iJJWjpP ,44WiMjJMIi'l(iPwg EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1015. IV.JV.'!' Jg - ' i ii isi. I RANTED FEMALE rk ni ffliy "minwiiwir. Weirs, Km- .hi A'"""ir r'ir: n .tnwniialre wor in famllr of i nllmlniton Del i ucrmtn-Annr-"l Ledger Office., '...a fof school act and mouel Act 'Jfi MMilfni. unnecessary. . WAR TiiilM MARKS. 203 N KranKim. &ifii riB"f' .: :.Vrfn Wanted 'Si'll'''!' "V": SH& ?5T "nfTasr- 8u': 'fl. two Mpttlenetrt German glrlst BWuf euy reference required. 212U ife-'t'r t-aung. In our educational da tit ttl leV not be esperleneedl rets, re rRe Mweetcnt and experienced! muitbj W-'iiffi .nSmrmJMi in wire for child II mi n" " "4i 'J"r C(,,"'al- EI""&" he f at "nV. for, "tills itM u ai the commercial Depart ffiS 4i eonilinll rw?urln good po 5,'toB. tor tWr Aivertlitri. Ena'pl'lEl" Mutt be neat and wllllnft iRMt ijp"rlrnr and salary wanted; sdstl '-'' i 1Ali Office. iji&v.-". ,-..: rr.crj: r'Jffi .r.l&.,So'r1Mb"Y. OiQli TTStV-A iood. whlto laundfcsa to laun 1KT?"J!!mSi,i. rniun. auoo ed with f JJni w th U modern conveniences, alt; "S .ii? Radnor Btalloni only white and f11 "Jr.. .tnerlenced need tipplyipro er STewHrinl good wages. Address lift P'.rr- irTif IWELsiii" HEMP WANTED MALE a,tftcpi:n for Individual ledger, In bank; .'ffi. .. and egncrlonct. 1 11". Ledger on. eJrLSItfl. capable of earning M and up SS 5kii commission bail", to demonstrate "'". r. ill..!., machine. AOnlv H In IU!:1U. g Buaggy ta Arenjt; i-JIMTtlR. BXrnillKKUKU. .jHAT Al SeWIt AI'HI.V Mfl. HAttVIJV, U.M f?5nTITI.B I1I.1WI HVTED-A high-grade , man of nmnagliiir T.umr in nerr community for a builntai ol lij.rful merit, most talnWo piuduct r D before the public fthd A uacMilty ti. ttited before the puun Ktrr H of bulna, f..i(- fiont owners r'-.u. ! nf inii n hh. nomt man to aurn. .mrr vi- ' . '. ....- . . . ijctili tBa c'vt owners a reiwni-onicr nusi Ewf In a clais by Itself "hero volume of tBKirttr and orgonlzatlon back of n i0Hltln rarmtee n,l cxcliielo Iprrltory. One to iut wwka" upply amounting to 1) to K306 to itart IJon't miiH thti real oppor giltr, it It l rlean-cut and rlclit In oiery iKS-V.CQ. !''' Filbert it,. I'hlla., Pa. IWSTBO-Man who thoroughly undcratanda Rlrll( machine, out-of.-tonn poBltlon, par- EMU, ana wno i expenencru in runmnir iilliil michlnei out-o-tnnn position; per- amen, u o. wmw iimr, viTEtwR Knert maeailne nollcltom for rl)Vliat(l uuniuunii uiBini-i uuruiK nunflay Bttrrlrti: must hao referenoea, write today. 8tit rriibytfrlan Banner, rlttsburgh, Pa, ilTAifrED A man to work on Terry towel Vhm; una familiar with bualnesa, M 111, tJ!ir Office. rOO'O UAN, experienced, to usslet In ship. .splti ileirtment ; must operate typewriter; ttii, (, reference and aalpry expected. ftmnei P. O Ilox 3UTS TOtTKd MKf. R. tor school act In innditvltle- tmrt(iie urnectssary, coaching fee. Mar ti! Fhllllpi Marks, 201 North Franklin rnt JETUAl'IONS WANTED FEMALE '1W0MAK of rednement. -with ftfttiirht. .e i Btin, aeilrea position Jaa housekeeper. Ad iifturc, Ledger nranch. Broad & Allegheny. J5?.K!iSCp.,in' "shier, general offlco nislit- ...!. '". rnun ana exjter once; JaTIAVE eatrployment; will make good i"- - ........ . ,w,, MvuCr UKJl 8S,nLc,orrt,Wr,,,'nt' ..yara' experience. Bfcii lVil'LT."r "- 'w"ccx j ;.'" "n i.cinrm, KOKKEEPEH nd cashier, young liidy, gen- f!?iL,.,K,r.,Jf'.wouW. acc0P' as,lstnV po imi; eterile typewriter. .1 inii, .pd. Cent BOOXKBEPIKn rim,. i, n. . ... , tPtttiwtlci moderate rate. U rilLL tint Cemownaeiith Wdir. Hell nJ ntlWffi viw1 SOOkkTfTPien tvn .uti.nn . . ... . : Wit, host references. J 712, Udger Cen- RPSfHSh?"1?' ex"" eaiwulo of taking bESB' f01 eorrespondent and typist; Billte of itinogranhy 11 n7. Lwl. dent. lVttrWEiiD.n , .... ISSS! ShnVll5- lnl,Uj!. RPa executive wirjr. tett of rets, .1 (H7, redger Central. kmS?SKiiJDi?r """wit" l.oueeork. aiwatcelcred girl, cxn. M M3. Lodger Off nSBMj?lA.,.D ana wnltreas desires posl ! Kit reference, sg-t N Taylor. GftAXftKnifAin - -.-,. ... U' TttVrZZ..: ?.y iiioa-"rentiii woni f. rwirtncei. Phono 147 Llanerch. CHiVPPtilrA tn .... fckrt. Ji.tC:",iK0 e7.co.mPelent womun; pwaqty nflrencs. M 0J1 5SuH,?8i5.0rJlt'u,,"v(,rU aaststant; joun miMUni ilrl; best refs. u im. Led, on ""im vi utc. 7. IS?, SS.r. ramlly-: WilYJSZrW tfffi?' (i!m'n-A'P.tH'.. woman .nn-umM!Mii .ii.i.i. . . IWK, SS33 Chrlsllln t. ita?riSiS0",VMrA.'0 J """. fam. i TSr0? ?'!?'? or cleaning, city or f --' bm iiwji. ilSHsprjnra wleiie S .S2.?!p "nwpwM.L' .t con. mat; iiiniunui, Uflsrence." Iffl.D.lnbr Urf"S m ?lt?,S!frV.n' .?" A'tf '"" cfiambw: Trap 2"11 ";!! fajnlly. Phone Wyoming 1H. im MirSH W1n'a .Housework! city, tourf Pgx&SLW' or writ.. 1731 N.'cait'o. " lW 'fftiizruasms 10cMV(m,,.0,r si .h "one?: 1T17 Chrliiian t. o. aiklai iii? v 1'hona aiT,;."iijv- lIKionl.7n:lXper,en.l;,l3 woman wlihee HSdtJ i JfV? ' aurervlior of household or I'STiM 'K? mothiriesa ehl dren. Call or I sSXuli Falrmoune ava. ntmnn. em n ui !h!V.kfforklnl . oung Protestant ii nrS.,;,.i.iLor",nl . oung Protestant M&fiKlYtyAyii'J JS-!US2drf- L ICO. Ledger Office. ; rf1r.i.ru,"l,ll I"j Protntant. capa. Sitf'VVainarrr'' w2eiHi:i,n.Womn ' .hlHtr and -y"' or rrtvatsT L lie, Ledf Off. --- I 1" .T". i. t'a itta 1 lButV.IrP, .or nureery govirnmi jjjjreMi country preftrrad, o 10j 'SVtirESAJtillgX nnn R Hoov.heMo POiltlon. Aniwar- by lit. i "0,'' Hchool lane.Oennantown. s .,.! ana bookkepr-JAny flrm tk . Mmpitint butlnat woman will M mlauiu la mntinr ma aa later. I" ""WithJy compiiiat. rIUbt and -Raoi-r -" CT"'1 fm. work SWrt, .xpertincad tn ; I0 sharT. Va 1,lrtl.t.. . - , . z?-es vsaiiss vsnzs i?i?!,,i.,"- bo aptfCiauO "-H2a. HB1 Snu?rvli?r. J'Sff ""-I r' jrjli eiBuaV -V" "aucataai uper LOsou,!1 oa 'P- iyflt. Vlil, -atra ---- fi-ti..w. j jfi, i fOAicuntlous. ilues BMjdimta l?iri-- tv ,;u"rrt--a &WZv& I-W vowl tt Hr l3Ki IS Utl bZ! SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMA1B la!iia,l,S n "TI'h'rK. raf rrna ralile i-i?'iS?'ft''en a ami J at. stnrltft :Wln. ftMto'mIiiUlil?,',,pVlf''rJttT' . rlLgj!geairLgr.O'l frfi i iai lM, Oif. .rnL work; nvtt'A .mTiji -rdgfu- Conlral. ar) ?T, gnod refri-frnce. !.H)I Tulip at VllTii IM. tiT-, of " PHnrd BMC Hi- Tyfi 5,nIJi t0"1" "l1"' tooklng, hntiac SXi.Jr 'hamhetwurlti, ltrrllta worker; "'P.'iii0 KX' WHIam 'pn gm.luat."l,f,r.lti tral tnouapher i Tfa, Ledger Cm- rLVKCli"!tU' "wl'hta. Jmalllnn. TtwlMn'otit or plaln tooklngi jt j. n, iwond. Y5?.U,9 J'AtiY, rgMMfiiralT'tVpllt. rtert. fcol nf nenograiy, j .no, Ledger central. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, crMIt rotation, . 6fT. man.. .SPi-. lr. poa i belt ref. f an, lder uff. M Ai) if-AiiouND MFC1IANI0 wanli etrady ph anion wllh eatatet dtt itniral repalrn, elo.i aalari-. MacMultan, trim Theodeie ave. AHHI8TANT bookkeeper or (lark, kneirlM etenograifiiy und tif wrlttnss a jrarf experl4 - nicti crm fur, in.nl jefa. J 1M. Led, rent. nUOUKRnT'lNd done by iha'dny or hour; ex pert eenlca, .moderate ratee if. MRt.Ij, .imil Commnnweallh llldt. Hell phone.Walnut 1WJ. npOKKRRI'RH and aworntant, capable of taking charre, deslrea tmittlon with reputable .concern hlgheit ref. J Tl1'. ldier Central. HOUR fAINTnn. ipeclil meetianle, nnnla wBrkHatge Joncern Denecke, 101ft N'. Hi. rov. IT, deelrea po'lllo'l of any kind; needa ork C :win. Ledger qfflce. CHArKfRt'n-rtillahlVnmn". Idletieaa due to drain In emplnyer'a family, reference Thou V llelllng. tl t:. Ilnrtter el., l'hlla. l0m YOtJNO MRN deelra wotkat liume In evening; ran fnrnleli bt of re'eren'ta. , clerical work prel erred, c MS, Ledger onire IIOimi:.MAN or Janitor, white, nret-elnen ref ereno fur ability. 101. Ledger Office. ItOUHRMAN. A-l rdf, wlahea intuition, pilvl liga oflearnlng to run auto. L ltd, Led.Off. MN'OTVTt: MACIIINIBT, IB yeora' experi ence, thorough knowledge nil models, also inoi:ot)pe machines, now employed on mrae tiewipaper, seem chnnie, competent; cnpable taking chnigo any alia plant, married, union, teetotaler: go nnytvhere for ndcnuaio wage. Aildrin D :0. Ledger Office. MACHINIST, nil nniund, il years' experience, new nnd repair work, wantn position nnv where. M'rlte to 17.1. Ledger llrnneh. liilh and I)atiihln. or telephone Diamond aTMT. MAN ANI WH'n rreuch, ehaurfeur. expert mecnnnle, and wife tlrst-class French cook; hlcheni refereneea. Adrtreta lalu N. Cth it.: telephone, Kensington 1ITL MAN, :n. Imie successfully filled stock, order, shipping ealesmaiii 18 yrs 1 drm, wholeaals croc coffco Import. J( ais. Ledger Central. MAN AND WIFR (colored), butler and cook, cltv referenco. K. T nat 3. ISth st. MAN AND W1PK, colored, butler and house nian and cook. M 10,1. Ledger Office. JI1.0I1AN1CAL drailghlsman, 7 yenra' broad eap.. deslrei position Where technical knoal edge nud ability are appreciated; Drat-clrtss references. J T4d ledger Central. MY IMPOnTCNlTT la your chance to secure a !ioiin;r., ambitious man, of 22, high, ncademhY nnd business college educntlnn, who tlealrea to connect with manufactur ing ur commercial firm, to learn busli.osn from ground up: Lev of city teferencea J 14L liCDORn CRNTrtAL m , . officb on shop Aaslitant desires position;' 10 jeara' experl ence In production and eystematlilng; capable of taking charge nnd relieving executives of details, J 810, LEDOCIt CENTItAL omen MAN. I. desires position: Telrce School graduate; thor. conversant In bklng., timekeeping, payrolls, etc : considerable ofnre exp. In various cap.: salary mod.; interview solicited, H 78, Ledger Br I'OOIl nidge ave. PniNTnn Toung married man. 25. experi enced compositor, with slight knowledge of advertising, desires position. J 7H, Led ger Central. BALnSMAN. PUnCHATUNCI AORNT, AOR 28; Ui.C!UARIE.c"N,CAl' RDUCATION; ri VRARB" SHOP PRACTICR AND 5 THAnR' , SRLLINO EXPRItlKNC. COVRRIN'O EAST RRN PENNA.i FAMILIAR WITH PUR CIIARINO DETAIUtl DRBIRRR POSITION WITH FIRM IIANDLINO MECHANICAL LINK; HIGHEST RErs, 3 7. Ledger Cen. HKCItnTART. ainog., account., off. manager, desires position; best ref. C 32d, Ledger Off. SECRETARY. 10 jeara' experience; exp sten ographer; moderate sal. J 50, Ledger Cen. SINGLE-HAND I1UTLER desires position at flrat-class place; reference D 114. Led Off STENoanAPlIER (graduate). IS years of age, underatands automobiles thor.; woutd like . pos. In mechanical line J 7,10, ledger Cen. STENOOnAPHER, young man 21, high and business college education: 4 years' exp, de- "'rej. pos. : best refs, J .tsa. Ledger Central. STUNOORAPIIEn, offlco man, exp., rapid, ae curate: best refs. J 3.17, Ledger Central. STENOORiAPIIBn-Falthful.clean-cut young man. J SH. Ledger Central YOUNtl MAN. ambitious, nge 22. with uni versity education, deslrea tn become con nected with a business which offers an op portunity for advancement on the basis of merit: poessea .executive ability and a knowledge of credits p HI. Lds;sr Office. YOUNtl MAN. 20 vears reglatered pharmacist in I'cnniyivaoia.tviinea connection witn large drug or chemical homo where education, per- in Pennsylvanla.wlshea connection sonallty and, business ability .would assure mutual satisfaction: and salxrv. D 1111. utntM tistilra ot work Ledger Office. YOUNCl MAN possessing Spanish and English commercial exrerlence wishes position In ere or 10 represen isent any business in South Airier floanlsh thoroughly Phone PouUr 55.1 Ml. Vernon st. icat writes m Q,sria u. lam YOUNfl I MAN. 21 yeara of age. married, sires eara' experl- ence In cl t.'snt re II at in clerical fino; best refe reference, 22ta YOUNfl married rftan. 12 years. with last em- Ployer. wishes permanent position: solenrtld uslnesa xnerlmcai let. J. tflo, Ledger Cent. YOUNO MAN, 1, High School grnduaTe, de sires position with engineer or chemist. HU.1 r)r Newklrk et .M..k,r l Wt . IS nal nnnlla.. Jl.l... k. sitiogjtt stenographer, J 812. Ledger CenlraL YOUNll MANw'iinta position of any kind; adiptsblejconscentloua. D 120t ledger Off. YOUNO MANTsI. wishes position, clerk; good hsbtts) reference, Ii 1. Ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES B-itiRT.nt.AHS cooks, chtfa. plain cooks win r io houleworki cpmpstsnt Protestant clunt- btnnaldi. trained nure. ch.ldnurae, lauu . by the, day ..... butlers. lovtrnesies. Sutlers, chauffeurs, girls lat.ly j... ..a. V, 111 11 as V OF nofilll l-krllon inaMa l Scotch. Irish. Norwelgam American arriTaii vi-r.f.atantH for hoUHWOrkl Wish sllUStlnna. city lie countryi all references ruaranieeJ. Mrs. Kane, all B. 10th. Locust ;U)9 vJ'hjS? chambermaids; chiidTiuraes, houseTi work girls. Pollih and German girl want po. litions Mils Rose Dougherty. 1318 W.UIfiTrd. AUTOMOBILES ROYAL COLONIAL COUPE, IMS model OOnJlllOUl p psnr inwi, nuiiiuaaiir (iiiau aleolrle llgnisi cheap. Edward VatU, CnXVlA on aUtomoblTsanegotiaiid.. pKcf'lH ttorage. Lyons Co, lMi rand IjtU Ujdg. , AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES CONTINENTAL OARAGE, 1ST AND NOR. rli its., aforaf' and npalrln at moderate ptloea. CiirSTAL PALACE OAnAOB Carg taken, on ifiad and Itye storage; repair ing a spsclilly; cars to hire. 13il AlrJria st Phone, Tioga tgiPf. BUSINESS NOTICES W aan afrorjl td remodel of repair youi furs muib cntatr.lnaa. the lint de- PUBS partmint storis. Wa five you eipjrt waraaLsiiaiiiu. x-uuiia uviuwns e4l . uiia j. ww oi S, 0U7 Arch st. BEAUTIFUL moose beadt tor the (Ireplms; '" ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES'"36 OFPOBTUNtTY JTOR DOCTOR Proptrty In Phlla. on. main at. I 133 by U, J story trick detaehid building: II rafnui talc ft." finish tb.rourn.out. Bn ih tprournowi. paroua-ry noora, tuau w excellent beating and pIumblM. afy cT oj- acs sad wardrobes billlard room , Qusn Anal oak atatrway cvs fiax sua iatproveaisnt sell Itxax) for properly ud pracili.e, un.cii(.q s?i.au,isuu seea. CIDtioiuu OMitualty (or guud pbetcian, Jraia Tpj Lgur Office .,.. ea AU- tiA.L and Juxulsi t.ni aim loci i.jio isi! uaid tldlBii; e.t.uliali. I 4 xus Ul., du.i Hi ptjKAI. eiil aiUteg i.-i ll.li AJdruan UmL UiIiiioim BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ro vririi wxs ten ti, lr,,th nl at the tight tune' it is our ousliie.s to arrange etaeounts so that the tni lje of.yodt affJIt oVlarJ.W"!'?,,. pliWrf.lf 2ttt Stephen rUKI'ftV, rerlt or le Jlal.llshed ifti enrs. rorntr roams,. elsJlc ill leiri jhtal leneoit for' Will' lll War tnvPMi(Ktln Address I. fl ..1 ly.lger fentrtil HAIttirt'S having their own ealah)lhmenl ran InrfMee their lncne bv liandllna; our fref tnlltinj; nwrhine offer Appi I a.AiSj! 't.. . A!n7vmillt.nccVelCT bllrlnera iTflChnrfel Kir.Uli at i., HIS N. lltrMd at., ftor aale. Call or nndrena ntatrre OLEANINO AND DYEINO qI.KANHO, flVBIl MAtLlloT.ISindheettiut. DOGS, BIltDB AND OOLD PISH Nnvv .IMt'.lUTATtON fine .singing . flvinmh canotles f-l ervdii every bird guaranteed Brad f hger; riaea. $1 unnttrdi enil .where you will, I (if lateen and. beat slock In the city In reled tioni' birds can safely be Mrtt to all in by expteu, . . . F (. VAULT, .110 Market it. TINn-IHtRO pe.il HIIRO, poultry .breeding; slock- the llnul .BblalnMitei Hatted IMymnuth Hocks, ilsitea. l.eel,,.. Ilnre lnnhltia Sllnrtri.a Wi am can nnu s-e rir inimense stock. jj,. . , n. C, VAllLiyajii Market at. duessmAkino and millinery 1T. . .. i". : '. ".-.",.,. '." y.",- x.v-o, ADVANCI1 RTVI.P.R In dressmaking. Ill and irnwani 2nol R. tnih st. OlCklnson illta W. llHKSSMAKINtl laiight; ehnrt. prae roiirse" Mellow l. wit Ijenckja ltldg.JIn Mnrltel. Ilemstllclilng done while loii.wnlt. A. 11lch ."J11'.'."'! bestnuL Pictorial Review pautttnj. POP. SALE ANTtqllRB-Clialis. Hm yr. old, 111 mahog. bur IIOiJiHe-a.brae (vftcjjo an fw Walniii. illt.LtAUD. pool, tfnmh, ad.hsnd, bought. . sold, rented, ex'd. Keafer, ;i2t Cllrard ave. FUltNITt'nE ANTIQUR A Orandfather'a clock. Imported! an Inlaid centre table, tnnhognny chairs, elands, ma hhgnny rockers, feather bed nnd feather pil lows, carpets, stoves, dishes, tables, beds, etc., rotich glassvvnre JM Main st. Haddonfleld, N. J L0J. .' household goo la in tine condition. r IT'.'ll Bjilth Broad at. 2 I'Vl'ltRPR TANUH. ."0 ft In dlameter."20 fl. high, with round Iron hoops. In good rendi tion, nlsn .1 lnti.lt. . Heine water tub boll era In good condition. Apply 8upt Norrls totvn Water Co . Norrlntown, Pa. " INSTRUCTION 'I;ISNCII In threo months by rellned young I'urlslan Indy; cosy convorsutlonal method; terma moderate. Mile. L. Herlhln, 1503 Arch tlU a. m.-io p m.). Musical KEEP UP TO DATE American history nnd gcnciol Information tlnssi's under a competent tent hr at a woman's soclul nnd lltcrnry club, membership fee, fill, nftcrnoon teneand music I, U3il, Ledger Central. C. W. !IIJC1III:.H. It:i7 Diamond, teacher of plann nnd nvcoiiipnlilst Diamond :il.'l f). STORAGE JVK'T Monarch Slorooo Co Auto and nack I'HILA, Inn and thlpplng, ".870 Lancn tter ave. WANTED FURNITURE Anl'ufa. ?!""?": ."?p.V.t or entire house bought. Kens. Furniture Co.. 8143 Kensington ave. IIOl'-WATRIl llOILEll. fjts) to U feet and rndlators; state price and make. 27, Ledger UrBiich. 41U7 Lociit st. ROOMS POR RENT DARING. !l10 Rooms, turn, or unturn., 2d lloor. for housekeeiilng. Uarlng 1422 W. UltOAD, H, 40J-Neally tur. 2d-itory room: near batli!liomclIltu. picklninn5sf8. BltOAD. N., lntR Very desirable well-healed furnished rooms ; reasonable: board optional. CHESTNUT. 18il-Well-furnlehcd single and double-room1., running water. CHESTNUT, I82.'l-Large. neatly furnished room on second floor; board optional: phono. CHESTNUT, tO'.1)-31-Deslrat)le film, or untur. suites; private bath, piofcsslonal otllecfl. CHESTNUT. 421T-Dcslrable rooms; prlv-ata family, table board next door; Baring 7301 x. CHESTNl'T. 14,10-Excep vacs : ful rooms; conv. L, surface. warm, cheer Proaton il'.li I. DrAMONU, 1TJ7 Front room, run. water; south expoa. ; also sing, rin. Diamond atai I). DIAMOND, 1814 (The nennlngtonl-llkpg nptt. wllh kltchcnetto; also sing, rooms Pis, him. CI1RARD AVE., lDOO-nrlght room. prlv. fam ily; suitable for 1 or 2 rellned Catholic men seeking a good home; terms reasonable. HANDSOMELY furnished front room In large modern private homo; electric lights, to mlnutea to City Hall. Telephone Baring 41.1. HUNTINGDON, W . fl2IB--Liirge, warm, well furnished room for 2; prlv. fain, i Dla Uivuv, MONTGOMERY AVE., W 1021-Two nicely turn, front rooms; suitable for gentlemen; board op.: fine connections to centra of city PINE. IIBR Parlor rooms, also others; bright and cheorfult running water, corner homo roWELTON. a03-Deslrablo far a few business people. II turn, vacancies taring 18.12 W. RACE. 1 TOI Nicely furnlalied Bd-story front room; well heated also BTimH apnrtinent SPRINO GAltDEN, 1711-Lnrgo. comforlably furnished front room, adjoining bath; eepa rato beds; eultahle for two gentlemen. SPRUCE, 2022-DeilrabIa suite, with prltvte bath: open Orel phone; owner. SPRUCR, 40211-Newly opened, very attractive fur, rooms; all conavnlencesi Prrs, 2M.T WALNUT. 4103-ad floor, unfurn.. bath: south ern exposure: pleasant rooms. Preston 272U D. WALNUT ST.. 6021-Fewdeelrable vacancies, furn, or unfurn., refined nclghtorhuodi prl vole; phone. WTII, N-. 035 rurnlshed rooms: well-heated; housekeeping lodging: conveniences! phone. 12TII, B 111 Private family will rent com fottahly furn. rooms to ref, gentlemen; ph. 12TH, H 817 Private family win rent furn Iront rooina; also other roomai reasonable. 13TII, N,. Ulll-Urge front roonisi well heat, cdi suit genllemcn. Poolar d7iH W. 13TII, N.. P2J Geiitlemen or married couple) well-furnished room In refttisd famll). isf n w . trifrt- Two very desirable, largo, comfortably furnished rooms; well heatodi nonie coqaina. i-uniar o.. I'oplsr 5.in, 16TH, H , 420 Second front, large, mmny.clean ,nd warm, phono Dickinson 5S1.I V. 17T1I. 8.. 2.V1 Sltllntr room and bedroom; all) slnglerooni all conveniences. 2IUT. N.i 1.17 Nurse, can have nicely furnUli.d rooms, private houiei allcimv. ijhone. 21TH, N.. 1718-Mrge furn. or unfur. room: prl va ia taniiiy. ihwi., ..q u imm .u , ,, 15TH. S, 210 Attractive 2d-floor iront room, bath adjoining; 15 monthly. Preston 0033. KOIt APPOINTMENTfi of dlstlnotion, mI 2IIW N. I'-Ui at- and to convinced. The wind may blow coldt but the heat will be there. PRIVATE FAMILY has. comfortably furnished from room on loth st. above Huiouehsnna; Wrd It dMlred, M 83j),. Ledger Office. Professional Offices. LOCUST, IMS- First-floor offlcei suitable for oeuflst or physulani 123 per nioatb. Sl'HUCE. l.W-Profeislonal offices! suites with liathf,, single rq"insL Phone lyalnut TSao. ISTH. H . .114 Physician desires la shura orlce with reliable doctor) other vacancies. BOARDINO SROAD BT. S ItWS - Pealrtble tacanilei) tatjle bjard. rboni. inAMONiW7i0W-VWtor to "Hilly" Suni lllo.- nioait! lay .'""""" l'r"sst, ?".! car ta: clean rooms, .uauts iwajiviMBis. onona. AlltARQfNT AV. 1007-Dei "'a8anclul MJuiiai-su.viJiii-a&(ii PINS. BOST Two deniable rooms, with board) not a bearding haute, but a. home for a few Bl'KI L.'i". UHO-AttraetUe ruuui. too suite. wiu, pfivue pl4J' ,.we twui aPliUCK. 4084 Heame furnlshad r unfurpUb -SSil r frj rtoaaa yy rtflaad i igeatloB. I'restoa -jlip. eeptisaal labia paajd. alsa labed toons. moJerat t-Peilr; la boar' aTrtU furnished roorol. Baring ?)7 conv WALNf'l SV, 4.-ueiri?ie furntabad rooni fir geaileiaee. modern lUrloc 1016 W Ul-uUU tabui JNAl!l' iuislIM ,at.J fcii In B&.,alhl.o or tddsny pailavl nun.o tn Waal Phlla i Sd, Led., (.astral HOARD WANTED WARM, aunny Willi hoard roon H' Irt teflned lopatton. for.f). op!- ,st PhlH. piefer- iri AdJreae i TM. ledger Centrnl APARTMENTS pt'AAR lllll'liNllTllRK; miUAIlK Tn room Slid pflvitli- iiaih. Iiifnlel M or tinnitnlehetji ftlll retil m njty gentleman. prlVMS .ie ramiivi no ihifw i' nw, i ertger nrr S B. CORNEtt OK 4IRT AND WAI.NLT Mmt deilrable location t rooms and bath til rbmefitenre-. big retiiciittti in tent jlgenl on pfmlsea WALNUT, la-SI IKrnveoodl-IWslMtl.ie'vaos.i (.Inale.rtr en ault:.ptlv, bum; nlii cbinae to wit tewtntj moderate rale WnlhiitfilMj R W. Colt .liTM AND II A RltrnRrv-.Kive large, sunny, front rnoms. private Imth, ;o. large porches an.l gruunds Preston Jt W. tdTH. N.. Hfll--iroitl linulekeenlng siille. Jiath. kitchenette. fObm nrlviilo bath S5. KPIlINd GARDEN. Iflln -Bicelltnt apts in S different hojiHsariirl t urn'd , kltrheneltes. SPUING GARttttN, inil-t.lalit housekeeping, furnished run. Snlrri Minne. single rooms. CHILTON APARTMENTS flatB IlAniNG ST. Two (lrslTioor rnomsi auli. dentist or doctor or nnnrljitenta. Mrs. Belle Mri'ialn manager. t lnN,cv HI'Ah Hamlsomely furnlshe.1 APARTMENTS WANTED Fiirnl'hcil COMPt.KTRLY turn housekeeping apls.i 'i tn jainllvi rent for (1 months. J d..UedCejd PURNISItED APARTMENTS I'tmNlHtlRlf APAIITMRNtTi rooms and hath and rerepllnn belli overlooking Clnik Park, nelghhnrhood lid, A Chester. Preston al W HOUSEKEEPINQ APARTMENTS THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST TLOOIt Apply on Premises tilii'KM. tain Several modern housekeeping ats.: prlv. bath Kiicn.'neiio. iui. or uniur 1TTH, N., nnn (The Alinonessiuil-Houscltcep-lug, 120-12. refeiencoreiiulred. 17TH AND CHESTNUT Hkpg npl . 2 rms.. bath; low rent. P. 11. Co, 11117 PennaL IIJdg roit VACANCIEB nnd complete Information of all nprtrtmenta free, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 1.1th and Ppruco sts. Thnne Wnlmit !90, or write for ''Apartment Directory," January Edition. Free. KENT APARTMENTS N. ,, Housekeeping urarlmciits, I moms nnd bath! fl'J 50 month seejanltor LENOX. MTH AND CIIESTEIt AVB. rl'llNIHHED OR UNFCRNISHED HOUHRKEEPINtl APARTMENTS See Janitor or phone Woodland 2010 D. POPLAR APTS . 1C20 Poplar-Beautiful furn. hkpg. suites, private hatha: hot-water heat. REAL ESTATE POR SALE WEST PHILADELPHIA MODERN HOME AT SACRIFICE On account of leaving Philadelphia: 0 rooms. end house; nil Impiovcmenls: hot-wnter heat; 11 moms get rtficrnnoli sun, lot 10x10.0. DA VI I' MnoAIlT. Scrnnton, Pit. OERMANTOH'N CHOICE properties In ull sections of Gtn., Ml. Airy, Chest 11.: all prices. Wrlle for special list. J. II. Chadwlck . Co., 8018 Ocrmanlown MOUNT AIRY AND CHESTNUT HILL PROPERTIES Pelham Trust Co, 0740 Germantown ave Tiara SEVERAL large trncta of Improved land on high ground, wide atieets nnd wllh unexcelled trolley nrd train service for sale on ground rent. Address M flUi, Ledger Office JTanednle, I'n. inoilCILDING LOTS oil Broad st and Inter-se-tinr streets, between Slli and 10th sts.; high ground, wide streets nnd desirable sur roundings: sultablo for n building operation. Address M fit tl. Ledger Office IVyncote. I'n. "WYNCOTE MANOR" Rldg ellcs, restrlcte.1 to high-class Improve ments, neighborhood the finest, right prices MAURICE J. HOOVER gay-jay MAIN LINE. J'AJLJi: CHESTER VALLHY FARM' 114 acrea; bar gain A. I), lleald. West Chester, Pa. NF.W JERSEY Atlantic City, N. ,T. S-1 COTTAGE LOTS In Chelsea, located Arctic, Monlpeiler and Sovereign ayes : excellent op portunity for development Address O. w. Tavlor Jlox flM). cyiden, N.J. SNAPS In choice cottages, hotels.lots, etc. Bale, rent. oxc. Choicest cor lot Ventnor, 1 1000 bel. cost, llruckmann. 810 guarantee Rldg. Iladilonllcld. N. J. TTa'vTC- rlUvBUAL FINK PROPKRtTES at bargain prl-es, W.M. CAREY MARSHALL, 631 Kadsral st.. Camdsn. . Woodbury Heights, N, J. Bl'VEllAL ilcilraple iiomea and Improved CTdgT Iota at reasonable prices. John Mayhew. rENNSYLVANIA FAIIMS AN OilJAL Muck or "daTry'lanri. wllhln -'X miles of Philadelphia, adjoining tho station! 11.1 acres, tine building site; old stone house! con be uilllxed as tenant houses; burn, out i...u.iin., nlnastit snrlnss: nrlcs only 112.100! ,,..,.,...-, ":-;.i -'...T'r -. .,-..,:. ,.,4' auJOllllllff propcriica am n.m w ,ki wn.. """' H. B McCOLLl'M 11114 Walnut st., Itillndelplila. "Don't Forget the Number" TUT Acnlcfl. location, land, buildings, watsr and railroad facilities, all mat ciam nai ..... Ihlntf Ihltt von. In mitk- S. UOOfl (mil Several stock farms cheap, 160. 200 and 260 Seres, ths very best of land and clieapi state your want. NATHAN HAllK UAItGr- FlUIir FARM. "Ji""0. '""I 23 miles of Broad fit. Station. .'Hi a itttOH, jew-ei" Thompson, 11.1 N. lively to oe sowi. j, ... Utah si. West Chester, Pa REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT West Philadelphia TiirlT. ff7 ilT-revv-ilory liouee: 'hot-.wate vs . 'I ." j .l llnnea t hrnt I or linit 1 1 hilt "J, , m'j two, easy tjiTjtuApply 217 H jtUIi iini. i inirvuini iw'ia ' !.- 'i BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE IfXVIfA TlTvilMiRTT'ntTV'n'sd'ailar.o" lotT itnrv Rtllc, Mono and frame dwelling, oil InL'Tirwtli'Kr'Irlr.e'il'W 'WlS .ml '1"-J"iy?on.!L,iiMr,,0S-111! Walnut at.. Philadelphia, "Don't Forget the Number Atlantic CltT.N.Ji. ilrvrhi s cottages, apartmsnts, etc., to ex. "ciVnge lor Piniaderphla properties OIIAB. KKlelf, Ui H' I'fniUf. IHt.l A i . iT.Jjuj ' REAL ESTATE EQR RENT Fuctoiles, Warehouses, JIfir. jyoori Tn: ami dss (ley aVes' Belt pbbnt, 1'loga V'lW. IV lljompany, 1117 1 'smut. Bldg. "" Ulllcea, Uuiluesa Rooms, Kto, fiSIRABLR offUes. ,11th ftoor, Pennsylvania Bldg) loth and (ibeatnut Fur paiflau ari imi tpcashltr, 2d ifoor, U'aet End Tr H dy z tt offlcMs tlUN ilroAdtl., ssuat mis s i .niiahia rnc an miniiian ie.lt i As ftlTlCaU. OlTEcaffXlTD OPPORTUNITY for phyiielin u& aVitlat. tentrat. two rooms, offlco at low rental I'.B-.y"" I'ennsiiyania uwy West l'hlladeluhla. 'lhrBonThoTse, 1M1 HIT N. 62d at., good , ndTtlw?"l ,? V'iiid.? J"" 'rwn Park. Apply at 1ST0 N. M t., Of , HAMMOND hCM Lapaa.jar ave. WfLA. houie for rent, faelpg Qeerga s Falrmouj. r. - .raw ...u 'tJFBrgBiTvV J AtlautlO City, N. J. taet! werfrequlrenieat' Bin h Maori to eera. MORTGAGES J5JRgimVAf!VB Si and U Mruit. laf mart" glgea on Improved AiUatU Oily and Vaatnw (T4 "mtVi mA4tta'n.fy,U n- 'IJSj&x MONEY ?0 LpAN SliiiHl TIUV qau ,-u suiiuioblUs H.uu l.ubl. II;. l.;oua (u L'.u- I ..J TtUa Uidt HimMArffBvTrANn.HtnBL.Y Xve PilllX-Larie building with two noora tSllirii.i ilriv.i an. ft.i ilzht four a TV-ViW-iiST: oermintbwn and Bid lUli? ttouay . h ' J m SCR.APPUE ataOW . I . I , it'iit MAKING MERRY IN pem-r DCeei 2.tPPtnn Ann (lvEfOPl.,Ne dlNJNljr Th WvupEiv. Seasonable Wori-y Joneal "Why no tiloomy this worried ithotit the overlienrt Just sot my wifo's hat bill." 'lUcllo, niornlnrf7 "I nm rlmrKCR. JllilKC. CHESS! Hubby It's very trvlng, my. dear, to ho.ir jotl always snyliiR "clicclt, checlt, check." I foel ns It llto wero a lone eamo of chess. Mlfle-Well, Edward, If ou don't Rive me some money, I shall have to pawn, pawn, pawn, and It would ntlll seem llko a long; name of chess. THE VUnY LATEST. lie I see they are now making col lars of sand paper. Sho What for? He Hough necks. s r, Js. JMZJ KUSIMrSK tWn I SSWSIJIU1I17 .' aai,a , ffFXpy i m' S ffiijto IP jV-1'V1 (J r JL lil' fouRlryo OUT Of Li W&zbvZs SC ( . J nC i ffiht v j x -. u ' tviY wihoew x li I 'V - i TW'ii hatWT I I r '" KK ik eJTlII.Al.l.y fURNtO WARTIME ENGLAND frm$ Bonds Are Light "And nro the iilvurcc laws no very lib eral In your flection?" "Liberal? Say! They arc so liberal that nobody ever heard of a woman crylne nt a wedding out there." Detroit Journal. Tommy (to his prlre) That was The Oennan prisoner (formerly a 'air cut, too. Hs T THE REMARKABLE DISCOVERIES OF . THOMAS EDISON, JR. THE PADDED CELL J MH Jaw )3 3011 (A TRIJAIJffl BOY) AFTER SCHOOL JOINED JUT, AND HC HAD To BOV" IVO THIMC3S fio I WENT vaiith him. apt8r vwe. came back vmb vwbmt iM HIS HOUae AMD rAODHLB Piuntr& t30T of nAanaNe A STUFF LlKB WAX. WE MAPS HBAOS OF aSTniCHBS vSMofOeJi. CIGARS AND eMADBj TMBrA FltfHT. MOSTOPTMsm QQUASHtJP . AT HALF RttTi tlEVBM WB UfBrJT UP 7b Si3MAL C0W5 MO WILLBD. We LCARMBD Tb WILt TERPOCTLV. MR. LlDof IS THIS ORCANIXBR AMD ORDCRS. THO SATTALIOM To "DRILL. . SCRdeAMT HICHoLi QAUfL US CALDM THEHSlKi EXERC3Ba. Gee But it warmed (Is up. a pretty close) shave you 'ad. barber In London) Yea, Sir! a singe and 4 4 -1; m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers