c fcfcrr EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1915. ilLLY" SUNDAY'S SERMON TODAY t fje -erttort follow: "fha difference between tha 2Sth and jfctU, fchat(.ra of BAcond Chronicles la nauift llkti tha dlfterotlCw In om- churches 6dAy. On Urn you oco groat enthu tUsiam and every one burdened for Iho ' Miction of .outs und tho advancement of tho Kingdom of God. At another time thfe 14 a depressions the church la aban onid for tho haunta of pleasure; the Shtiteh la dead and llfolosa or turned into ft sjirt of thlrd-ratt amusement bureau. You. aea It In families! you have known f families whose very name was synonymous with everything religious, but who allowed something to creep Into thclt lives and now you seldom, If over, ee jthem at church. "Tou have seen It In churches, you oo an Individual always ready to help the preacher and do anything for Josus: now fee rtevor helps lrt' any way, and, If any thing, Is a discouragement Instead, of a )etflj! to the preacher, "Xhas was nn Idolator of the greatest orfc As you live In your homo, so will your children bo. Tho judgment of God Will 'fall on you and your home. One trouble with a great many communities, the wrong gang got thero first, and tarfed the Godless. Irreligious, Bneerlng c&sti-f. That's what's tho matter with lots of towns, and they never amount to anything until a lot of those old lob sters dlo off. That's what's the matter with; Pennsylvania. "There Is no worso sin a Jew could havo committed than gathering tho vessels of the house of tho Lord together and cut ting, them to pieces as Ahaz did. At last ho aled. II? had lived such a Godless, dlshpnornble, disreputable Irreligious llfo When he was dend they would not dls grade the sepulchre whero tho other kings wore burled by placing his body therein. Thoy did bury him In the cor porate limits of that city. From a pa rental standpoint, Hezeklah had much against him. Ho had a Godless, repro bate of a father, but his mother was one of the most noblo womon who over lived. IKFLUENCH OF MOTHERS. "fhave known boys to make a buccoss 1 llfo who had on old materialist. Irre ligious reprobate for a father, but I novor knew of one, to succeed who had a. God less, card-playing mother. Tho mother can usually hold her son to ovorythlng good and noblo that sho follows herself. The trouble with many Is that thoy oxo outgrowing tho confines of tho homo and i- areiturnlng It Into a boozo Joint and gambling hell. Ho hod a Godly mother. "Corinth might havo been called a city Of gods. They had shrines and temples to every known god but the true God. Tea are going crazy over mo w-.ij" clubs, libraries and moralB are going down. You aro sotting back to tho heath en days; wealth and culture didn't savo Greece and It will nover save America. "The women of Corinth wore not re spected for their virtue, but the woman Who could boast of the most paramours md most debased character waa respect ed. You can put a library on every corner and let every church member bo colloffo graduate and that will never are you from hell. You need the old timo religion. You don't need more culture or money, but a floodtldo of re demption. You can have your clubs, literary societies, Keeley cures, you can bo )nto the red-light districts and the slums and have a girl add a few ruffles to her dress to lengthen It, you con sorub the hobo, but that will never savo any one. GOSPEL OF CLEANLINESS. "Do you suppose God wants to look through eyes red with tho dissipation of tho night spent In debauchery? Do you upboso God wantB to work with hands tha aro lifting a beer glass one moment, a deck of cards or a novel tho next? Do you; suppose God wants to use feet that can walk into a boozo Joint or a houso of lll-fama ono night and Into church on Sunday? Never. You wouldn't walk Into a. cfturch whero tho Janitor had dumped last winter's ashes In the aisles, or where tWrattln could stroll through, and graze. Don't you know your body Is the temple of tho Holy Spirit and you have a right to Beep It clean? Who Holy Spirit will not live among a lot tot llmburger cheeso, Anheuser-Busch or 'Pabst. It will not swim In tobacco Juldfe up to its eyes. You have a right to keep your body clean. ho most powerful organization ever organized was the Society of Jesuits, or Jesus. It was so powerful that It was ordered supprerssed by the Pope at Rome Midf by tho Parliament of Paris. No member had a mind or will of his own, hutjfound tha will and mind of tho supe rlofi and followed that. No ono ever want alone, but always two by two. If tho' church would put these two princi ple Into practice the power would be Incalculable. When any ono sees you they ohojild sea tho will of God manifest In youi It Is not the will of God that any church member should be a booze-fighter or a gambler, "For 18 years thero had been no song in .Israel. Religion Is Inseparable from song. From tho days of tho reforma tlor) when Martin Luther walked through the streets singing, through the days of TVely and of WhlteHeld, of Moody and Bankey, down to your day. religion has been Inseparable from song. You'll never draw nearer unless you sing, When you aroi asked to sing, do so. Do something for 0 od. Be a lifter, don't always be a leaner. You may not be a prima donna, but contribute your little mite and do something for the Lord, "Alore Psalms were written and sung in the temple, The United Presbyterians aro not so far off. They're Biblical. The Slth Psalm, must have been sung In tha temple, and the 3d Psalm David used to sing before King Saul to cheer him from the melancholy and sad moods. Afl TO SINGING. "Many a. life knows no song. They seem to say: 'Whero Is the Joy that once I Jtaew when, first I loved tho Lord.' It's back thero "whera you left It, When you started to play cards, and dance, when you stopped reading your Blblo and started reading a novel, or tha Philis tine, and that's a llttl sheet I wouldn't lwv In my houso to kindle a. Are with. It you have one in your home bum it. JUght back there where you sidestepped your virtue and winked at another woman. You know where ypu left it, and' you, know how many years you'll have to go back to And it Some will go t ysars, some as. ' Is the things you do that condemn yptt. .With claims to deliver us from the dvU and give us power to keen from ft iatyr the things wt know we should not j ie- I claim Jesus Christ can remove de- 'Ur i ttssa to pisy caras ana ue ana ahct jast like many of you, and I've M m zooa ngnt to pmy caras, out u 4 Ma, you wouldn't walk across the street to $tir wm preach! I've got Just as much tjg& to put my arm around a woman, sa waits over a dancing floor as you iia., but it I did you wouldn't think U"jSa it m, tad I wouldn't Ktv three. v-Lnopa la twdiUoo fj you Jf you did JHyj 'Tsrlst wU remove dle. The w u trust Hlai the. mere, happtntfr, u i.bu xiy Ue was ttt, Vm o- 's o'u' s. tihiull lnv bter I ed4 t tisji tjM-dtjjb t it it &a &i 'U we) m tAt jwsa vJU (.j I'll ghe you beer.' I think the doctor was a liar, and the doctor who prescribes bear is nothing but n Jackass. I used to go to theatres, gome shown aro rotten, somo only half bad and some good! some actors aro as good oa you or I. But 1 haven't been Inside a theatre for 23 years, except to preach tho gospel, I don't want to go. And I can go Into any theatre In tho country anil not pay ono cent. In tho summer tlmo a ball player Is flush and lends money to tho actor! In tho winter tlmo tho actor has cash, whllo tho ball player Is hitting the free-lunch counters; and somo of them cat eo much bologna sausago thoy come nenr having hydrophobia, They lend money to each other. I used to hit the booze, but don't any more. I haven't touched a drop for moro than a quarter of a contury. 1 haven't any desire. God has taken tho desire away, and He'll do tho tamo for you If you glvo Him a chance. "I glvb my heart to Jesus Christ, and curl up on tho paw of tho Lion of .Tudah, and then Bay! 'Coma on.' Tho Lord will take care of you, and He'll reinovo the desire. It la tho motive God looks at and not tho .act. What motlvo prompted you to Join the church? Wns It because you thought you could bo a better man or woman? Or was It becauso you thought It would get you votes, or trade: was it to afford you an opportunity to walk down the aisles late to show what line duds you wear? God will Judge accord ing to tho motive. "Do you lean townrd tho world and sin or toward tho ohurch7 What Is your trcnd7 The ball playor grvoa tho trond to tho ball and causes It to shoot straight Into the hands of tho other player, or to bend and curve this way or that, by tho twitching of his flngors and his wrist. There Is a point some placo between henven and earth which Is known as tho point of equipoise. Anything in that point will stay hanging unsupported in midair. If It deviates up, it will go to tho sun; If It deviates down. It will fall to the earth. "You aro balancing botween tho dovll and tho church. Which point draws you? Tho Spirit of God will como In and help you over the acts you fear In tho world, and h"lp you to do somothlng nobler for tho good of humanity. "God shows somo a duty, but thoy ro fuso to obey; Ho shows somo a hill to climb, but It Is too steep and they re fuse; Ho shows somo a path, but they re fuse to tread It because it is rough and dark, and thoy will novor bo blessed In tho world. "God may not nBk your llfo, but Ho wants you to bo roady In caso Ho wants It If He thinks I can ndvanco his causo better In tho coffin than out, I am ready. I bellevo God. Do you? If you do, don't lonn yourself to tho dovll. Your husband wouldn't stand It for you to llvo with him part of the time and tho rest of tho time with another man. And God Bays ye cannot serve God and mammon. WOULD CONVERT PREACHERS. "He began with the priests. That was the first act In the first month of Ahaz's reign. If God would convert all the preachers until they would stop fighting their little theological sham-battles and stop preaching hypnotism and shams'and fol-de-rol and anarchy, and cloan up, you'd seo tho greatest tidal -ivavo of re ligion since tho Pentecost. "Stop your worldliness; bum tho cards, break the Jugs and bottles, and thon you'll havo more Influence nnd take- tho word of God to church ami teach your children to love truth and hate a Ho, and you'll see tho greatest tidal wavo of re ligion that over swept tho land. You aro going to the devil. "Second Ahaz cleaned tho Inner part of the houses of the Lord. You'll find that represented in the Sunday sohools, the teachers and officers. One-half of tho teachers In the Sunday schools never had a religious experience and they try to teaoh your children of tho Lord on Sun day and through tho week go to card parties, theatres, drink beer or cham pagne. And you never even read the Blblo In your own home. No wonder tho children are growing up llko wild asses. If I took a superlntendency of a Sundoy school I'd never allow a teacher to bring a lesson help Into the building. "Restore the vessels of the house of the Lord. Wt must restore tho Bible; bring tho Bible back to the home, the church, tho Sunday school and the pulpit. Many preachers aro unfortunate to havo been followers of higher-critics who took their sermons from literature or novels, and not from the doctrines In the book of God. Some havo stopped reading tho uioie in preparation ot their sormons and their efforts are nothing more than liter ary compositions. Tho preachers havo got a hard Job to bring the Blblo back, establish It In tho prayer meetings and In tho homes. There was never a tlmo when more subtle Influences were at work to get people to sneer at the Bible. You ought to know by a sermon If you aro lost. No mere platitudes go. "Prayer Is not merely a performance. It is when tho heart feels what the lips say; It is not an attitude of tho body. One of the biggest farces of the church today is the prayer meetings. There are scores of church members who do not go. You say you can't go. You tie. You can como here night after night, but can't go to prayer meetings. I want tho preachers to take a good look at you; they'll not see some of you again until the next revival, They are glad to know you, to get acquainted with you. They never see you except at a funeral or a wedding or a reception. "Kindle a fire In your heart; start fam ily prayer; do something for Christ, nnd begin to sing. The church needs Durlfv. Ing, and when It 1b clean. It -will again begin to sing and take the place In the world It ought to have." NO SECTARIAN LINE DIVIDES OLD GUARD OF "BILLY" SUNDAY Presbyterians, Baptists, Con gregationalists and Metho dists Form Interesting Group of Aides. Tresbyterlans, Baptists, Congregational lsta nnd Methodists have a representation In that interesting group of peoplo now stirring this old town to Its very dregs, known as the "Billy" Sunday "Old Guard." If the Rev. William A. hail set out pur posely to havo his cnmpnlgn workern affiliated with ns many different religions as possible which ho didn't, according to "Ma" Sunday he could not have suc ceeded better. That wiry llttlo woman, Miss Frances Miliar, whoso particular mission it Is to provent tho business woman from head ing straight to perdition, Is a practical Congrcgatlonallst and Is n graduate from a collt'go of theology and also from tho Moody Blblo Institute of Chicago. Being a real, dycd-In-tho-wool ordained min ister, sho Is privileged to havo "the Rev erend" placed on her visiting cards, but sho has no liking for titles. Bho will tell you, If you nsk her. In point of service sho Is tho oldest member of tho guard, having been with tho Sundays for moro than ten years. "Frances has a levol held on her shoulders" Is tho tributo Mrs. Sunday paid her, "and whenever I want good sound ndvlco I always call on her. Sho has on executive ability and a grip on tilings that few women possess." Com ing from a woman who Is herself a past mistress In cxecutlvo ability this was an encomium worth receiving. "Freddy" Selbert, whoso particular duty It Is to bring order out of tho chaos of tho 20,000 persons, all of whom want to got on tho front row or tno aaw-uusi temple. Is tho major domo of tho taber nacle, and the Sundays hold him respon sible for tho happenings therein. Do you attempt to smoko a cigarette surreptitiously? "Freddy" or one of his lieutenants spots you out on the Instant and his training as a Western broncho buster fits him for tho task of dealing with you, If you resist his interference. Havo you smuggled In somo lunch so that you may remain over for tho night meet ing. "Freddy" catches you at tho first secret blto and tells you In auavo and gracious tones that tho restaurant Is across tho Btrcet. For tho last nlno years ho has been traveling with the Sundays nnd in his pacific moments is, llko Miss Miller, a Congrcgatlonallst. Bentley D. Ackloy, tho husky pianist, vvho also acts as "Billy's" secretary. Is a Phlladelphlan by birth and a Methodist Protestant by religious conviction. His wifo and llttlo daughter, Gertrude, ard rejoicing that "at last tho revivals aro being held in this city," ao that they can seo papa every mlnuto of the day nlmost. Mr. Ackley has boen allied with tho evangelist's organization for moro than seven years. Homer A. Rodehoavcr, tho good humored trombonist and muBlcal direc tor, whose bnrltono voice penetrates tho furthermost corners of tho tabernnclo when ho is making an announcement, comes next. He has been one of the Sundays chief aides for the last five years. In addition to being a MethodlBt. he enjoys the distinction of being tho only bachelor member of tho guard. Miss Grace Haxe, "tho nnest iimie toacher In the United States," to quote "Ma" again, Is a Baptist, and together with Mrs. William Ashcr, n Presbyte rian, nnd director or tho Extension work among tho factory and mill girls, they oonstltute the baby members of the staff. Miss Saxe'a connection dates back four years and Mrs. Asher's three. INFIELD HITS GARNERED IN BACK OF "GLORY ROW" Some Happenings and Sayings Chronicled Within Portals of the Tabernacle Before "Billy" Sunday Appears on Scene. "Hats off" Is tho rule at the tabernacle. This npplles to the women as well ns men. Ono woman from Wilmington who attended the meeting, ns she said, to please her brother, did not know how she could possibly remove her hat with out a mirror. She startled tho press room when sho burst In, saying, "Is there any placo In hero for me to undress." She was referred to tho hospital. Thero is a mlrrot In there. "Oh, look, there Is John Bunny," Bald one of the younger visitors to the taber nnclo evidently a moving-picture patron. "I wonder where tho movlo camera is?" The young woman had mistaken Sam Thoinpwn, tho Jolly patrolman from the 10th nnd Huttonwood streets police sta tion, for tho movlng-plcture star. Thomp son Is used to being mistaken for cole Ibrltlcs. Today a man askod Ram If ho wasn't tho Ram Thompson that pljjd on tho Phillies when "Billy" Sunday wns on tho tenm In 1EM. Thompson has been around th tabernacle ever since "Joe" Spcooo started to build It. Sam says tlrat what "Billy" says about tho "drunks" Is eo. He has seen Iho round-up In tho pollco station overy morn Ing for tho last 86 years. "For ft dime I'll tell you my name, let you take my picture, glvo you the history of my llfo and then get converted, was the nicssngo a boozo-soaked loarcr brought to the reporters, while they were .IMlnir In tho ureas room. Needless, to sny he went out faster than any other man that has evet' left tho tabernnclo. The effect of Billy Sunday's cam paign continues to bear fruit In Dm Moines, Iown, from which city ho came to Philadelphia, To show the results of the loading of thousands of men ami womon In tho western city to "hit the whit trail," tho Des Moines Capital publishes 'VfowXyTago Mrs p tho ring In a packnge anil a letter, both of which hnd been mailed on a railroad train In Nevada. Tho letter read: "Mrs. Gregg: Am sending you ring. I look It the day at Mrs. Batman b whon wo had our picnic. I wob down nt D. M. to Mr. Sunday's meetings . I got convortcd, so want to do better. Just Ho my friend and help mo." SLANG EPICURES 'GET' MR. SUNDAY; COPY HIS STYLE SUN SHINES THROUGH WORDS IN DUST TO MAYOR'S OFFICE Old Sol's Only Entrance In Past In scription on Window. The sunlight strove with might and msln Its rajn to niter through the rnne. Deep laid with dut, but all In vain; Till somo one, In sarcastic e!n. Wrote In the dust upon the glass And thus allowed the sun to pass Into the Mayor's outer room, Where previously had been but gloom. RUSSIANS BATTER TURKS IN NEW CAUCASUS FIGHT TerrtMo Battle Now on In Kara "Organ Iteglon. PETROanAD, Jan. 12.-Relnforcement received by the Turks have (rreatly in creased their strength in the Caucasus, land they are now engaging the Russians In a new battle. A dispatch from the Caucasus headquarters of the Russian army eays "Fighting In the region or Kara Urgan Is developing. We captured on Sunday two mountain gun and two Turkish com va.nl w with their officers. The Turkish troops are attacking fiercely, but we are successfully repelling their assaults, though they have been strengthened by the arrival of nerw troops, There la nothing to report on the rest of the front," TYPHUS IN GERMAN ARMY ISO Oases of Disease at Liege 1311. tary Hospital, ROTTERDAM, jBn. . Typhus, the dread scourge of armies, has gained a strong foothold among the Herman troops In Belgium. It waa learned today that In the military hospital at Lleg-o alone there axe 12 soldiers suffering; from the disease. Several trains carrying wounded Ger mans have arrived at Llegu, Other trains, carrying Senoh and British prisoners to Germany, are passing through Uege. Their appearance show the hardship of llw ciuupalsn tit Flandsm and northern fj-tiC. HvraJ fc,uiart4 wprfcmn have been MM Ihjvuglt JUe u repair he fort at FJfeuftcuge aiuuaced whan the Germans A modern rival for tho hand that In terrupted Belshazzar'a feast to do some literary work upon the wall has been brought to light in the Mayor's recep tion room at City Hall. Some person, with a mlsguldod sense of humor. Is re sponsible for tho modern writing upon the glass of one of the windows In the reception room. The words written Into the dust follow: "The most spectacular part of City Hall Is the cleaning of the same " The casual reader smiles and accepts these words as sarcasm, but there Is a significance to them, deepor even than the dust In which they are written. For Instance, no cleaning had been done on the windows for many a day. Therefore the writing may bo accepted as cleaning. Polishing windows by writing on them undoubtedly Is spectacular, so that the words through which the Bun would be shining today If the sun were shining at all carry their own proof Chief Ball Is the original author of the words. He Included them In a recent re port, and bb the man who wrote them on .the window failed to use quotation marks or to give credit properly, he Is a plagiarist. "HAIRIEST MAN" SHORN OF LOCKS IN RECORD TIME Winner of Barbers Speed Contest Awarded $1000 as Prize. The hairiest and most bewhlskered man In Philadelphia was shorn of all hli locks today, and as a result Joseph Papaleo, proprietor of the Sanitary Shar ing Parlor on South 7th street, Is JKOO richer than, he was 11 hours ago. The man's hair was trimmed at the annual halr-cuttlng and shaving contest of the Italian barbers held last night In the Casino Theatre. Seven men, who might have beea mis taken for the proverbial hairy mn of Borneo, were gathered at the Inasmuch Mission as subjects for as many barbers in the contest For four and one-half minutes fur Hew on the stage and the participants were almost hidden by fly ing locks and whiskers. Then Papaleo emerged the winner by several minutes. He bad shaved his subject and cut his hair, without leaving a scratch from the razor or shears In the record time ot four and a half minutes, tta nn Ala. Wod his right to the fUOO prtie. WAS TAX 400,000 Xtf MONTH The emergency war tax has Increased the internal revenue collection in this city for the month of December approx imately K,CX) over Peeember, mj, ac cording to Interna) Revenue Collector Iederer. The total receipts of the internal revenue ly tlta ettciior' om far De cember UM, were ld,KSl The average- truant tot e.h day varyittg le twa &. uaa ,w. Racy Expressions Invigorate the English Language, Say Those Who Appreciate Picturesque Invective. Said a lawyer across tho breakfast table of n houso In a. street where milk bottles do not clink on tho front door stops o' mornings, whero the llmouslno Is scon moro frequently than tho huck ster's enrt, not a block from ono of the comers of Rlttenhouso Square, If you will: "Put across another cup of coffee, you pin-headed, lowbrow, anemic, rum-soaked mutt, or I'll Jump over nt you and land with my heels on tho back of your neck." "All right," replied his wife calmly, "but don't forget those tickots for tho opera tonight, you paddle-brained yap." And, similarly, when an "art for art's soke' young woman, whose pin money seta her fond parent's bank account back 100 a montili, crashed Into an open Bwltch on Beethoven's sonata In C-flat minor In tho course of her ?7 an hour music lesson, Bho was not particularly flurried by Herr von Votshlsname'B smashing comment In'part as follows: "Why, you stiff-necked, dog-kissing tea drunkard, you haven't got tho intellect to keep a self-winding clock going, you poor, frowsy-headed, devil-dancing simp." To which tho young lady replied: "If you'd cut out your beer-guzzling, llmburger-snatchlng pals and got somo Judgment Into that billiard ball that rat tles around Inside your green velvet, organ-grinder's monkey hat, you'd bo nble to discriminate between a woman with a temperament and an Ivory breaker. Sho gave another example of tho new tongue that Is fascinating tho leisure classes of the city these days later, and was accordingly asked for an explanation by a mun who docB not read tho nows papcrs. "Why, the English language has been given a new leaBe on life," sho explained, "It's all Mr. Sunday's doing. Since he reached town everybody's been talking It. It's the most picturesquo style of language that ever came nlong. Thomas Carlylo would havo fallen for It and thanked his stars to have gotten such invigorating suggestions for his style. "If Kipling had had a whiff of It thcro'd havo been a stronger 'Kim' in the world today, and as for John Maso tteld well. It's not too late for him to mako a whola new hair-raising poem out of this material. "Do you get me, you hollow-headed bum:" BUSINESS HOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE IN SALEM, N. J. Tlnlaw Building Burned and Tene nnts Suffer $30,000 loss. SALEM, N. J., Jan. 12.-The Flnlaw Building, one of the largest business places In the city, was badly damaged by Are today, entailing a loss of about J30.000. The origin has not been deter mined. The building Is a three-story brick structure and was occupied by Frank A. Grier, clothing; Butcher & Harris, Drygoods merchants; Sol. Wetn Bteln. shirtwaist manufacturing; the W, C, T. U., and the Washington and Fen Wlck Lodges of Odd Fellows. Not one of these escaped a loss. The drier store was destroyed and the stock, valued at about J11.000, la a total - loss, fully Insured. Welnsteln'B factory wiped out and everything lost, valued at J30OO, insurance (1500; Butcher & Harris, loss by water and smoke, 15000, insured: loss on lodge rooms and W. C. T, U. headquarters, 1500, Insured, Carpenter & Mitchell Co., clothiers, adjoining Fln law Building, loss by water, 1 1000, in surance. William Pt Flnlaw, owner of the building, figures his loss at about 15000, which Is fully covered. POPE PLANT TB.ANSFEKRED "BILLY" SUNDAY ASKED TO PRAY FOR BOIES PENROSE Hope for Politician's Con version Expressed on Post Card Sample of Many Peculiar Requests. "May wo ask you to pray for Boles Pen rose to bo converted during this cam paign," was tho request to "Billy" Sun day on a postcard ho received today among a big bundle of letters. Tho card was unsigned, but tho writing seemed that of a woman. This Is only one of scores of peculiar requests received by "Billy" eacn any. Tho moll brought to the evangelist's house, nt 1914 Spring Garden Btreet, usually Is heavy, and strange requests and letters from "cranks" mako up a large part of It. Ono of Sunday's correspondents writes from Huntingdon that "alcohol removes tho Btaln from summer clothing. It will remove tho clothes and tho summer; also tho spring, autumn and winter clothes, not only from ono who drinks It, but from tho wlfo and family as well. It also will remove tho household furniture, tho eat ables from tho tablo and tho smiles from the face of the wife and tho happiness out of tho homo. As n remover of things alcohol has no equal." R. Allison Miller, a plumber, of Hunt ingdon, Pa., writes: "I hnd tho privilege of hearing your sermon Thursday even ing and wish to state this Is the llrBt tlmo I have ever heard tho real thing. If wo had moro preachers llko you wo would havo a different kind of country." R. L. McCarty, who was chairman of the Sunday Executive Committee during "Billy's" campaign in McKeesport, writes: "so you aro back in Pennsylvania again and from accounts In the newspapers arc giving Old Nick an awful drubbing. Tho old fellow has had his own way for n long tlmo there and deserves all ho la getting. May tho victory be complete and tho Lord glvo you great things In the lnrgest city you have tackled. "Tho results of your revival In McKees port are lasting; tho churches are still crowded and we havo a clean city as a result of your great work hero. The redeemed of the Lord aro praying for you dally." B. D. Ackley, Sunday's secretary, who has charge of the opening of tho mall, says he never knew thero were so many "dippy" peoplo in Philadelphia until the campaign opened and the local "cranks" started to send messages to the evangelist Society of Municipal Engineers The Society ot Municipal Engineers of Philadelphia will meet at the Engineers' Club, 1317 Spruce street, tonight. Joseph F. Mallory, former chief Are marshal of this city, will read a paper on "Fire Prevention." Win a Free Trip to the Great Panama-Pacific and San Diego Expositions. No capital or experience needed. Just a little work in your spare time will win this greatest of all free trips. Send for full details to Circulation Department Public Ledger Evening Led PHILADELPHIA About 600 Men Will Be Employed In Main Factory, HARTFORD, Conn., Jan. K.-A deed has been filed with the town clerk whereby the receiver ot the Pope Manu facturing Company transfers the main plant of that corporation to the Pratt & Whitney Company. About (00 men will be employed. Approximately 1300,000 was , paid for the property. fY 1 a"-" I -g PHILADELPHIA J 13 fl JIM liiDOM l&r&m&!tfir u 1 )! U. S. SHOULD MOVE TO END WAR, SAYS JAMES M. BECK Ex-Attorney dohoral Declares Nation Must "Abandon Cowardly Attitude." Tho United States aovornment should Immediately take steps to bring about an end of the war In Europe, according to James M. Beck, of New York, ox-As-sletant United States Attorney Oenoral. Ho ndvocated this action In an address last night before 300 members of the Con temporary Club In tho Hotel Bellevue Stralford, "Of alt complacent, vain and self-satisfied altitudes this of 'watchful waiting' on our part Is tho worst," he said. "If the United States wishes to bo a polltlcnl entity In world' affairs It must abandon Its cowardly. chlldUh attitude and take stops at once In tho Interest of humanity to end the war." The subject discussed was "What Can Amorlca Do to Bring About Peace?" Mr. Bock asserted that Amorlca must call a conference of all neutral States for tho. purposo of crystallzlng publto sentiment nnd making a genornl protest "against the outrages of tho Gorman troops," "It Is n shame for us not to protect Belgium," ho declared, "a greater shame than for Germany to commit the out rages ngnlnnt tho llttlo country. It Is argued that It would be Idle for us to protest whon wo havo not a powerful army and navy to back up tho protest. It Is, nevertheless, a significant fact that, In snlto of tho grcnteet display of armed force In tho history of tho world, every nation now nt war shown by Its attitude to tho United Statos that public opinion without armed forco Is still potent. "If this country fnlls to protest nt onco It will bo for either of two causes for our own self-interest, our dcslro to mako monoy out of tho war, or becauso of a species of'cowatdlco which shows wo nre afraid to play our duo part In the affairs of tho world." Dr. Stanton Colt, president of tho Ethical Church of London; Dr. J. Wil liam "White, of tho University of Pennsyl vania; Thomas Raeburn White, Joseph C. Fraloy and others participated In tho Bymposlum beforo tho Contemporary Club. LABOR BILLS PUT MANUFACTURERS IN FIGHTING MOOD State Association to HavcW Headquarters at Harris burs to Stand UiinrrT. Over Legislature. STONES ROUSE FAMILIES Occupants Saved Prom ITire by Pe destrians Who Threw Missiles. Stones, thrown through their windows by pedestrians, probably saved two fam ilies from being trapped in their apart ments above tho storo of Poland, Fried man & Co., 2232 South 7th street, which was wrecked by flro today. Tho ondan gered ones were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lubenstcin nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Grocnburg nnd their Infant son. Tho blnzo was dlscovored by a milkman. Calling several pedestrians, ho vnlnlv nt- Uempted to awaken tho sleeping families Dy rapping on tno door. Falling, nil be gan to throw stones through the windows. Grecnburg occupies tho second floor and Lubenstcin tho third. They awakened to find their npnrtments filled with smoko. All mndo their way down a smoke-filled back stairway to tho street. Tho fire gutted tho storo and Green burg's apartment. A number of pieces of Jewelry In a window of a Jewelry store next door, belonging to Jacob Cohen, 2230 South 7th street, woro molted. The loss to tho Friedman 'storo Is estimated at moro than $5000. "Wnr to tho death" on tho workm.C compensation bill, minimum wag km mm on uumr Bimuar isoor meaiurti which may bo Introduced Into tho t(i. Islnturo, will bo waged by the Pennt(y vanla Manufacturers' Association, W loss tho measures aro drawn In a 'mn; ner to safeguard tho business Intefetts of tho Industries they affect. The ai. ciaiion nas opnnoa temporary headonjr ters nt Harrlsburg. It represents aii manufacturers. ' The annual meeting of the associates " was held at tho Manufacturers' cinfcj yesterday. Tho report of Joseph R.I enlil frmiAmlne. tlifv tnltni. .mam........ 1 mu.u -W..WW. .....n ...v .ww, .uvuaures. Such of our members as have Wm ii.au .,. rt !, ...H.i "cyi vi.uji vuia .w tno hiwuiiu nro aw&fft that these proposals will Includa workmen's compensation, Interfer ence wnn unviorm nours and an c(. iuj i iu iiuwiiau uiu oiiuo police, nr that falling, an effort to prevent them doing service In BtrtkoB. There may mull uu u. iiuiiiiiiuiii wage Dili, y(A havo opened temporary headouarl.r. at the Capital to Btand guard over tno XvCgiBiaiura ana xo snow tho Lt. lslators that unless theso bills be o shaped as to Bafoguard tho welfdre of tho Industry Itself they cannot possibly result in the benefit of an? individual or class engaged In the In dustry. The association re-elected the followlnjl ouiUwru iui uiu wuiiwiiL year; President Joseph n. Orundy. Vlco I'residcnts Jonn I, wood and J, H.JJ Trasuroi-Joseph fl. Ilambo. Secretary Henry J. Bhoemakor. Associate Secretary Walter Linn, JEBSEY KAITLES IN TOILS -a His Paviso to Be Pollto Gives Captori Handicap. T crn.vn vnu chnnfl tno murli nt f: handicap, that's nil," said Paul Lamor-, eaux, alias Paul Harris, "that b why you now have tho wristlets on Southern Nir Jersey's famous 'gentleman' daylight, burglar." Paul fell Into tho law's clutches In Mr. chnntvllle, N. J., this morning. He was' trying to open tho front door of th home of John Longworth when lira.' Longworth heard him. Sho screamed. "Bo calm, madam," Lnmoreaux is rt- Dorted to havo said by the police. "I seo Chief Llnderman coming up the stroet;'! 1. will rrnttrt vnu." r "" r. .. r. . .... . . . . '. Then tno gentleman ourgiar too flight, but tho Chief commandeered an automobile, overtook nnd arrested htm. He was taken to Cnmden, where, the pollco say. ho confessed to robbing scores of rosldencos In, Morchantvllle, Delalr.j Camden and other towns, lie will be arraigned Friday. STOItn OPENS AT 8.30 A. 211. 1 CLOSES AT B.30 P. HI. .mm mil See Merchandise Ad on Page S HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Market Filbert Eighth Seventh MAIL AND PIIONn ORDCI19 FILLED You need not envy your neighbors when we make it so easy for you to be able to have all the music you desire right in your own home at any time you wish. We offer you the highest-grade, handsomest-looking, finest con structed, fully guaranteed Play "Concertone" erPiano for t -v 5fv5v Tv"3T S) Wl f-l FA It )W N - v 1 IHl "N W t Ml L Michell's Poultry Show ADMISSION FREE! JANUARY 12th, 13th, 14th CQME! Over 1000 prke-winning birds on iiUplay, the finest collection of fancy chickens, ever brought together The prize-winner from all show in this lection will be on exhibition. Don't Fall to See the Pen of Mammoth Geese See our complete line of Poultry Supplies Free Catalog. Michell's Seed House m Market st. A Small Sum Will Send One to Your Home : Balance in Convenient Weekly or Monthly Payments THE "Concertone" is the only high grade, standard quality player - piano that sells for so low a price as $395. It has a wonderfully sweet, mellow tone and richly handsome case in choice of any wood to match; your furniture, and the player mechan ism is of the finest and includes metal tubes that will last for years. We Fully Guarantee OUR "CONCERTONE" PLAYERS If you have an old piano, we will take it in exchange, allowing you full value for it as first payment on a "Concertone." bBHHMb Qua KsESi nP IffisfM mJM t s With each "Concertone" we give free a bench and twelve rolls of music of your own selection, and we keep your Concertone In tune and polish free for a year. PIANO 8ALON, THIRD FLOOR LIT imOTHliHS Just the Sort of Outfit You Want A VICTROLA IX -tt jruuiey L,aoinet jl A Dozen Records m VICTROtAS in style IX at $50 are particular-, ly nandspme, and we can furnish them in J (iijJB wm Jte7 tfj T either mahogany or oak to match your lumimre, ana, ot course, a genuine iTi yiiict, reguiariy fib, special in .'"? """" l w win match the Vic trola. With th. , i. f... L !. .1 1I f j . . BIf? Ku.vu uuuuic-iacca lu-wcn records Ot your own aelrrtlnn to mqtfinr. tl... i! . . . ' lUr " 2. ,,,c "wre oumt only Z .i.""?" "a "F ?a a """i wm Boon the entire outfit. are no extras and no 'merest cnarges, pay for there 4 a r k'J - ' fKv-.. 4tf& &.& r s r T & IUuatrtitlou SIiqitii Octflt W da not mvo Trad. BE t ,-iu mg Sta.rn.p3 with Vu- ilA trot in or S,-j-,J f v V -U 3. l.il "r" r , " c ,w o w Jj t o -v o- W V ,AV b ." - yyr Jr i .. J ef xi v. C ov v II J-v$ ? MiiiiwfrBiH'iiniMiiiii mmi w mM wu-mw ', i ijfim if silwinw ?iit,ifiiiii:illi:gn w-v ajujl'UlJKl tsfffiriff i ffm-mw