EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, JANUARY 12 191S. 0 Societf and . fiertf on at 5fc!r,titnnTA POTTER, daughter of Mr. M! A MM. Jonathan Bailey Drowdcr, wltt ba ,.. t n. dinner to bo given by Mrs. PSt1 ' w. Warden, of 1320 Pine utroet, before iB?M . 'i.i.h will be civen on Monday by PI i Mrs. Samuel F. Houston In honor of ? . t.A iMi.n Charlotte Hardlnc Drown. 1$ o" .iintier will Include Mlsa P ifsYench Earle, Miss Lucia Alice Pardee PW" M,g Edith H. Dlly, Miss Louisa B i nvl Miss KOUerta jurown jjowmnR, W Dunnlnff. Walter W. L. Fotterall. ScriBW. ..... William Foster Fotterall. P"!7! ir Dtt Barry and Joseph O. B. Moultcn. f' A Mrs Charles Howard Colket will give S? ' .... inmnrrow evening. Their guests I?m Mr and Mrs. John Jacob Mohr, Mr. and US9! ...',.-- Tf.nnedv. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Effir. and Mrs. William B. Baupt and r.r . i. Tnhn Marshall. KurJolket will entertain at luncheon January Rdm honor of Miss Gertrude Tower, when the PJrtTWll bo of tho debutante set. S" . .... Tj-.ii O'NMll and her Bister, Miss Wh Llpplnco. will leave today for Atlontla i"n "VV in until TTrUlnv. Mlsfl !',. marriage to NIcliolas Blddle wUl place Thursday. February 11. Br- V . . t, ntftnnVirvlan ffnVA TL -" . ..H.kirnt little danco last night In tho Cand-Whlto ballroom. Tho dancing bogan & o'clock and lasted until 1 o'clock, supper Uat terrti at 11 In tho banquet room adjoln ?ii The llehts, which shone from overhead Atmta a lattice m mr... IT j imrln. cast a. soft Blow over the ifenT A second solreo dansant will bo given tonJay. January a. $T. . -r. -nnntv. luill hn crlvon a theatre Bill" ti " """ " !.-,. k hpr undo and aunt. Dr. and Mrs. Bon- jftgln Brannan Heath, on Monday evening, Jnn- fiwr L ..a Mr. Watson W. Walton, 135 South L. '.tr..t. will entertain at dinner tonight at L Manufacturers' piub. Their guests will In- fai Mr. and Sirs, waiter u. x,K1, .. u )S., Silas M. Tomllnson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ij, Stockley. L.'. Tir Auxiliary of St Francis House Mi Its first rehearsal at tho IUttenhouse yea rly afternoon In preparation ior no uu .i .nt.rtMnment and danco, which will bo Sw In the ballroom of the Bclclvue-Stratford irMrv 3. Miss Frances Livingston Sullivan ftf president of the auxiliary. Inmnu Evans has Issued Invitations for a Lt nnrtv. In honor of Miss Ellen Jaquett lijdltrj and her nance, Richard McCall, on Sat- SPi...- w-i .... e A cmnnt find rifLnCG Will Mow at the Rltz-Carlton. There will bo about 'a nests. m ... k moit laudable and interesting feature in tne liinral relief movement, so prevalent through- ift.the city these days. Is tho spirit of cnamy n't5 hv the little children. Last Saturday ft number of sturdy youngsters were to be ft.Ti irnlmr tn thn home Of young J. Burton Ehitln, Jr., 425 West Johnson street, German- mm. nigging aeep uuwn i men o.i... r fe lundry nickels with which to gain admit Run in on sntArtalnment. which that small boy i ibd gotten up for the benefit of the Belgians. gilt affair went off very wen, ana xne sum n. lilni realized by the ardent young womcia. MlM Leila W. Waller,' of Washington, Is b neit of hor niece, Mrs. Edward C. B. Metcher, at her apartment, 135 South 18th street. Hrt, Fletcher will receive as usual on Friday itteiDOon after the orchestra concert. ALONG THE MAIN LINE ICraVKD-Invltatlons have been received from Charles Frederick Nowbourg, of Cynwyd, 1$ bridge on Saturday, January 16. Ir. and Mrs. F. Ferdinand Durong, of Bryn Hw Avenue, are receiving congratulations on CMblrth of a daughter December 8. Mrs. Du ISjf will be remembered as Miss Charlotte ywuford McLaughlin. IJATNI Recent arrivals at the Wesley Inn In- t! Dr. Robert Burket, Mr. Brown, Mrs. C. lJtuichenberger, of Strafford, and Mies Jtaepblno Scott Jta Elltabeth Wilson, who has been spend t.ith Christmas holidays with her parents. KJna Mrs, George H. Wilson, has returned BJmlth College. EG ALONG THE READING Ijfta Wanamaker. Id. son of Rodman Wan- (S!?r and George R. Kent, son of Mr, and M. Willi, r, ,. . . . ... . .. ; "" u. jveni, ov wyncoje, saue.u mm 112 for London, England. Mr. Wanamaker JS , Kent returned shortly before Chrlst 1 from London to spend the holidays at C2?8, IS?' Maurice J, Hoover, of Wynoote, has as t'Mlifjt Mm n..l. m rru..i. . .1 laftrnHlly of Wyncote. Mrs. Frank T. Webb, AJtniown, entertained at o, small Infonnal Ljcleck .. o...--.. -.l . V2 " buniay cuiernoon io him ISM tild Iffl. OhBVl.a T T..1 T. .an- bi read, Wyncote. left last week for JlfiaMt, rf. a, where they will remain for K a week. H Dorothy Connolly, of Oak Ln will IIH? tomormw - n.ii m -V. the guest of her sister, Mrs. David L. Ijj ' Connolly's engagement was re- announced to Walter D. Roth, of Dallas. f Mak S. Buttonfield, of Rockland, Mass., Si"1 avnu, 0ak Lan. having coroe on Eft '"" uoocn Mrs. I'TanKIln wiU HV W aSan. Of lh TThIIA Rtato- farlnA Wmwly Of nrmantnuin wlin tinn hn 1 Of hfn RfHfanla, HT VhiiHm A her home in Qlenside, has returned uoa at Norfolk. Va. GERMANTOWN ef fences bag be arral,gwj by the " raamed sit in Germantown to met temobu4 club on alternate Monday w ci4ja mst tst nisbt ApHwif the J Mr ana Mrs, Frankto MucbUftg. Jbn ifMbb, Mr an-1 Mra. Jay W C If SJlJlB) Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Kern Dodge, Mr. nnd Mrs. Craig Watt, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert TImanus, Mr. nnd Mrs, William Trump, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Potter and Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Dcnkln. Mrs. Charles Lloyd, of Oreeno street, will entertain at dinner on Wednesday night before tho danco nt Mnnhelm. Among tho guests will bo Mr. and Jfrs, Boulton Earnshaw and Henry Baltzell. Tho members of the football team of tho Men's Society of tho gt Nathaniel Church gave a surprise party to their manager, Louis Dnrber, at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ulncknoy, 116 West Wlehart street, laBt week. It was the occasion of Mr. Darber's birthday anniver sary. The guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Rich, nrd Blacknoy, Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. C Yocum, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kirk nnd Miss Kirk, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Palmor, Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Hampson, Miss M. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwards, Miss II. Gregory, Mrs. Georgo Darbcr and Miss A. Dnrber, Dr. and Mrs. William Gray and their young son, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Darbcr, Miss E. Ehrllno, Miss A. Shields, Carl Williams, W. Ehrllne, R. Mc Cartney, A. Hunt, T. Firth, W. Ermel, J. Street, I. West, F. Murner and K. Allison. Mr. Darber was presented with a gold watch fob. Mrs. John J. McDevItt, Jr., gave a luncheon yeetorday in honor of Miss Martha Hodman, who will bo her guest for a week or 10 days. Among those present were Mrs. Estello Moore, Mrs. C. Rnlntar, Mrs. C. W. Ralnear, Mrs. Will iam R. Nicholson, Jr., Mrs. E. J. Gill, Mrs. John B. Patton, Mrs. John W. Powers, Mrs. Martin Magulrc, Miss Emily Eggleston, Miss Mary Pletcher and Miss Mary McDevItt. Mrs. McDevItt has planned a number of entertain ments In honor of Miss Hedtnnn. A subscription dance, tho proceeds to bo used for tho poor In Germantown, has been arranged for Friday ovening, January 22, at tho Automobllo Club. The chnperons Include Mrs. William II. Klngslcy, Mrs. Edward B. Mason, Sirs. Henry W. Buttcrworth, Mrs. Jonathan Jenks, Mrs. Frederick Wolstenholme, Mrs. John Humphreys, Mrs. William K. Duffus, Mr3. Herbert P. Fl3her, Mrs. William D. Edson, Mrs. Edwin S. Jackson and Airs. Harry L. Cassard. Miss Katherlno McQ. Quln, of 201 West Wal nut lane, Germantown, entertained a few friends at luncheon yesterday, her guest of honor being Miss Hayes. Miss Hayes Is well known in Philadelphia, having spent her school days here. She Is at present playing tho part of "Esther" In Ben Hur. WEST PHILADELPHIA Threo wedding anniversaries wcro observed at a reception, given recently at tho homo ot Mr. and Mrs. Wlnfleld Scott Hoefllch, 132 North EOth street. Mr. and Mrs. Hoelllch celebrated -elr wedding nnnlversnry, which occured on unit date 32 years ago. Their son-in-law and eldest daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Ahem, celebrated their 10th anniversary, and Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Hoelllch, son and daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Hoefllch, observed the second anniversary of their wed ding. Many guests offered their congratulations to tho three couples. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Robertson, T. Bernard Rob ertson, Miss Harriot Hoefllch, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hoefllch, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Rus sell, Mrs. H. M. Mortatt, Miss Mary Moffat, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ersklne, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ersklne, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Eaton, Dr. nnd Mrs. James R. Bennle, Mrs. Charles Roelllg, Miss Lilly Roelllg, Miss Irene Roelllg, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo W. Lefferts, Mr. nnd Mrs. John J. Hltchler, Mr. Charles W. Hltchler. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zleber, Mr. and Mrs. Howard K. WIdmyer, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Roach, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burns, Mrs. Thomas Burns, Mr. nnd Mrs. Rudolph Hoefllch, Mrs. Roslna Kelly, Robert McCracken, Miss Mary Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ahn, Mrs. Thomas Dyson, Horace Dyson, Mr. and Mrs, David W. Hosklns, Mr. and Mrs. George Ryder, Mrs. William Eberach, Mrs. Ellen A. Tewdcll, Miss Sarah McGowan, Mrs. Frank Krewson, Miss Emma Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Gabor B. Harris, Mrs. S. S. Vlckers, Mrs. Walter Scott Sr Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Remington, Mr. and Mrs. Murdock Kelly and Sir. and Mrs. Albert Doak. Mrs. David Gregg Metheny, of i$03 Spruce street, who will entertain at luncheon today, In honor of her guest Miss Helen Putnam and Miss Luclllo Morris, will have 15 guests. The rooms will be decorated with pink and white sweet peas, daisies and other spring flowers. Bridge will follow tha luncheon. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Marguerite K. Keenan entertained the Delta Chapter of the Beta Kappa Sigma Sorority at her home, 1905 South Broad street, last evening, Her guests were Mls3 Irene Schmidt, Miss Mary Rath, Miss Marie Scheuehele and Miss Florenco Hoffman. Miss Gertrude McEvoy will entertain Inform ally this evening at her home, 2113 South 15th street. Her guests will include Miss Myra Wartman, Miss Marguerite Keenan, James Campbell, Frank Kephart and AVIUIam Mc Klmros. Miss Catherine Sheehan, of 2014 South 13th street, will entertain the members of her ''500" club this evening. A buffet luncheon win be served after the game. Her guests wU be Miss Catherine Wolfe. Miss Frances Wolfe, Mlis Mary Flynn. Miss Irene Keenan, Miss Marguerite Keenan and Miss Madeline Keenan. Miss Adele Conaty, of 2533 South Cleveland terrace, In the Glrard Estate, is at present in New Ydrk, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lillle, where she will remain for the next 10 days. She will be one of the guests at the annual fraternity dance of Manhattan College, which . will be held on Friday evening at the . Vanderbllt. Mrs. James A, Hamilton, of 20M South 16th street, will entertain the members of her card club tomorrow afternoon. Her guests will in clude Mrs. Charles Vlsuers, Mrs. George Thomas, Mrs. Lewis Thomas, Mrs. Leon Isen hower, Mrs. Albert Becker, Mre, Joseph Burke. Mrs. J. Griffith, Mrs. J- Harperman, Mrs. H. Zlegler. Mrs. John Keenan and Mrs. Philip BaU. Mrs. Lewis Thomas, of 2103 South Broad street will entertain q Thursday afternoon, January J. at thaV party followed by . ,. Mr masts will include Mr. George Thomas, Mr Blanor Ortth to, Jam A. j MRS. ROBERT KELSO CASSATT ? i Mrs. Cassatt was hostess at a dinner given last night in honor of Miss Cordelia Diddle before the Monday Evening Junior Dances. Hamilton, Mrs. Leon Isenhower, Mrs. Albert Becker, Mrs. Charles Vlguers, Mrs. Clarenco Haldemnn, Mrs. Joseph Burko, Mrs. Dayton Ball, Mrs. Catherine Zlegler and Mrs. John Keenan. ' NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. nnd Mrs. David FInkelman gave a supper In honor of their wedding last night at their homo, !)2G North Franklin street. Their guests Included Miss Jeanctte Orklcn, Miss Ray Llch tonstcln, Miss Frances Jaspan, Bliss Anna Toup, Miss Pearl AVIsler, Miss Mary Stamm, Miss Sara Gordon, Miss Sara Stamm, Miss Helen Costello, Miss Sara Wilder, Miss Anna Kline, Miss Dora Kline, Miss Mary lilock, A. M. Bernstein, Louts Jaspan, Samuel Gold, Mr. and Mrs. David Blume, Henry Abramson, John Wilder, George Wllmsen, Morris Gold, Meyer Peterzcll, Mr. and Mrs. J. Black and Mr. and Mrs. Shlbln. Dr. D. S. Lankanow was toastmaster of the ovening. Mrs. Harry Bergemann, of 2146 North 21st street, will entertain at cards this afternoon, when her guests will be Mrs. Edward Troacy, Mrs. Daniel McCarthy, Mrs. Irwin Creed, Mrs. James A. Hamilton, Mrs. J. Griffith, Mrs. Ger trude Greenhalgh, Mrs. Harry Gekler, Mrs. John Lownes, Mrs. Edward McNeills and Miss Gen evieve Galllgan. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Fry, of 1203 North Broad street, will entertain nt dinner on Friday evening at the Huntingdon Vnlley Country Club, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. McNlchol have re turned to their home, 2022 Race street, after having spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, James P. McNlchol at their winter home In Florida. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Mls3 Reglna Haehl nnd Joseph Haehl enter tained at their homo. 31SG Chatham street. A musical program was given by Miss Margaret Gullen, William Ryloff, Miss Edna Bowman, Arthur Ewlng, William Adair, Philipp Tumls and Thomas O'Toolo. Among the guests were Joseph Haehl, Miss Reglna Haehl, Mr. and Mrs. Haehl, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Savage, Mrs. Peter Haehl, Miss Anna Schotthofor, Charles Schott hofer, Howard and Edward Schotthofer, Miss Mario Schotthofer, Albert Blgler, Miss Emma Fischer, Thomas O'Toole, Martin Koebert, Fred Bowmnn, George Barnes, Miss Catherine and Miss Edna Bowman, Miss Catherine Austin, Mr. and Mrs. William Rylott, Mls3 Anna Mahrhafer, Warren Wlsner, Mr. Carson, Mr. Doyle, Miss Mary Jones, Miss Elizabeth Stanley and Harry Davis. Mrs. J. A. Broadfleld will entertain tho mem bers of her kaffee-klatch at dinner this afternoon at her home, 3030 Frankford avenue. Among those present will be Mrs. F. Selp, Mrs, Krumm, Mrs. Keelner, Mrs. Schumm, Mrs. Lewis Selp, Mrs. McGrory, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Ludwlg, Mrs. Matthias and Mrs, Ayres, of Colltngswood. MRS. CIIABLES B. WKI&IU Mrs. Wright will entertain tonight at dinner n4 the oj)Ma to be followed by a suppes at the HiU-CUon, v I AFFAigrirj 11 miuW TWO affairs will be given today for tho debutantes, ono of which will be held In New York. At homo Miss Hope McMlchacl will bo guest of honor at n largo theatre party, to bo followed by supper at the Rltz-Carlton, which her uncle and aunt. Judge Charles M. McMlchael and Mrs. McMlchacl, will give. Miss Margaret Burton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Burton, of 2015 Spruce street, will bo guest of honor at a dinner-dance to bo given by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Gilford at their homo, 51 East 53d street. New York. A number of debutantes have left town to attend, among whom aro Miss Emma Ashton Dorr, grand daughter of Mrs. Samuel Keen Ashton; Miss Mary Evelyn Chow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David S. B. Chew, and Miss Inez Lewis Drayton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Evans Roberts. TIOGA Miss Rose Lillian Welntraub, of 1S22 West Erie avenuo, gave a very enjoyable tea yes terday afternoon from 3 to G ojclock. In honor of Miss Alice McFadden, whose engagement to James Brown was recently announced. Miss Mildred Frledmnn, of New York, and Miss Sid ney Showakor nsslsted In receiving and pour ing tea. Pink roses were combined with South ern slmllax In tho attractive decorations. Among the guests were Miss Margaret Hender son, Miss Dorothy Henry, Miss Ruth Hnrtley, Miss Miriam Warner, Miss Anne Taylor, Miss Beatrice Rottner, Miss Lucille Flood, of Cin cinnati, O.: Miss Adeline Froellch, Miss Marian Jones. Miss Margaret Henderson, Miss Helen Eclls, Miss Hazel Burk, Miss Edna McFadden, Miss Dorothy OUswang, Miss Edith Rheln, Miss Ida Gilbert, Miss Eva Farrell, Miss Ethel Shetzllne, Miss Ethel Hepburn, Miss Edith Ryan, Miss Helen Houser, Miss Adeline Crane, of New York; James Brown, Samuel L. Brown, Thomas Creatore, J. C. Merrlman, M, W. Boyd, William Force, James Werthermer, Jack Sher mer, Frederick Slonnc, Howard May, William G. Reck, Albert Rottner, E. C. Hess, P. E. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Sherlden, Stephen Glbbs, Walter Underwood, Richard Heard, W. Weweloor, Harvey Jones. C, L. Newell, S. B. Glbbs and S. M. Glbbs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter II. Knight, of North ISth street, have organized a Monday evening dancing class. Tho dances, which will be given under the direction of Miss Constance Tnylor. will be held fortnightly In the Tioga Drawing Room. The members present last night were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leldy, Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Curet. Jr., Mr, and Mrs. Will iam II Marsden, Miss M. Perktngton, Miss L. Perklngton, Mr. and Mrs. William Knecht, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glenn, Dr. nnd Mrs. William Nlcholl, Mr. and Mrs. It. Sneyd, Lacrosse Ogle, Mrs. L. Ogle, Mr. and Mrs. Wal'h, W. Walters, W. A.Mao Loon, Mr. and Mrs. R. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodhead and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Ely. FRANKFORD Mrs, Joseph Dedaker has returned to her home after spending a fortnight with her son nt Beaeh Haven. N, J, Mrs. James L. Pennypacker will address the Mothers' Club "Wednesday, January 13. The lecture will be given at 3 o'clock In the Friends' Bchoolhouse, Orthodox and Penn streets. The Frankford Rifle and Checker Club held its annual banquet last night In Masonic Hall. Mr. and Mrs, George H. Haines will be at home after February 1 at 5238 Willow street. Mrs. Haines Is one of this year's popular brides, and will be remembered as Miss Dora N. Kedward, of ii2S Paul street. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Clark, mi Mulberry street, are receiving congratulations upon the recent birth of a daughter. The Frankford Pinochle Club was enter tained last evening at the home; of Joieph Hughes. A Dutch supper foHow&d the cards, Th guests Included P. McKeaxney, Ben jamin Johnson, Charles Lefferts, JoJjn Lawtor, James Lawtor, WiUiam Hlrt and Arthur Gallagher, BEST THOUGHT IN AMERICA Digest of (1) Collier1!) "Staying at Homo for Awhile." (2) Century "Tho Natlvo Races." (3) Harper's "Cannibal Country." (4) Nineteenth Century "A Naturalist In North Africa." (6) World's "Work "Rhodes' All-Red Ilouto." TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE T11AVEL articles have suffered sovero am putations by reason of tho war. There are no more articles about motor trips In Franco, resorts along tho Riviera nnd climbing tho Alps. These articles aro all pigeon-holed, or returned to their authors' portfolios, until tho end of tho war and resumption of traffic shall again make them timely. As a result tho See-Amcrlca-Flrst propa ganda Is having a boom: not only as applied to these United States, but Including South America from tip to toe. Wo probably shan't hear much about trips to Alaska until tho lato Bprlng and no one Is advising a Mexican tour Just yet. Dut otherwise, all America is In a fair way to have Its head turnod. Of 14 travel and adventure nrtiolos in the current magazines, six dent with tho possi bilities of tho two Americas, two aro hunting stories, three nro pioneer tales, ono is a sea yarn, nnd two are biographical of outdoors men. Reminiscent of many delightful descrip tions nnd sketches of motor trips through Franco nnd Spain, Is an articlo by "Walter Halo with tho suggestive title, "Staying at Home for Awhile, How tho European War Should Encourage American Motoring" (1). Mr. Halo Is a discriminating critic, and at times holds up tho American roads and hos telrles for very unfavorable comparison with 'Hhoso across tho water, but in the main, his article adds allurement to the thought of a motor trip through New England. The tariff In tne best hotels of Paris, London, Berlin nnd New York varies very slightly. But tho motorist naturnlly objects to paying similar charges In tho smaller American cities. Outside of Paris rates scalo down perceptibly. Rooms In hotols of the first class average from 80 cents up; break fast Is 30 cents; luncheon, without wine, 60 cents, and dinner, one dollar. In the smaller country Inns, the rates nre much more rea sonable All of which seems rtdlculously cheap In comparison to what we have to pay In tho small town hotels nt homo. In tho third of a series of articles on South of Panama (2), Professor D. A. Ross, of the University of "Wisconsin, gives an Inviting sense of the nearness and magnitude of a prehistoric civilization In the Inca ruins nround Cuzco, Poru. With Its many furlongs of nnclent walls, Its Temple of tho Sun and Its splendid churches, It Is to lovers of tho past tho most fascinating spot In tho New World. Within a decade or two, Cuzco will possess comfortable hotels from which parties of "See America First" travelers will tour In automobiles. Portions ot 14 palaces of Inca rulers lino the streets of Cuzco; these walls are of finely-cut blocks, laid In courses without cement. A needle or oven a hair cannot be inserted betweon these great blocks. No doubt this Is the finest mason's work in tho world; yet the microscope shows that these stones were wrought not with Iron or steel, but with tools of champl, an alloy of copper and tin. He describes A row of six porphyry slabs, ranging in height from 11 to 13 feet, 6 to 7 feet wldo, and 3 to 6 feet thick. Thcso stones must have been sawed out, for at the bottom of certain cuts, ono finds the thin groovo left by a stone saw. Plunging Through to the Antipodes "Without so much as tho quiver of a literary eyelash, Norman Duncan In "Cannibal Coun try" (3), recounts some yarns of Papua, over by Australia, beside which even our civilized war In Europe seems not quite so barbarous. He says that there aro about 1000 white set tlers on the coast, and about 400,000 natives of scattered and mutually hostile tribes in the Interior. In spite of the amazing point of view In relation to the taking of llfo, a white man Is reasonably secure, so severely has the hand of the law fallen upon offenders, pro vided he walks circumspectly, with some notion of propriety In respect to alien prop erty, dignity and wives. "It Is not," a plantor explained, with no glint of amusement, "that a New Guinea natlvo prefers a white man, for whom as a matter of fact, he has a considerable dls tastu." "Distaste," we exclaimed, In aston ment. "Why7" "Well, you see," the planter replied, "a white man Is salty. And naturally, too, he tastes disagreeably of tobacco. You couldn't expect anything else, could you?" "I understand," a resident Informed us. "that women are not particularly edible." We suggested that this was a singular thing. "They do all the work," tho resident ex plained, "and ore consequently lean and tough." Some agreeable generalizing follows a de scription by H. M. "Wallls, of the experiences ot "A Naturalist In North Africa" (4). His party, consisting of "The Fat Man and "The Thin Man" roped with stout half-lnch Manila, had successfully negotiated some very steep and preclpitoua cliffs, in pursuit of birds eggs. Thero bad been perilous and anxious mo ments; It was over, the boyish folly of It alll But It comes to this once In a year or so, the man In us rebels against the encroachments of Time, and breaks forth. Gray hair shall not a prison make, nor stiffened limbs a cage. And It Is something, as both thin man and fat man agreed, to have craned over the brink and seen the woods below through a driving storm of birds; to have noted close at hand as one hung over tho gulf ot air, the soft drab dappllngs upon the back ot the huge creature as he "sailed past, nor beat his broad wing dragon pen ned"; to have observed for one's very self 12 to 15 pounds of bone and sinew upborne upon motionless planes, as lightly as float ing gossamer. How ye mechanicians tell us howT Building Railroad Out of Rainbows An Interesting sense of men who think In terms of empire, who can see In the opales cent mist of a waterfall the shining steel rails of a transcontinental railroad, the fabric of whose dreams la turned into material sub stance, is given In "Rhodes' All-Red Route" (5). This refers to the African Cape-to-Cairo railroad whose construction now nearing completion, has been Interrupted by the war. At the time of hi first visit to Victoria Falls, Cecil Rhodes had already conceived his great scheme dater consummated through the Boer war for the bringing of til South Africa under the British flag. Rhodes' companion followed him one day out to the very verge ot the falls. The com panion tells the story: 'He started at the touch of my band on . his arm. Then aa hi yes wandered back to the sheer 400-foot drop of the 'Leaping Water Fatt,' tha far-away looic that I knew so well returned, and he wu ott again with nls dreams. Tt it was not to the whit krecade of the fax e t&s li'&iX that ha wa.i the Magazines looking, nor yet into the bolting, depths b neath; but straight actoss to the opposite cliff, where the last of a long arch of ft dozen or more rainbows spAnncd the gorge (n a Vivid mother-of-pearl. ' 'S ,' ho thundered, and I caught tho words only by bringing an ear close to his lips, 'Do you know that the natives elftim that they can see far Into the future by look lng Into the depths of that big ralnboWT And what do you think I can sc there? Two lines of shining steel a railroad run ning from one end of Africa to the other, nnd crossing this gorge right pver there where the spray from the Falls will beat upon tho faces of tho passengers, Just as It bents upon ours. To cast and west I can see branches running, picking up busi ness for the trunk, nil the way from Capo Town to the Mediterranean. And look, S , do you see that bar of red7 That means that It's going to be nn "All-Red" railways that It will run In British territory all the way,' "Tho piercing eyes under tho beetling brows were shining as wo turned to go, nnd I know that tears of enthusiasm wero min gling with the mist from the 'Smoking AVnters.' THE NEW MOTHER Ho wondered If hor hnlr was brown like teacher's, Or whether, like his grandma', scant and thin. He wondered If the picture on the mantel Would not be hurt to see her coming In. He wondered If his curly dog would hear her And race out, barking, where the panslea grew: And whether that a little boy should fear her And stay inside, or go to meet her, too. He wondered If tho houso would seem as ompty Or whether there would be no placo to play. He wondered If Bho wouldn't try to keep him When wander voices called him far away. Ho wondered, too, If daddy still would lovo him; If, when the stnrs had sparkled out tho blue, She'd sing a little, friendly Bong abovo him Tho ring of wheels sho kissed him and he knew. Abbio Craig, In Youth's Companion. AMUSEMENTS FORREST Thl' Week Only. Evgg. 8:15. J. KJXXJXJUOl Mat ne. "Wed. & Sat. 3:15. The New Musical Comedy I GIRL OF GIRLS MuIo by OttESTE VESSELI.A Hook by EDWAItD TAU1.TON Wed. Mat., Beit Seats II. sat. Mat., Beit Seats 11.50. Special! Mats. TODAr, Thursday and Friday. waii ricTun.ES a times. 12. 2 and 4. THE EUROPEAN WAIt AS IT IS 15c AND 33c. NEXT WEEK SEATS THURSDAY 1 JULIA SANDERSON DONALD BRIAN JOSEPH CAWTHORN in THE GIRL FROM UTAH a a "RRTfyrc- Th Next . Evgi.s:i5. U-iIVJlV-IV Matinees Wed. & Sat. 2:15. A TREMENDOUS TRIUMPH Stens oPtscinSowL GEO. M. COHAN'S MASTERPIECE THE COMEDV DRAMA THE MIRACLE MAN ENTIRE ORIGINAL NEW YORK CAST Popular Price Wednesday Mats. Beat Seats 11.50, BROAD Last 5 Evgs. M$n sat Miss BILLIE BURKE JERY NEXT WEEK SEATS THURSDAY MAUDE ADAMS ram TI,E Legend op Leonora And THE LADIES' SHAKESPEARE , wS'l'SS. QUALITY STREET ACADEMY OF MUSIC NEWMANSS War Pictures FRI. EVG. bT SAT. MAT. ju FRANCE 4S WAR TICKETS at Heppe's, 55c to 11.00. NOW Phoafnilf CJt OPERA j Home of World's IsIlUbMlUb Ol. HOUSE I Greatest Photoplays APTERN'NS W(, & 15c EVOS. JQ 15 25(, 2D CAPACITY WEEK fCHRISTIAN' Twice. Daily Afternoons. 2:30. Evenlncs, 8:30. Preceded by Keystone Comedy Pictures. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Metropolitan Opera Company, New York TONIGHT Cavalleria Rusticana AT s. Double Tv JPAUL1ACCI Bill Mmes. Destlnn. Fornla. Duchene. Mattfeld. Mf. Caruso, Botta, Amato, Tesanl, Cond., Mr. Polacco. Beats now on sale, 1100 Chestnut st. THE MARKET ST., ABOVE 10TU PICTURES 11 TO 11 FLORENCE RFF.n Stanley In "THE DANCINd QIRL" Thunday, Friday, Saturday, DUSTIN FARNCM In "CAMEO KIRBY" Palace Theatre 1S" TSP M. CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE AND PHOTOPLAYS gfW Marie Dressier UKJTkSSSS in 4'ii.i.ic. a ruLTUBCU HOMANCE" BIG ACTS AJSSSSSSM 10c VAUDEVILLE SIR DOUGLAS MAWSON "RACINQ WITH DEATH IN ANTARCTIC! BLIZZARDS" Under the Auspices of the Geographical Society W1TIIERSPOON HALL. JANUARY 20tn, 8:18 a.llIMJI.sl ..W, ttt Xlcppl B CROSS MARKET STREET. Below 00th vaudeville PhofopTy, 'roeram Changed Mon. 4 T burs, 3atly -I () Evenlncs T anil KEYS THEATRE Pro DaVly IOC 10c. 15c. 20o WHAT A WOMAN WILL DO BhAr Victoria BATnB , OTH AND MARKET ST3. 1 In Conjunction Wltft VdvMIa Headed by Bchoen's ' "RUFF HOUSE KIDS" GT ATJT? MARKET STREET JlJ U JJ Hi OPPOSITE WANAMAKERS Vaudeville 11:80 to 11:30 Lancton, Lucler A Co., D Witt. Burns & Torrence, Mlnola Hurst and Her Little Laugh-Lander. Moore. O'Brien & Carmack, Others. B.F.Keith's Theatre StM Mr. and Mrs. Carter DeHaven: Pat Hooney and Marlon Bent: II. Bart McHuiu's "On the Schcol Playtrounds" : Marvelous Manchurlans; McMahon 4 Chappelle; Lilian llerliln; Other Stars, LITTLE THBATRH ITth&DtLancey Eves. S :S0. Mats, Thurs. & Sat. 2 ;0 "COURAGE" Preceded by "Lonesome Like' NIXON'3 GRAND Today 2il5. TAP THE bONO DOCTORS", "TH8 ROAD TO TOMORROW", NIKKO TROUPE, CLARK & Mut'UL LOUOH. FITZSIUUONS & CAM- lERONi LAUGHING PICTURES LYRIC wSsSfSvo JANUARY 18 MARIE TEMPEST &"&. BEATS NOW SELLINO ADELPHI lM''$&8$tfgisi SAM BERNARD THE BELLB OF BOND STREET" W1THERSPOON HALL Wtdnasday, Jan II. at 8:15. Recital Mme. N!a Stone, Contralto, AirtUo Glornl, Plantit. IteneSt Settlement Moilc School, Tickets. 11.50. 1100. I3c. at Ryan's JMirlKl Carnation Beauties DUMONT'S Dr?SSH wa baby to am: maiuubo CAQTWn KEAT ""feu, , -