Wmmpmpwmtemffite Wnfpm-WBWPW fapr-H,'fWPfH f Brumbaugh to $mwmmm : 0 HIS IMAUUUKAL i - y. ifoagc Will Be Addressed ?Io People or State and iSVill Emphasize Meaning 'if Campaign Pledges. Eterncr-elcct Brumuaugns inaugural 0 ... i Mini tiiraflncrA in thn , will u "- " "" . i. . ..,.11 . In tha IG-W . it 1.. tllt tiftrn rrn. 0iil legislation "'""S sano llnPS' SPSSUroWHilect la worktnfi hard to Mt hi" nt meww by Thursday, d,i Unt nt "ent tha end of the week, Kliniuwrnl nddrtwi Is. In mv opln lf he Sit Importance, and all other ..r. mut wntt until Its completion." f- .M Yetertlii' nm nl worK on niy '?,?. ww and "Pt to complete It 1 mlSdlo of the week. UnUl It lini ftfSJSplSlttl other matters will bo of Srr importance. 5?MurtIer thnt my first message ousht &?nUn twa dlstlnct rtlrectloiiB. It will Bui Indention to tno icgwiniuro oi mo l&er Of legislation I wish to Bee en ffi nd n mePMRO to the people of the ':,:;: .. tn how I Intend to carry out any fco'S'uKh, nfter completing hl P-1:." m definitely take up the ntics- S.iof his Cabinet, nnd will then work ,tthronstt the State law-maklnc body Kftltlon to which he pledged him S duiW his campaign. .".: .action with the personnel of his 7 Matt even Doctor Brumbaugh's closest Si',,, belns kept In the dark as to Si Governor-elect's choice for any of the rjMMt places. A now Attorney General, miliway commissioner and Secretary of ,1; Commonwealth aro expected to bo winded In his first appointments. Tho Sfernor-elect today eald that It has trtn inssestcd to htm that ho call upon trt Federal Government for nn army of jnrto tako chnrKo of tho Highway De "wrUnent. Ho would not express any 1j.i nn thli advice. (SooTernor-elect Brumbaugh's program of inbhtlon will havo the right of way fa tie Leslslaturc, Speaker Ambler has fct it be known that ho strongly opposes rt former practice of tho Republican . il Ih dlniilnrt at IfAf n nn I vm 0rJU"allOn IU . " TUWO UH 1111 BTltnt measures until tho end of a scs- filon, and says during tno present scs iiim tha lcdslatlon to which the Qov- linor-clect Is pledged will be placed first a the House calendar, so mai inero win la plenty of time to consider it at length, legislation urged by individual members Vjl sot be taken up for consideration ntil after Doctor Brumbaugh's measures hve'liad full consideration. Wltn me urumuaugn pieagos at mo miof the House calendar, the danger totrowdlng bills through, which method lu In tho past given Republican Or nalzatlon leaders tho opportunity to ln- Kit mutilating omendmenta, will bo Urjelr eliminated. Speker Ambler was to havo conferred tlti the Governor-elect vesterdav nftpr. Boon about committees, but thin (Maxim. lion has been nostnnnpd until lain in un greet IWoseph It. Grundy has announced that ,ue vennsyivan a Mnnufnrtnrana' a .,- elation will nirnln mnlntnin n lnViK,, , Harrlaturir to comhni who itan. Regulative absurdities." In his annual tiitai, which he delivered to the nsso CMlon in tho Manufacturers' Club last BUM, he said. :;"Some of the most importantand far reaching proposals affecting Industry that t ever been discussed at Harrlsburg j.tuuui io come up in tno session of tho Leelalatura whlnh h.,nn Tn....nK.. r JjBucIi of our mombors as have kept lueic ears to tho ground aro awaro that Igess proposals will Include workmen's tOmCOnfiatiOn. (ntlrrarnn,A ii.UV. ..! lioan and an effort to abolish tho Stato ,"v ur, uiai railing, to prevent them wm doing service In caso of strike riots. iTBeifl mav h nln. n MIIM.. ton .' 7.. u lutiiiiuuill WUHO a notwithstanding tho general and em- rwis opposition to It in tho 1913 ses-Uct toi'e have opened temporary hcadquar- 'fartr.T caP"al cltV to stand guard Mrf hn manufacturing concerns Iden- If?,?),6 ?a!L d0 our best t0 demonstrate HP Lefflslature, In connection with caot these proposed bills, that unless (je bo shaned as tn nnfAcimMi . ,i ?,;' "" " cnnot p?s- thu.r . " "'" ueneui or any m tJSrir .p.r cIass cnKaged in that indus- m uqer as employer or as employe, pwie eliall support nny measure which Mi h. W" 'irornto Industry or Im- r-iiv tun -mniiinti nv ( ,i..i,j l 1 ff. nla,"5frinK "'at first essential Mr. iTii lu nappiness wages. mt snail do what we can tn ill hi, on m Winds of the hallucinations all leffi. . . n , rccent ycara tha' thero f r.terprIs? without reward, Invcst- fcSSat Wlthnilt hnn. nJ .i.i . ltUihM. u, H cntlnuo to emphaslzo Ki.!bl'?bI? tth that If tho source rA.. ". e. impoverished, the flow of in. ,rl DB diminished." J? ,uuowing ofllccra were elected: S5SJS3U SSTP: wooa. SW- rry J. Bnoemaker. hi. 7 it """"Ti waiter una, fi rollowing were elected to tho Ex- , Erie; Twnnii. Jwnj J, Lewis Hough. -WUllIams- I . I '' EVENING LED(KR PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. JAKUABY 12. 191&. MARIE McGLONE Woman policeman, who wears a regular uniform on duty at theatre. CITY HAS POLICEWOMAN WHO KNOWS HER BUSINESS If You Don't Believe It, Ask Patrons of "Movie" In Kensington. ' Philadelphia has n woman policeman, or, to ho painfully correct, a policewoman. Any one who doubts tho fact can easily find out for himself or herself by attend Ing tho Hellovue Theatre, Front street and Susquehanna avenue. They will learn of her existence very milckly should they become disorderly. Her name Is Mrs. Mamlo JtcOlona, and she's a thorough disciplinarian. Bho knows whon nn audience should laugh or when It should weep: therefore, when any "frcshleV nttempt to "kid" the pictures by laughing at tho sad scenes nnd expressing their oplnlom out loud, a gentle tap on tho head reminds them thnt the first woman "cop" In Philadelphia Is "on tlig Job." She Is llkcwlso a diplomat. She believes In using "molasses" Instead of "vinegar" to quell a disturbance, but If the sweet treatment don't work, then the vinegar plan Is brought Into play, with tho assist ance of the club, too, when It's necessary. Mrs. McQIona Is physically fitted to en forco her demands. Sho weighs 175 pounds nnd her general appearance Indi cates that sho can back up what sho says. There nrc two youths In Kensington who can vouch for this. They attempted to "get gay" In the theatre tho other night, and whllo they were still laughing at their own Jokes tho fair "coppess" caught them by their necks nnd banged their heads to gether. They saw stars, oven through the darkness, and didn't know any more until they were standing outsldo tho theatre, considerably bumped and ruffled. The word has gone round tho neighbor hood that Policewoman McGlona "Is there with tho goods." Therefore, tho moral effect of her first arrest l)ns proved benefi cial. Sho Is not partial to women ; those who try to hide the pictures with hats as big as refrigerators havo to tako them off. Her motto 13 "One nickel Is as good as another." Mrs. McQIona understands responsibil ity. Since the death of her husband sho has been tho sole Bupport of two children nnd also takes care of her aged parents. She lives at 3512 North Mascher street, nnd was sworn In by Director Porter on January 2. Tho woman "cop" realizes that pleasure In life Is a necessity, and she's glad to be In a position to keep the rough clement from spoiling the "movies." l&rlitJ CwLr". po'elmo. Allentown: D. H, Sir. o.i reh: M' J Deacn- R,(,6 SSJ?d' B&ver Falls; E. M. Zehn- "tofS, ana "nr,lllam FTew Lonr- iSffilai Si1'"""108 heId ,ast '' by IE! wmu. 2: ola,e Chairman Detrlch ftajV liT K aPer Lewis It was decided IgJ; Washington party leaders will iBtth'k nm Governor-elect Brum gji'.tiiM announced hi .n.,u. ni.. fittM?.1? '?B 8C8s'on of the Legislature. fi.-j Planned tn h Minmnn. Wtmr present Beslon the Washing- iWhlti. aeiearea two years KW , . toplnIon was expressed yes- em fuimi ii.: r ':"" i'vo ""' ita!r2;ft Srvau.ymM th; mLi hy the aaaoclate super- o. ti "7 " imamjiiiiiia BCI1UQ1S, PHrumbaugh renewed his campaign fi, J.,,'"" "KM In )ho open," he fiftV.111. flKh the square, and I Vn -. V"n' Th0 Public then can n opinion of tho results of my S UNDER U. S. REGISTRY SJ.'lon of Tlvn n.n mi.i i. m Psage of Emergency Act. Unqtom t ,. :.... f S ;,," Chamberlain reports that flV ' VeMl of 3-HWO gross tons "TTWl granted Amrin nanl(rv CITY'S REVENUES FOR 1914 INCREASED BY $1,406,31 0.37 Aggregate r of 30,074,045.85 Larg est Ever Recorded. The total revenues of tho city during 19U Increased by $1,400,310.37 over tho rev enues of 1913. The city's Incomo for tho last year aggregated J33,075,045.Sj, tho largest over recorded for a single year. Receiver of Taxes w. Freeland Kcn drlck has compiled a summary of tho re ceipts for tho year Indicating the sources of the funds. City taxes yielded JU.032, 427.92 of the aggregate; school taxes com prised $7,606,971.02 ; personal property taxes, $2,249,410.52. Collections for water rents wero $5,1S8,185.82. Delinquent tax collections during the year amounted to $2,159,420,01, an Increase of mpre than $600,000 over delinquent tax collections In 1913. Receiver Kendrlck at tributes this Increase during his first ydar of ofllco to a campaign Inaugurated by him resulting In increased activity of the deputy delinquent collectors. The total Item of $3,183,185.82 for water rents Is $240,CS5.S1 greater than tho rev enue from that source In 1913. Tho num ber of delinquents In payment of wator rents Is declared to have been reduced by approximately 7000. At tho request of Receiver Kendrlck, the branch tax offices In various parts of tho city havo been authorized by Coun cils to make dally deposits In authorized banks, thereby enabling a messenger to carry n certificate of deposit to City Hall Instead of cash on his dally trips. Re ceiver Kendrlck has commended his office force for prompt work that made possible tho closing of the work Imme diately after tho closo of the year, In spite of the fact that the closing days of 191J brought almost $3,000,000 In tax payments. "OUT OP ERYINQ PAW," ETC, &," ,W emergency ship registry act up M0S& Of Ia .,A.l- yi i n. .tk - . "w. JJU1UIS mo r it.??'' teamshlps were entered i ,iSJ n "Wttry. These repre- ? Wb. the names of owners, K Breitun, Jj, Msrquett. ?" 1 Dries 4 Co.. 3fli Nw w Union Bui. cwowuny. 1T0. Nw r-. Joiir a. a u, oie, bv Man Released Prom New Jersey Jail Qoea to Eastern Penitentiary, TRENTON, Jan. 12 As Charlea Keas ler was leaving the flew Jersey State Prison this tnornlner, having been paroled after servings portion of a sentence from VA to 3 years for assault and battery, he was taken Into custody by Pennsylvania authorities. He was token at once to the Eastern Penitentiary, where he Is wanted to serve time having broken his parole from that Institution. Governor Fielder signed tho requisition, which turned the man over to the Penn sylvania authorities. BOOKKEEPERS ELECT OPPIOEES At the 40th annual meeting of tha Book keepers' Beneficial Association, held In Fraternity Hall, 1414 Arch street, the fol lowing officers and directors were elected for the ensuing yean President, William M. Boone; vice president, O. Howell Arthur; treasurer, Thomas II. Turner; secretary, J. C Kensell; directors, Frank O. Treston, Orlen T. Klmbell, Harry W, Spohn, II. warren Mease. Aitreo. ts. Byrnes. Robert F. Delmasse and V. de Paul Allen. A report of the president showed assets of $26,000 and a membership of 634. p. B. B. Hard Coal Appeal Delayed HARRISBURQ, Jan. 1.-Char)es. II. Bergner, attorney for the Pennsylvania Railroad In Harrlsbursr, said that up to noon today he bad received no instruction regarding the appeal which It Is under stood the coal carrying railroad com. panles would take In the Dauphin County courts from the decision of the State Public Service Commission, reducing the tariffs on hard coal Wetwesn the mines, and Philadelphia- It Is Intimated that 7. ,l,t t tha acDeal Is now In course !M4a. xr... '. iof preparation by lawyers of ths cor. GREEN ST. SECTION SHOWS PROGRESS AND GIVES FINE PROMISE Residential Neighborhood Bordering on Fairmount Park Is Fertile Ground for Real Estate Operations. Green street, from 20th street to 22d street, has been growing In nctlvlty dur ing tho Inst few years. This growth Is likely to Incrcaso during tho present year. The section Is ono of tho flno residential neighborhoods of the 15th Ward, being 70 feet wldo nnd bordering, on tho west, on one of tho principal entrances of Fair mount Park. Tho trolley Bcrvlco In tho, section Is fairly satisfactory; tho ground Is high and, nt provnlllng prices. Is favornblo to tho location of churches and high-class residences. SALES SHOW QUIET DEMAND. Former snles In tho section show a rather quiet demand: 1,y.7,i "Wi" S.l atao Green street, lot ltl liy pi. rrot, Riibjfct to lrrcilemalilo ffiound rent m $uu $1S00 January I'l-lilUI Clrecn street, lot 10 by V.o lent, into 11. liigiis to Mary C. lilng 6000 October 4-2131 Oreen street, lot 10,1) liy ! ''', Joseph A. houclihclm to . Felix N. OcrBon 7500 IMS, October s-2140 Oreen street, lot JJ liv tii.3 leet. Mary A. Tryon tp Matilda A. Mlllwnru " 4C0O l!Hi, Ma 2il-Sl.'l7 Oretn utreet, lot lii.O by lttl.7 feel. n-tury brick real- rtenee, pold by H. T. Freeman Co 6000 1011, Juno 0-21.l Oreen street, lot HI by If2.a feet, Louis' 11. Albrccht to Anna F. AlUIn OOOO AURiut ( L'JOi Oreen Mrect, lot 20 by lii ..1 Teet, Frank O. tiayro to Frank A. Illrachbcrir M50 April L'o-LVJ9 Oreen Btreet, lot 24.10 by 117 feet, sold by S. T. rrceinan & Co. 022S A period of dulncss then appeared. Dur ing 1912, 2013 Green street, lot 20 feot 2 Inches by 100 feet, was offered for sale at 312,500, nnd 2033, lot 20 feet by 103 feet, was nlso offered for snlo nt $5000. Early In tho year 1911 It was determined to erect n chnpcl, under tho will of Cornelius Ambrose Land, nt 22d and Green streets, and on Jnnunry IE, 1914, Edmund F. Prcndergnst purchnscd from Frank A. Hlrschberg 2200-02 Green Btreet, lot 10 feet by 177 feet 3 Inches, for $20,500. No. 22ul was nlso ncqulrcd, lot 20 feet by 177 feet D Inches, for 39300, or $30,000 In all. CHURCH SALES A FACTOR. These purchases, together with tho pur chase of 2319 Green street In 1912, ad joining tho parochial rcsldenco of St. Francis Catholic Church, lot 23 feet by 318 feet, to Wallaco street, have been n strong argument for better prices nnd more activity, SALES IN THE LAST YEAR. 1014, January KV-2112 Qrccn street, lot 1C by 82 0 feet; Harry 1 Saunders to Jonepli W. Cinwford S7000 Marc. .11-2018 Commonwealth Tltlo. In surance and Trust Company, to Con vent, Sisters, Senants of the Im maculate Heart of Mary, lot 21.10 by 117; asHcsscd, $11,500, former homo of Abraham 1.. HnKllsh 0760 July 18 2i:i2 Oreon street, lot 10 by hi.S feet; Walter S. Steenson to Thomas H. Ilnruood 4150 December 112111) Oreen at. lot 10.li by 1U.1.7 teet, Nlta M. Weil to Ida 'N. Stern 5030 1013, January 112113 Oreen street, lot lli.ll by 10.17; Thomas V. Schrlver to Joseph M'. Harlan 12000 Very much bettor prices aro likely, as nearly all property which has been on the market, Is now In Strong hands. IfOTES ON THE STREET. The Public Ledger Real Estnto Guldo for January, Just out. Is a compact sum mary of doings In the world of real estate. It Is tho ofllclal organ of tho Philadel phia Real Estate Board and will prove a great benefit to city and citizen, espe cially in tho matter of better transit and better real estate conditions. Tho transfers are arranged In street groups In the guide, easy to refer to and most useful In every otllce. The Board of Viewers held a meeting yesterday to hcar,tost!monyof owners for property taken In the opening of tho Parkway from 19th to 22d streets. Tho following claims wero heard: Numbers 23S nnd 258 North 20th Btreet, 1910 Vine etrcot, 2011 Winter streot and 2010-16-18-20-22-28 Vine street. Tho next meeting will be held on January 18, at 10:30 n. in. The contemplated demonstration, on January 14. in favor of Immediate action by Councils on tho matter of rapid transit, Is of tho greatest Interest to real estate men. Delay by Councils will hold up a great deal that Is planned. The real estate men of the city see no reason why the subject should not be submitted to tho people at the March election. LESSOR. SIX-CENT BREAD IN TOLEDO Storm of Protest Boused by Increase in Price. TOLEDO, O., Jan. 12. Bread Is selling hero Joday at G cents per loaf and the loaves aro one ounce lighter than usual, aa the result of a resolution adopted by the local bakers' and retailers' organl-i zatlon. The high prlco of wheat Is tho reason assigned for this step, which has aroused a storm of protest and Is expected to cause great hardship to the poor. Bain Puts Damper on Marriage Mar ELKTON, Md Jan, 12. Business In the matrimonial market here today was dull, dus to the rain. Only threo couples camo to Elkton In the heavy downpour and wero married. They were John N. Peter son and Marie Baldt and Charles II. Hoi loway and Mary Slbbet, all of Philadel phia, and Qeoreo 13, Bates and Jennie T, Martin, Chalfonte, Pa. Colorado's New Governor Takes Oath DENVER. Col., Jan. II. After six years of Democratic rule, George A. Carlson, Republican, was sworn In as Governor of Colorado today. In his message he recommended passage of workmen's com pensation and Industrial commission laws; measures that will enforce rigidly the State-wide prohibition amendment, and an enforclble land lean -act. HKSOHTS POCONO MOUNTAINS, TA. TOBOGGANING at DUCK HILL Fttt Hecup ration Recreation TUB WINTEIi INN Buck Hill Falls. Pa, CUAltUSSTON, B. tT. CALHOUN MANSION etn for eiclulv patronage: oriental C. lonlal t urnlshlDK ; Southern cocklnjr. yacht- a. Air. ana nn, 4. if. jji Ins. sol', ttnnl BtrtoUtt. JACKSONVILLE, XXA. ROOM, WITH BATH. U.B0 HOTEL BURBRIDGE NEW MODERN FIREPROOF 6T. AUGUSTINE, FLA. THE BARCELONA tB0Uu$f5 -fJSgJ frlvat baths; welmlrt. A. N. BLAIR. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES) Ir o A New Oar optalnr and Byenlac I tut DnturpaMed equipment. Ex pert ma teqettcre. tiena. (or Il ARCH 6T. Term fofaltr Store Opens 8:80 A, M. WANAitfAKER'S Store Closes 6:S0 P. M. WEDNESDAY AT WANAMAKER'S At the Armory on New Year's Day the Boy Scouts quickly made a fire by rubbing sticks togetherjust as the North American Indians still do. Before the days of brimstone matches people used to strike and strike with bits of flint or steel to get a spark to kindle the tinder. People in business well know how much perseverance and hope is necessary to get the light of ideas and system of service in operation here. Sometimes one must rub and rub the dry wood, and strike and strike the flints dozens of times in a day to bring together the right commodities from all over the world, directing the cables and tapping the manufacturers to find what is wanted and have it ready in time that good customers are not disappointed. SIGNED January 12, 1915 ffrnttfa And Now Comes the Empire Bride and Her Maidens Ushering in the Empire Fashions for Spring Posed today and succeeding days in the Fashion Salons, First Floor, Central, at intervals from 11 to 1, and from 2:30 to 4. The new Empire gown of white bridal satin with its high waist will be posed first, together with the bridesmaids' gowns which set the new color fashion soft, high-waisted affairs of pinky blue-grey chiffon with silver lace, and posies and wreaths of pink and blue flowers. . Next comes the bride's cotton gown of white voile and lace. The attendants' gowns for this are also of cotton hand block-printed cotton, with the quaintest of ruchings and ruffles. (Floit Floor, Central) Imitation Ivory Toilet Articles, 5c to $2 Each They are the results of quite special purchases. All good toilet articles, they were made in America, and some in Europe. Most are firsts, some few are "seconds." All are much less in price than usual. Hair brushes, 50c to $1.55. Mirrors, 75c to $2, Puff boxes, 10c to 65c. Hair receivers, 65c. Soap boxes, 5c to 15c. Salvo boxes, 10c to 20c. Practically all the pieces are in white, some few are in shell, pink or blue. (wt alio Bonnet brushes, 25c. Nnil polishers, 10c to 50c. Combs, 5c to 35c. Talcum boxes, 20c. Nail files, button hooks cuticle knives, 10c nnd Trnys, 10c to ?1. and 12c. The New Colored Taffetas Brought Forth For Spring Dark shades for afternoon and morning frocks and lighter colors for evening gowns, and one thing is certain taffetas particularly suit the quaint flounced skirts that are to be so much used this spring. In plain colors, a beautiful soft glossy quality comes at $1.25 a yard and another is remarkably good at ?1 a yard. (Flrat Floor, Cheatnut) Very Smart are the Strap Wrist Fabric Gloves So cleverly do the fabric makers imitate the real skins, that you are surprised to discover these glove3 are cotton and not leather. They are very new, cut in the fashionable strap wrist style, and come in white, mode or gray. They are pique sewn and wash readily. $1 pair, imported and exclusive at this Wanamaker Glove Store. (Main Floor, Control) Short Lengths of Laces, Chiffons and Nets Some very pretty imitation Venice lace bandings, white and ecru, 25c to $8.75 a yard, White embroidered chiffons for evening dresses and waists, "some with colpred flower sprays, others black and white effects, now,?l,75 a yard. White chiffon with printed flowers, 85c a yard. Black net embroidered in color and colored net with self-colored embroidery, now 60c a yard. (Mala Floor, Central) f .$ ? f f f The Sale of White Please take it for granted, whether we go into details or not, that there are thousands of fresh and snowy under muslins in the Sale at all. prices from 25c drawers to $16.50 for a nightgown. Also that the variety is kept up from day to day. Crepe de chine nightgowns are one of the novelties in the Sale white or pink color for $5 to $12.50. (Third Floor, Ccntrnl) 10,000 Yards of Table Linen, 90c to $2 a Yard Every yard pure flax and loomed expressly for this store with the idea of giving you something distinctly better than you can buy for the same prices outside of it. Let the goods themselves show how the idea has become a reality. Between 90c and $2 a yard there is wide choosing of other grades at various prices. To go with this table linen there are thousands of dozens of napkins in scores of floral and geometrical designs all made for us1 and all your own. The table linen at 90c a yard is bleached Irish 70-inch goods. Napkins to go with it are 23 inches square at $8 a dozen. At $1 a yard you can choose bleached Scotch table linen, 2 yards wide, with matching napkins at $2.85, $2.85 and $3.50 a dozen in 20, 22 and 24-inch sizes, respectively. There is a 2-yard Scotch double satin damask at $1.25 a yard, and napkins to match it at $2.75, $3.50 and $4.50 a dozen. The table linen at $2 a yard is a very fine double satin Irish damask, 2 yards wide ; the napkins to go with it being ?5.50 and $7.50 a dozen for 22 and 25-inch sizes. I (Flmt Floor, Chestnut) An Extraordinary Sale In the Jewelry Store of Silverware Sterling silver dishes and platters for the table. English hall marked silver platters, breakfast' sets, etc. Richly executed silver coffee spoons and souvenir spoons. A great assortment of silver-plated ware. Holland silver in quaint designs. These assortments include table silver and ornamental silver articles of nearly every kind except knives, forks and spoons. (Jeuclrr Store, Main Floor, Cheatnnt) Broadcloths are Foremost Among Spring Suitings Either for the tailored costume, the separate coat or handsome gown for street wear. And there are all the very fashionable shades here sand, putty, Russian green, military and other blues, tete de negre, purples and khaki, which reports say will be very popular this Spring. Also all the light evening tints and plenty of good blacks, Colored broadcloths are $1 to $3 a yard. Black, ?1 to $4, (Flrat Floor, Cheatnut) JOHN WANAMAKER ""Erfi iir-"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers