Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 13, 1915, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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I r hi 1. 1, 1 1 1 ! - .-.. I, iii ,! .. ',,'"" i - rjrrT . .
licltist vs. Composer
ma "The Girl of Girls"
P? ilh. ntrctto" "T1i Cllrt o Cllrls,"
KSiMtol comedy librettist la un-
?ffiiliie nbtf undeveloped. And
"TkAa tilflls and ma si" '" ii"
',6 lines; what a "eld tor snil'o
MffluMllr humorist do with
r.lii for "DOOKSI X.UI mint ,
'pnhMS librettists do when ho tries
Wrf '? l, , iii.t turns out the
Jm rlols nnd the a. o. p. nnd tho
f Q the result Is "The Girl of
'tSiSft Tfrtckcd on tho reaf of one, Hd-
$5puHon. .. ....... .. ... ...
KrLin orklnnl and amusing, with his
K'Tlri Mftlaprop nnd His Mil pi mm
Mjttcrcec. nnd his 111th loving nnd
jjjfi.fllTOitc . pnri.nn. ho thouiiht
KVnomethlnB novel In a lidro who
iliVrltterr a libretto nna a neroino wno
$& in It to save tho day, or In tho
rS5Ji who was "laylnK" for n chance
&u S? the Ilbrj.ttl.fB uncle nut
?AkMkd them both up somewhere In
fffflulon a,,1 "tarted tho second
&: lth UPP'' of "8Unl Jealousy
ifir which had to bo BtrnlBhtenod out
h. Mual methods. Probably this
tri'.''8 .l..u.M T.lhrnttoii have that
IT But that is nil there is to the
HSr-f'-TnaOlrlof Girls."
Erin a critic wouldn't mind tnit. If
J"" t nnvthlntr nlnn tn tlip Ilea:
wthtn bo could go to tho office and
W? .,l.w lime wrltln a neat little
rt In one "stick." But tho trouble,
;W.bJ2..ViI.ii ( nli-lo" Is that It hnn n
y of food things In it that have to bo
iThere l om0 vcrr Pretty scenery, for
Bonce, especially a wonderfully leafy
T Of the UnCX liuuuicuir, vintii; ;uu
-!.. i. .v. troA loos And there nro some
nirjtooa rcople In tho enst The tonor
Sii'iM and tho comedian Is amusing.
T7for Natalie Alt, sbo Is tho Bame
!v.iifc.i Ontnlln nf thn clpar. Ann voice
1 tha raro charm of refinement. She
f.r '.- ,.. Klin ovnn takes n serloliftlv
...". . ulAat In thft wnrrlA nf flip
JlllCuloua imttvav ... --.- - -- ---
IjrlcJ." Ben Hendricks holds ur his
a?, .s . .a rmmp vpr wpll Indeed until
tlTlrtarlness of everything ho nas to
gjirlyeJ him desperate nnd ho utters
Cu "How beautifully sho Karglcal"
Ipf courti, the leal nubstmico of "Tho
ft T n LA mWJ vf (kwN m & ?'
-nt pour -f., t a gwi iHpwaiHnttb mm. "
jm crooks , a WmmmMm,
W MW) f Nm 1 1 If 1
MWf' Kn II 1: If I
vrrivt n ;::.' "-'v " oi s n
can rini7' - ---i v
Olrl of Qlrls" and tho real sourco of re
gret at Its btunderlngs Is Oreste Vcs
Bella's music Played by soma 30 mu
sicians under that best and most fluent
of conductors, Blgnor Novellls, It Is mors
than satisfying. Perhaps It seems a lit
tle strnnge that a man trained so well
In orchestration and harmony by a long
career at tho baton of nn Atlantic City
burnt shouldn't have remembered mori
melodies froni his enormous repertory.
But at any rate, no one enn accuse him
of plagiarism In the field where his score
oxcells. Its harmonies have an engag
ing way of verging on discord. His or
chestration Is an varied as his tempos
Verve nnd spring fill tho music nnd lift
It several hundred yards above the head
of Mr. Paulton and his commonplaco Jnp
crles. Sir. Vessclla deserves a real libret
tist. Out of "Jerry"
Nowadays girls of IB know more than
their grandmothers did when they died.
Mother and I don't Bpeak the same lan
guage. She doesn't know what I read;
sho doesn't know what I know, she
doesn't know what I think. And I'm n
bnck'ward child nnd confide nothing unso
licited. Whero on earth did you pick up all
this wisdom?
Did you ever attend an exclusive school
for girls?
I can't furnish brains both going and
Orchids! At this timo of year! He
must love her!
You'vo got to be killed In this world
to bo nppreclatcd. What mother needs
Ih to have mo brought in dead onc- or
twice, nnd maybe she'd treat me bettor.
I never hide behind a woman's skirts.
You 'couldn't with tho present stylCB.
I had to take potluck In tho parent
deal, hut I go Into tho hubby business
with my two eyes wide open.
The Playgoer's "Omar"
They say tho Syndicate and Shuborts kocp
Tho scenes where Mansfield gloried and
drnnk deep.
And Forrest that great ranter the wild
Yawps o'er his head, but cannot break
his sleep
Any favorite icomedlan.
"- .v.U.
Plana Organized for BystemaUe Aid
In Twenty-eighth "Ward.
Both the politicians and the police ot
tho JSlh Ward havo organised to provide
systematic relief for the poor and the
unemployed ot their section of the cltr
The 72 policemen of the 26th and York
streets station nro contributing $1 a month
each from their pay, nnd are planning lo
lease all of tho movlng-plcture houses In
the word to raise funds. Politicians of all
parties havo united to hold a vaudeville
benefit tomorrow night In Bt. Columba'r
Hall, 25th street and Lehigh avenue, the
proceeds of which will be used to buy
food for tho needy of tho ward.
juo&ttivt-nyA, .
tThe Opera
the first time slnco Fnrrer Martlnellt
js3 Seotti opened tho season, tho Metro
politan Opera Company brought a perf oot
Tf ,. M lfv Willi nn rl!nrpinnpt to
VU HJ HJ, v,,j .
fie company, it must bo said that tho
Station was an accident, aB tho for-
tBitom indisposition oi jimo. imu -u,-tU
compelled tho selection ot Lucrozia
Sort for Nedda In "Pagliaccl." It was
Hifectlr obvious that with Cnruso and
lnato already assigned to tho opera,
IXie, Borl was tne only possiDie cnoico;
ud'io, cur kindly thanks to fortune.
.Unit there Is to say or a performance
IT h!ch theso threo wonderful singers,
iwllently assisted as they wore by Mil
Mtlo and Teganl, took part, is precious
U From the "SI vudl" of the pro
bi, Mr. Amato sang nnd acted as ho
lu ring and acted all this tcason, with
fmrtyolce and with more dramatic In
I'sktand expression than any other barl
taie heard here. The obscene, leering
fflifaof Canio, grinning Itself into trag
Mf, was a terrible and wonderful crea
ttat And Mr. Caruso was In a part which
felttd him at last, a part in which nil
Ifii'jnnerent tendency to cut up was ap
frerrbto, and a part In which all his
tor talents of mimicry camo at last to
JMrown. It Is, unhappily, not often de
Ejniled of opera slngcra that they know
'o?4? sct'' 't Is not often demanded that
S intuitions be clear and deep. So
well the more credit then to these ac
tBJ, who do not mnkn thnlr Rntpmlli
9 tdlces an excufin fnr Rtlrmhntl fppllncr nnd
WUTerent acting,
JiiuBorl, In that company, was a gem.
"WBry recalls her as Mlml (In tho Bos
Jpiera Company), a performance of
?Pleta and coul-satlsfylng beauty.
Wrt makes her namo glorious In "Tha
WW of Three Kings," Last night, for
Mftn time In Philadelphia, she was
Wjiand heard, and Justified nil tho good
lTUCh hlfl hPn nnl.l if tin, TTa tilnf.
IK f ftTSt. tVnii rlltflll 1n.l ftA, Iiah l.nlAa
R.willier of tho most powerful nor of
yjjiPtaiest range, but it Is full of
nuance, Infinitely varied nnd rich In lyric
ecstasy. Ecstasy is, in fact, her particu
lar quality, In singing and In Impersona
tion; It gives her voice Its lightness, Its
accomplished and perfected meaning.
And it makes her, as sho passes before
tho curtain of her little stage, so wanton
and so uplifted that oven tho pathetically
unreal tragedy hits to tho heart And
beside this. It must be an ecstasy of nn-nthp,-
nnrt. whlnh mnkcit her so Intelli
gent nn actress that her worn in mo
"play" can call up tho commedla deU',nrte
In nil its conveniionauzeu nna dauuu
beauty. Miss Farrar alone, of sopranos
who have sung hero this season, was so
thoroughly nnd Ineffnbly good.
If this is, ns seems likely, Mr. Caruso's
farewell, our regret will bo all tho
greater for Its fineness. Impertinent to
criticise the volco which moves n world
to wonder and to tears! Was It as good
tonight as three days ago, or throe years
ago? What difference? It Is the voice
of all the voices whose "Illdl, Pagllaccio,"
and moro than that, whose "No, Pagll
accio non son" can take hearts cold with
tho meaningless beatings of small lives
nnd make thorn suffer with the tragic
anguish of a figure in a dream.
"Pagliaccl" was preceded by "Caval
lerla Rustltana," with Mmcs. Dcstlnn,
Duchene and Mattfeld and MM. Teganl
nnd Bottn, If "Pagliaccl" had not fol
lowed there might bo something to say
of this performance. As it is, there Is
Schumann-Heink Concert Postponed
Announcement was made by Chnrles
Augustus Davis, local manager for
Madame Schumann-Heink, the noted
contralto, who Is reported 111 In Chicago,
that tho concert schedule to have beon
given at tho Academy of Music on Jan
uary 28 has been postponed. Her Ill
ness, ho Bald, was not as serious as first
reported and she was expected to re
cover shortly.
Pretty Peet Lead to Divorce
PAPILLION, Neb., Jan, 13. Bocauso of
notoriety gained by Mrs. Clarence C,
Houston, who is said to have the prettiest
feet In the world, her husband, Nat C.
Houston, was granted a divorce.
"The Girl Ho Brought Home In two
parts" Is tho latest Uiogrnph release,
according to posters In evidence in front
of soveral photoplay houses. It must
be a companion film to the ono "doing
Home" in two reels, which the Intoxi
cated man asserted could not bo done.
Tho naming of 111ms Is as much an art
ashe naming ofra spcnklng play "Why
Qlrls Leave Home" Is crude nnd In
artistic, but it suited tho melodrama
which it represented, nnd" aroused tho
curiosity of thoso Interested in this typo
of dramatic Qffcring. Tho samo princi
ple nppllea to tho film. A namo to catch
the eye and arouso tho Imagination Is
worth many hundreds of nickels at tho
box ofllce. This assertion needs no proof
On tho other hand, too lurid a namo,
something to lrrltnte tho sight and dlB
gust tho liner Sensibilities, Is npt to repel
tho nasserbv who hnnnens to tnko a peep
nt the six-sheet posters. "At tho End of
a Pprfppt Dnv." an Essnnay release, Is
Indicative of the poetic. Tho same thing
could Inot be Bald of "When Slippery
Slim Bought the Cheese." Take somo
nf thn current releases and Judge for
"The Black Ghost Bandit."
"Pawns of, Fate,"
"Out of tho Storm."
"Spaghetti and Lottery."
"Tho Legend Beautiful."
"A Boob for Luck."
Shakespeare's question: "What's in a)
The Red and Yellow Beads
.IvfSpjtQEOUS string of red and yellow
zzf m urea in a big department store.
aww they hadn't always lved there
Hno, for everything that Is in a store
K'ae some place, In some factory or
taST""?, ana Diought to the store lor
is i ... . 7
rfgHuv this string of red nnd yellow
40 ad been In the store so long that
Kit,1! forgotten nil nbout the factory
liH? they were made, thev couhl only
IgP'tt the store. You know yourself
Et5u2rn 1 la a MA.MM.VnH 41.1... itnn
LSI IrOU h&Vfl nnt man n, n Inner llmfl.
red and yellow beads felt quite
U store had always been their
and a though they really owned it.
?'t believe they could have a store
". said a red bead one morn-
i, are so much prettier and gayer
P3jLflVt 3-b3C5B
i iiwauiMxat Maytre-uj
M tu itwli ,aW to wh
E ? 2?J?C ,1.. n!..- A... wahIiI Via
Egf . -!sj .uf 4H ewrv 1JW.4 ftp?
tvft . fc m mmuui stmt w
' NMj js k , all the pretty
"1' wuer .-ii.ts ui ti- diuiv.
so they naturally thought that they were
the prettiest ot anyimng.
"And we've been right here together
for bo longl I am 'bo glad nobody takes
us away!" said ,a yellow bead, happily.
Little dM tha beads know about stores!
If they had known much they would have
been worried for their safety, for store
keepers have no use for goods that do
not selll But the beads didn't know, so
they had no fears for their future.
They visited together so busily that they
didn't notice that the head storekeeper
looked at them very carefully. "Did you
ever see anything stick as those red and
yellow beads have! They've been at that
particular place for six monthsl I guess
they better go to the basement, they're
too decidedly old stock for this first
floor." Then he turned to the assistant
at his side. "Take them down today," he
added; and he went on about his other
business without another thought about
the beads.
"What's that he saldt" asked the long
est string of red beads, "I thought that
man said something about til."
"Oh, I guess not," said a yellow string,
indifferently, "he wouldn't dare to talk
about usl"
But the red beads were frightened and
watched carefully for what might hap
pen next And they .had not long to wat.
In a. very fw minutes a clerk came and
nicked up the strings of beads every one
of them-and carried them to the base
ment countere! "Don't take us awayl"
cried the beads In distress, we belong
up on that big front counter!" But the
clerk seemed not to hearl Or maybe If
he did hear, he didn't understand, some
times people don't'
Bo the beads were taken downstairs,
and their price waj marked low. And
some eparkllng Jet beads. In the very Ut
est style, were put on the front counter
'"For a while the gaudy red and yelW
beads were so mournful they couldn't iay
M .-.. 4.i. mnrviJI Than fhftV
began to notice thfr crowds of children
who stood around the counter admlitn
there. "They like us." the bead, said tc,
each other, "to eonUng dawn here wasn't
so SaS after all!" And indeed H wasn't
for. weuld you'belleve It? In eiaotly one
day every Ot the bedi WI
tfujuin. JW Ctora Itwram Jutton.
namo?" may yet bo answered by tho
photoplny Industry nner ino npenraem-
Ing is flono.
At tho Forrest Tneniro inrco umvn jt-
,A-.in.. n, nnnn 9. nn,t 4 n'clock (nnd
nt tho same times tomorrow nnd Friday),
thero wero spcclnl mntlncos, when tho
War Film Company presented tho latest
nnd most realistic pictures from the war
zones In Europe unuer me caiiwuu m
nn, I'nmn.iii wor na It Is." five reels
of pictures were Mhown. Tho terrible re
sults of alien nro on a oaiuaueiu wcro
grnphlcnlly depleted, nnd thero was n
closo view of a British armored train In
nctlon. Many feet of Htm are tnken
up In showing tho ruins of. tne numerous
Betglnn vlllnges captured by the Germans.
AoroDlanes in llieht nnd nn aeroplane
gun In nctlon nre nlso seen.
Tho Canadian photo-playhouso In
Washington has furnished proof that it
is possible to educate theatro audiences
to come on time. Tho method Is simplic
ity Itself. A small card advertising
Crandall's Theatre Is given out. Und'or
tho houso namo and street address Is
stated: "Over you will find schedulo for
all our shows." On tho reverse side tho
tlmo for porformanco la given in dotall
11 n. m. to 12.15 p. m.
11.1S n tn tn 1 (5ft n. m.
1:30 p. m. to 2:45 p. m.. nnd so on.
Sundny Every hour on tho hour.
All shows run continuously from
11 n. m. to 11 p. m.
An Illuminated- clock within the theatre
shows that business moves like a ma
chine, performances ending on tho dot.
iimvkinn iin iippn mnrto for tho dllatorl-
ness of human nature by nllowlng three
minutes past the advertised tlmo for the
a,ov,l,.i nt nn.fnrmnnpn.
Why not try the experiment In this
city nnd thus do awuy with crowding
nnd Jostling?
Beginning Jnnunry 21 tho Lubln Man
ufacturing Company will release each
wock on Its regular program a throe-reel
photoplay, tho samo typo and quality of
plcturo that has heretofore been sent out
as a speclnl feature. Another announce
ment Is that beginning February 1 the
company will release each Tuesday and
Saturday on the regular program a high
class one-reel comedy.
A company of 30 players, at the head
of which Is Miss Lillian Russell, Is In
Charleston, B. C, to take exteriors for
tho Peerless production of "Wildfire."
As this Is a racing play, advantage Is
being taken of a. picturesque old race
track In the Southern city. "Wildfire"
will bo released on January 25 by the
World Film Corporation.
Penn Men to Debate In New Orleans
The University of Pennsylvania debat
ing team will meet the Tulano Univer
sity team at New Orleans on April 21.
At a meeting of the Debating Council
last night It was decided to tnko tho
trip, which Is the longest over taken by a
Pennsylvania debating team.
Officers to Bo Chosen at Annunl
Meeting Tonight.
Tho nnnunl meeting and election of of
ficers of the Photographlo Society of Phll
ndelphln will be held tonight at tha club
roomi of tho organization, 1015-1617 San
son! etrcot. The society Is planning the
"Members' Annual Exhibit," which will
bo held throughout the month of Feb
ruary. The following nominees will bo voted at
tonlght'B meeting: Henry P. Bally, presi
dent; Eckley B. Coxo, Jr., and A. Sydney
Logan, vlco presidents; Harold F. A-Starr,
secretary: Harold F. A-Storr, treasurer.
Tho following aro tho nominees for tho
12 directorships of tho society: C. Ynrnall
Abbott, William H. Castle. W. W. Cham
bers, Fred W. Fleck, Maurice T. Flelsher,
W. aitbert Kayser, Charles J. MacOuflln,
J. MacO. Mltcheson, W. Parrlsh Pearsall,
B. F. Haywood Shreve, William J. Skeon,
M. Richard Witt.
Society of Arts nnd letters, New Century
Drawing- noomi BilB o'clock. ,
Dull, Norllitern Kflln1 Denevolent Oo
duty, Mercnntlla Ilklli 8 o'clock.
Phntoiraphlo Society, 101B Sansam street!
S o'clock. ... .
Convention, Master Pnlnters and Decorators'
AMOelatlon, Hotel Adelphlas S o'clock.
rtthers' Auoclitlon, Frsnkford High School)
S o'clock.
IXmocrntlo Club. 100(1 Walnut streeti 8
Concert In aid of Settlement Music School,
XVItherpoon Halli 8 o'clock. ...
Younr Itepubllcant, 221 South Broad street!
8 o'clock. . . --,,,
Sunday revival, tabernacle: 7 30 o'clock.
lecture, "What Wa Don't Know About
Heredity," Dr. Jamei J. Walih, Houiton
Hall; 8 o'clock Frea. . , . .
Icture, "Asia and Africa, tho Far Eastern
Question," J'rof William Starr Myeri, of
I'rlnccton, C rim th Hall; 8 o'clock
5"jci-jT If
ADRI.WU "Tlie Bollo of Bond Street," with
Sam liernard, "Tne girl from Kay's." re
vamped, Mr. Bernard la Juat aa atnualmc us
ever In hta lmperaonatlon of "riEgy" Hog
grnhelmer, tha lloggenhelmer 8.00
nnOAD "Jerry," with Mlas Blllle Burke. A
co-nMy by Catherine Chlfholm Cuahlng. Miss
llurke captures a huaband In eight costume
Amualntr 8:15
FOnnnST "The Olrl of Olrln," with Natalie
Alt. A new musical comedy, with acoro by
Orcstn Vessclla, tho Atlantic City bandman
ipr See review above (t-13
OAItltlCK "Tha Mlrnclo Man." with Oeorxo
Nash. W. II. Thompson and Oall Kano
George Cohan's con edy-drama of the crooks
who try to eiplolt a patriarchal healer and
end aa converts. A skilful handling of n
.llffli.tt KlllllPCt . ............ fi?l.
KEITH'S Mr. and Mrs. Carter de Haven,
"On the School Playground" ; Hooncy and
Bent nnd a variegated bill ot mors- than
usual merit . ............... .2.00,8 00
l.lTTIlv "Courage The first production o(
an Knallshman'a play against war. A flne
sDlrlted play with a atartllngly dramatic
ending 8.!0
WAI.Nl'T "A Pool, Hla Monv nnd a Olrl,"
with Hap Ward ard I.ucy Daly. A musical
comoly exploiting Mr. Ward's poronnlal
tramp 8.00
Dellevnle-Stratford Will Ho Scehe ot
Elaborate Entertainment
Elaborate preparations: for tho annual
lunohoon of ths Squat Franchise So
ciety of this city, to he held nt 1 o'clock
tomorrow In tho Clover Hoom of .tha
Beltevue-fltratford, havo been completed.
Tho funds raised will b used to further
the work of tha society throughout the)
city and State. There wilt be several
speakers, among thorn Norman Hapgood,
editor of Harper's Weekly, and Miss
Ann Martin, president of tho Woman
Burfrngo Association of Nevada. A .booth,
whero various articles will be Bold In
order to Increase the funds raised, will
be a feature of tho luncheon.
Many young women have consented to
carry trays appended to them laden with
candles, aprons mads by the society's
sewing class, now pins of the society
and suffrage "literature." An article en
titled "Somo Fundamental Reasons for
Woman's Suffrage," by William Draper
Low Is, former dean of tho University of
Pennsylvania Law School, Is expected to
bo n good neller.
Among those who will aid at tho booth
aro Miss Sophia H. Dulles, Miss Harriet
W. Dulles, Mlas Fanny T. Cochran, Miss
Isabel S. TarlB, Mrs. Harry Lowenburg.
Miss Martha Davis and Mrs. E. Lewis
Burnham. It will be In charge of Miss
Caroline ICatzenstcln.
Several hundred tickets havo been sold.
They aro J1.D0 apiece and may bo bought
from Mrs. Horatio Gates Lloyd, of Hav
crfordj Miss Martha Davis, 1822 Pine
Btrcet, and nt tha ,Equal Franchise So
ciety headquarters, 33 South 9th street
Among thoso who will attend are Mrs.
M. C. Morgan, Mrs. M. C. Kllnglesmlth,
Miss Sophia II. Dulles, Miss Harriet W. ,
Dulles, Dr. Frances Van Qasken, Mrs.
Paul McConomy, Miss Dllle Hastings,
Mrs, K. O. Halllgan, Miss Lucy Anthony,
Mrs. Thomas Diddle Ellis. Wllmer Atkin
son, Miss Edith A. Turner, Mrs. Alice V.
Turner, Mrs. Lewis M, Bchnmberg, Miss
Gertrude Abbott, Mrs. R. IC Matloolc,
Miss Isabel S. Paris, Miss Carolina Kati
ensteln and Miss Ida Katzcnsteln.
Immediately preceding the luncheon the
annual meeting of tho society will bo
held In tho Hed Room nt the Bellevue
Stratford at 13 o'clock. An election of
officers will tnko place and reports wilt
bo read by Mrs. Wilfred Lewis, presi
dent, and Mrs. Horatio Gates Lloyd, who
is on tho Board of Directors.
Tho following will act as patronesses
for tho luncheon:
Cornelius Stevenson
(I. II, Karl.
Horace II. Burrell
Pent Dulles
Ferreo Brlnton
Rdwln C. Orion
Morris Jaatrow
Herman Loab
r. H Bodman
II. It Donnldaon
II Frailer Harris
Henry C. Davis
Jamea D Wlnaor
Albert MoVltty
Thomas Rohlna
Frank Miles Day
.1. A. Dovclln
B? " Miry "' StlTlwell- Caroline Katicnateln
C Stuart Patterson
John II. Musser
C..A. Hagen
Albert A. Jackson
J Ievertng Jones
Charles 7.. Klauder
Wilfred Lewis
Richards Taylor
Horatio dates Lloyd
John Cooko Hirst
RUen McMurtrla
Rmlly Bell
Fanny Travis Cochran
Mar- Converse
Marian Mntt
Kleanore Ooepp
Rnrah fl. Tomklns
Mary A. Burnham
No. this is NOT Charles Chap
lin, although It is enough like him
to be his twin. It is Billie
Ritchie, the Universal comedian.
MonrcitN daxciso
22 S. 40th STREET
'r?J"R,!i0a Country Frolic
Dancing 8:30-13 "
Standardized Modern Dances
Taught ih Class Thursday Evg.
TJTnTBVncea-Th. COnTlSSOZ School.
1&2U v;nesinuf ot. ,,wo. .m- . .
Tta uutieratIon necreatlon
THE! WINTglt lN-jySkL"Ll-?'al1' p
Atlantic City, N. J.
V, . r i. IJrlck, Hot and cold running
Hotel York water. Now York Ava. & Uch.
SuWeot to Chanp:
Ifonatrtrlnn Mill
Frmikfuril Av.
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