& feWL'HWJyuJiJifiu O O 'f"Zy' """ -W,CT-raHgT"- "'"-I rV i 'III I --"--'- I. i ' i i I XJJSTR47-- V Mfe rnO , -4. tateitmn sra meaner TUESDAY January 12, 1915 PERSONS IN THE WORLD'S SPOTLIGHT. AND EVENTS IN THE DAT SINEWS AS RECORDED BY THE GAMER iltHM tlr ' NOVELTY VENDERS WHO CRY THEIR WARES ON f&f k "BILLY" SUNDAY'S TRAIL AROUND THE TABERNACLE J g rrrr GENERAL CARRANZA IS FETED BY FRIENDS AT VERA CRUZ 1 " When the Constitutionalist Chief of Mexico entered Vera Cruz after the evacuation by American troops, he was the recipient of many honors. He Is shown surrounded by dark-eyed senoritas at a public reception in his honor. GATHERING EMPTY SHELLS AT SIX CENTS APIECE A scene such as takes place on every battlefield in France as soon ns ths armies have swept by. The French Govern ment pays the peasants 30 centimes for each shell delivered, it any railroad centre. Among the prisoners taken in the recent fighting in Poland, the Ger r mans discovered this warrior of ' , 13, said to be the youngest soldier in the armies of the Czar. Judging by his smile, he is a cheerful young person. Photograph by New York Shipbuilding Company. NEW UNITED STATES DESTROYER DOWNES ON .TRIAL TRIP The Downes has just returned to the Camden yards of the New York Shipbuilding Company from her trial trip, oh which she developed a speed of nearly 35 knots, i making her one of the fastest craft in the navy. She cost about $900,000. Here we have the youngest beater g of the Iron Cross in the torces o th Knisrr Kurt- Fielow. 16 yeMU old, who distinguished himself in I B " ' ' "'" ' mi" m mlm i I mnrriiniiT"'! ""ii "11" minimi unwind rrm-r- -- i i 11 - I'irr ml ' ' -" v the iri nf h.lttlfs tllat 11.1VB CC"VS W a I I T ill. :- .nrttlfMSU France. ,fll n n um m , i nniiiii 1 1 1 m n m ih ' 'inn i ni'n inn i mi mm u m mimi'i" i I I mm ' ' " , r rnj r .-...., ..,-. .x- -iron i iTiF "Tf 9E BAD WEATHER NO LONGER DAMPENS THE SPIRITS OF THE GOLFER HE MERELY MOVES INDOORS PMhufelphia golfer need no Jongs wgh at the sight of muddy courses and snow-covered bunkers. They can develop Gimbel'a, In the centre, is a view of a little practice; work by Instructor Barnes In one of the big dwmg room "g'f ttttit ateojee m great comfort Indoor at any one of three placesthe Bcllevue- Stratford Hotel, or at Wanamaket'a or Gimbel'a to the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel. On the right, Instructor Warren H. Webh is giving a fair pupil some pointers oa t fltiartawnt oxc ai me uaiwww wimwm wiBo?n wjowhj aw jum, uc ao acs sjit -on m waivas , wunc it vaaawaesB, bouoi; gon oiaa iair jo gam, a ptseeeje, iS. Jt ja already a we in New Xotk and Chicago,