Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 13, 1915, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14
S'KWB! J 14 EVffiNINO I, EDGE ft PHILADELPHIA, WEDNEHDAY, JANTJABY 18, lfllg. PANAMA-PACIFIC WIKNER8 TO SEE SCENIC BEAUTIES I Contest Provides Opportuni ties forLucky 50 That Few Outsiders Visiting Califor nia ExpositionsWill Enjoy tfearly every one In tho East who can afford It will spend Vacation days In California thls-yoar, vlsttlng the Panamn Pacific) and Ban Diego Expositions, to which to persons' are to be taken absolute ly fr of charge by tho Evening Lrdciru atid Punuo liBDonn. Those who pay their own expenses to the Pacific coast will spend largo sums of money for their pleasure trips, but those who ko as the guests of the two newspapers wilt not have to spend a cent. Moreover, the best of everything In 'the Way of hotel and train accommoda tion will bo provided for them, Many points of Interest In the Inter mountain country, such as tho Grand Canyon of Arizona, that visitors louring to. the expositions will not get the op portunity to visit, will bo scheduled stops for tho Evening Ledokii-I'uuuc Ledueii contestants. Tho only thng required of tho contest ants working to get Into the list of 50 who wilt take this trip Is that they obtain subscriptions for the two newspapers. De tails of how credits are to be counted by the Contest Editor appear In tho adver tisement. Persons wishing to see tho Great West are Hocking Into tho contest every day. Those who fall to be counted tho lucky 50 will be paid full commissions on tho subscriptions they obtain, so that their work wilt not go for naught To enter fill out tho coupon In the' advertisement and send It to the Contest Editor, second floor of tho I'udlic I.KDOEn Uulldlng, who will urnlsh alt details of what Is to bo done. ZUD A GREAT MYSTIC STORY SYNOPSIS. Xuiora la left an orphan at an early uge. Iter father is kitled In a gold mine he haa discovered. Half an hour after teaming of the death of her husband Zu iara't mother, a tight rope walker with a drew, is aeited with vertigo, falls, and la Zudora and the fortune from the mine, which later grows to be worth 110,000,000, ere left to the guardianship of Frank Keene, a circus man and the brother of Xudora's mother. T.udora, giving promise of great beaut, reaches the age of It. The uncle, who has set himself up as a Hindu mystic, and Is known as Hassam All, decides In his greed that Zudora must die before she comes inti possession of her freat fortune so that i mag be left to tm, tho next of kin, ana he prevails upon the girl to leave her mo.iey in his hands three gears longer and to sag nothing to any one about the fortune, llassam All tees an obstacle to hta scheme In I'm per son of John Btorm, a young tatcyer for whom Zudora has taken a fancy, and he commands the girl to put the man out of her mind. Btorm 'comes to ask llassam Jill for the hand of his niece. .11 first the crystal gater tell! not listen lo the pro posal, but Zudora insists that f she can wot marru Btorm she will marry no one. 'Well, toell." said llassam Ml, "It you take such a stand I'll compromise. Solve my next 10 cases and you can marry him; fall In a slnols case and you must renounce ilm." Zudora, using the knowledge gained from years of association with her uncle, unravels a series of baffling mysteries. A United States submarine and a collier Belonging to the Btarr .Arm for which Storm la attorney, are blown up, appar tntfy through the agency of a ray which melts metal under water. EPISODE VII (CONTINUED.) "TT.VCLE, what do you think of this U new ray talk?" asked Zudora one evening-, after reading some editorial comment upon the half-forgotten sub ject which had not, however, been for gotten In the least by her. "Could there be such a thing;" "My dear child, these days nothing Is Impossible. They fly In the air; they Wtni under water: they speak from ship to ship without any visible means. A ray to penetrate steel under water Is not only possible, but" probablo. I'll wager that a. hundred men across the world are trying. to accomplish this." "And evidently one man has." "Evidently," agreed Hassam All. "But why should he blow up Htiips In our own harbor? Why should he deal death without Just cause?" "Ah, these men of true science! What is the death of a man or-two compared to the achievement? I dare say that this man could not resist the Impulse to try his Infernal ray upon the living. All sci entists are egotists. Why don't you dig into It? There's International fame for any one who solves this." "What! Pit my forces against the whole of the secret service?" "Yes, but you have faculties that not very human being has. And then you've something that not even I have." "And what Is that?" "Luck." "Then you think I am lucky Instead of dtllful?" "Both, my child, in an extraordinary degree. No one knows that better than I," with a. smile, which she did not see, nor would have understood It she had, Hassam All rose. Ills fingers were Itch ing to fondle his gold. Zudora remained In the mystic room and reread a letter she had received from Storm that day. The poor boy had lest his only photograph of her and desired a. new one. Well, he should have it, and just as soon aa aha could have it taken. NO. 14 ASTHMA Isauine'.uoYooReUexABqrR. hovw ) r . t.,m . " (rr ooih' richv up ( eepA- sovjfa-' S t.r igp 1 -L,lZML loariTA hypnotize THvr ml ,S ARS Ycurb va j i Cobi.-xvi,trr'&. hbfa-sovvfa- ST-, V "-iQ f- gigSy'- m m YaUBP. POO X HAD? WeLc,WHATS KIK GIT AWAY " ftoow noiN AMD ( e5PA- 6QVAJPA- mu-j "SL f "Wf " l' ' ' 1 W TWO OF CITY'S '. - - Jlf , mm 11311 - m hr'La 1 :-::w liA - if HI! fuIiA KlwB JB iii ' '. ' irofirrapifti 4'mftW aE&Jjmtydfflt0& w ;4 ' r-rJ - J IWWsmMmmM 1 ( M m ' 1 IBr Wi W&$& jJMfi!XS&MtEGU I - , SjK&iiiSfWfSrasyWWMWKla tfvSi. lWi?rJKfw.M,iaWSICWafllllr BY HAROLD MacGRATH She sat down beforo the crystal globe. So her uncle thought slio wnu not only skilful but lucky? Was he regretting his bargain? She stared Into the globe, and presently a slrango fantasy appeared In Its clear depths. She saw herself standing upon the crest of a hill, In silhouette against the setting sun, gaibcd In (lowing white. Presently she was Joined by nnothcr Zudora, dressed In black. Then thy two Shanes enmo alowlv down the lull In separate paths, and at tho end of enrh j path stood a somber Hassam All. The white Zudora, when she reached Hussam AH, threw her arms around his neck nml kissed him. The black Zudora repelled the seer, her face expressing doubt and suspicion. The forms faded and dis appeared. Zuroda rose, troubled In mind. Sho doubted her uncle; there was no use In denying the fact; she doubted and feared him. She had given her word, and her very loyalty to that word seuled her lips. She must go on until the end. Twenty exploits, and her life In her hand each time! So bo It. And she sensed that John had his suspicions nlso. Indeed, he had once been outspoken enough. She left tho mystic room and passed on Into the living room, where Hassnm All, having satisfied tho craving to piny with his gold sat smoking his pipe and dream ing. Sho did not disturb him for a time. The remarkable control this man had over his features wos one of his greatest assets. Ills expression at this moment was of absolute contentment, and yet In hli mind's eye he saw the mine, this Klrl's father struggling for breath and life: he saw the will which made her one of the greatest heiresses In America; ho saw his own sinister ends accomplished. And nil the while Zudora believed -that some happy recollections had served to give that face Its benign appearance. "Uncle." He lowered his pipe as If he had not beon conscious of her presence. "What Is it?" "Do you know of any unusual photog rapher? I mean, a genius of his kind, something out or the way." "Hum! Let me see. There used to be a chap In 3d street who had some new tricks, I believe that these were too ex pensive for tho geneial public. IJesldes Me, was one of tho&e cranks who sluvo for an Idea and to whom money Is noth ing, I've got the name somewhere. When I come across It I'll let you know." He gave the name to her the next morning and Immediately left the house. He had an Idea; he was always having Ideas. About half, drier 9 he arrived downtown, stopped beforo a building, went Into the corridor, and searched the wall directory. He found Kal Green, the eccentric photographer, on the twelfth floor, lift was about to seek the elevator when another name caught his attention. "He!" he murmured. "And I had for gotten all about the man! Well, the world moves fast. I believe I can make some thing out of this little Journey." He did not stou at the photographer's. H went on up to the next floor and knocked at a certain door. A tall, gaunt Individual opened the door, 'Hassam All!" "I, my frtend. And so I find you at last!" "Vou have been looking for me?" dis tressed, "And not I alone, my friend," SIMPSON, THE VILLAGE QUEEN HOW WAS FULLER PROONS NEW $70Q,000 SCHOOL f : ' : : " iiTfl y& ! tfg&HiMrti.VTriftrfrf 2XtteMtffi$x&wwj$iffiffi 'j The upper picture shows the progress on the high school building avenue, Germantown; the lower, the new building at Oxford pike "Hush! Not so loud! In God's name, n-t so loud!" "So wo haven't given up that great Idea, cli? It Is four years slnco I saw you last. And you've got It!" "Yes, yes! I'vo got It! I have dono what no other man In the world has done. A levolution In the world 'of science!" proudly, forgetting his recent terror at tho sight of this man, llassam All. "To mo falls tho honor of bringing a world peace! There will bo no moro war after this." ' ilut tho colliers and tho submarine, my old friend, especially tho submartne?" suavely. The Inventor suddenly hid his face In his hands. "Clod knows It was accidental! "I meant no harm, only I had to test It. I had to!" "A marvelous Invention!" mused Has sam All, glancing around the room and noting tho array of retorts, tho queer generating machine, the glass side and top to the room. "We shall become rich." "We!" "Even so, inv friend. Itlch beyond all dreamt that is, If you obey my will." "Ah, I know you, Hassam All! It is some devil's work you want me to do." "Devil's' or angel's work, you will do It, or pay tho penalty tho law requires for tho killing of 10 odd men. In mere caprice. Take your choice." The voice was not suave now, but cold and deadly. "What Is It you wish mo'to do?" llassam All whispered his directions. "Death?" said the Inventor, horrified, "Death. What Is one more?" "Uut that was experiment; this Is mur der." ! "What you have done is to law one and the same thing. O, I hate -u, my friend, I have you. You will oo my will, and In a very short time, too." "I will do It under compulsion! Upon your head be the result." "Thin laboratory Is directly above Green?" "Yes." "Wo will cut s small hole through the celling," suggested Hassam All. "Quite unnecessary. I can adjust this ray to any distance up to live miles. I can pass It through wood and Iron and burn what I wish the other side. It Is all a matter of mathematics. I made a mis calculation, or the submarine would never have been touched," "Show me how the Infernal thing works, I don't mean the chemical analysis of It. I mean Just the simple mechanism." CopyrlfM. 10H. Wlfurold MacGrsth, (Continued Friday.) BUILDINGS IN COURSE POSTBAG FROM BATTLE FRONT First-hand Accounts of Land and Sea Conflicts Told by the Fighting Soldiers and Sailors Themselves. t?"1 real tear correspoiirfenls o the present European struggle are the men lit the trendies and the men on the quarter deck. Professional writ ers are not permitted at the front. All they know Is what they can glean from the wounded occupants of am bulances taken to the rear. The Evening Ledger will print from time to time thenlu intlmafe sfde of the war the reflections of soldiers and sailors In their letters home. German letters, when obtainable, as well as those 0 the Allies, will be printed. Briton Praises Germnn lied Cross Letter from Lieutenant Jlose Troup, Royal West Surrey Iteglment, wounded and a prisoner at Schloss Celle, Han over. About H) wounded men from all aorta of regiments traveled with me on tho same train as the German wounded. AVo were very comfortable In a big covered truck, with straw, on which the badly wounded could lie. The lied Cross men were at every station, and gave us coffee and bread and sometimes an excellent soup. We traveled all Sunday night and Mon day, anil on Tuesday afternoon arrived nt Hanover. AW then went on to Ham'e lln, the fomous town of the rat-catcher, where there Is a big camp for prisoners. Apparently I had been sent along by an oversight, and should really have been taken to another place reserved for officers, so I was sent down Into a little hospital until I could come over here, as Celle Is the nearest officers' place. The doctor at this hospital was a civilian, and a most cheerful old chap. All the English soldiers there loved him. They were also attended by lied Cross Sisters, who gave them cigarettes. On Wednesday I camo on here. This OF CONSTRUCTION at High street and Germantown and Wakeling street, Frankford. Is ono otytlio castles belonging, I believe, to the Duke of Cumberland, and It has thn Hrltlsh Arms over tho gate. I am In a room with three young University men, two from Cambridge and ono from Lon don University. Tlioro Is nlso a young IliiHslan In tho room. There arc about 100 prisoners of war herc--Engllsli (qbout 2.1). Itussian, French and Belgian. TJtere are generals, admirals, colonels, captains, etc., hut they are all In civilian clothes except myself. I am tho only officer here who has coino from tho front. Wo are nllowed to havo oxtra food sent In from the hotel. So we get along very .well. Ono of the students lent me 40m. when I got here, so I could get somo UKdcrclothcs nnd other things, ns I had only Just what I stood up In, hav ing loft my haversack and equipment In the trenches. Comradeship In the Trenches Letter from Lleulenant Feneslre, Si9th French Infantry, to his brother lat Highbury. In the woods, in little straw huts, your boy and his comrades In nrms are keep ing guard for their country. Tho Ger mans are a few hundred yards away, and occasionally send a shell to show us that they are still polluting our heloved coun try by their presence. They are hungry, we know, for prisoners come crying to uh to be tnUcu for wunt of food. Ilut not for long will they bo here, for Mep by. step, yard by yard, wo are delivering our soil of tho stains they have pluced upon It. It la being Washed by their own blood, in u short engagement a few nights ago they attempted an attack about 11 o'cloclf, and they left COO wounded and dead on tho field. They advanced tipou us In their hun dreds nnd had no Knowledge that we were so near and bad placed wire about 30 yards In front of our trenches, which were very nearly Invisible. They tripped over this In their moh rush, and wo had the rarest sport in shooting them down like rabbits. Had they been rabbits wo should sooner have spared them. I am happy as It Is possible to be, and satisfied that I am doing the duty which my own dear father set me to do. It la his will and my desire to give myself to the last drop of my blood If necessary In delivering our beloved France from this plague, and Europe, If necessary. Our English brothers, like us. wish to be rid of the contamination In the Interests of all, especially of our loved ones, TO KNOW THAT CON vi EXrOFFIClALS TO APPEAL Former Atlnntic City Councllmen Will Tight Sentence. ATLANTIC. CITV, N. J.. Jan. .-Ap-peats will bo taken nt onco In tho cases of former Councllmen John Murtland and Harry Dougherty, whoso convictions for conspiracy In the boardwalk concrcto contracts were nfTlrmett by the Supremo Court yesterday. Murtland Is confronted with from one to thrco yenrfi In Jail nml $1000 flno If tho Court of KrrorB refuses him a new trial. OBITUARIES HENBY SELIQMAN NEW YOllK, .Ian, 13, Henry Sellgmnn, 90 yenrs old, a retired banker, who estab lished the banking firm of Sollgmon ft tlatcs, wllh branch offices In Philadelphia anil Chicago, Is dead nt hlfl apartments nt tho Hotel Florence. Mr. Hcllgninn was born In Cologne, Germany, In 1821, Ho cnlnn of a family of Uiinkrrs, who con trolled the starch Industry In Ormatiy, With his parents and two brothers ho settled In this country In 1S39, and soon nfler established n slnrnh factory nt Ja maica, I,. I. llo assisted tlrneral Charles C Dodge In flnnnclng the Cnpe Cod Ship Canal, which was completed recently, . EDWIN A. STOBEY Edwin A. Storey, 76, 4DI!) FnlrmoUlit avenue, for SO years n proprietor nt a ir pafr shop for Sansoiii sticct Jewelers nnd Instrument makers, died suddenly this morning while working In his shop on tho third floor of a building nt 7;ii 8nn soni ntrect. Death wos due to heart dis ease. Tho body was discovered by Jainen McAllister, of Media, who had long been a friend of tho aged machinist and who enmo this morning lo make a brief cn)l. Slotcy had reached the ofTlco nt 8:30 ap parently In good health. Ho was alone When ho died. Two sons mirvlvo him. WILLIAM EBNEST DUNCOMBE HELMSIiEY. England, Jan. 13. Wlltlnm Ernest Duncombe, Earl of Fcvcrsham, died today from worry brought on by tho wnr. He was S3 years old. He was Dep uty Lieutenant and Justice of tho hence of tho United Kingdom, and owned ono of tho largest realties In England, about 39,000 acres In nil. He was born near Doncnstcr, January IS, 1829. nnd was a son of tho eighth Earl of Galloway. JESSE WEYER YOniC, Pa., Jan. 13.-Jesse M. Wcycr. G8 yeare old, n wealthy bachelor, died sud denly from apoplexy nt his homo hero yesterday. Ho Is tho las of his family nnd his will disposes of public bequests of 17j,000. Zlon nnd Lutheran congregations get $75,0CO, and the General Lutheran Synod Hoards. $12,000. while $82,000 bo held In trust for tho erection municipal hospital In this city 100 hence. Is tn of a years MBS. A. W. SMITH-CLABK BALTIMORE. Jan. I3.-Mrs. Anna Woodnil Smlth-Clnrk, 72 years old, a lineal descendant of Thomas Mifflin, first Governor of Pennsylvania. Is dead at her home In Ttlvcr Springs, Md. She Is sur vived by five daughters and one son, Holph Smith, of Philadelphia. MAftl!Ii:i) WII.I.1TS KVANN At Hip Church of Our Snvlour. on Tuesday, January 11', thp Uev Itohert Johnson. Ilcclnr, united In matrimony Al.ICR. ilnilchter of Hip Inlp Kranklln Evans and MKimiTT N. W1LLITP, of Ml,l, town, Del. IN MK.MOIIIAM 1,AiMli'57IClt'Ji.ni'il.lt r'lV"ibrane- of ItACHKf. A. l-MIULKl. wife of Albert llaversllck, who died January 1.1, mis, WKIIiXKIt In loving memory of our nnr l.plncd iiK.rtirr, Mrs. CUSTAV A. wi'iij. NKIl, born Caroline I.nura Mattlies, who departed thin lire .lunuary 13. lull. Daugh ter and kon-ln-law, ' Mil, AND MI1S. KIJOEN KI.KI-; C013 Clieslnut st, BeatJjs AONntV. At her parents' residence. 2I0S llranilywliie at., on January 12. 1UI5, AONKS o., nifonf James C. Agnow and dauuhter of Thomuo M. and Catherine Hem. Duo notlco or thn funeral ullt be chen. IMIIItV On January is. 1015, EI.lZABr.TH T., beloved wlfo or Charles A. Uarry. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the luntral, on Krlday mornlny. nt S:.1o o'clock, IlV" 'ifJT.,18 ,rf",de",ce- u Walton nvc. .e?.1 I'hlladPlphla. Solemn nequlem Mass nt the Church of tho Transfiguration, nt 10 o clock precisely. Interment, Holy Cross. 1IKCK. On January 11. 101S. CHItlSTINA S.. widow of Jacob ll. Uock. of :l 1 1 1 York roan. I'-uneral acrvlces on Thuraday at ' P. m., at the parlor of C. Jt. Jlartranrt. 3021 (lermantown ave. Interment prlvato. ai Northwood Cemetery. (IIKOWNK. On January 10. 1013. THOMAS (nee Desmond). Funeral on Krlday. nt 8 a in., from am St. Alban'a place: Holomri Itenulem Mass at St. Anthony's Church nt a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Ceme- tery COLV1.V. On January 12, 1015, MAItY, ,uun ut UCUIHO AU1V1I1. 1' Unrm Kl),vi ni'n,,, rty' nt a.p' ?'i ot her 'a'0 realdcnce. 1110(1 Jefferaon ot. Interment prlvato. CltKACKIt On the Ultli Inst., at Iteadlnr. 1'a., ANNA M wife ot Oeorge U Creaaer Jr. Helallyea and friends nra Invited tn ut lend the funeral services, on Wednesday. January la. at a r.. m from her parent,' lesldciu'e. at Heading. 1'a. Interment prl- HAI.V. On January 10 1015, JANE, widow or Jamea Daly (nee McCann). Funeral on Thursday, at 6:30 a. in., from thoTeslJenc, of berAion. lidwnrl Dalv. 2728 Xorth Maic er ?,. 'f.nl.'l '"l"1',"' as at the Churcli of the Visitation, at lo n. in. precisely, inter ment at Holy Cross Cemetery. KIlKHWr.IN. On January 12, 1015, KATE EUHRWCIN (ijeo Frammggen). wife' of John , Kberweln. Funeral on IPrlday, nt 2 n m from her at? residence. .'1071 Janney at. ill" torment at Northood Cemetery. r.i lUlAltlir. At his residence, son X Carllilo at., on January 11, 11115, AXDn rlh 1KW A., iiuananu or Agnes B. Eckhardt. notice of the funeral will be given. Duo KDIIV On January 11, 1015, JCATHErtlNH EDDY, wife of the late' Henry C. Eddy. Itel. Atlvea and friends are Invited lo attend thn funeral services on Friday afternoon, nt s.mj o'clock, at tna aparlmenla of Oliver H, Balr. 1120 Chestnut si, Interment at Woodlands VVIIIkVI f t Kllltl.l'.lt. Suddanlv. on January 10, 1018, an.ia,., winiwor John Ehrlerfnta Dahm). runerai on inursasy. at 7aQ a, m.. from 2121 North 5th st. "lle-ulem Mas. T "at "f?. lionlfaclu.' Church, at 0 a. m. Interment at Most Holy Hedeemer Cemetery, EVANS. ELBANOIl EVANS. 025 South GIIEKN. JOHN QREEN, S33 South Camae TRAFFIC HAD MADE .y iwr- DBAxnn uuii. on January 11. Jets ,a Jlt;tS. son of thsVs ttobirj I$m .Hue, of I'ottttown, J. iinVJ! isy. from the. res Idenre of hil '.," 1 M. Alice nehltrwrcilSoM V'tfa ave. ami CDuntr Line. Ardmore A i HAMILTON On .Isniiary 1 ,,ll lilNtt. willow nf ll, i:fl ffi.J'tH ! M. H. U nt the residence or h U?"S. .ur? Hammon, KinniotTta,!B fflS I Isnd, I',. Iieljved hllSlMnrt nr m1iLWXCi Msthehioii). Itelstlres nnd rriends Ivrj V27 of 8rflsfiqi.are M'rSsAW I.Odpn, No. 200, I. O, O P, Hfii vltrd to attend funeral S'rle?s;OTk,ti fit 2 to. m.. Hi Ihn rMnM. '.SITriafrt Isw. William I,. Hushnell, tn mS1 ntrrment private, t dr ifflM IIOAII, On Jsnunry 10, 1015. Pfii? MAfltn, .IniiKliirr of John i anViAJ Henr inco Kmam. ptmrMl Anl M tn.. ffnm IT rl. (.,..... '1 i'rirti thnny'n Clinrch nt (V30 a, m, intjj&f ntertmuj "J i. niv nt ani.i tvdar at. Intf,'2. vale, nt llVeemvood IK. or r.) c'SSffil mrv II, Itil.V JOHN w 'llSllBfluilHM llinern mi TliurxUv. at I nWH the M. 15. Church, lltnrkwoo, frr,"W . p. in. Interment at nincltwood ''itty ju;iin Oil .intiiinry 10, inin. LOUIitiKl Imtiil of Klliel nnd pen of Uenrn sift it:?! -jntilo Kern (np Ilpftupr) Funeral inAW fathrr, atoruo Kern, 8r 2111 Nwih SJ in, hi - ii. in.i rrnni inn ri.i...: KNII1IIT. On .Inntmrv 11. IniK mIVSHB widow of Jnmps KnlRht... Itinera! nTrSM ni a ii. in., rrom tun ie iirntn nfhUSPt Inw. Alberlus llpwlll, lnnn Vaffc ItanSJSl cnnwlen. N. J. Interment OTlvi".rnl5Sil .MAUVII.U On .Innunry 12, WIS, WlLtTifl ll., iiii-nnnii oc nmc ll. .Manllt, n,in nml rrlonils nrn Invlt'd lo ntten,! til H"t iPrUCPS. nn rrlriay afternoon, at 2'2 nt Ms late residence, lf)2i Rnrinrelv? Irept. Intennpnt nrlvnlp. -r " Sftr "JTITIA MON8K. UC.tffl I'lUI'urt RuddPntv. nn January ll ilfl (IIX)HUr. I IMOtl'Eit, Due notlcVVsil tiprnl will h Rlvpn. "" cMfiJ ItOHKitTH. On Jnnuary 11. 1818. ETjns ilfliUFhro. nt lha lain Tn1.M r '-if1! late 'John C. anniS? il from the resMpne, m2 If. Iloberla, 1123 Einffi ;. at 2 p. tn. InJem Jg llnbprla. I'unprnl brother. Charles 1 !., on Tnuisnay, at 2 p, in, ittTLi:noi:-uhioaET 'nuTLEDas. I'HimiT jnineiPry. SAI.I.Allv. On January 10, 1010 ichu SALLAUV. husbnnd of Itose BaliirrVS1 McCahe). Funirnl nn Thursday. iiTtf?. in., from 822(1 N. 2Stli st. Solemn ll5 3,-1 of Ueniiein ot Churcli of Moit K1 Itlond of Our Lord nt 10 a. m, btSnSSi llnlv rross epmcterv. em SHArFKIt, On January 11. 1815 Jar?? widow of Bnmuel Hhnffer. Funeral on Iria nesdav, nt H p. m nt ini Cartarn tL.rJZj lien. N. J. Also sprvlees nt PreabrUaVJ church. Dlackwooil. N. J., on ThnndiKnr I 11 n. in. Interment nt Preabvfprlan rL.M SIII'.K, On January 10, 101(5. ELEAN'Onlj wife of the late John T, Shee, apd ;j ,..,J nnintlx-ps and friends aro Invlteil in ,h..1 the funernl services on Thursday, il s,j,S . i.mm l.l. ali1na D.ln... r.Z - ni iivi , .o... i.iiiu,, utiin. County, Ia. Intennpn'i private. Trilni nt Iirnnil Rtiect S'ntlnn inr Prlmoa tt I n , Slfl'ATII. At nurllngton; N. J on Jlk' unry iv. ii.. juuh wir.on.u, son of ni lato I'hllllli F. nnd Allco J. Sllpath. runi iroill Ilia mi" luBiuuiin-, ut, ingn l.,1iJ, ii..!... nn P)iittMi1n' .lannnrv II a, . i lniermeiit private. iSml " nldnw ofv'o'Pph Blsoni. Funeral serrleeia Tl'tinidny. tit, 2 n. m.. from sinr HrMt a Frniiltfnrd. Interment fp,nr Hill rnrtn?l. SNII)i:it On January 10. 1015, WILLlM I,., husband or Slnry E. Snldpr bin Kwtf Funernl on Thursday, nt 7:.10 a. m..fttl 2T0O oxford st. nign oiasi at the Cbnt , i,n Mia, T'rpe niia Illnoil or Our I-aH'-, a m. lntrrmpnt nt Holy Cross CemHoiii SI'AltKS. Suddenly, on January II. ltSI I.AHHA A. SI'AltKS inco Watson), L' llcrhert I Hparks. runernl on ThnnciTJ at "M n, in., ironi ntr iuit. rcsiafnuVsn Cnmden. N. J Interment S" X. 2.1 St.. Camden ('emetcry. . , IVlllllUlll. '-"' """"1 .' " , "'". WI-I4H J riauglitPr of tho lato llcnjamln and Un ti ii.nH llnlflllvpH nnd friends are InHiMi. .. ...... r ,MH.,nw ,1 lnm lum.i nttPiid the funeral sprvlees, on Wediwtifl .,i.M,vi,i t 2 o'clock nieelselv. at 5llt i l l.'.ih t Interment prliale at lit .Raft Cemetery. . ltttm ,.. M VAt.SII. lanuary 11. 10 HI. MAItT, .HT or John ivnisii iinirrai on Jiiuriaii.'M ii in., rrom anm Mnln at.. Chestnut KM Solemn llniiileni Mas" ttt Our Mother of ffcjj sola! Ion Church, at 10 n. m. IntfrmtBtij St Anthony's CrmetcrV, Amhlcr. 1'a, -ism tVI.IIt. un .innunry in. iimii, aiAlluar.il A., daughter or tho Into Alcxand t anil Hit iinli U. Weir. Funeral strvl"ea on fryii nt 2 p. ni. precisely, at 0712 Hides irj lloxborougn. iiucrmcr.i pruaie, ixrennFi h Cemetery. ti'ii.i.lAMM. On .Tnniiary 12. 1B15. ilINIA TltlMMnn. wlfo of Waller lUtta Kelativea Tim irienua are invne.l lo si the funeral serviccn.1 on Hatumay ann n, " o'clock, nt her Into residence. 703 l ciw street, Mt. Airy. Interment prlrttiil iVfiirrillNflTOX At Trenton JunetlAo. J., .lanunry 11. WIS, MIltA ATI.EB, wist) nt lir Anthnnv II. Wnrthlneton. rtmMr aprviipM. at the- residence of her stiter His aiIpp. Trenton Jiincllon. N. J., on . TbnndiM nt I p. m. Interment Lancaster, l''S(S I'-rlday. nt 2:.'n) p. in. . Sat CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AXD SUNDAY ' THIS STYLE TYPE (or like this) One Insertion 13c p 'three Insertions In a week.... 12',iiC WSg Seven conuecutlve Insertions... 10c WW lnOD-llna contract (da"lly ad- ertlslng) 8o trff Rllttntlnna wanted. thrPA Inser- 'Set tlons In a week 10o rw" THIS SIZE TYPE (or like W Permitted In all- claaslflcatlons eicepttM and Situations Wanted. Lost and foMOagJ sonals, Uonrdlng and Itooms, H Ono Insertion .... ? ffiK Tlirea InaprtliNiiR III a week.... lTwCPC Seven consecutive Insertions.. 15e TyjU luoo-Ilns contract (dally ad- JW vrlllno. . : 12K0 PVB. Ail ratea are based on agate meMWrjr l aiiniu lines io, uiu lutn, Dl'ATII NOTICES-cllher paper in llnesnne time Tliree Insertions. ,.. ,..,., DAILY ONLY in Effect December I, Jl. rnmniWATIfiM RATE for Insertion In both the morning and Wjj papara oi samt, uay. ; PUBLIC LEDGER (MOnNINO) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) h1 Add four cents per line net to rsl figi above. jHh HELP AND SITUATIONS WrJ; ADVEnTISlNII IN THE PUBLIC IMffl LBIKHift WITHOUT ADDIIIOM; CHAnaiS. Ther. Is a drur atora near rour howg" will aocept r .rr want ads at oltlca i HELP WANTED PEMA1B A. NEW YqnKjr-IIUt r.QUlr.a thsatrrW u inv not unair ma in ,is, v""J7.h.,i their I'allaaaipnia Drancni "V-Tia learn and willingness to tMowlMlrgBi the enlvt raqulslta. For lntervw" a 1) 121. Ledger Office. A STUDY OFIT? IKKIAltTH On .tnmmrv 11. 1ai ...l ,it,iy , r(,-n Lprnpiprv, v.. huabnnd nf llnnnnli M. ilMSrWi. i.'rnwrenl), Itelallvrs am Weno. EMMS M nttcn.l th funeral rcVvIr tl ri, "& ' B ICZ