Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 13, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Men nnd Dogs
Bow wow, bow wow." the. Feda report,
"They've traded doga for men,
And eo we've dragged them Into court
Where" able legal mon cavort,
And daro the magnates of the sport
To try this stunt again."
Of, course, this Is enough to mako
Any one Indignant, but iho principal
argument seems to bo they didn't ask
the permission of the ball players.
According to the IPederal flood of ofll
dfcvlta they didn't even tell a man he
was going to ba traded until the deed
-mus consummated. Nothing la said
about whether the dogs wer told.
Penn'a Oarsmen Are Out
JThen ho for the sTWimr of the driving
And the lift of the speeding shell,
And ho for the passing hills and glades
That a talo of a swift pace tolls
And ho for the hearts that beat In
With the oars that rlso and fall,
jrter the rising stroko that eats up tlmo
And ho for the river's call.
Home call the Frenchman Lazshoway,
Soma call him Nap Lajoy,
But this they all aro free to say,
He's some ball-tossing boy.
Yes, We're Spoofing
If the moguls are really after the
long green, why not stage a world's
series of games for the umps of both
leagues, with the ump baiters as arbi
ters. They'd tear down concrete to
get In and see such a game.
Not Yot, Not Yet
The Horzog asked the Rod to sing
The song of what his head was brew
In. The Bed replied, "There's not a thing
TJnsont Telegrams
To Ban: What's the matter with tho
big league? They haven't got to page
1 since the Feds went Into court.
Just to get In ahead of the expert
analyzers, here's our prediction of tho
Johnson-Wlllard scrap. If Johnson Is
Just as good as he ever was and gets
across a knockout punch there'll be
another white hope In tho discard. If
Johnson Is only a shell of his f. s. and
TVllIard hits him many times and
Substitute at National A. C. Holds
MIsklo Nicely.
Harry Oreo, of Pittsburgh, who substitutes
for Tammy Coleman In ths main bout at ths
Sfclnnount Athletlo Club last night, earned a.
sood draw with Bill MIskio. of St. Paul.
Johnny Kelly and Bobby Mcleod, of Soot
land, boxed alx hard rounds In tho smlwlnd
op, at the termination of which tho latter
h the winner.
la the other bout Jos Stanley stopped
Young Howard In ths lecond round; Young
Fletcher and Joe McDermott were stopped In
the third round, as the former waa bleeding
frofiuely from the note. i")lle Young- Jack
bland defeated Barney Mc .Hand.
Announce Baseball Schedule
WORCESTER, Uau, Jan. 13. The sched
ule of the Southern trip to be taken by tee
Holy Cross baseball team next spring was an
nounced yesterday as follows; March SO, bt.
John's College, at Annapolis; March 31, St.
Mary's College, at Emmltsburg; April 1, Navy
at Annapolis, April 3, Catholic University,
at "Washington; April 8. Yale, at Baltimore;
April O and T, Georgetown, at Washington;
April 8, Columbia University, at New York.
West Virginia's Football Dates
WOHOANTOWN. W. Vs,. Jan. 18 The Unl
Terslty of West Virginia, and Washington and
Jefferson College are the Important games on
tho lOlfi football schedule of the West Vir
ginia, University. The Mountaineer will meet
Fenn In Philadelphia. September 0. and
"Washington and Jefferson, In Morgantown,
October 21 The game with West Virginia
Wtslsyan for the mate title will be played
tn November at Fairmont.
Conway Not Impressed With Juarea
CINCINNATI. O , Jan. 18. Frankle Conway,
m. Philadelphia featherweight, who has been
touring the Bouthwest. passed through Cin
cinnati yesterday on his way home, Conway
fought one bout at Juares, where Johnson and
Wllurd a to mix. and says ha was not well
4mpressed with Juares a a boxing centre.
8. S, Whites Make Merry
Bom CO members of the S 8. White dun
Club grouped around the festive board last
night at the annual banquet held at the Wind.
or Hotel, enough trophies for the monthly
hoots for 1016 were offend to assure the gun
cens who perform over the Jlolmesburg Junc
tion traps something to keep them keyed up
for the entire seaeon
Agnew Hay Become Yankee
NOW YORK. Jan 13. Sam. Agnew,
string catcher for the St. Louis Urow;
na. may
ieai a Yankee uniform next season.
fifat tfcat J" Banging nro eevween
the two
closet goes throug
hiia angling for Agnew,
U. Y.
manager of the Yankees, also
his tree on Carl Wellman and Earl Hamilton,
alllf leii-oanuers.
,SAV .bo.vhStSthe. Drr
ee,Twe;eN apuombkramo
A MIMjXS1" r
roughly In vital spots tho whole wldo
world will echo that famous old re
frain. (Seo headline)
Baseball as a Trust
Wo aro In somewhat of a plcklo re
garding ono or two phases of tho trust
Idea In baseball. As follows:
Tho main trust Idea In baseball Is
tho Kesorvo Clause This clauso Is
nolthor legally nor morally binding.
But aro the Fods freo from lt7 Will
Mr. Ollmoro answer this: When Ford's
contract explros with Buffalo, or Sea
ton's contract oxplrcs In Brooklyn, will
tho Chlfeds have tho right to Jump out
and offer Ford and Soaton moro money
to leave Buffalo and Brooklyn? Have
tho olght Fed clubs been given permis
sion to bid for players In their own
league, as well as In tho American or
Our Understanding
As wo understand It, each player in
tho Federal Leaguo can bo reserved
with a cortaln lncreaso In salary. But
supposo this lncreaso doesn't meet
what another Fed club might dcslro to
glvo? Can that player leave his club
for a rival member of tho same circuit?
If ho can we have been misinformed as
to the Fed status. And If wo'ro wrong
we'd llko to be put right. And if we're
right Just what Is tho yawning differ
ence between the two systems operated
by tho two contending elements in the
Ono Chanco for Breaking Trust
There Is but ono chanco to have the
trust tinting romoved from baseball
and this Is for all leagues to abolish the
reserve clause and to have each player
entitled to step out and accept tho best
bid, regardless of the club or league.
Will tho Feds subscrlbo to this doc
trine? Will Mr. Weeghman bo willing
to let Mr. Ward stop out and mako a
bid for Claude Hendrlx?
Baseball has boon compared to the
theatrical game. It Is entirely differ
ent. Each show stands upon Its own
merit. A good Bhow will draw tho peo
ple. But in baseball there is tho Idea
of even competition, or as oven as it
can be made. The greatest club in the
world wouldn't draw if It was forced
to meet a second-rate outfit.
On the other hand, It seems unfair
that a ball player can only get J4000
in Cincinnati or Cleveland when New
Tcrl; or Chicago would be glad to pay
him WOO). But as long as a city of
400,000 Is forced to enmpoto with a city
of 3,000,000 or 6,000,000 and keen com
petition Is the basis of the sport, wh it
Is to be done about It? Mr. London
has nothing on us. Wo are palpitat
ingly curious to know.
A Number of Phlladelphlans Are En
tered. NEW YORK, Jan. 13. The athletlo eyes
of the whole oountry will bo focused tomor
row night on Madison Square Garden, when
one of the greatest athletlo carnivals In the
annals of Indoor aporta will be staged by the
Mlllrose Athletlo Association. Champion ath
letes and prominent A. A. U. officials from
all parts of the United States will be on
Hoston will be repreeented by all the star
athletes of the Boston A. A Coach Drown
has entered Tom Halpln. Dave Caldwell Fred
Hume, James Power, J A. High and S. D
Philadelphia will be represented by "Ted"
Meredith, Lipplncott, Lock-wood, Kaufman,
J. J. Gallagher and others, rete Carney, of
ficial handlcapper of the Middle Atlantic As
sociation A. A. U., will aleo be on hand
Delaware Boys Victorious
Delaware Boys' Club traveled to Mlllvllle
and defeated the High School team In an
Interesting 40-rnlnute fracas, 21 to 18. Dela
ware will play the strong Bt Cclumba five
of the American League nt tho tatter's hall
Saturday evening. Any flrat-clais home team
having January 2 and 23 open can fill on
of the dates by communicating with I, D
Flnall, manager. Ml South 3d street.
Duffy-Dundee Bout Interests
CHICAGO, Jan. 13. Jimmy Duffy arrived
here today and began training for his clash
with Johnny Dundee Friday night. Dundee
left for Milwaukee today, where the Scotch
man will conclude training.
White Meets AH Comers
CHICAGO. Jan. 13.-Charley Wilts will
meet all comers In four-round bouts Thursday
and Friday In exhibition matches for the
benefit of tils friends. White leaves Saturdny
for New York, where he meets Freddie Welsh
January M.
To Meet After long lapse
NEW YORK. Jan. 18 -Manager Joe Dodtn.
of the Fordham football team, has succeeded
tn persuading both Georgetown and Holy
Cross to meet the Fordham eleven on the
laroon field next fall. These two teams have
not appeared at Fordham for five years.
Plnehurst Bound Postponed
PrNEHTJRBT. N C.. Jan. 13. Rain caused
a postponement of the qualification round of
match play In the golf tournament of the
Winter Golf League of Advertising Interests
May Itesuma Racing In France
Despite the war an early resumption of
horse racing la contemplated In France be
fore the end of this month.
i-fttfe 1 : 1 s- TCmm TcSmvVg
J 'BL W.tjm1f YVl' d"Ar-1T1 I fVtinil A. 4JtIJll 'I'MK UIl'l HUHI I
-,v. J . mryr osi? "sasB""
" ' ' ' f . 1 t . , .. 1 si-wr r iTrr 1 1 rsassM, nin yixTrrnn ssse--' sj.a. . a i -
"we certaimlv had
io 3rie SeNS" "
"World's Lightweight Champion
In Now York American
Leach Cross and Joo Shugruo will meet
tonight at Madison Square Garden In a
ten-round bout I look for a rattling good
scrap but can't figure uhlch one should
T1n Cross carries a much heavier punch
and has n chance of "winning by a knock
out. Shugruo Isn't as hard n punchor, but
more aggrcsshe and a much better boxer.
It Is an even bet with me
It will bo the third meeting of the pair,
their two previous contests resulting In
hurricano affairs with little to choose be
tween thorn at tho ond In the first con
test Cross all but knocked S"iugrue out
with a heavy right on tho law
Mulford Company, tho leaders of Drug
League, won two games out of three from
Lilly Company last night, and made a alight
gain on their nearest competitors, P. w. 13.
conipnnj, who droppod their entire series to
S K. and F Compan, tho latter again roll
ing In their usual good form after a four
weeks' slump Eckman Manufacturing Com
pany managed to overcome the big handicap
lp the last game of their series with Lewis
Bros & Co. llulfods won two out of three
from Wampolo Company In a close orles
Charllo Uuclnnart starred for his team, hitting
thu pins for a 2",1 score In his third game,
ond 031 pins for his throe-game total; tho
record for the league this season. McCorklo,
of P W. D. Company, also rollod well, total
ing a 241 score In his third gamo
Pennsylvania llallroad outrolled Tioga in
two games out of three, toppling over 1013 In
tlicln flret game, the seasonrs record, and ln-c-easlng
their lead In the Philadelphia League
Suburbanites handed Victor three straight
defeats Kensington won tho series from Pitts
burgh Plate Glass Company, and Stetron sur
prlied Port Richmond by taking tho odd gamo
from them bj 12 pins Guest, with 235. Shaft
er, 231. and Padgett, with 22-1, led the high
Individual scores
In Insurance League matches, rolled on Ter
minal alleys last night, Mather & Co, the
leaders won three straight games from Piatt,
Yungman & Co , Aetna could only land two
out of three from People's, thereby losing
slightly In percentage. Roosters won three
games by forfeit from Fire Association the
latter team falling to appear with a full line
up only hnvlng three eligible members pres
ent. Tho North America vs. Reliance series
waa postponed.
Heffernan Has Broken Hand
NORRISTOWN Pa..' Jan. 13 -Only three
bouts were staged before a email house at
ihe Palace Athletic Club here last night Joe
Heffcrnsn. of Philadelphia, was to have met
Jack Fink, of Camden. In the wind-up, but It
was announced that he had a broken hand.
Kid Wgg of Norrlstown. waa badly beaten
by Eddie Dunn, of Philadelphia. In fl o rounds.
Pobby Hayes and Eddie McLaughlin, both pf
Philadelphia, fought a draw, and Kid Coplln
quit tc? rred Mitchell In three rounds.
H, Y. A. C. to Remain In A. A. TJ.
NEW YORK Jan. 13 -The Now York Ath
Iello Club board of governors decided last
night not to withdraw from the 'Amateur Ath
letlo Union as a result of tho victory scored
by the club's athletlo committee last Thurs
day. when the Registration Committee of the
Metropolitan A A U backed down and re
instated the swimmers It had previously de
clared suspended ss amateurs In good stand
lng And so what promised to be the biggest
athletlo fight In years has resulted amicably.
Belmont Ilaclng Chief-
NEW YORK, Jan 13 A meeting of the di
rectors of the United Hunts Racing Awocla.
tlonwas held yesterday at which Pefry Bel.
mont was elected president of the, association
Jo? the year Mt. r B Von Stade rirst vice
president, Lewis B. Waring second vice presl.
Sent I. J. Marling treasurer and I It A
Biieli secretary. Charles U Appleton. glrdseyo
B Lewlsj Joseph E. Davis and Lewis E War
Ins were elected directors of the association.
Hot Springs Golf Treat Friday
HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. ;Jan 13 Phillips
niagden, of the Stockbrldge. Mass. Golf Club,
and C A. Kerr, of the Janston Country Club,
Sf Kansas City, won the foursome from Fel
lows!!, aalnea, of the Englewood, N. J , Field
riiiS. and B. Chester, of the Hot Springs
Country Club, on the Country Club course yes.
terday y 4 up and 8 to play. Play commences
Friday In the annual midwinter tournament.
Daniel Bacon Commodore
NEW YORK. Jan 13 Daniel Bacon, owner
n( the yawl Follta, was elected commodore,
while. Howard C. Smith, of the schooner Ab.
mawola. was elected vice commodore, and
George Nichols the rear commodore at a meet.
Ing of the Beawanhaha Corinthian Yacht Club.
Lewis Scores Knockout
NEW YORK, Jan. 13. Banty Lewis, the ag;
greselve bantamweight of Newark, last night
knocked out Jlnimle MoVelghi also of Newark,
In the third round of their scheduled ten-round
bout at Brawn's Gymnasium A, A,
arnmn Tcs 1 AiaiTA k'tr
mjsp mm wu
Thbbo was 30Me'
Hot .stuff pullbd
TMHRfS- ! HAwe. To
V -t V7?-
' w&
The following Central League players have
been roleased by 'purchase. By Terre Ilauto to
Cincinnati, Thomas Sheehnn, by Owensbo-o
tj Evansvllle, Robert Roche, by Henderson to
Terro Haute, McKlnley Allen and Jesno Bai
ley. R. R. Vormaas and Rny Llngrcl havo
accepted terms with the Dayton Club
Jaclc Warner, the former catcher of the
New York Giants.- has signed a contract to
coach tho Fordham team next spring
Bert Daniels outfielder of the Cincinnati
toam, has been sold to the Louisville Club, of
tho American Association Tho terms of tho
deal were not given out. but It Is understood
that It was a straight CBBh transaction,
Paul des Jardlen, star centre of the Uni
versity of Chicago football team, regarded as
ono of tho best baseball pitchers In tho "Big
Nino." will Join the Chicago Club of the Na
tional League, In June, according to a story
published In Chicago
President Ollmore, of the Federal Baseball
League. Robert Ward of tho Brooklyn Fed
erals, and W. P Robertson, of the Buffalo
Federals, who constitute th Executive Com
mittee of the league, discussed In Buffalo, N
Y., yesterday, ways and moans to offset tho
action of organized baseball to deprive tho
Federals of some of their plajers Tho pre
liminary schedule was also discussed, but no
definite action will bo taken until Uho moetlng
of tho leaguo hero In February, j'
The stockholders of tho Kansas City Fed
eral League Baseball Club loted vesterday at
Kansas City, Mo , to Increase tho stock of
tho organization from 150 OOO to $150 000 The
trcroapo is to be made by Issuing bonds of
$100 000. Tne number of directors was In
creased from flvo to nlno. Tomorrow a presi
dent will be elected
Henry O'Day, former manager of the .Chi
cago Nationals and veteran umpire, whe4un
derwent an operation for stomach trouhlo, vaa
said today to be Improving at Chicago Hejwlll
be obliged to remain In the hospital for two
weeks. It was saldv
Two Newark aemlproferatonals will get a
ehance to show whether they are of big league
rrettle next season linder the eyo of Connie
Mack, of the Athletics The men are CSeo
Fisher and mil Frey both pitchers the for
mer a southpaw and the latter a right-hander.
Both men are to report for spring practice
on April 10.
John McOraw accompanied by Christy
Mathewson and Hans Lobert, will leave New
York on Saturday for Havana where thev will
remain until It la time to start for Marlln,
the last week In February. Ouarters have
been engaged at the Havana Country Club,
where the three aiants will play golf and tako
a dally plunge In the aurf
Sfanagar Bill Donovan, of the New York
Americans In Detroit vesterday dlscussel
with (President Navln, of tho local baseball
club, the proposed transfer of First Baseman
ripp and Outfielder Hls-h from tho Tlgpm to
the New York team Navln announce last
night no deal for the sale of tho two playera
had been completed Manager Donovan how
eor. said ho expected to acquire both men
before leaving here.
An organlzrn of Richmond, Va bust
ness men yecSerdav purchased for $1200 the
Virginia Baseball League's right tn Richmond
territory, with a vlwv to transfer thero of the
Baltimore International Cluh Manager Dunn,
of ihe Baltimore Club will confer here to
morrow with the purchasers
The two-year contract with the fit. Louis
Nationals which Coev Dolan slaned with Mil
ler Hurglns yesterday. Is a compromise be
tween the one-vear contract offered Dolan last
fall and the three-year agreement which he
sought News that Dolan had elyned waa
given to President Brlttnn, of the St Louis
Nationals, by Manager Hugglns yesterday.
The Brooklyn ClulTpf he National League
yeaterdav released ipitchers John FJnemann
and "William M. Stefle to the Newark Club of
the International League.
Burglar Invades Lair
of Heavy weigltt Athletes
CHICAGO, Jan. 13. Luck played a
low-down trick on Joe Murphy, a 150
pound burglar, here the other djiy.
Dropping1 gently through a bedroom
window Just before daylight, Murphy
found hlmeelf Instantly engaged by
this trio of 200-poundersl
Babe Meigs, former University of,
Chicago and All-Western lineman; Jim
Melg, former heavxwelght wrestling
champion pf the University of Chi
cago, and Charles Starbuck, former
captain of tho Corrtelf football eleven,
who Is spending the holidays with the
Meigs brothers.
"What I needed waa a couple of
Kruppsfor Interference," Murphy told
the police. "They tackled me befon)
I got started."
VeS- A FlNfi
CLIFTON HEIGHTS, Pa., Jan 13 Clifton
Heights defeated Williamson School Reserves,
.17 to 15.
IIAVERrORD, Pa., Jan. 13. HaverfoM
S'hool won Its second victory of the season,
getting 26 points to 22 against Wharton
EASTON, Pa Jan 13 Lafayette opened
the basketball scAson on the home floor last
night, defeating Muhlenberg SO to 21
NEW HAVEN, Conn , Jan. 13. In a hard
fought game Pennsylvania was beaten last
night by Yale, 87 to 27.
SWARTHMORE, Pa., Jon 13 The Swarth
moro Preparatory basketball team. In renewing
athletic activities with Germahtown Academy,
easily acquired the big end of a 23 to 7 score
In the Quakers' cage
WOODBURY, N. J , Jan. 13. The girls from
Lansdowno High School traveled to Woodbury
and again defeated the home school, 23 to 12.
Tht playing of Miss Jackson was the feature.
St Paul of Broad and Venango, easily de
feated Trinity last night by 83 to 14.
Fourth Vreet National defeated GIrard Trust
Company. Z3 to 18, In a Bank and Trust
League game at Charlton Hall last night.
Anchor Line beat the New York. Philadel
phia and Norfolk Railroad five, 32 to 20, at P.
It. R. Y. M. C. A. last night.
De Xancoy School basketball team avenged
last year's defeat at the hands of Art and
Textile quintet by defeating them yesterday
afternoon In the De Lancey cage, 22 to 17.
Warwick defeated Wayne last night tn a
Philadelphia Junior League iimi at the Phil
adelphia Boys' Club by 23 to 15, while Park
way triumphed over Falrmount by 21 to 17.
Oakdale won an exciting Central Phlladel-
phla League game from Greystock. Jrs , at the
enlng Home Boys' Club last night by 28 to
Covenant easily defeated Sanctuary, CO to 14,
while Olivet Covenant forfeited to Incarnation
In Northwest Church Association games at
Natatorlum Hall last night.
Miss Morrison's accurate goal ahootlng as
sisted In again bringing victory to the Temple
University Olrls' basketball team, when they
deteated the Ablngton High School team by
the score of 17 to i, jester day.
Three freo throws toissd by Rhoades In the
vivoing rainuiesxor vne game gave irenton a
over uermantown on tne latters floor
last night In an Interstato League contest,
TO iM.
After losing four straight sramea In
of tho Brotherhood Leaaui
uerkeiey man
agd to defeat Evangel at I
the former's hall
last mint cy so to 23. t
In North Philadelphia Amateur League
games at Broad street and Allegheny ave
nue last night, Ooldner defeated Independence,
25 to 13. whllo Marshall won easily from North
Philadelphia A. A. by 38 to 6.
The Clover F. C. defeated the Gaul A C at
the latter1! hall by the score of 44 to 17 The
all-around playing of Carey and the massing
of Joe Shlelda were the features. Frank Daley
played a poor game for the losers. '
Rita defeated Cambria. 28 to 25. while
Rita second beat-CambrTa second by 18
to 12.
. Bt Ignatius won easily from Keen Cutter
by 43 to 14.
Corley noied out Western Electrlo by 23 to
10, wh:
In two
11a Madonna downed Btravers. M tn 91
tn two hotly played National
eague games
last night at Cloverdale Hall,
Keystone . had little dllfleultv tn wtnnln
from First U. P. in a Section B Brotherhood
League game at the former's hall last night
by 42 to 20- '
Calvary Boys'
Club won Its 1t.
straight game by defeating the Indiana Boys'
Club, 53 to 81, In the former's hall. The foul
shooting of Catsldy was tba feature of the
game He made 21 out of 21 tries. The Cal-
vary rracrvca ku aeieaiea inuiana reserves,
-- ii
to 5,
the undefeated leaders of the
Lutheran League, won again last nlsht. wh.n
they walloped Calvary, 80 to 27. In the other
baiiio ajuuui Airy ucai ucrman JTlmiy, S3
Prltce of Peace. 29; St. Andrew, 19.
Parkway, 21) Falrmount, 17,
Resigns as Olympla Matchmaker
.-?41,' "?itonArH.n!l" matchmaker
. . , V "'7 " uxvh succeeaea by
Jack Hanlon, whose headquarters will be at
eia ChMtnut street. . ' D "
Yachtsmen' Re-elect Drexel
At ma iweniy-rourm annual meeting of the
Corinthian Yacht Club, held last night at thi
Bltt-Carlton. George W. Child Drexel. .team
13, T918.
That fellou
who Took a' ,
CouPL uottjbj
nF -
ABSBCON. N. J., Jan. 13. The novel
situation of winning a division cup "with
out playing1 for It wae brought about yes
terday In the first match round of tho
tournament of the Seavlcw Golf Club,
when In the fifth division William L Llg-
Sett, of Pittsburgh, won every match by
e fault Ho was the only ono who re
mained to play In that flight,
A driving northeast storm soaked tho
links It was only through the desire of
the committee to ruti off the event by
cany stages, and thereby providing for only
ono round yesterday, that prevented many
withdrawals Cameron B. Buxton, of
Huntington Valley, and Maurice II TUs
ley. of the homo club, defaulted rather than
bravo tho elements.
In the most exciting game so far In the
elimination pool tournament of the St Francis
Xaver's TAR Society. Frank Foley de
feated Joooh Oulnn 21 to 24 The last frame
tarted with tho acoro 22 to 21 In favor of
Qulnn, with 1 oley breaking, and ho opened
them up and Qulnn ran two balls, falling on
his third and 25th balls. Then Foley pocketed
tho four balls and won. James Nugent de
feated Edward SIcConomy In a preliminary
game, 21 to 10 end then lost Ills scml-nnal
Samo to Harry Kelly, 2S to 10 Joseph Feeney
efeated Phillip Collins In a semi-final game,
23 to 0.
The first annual pocket billiard tournament
of the Park Billiard Room Class A amateur,
began last Monday night with the followln
Slayers entered J, Bernard. R Thompson, F.
lenham, F. Nurthen, 13 Lambrecbt, E. T.
Smith, w. Brlggs and W. Keonlle Seventy-flve-polnt
games will be luayed eery o enlng
except Saturday nt tho Park Billiard Room,
S2d ind Ludlow streets.
Tho opening game resulted In a victory for
F, Nurthorn over E. Lambrecht by 78 to 42.
Heck Davis of the Allegheny, again beat
George McKuih, at the Lehigh Room, 75 to 40.
This gives Davis tho champtonehlp of tho
Northeast League and sends Mdllugh down to
a tlo for second place with Ted Stevenson, of
the Amber. These two will meet In a play-off
match to decldo who gets second money.
By a rattling finish In the last three frames,
Joseph Bowden. n the Eagle Room last night
defeated A. Kaakey, of Streltfelt's, by the
close score of 70 to 71, at the Strcttfelt par
lors. Ted Stevenson beat Clark, of the Pleasant
view, 75 to 42, at the Amber Room last night.
This victory for Stevenson ties him up with
O. McIIugh for second money.
Tn a closo and always Interesting game, at
the Richmond parlor. William MoDonough, of
Richmond, defeated George Stuti, of Falrhill,
75 to 70.
Player. Room. TV,
Heck Davis, Allegheny 11 3
deorge Mollugh, Lehigh.... O S
Ted Stevenson. Amber 0 0
W McDonougn, Richmond.. 8 6
A. Kaskey, Streltfeld A 8
J. Bowden Ragle ,. 6 ft
C. Clark, Pleaaantvlew 4 10
O. Stuti, Falrhill 3 11
fine style last nlzht
and walloped
Anfhnnv Qrnef.
at me r-Hgie itoom
oy tne
rather lopsided score of 75 to 35,
Bionx CIT7, la. Jan. 13 In a National
Billiard Playera' League match last night Al
bert Cutlor defeated Kojl Yamada, 300 to
250. Cutler, 800: average, lia-27; high run,
CI. Yamada, 23tl; average, U 22-20; high run,
ST. LOUT3. Jan. 13 Melbourne Inman,
EnElUh billiard champion, defeated Willie
Hoepe, world s balkllne champion, here yes
terday afternoon at English billiards. Score,
760 to 657, High runs and averages! Inman,
80, 13 48-51 Ifoppe, H, 10 27-S3. '
Fireman Fljron Seats Reich
NEW YORK, Jan. IS "Fireman" Jim
Flynn easily defeated Al Reich at the Broad
way A. C. last night in ten rounds. There
were n knockdowns, and the battle waa de
cidedly' one-sided. Although Reich had a big
advantage In weight, he waa outclassed by
tho cleverness of his opponent.
Bon Zollck Is Sold
READING. Pa Tan. 13.-A1. V. Kline has
sold his Clrand Circuit trotter Bon Zollck,
2 OOUi to James C, Parksr, horseman, of Bun
bury. Hay Stage Big Bout at Havana
NEW YOnK. Jan 18., The proposed 20
round bout between Freddy Welsh and Willie
Beecher, which waa scheduled to take place in
New Orleans next month, may be transferred
to Havana, where Billy Olbsqn baa completed
arrangements to stage boxing exhibitions.
Young Wagner Whips Miller
NEW YORK, Jan. 18.-At the Federal A.
C. last night. Young Wagner, beat Tony Mil
ler In ten fast rounds.
frti 5V-
vri .
iCje'v )
Bob McAllister Has Arrivf
Here Several Othct.pl
gilistic Stars Are on Tj
Way Easterners Pt0j
Since tho general exodua of mati
ana flshtorB has taken place In CalifS
many exponents of the ntl .jirJS
started their dfl" eastward. nJt?h
Vance guard has Btruck this city, ren
MCAiustcr, one or the most proaS?,
160-pound coast fighters, Is hers 3ja(
cager to get a start In this dtv.ltttH
said a number of his friends on torffiJ-V
called nt tho Evdhino LnDasn onc?E)
... oyaiemsttJiS;
all Is the same," said Bob. "Thsj'fcSr
In this town and that In vattoui stS
and reach hero with a good bit of SS.
nt nunu us 11 result or TtjAj., work,' oM
Bob Intends to spend somo tlmMnlS
York and wll! leave PhlladelnhU.tCS'
mornlne wltli PnpltAv Trn.M. V!
UDmmn r..
Henry Reynolds.
itoyno as ts tnUtsJ
. . . ", ft3
tho tlgo fighters now and they yitiyS
up icniuiaiiij- ill um IiaWKins' tjali-l
Ing road house, Westchester, N. T. in
Two oiasav fonthrirwolchtQ W
const have put lfi their appearanei!
Now York, according to McAHfe
Frankle Mnlone, tho featherweight pi(n:J
of tho California boxers, and hli'iii
torcst rival, Jlmmlo Fox, aro noifjh
trnlnlni? nt TTnwklnn' nln, nnji li, ?!
figure in bouts In tho big city ttejojl
many moro days. .gii
Jnck Kcatlnir. a California ieo-nnn3SS.
Is coming to Philadelphia, and h veu
of tho men who has made McAlllr
step his liveliest in tho West. McAIIutf
would llko to moot Keatlrn In ths r!a
here, and to show that ho has the pro
makeup will tackle Joo Borrell orJi
other boy of that weight In this jeffi
In his last start Bob foucht the mim
talked of Tom McCarthy at Butte, UtrHl
Sailor Grande, who Is comlne iiit.-ii
be another good man for McAllister
Thn fnnn wilt flnrt n ont.. ii.t
athlete in McAllister. He shapes upga.
derfully well In fighting pose. McAIUiia
fought in tho East last Janunv'
JJddlo Ncarlng at the Falrmount CIA1
.w. ,u,b i;.ijr. pn
Tallied Thirty-three Points in W
Games Central Tops Leagua?
W. U P C. VI. L. P
-enirai mgn z ui uw l. iiign.. l isa
W. 11. High. 1 1 .000 South'n Tlga 0 1!M
v. .u. l- j. vi. urr
Centra High 2 0 1.0UO N n. High 1 It j
W. H High 1 1 .500 South'n HlghO M
Captain Ward, Central High's afmEs
tlvo captain and forward, succeeded
holding on to the lead in total pohS
scored In the Scholastic Leaguo race v!
33 tallies. Rhclton, of Northeast, 13 cmii
witlt a total of 21 points, followed by C
land, of West Phllly, who has sewed J
points in all.
mate, who has scored 17 points
By a grandstand rally In the ecad
half of Its gamo with West PhlladelcBi
High School, Cential High assuraeito
l rnillt'o Inlii Trrll nn lit I no nun raVi?
bisbuit u jvuu ti,ii iitu tvtua uttu imw
feats. The Bcoro at the end of lUJttt
half favored West Phllly, 17 to UIH
Crimson and gold basltetballers ai
back with a rush In tho last 20 miD'j'f
of play and overwhelmed tnexrtanJe'lM
blue boys. Tho latter scored but 2 udiffl
In that period Jlf
Northeast High, by reason of lt5.
tory over Southern High, is tied for rfr
ond with West Philadelphia High. u&
live naving lost and won ono (i
Southern holds tho collar position
two uereats and no victories, ,jj
Centrnl High's second team toss
scrub teams In the second fives' tot
with 1WJ0 per cent.
Commltten 'Will Consider ChlfM
Against Athlete Today, fpl
NEW YORK, Jan 13. Piatt AM
opportunity to disprove tho charg?M
professlonallam made against hlnug
weeks ago will come tonight wheallM
registration committee will take ?J
case at a meeting to be held In StJSj
tholomew's Club, on East 42d otrep
Tho athlete, his witnesses ana iwg
who nreferred the charges against!
havo been 'askfed to appear betertg
Sing Sing Prisoners Will See
Boxers In Action.
Eattlinir Nelson has discovered ?
way to Ret his cognomen before ttyPji:
Ho. He ts planning a big fistic tfettM
the Sing Sing convicts In New Tfortjgj
the Hegewich magnate makes e. rg
of theWa, more than T10,000 pf b
talentVwIU display their proneas gg
stripe-clothed jrUoners, 3JB
Tho one-time-lightweight champj
the world expects to stage ins r
DnnA navt WAnlf TTA IS Effittlng fH.
.!. JonV. nwnna TTrpd Welsh. J&'
Levlnsky, Jack Britton, qjiarley
Joe Bnugrue ana Jim j.tyii,
he expects to feature in tne oouw.
Tonight at the dayety Theatre ttei
nn.i n.A An.i mntR nt the Ive.'r
amateur tournament, which ww $
last weeK, will DO aecmeu, ""ss
professional boxers appearing PJ5
publlo today have graauateu .-s
ranks 01 these tourneys.