i EVEMNO LKi i,K PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANTJABY 12, 1915. 8? .hir14i.i.nl8wi ii ii i tfummamftMnitm'mmmmmmiumm mi " .imHiHi W mil lwettt5 j& 2I0er PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY emus ii. K. cttnTis, riaiDHi. ijfohn O. Martin, treasurers Charles It Ludlngton, t M'.lpg. Collins, John B, Williams. Directors. BDlTOnUliBOAnDl Ctitts II. R. CcailB, Chairman. . H. WHALE ..Executive Editor " " ' ' " ' t (iiVOtC, StAKTIK. General Business Manager ruMUhed dally at Pnstto Limch Building-, Independence Square, Philadelphia, tTvir.ttt Cjttrrui .......... I)roaA and Chestnut Streets AiMxTld CiM. ....... . ....... .rrej'tfnm Bulldlnc Rw Yost.............. ..1T0-A, Metropolitan Toner fcurcioo.....,,.. 81T Home Insurance Building Iajnpon......... .S Waterloo Place, rait Mall, S. W. NEWSBOltEAUSl Wjtt(t9BTo Bnstur......, The Tafrtol Hulldlnt WAtuiNOTOK imrntAO. ...... ....... .The i'ost Dulldlnf Nbw Yohk IJCftKAB ...The 7(me llnllcllnr pr.nt.IN iiurcao, ................. .no Frledrlchstrasse LokdoW Hoskao...... 2 Tall Mall Kast, S. W. f Atia Bceiiu ....32 Hue Louis le a rand suBscmrno.N terms Br carrier, Built Onii, six cents. By mall, postpaid ttnelde of Philadelphia, except where foreign poelage In required? Dult Onlt, one momh, twenty-live cents! Duly Onlt, one year, three dollars. All mall sub scriptions payable In advance. BKIX.noOO'W'AmtJT KEYSTONE, MAIN 0000 EOT Xdir)t alt communication) la Svtntna I&ter, Independence Bqvare, rhttadelpMa. W ' ' ' iitTEsts at iai rniLAPiurnu rosTornoa is sbookd- CLASS MAIL UATTU. rnitADELniiA, Tuesday. jAMfAnv 12, 1910. fThsro was a man who teas always too busy kk to play; he's dead. Champion of Neutral Rights TIE British reply to our protest against undue Interference with our purely neu tral commeroo la "I am sorry If It hurts. I'll Co It again." England has refused to declare a formal blockado of Germany, -with Its attendant re sponsibilities, but has sought and Is seeking by active Interference and Intimidation to compel even neutral nations to Join In tlio boycotting: of tho German Empire England -will not, for Instance, permit Italy to carry on a freo trade with tho United States unless Italy gives guarantee that con traband shall not bo shipped from Italy to Germany. Sho requires tho same warranties from Denmark, Holland, Norway and Sweden. To tho neutrals of the world sho says: "You cannot buy for yourself unless you refuse to sell to our enemies." Every neutral must surrender part of Its sovereign ghts or'bo penalized In Its importations. No Bhip can go upon the high seas, whatever Its cargo, without being subjected to British In spection. If tho United States wero a British colony, its European trade could scarcely bo held more thoroughly undor tho orders of the British Admiralty. British ships hang outside our harbors and wo cannot ship a cargo of cotton to a peacoful nation until i British prodding needles have gone through It balo by balo. Innocent neutral commerce has been ter rorized. There is more than a suspicion that high charter rates are a British war meas ure and that the cost of carriage has de liberately been made almost prohibitive to assist the Allies In their effort to starve Qer many. England has won control of the seas and Is entitled to the legitimate advantages result ing therefrom. It would be Idiocy for her not to press them home. But sho must not So too far. She must not drive neutrals out of business. She must not paralyze the trado of tho world. She must reoognlze the rights of all neutrals, of whom In this lnstanco tho United States Is tho champion. She must not forget that her embargoes can bo mado the worst kind of boomerangs If this country desires, and that wo need no battleships' and no sea control to vindicate our rights. Tho United States, not England, has tho whip hand. Sir Edward Grey does "not desire to con test tho general principles of law" laid down by us. His reply, therefore, is an expodlenoy plea which recognizes fully the exigencies of England but gives little attention to our own. It may be assumed that Washington, while never forgetting the peculiar conditions that axlst and the intricate problems which con front Europe, will nevertheless bo sturdy la Its defense of neutral rights and vigilant In Its protection of our legal commerce. Al ready our protest has Improved the situation somewhat, and It will be further Improved before the negotiations are terminated, as they will be, peaceably. "Willing to Paj for What They Get (SENATOR OLIVER says nothing new O when he declares that the people have to pay for steel cars, safety devices, lndl Tldual drinking' cups and all this sort of .thing which tho laws are compelling tho railroad companies to provide. Of course, the people have to pay for them, and the peoplo are not disposed to haggle over a fair price. They know what they wish, nnd they are willing to foot the bills. But they object most strenuously to paying three cents for one cent's worth of service. And they ob ject, conversely, when their public officials decline to permit tho railroads to charge enough for their service to provide it In a satisfactory way without bankrupting tho corporations. A Game That Two Can Play , MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH takes office one week from today and tho General Assembly reconvenes at the same time. Then the game for the mastery begins between the Organization, which will be represented by the Senate Committee on Executive Appoint ments, and the Governor, who Is the pres ent nope of those looking for better things. Tho undoubted purpose of the Organization (s to sandbag or bludgeon the new Governor Into submission, by holding up all appoint ments, distasteful to It. The new Senate com mittee Is a graveyard, a mausoleum, a lethal chamber, or what you will, devised for tho purpose, of removing from the publio gaze very appointee who does not measure down to the standards of servility and subserviency which characterize all men content to sur render their Independence and their con science to the Organization. But patronage is a club that two can use end Ua distribution Is a game at which two can Play- The Governor-elect must bo aware of this, even If ho has not read the provisions of the State Constitution, -which place the power of appointment in his hands. And if. perchance, he has not discovered the uctant of his own powers there ore able and ijrlnced politicians, friendly to his Inter t3, who are capable of advising him. The Bowtc Committee on Executive Appoint ment can kHl no appointments If no ap jpotntmenta are made. And If appointments re wade they can (La no more than reject Ummo. They nave no power to csrapel the 90Mmor to nam men ajgreeabin t town. Cfgfes wrfhta in tfc,eossUtutJgn wfaleh ftmntittU an to AM th oKcm Kk duty ifl 'Mftsf (iutinar tii tMm"f '! 8s4 when .i'ISmbui! w ajwtr jmmm Am it t - "fBtanar-Mlectt 0 titgaa&mfM to VMAmy to fill tho vacancy by a man of his own choice after adjournment. The power 1& In tho Governor's hands to use. If ho sees fit to assert his Independence and stand up nnd fight for tho dellvernnco of tho Commonwealth. Th6 Senate cannot bludgeon him without his consent. Tho Or ganization cannot ride over lilm unless ho lies down In Its path. A real man, with vision nnd foresight and a righteous determination to uso tho Brent power of tho Governorship for the benefit ot nil Iho people, can do his will with the General Assembly. Thrill of Industrial Itcvivnl THE pendulum is swinging back. Tho nttgurica ofj prosperity are beginning to, bo realized. Since January the -first the news dis patches have been filled with reports of a re vival of Industry. Tho railroads have been purchasing heavily. Tho steel trado has be gun to recuperate. Mills shut down for months are beginning to reopen and run on full time. An increase of 512,000 tons In tho unfilled orders of the United States Steel Cor poration coupled with tho remarkable activity of tho Schwab plant at Bethlehem Is Indica tive of tho now order of things. Car shops have reopened In tho West; in Kansas nnd tho Mlddlo West, following tho verdict of tho Missouri electorate on tho full crow law, tho roads aro appealing directly to tho peoplo and aro receiving n hearing that promises much in tho improvement of general conditions. Orders from war-stung Europe contlnuo to pllo in. Tho demand for certain articles of clothing is unprecedented. Tho cutting off of forolgn supplies, which Is equivalent to the highest kind of tariff, has revived tho confldenco of manufactur ers and they aro going ahead with an nssuranco hitherto absolutely lacking. Tho enormous profits of tho wheat growers havo brought a great purchasing power into tho domestic markets, along staplo lines. Thoro Is no part of tho country except tho South that Is not thrilled by tho go-ahead Bplrit, and tho ascending cotton market has ma terially brightened tho prospects of that sec tion. All together now! Duck tho calamity howler! He has served his purpose and tho country Is through with him. Tho workers aro pressing forward to the firing lino. Tho wheels nro beginning to hum. Tho buzz of the machinery is llko music. Let Europe dig ditches; wo havo more productive work at hand. Tho world wants supplies and we shall bo ready with them. There Is a new calendar on tho wall, tho morning mall Is growing, orders aro coming in. Opportunity will not get away this time. The door has opened and she Is safe inside. Mr. Vare Follows an Illustrious Example THAT distinguished Shakespearean schol ar, Representatvo Varo, who Is dodging the local option issue on tho ground that it is a Stato question and ho Is a national law maker, Is saying In the language of Gratiano, "I thank thee, Mr. Wilson, for teaching mo that word." With so distinguished a man as the President dodging the woman suffrage question around tho stump of State rights wo may expect to seo others besides Mr. Vare following his Illustrious example. The State leaders may say that theso per plexing questions aro national Issues, whllo the national leaders say that tho States must settle them; and tho only result of tho agita tion is tho development of a proficiency in dodging which Is tho admiration of tho angels and the despair ot tho suffragists and the prohibitionists. Automobile, Product of Publicity THE number of automobiles owned in this Stato increased more than 10 per cent, lost year over the number owned the year before In the whole Union 1,127,940 motor cars were owned in 1913, but in 1914 tho num ber had grown to 1,803,441, an Increase of more than 676,000 in a single year, and the year was one of trade depression. Tho automobile Bhow now being held In the Metropolitan Building, In Broad street, was attended by 15,000 persons on the open ing night, a fact as significant as the mar velous growth In the number of cars owned In tho whole country. Tho motorcar has be come a necessity. Every enterprising busi ness man who needs to use a vehtclo of any kind for going about or for tho delivery of his goods uses the automobile, because it has great advantages over every other method of transportation. But the man who says that tho motorcar has won on Its merits hns told only part of the story. So has cement won on Its merits as a building material. But tho cement pro ducers nnd tho motorcar manufacturers have been skilful and audacious advertisers of their wares. People who never thought seriously of keeping a horse for pleasure driving are now riding about tho country in automobiles simply because of tho persistent and consistent and widespread proclamation of the comfort, convenience and pleasure to be derived from this form of relaxation. Tho philosopher who said that If you make a bet ter article than your neighbor the world will And It out and wear a beaten track to your door was writing of a time when men may have been willing to wait a lifetime for tho public to come. The world moves so fast today that men cannot wait for the fruition of such slow processes. And when they see in ten years a single Industry has developed from small beginnings until 16,000 people will go out on one pisht in this city to examine tho latest Improvements In motorcars they aro In a proper state of mind to consider how their own business Can be made to grow, These aro prosperous time's for Secretary McAdoo. Make It the biggest demonstration of pub lic opinion the city has ever known, 8a far as the "sandbagging" committee la concerned. Doctor Brumbaugh saw It first, '" "' ..' " -" The fans may not approve, but they can understand why some ball players were traded for dogs. Tho new Governor's message will be one of "plain facts." If he tella all of them It will take most ot his term, to deliver It. The wheat market Is as nervous as a young cat., and all because the traders recognize the power of the Government to set things right. Doctor Zlegler is the kind Of Director the unemployed like to have. He has advanced 18090 out of hlf own poejset for their rUet Thi will Im returned to him whn suPglest r4 tajM) has tiaea unwound. AMERICA AS MAKER OF PERMANENT PEACE Its Mission tho Abolishment of War. Four Principles! Nationality, Uni. vcrenl Free Trade, World Citizenship nnd an International Jurisdictidn. By AUGUST SCUVAN (August fichvan, tho author of the following article, belongs to a family lono prominent In the public life nf Hwcrtcn and lie hns himself held Im portant posts In his native land. Ills service to the Hovernmcrtt hns hecti In various capacities. In 1805 ho was called to tho Staff College at Merlin through the special invitation of the Oerman Emperor. Successively secretary of thn Swedish Legation at Bt. I'etershurjr, private secretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs ot Stockholm, fhamberlaln to the Klnif, secretary of the Itoynl Commission, on the Reorganisation of the Consular nnd Blplomatto Service nfter the break with Norway, he has had exceptional opportunities for the study of Inter national relations. Three years ago ho declined a seat In the Swedish Senate as he had decided to make till residence In Rnglnml. Ills article below sets forth his theory that disarmament can.be ef fee led Immediately after the present war,) THE outlook for universal penco has never been so promising as it in today. Tho war In Europe, which draws all conti nents into Its ring of misery nnd Buffering, which mnkes all boob unsafe, Is not only tho greatest of nil wars. It can also become tho last of all. Every phase of tho gtgantlo strugglo Is dally brought lioma to a far larger number of Individuals than over be foro wero simultaneously touched by tho red hand of wnr. As a consequence, nearly every household on tho civilized globo longs i for peace and broods over tho ways nnd moans that could prevent the repetition of the In sanity which brings tho flower of European manhood Into a too-early grave. It Is for tho United Stntea to show how permanent peace and, more Important still, general disarmament, can bo secured. By common consent, America Is tho only possi ble mediator between tho contending foes. She Is tho most powerful nation nmong tho neutrals. Sho Is tho unquestioned asslmllator of all tho different nationalities which now strtvo to 'lnjuro nnd destroy each other in tho Old World. Sho has as her President a man who enjoys a far more universal respect than any other living statesman or monarch. Tho Return to Simple Principles Under these circumstances, It would In deed bo unpardonablo If tho Self-governing peoplo of tho United States did not earnestly turn their minds to the consideration of tho unlquo opportunity which offers itself to them, and to them alone nmong all nations. Before them they havo a problem which only has baflled solution because no states man has as yet had tho courage to look at our planet with eyes undlmmed by tho preju dices of history. Tho excuse for this po litical bankruptcy, if excuse thero must bo, is the simplest fact that tho explorer, the finan cier and tho engineer have only In tho last fow decades succeeded In transforming tho earth into an entity whero knowledge of and intcrcourso with all parts hayo been spread to every corner of tho globe. This final step In our evolution' in space repre sents an entirely now situation which ought to remould all our previous ethical, political and economic conceptions. As a matter of fact, it has already dono so. The general unrest which at present pervades tho whole world shows that mankind instinctively. If yet somewhat unconsciously, feels that some revolutionary chango Is affecting tho old order of things. Up till now, ethics, politics and economics havo had a moro or less national basts. They must bo, and are, intrinsically unsuitable to the new planetary epoch with its throbbing pulse of world-wido financial, commercial, Industrial and intellectual exchanges. Our previous conceptions havo indeed been thrown into the melting pot out of which It is tho glorious privilege of our generation to extract a far moro valuable stimulant than those left to us by tho often conflicting ef forts of our forefathers. To create order In the complex chaos, which ovoryono of us observes everywhere, and which most of us secretly fear, the most simple principles are necessary. The Trouble With the "Pacifists" In regard to peaco and disarmament, the conception of tho State as an entity opposed to all other States must bo done away with. It Is nothing but tho failure to seo this that has marred tho well-meant efforts of all pacifists, whother before or after the appear ance of Norman Angell. International rela tionship must, in all its forms, bo based upon tho relations which occur between private Individuals. This demands the general ac ceptance of but four cardinal principles; that of nationality, ot universal free trade, of a world citizenship and of an International Jurisdiction. With tho principle of nationality that Is, tho right of every nationality to govern it self as it best thinks fit only those will quarrel who want to exert dominance over others. In America and Australia, the prin ciple Is practically already carried out. In Asia It Is gradually and, on tho whole, peace fully working Its way. In great parts of that continent and In Africa, many races are, however, not yet fit to govern themselves as fully Independent members of the comity of nations. For differing periods parts of these continents must yet be submitted to the gradually relaxing rule of alien nations who possess a civilization that is superior at least In Its International aspect. In Europe, how ever, no such necessities exist. Thero is no reason whatever why every European na tionality should not become Independent and sovereign. However strange It may seem to the average American who sees Danes, Frenchmen, Berbs, Poles and Italians live peacefully side by Bide with Germans and Austrlans, It Is tho adherence to artificially created conglomerations like the Hapsburg Monarchy and the Turkish Empire and the severance of largo and growing communities like Poland and Alsace-Lorraine from their national ties which Is largely responsible for the bloody tragedies which tpday All our startled eyes with heavy tears. Universal Free Trade Tho establishment of universal free traije is .a necesary condition for tho remapping of Europe according to the principle of na tionality. Then States like Poland, Hungary, Bohemia and on ethnographlcaliy Justified homogeneous principality of Austrlans can get an assured economic existence without a seaboard, the allocation of which would re sult In domination over one or several alien nationalities. When alt the frontiers are opened to International commerce, the Stato Is freed from the fraudulent garb of being a commercial entity. It will appear in its true nakedness and show Itself as a purely ad ministrative semrnpttwqaJth for the protec tion of those prvat Individuals who, as a matter of tact, never hesitate to buy In the ebepit markt however ardently they may wavo the flag of commereiul patriotism wfcfi , BKKmKt " 'fw-:x they want to sell their produce at an In flated price. In his masterly speeches of tho Now Freedom, Mr. Woodrow Wilson has pro nounced tho truo epitaph for tho outlived fablo of tho tariff and tho high wages. To quiet those who consider custom duties necessary for raising rovenuo, ono has only to remember that tho coat of tho United States army nnd navy and the custom staff exceeds tho Income from tho tariff by over JCO.000,000. And last but not least, let us not forgot that protection has as its moral sup port tho exploitation of tho foreigner, whllo universal freo trado Is n logical outcome of that principle of give-and-take, of selling nnd buying, without which international peaco is as Imposslblo as peaceful relations In tho long run would bo between tho States of Pennsylvania and New York If their rival vested Interests wero protected by tariff walls. World Citizenship Tho disappearance of tho necessity for making or unmaking commercial treaties will seriously curtail the field of diplomacy. To .further circumvent a profession whoso sharo in tho crimes against humnnlty is equal' to its vanity Is absolutely necessary to firmly establish a world citizenship. It is in itself tho result of a general tendency and there foro as desirable as inevitable. In tho ago of communications, It becomes dally easier for tho individual to go from ono placo of tho earth to another. Every year movements that formerly wero only possible to a select few become tho habit of multitudes. But as tho spirit of nationality is Just as much tho outcome qf hundreds of generations of con sciously cultivated suggestions as the result of physiographic conditions, tho tlmo is not yet ripe for abolishing the right of every community to reserve admission into Its territory to whomsoever It chooses. Awhllo and pending tho steady unconquer- ablo march of the development of transpor tation, tho term "world citizenship" must bo taken to mean that every alien who has gained entrance Into the territory of any na tion must In all respects be treated as one of Its own citizens. Then there will be no need either for extra-territoriallty or for any Stato interference on behalf of prlvato Indi viduals who go abroad, They would do It at their own risk. Tho notion that eventu ally many thousands of lives and hundreds of millions of dollars must bo sacrificed in order to avenge the wrong committed against an individual, may ho be an archduke or a commercial traveler,' is Indeed too absurd to be a part of the doctrine of civilization any longer. Should a foreigner And that he Is not treat ed according to tho law prevalent In tho country where he permanently or tempor arily resides, he muBt, however, bo nblo to appeal to a superior Jurisdiction. This ne cessitates tho creation of a permanent Inter national supremo court. An International Supreme Conrt The reason that the Hague Tribunal Is bo ineffective Is primarily duo to the fact that It Is intended to decide between the claims of governments. In a world which accepts our previous conceptions of international rela tionships such claims would never arise. The International Supreme Court would Judgo between alien Individuals and the highest tribunals of the national Jurisdiction, Such a court would have to be a very large tribu nal, wltlj many separate divisions. Possibly some 120 Judges, distributed in divisions of flye, would at the beginning bo sufficient. There both the smaller and larger nations ought to have their Judicial talents repre sented. If each nation with between 2,000,000 and 6,000,000 Inhabitants had the right to nominate one member of the Supreme Court, and thosp with a larger population, elected one additional judge for each 6,000,000 Inhabi tants up to a maximum fotal of ten judges, no nation would be unduly over-represented and the requisite number obtained. With ample salaries paid Into the court Itself by the different nations, and with appointments lasting for life, these Judges would be as Independent of national ties as It Is humanly possible to make them. tfhe. authority of the International Su preroe Court as a truly planetary Institution depends of course primarily upon the recog nition that sovereignty ceases, at the na tional frontiers behind which no nation olatms lights that It 1b not willing to grant to others. Outside these national territories there are the high seas which belong tp nobody In particular, but are the common property of mankind. Oyer them the Inter national Supreme Court should have full jurisdiction. This Implies the creation of an International maritime police consisting of some hundred small cruisers and gunboats to control navigation on the high ticaa and to root out piracy wherevtr H styi exists. These vessels could very appropriately be manned by eallora from some small demo cratic nations irtthout political, esonemls or THE INCORRIGIBLE GSSfl S colonial nmbltlons, as Norway and Den mark. Their headquarters might bo at Malta, whoso population should bo given In dependence, and whero tho arsenal could bo enlarged In order to sufMco for tho upkeep and replacement of tho maritime police Moot. Enforcement of Decisions To enforce its decision tho International Supremo Court possesses many means. It could proclaim a general moratorium against tho citizens of a nation whoso tribunals re fused to cxecuto its Judgment. The boycot ting of all international intcrcourso with tho citizens of such a nation, and other similar measures, suggest themselves. Finally, tho marltlmo International polico could bo cm powered to seize and confiscate all ships and floating merchandise belonging to tho citi zens of tho offending nation. With ono word, all sorts of pressure could bo mado to bear upon the individuals who compose a nation and who really aro severally responsible for its International behavior whether they sub mit to an autocracy or to a government con trolled by tho people. With such a stato of affairs tho need for national navies and armies would bo gone. They could nnd should bo abolished. War ships and other warlike material could at onco be destroyed, as well as all tho arma ment works. To prevent ' any nation from secretly making warlike preparations tho nunber and terms of enlistment for tho na tional police forces should bo fixed accord ing to a slmplo and uniform standard, con trolled by tho International Supremo Court, to which tho polico estimates of all States should yearly bo submitted. With a maxi mum total of ono policeman for every 600 inhabitants, whether divided into national (federal), municipal, county or local polico forces or not, tho grand total of all national polico forces would Bcarcoly exceed 3,600,000 men. As they would rarely uso their fire arms a yearly output of 120,000 rifles would suffice. Consequently, tho retention of ono single rifle manufactory would cover tho needs of tho whole world. It might with ad vantage bo placed under tho control of tho United States Government as a federal In stitution from where all nations could obtain its quota of rifles at cost price. Tho am munition could bo manufactured In Aus tralia, which is also far removed from Eu rope. In either case tho international mari time police which controls the seas would be able to prevent any attempt to get hold of tho requisites for armed strugglo on a largo scale. Method of Disarmament Provisionally a limited number of some of the present armies and their equipment would havo to bo kept In order to disarm those parts of the world, principally situated In tho north of Africa and near Asia, where tho population goes about its daily business armed with rifles,- and where for that very reason equal justice to foreigners can novor be guaranteed. Tho mere fact that all the armament workB all over the earth would bo destroyed would very soon make It Im possible for such countries to resist. Else where, as In Mexico, revolutionary move ments would also flicker out for want of arms and ammunition.. Thus the armies ex empted from the general dlsbandment would very soon become superfluous. In the mean time the International Supreme Court would, at fixed periods, scrutinize and gradually di minish their establishments. In the marl time police the Supreme Court has a means of preventing their transportation to other territories than those allotted to them. Their employment thero would, under universal free trade, confer no commercial privileges on the nations who would be responsible for them. They would therefore gradually tend to be regarded as a financial burden on the taxpayers. If the partition ot the disorderly and unex plolted regions of the earth which have not yet come under the guardianship of a su perior civilization Is made In equity and jus tice, the last function of diplomacy would be gone. With no political or commercial treat ies to make or to Interpret, deprived of Its rights to "protect" either travelers or mis sionaries, foreign offices, embassies, legations and consulates become superfluous. An In exhaustible source of poisonous snobbery and false Information would dry up. Interna tional relations would be exclusively carried out by those professional experts who silently make It possible for one letter to go around the world In perfect safety, who connect the tlme-tabjes of the different railway syBtenw of adjoining countries and who, in a thousand other ways unnotlceabla to the public, ex chapge the fruits of Industrial and intel lectual experience In International gatherings In ever-Increasing number. Tlw Hula of Right The only people who would reajly suffer would be the investors in the armament trade, the anonymou journalists wh am htuib r wufRin iip scares, ana the nnu. tary and naval professions. But even these. (X .9 would only have to complain of an enfor chango of habit. Disarmament would iffi untold resources in nrms, brains and tncwl for tho rapid development of the backwiHj parts of tho earth. Tho general hwtenGf of social reform which would follow friuj tho introduction or universal pormaast ...inrn 1a an Jnnn fnlln Viln tlmf nvtn ntl n.'.! JW..S.u wv. w.uum.u ..u v.w. HII J.CUD Ql I PCM it. .Owl so to till fancy would And ready employment half of the officers aro at present close horrors of war. Many of them will be Wl!( beforo It IS over. The wounded and ths"' scathed will soon bo heartily sick of It :'$ The time to disarm is at the closo of till war. Tho nation to do it is the Unliff States. The man to put it in before fir world Is President Wilson. It Is a work'f greater than any that over fell to an ejodff to a nation or to a man. .A.nu it it is a worn that In ono aspect Is distasteful to a gruft many of tho citizens of tho United SfaSi,1 wo do not advocato tho abandonment m pruiuiiuun UCtUUSU ll .a X kiuuvj, wu W.j rmisn It Is n. sacrifice. Without sacrilcii nothlmr great was over done. Without ttj) sacriflco of the theory of protection, whlcl, after all, Is only the sacrifice of tlmtA; orcd prejudices, universal peace will forK; l.n n. ntonln.. If America falls to rcallze,tt.ili" has failed In her mission. But If she p scsses n little of that courage that now nail, to waste in the Old World, sho will Very wor see that .a great America is an Anwict which does something great for mankind, as a creat citizen Is a man who accompUSMl something great for his own country, pi doing so sho Is bound to succeed whereofet hnra fnilml. Thev have tried to rule m world by Might. Tho United States wlllleU It by laying the foundations of itignt. A Coming Event Wmm tViA Ttnltlmorfi News. Business Is not given to cheerfulness wjMjj times arc not good. Tne wiuespreau ki v now prevails that we are on tne aro ut ;- business revival would nanny eisi " there was substantial basis for the belief. Nurture, Not Nature Pmm thn Kansas City Star. A scientific gem ,.. ,i haB reminded m. country onco moro that Judging from tM i of skulls dug up out of the misty past, W i ., Mna t,inl. .nnnnltv now than n ?'- haB remlndM tt. 125,000 years ngo. There has long been a "W, suspicion that nobody In tho 20th century WU anything on Socrates or Plato or Arisioue, sgi we are quite reaay to dcubvu w '""".mm; cave men with stone axes more than w?t years ago who nau me posaiuiiuico w. -- Arlstotles or Edlsons. J$ rl..niirnp-ln,.? Vnt nt all. The. race ("WJ to have enoush brain capacity Ir) KenerLH get on nicely. The only trouble is Jn K it oultivatcd. H m ... a i j...i .., ,.n n little reop-! on a favored spot In Southern Europe n "Si ceeded In building up a wonderful clvllu"W But thero wns n whole world of barbarians weren't educated up to it. They had the OT but not the civilized background. They wA cood physical inheritance, but not social g herltnnce, It hns taken most of the """ "gt, tho ago of Aristotle to develop the ritw rf. roundlngs and the general tnnenteo n-Jg ideas on a large enough scaio to urmt, - -;j slderable share of the "millions of vufl3 Europe to the gateway or civiiw". ,'. many millions are still far removed from, J door. ' .. .. .. J9 Nature generally does pretty well. JM ture that Is lacking, Happily that W , J5tf modity that can be manufactured in """",1B lots If communities set themselves with JaBI1 to tho Job. A PRAYER TO PARNASSUS Cnrna lillknn M,,on A wnrd WitHln thl" 5M Why should 'we soar the loftier atmospMMW MM iMlrrnnta crossed tha Soul knOWS DW of, .3 When here below we have such themes Jf And Joy, and Helpfulness, ana uro,"vo7t Ana countless otners quite as iruo -- Why seek the upper regions for our themes I Whm hern nn earth ara things SUr(,H'!i i1ra m ThA hllla fnr.fllinn. with nil their mSSS? l"1 Fit emblems of a vast, eternal strepS"i And dreamy valets beneath them, harms - Within the shadow ot .their circling arm" The Sea. the Mlll-Streams, and tha WW fj That do man's bidding, and nis Dura - The acres broad, all teeming with the P 4 4(i. VWUICEt 1U (lilt VVItU l(UtS 1 Until all-fruitful to man's hand we f The earth a smiling, golden granaryl Tha lnv nf aA tn lata nf lass fOT Iftdt The heart of man by woman's eyes rosJ I ThA elf!, nt 11a. ttin Artl,t t9 thfl XttM Earth's secrets yielding to tha minds of nji For laurels won through service to tb rw Why soar to heights to please the tuotett' wnen mere Da countless muwiuaes "-, Who thirst to hear the simpler on Whom God hath sent Ills promises ta mm wno asK out soma soft mitigating "? To give Nepe, nthe to some bow of pain? T.ar ittha,. .Inn tn Y,4iia ft nV M12J41 Let others seize the laurels that they l'50f wno soaf auove, and soaring inupsr -. Some abstract note to thrill tha wobm mlBii. J am ecntaat to dwsll on planes apart And sing Mia simpler song3 that rw heart! Jfektt KirWt BSBfS. VW9, i,