Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 13, 1915, Night Extra, Image 1

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VPIj. I NO. 104.
itlfZlmL-' :" T-f SVWCSljSSJ!&r-ir ir .. ,- . . " I
BSBr 1 if i Kllif f SJill PIT! I P ( wk ;sa vSift. tS fir nTiyiTiBt i c .lj ll&s
UK - uv:. . . . v.-,. .u ......:....; . m. ., ... , J ? &wmmmmMkWm? mtmSmm
3 .
j - - , i
ijidLJJpon Harhor
iFjrustrated by Heavy
IFire of Gunners Two
pUndersea Fighters De
stroyed, According to
' Unofficial Report.
Hostile Aeroplanes
Sighted in Channel.
Atli reported that two German sub-
ipisrines, attempting a raid on Dover
larbor today, were tired upon and sunk
Mr.tfie forts. The submarines, it is
ISMf were accompanied by aeroplanes.
Bhlsli were sighted at soveral points
Ulcus the English Channel.
Kspfure by the Russian forces in the
ilOSh. Vlint a inrml Tn wia a ItlrlfV
J Indeed, If, for on reason or
WGfttr, you did not have to ba out of
" Jt night Bort of a nice feeling,
J;t to be able to draw up nearer
3 Srt Vh.n th. tHnlnnt mia rf wind
JM&.tb tiardworklng oM furnace outdo
i;- wnen me unie came o k
1 whi jum. to be able to duclc under
JtMYtra wu no Utile thing to be thank
SI for. More than that. vou ounht to
K sprayer of thanks that Old Doreaa
of hla big -cenUmetro gusta.
Kf I 'S'aa not much fun at Broad and
fpu etreets in a, storm luce lat
Wi 3ut It mlirht have been worse
W Plac, we imagine.
u n-encn for instance)
!" Philadelphia and vicinity
muy cloudy and 8lightly colder.
ubsryaUons at Philadelphia
,, --.,,.,-.., T,,rr ..,,,..- , - ,
kl(' Korthwt, 33 mlta
te.M" V." ! 'ii ' - ""
uS? : U3sernt.
a tBtrature ,..,.,, 63
Almanao of the Day
kitta . .. . ..
rtUu ato-'' "'" " 2.'iiv r rfr
"" tomorrow ,..u, n.
Iftmps to Be lighted
1 4 etw vebtrle., ... BilSp. TO.
The Tides -
POUT TnnniinT
Sfl1" ': Ml 11 k
5 tomorrow T:2Sa,w.
sw rtBtorS . ......... t-JfiuS:
fcSt tiiss-
i J5?f d-Utnm
rs"t--' .... .... ii:s:
At the uDner left hand the uhotoKranh shows a yawnine cap where
rooms, at Broad and Race streets. These windows are among the most
strip of metal ripped from the tops of four houses in Buckius street,
street as dislodged and left hanging over the eaves. Below is a big elm
quehanna avenue.
Caucasus of a whqle Turkish regiment,
the 92d, Is reported from Petrograd.
This Huccess Is the result of continued
fighting near Kara Urgan, southeast of
Sari Kamysh on the Transcaucaslan
(This report is denied by the Turks.)
Tabriz, second largest city of Persia.
has been taken by the Turks and the
Russian troops In tjiat section nave
fallen back.
The invasion of Egypt by Ottoman
forces Is expected by the British guard
ing tho province, desplto reports that
the camDalcn had been, abandoned.
German officers are said to he leading
the march, i
The Russian drive on Cracow through
southern Poland has collapsed, accord
inB to Vienna, which records a repulse
of the Czar's forces at tho River Nlda
In a great artillery battle.
The Austro-Germans haye launched
a movement to expel the Russians from
Gallcla, and General Hlndenburg la
sending an army into the Invaded
province to carry (5n the offensive.
Germany has sent three corps to aid
the Austrlans in Servia, according to
reports, which Petrograd interprets as
a ruse to draw troops from Poland. If
the reports are true Berlin evidently
aims to clear a route to the Turkish
war none.
Roth Russian and German forces are
massing along tho Bxura and Niemen
RlverSf Germans in the latter (north
ern Poland) field presage a drive on
Warsaw from a new direction.
Further loss of ground east of Sols
sons, where severe flghtins centres, is
Conclude on I'm Tour
WlUiawiB, o Mississippi, Tells Col,
leagues President Will Be Ke-elected.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 11 The Wilson
Presidential boom for 1918 was officially
launched In the Senate today, when Sena
tar Willlami. of MiMiwIppt. we of the
.hief gnokeauieii for the AdralulWratloo In
Congrw. declared that "WMrow.W).
sob ts swag to b reHnt4td by the
BwoaUe pint " re-elected by the
pel for th twin sucedU)f toe prs
se ana.
Vatican Buildings and
Churches Damaged.
Many Small Towns Are
Almost Wiped Out.
ROME. Jan. 13. Rome waa thrown Into
panic at 7;53 o'clock this morning by a
severe earthauake, the moat serious ex
perienced here for 16 years. There were
two distinct shocks, but the first, at. o
o'clock, waa slight.
sPope Benedict was saying mass when
the earthquake occurred. Re knelt and
prayed during tho shocks, and then con
tinued the mass.
After the undulatlonaNhad ceaied King
Victor Emmanuel rode through the city
to inspect the damage.
Waster was knocked from the ceilings
of some of the Vatican buildings by the
earthquake and other damage was done
to the Interior of soma of the chapels.
Reports indicate that the- earthquake,
Which destroyed a number of buildings
in the city and suburbs, caused great loss
of life. It Is reported that In Perete. a
mall town in the Corapartlamento of
Abruzzl, 18 persons were killed.
One report says that 30 persons lost
their lives in and near Perete, The en
tire province of Abruwl Is declared to
bave Buffered and many of the small
towns have been almost wiped out. Sev
eral towns In Rome province alao suf
fered. . , . ,
The towns which are reported to have
suffered most Include Capello, MagUang.
FrlBuue. Monterotottdo. Vsrely, Vat
montone an4 AJbano. It was reported
that many of the Inhabitant wet
eselu4d a i'Jia Sum
stood a great bulk plate glass window in the Packard Automobile sales
expensive in the city. On the right is a street almost barred by a huge
near Kensington avenue. In the circle is shown a roof covering in this
uprooted ana tnrown across inc uiuiuugmuic ui u ov aim uuo-
Senator to Speak in Behalf
qf Prompt Action at To
morrow Night's Transit
United States Senator Boles Penrose
will step forward as an advocate of Phil
adelphia's rapid transit development to
morrow night at tho great transit mass
meeting In the Academy of Music. The
Senator said totay he would speak at
the demonstration. In an address re
cently the Senator urged nie construc
tion of the hlcb?speep lines (M the earliest
possible moment, and it i expected he
will declare his position even more em
phatically tomorrow night-
The entire demonstration. Including the
parade on Broad street prior to the meet
ing, promises to exceed all expectations.
Preparations made by the organizations
of all kinds throughout the city Indicate
that all classes of dtiiens have been
aroused to the necessity for the high
speed system planned by Director Tayor.
The campaign for speed, comfort and
economy persistently advocated by the
Kvenio I.EDaEn since its birth last
September has won thousands of adher
ents, who will demand that Councils stand
by their moral and legal responsibility to
represent the people.
Prominent men In every walk of life,
the pulpit, the bench, the bar, the busi
ness man. the worklngman, -win be pres
ent to voles their co-operation In provi
sion for a necessity which is vital to
the progress of the city.
They are encouraged b? the promise
of sincere support from the Counsilmen
upon whose shoulders now rest tho re
sponsibility of giving this city high-s peed
transit, ad the public will formally d-
, Cswladi J a l'tis lTho
Mayor's Cabinet Discusses
Supreme Court Test and
Hastening Work at Block
ley. Tentative plans that may result in 'a
higher court decision being sought on the
legality of the contract In perpetuity held
by Philip .II, Johnson as architect for all
Department of Public Health and Chari
ties buildings were discussed today at a
meeting of the .Mayor's cabinet
Mayor Blankenburg is in Ashevllle,
N. C,j Director of Publla Safety Porter
Is in Boston and Transit Director Taylor
is busy planning for the demonstration
tomorrow night, but all other memebrs pf
tho cabinet were present. It was the first
meeting attended by Dr, S. Lewis Zlegler,
the new Director of Publla Health and
Charities, and complet ejiarmony In the
cabinet has been re-established.
Immediately after the meeting, It was
learned that Mayor Blankenburg would
send a message from Ashevllle to City
Councils tomorrow week asking that body
to appropriate the Jl.OOO.CW for the re
habilitation of Blockley at once, either
to the Department of Public Works or
the Department of Health and Charities.
This will put squarely up to Councils
the question of whether there is to be
Concluded oil Pace five
Woman's Bequests to Charity
NQRRISTOWN, Pa-, Jan. U-The poor
of the congregation of the Una Lexing
ton Metmonlte Mestlng are to receive the
proceeds of 30 shares of Scltwenkvitle
Bank stock, according to the will of
Anna, Swartley. of Lawidale, probated to
day. She also gives i) to Mwinomto
ministers, relative nd friends about
Cortmanr, 101B, r ms Pot.io Lrtxjwi Cour-iMT.
Flood rnvaucn bmiks of SctittllkUl
' lor ncarlu 100 miles, threatening
railroad service between here and
the South.
Slrtii-mtlc pale that swept city
the third Uluhesl wind on record
One life tnUrn ln storm In Cam
den, scores Injured In this city and
City almost Isolated for hours by
disruption of. tclcnrapti and tele
phone service to outside points.
Trolley lines blocked by trees
blown down and passengers ma
rooned. Trains hours late.
Itoad to St. Timothy's Hospital
blocked by three-foot inundation
and nine firemen, overcome at
Manaynnk blaxc, held up for five
Great destruction of awnings,
trees, sfgns and liousctops in all
.sections of the city.
Market street Uttered with' RroK-en
glass from vnlk. icindotoa Of depart
ment stores smashed by the wind.
Contents of display wlndoivs strewn
about the streets, Including every
thing from kitchen ware to costly
hats and garments.
Thousands of umbrellas turned
inside out lie about city strcets
"Fellow Who Says He Can
Leave It Alone, Can't,"
He Warns "Moderate"
Applause and cheers rang out In "Billy"
Sunday's tabernacle, 13th nnd Vine
streets, this afternoon when the flery
evangelist gave his throbbing, Inspiring
sermon on morals. It was a powerful
discourse ngalnst the sin of Immorality
and the danger of associating with tho
Immoral. Tho big building was flllei'
with attentive listeners. tetT'
'flllly" calls this sermon "The "
Leper," and. In graphlo description
' XjvMrti'?J"
shows how the man or woman who de
sires to lead a clean Christian life should
avoid tho company of all persons whose
lives are not as Clod would have them
"But he was a leper." These words
from Second Kings were his text
"I say to you, young man," Sunday
howled Into the faces before him, "don't
you go with the Godless, good-for-nothing
gang that blaspheme and sneer at
religion. That hunch of character assas
sins will make of your body a doormat
to wipe their feet on. Don't go with that
bunch, I heard you swear, I heard you
sneer at religion. Stop or yon will become
a staggering, muttering, Dieary-eyea,
foul-mouthed dawn-and-outer, on your
way to hell. I say to you, stop, or you
will go down to hell, breaking your wife's
heart, wrecking your children's lives and
with nothing to show for It. God pity
you for all you have to show for serving
the devil. You are a fooll You are a
fooli Take It from Bill, you are a fooll"
Then he threw more verbal firebrands
at the young men who believe they can
"take a drink and let it alone." Again
Concluded on Fage Scku
Pormer Speaker Mentioned as Succes
sor of John C. Bell,
George & Alter, former speaker of the
House at Harrlsburg. is being mentioned
in political circles today as likely to suc
ceed John c- Re" as Attorney General.
The appointment of Mr. Alter, tt is
pointed out, would conciliate the Olivers
should Governor-elect Brumbaugh deter
mine to drop Robert McAfee, now Sec
retary of tbe Commonwealth.
While Doctor Brumoaugh has given no
intimation as to the personnel of his
cabinet, it la understood that Mr Alter
has been suggested to In in a a uun
whose appointment v, ould be desirable f 01
the take of larmcoy. Mr, Alter U from
Allegheny County,
Damage to Mills And
Homes Along 100
Miles of River, Which
Floods Manayunk
Third Highest Wind Re
corded Here Blows Down
Roofs and Wires One
Dead, Scores Hurt.
High tldo In the' Schuylkill , River late
this nfternoon' wilf mean'-tKa, S'orsi flood
In the history of tho clty according to
members of the crew of 'tho. Police Boat
Hundreds of men wero put to work
this nfternoon in lumber and coal yards
all the way from the Falrmount Dam
to PelntvBreezo removing stock frojn the
danger points.
Tho flood, of which warning was sent
out from Reading by Weather Bureau of
ficials, reached this city while the tide
was ebbing at full force. In, spite of this
the water continued-to rises 'In the Schuyl
kill. When the tide turned tho rapidity of
the rles Increased, and no one can tell
where It will stop.
Tho flood devastated the Schuylkill
River front for nearly 100 miles befors
reaching this city. Communication by
rail between this- city and the South Is
threatened. It will be cut oft If the river
below Market street rises a few Inches
The crest of a 21-foot wait of water
swept down the river past Reading this
morning. It struck Manayunk more
gradually, but virtually every mill along
the river front Is closed.
Householders desperately worked try
ing to save furniture. In many streets
close to the river vans were dragged
through streotB, hub deep In water.
The tcoVksW the Baltimore and Ohio
n' Y VH 1a,"auJ' submerged. Those
M TV1 VtH1 Washington and Bal-
W al'oad are threatened. T)ie
iot4 tiuivJ
ivnn a tew incnes ot tnem near
yin ervjee to the south may
The flood tore three barges from their
moorings In the Schuylkill at Callowhlli
street shortly before noon. They were
whirled down to Gray's Ferry, endanger
Ing other shipping tied up along the rtvar
front, before being caught by the Police
Boat ReyburnJ
At noon ttva river at Manayunk res
istered IS feet above normal, the highest
In three yarat and had backed up to
the etera of many residence? on the Mont
gomery County side.
Immediately after notifying the Central
Police Station of the serloue flood In the
Schuylkill at Reading, the Weather
Bureau sent a message to the Scliuyl.
kill Navigation Company that this Doo4
"jnlght ba expected In Philadelphia some
time lato this afternoon." Every mjll
owner and resident along ttie river bank
at Manayunk and towns nearby kb
told by telephone of the Impending
danger. They spread the news broadcast,
Kxtra hands were put to work re
moving effects from those mills on the.
river bank that thus far have not been
touched by the flood. Some are stack
ing their belongings In fields until
quarters are found for them,
Manayunk Is standing the brunt of
the flood In this section. While the river
there is the highest In three years, only
a mile further up, at Flat Rock Dam. It
Concluded on Iase 'fwu
FOUND" AimclJ-sl
to ttw
W ' WftKnuI leaser or Mporua
"Urn ,443 Pttuui Jtursau" t lAltn
I nui u mmvi iu so oa imw jimi
k &a n St tb Main ortu. etb c 1
at at. "Uoni -and Hbunl"' adrtit-
tan also &a mm it
nwnis w ltt laft at aoy ot the Oijjs stem
racMrtng LJgw dx. or can b t.lfrhotfrJ
directly to Ledger Central
Call Walnut e
waia mw. , , ,
LOST 6atUfU'. targe AlrJle; mwi ta
nauu Bll'y toward Reutna to M. R. UANO
Wla htrio.J rmtd. Ovtiferou.
LGSTsitiitiJay", 0th t rol! iMmst "vault?
, Kar.. 1M N BtlHwMi.
lAiST- I.rg Aojiru ut Kear4 il rturiu4
tg 2U.1S lut -i
LOST Sun4 utlu. ' nltliua fn(ia, ' n
v. nira Mr, RV IS Lait kl
mm i m .