgi bBibbbbB lBBBBBIBBflHlillBliRaBBsMVIBEIaillliBBBBHCMIVniVIBICIiMBnB 1 """ ' ' ' '" ! I I I I l I ! . " ACTRESS AIDS WAR PROBE ifta WeJUca Hopper, former wife of D folf Hopptr aad prcat wife of A. O. grown, wfia tum b strviaj in a British atu mMte ambuIaDc corpj, at I'arin, has htttx apiwfu-4. a moibr of the Amrtctq dtlegi itia to vtttt Ckrmany. 8UFFRAGIST8 WHO URGE WOMAN'S MOVEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTIVE PEACE Thee are the delegates who recently met tn Washington and drew up a pronouncement declaring that universal suffrase will Catt, Mrs, Anna fit bring about lasting peaee. From left to right, beginning With the gray-haired woman fn the shawl, they are- Mrs, Carrie Chaoman iuowara tnaw, Mrs. Menry VUUrd, Mrs. Anna Garland Spencer, Mrs, Pethick Lawrence, oi England, and Mis Janet Richard. IsBBhbV EBBnBW BBaBSaSBfls 'l IjBBbVbW nHBBBBH BBBBflvBBBBT f BBBBm IbBBbV BBHHkBHI ( bbe ,iH aBnHssiBV BBBhT ': '' I JBBBBlBMlHBBte. BBBB ' BwBMlBaBlBBBlBBMBMBBMBBBBBBMBHBwBI "1 HBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBBBBSBKkBl BANKER WHO MAY BEWAMED FQK TRADE COMMISSION George Foster Peabody, NewYork bank here Shown as he left the Wh ire House execu tive offices the other dsy al er a eonfereM with the President. The pii ture shows Ji- m,1. jreaoofly uemg tBterviewta. CbB