Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 12, 1915, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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German Flyers Turn Back at
Foe's SallyDunkirk Hit
by Fifty Bombs From
Fourteen Airmen.
TP.XftlC Jttti. 11, Two OenvBii aero
sMaftea heading for forts wore lighted
yesterday by French air Jxttrols which
'now crulsa over a region considerably to
the north of Tarls, On ot the Ocnnan
machine was near rontnlse mid tho
tither wax sighted ovr Ia Martin. Both
timed northward again when they saw
I-'renoh aeroplanes driving In their dl
tectton. Thft pretence ot the hostile aeroplanes
In this vicinity In recanted an Interoat
J1K. It l considered likely that It Was
tha Intention ot the German airmen to
.ttack Tarls and London rmiiltancouly.
Elaborate preparation have been com
pleted to guard Parla against possible
tn3n toy the German Zeppelin fleet. Alex
andra Mlltarandi MlnlMor of War. and
General Oalllenl. Military Governor ot
rails, Impeded today th outer trenches
protantlne tha city and the various antl
air craft Runs and the other meana of
defense accalnst Zeppelin. They declared
thmtWei wholly satisfied with what
they mw ot tho efficiency of tho guns,
. welt a the defense works.
Describing the alxth raid on Dunkirk,
which occurred yesterday and In which
I aeroplanes dropped 60 bomb, a corre
spondent writes:
"After dropping their missile, the CJer
wan airmen were preparing to leave when
two Belgian aaroplanos ware Been rising
io attack them. A thrilling encounter In
the air was then witnessed. Although
outnumbered by seven to two, the Bel
gians fought gallantly and completely
outmanouvered their opponents. They
Tone to a height of "000 feat, and having
trained this advantage, fired at the Ger
mans with mitrailleuses.
"The battle lasted about 45 minutes,
then rive of the German machines drew
off. It Is believed they were short of
Ammunition. The two opening avla
tics strove desperately to gain the ad
Vantage, but as they rose higher, so the
BolRlans rose and held their advantage
until tho nnal phases of the air-combat
we're fought at n height of about 9000
feet. Suddenly, spectators say,, one of
tha avlatlcs swerved and dropped The
airmen had been hit In a vital spot and
had lost control of his machine which
trashed to tho ground In a ploughed field
on the outskirts of town.
"The machine was wrecked and the
airman was killed. He was found among
a mass of twisted metal. Tho sevonth
and last aeroplane quickly disappeared in
Ithe direction of Calais. It appeared over
that city as dusk was gathering. There
three bombs were dropped. Two fell near
the docks and the third Into the sea."
FAIUS, Jan. 12. As a fleet ot 1G Zeppe
lins had been reported over the English
Channel and Dunkirk within the last two
days, the, authorities hero reached the
conclusion that the aeroplanes sent to
ward Paris were scouts, tho German In
tention to dispatch the main body of air
craft promptly after them having been
foiled by adverse upper air currents.
It t not Supposed that so large a fleet
rtook to the air solely for the purpose of
dropping bombs on Dunkirk, but that
Sunday's light attack on that place was
merely Incidental to tho return of the
fleet to Its moorings, the weather forbid
ding )t advance toward Paris or London,
pr both capitals.
The authorities think bad weather and
outpost vigilance have already headed off
" a. "surprise" from such a aource, which
"was Intended to be sprung simultaneously
on this city and London,
slander; replies
germany to french
charge of cruelty
Viviani's Denunciation of
Soldiers' Acts Met by De
nial Strict Discipline Re-
1 ported Maintained.
BERLIN. Jair. U. "German army com
hiandera have by every means, and with
full success, effected tha maintenance of
discipline and observation -of all the rules
civilized warfare In all tha theaters
of war," says an official statement given
out hero today, denying charges of era
flty made In Paris Saturday against tho
fJerman troops. Tho charges were con
tained in a report of a. French committee
f Inquiry, which Investigated alleged In
fringement of human rights by the Ger
pun soldiers and which was read at a
cabinet council by Premier Vlvlana.
Continuing the German statement says:
"AD accusations are mads In general
terms and, as far aa known, the French
publication I nothing more or less than
an unbroken aeries of slanders with no
pther Intention than to create hatred
against tha' German people. All the gen
eral points are 'without any particulars
as (o tha time and place of commission
and no proof is given aa to the guilt of
any particular persons.
' Any allegations ot crimes said to hava
been committed by German soldiers on
their march to victory aro apparently In
tended to create tha Impression that the
Germans systematically committed atro
cities. "Particular cases of cruelty which have
oeen pointed out from the French side
liave at once been Investigated and the
result of thus Invatlgatlons will be pub
lished. Tha case of Lunevlllo, where tha
German commander a accused of bum
Irs 19 houses without reason, ha al
ready bteq contradicted."
jMso Inflicts Heavy Xoas on French
at Cernay.
BERLIN. Jan. 11.
Jtiut of attempted advances by tha
jjH in nprttwnt Poland and Infllc
4 at ft havjr Ism upon French, troops
'maldflr Hht ai'ai upon the Qer
np mth of Cernay, France, are
liniHW5e4 In an official report from
.general headquarters gtven out here tbH
It s that the bait began, again
riy rt Burning In the district ap4t
'eroy wbkli I la northeast "ef l'ejtk?.
fcr b osposJBg German ud I'rui-1
fee5 fca.e ttn cnsvgml Cu kf r"-ip-nij
"jn&i-t for .vert dajs,
ofHcial WAR REPORT?)
.From the sea to the Olse there ha
been an Intermittent cannonade, very
violent at some points.
To the north of SolssOns some very
violent combats hava been fought
around the trenches captured by u
oil January 8 and January 10. The
enemy yesterday made several counter
offenslvo movements, which we re
pulsed, and we gained new part of
From flolss'oni to ftlielms, there were
artillery duels. Our heavy pieces
respond effectively to the batteries
and the bomb throwers of the Ger
mans. In Champagne, In the region of
Roualn, our artillery fired with great
precision upon the opposing positions.
Near Perthes the field forta located
to the north of Beauscjour farm weie
tho scene of a sanguinary fight. The
enemy succeeded In establishing a
trench Inside of the works ot which we
hold the salient. The battle continues.
In the Argonne and as far as tho
Meuse there Is nothing to report.
On the heights of the Meuse, two
German attacks, one In the environs
uf Conscnvolc, the other at Bollebou
chot, were repulsed. To the south
east of Clrey-Sur-Vezouse, one of our
detachments surprised and put to
flight a German company which was
pillaging tho village of Ht. Sauveilr.
In the Vosges and In Alsace the day
was nulet. Bad weathci and a blizzard
in the weitein theatre Inalanlllcant
engagements are occurring south of
the canal of I,a Bassce. Theie arp no
results from these as et.
The Trench last night attacked our
troops south of Cernay, hut were re
I ulserl with heavy losses.
Karly this morning the batUo re
commenced In this district.
A Fiench attack which was started
yesterday afternoon In the reRlon of
Perthes withered away before our
lire. There were heavy French losses.
In the Argonne a French point of
support on the Honian high road whb
taken by us. V,'o captured two of
ficers and U0 men.
In battles In the eastern Argonne
wo have captured since Fildai, one
major, three captains, 13 lieutenants
and 1600 men. Tho total losses of tho
French, including killed and Injured,
In this limited battle hicu, ato esti
mated at KOO.
French attempts to attack Allly,
south of St. Jllhlel, have fnllcd.
In the eastern theatre there Is noth
ing new In East Prussia.
nusslau advances In northern Po
land were unsuccessful.
Our attacks In tho districts west of
the Vistula have piogrcsaed, notwith
standing the bad weather,
The situation In Husslan Poland is
unchanged. On the lower .N'lda, yes
terday, there was obstinate fighting,
The Russians opened an attack an(
came across the river at several polntn
with considerable forces, but every
where were repulsed with severe
While these Infantry attacks weie
proceeding a violent artillery battle
took place In the adjoining district and
lusted several hours.
On tho left bank ot the Vistula, both
day and night January 10, tho Ger
mans attempted without success to at
tack our line at sevetal points, but
were repulsed everywhere by our fire.
In an attack In the region of the vil
lage ot Sam Ice, cast of Skiernlewice,
the Germans reached our barbed-wire
entanglements and began to shout:
"Do not fire; we are yours!"
However, as similar strategems had
been employed before, the vigilance of
our troops was not deceived by this
maneuvre of the Germans, and we di
rected against them a destructive fire
and delivered a counter-attack, repuls- '
log the enemy and Inflicting heay
losses upon them.
In Galicla the cannon and ride Ore
has been kept going and we remain In
contact with the enemy
Paris Admits Gain for Foe
in Movement Against Ver
dun, But Claims Advan
tage on Aisne.
PARIS, Jan. 12.
Fighting which equals In Intensltv anv
of the present war continues In the
vicinity of Solssons, where the Germans
aro vainly endeavoring to letake the three
lines of trenches captured bv the AHIpk.
'Possession of these trenches has given
the French a dlftlnct advantage, fui, if
they can be held. It, will be possible to
utilize mine throwers, from them to de
molish he main lines of German de
fenses, which extend around the base
of the hills north of Solssons. A drive
against Laon, an Important German
strategic centre, Is evidently the object of
the present movement.
Tho entire front of the trenches Is cov
ered with German d ad and wounded.
The French, with the advantage of cover,
are losing far fewer men than the enemy,
although their losses are admitted to be
Violent fighting Is also reported today
north of Beausejour In the Argonne (mid
way on the battle line between Rhelms
and Verdun), where the Germans have
attempted a general advance with the
evident purpose of driving another wedge
Jnto the French line and starting an en
veloping movement upon Verdun. The
official statement Issued today by the
War Office admits that the Germans have
succeeded In gaining a foothold inside of
tha French earthworks north of the
Beausejour farm, near Perthes.
Tha statement saya that the French
artillery la effectively shelling the Ger
mans between Solssons and niime, while
on ths heights along the River Meuse
two German attacks were repulsed.
War for Balkan Stats reared From
W)NDON. Jan. .-Bwlgara s now the
only obstacle to Rumanians entrance Into
the war The Bulgara attitude la causing
some uneasiness to the members o( tha
Triple Entente "While tha Government
at Bona had Intimated some time ago that
It would take no pan in the conflict, even
ttjould Rumania Join the Allies, lata ad.
vices are lesa satisfactory to England,
France and Russia.
A dispatch received from Constantinople
today states that SO of the Bulgarian
liberal deputies, soon would reach the
Turkish capital and open negotiations "lor
tha strengthening of the KOoJ relations
between Bulgaria and Turkey "
To the diplomat here thia dtepatch has
only one slywiileaiioe-ibat Bulgaria will
ct Uqi let with Turkey.
Fourteen Submarines in
Navy, Oldest. Built in
1910, Newest This Year.
Fleet Bottled.
Austria has 11 submailne uar craft, nil
of tho new type. Development of this
arm of the navy haa been brought about
with little ncclntm, and while thr fleet
Is not particularly strong mtmctlcally, as
compaied with Great Britain or even
Germany, Its equipment Is of the best
nnd most modern type.
The oldest craft ot the licet was com
pleted In 1510, while the three of the V-12-11
type were completed since the be
ginning of thi new car. Five olheis
were completed Into In 1511.
Operations of the Austrian Href, both
battleships nnd mibmnilnes, have been
decided circumscribed In the present war
One crulier, the Knlscrln Kllznbeth, met
disaster In the hnibor of Tslug-Tno.
Austria's principal naval bnses tire at
Pola and Trlest on Hie Adriatic. And,
while the exact whercnuouta of the
French fleet has not been tcvcnlcd it Is
certain n portion nf It has been held
In the Adriatic to blnck passage of tho
Austrian ships. Some of the Fiench
ships, together with tho Biillsh, have
bombnrded Austrian ports nlong tho
The reported sinking of the French
dreadnought Cobot utter It had been tor
pedoed by an Austrian submarine In the
Channel of Otranto, oft the Italian ro.ist,
calls attention to the strength of the
Austrian navy a undersea fighters.
Tho first reports of the nttnek of llio
Austrlnn submarines upon the Fiench
vessels declared the fate of Hip tor
pedood ships waB not known. It was not
until yesterday that Vienna nnuounccil
that the Cowbct had roup to the bot
tom after collision with the Jenn Bait,
which was trying to tow tho Injured
Austria's sulmiatlue equipment Is of
tho following type:
Flifit otri-
bcKUll pleleil Tubes
v 12-U tntii imr. s
IJ 7.J1 (0 Kill! till I
i , ir r, tit) inoi mm :
t; -J. v a o mil" into s
v -', ti i a.) . . .. wi mm i
In the foreitnltig tahte (II) Inilldilre llollninl
tpo, ia Herman type ami U.) Iike type.
The tlirfe most modern veFnels, the v.yj, (T-irt
and L'-I4. hae a displacement of IOinj torn
omh, when aubmcrKed.
Two modern aubmaiino depot bMIph nic
attached to the Austrian navy. Thny arc
tho Pellkcn. built In 1S3I, with a displace
ment of 2110 tons and a speed nf II knots,
and the Glgant. built in 1SS9, with n dis
placement of 60 tons and a speed nf It
Continued from I'nite (hie
numbers, and this may tilgnifv another
attempt to break through the Allies' lines.
Serious fighting is In progtoss In the
territory between Ithelms and Verdun nnd
north of Solssons. KIsewliere rnlns and
alternate thaws and freezing conditions
make any concerted forward movements
In the north both sides are displaying
great aerial activity. Clashes botweon
the rival aviators are now a common
occurrence, and both sides have lost more
men and machines In the last 10 days
than in any similar period ot the war.
Fighting Fiercely Renewed on Front
West of Warsaw.
PETItOGIlAD. Jan. 12.
Heavy frosts from the Baltic Sea Io
tho Carpathian Mountains hnvo made
conditions more favorable for military
operations. The Germans havo belied
the oppoitunlty for a renewal of their
attacks In the districts west of Warsaw
between the Vistula, rtawka and Uzura
At tho same time the Ttiisslana havo
resumed their offensive In Uallcla, where
torrential rains had caused a lull In the
operations against Cracow. In co-operation
with the troops attacking the Aus
trian along the NIda, theme who have
reached the Dunajee niver In Uallcla
will now attack the Auatro-German
forces Intrenched on the west bank of
that stream.
The fighting weat of Warsaw la now
fiercer than at any other stage of the
campaign. The village' ot Samlco, east
of Skiernlewice, changed hands three
times on Sunday alone. The Germans
now hold the western part of the little
hamlet, and the Russians the eastern
part. .
In their attacks In tills region the Ger
mans are using the mass formation and
suffering heavy losses. After each at
tack their dead are plied In heaps, bear-
X$0 Eveningi
W aliq have nn exhibit. at She Automobile $how
Chalmers Motor Co, of Philadelphia
2S2-4 North Broad St " M"
Ing i.ttness t the lervlble execution
taused by the machine guns opsfated by
the liiissians behlhd their barbed Wire
German Lines Heavily Reinforced io
Beat Back Attack.
PAWS, Jan. 12. Berlous anxiety Is be
ginning to be felt he-? regarding condl
lions lit Alsace. Ko ofllclsl word has
been received icgardlng the lighting
there slncp Friday. Meanwhile unofficial
reports say that the Germans are hurl
ing huge masses of men against the
French positions nt Stelnbach and the
heights of Cernay. The War Office saya
that the French are maintaining their
positions, but makes no claims of addi
tional gains. The fear Is expressed that
the offensive here may have been prema
turo nnd, ns In tho early days of the
war. advantages gained cannot be main
tained, A retirement from Alsace at this
time would cause utmost depression
throughout Frnncp, where the tecovery
of the "lost provinces" has become a
fanatical religion. I,alesl reports from
thcro reaching here today say that heavy
snows are Interfering with operations,
but that despciate lighting continues.
Recommendations of Ele
mentary Schools' Com
mittee Are Adopted With
out Change.
TIip Hoaid of Education acted today
upon the recommendations of the Ele
mentary Schools Committee, re-electing
for ono year John P. Gnrber, Oeorge
Wheeler nnd Oliver P. Coininau ns As
sociate Supoilntcndents of Schools. The
hoard also elected Albert II. Itaub, former
Assistant District Superintendent, as As
sociate Superintendent to succeed William
C. Jacobs, who was elected Superintendent
of Schools following action on the resigna
tion of Governor-elect Brumbaugh.
Walter Leffprls was elected an Assistant
District Superintendent to fill a vacancy,
nnd the following Asnlstnnt Dlstlict Su
perintendents wcio ro-elocted: William
I,. Welsh, Louis Nusbaum, Samuel I..
t'hew, Theodore 1.. MarDowcll. Charles II.
nielsfoid, William W. Drown, llolman
White, Milton ('. Cooper, Itobert I,. Burns
and John I.. Slnoy.
It was decided that tho Board tesclud
tho action taken at the last meeting per
mitting the Board of Health to establish
a dental clinic In the Baldwin School and
that Instead tho clinic be located In the
new Edgar Allen Poe Bchool at 22d and
liltner streets, for the care of teeth of
pupils whose parents have not the means
to poy for the dental service.
The following toachcis were appointed,
their appointment to date from the time
they nfesumc their positions: Margaret
K. llnll. Emllle G. U Box, Helen M. Ott,
Knthiyn Komlnareky, Goodman A. Hose,
Clam A. Sykcs. Grace Cameron, Katha
rine Cassudy, Julia Ross, Alice Makln,
Marlon It. Horn, Louise M. ICIonlnger,
Margaret II. Itussell, Ursula M. Fltz
Patrick. Margaret" Foell. Elizabeth Illch
mnn, Lillian O. Baldwin, Minnie It.
Berkowltz, Evelyn M. Clarke. Ellen C,
Cody, .lennlo Cunningham, Helen W,
Lees, Helen Bioseco, Claia B. Green. LIN
llan M. Hunter, Evelyn 8. Mayer, Helen
A. Ilclnholmer, Edith C. Youngstrom,
Isabel Stinger, Florence II. Dewees,
Marlon Dj tch, Sara L. Wells, Ircno
Sewing Louise Cocker, Helen E. Ander
son, Blanche I. Huntnr.
Shopwork Joseph Mala testa.
Blow Struck Three Years Ago
Thought Cause of Fatnl Disease.
A blow, struck In a fight nearly three
years ago, caused the nrreat today ot
Samuel AVorthlnglon, n Xegro, of 1330
North Smedley street. On January 1,
1H12, Worthlngton got Into a fight with
Lewis Loggle, another Negro, of 811 Jef
fenon street, Loggio received apparently
slight Injuries nnd was sent to the North
western General Hospital, where he re
mained two weeks. Worthlngton served
n short time in Jail following the fight
During the samo year Loggle was In
jured by a fall and again went to a hos
pital. He recovered In w. few days. On
December 27 Loggio was again taken 111
and died December 2) In the Philadelphia
The Coroner's Jury today held Worth
lngton responsible for his death, which,
according to Doctor Wadsworth, the
Coroner'a physician, was due to a malady
of the brain, brought on by Worthlng
ton's blow.
us i i
'5500 Stetson Employes Hear
Evangelist Deliver Char
acteristic Sermon at His
First Noon Meeting.
"Billy" Sunday preached the gospel
of clean living for success and "Immoral
living for hell" to 6500 employes of the
John B. Stetson Company, In the big
auditorium of the plant at llh street nnd
Montgomery avenue today, In the first of
the nonday meetings he will conduct In
large factories In Philadelphia.
"If you want to work for the devil,"
shouted tho evangelist, "Then go to him
for jour pay. He'll give you licit on
earth and hell when ou get thiough
The big Auditorium wns packed. The
workets stood four lows deep on nil
sides, wealing their ovetalla nnd walk
ing clothes, and theli faces wcio black
with toll, ilut they gave Hilly n wel
come that only such men can give.
On tho platform with him was Mis.
Sunday, llio llev. Dr. Itobert .1. Hunter
and Milton D. llehris, paymaster of the
company. lie was Introduced by J.
Howell Cummlngs, president of the com-
pnuy. Dr. Adam uclbel, the blind oi
ganlst, played the nccompaulmcnt fur
llio evangelistic humm that wcic sung
nnd H. D. Acklcy was nt the pinno.
Homer llodelieaver wns on the Job with
the cornet.
As Sunday leaped to the platfoim his
eyes sparkled. He was In supeib form.
From the minute he begnn to talk, he
held the throng of working men nnd
women Intciested.
"All look at thliiRS In tun lights, profit
and lost," lie began, "and with Chils
llatilty It Is the same way. But Cod Is
against the loafer." Hvprjbody works,
even uatuie, and when Uod selected his
disciples he selected working men. There
are two kinds of bosses In the business
world and these bosses have been since
the world began. The boss who forgets
that ho once wore ovetnlls nnd the ono
who Is not ashamed to look back upon
that past."
"We all have, tno bosses, Jesus and
the devil, which will you take, the ona
who Is kind nnd good nnd will reward
you or the one who, by dovlces, leads
jou through tho straight arches to hell?
If ou work against God, God will work
against you, and then you will go to
hell, and you should. No one can keep
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f, good man down If you work with
the devil, yoit are working wltli the
aaloohkeeper, the murderer, the liar, tne
painted woman, the slinking .criminal and
everything that decent men and women
abhor and shun.
"HVltj I.1KB A BI3R."
"Evil Is like ft bet. 11 has honey In
its mouth and a sting in its tall. Keep
away from Its working end. Troubles nre
Ilka babies, the more you nurse them the
more they grow. Don't forget that good
resolutions are like fainting women, they
have to ba carried out. If you make a
good resolution nnd you do not carry it
out, you had better had saved the breath
you wasted making It. for you need It.
"Christianity and loyalty are tho watch
words of the business world. If you don t
like the business you nre In, get out of it,
but don't knock. Don't knock God either,
for God can knock harder than you can.
The businessman no longer finds use for
the Immoral drunkard. When I was n
young man my employer dldn t care If I
went to hell or not. Now It Is different.
If you work for the devil, then go to the
devil for your wages. He will give you
hell first last nnd nil the time."
Albert Wires Fope on Cardinal's Al
leged Arrest.
HAVHK. Jan. . King Albert, It Is
understood, has addressed n telegram to
the Popo s n tcsult of the alleged vio
lence offered to Cardinal Mercler. It Is
also repotted that the Vatican Is In
vestigating nllegcd massacres of priests In
Belgium The Belgian Government has
been asKcd for details of these ntrocltlcs.
MST15HDASt, Jan. 12. Tho Tclcgranf
sajs It learns that the Papal Nuncio to
Belgium has written to Cardinal Mercler
suggesting that hereafter ho write noth
ing which might ofTend the Germans.
Consul nt Cincinnati Hears Unveri
fied Eumor.
CINCINNATI, O.. Jan. 12. Tho Italian
Consul In this city stated today that ho
had received n telephone message last
night fiom n trustworthy sour:o In New
Yot k city to the effect that Italy has
declared war on Germany.
However, he admits being without con
tinuation on the statement.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. -Advocates of
n great Federal employment agency to
lie operated under tho direction of tin1
Department of Labor lecclvcd a shock
tofluy when It became known that Presi
dent Wilson hud set his face llrmly
against the Introduction of legislation for
its establishment.
The President is opposed to the intro
duction of any further legislation at the
present time that Is not actually Imper
ative. He has let It bo known, however,
that his sympathies nie all with the
gjd me U
olash is mm
Hodcidah Incident Patchf.
I In .Save Rnnn.l nl
y , x.jjuu, Duj
Rome Is Skeptical on Oil!
man Promises.
HOME, Jan. 12. Announce... - .
made here today that the Hodjiait, iJf
....., n. ...... u.ra it ensis in the hj.1
tlona of Turkey and Italy, kit W
been settled. Tho fleet of warships rntj
sailed from Taranto Saturday ,vw$
has been recalled by wireless. !
The Italian Government has bcen ntJ
fled by the Turkish Ambassnjo,. j
the Vail of Terpen, who has JurlidteS
over Hodeldah, has .appointed , 2gi
mission to Investigate the raid upon rS
Italian consulate there, i
Although Italy has accepted Ihli mJ
as made In good faith, the twipap.'
which advocate Italian partlcloilln, $
the war declare It Is only another ...i".
ple of Turkish dllatoriness, eUra
The Idea Nnulonale saya a ruor rl
current In some quarters that liLfU
Italy be unable to obtain reparation KM
United States; whose Ambassador t! ? '
trusted with tho protection1 of EnVtiSS
subjects In Turkey, will Intervene wil
force tho surrender of tho British V..4
sut anested at Hodeldah. t05
Petroleum Supply Near Antwerp lis
nited by Bombs. ,J
AMSTERDAM, Jnn. 12.-A uiioitJ
from Tutten to the Tclegraaf atttes Jhiij
, . ...... .....uww iiens "liiwtrp, lift J
by the Germans for their reserve Mont,
of potroleum, Is burning, having i,,,
set on dro by a bomb dronoed .
Ti ronftli -i Ilftttuli nfiintrt.. i
Electrification Methods DcscrihM
"Tvnlcnl Mortem Steel Pln. i.i....i.,
Hon" was the subject of a lecture glr.n
last night before the members of theEn"
glncers" Club, 1317 Spruce street', by wl
Mr. Jnmes showed the recent appllar.cli
and the steps adopted In the englntrin7
world. "ti
l.sdy attendant. Purchase T?! AVWITta
direct from the factory. i'a-iAVJILlp
luu tu'iunu uAuuiiii ot.
f MMiMiiiit MMIMV
Enter my name a? a contestant for the Pn'
Pacific Exposition Tour.
MfMtlMMIMrt4lMMMl ,! l
'MMtfUM p. -
the necessary Information and JttM
& ("&:
, er " f
..... .. J-. .ij... tlftn,
,- . -&mi