Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 12, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5
fejr-rmgggp lOTCH GIRL GUILTY SF FAKING CHARGES OF GERMAN CRUELTY Inventions" Blow to Public Confidence, Court Rules. Declared Her Sister Had Been Killed. Limm Jnn. 12. Roto Humo, tho 17- !& WWe. ' wh- ?STni iV to bo published letters alleglnR Jhcr eister, Nurse Draco Hume, had f." mutilated nnd killed by Germans in Sam was found guilty at the HIBh jS at Edinburgh yesterday. The Jury Smmended her to mercy, nnd she was -Sn probation. Sho had already flint three months In prison. ffih Lord Advocate, addressing the Jury K-r,!,. snld he thoUKht that thero Kj, no doubt 'that tho two letters 'mI the signatures wens fabricated and 23..; i no Drotence." ho added, "that K. li.i i. insane. She Is mentally alert. i&.ment, has quickness, capacity, will fiWtt and determination. it has been abundantly 'proved taht her Eitmtlon was to alarm tno puouc. xi nna vL pMved that tho public were alarmed. Twoie who read this abominable and ro-i.in.- tnrv were shocked and horrified. K Is clear," he added, "that this girl fe.i.rU!ned toward her stepmother foel- i..; nf hitter resentment. K"I aeccpt tho fullest responsibility for R length of tlmo tho girl has been In kit. If the confession made yesterday ft h.sn made at an earlier period tho LmpWnt of her being kopt in prison r -ti .n( tiflVA nrlnftn. Rrtfothlng is moro calculated to, undcr L nnbllc confidence to produce nppre- It&lon nnd alarm, than these letters. It Ml be an 111 day If a person who Is guilty C ...t. nnmlnr.f fthnillri linVfi trpeAnm jlTn to her by a Jury of her fellow B Mr. Wilson, King s counsel, In nn nd Jtus for tho defGnso, which lasted an Jjar and three-quarters, submitted that Bi the grounds of reason and common the prosecution had broken "down. 5 criminal Intention whatever had been jrored. and It was preposterous to regard tk jlrl as a criminal. HjWhen Mr. Wilson referred to the dls tarMng effert which tho loss of her brother John in tho Tltanlo disaster had M her, the girl put her handkerchief to lr eyes nnd wept. FOE EXECUTES RUSSIANS WEARING AUSTRIAN UNIFORM htrol Breaks Throucb. Czar's Lines and Captures Disguised Slavs. IVIENNA, Jan. 12. It was announced lire today thnt a Russian officer and lit of his men, who had been captured ,U1 wearing Austro-Hungarlan unl Jorms, had been summarily executed. tilt following statement was Issued: KXlne of our patrols broke through the Bemy's lines and penetrated as far as Jba headquarters of the onemy's com mn&tr. When discovered, they fought their way out, charging an officer and ik men. These prisoners were wenrlnir JUjtro-Hunsarlan uniforms for tho pur fcoia of eurnrlalncr our -nntrnln. fe'Ai this Is a breach of tho laws and feutoms of warfare, tho prlsonors were Immediately tried by court martial nnd nrlctea". Their execution followed. Sol .I'tn of the enemy cantured in our unl. forms will not bo treated as prisoners w war. EVMraaLBDGERPHILADTjJLPHIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1915. f) ' ARISTOCRATIC FOWLS CROW AS MICHEL! SHOW OPENS Poultry Fanciers Attracted by Exhi bltloa of Hare Varieties. Nearly 1000 chickens and other fowl cackled, crowed and scratched about In AninPieJ,.l8 m.ornln. when the Sixth Ifn M.UlKy Ph?w of tho Mlchell Seed Judy's ?ifi?at s.tre,et' opcnci1- Th0 will i? V?.?.0."8 today' ,3Ut the birds nlng. oxl'lbltlon until Thursday evo- . 11 variety, anrt many of tho chick '", ftml other birds being shown have M ? 8l,vcr cups nml bluo ribbons nln 2 a,.co.show ln Nev? York nnd tho Philadelphia Poultry Show. The largest class In tho show Is tho Rhode Island Itcds, while tho competition among tho Barred Plymouth Hocks Is strong. A pen of black orplngtoriB, Imported from England nnd owned by II. C. Shill ing, of Flourtown, Ib on exhibition at tho poultry show, and poultry fanciers Bald that tho flvo birds shown were worth moro than $500. Another Interesting fea turo of tho show Is a Yokahoma game, a sacred fowl of Japan. It Is a most beau tiful bird, having a varUcolored tall flvo feet In length. It Is tho property of Wat son Malone, of Hala, Thero Is also a pon of Japanese naked nocks. Tho poultry exhibited at tho Mlchell Show comes from the farms of profes sional and amateur poultry raisers, and tho competition for tho BO sliver cups, hluo ribbons and other prizes offered Is keen. Admission to tho show Is frco to tho public, and hundreds of porsons today took advantago of the opportunity and viewed tho birds. Thoro aro classes of white rocks, buff and black orptngtons, leghorns, wynndottes, camptnes, ham burgs, brahmas and many other varlotlcs shown. Tho Judgos aro F. V. L. Turner. Wil liam J. Stokes, J. D. Koons nnd II. M, Kenner. T. A. Eadon Ib tho secretary of tho show. COAL ROADS WILL CARRY APPEAL TO DAUPHIN COURTS Pennsylvania and Reading Companies Decide to Con test Commission's Order for 40-Cent Reduction. INFANT DIES FROM LACK OF PROPER NOURISHMENT Second Child ln Poor Family Also 111 is From Same Cause. Uck of proper nourishment." Thlj was tho reason given by Dr. Ely I B&rry. of 111 OitftAn InnA Ttrfein jronounced dead tho one-month-old boy H Ernest Imperial, 3418 Division street, Taill nf Bel., ...11.111 Blhe child died today because Its mother WHS aUnflhlft 4n rAtt. If U ...... .l M father of the family, a laborer, has .tfin Out of nmn!rrn& a .. .it.. .ua the Httlo family has been living on contributions of poor neighbors. This b mo aaoy oecamo in. ljoctor fairy vhm fnt t (hn4.v.nA. v.. . i...j S hW was dead. Another child, 18 rv".u um, niso shows tho effects of fiwi ""unaiimenc. m n? ,Poctor na"y learned the rca- ..- V - ' aeatn today, ho de Wfted for Mia . -.j. .;. . Wk.rl i!uIrie' iZ3 nlase avenue, and &'1' ? 0 family. When famm,.. , rot lne sloro 'earned ot the & plight ho himself contributed TY OFFICIAL'S SECRETARY LEADS LIST OF ELIGIBLES Wms Highest Mark In Civil Serv- twl VCZZ, onnpies, 3732 North 18th ttTrL..e?eU,7 tor Director Cooke, of N of is nl or Fub"o Works, led a Btnwri. ' "SiD'a lor appointment m2LfVl? Commission today Is tStihuT llsts of raen "id women as Mm. JI. .wJcal appointment. Tho KTWom '"r"1!".:"?8 .ven the, .men ?H!ii nh,i JW .'" Clauses. .wtiUa V i .ff '. oay "t men passed Sr? lntlon- Pour women attained i25.Sta tJls hleheat averaea on Sji,t lm " theIr averase mo aa ..' aly Mary V. Murray bS. ,"!"? WillUm O. Kronebach Wi'iS2?bacnSwxd W. Cooper '! )l Tltlh . Chandli HhlHaa fl W. atobert U'llaln Joseph a. liurgmnn VETERAN MACHINIST DEAD t&S B. Olbh Aided Jt, Dnllnln. pM Battleship at Cramps. S AQtbb who waa htad l BSlll vBinp nnip ana Engine itetiXb5J?p'y T that ooneern r4V.rl!'iflrst battleship, died yes- "wit A l oro" of hu daugljtor, Mr. r r? 9W,and was bom Jn Kirk Pm b. Vr - cama " f"3 country t trade arty ,earaed th ra" Bt Qfht. ..." tfreiT .. memoer of the Masonlo fi tlSfZ? y w daughters and one WSJXfA erandchlldrea and nine CTcat- -"iiuoren. arch Invites EcvivaUst JN(Wonn w t t. . SSfH 'V8 been'mkd to ha-to a ,; ", J"y Sunday's foj-c do Mareaaitt the rgt Prwbytertan VtTT'lrrow w1- Ttw Rev. Dr. yWttba turned ov t th ev1tHI The reduction of 40 cents a ton ln tho freight rates on prepared sizes of coal from tho Schuylkill, Lehigh and Wyo ming districts to Philadelphia, which was ordered recently by the Pennsylvania Public Scrvlco Commission, Is to be con tested In tho Dauphin County courts. The Pennsylvania Itallrc-ad and the Philadel phia and Reading Railway Companies, together with tho smaller coal-hauling companies, have decided to make a Joint appeal directly to tho courts Instead of asking the Commission for a rehearing of the case. It was announced from tho ofIlce3 of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company to day that tho appeal would bo made to morrow or Thursday. In tho statement, announcing tho Intention of the railroads to fight the case. It was said that tho re duction, If allowed to stand, would have diminished Mi? net revenue ot tho Penn sylvania by approximately $1,600,000 a year, the net revenuo of tho Reading Iby approximately $2,000,000, and thnt of tho other companies by several hundred thousand dollars. "The Importance to tho State of Penn sylvania and to tho city of Philadelphia of adequately conserving tho revenues of the carriers," tho statement concludes, "demands that Immediate action shall be taken to protect their revenues from such widespread destruction as Is Involved under this order of tho Pennsylvania Pub lic Service Commission." William N. Trlnkle, counsel for the Commission, will probably opposo tho contention of tho railroads Instead of tho attorneys who originally argued the con sumers' side of tho case, ward w. I'ler son and Harold S. Shertz. Tho latter at torneys, however, will co-opernto with tho Commission in fighting the railroads' ap peal. The railroad companies have obtained copies of tho record of tho hearings, cov ering nearly two years, nnd have been working on tho appeals for some time, although no notice of their Intentions first served on December 28, but It had been mado public today. Tho order of tho commission was later was discovered that, owing to a clerical error, the date when the new rates were to become effective was Jan uary 12 Instead of IS, as Intended. A new order correcting this was served Jan uary 5. Had the railroads decided to ask the commission for a rehearing Instead of appealing to the courts, January 23 would have been the final date for this action, as IS days Is allowed to appeal to the commission from Its order. According to tho order, tho rates are to become effective January 18. From this date, a period of SO days Is allowed tho railroads to put the order into effect pro vided they do not appeal. At ,the expiration of this time, pro vided' no appeal has been made, they are subject to a penalty of ISO a day for tho violation of the commission's order. Further, the officers of the companies who aro responsible for tho failure to carry out tho OTder shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor and subject upon con viction to a J00 ftnoor Imprisonment from 1 to 12 months, and to a fine of ftOOO or Imprisonment from 3 to 18 months for each subsequent offense. Hirjl, SOHUMAN1T HEINK XI1I1 Singer, Buffering Pneumonia, to do "West. CHICAGO. Jan. 12, Mme. Ernestine Schumann-Helnk la confined to her home, 8872 South Michigan avenue, seriously 111 from bronchial pneumonia, with which she was stricken Thursday of last week. With her son, Ferdinand Schumann Helnk, tho Binger will leave for Califor nia tomorrow, a warmer climate and ab solute rest havlnjr been prescribed by tho physician. Dr. U B. Schmidt Following: a concert ln Qaleaburs. Mad ame Schumann-Helnk was taken 111, and Thursday her condition had become so serious that she was brought to Chicago, where It was learned that she was suffering- from pneumonia. It was necessary to cancel her St, Louis engagement, HECTOR'S CONDITION SAME Monsignore James V, Trainor 111 at St, Agnes Hospital, Tho condition of Monslgnora James P. Trainor, rector of tho Roman Cathollo m l. ArC3ft ThnTTItlH AnillnRK. tV&B ffi ported a unchanged at St, Agnes Hos- '.. . -lan TTa Viqh Kaon at tViA hospital for several weeks. Hl condition at no time, It Is said, haa been dangerous, and tho physicians oo)c for an early re covery. Monslgnore Trainor h been rector of fit. Thorna Aquinas" ainco 1M3, Ha wa ... hu Amhhlyhon 1'rendsrtfust. foUowlns the death of the fornter pastor Prevtoua to that ce servea jt.ua at ttts Ctmrcn of St rums mtu ( PLAN TO SEIZE DACIA WILL BRING MOTHER U. S.-BRITI8H TANGLE Great Britain Determined to Test Transfer of Registry in Ship Bought From Germans. WASHINGTON, Jan. 12,-The stontn shlp Dacla, of tho Hamburg-American Line, which was sold to Edward N. llrettung, of Marquette, Mich., and placed In American registery undor tho newly enacted emcrgcncyroglstry law, will bo seized on tho high seas and taken before n British prize court. Definite Informa tion to this effect has reached Washing ton. The seizure of tho Dacla will bring to an Issue one of tho most Important ques tions that has been raised with respect to neutral shipping since tho outbreak of tho war in Europe. It will bo handled as a test case, and upon Its ultlmato outcomo will dopend tho decision whether tho fleet of German merchant vessels now tied up at New York and other American ports can bo Bold to American owners, transferred to the American flag and then used In trade with Europe over tho routes to Germany they havo trav ersed In tho past. Tho Dacla is now flying tho American flag. Sho Is nt Galveston loading cot ton. Sho Is scheduled to sail from Gal veston next Friday. It Is understood that her destination will bo Bremen. In formation reaching Washington tonight is to tho effect that the steamship will not reach Bremen, but will be halted at sea, taken Into n British port, and brought beforo a British prize court. It Is tho Intention of tho British Govern ment to leave tho settlement of tho lssuo primarily to tho decision of Its prize court. Should tho prlzo court rule that tho Dacla was transferred In an absolutely bona fide way to tho American flag, and that tho transfer was noT ln violation of tho Declaration of London, nnd per mits tho Dncia to proceed to Bremen, It li altogether probable that the owners of the Dacla and Its cargo will bo en titled to reparation and damages from tho British Government for unwarranted selzuro nnd detention. Should tho prize court hold the ship other and moro dif ficult problems may arise. Tho British Ambassador ln lnformnl conversations with American officials re garding tho new American registry law has repeatedly Intimated that his Gov ernment would test tho bona fldo char acter of any German transfer to Amer ican registry and regard It as Invalid If tho steamer transferred continued on the same trado route as before, or If it sailed to its original port. It Is believed hero that tho new own ers of tho vessel aro prepared for event ualities, and will bo ready to contest tho validity of tho seizure. LONDON, Jan. 12. Judging from Amer ican dispatches to the newspapers hero, tho British attitude concerning tho Dacla Is not understood In tho United States. Tho Morning Post says tho British Gov ernment Is still Investigating tho trans fer, and points to the great danger to Britain's welfare through tho transfer of German ships to tho American flag, wind ing up with the suggestion that such speedy Bhlps as tho Vaterland could through transfer of registry become com merce destroyers. Tho position taken by the British Gov ernment Is that If the Dacla or any other German ship transferred to Amer ican registry, engages In trado with Ger many, sho will be seized, something al ready known to tho Washington Govern ment. President Wilson's statement In his Indianapolis speech, blaming tho high freight rates on a lack of tonnage, Is considered faulty here. General condi tions, more particularly high Insurance costs, are considered the real reason of tho advanced charges. WEEK-OLD BABY ABANDONED round on Doorstep of Orphanage Which Declined to Becelve Her. Her name Is Helen and she's a week old. That's all any one knows about her except that a well-dressed woman took her to the Lutheran Orphan Home, 6950 Oermantown avenue, wrapped, ln a rain soaked blanket this morning. "She Isn't mine," the woman told Mrs. G. C. Elsenhardt, superintendent of the home, "but I lovo her and Bomo day I'll come and get her. Please toko care of her." Mrs. Elsenhardt told the woman such young children could not bo accommo dated at tho home and directed her to tho Sheltering Arms, Franklin and Brown streets. The woman wrapped Helen up again and left Several minutes later Mrs. Elsenhardt heard a baby's cries and found tho child on tho doorstep In a puddle of rain. Helen Is blue-eyed, blonde and given to cooing. She will be taken to the Philadelphia Hospital. SUES INSUKANOE COMPANY Policyholder Seeks to Change Pro visions of Agreement. William Spencer filed a bill In equity In Court of Common Pleas, No. 3, today, asking that the Metropolitan Insurance Company bo compelled to allow him to change the beneficiary ln five policies, which he holds In the company for an aggregate of $15,000 Insurance. ' Three of the policies are for endow ment Inauranoe. When ho contracted to tako the five policies, Spencer named his wife, Kate, as the beneficiary. On April 12, 1912, however, he and his wife had a settlement regarding her dower, and Mrs. Spencer assigned all her interest in the policies to their son, Wil liam Spencer, Jr., then 6 years old. His Intention, Spencer explains, is to have the Insurance money paid to his child In event of his death before the policies expire. Ethlehert Watta Here Today Ethelbert Watts, American Consul Gen eral at Brussels, Belgium, who reached New York from the Continent yesterday, will come to Philadelphia today. Mr., Watts stated ln New York that Belgium was saved from starvation by the food gifts of American people. He Is In the United States on a leave of absence. When tha first American food ship reached Belgium, he eald, the little king dom had food enough to last but three days. Seek Cause of Woman's Death NEW YORK, Jan, 12. An investiga tion Is being made this morning ot the death of Mrs. Magdalena Rokohl, who was found dead in her richly furnished apartment last night. Bank books ln IS different Institutions showed deposits of more than CO.QQ& A brief examination of lht toady by a Coroner's physician brought th opinion that the died ''last Saturday from natural causes." N. Z. GRAVES' PLANTS SOLD Three Factories of Camden Concern Bought by Creditors. The three plants of the N. 55. Graves Company were sold nt public auction to day by Samuel T, Freeman & Co., nt tho main plant, at 12th nnd Federal streets, Camden, for $250,000. The appraisal of tho plant made for tho receiver, David Balrd, of tho First National Bank, Cam den, was more than twice this amount, In addition to tho plant at 12th and Federal streets, tho Gravos concern had n white lend plant In South Camden nnd a color factory at Trainer, Pa. Tho three buildings, with their machinery nnd fixtures, were bought by tho creditors, represented by Frnnk Prltchard. Sheriff's Sale of Three Plants Today Tho three plants of tho N. 55. Graves Company, manufacturers of paint nnd varnish, 12th and Federal streets, Cam den, will bo sold nt Sherlrt's Balo today. Tho plants aro thrco and two-story brick buildings and cover 9 ncros of ground with a railroad siding. Machinery of tho varnish and paint plants also will bo of fered for sale. CHARGE THAT PLOT HINDERS PORT STIRS BUSINESS MEN HERE Moore's Speech in House, Declaring Railroads Have Agreement With Govern ment, Amazes Capital. Wldcsprend discussion nmong those af filiated with railroad and coal Interests and Philadelphia business men generally today followed tho statement of Repre sentative J. Hampton Moore, of this city, to the effect thnt certain railroads aro In leaguo with tho United States Gov ernment ln nn effort to hinder tho com merce of tho port of Philadelphia Official circles ln Washington received tho state ment with astonishment and It was dis cussed to the exclusion of almost every thing elso today. Representative Moore, speaking beforo tho House on tho rivers and narbors bill yesterday, declared that delay on tho part of the Government engineers to dredge the Delawaro River to n depth of 35 feet to Allegheny nvenuo might result In tho cancelation by tho Navy of tho contract to deliver coal from Philadelphia. The Government has n contract to tako coal from tho Pennsylvania contractors. Tho coal Is delivered from piers In the upper Delaware. Because of the delay of the Government engineers In complying with tho law, Representative Moore says a collier carrying coal from that point recently went nshore. Tho contractors have now been notified that tho coat must henceforth bo delivered from Norfolk. Sir. Mooro says he Is prepared to re veal a startling condition nnd to show the public, among other things, why tho Delawaro River nlwnys gets a smalt ap propriation In comparison with other pro jects. His speech yesterday was prepara tory to tho development of IiIb Intention to dlscloso tho alleged treaty, ho said. "Recent tests of bituminous cont from Pennsylvania havo proven Its accepta bility to tho United States Navy," eald Mr. Moore, "and contracts for delivery nt Philadelphia Indicate that tho navy can do business at the port ot Philadel phia with profit to the Government, but questions of navigation nave arisen whloh threaten to do the port ah injustice and place tho Government at a possible loss, "1 do not Intend at this time to fur ther discuss tho question of coat for steaming purposes, or tho proficiency of naval captains, or pilots to safely navi gate tho river, but I do desire 10 draw attention to the fact that ln the matter of certain coal shipments recently made the port ot Philadelphia has suffered ln tho Interest of other ports having a channel depth of 35 feet. "Testimony recently given before ths Commltteo on Naval Affairs presents art unusual condition with regard to the mat ter of coal. In ordor to circumvent what was believed to be a combination to con trol tho price of coal delivered at Nor folk, tho Secretary of tho NaVy discov ered a now source of coal supply In Pennsylvania. Ono of tho great collier of tho navy came up to the port of Philadelphia and departed with a load of this coal. Now we hear that channel depths nro again under discussion in tho departments, and that coal that should havo been shipped from Phila delphia may bo shipped to other ports at an Increased cxpensa to the Government." &. STOim Ol'IJNS 81.10 A, SI. CI.OSRS AT fimO P. 31. I MAIL OH IHONI3 ORDERS FILLHD I All Extraordinary Glove Sale Next Thursday! Dent' and Other famous Mahet at the Lowett Price Ever Ashed tor Their Kind. lfomen's Fine WhUo Kid Mousquctairei Included Along; with other fjlovcs ot ovory do strablo nnd fashlonablo sort. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Double Yellow Trading Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until Noon : After That, Until Closing Time, Single Stamps Market Eighth Filbert Seventh There's a wondorfully largo va riety of splendid quality merchan dise to chooso from, when you se lect your premiums for books of Yellow Trading Stamps That's why these stamps nro tho best. : Here is One of the Greatest of This Year's White Sale Events OUR REGULAR ANNUAL JANUARY SALE OF Sheets, Pillow & Bolster Cases & Domestics These are all standard grades, known It will pay you to buy now for the needs of the entire year. And it to their advantage to IBjipippys),;''-? 75c Seamless Sheets . . . Of standard bleached sheeting round, even thread no dressing. Heavy weight with three inch hems. Size 81x00 inches. S(i7ne mialitii, 81x99 and 90x90 inches. 69c i r-&vAAsx!i!&ztrJtr&iiiM rm -4 tW UV trTJTli PfWH IK $fei t I 111'" ! I" IH1 Ml'.l I and relied upon by all housewives. institutions, hotels, boarding and apartment houses will And attend this great sale. WfnPWr,lVHiHVnlvH"'VVVT, Uc.ntiiWr Mtrclin ""7 1 i CambricS Nainsook 2 Fruit of the Loom, Lonsdale and other good makes J ui uu-incn Dieacncu muslin. Also tine white cam bric and nainsook. Not moro than 25 yards to each customer. No mail or phone orders filled. 'AsmfEKSsiaffmst 18c Pillow Cases, Each . . Of modlum-welfjht bleached miiB lln; free from dressing. Have flvo rows of cord abovo hems. Size 4Ex3G inches, with three-Inch hems. 15c Pillow Cases, 1oy2C Each Well made of famous brands' of bleached muslin, ln slzo 4Gx3G Inches, with threo-lnch hems. FinST $1.25 Wam sutta Sheets J Mado of Wamsutta sheeting: onoc rof the heaviest and most durable . made. Slzo 81x90 Inches. Pillow Cne (to match), OOc Size 45i:t(I Inclien. each... uJ 30c Sheeting, Yard, 22 C Well-known lirnndi Si ynrilH wide. Bleached nnd unbleached sheotlnR muslin; round, even thread; noted for durability. FLOOR, NORTH 80c Bird's-Eye Diaper Cloth. . In nrlelnnl 10-ynrd pieces. Comes 18 inches wide. Red Star dlapor cloth, antiseptic, ab sorbent nnd non-irritating-. 12Kc & 15c Cambric, QXC Two famous brands Lonsdalo and' Berkley; 3G Inches wide. 60c Seamless Sheets, 49c Of medium weltrht, bleached and unbleached sheeting; no dressing. Slzo 81x90 Inches. 16c Pillow Casing, Yd. y2 i Honvv tilArinlinrl muslin, mtlnd I thread, no drosslng; come 45 . Inches wide. 8Kc Muslin, Yard, Qy2C Comes 36 lAches wide. Medlum welsht, unbleached muslin; round, oven thread. Will soon bleach white. 35c Bolster Cases, 25c Of modlum-welght bleached muslin, mado right way of tho goods: slzo 42x72 Inches, with threo-lnch hems. I A Sensational Sale of Beds and Bedding9 ! Prices Were Never Before Known to Be So Low $4 Fibre Mattress $2.89 SThis $5.50 White $ sEnamel Bed Jllaa continuous post, fancy chill on tneao and root, best enameling. Fine pine flbro: havo thick, soft top; fancy stripe ticking; ono or two parts; well filled. 85c Pillows fiCJr Good quality Inches. Well odorless. ticking; slzo 28x22 filled and guaranteed $7.50 Felt Mattresses $6.66 Made ln layers; heavy ticking; one or two parts. $6.50 Mattresses . $4.98 ricked cotton; strong ticking; close tuftlngs. One or two parts. All reg ular sizes. $9.50 All-Felt .Mattresses, $7,Qft nn lbs tlcklnir. sizes. Has 8-oz. A. C. A. waterproof Ono or two parts, ah regular $7 White Enamel Crib $4.98 Continuous post, national fabric spring with medicated cotton top. fife ito lis i'l This $15 All-Brass Bed, $J 45 Two-Inch continuous poBt. Ten one-5 Inch fillers in head and foot; T-ball rod ends: guaranteed lacquer; brlgntj TTfl n ifln A flHA na tt.aeai nnmnl A,n fillfi n H,,ll fltllnh UUiVUUViVUUMMMtUUVnUUtWVUMlUMMM FOURTH FLOOR WV1V1WVVIVVW'VVVVVVVMV Cartwright & Warner's Underwear For Men, at Half Price & Less This Is our January Clearance In Men's Underwear, and Includes this celebrated make, renowned tho world over for extreme high quality of fabric and make. Thero nro other famously good makes, too. $3, $3.50 & $4 Grade Oj Underwear Selling at T J These garments are of finest wool In natural gray and In white, Fall and Winter weights, beautifully finished, perfect in every detail. All the good sizes, but they certainly won't last long at J1.G0 a garment. CO TTndaiiuanv of fCi FlnB sauzo merino underwear that Is P UlltieiWtdl til roC very so"' warm and comfortable; Just 1 "'ww right for early Spring, or for those men who do not care for heavy Winter weights. Almost all Blzea In tho lot. We Cannot Fill Mail or Phone Orders at These Extraordinary Low Prices FIRST FLOOR, SEVENTH AND MARKET STREETS EW RY : Half Price and Lobs An Importer's sample line that includes the most attractive novelties and a wonderful collection of French jewelry many are exclusive de signs. It's difficult to give detail, for in many cases there is but one of a kind. $1 to $10 Jewelry, 50c. to $4.98 Lot Include fancy metal and bead necklaces La Vulllcre. penrl bead, dog collar of pearls, velvet neck band., fane? broochm and bar ulna, long cualnm abo nu exquUlte lot ot Jet good and cut ateel dinner buckles. $1 to $8 New If ()r td$D QQ Hair Ornaments U.ao Including aluminum hair pins, barrettes and hair bands, AH studded with Bno rhinestones In very artistic designs. $10 Mesh Bags, $4,98 Qold plated; beautifully hand engraved; soma have pierced frames. 2oc and 50c Plated Jewelry, 10c Including: broaches, bar pins. La Vallieres, cuff nlns. waist seta, etc S FIRST FLOOR. JSIdHTO ANB MABKBT BTRHSWS Kimonos, Flannelettes, Crepe De Chine Garments & Undermuslins All Coma Within the Scope of This Exceptional January White Sale Which Teems With the Moat Unusual Values and the Daintiest Styles $1.50 Flannelette Gowns. . 9Qc in neat stripes; square and high neck, some trimmed Willi riDDon, tuners ecuuopuu whii awn., tin tu&ca. 75c Wash Petticoats 4Qr Of blue.and-whtte striped gingham, with under- TC K ruffle. All lengths. 42c Cambric Drawers 1Qr With yoke band; hemstitched, plaited ruffle. All M. J K slzea. $1.50 Kimonos QRr Cotton crepe In all the leading shades, with ' Persian trimming. Shirred shoulders; all sizes. $1.50 to $3.00 Petticoats. 98ct01.98 Of fine nainsook and cambric; trimmed with Val. and shadow laces; some embroidery flounces; ribbon. drawn headings. Picture shows J1.98 style. 4 I XQStil i ft $1.50 to $3.00 Camisoles, ggc to $l9g A BIG SALE OF Boys' $1.50 Cloth Hats, We closed out all q prominent New York manufacturer had left. They're in a number of small lots, -which gives you a wide choice of many of the newest pat terns, in fine all-wool cloth hats, in tho latest shapes, including square crown rah-rah; some with inbands. They're in the newest shades and are selling every where at 11.60 our special price, while they last, 79c. MAIN ARCADE i lit BBOTHBaS : IW QEtt Bid IlKS'i'AUUANT UlSST OS" EVHaiCTOHfa At LOWEST t'RICKS BOTTI LOQM 79 k. v-iciip uo uiue. MUU jrunp r front and hack ot shadow lace, trimmed with bead ing; and ribbon. All sizes. Sketched. $1 Gowns, fiQf, Of nainsook and camhrlo in slip-over model, high ana V necx, trimmed with embroidery trnii edge, Insertion and VaL lac beading and ribbon arawo- am W MAIN ARCAIHB ANP SECOND FLOOR I 1 C ! I II 10 i a 3 t A i 13 im Sf Its 1 i s ffll i iiPI i fi t i ' hi 11 im r 1 m m it 1 SI j stssr aa opig pryw 5yj!jgiil