Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 12, 1915, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15
EVENINO Mil M' I HIT.AI)KI,PiriA, TrKfWAY, .IANTAKT 12, 101 13 PPING BILL iRIOUS MENACE INDUSTRY HERE lipti the Delaware, Con is t r,tr Pnceiliilifv nf icrnea Y-1 ' jfsj of Business, bmploy JThousands. t . .. . J-.. -e fcrlsht nroanects qSgknlldlrt "t the Delaware niver. IS .... nnertntntiea should the l!r7 . iAAtA slnncrreas uecomo guceOrdlntf to repregantnUves ot sf tfit New Torn 8hlpbut1dlnu h ind the Harlan & Ifoltlnga- Ea a..i.ttlnrl JS&uefi. only the New Tork Ship. 1.5 Company I doing normal busl- SSfi till sunlcieiH uuiiun.o ni" sail r .... . .iiviaii -.. Ff-5i jIAllf. SUUU moll miiHiwnnn ivi u3vf At the Harlan & Holllngs railiot only two large vessels are on RfK? Cramp. Just completing aov- SrShtr'TU to work oil At 5k rt4iy a&uu men mi wiiiww SMi Pw eontrcts "ft received In 2 nilBf this force will be cut con- HlsjIitUn. representing the Harlan I -r... ...it. nnrn. emnhatlcailv LrtUt the passage of the Govern- lWKVl.l- hill will hn iIImh. it I IRnOWIIIIIB Mini .-..- - S ,fo ihlpbulldera throughout the -i w Private companies will not com S'irilnit Oovermnent-owneJ ships rAi. ....Htlw uflll nnl nrilsr vokaI KSa aeeordln. .to Mr. Christian. Spa, Mpports Mr. Christian's asser- aCJ' ...Jj.t ir A. Moflnltn. nf Hi IS'Tort Shipbuilding Company, while Cti"1. ....... I.. 1,1. nl,llllnni ir, II,- HhillMM 'ha' shipbuilding will lie 'T i.a.4iariMl should It nana. RffiKlnr on tne Delaware IlKer has 5LK of ofders was received by the Tyl.v varrf. Crnmns turned out two ((ft largest passenger and freight LiKjMpS ever mnsirucitu un mo aim and WO largest, car tout hi x e This float has Just completed u... rim liatueen Ivov West nnd rfrA ii,a antlrA fl.ntlitfnntlnn nf tlin Jrfjll tl the Florida Kast Coast Itnll- JlfJ tne ousiness men ui v,uuu, iuii . . tl,A Plnrldn IfPVA ami Culm. Ift Btd to be revolutionized by the nd- jtilo large steamships are. the Great for the Spokane and Seattle Itnll i j absldlA.ry of the Qrent Northern. nJ.Hii.f of tit Iflnvp lin r a Intfl thin .!w ih PnMfln rnntjl vfn th lnn- .i 14-,. I ftnrl will Hr followed n few S(F liter by her Bister phlp Thin will Ifrf Crimps with only me construction (1 rj.iwn aMi.nt 4 tirnvl tVin in rrl lino HnUU.CIl tlWu w un t,.aj. ii"J J (cf yeirs. ti Sew York ShlpjArds four tor- trfinl destroyers, a tornedoboat ten- i!i, tumher steamer, a tank steamer, ftfUttWihlp Moreno nre under con- tflimpletedi the Moreno will probably ?ll.t. hAtna nvl ua1 Tltf lfal fit t'f'iUI l,W.I. .vv ....... ..m ..v.. Liil4lAMt Trlalii pnnfrnn fnt YL'1il.li kii f(Mlrtd on December 1, Is yet to be Mirlin. & Holllngsw orth liavo only 2iWtim Amnllnl nt wnrit In hnnrl 111 a a a !mihlp for the Tacinc const and Brif.a.l laHlilt&a F.. nnn.t.KllMAII of teiA IIIWIIICS 4W, tUIWHUWIUtl W. injiiidl are in tne aipouuaing row Hlth the prospect that some, or the Kqniy come here. It is rumored that awilt, Grace Company, of New oru, SBJllie market for three stcnmshlpir- tXU rritt It (YfllYlA (Vtmni rnntitrtirtail FJtumIs for this company In 1313, aiTfmqoiries, It is expecicu, -woum I tner acfeat or the ship-owning Din. B UNKNOWN" HERO AT FIRE fejMvScore From Blazing Chicago Tenement. IratQA00' Ja- 12.-t'oity persons pfrrora wintiows or were carried un- ItKtll down flln laniiliA nnrlv ln,lnv pWra (hat startyl from an oter- Pt'td flimaco swent thrnlii;h n fntir- tVPlfdOtlbfft ftnnrtmnt ht,ll,llnir nt R.U Vm itreet, fSBnown man, who described him- p ju.i a piain wanaerer Detoro tswed away after tho lire was under a,iivia y) or more persona. Tho IQYh" dllCOVereil Him lira litrna,! In jFnl4?' n ,nen we,,t ,,,t0 tne burn- Wkjlnr to rescue Innintoi. One man wi?W irom a fourth-story wlndon Ui't 1 CLASSIFIED RATES ' ' SAILV AND 8U.ND.VY TLB TXPE (or Ilk this) ' .SiW.'r!!?". ., lfio ner line 'iiS 2rnBa!1 n wk- "Ho per Hie MV-lL-J-.y 8 f-r"" PMistm s . - ----- -----. i. " " 100 per lino ISIZB TYPE (or like this) UR Sif.J? .U claaslflcatlons except Help 5eaJlir ,tn"S u,t nd "find, Per- m lSere2R- ... . .. ?2?. Per Um , i.; . r -'- iiu iiuuiiHi. sullta,, ifWIl KMrtlOna In a u,l IIS?h?,'KU,lY Insertions:', iKStt-fMtrict (dally ad i ...-.? " ." ,, i no per lino ins. , ibo per line 12Ho per lino IfSri ftlM Bb V... JW ls',iTh7 rnch:'"' m UM",m' a DAILT ONLT r' BiKt DimmUr 1. lilt. C0Un7WATfrXT nlmir gih morning and itsnlng f PUBUC LEDGER IBVENING LEDGER 1 U par Us nit ( rates glysa l -----wa AUUiJiuiiAi, Ljnif itor. nMr -4ur bjjmi that tUJH waat da aYSffiS? retM ' AwTED-araHALa SinESSr jTCnn ti2lnVS.?7Xil w StiUoi,,nvi,'irRSiiM,f- raeriTKau. Waiwoi tf . .Cltla .' KajLwhHrcai gajfjl BKiMprk aBd plain viiri. urga4. (.'-'i'"'- ; -nv.r-I lag. rVaTCW-Bu: ItliJi ?J2i,1rt.saeadr aeruisn w Sir1 Pf)!Ji i bt l 'r- L "im.!!; iii . . ,. l$S.IlPrfWi.Jf5u!i Act Ml -,- .V.'.r"rW. ("beataut at :K,;rr.Li?s.ii HELP WANTED FEMALE KSJOnAPIIBna liftokktttwr itH IreliUTn41 Wei'rln roltlni Ky5. efVl.wlnit MImi L)Vnn nl lii,rCni nnl. Kaa itivipn a ,1. r ..--;...-,- uioni for Ledger Adterlliicrs ,oii Z...? """""'Hi rouaRff. nupnucil wiin- !ia.iVi,.fflr 'tadnor Plnllon onlv wliltn nnl I! ".JH 2nd exnerlenceil nwl nmlyi preffr KdScr ofnVi. " w"' AJrr D tin. '57rlV'AM M ,eeei nd rtownttnltn nr"i.r.eferpnca Ajni)r 110 H .Tithil W!f'?1o".?02k ni1 chambermaid." Call to day nt 4210 Soruce nt. HELP WANTED MALE DILI, and anlry clork Uipcrlcnced man to Kf, 'P "'"co ."f wholesale druit lioute ,. jo-uier wii i rp CIIAt'Prnun, llllnif to do work around tho nniija, .teja oxporlenc and wanes M 8M, . !dniT Otflta LAD about 18 eirs, umlslnnt lo mcehanle around Raraao. character rtferenco required , .Apf'v Deweea Oarage, tB t.lon it. SAJ,BSMEN, reliable, aollclti exeollent perma nent pronosltltn. a UoblJUAClIKll. 230 lnA Title Bulldlna-. BDLICITOIU K.XPPTWENCBD, MCAT AT- FKAII1NO. PllOFJTAIltK ltl hRBNt'n. . Ari'f,V Mil.. It. LAND TITI.n UtllLDINO. K IVHITI KINi ItRF. AllVfSV. !O0 WANTED Mm to rtprraenl Arm manufic turlnx- hlah-cl.n apeclaltleas exnerlenca not neceaaaryi mlary and tnnellnK eipenats paid! ena $2 tor eamplea and raae to aold (llar, Tho eloulton Hales Co.. T Water at.. itoom oil, uuiiton. aiaia WANTED-Man who thorouahty underJTandi botellnK. coloring and alldlne photonranhla moimtp and tvho la experienced In runnliiK hevullliR michlnat out-of-town position, per manent. C 33t. Loilxer Otnce AQENTB ilbNKIIAL Atin.N'ia wnntol In Phlla. nnd vicinity to sell our nterchnnduo; ttuno Iiai per tent, prottt. Addrcua i:ntire Cit tiaies Co., S07 to I7J rulton at., lliookljn, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT bookpr. and atenographer wants chance to proio worth. J 831. Ledger Cent. OOOKKDKPKIt, cashier, general oltlce aalat ant with thorough training and experience, MUST ICAV L employment, will make good In responsible position J 7T7, Ledger C'en tial. UOOKKECPJin AND STHNtXHlAPlIEil; (lrat-ilam correspondent; t) ear' experience, capablo and reliable; excellent rererrm.es. J M.i, Ledger central llOOKKUCl'KIt and cnililer. ouns lady, een crul oxpcrlcnco, would accept aHaiBtant s po altlon; operate typewriter. J IHU. l.edTent IIO01CKRi;ii:i( and etenogtnphcr, 10 yeara1 oxpcrlthco In all kinds or onlco work, alio t u r respondent 1 1 I15J. Ledger Central. HOOKKUUPEIt AND CAHHIIJII. experienced typlat, best references J 742, Ledger Cen. tral. COLORED (JiHL wants houaewurlc. reference call or write 1U1T Hodman. COOIC Kxperlenced colored girl Vlihea cook's place, call Monday, IIS N. Teach it, West rhlladelpnla. prone. COOK ! reneh. Protestant, Juat arrUed, wishes general cooking, private family ur apartment House; good reference. E. S, 1U10 Christian. COOK, competent,- English Protestant, desires poaitioni gooa reference. ir,u roirinount COOK Competent, reliable woman; Main Line reference; private family. L 117. Led. Office COOK, reliable, will take ateady or temporary Pos. Mid Christian I'hone, :l7tE! Dickinson. COOK, plain, good bread maker, city or coun- try. .tut ueuger urancn. ii iicubi COOKINO and downstairs work In small fnm lly; thoroughly cxp ; refa. L 120. Led. Off DRESSMAKER, thoroughly experienced, de sires a few engagements In prlvato homes Address 833, Ledger Branch, IStli and Huj quehanna. xp , rot ta. 2 good work, 31 50 IIP Ualnbrldge. Phone. DltBSaMAKEft of New York deslrea engago'ts; etening gowns specialty, l'none wal 4lil w EXPERT HILL CLERK, bookkeeper and stenographer, accurate and rapid at figures, operate any billing machine; S gears' experl- -iir ,i in, i.cuRcr camrm HERMAN lslflng teacher wishes engagnment afternoon; for children, best city refa Call, ll'aiiA "gs.. 3 Kramer, ph. Poplar 3300 A Q1IIU colored", wishes position In apartment or general housework in a small family; wn ges H. good teferenee. ItOfl Titan at. lUIItL, colored, for housework, good cook, tidy; '. i'H ,.iuiimg a,i OIRL, joung (leimait wliliea alt. as chamber maid with small family. Phone Wyoming 18. GIRLS (2) wish positions, one as cook other chimberwork and watting 3S24 Lena sL.Otn OOWNS UVDNLNC CLOAKS AND TAILOR rd suits, at homo or nut, short notice O. , 11. MiNlchol 1717 Christian st. Phone Dickinson ail" JC. tHlAPl'ATB ttcnographer. 18 jcars of ageT understands automobiles thornuarhly, would llkopi a. In a meUimilcal JlneiJi50,Id.Cent. riia-Sl)Ki:BPKR- Experienced woman" STalles I oeltK.n as Rtnernl supervisor of houcchold or lain-clillj. rare of motherless children Call or add. S04rnlrmount ave. IJelmoiit 2U37 I), HOfsT.KliiyER. wVrklng: jTSns Protestant wo nan, thoroughly capablo to takn entire cliarge. good cook; reference. L 110 Led Off. JlfirsnKEITPKK (working) or cook In lioard- bis houae; c-omp.; tef, L 103, ledger Office. llOCSIJKEEl'UR (working) for bus. peoplo": can tako enllro charge L 103, Ledger Oflce. lIOlTflRWOIlK or housekeeping wanted by Prot. woman In Christian home, ilty, coun Irv. refersiirfii. i G10 H tmth st HOL'.-IKyORK-L'pstat0Rlrl Protestant. capaT ulireferente- no wash L 12L Ledger Oir. lloi'PirwORK-IJnatato girl outig, reference! -.. vt ...-. . ...... .j ,fc- .1li-'rWlilCH 1NFAN1" NURBE or mother'a helper, experi enced capable of taking full charge, belt icicrcm-ca. n ui;'. i.enaer central WANAUI."0 IISKPR.-Woman of ability and mi.; school or prltate L till. I.e) Offlco MA'IIUJN or housekeeper In Institution, Prot . eiwniwoir.nntx !rL p ll'l, Led JJff. NI'IIHD. practical, or mother's helper, reflneTl oiing woman. L 118. Ledrer Office, Nl'ItSL' (undercrailuate), tako any eaae, loj light duties. I, 1 10. Ledger Office. NURSB. competent, for Infant or growing chfi drn f, X1B. ledger Office. Nl.'IMK. Prolattant glrT. wishes noiltlnn as n 'rag or light ill slalra work. C 330 Led. Oft. POSITION as companion to seinl-lnnlld or neroua person; would like one going South nr to California. UM.Jedger Central IIEriNED. .oung married woman, wllhl'-jenr-old child, dcsltta position, not menial, lake entire charge of phralelaii's or widower's hums or something Similar Answer gltlng full par ticulars; tela, exchanged V u.'U. Led Orf REFINED WOMAN would helti with children, sewing or other light dutlea, 1. 101. Lodger Offtce. bl.'AMHTltKbS, understands drcss'klng wishes tew erga'ls. II. J3 per day. M W-V Led Off. E'FKNOORAPlIERi" well e.iucatid, experT tied; competent and rapid typist J 7IJ, imir wumiai. BTblNOtlllAPIIL'Ri 3 years' experlenco,"brTghr neat, .cumpatenl; beat references J 711, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER Efficient and conscientious, 0rc position wtn opportunities; moderate sala ryi referenca. II 23.1. Ledger Office STBNOaHAPIIER, young lady, refined, edu. sfaled. J 032. Ledger Central USEFUL companion or attendant,-can rtsul ywelli light duties M 823. ledger Office. WHEN IN NEED of an experienced office) as. slslant, bookkeeper, stenographer or clerk. cs up Walnut 8000 and consult with Mils Dean of the Commercial Department, who has a list of hlgh-grsde. experienced glili oager fur txjsltlons. Avail ourself. of the free eervice o Ledger Advertisers NOW, TfODNO eoor4 woman wlahes cooking, houae. work or chamberwork ttrst-etaas worker) obliging, country or will go any plica; ref. areucg. j.. iv ;.'p , tOUNO lady, William Finn graduate, book- erenca- J-, rav - cnaawna acensr a a iiinpsirut. a iao, m., v.-. per i trat. BITU'ATIONS WANTED MALE "ucurk r La-v 9HiHUQ O MI j-t-fW "-m, if.KlK7luV?-i:So!l07.! "i3 eSSt- hAf at kk ...a- .I- Tff.?r?.'iy JUi chltdnuno or mether-a -BTIegtsncl tefl. hiiKiwotfc L lit, ld.. Oft,. V.A.i'T,i-.J.0l''. .while MtmdreM.lo Hiln- AfCOUNTArfR credit voTlecllon off, mn" xp , iesir iws i bestef O OT Jdger Off. AaflT "bookkeeper or clerk. kluTwIt-ga fifsLUVV, age Jl7"Prl' nosJ -Hires posl. atn. lu or hotel; good rsfyrsnet. J TJJ, Ladger Central. BOKKi)P-R-'Xoag ttuw of ee)l train- fnt sad thorough cowmeretal effialta, is. plrtbookkeiper aad aeunlint. hliheat rf. Iiaf.ncea la&leraU saUry J all. Led. QsoU anceTo.llbast ref." J l.tt, tser J7nral. f0lBI:iLiOuniio. U-Jff. . S1 ur-ilBel woewplojadLdealres wrins- ttSSH.-fCTt, JK"J.. " 'JUX.1T xanl run at . !--. KAla-TT Oiii Va--W 5V -sir1 tIwaVe "tnalBsl J.T. "-.r r-.a. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE fXiSs PAlNfln, apeM-ii mechanle, ..wani work, largo toncrrn itrniote. ien (N. "l DOT or, 17, deajrt's iwslilan nt any kind, needs Cl i in-rm-5, - gi-iffg up tr jhM to i"no rnaunetir, ceretul .Hirer, honest ana rrtlable, 12. yMt at p MIM Tt, P fling, mi v. Venn lirSroughly Wimt uta i nn at.. iar mnmown ClfAt rFKrit, white, i-xperlenced, age,! 22. wlsliea imiifon with private family. .ly or tntintrv does own repalrlag; geoil referenr jo1in .Nichols, y Kail Wlllaij SL CIIAl lU'DUIt-ncllabl man; ldlrnn due tti death in em,'loer'a tamll . terermiee) Thoa. K. Ilelllngs 71 Iv Jtortter at .J'hlln. UltAUH -g'lt roaihman, wlilto. single, exp i prhato lamllj . good ref. BBM Norwood. Otn I'llAUf.rBOR, sltiRlr, wlhlt, etBelcnted man, KJ5L?lt refs j W, iMget central, ( tlAUJ-'fBtffi. anrdener. errlncet Ih both. wifhjs position beet tefs J 250. Led Cent. CERiTRf tnjng innnr5roor educaiTen nnd Petltmallly. h haib' nnlre axnerlenee. to iMnt rail estate builnerai modcrnto ail- ni-BirPS U good tcrerencei icn un nitaf t 111 lailur f-atitral iXIiUK-fuung inan.'TTigh-eeHeiol "o,luva. lion, (lioroughlv familiar wlm office tlclnll. deSlteS noaltlnlt, ...! rot 1 Iftn tat r-nl. cDllTTT'OIT, "iJ jeafa' expcrleiucrrefe'rcnce; security Address J, (1 , 1D4.I N 21st D'.lA.'.7i,.,'v.N. mi hatilc!, 8 ears' experience. .- Leilger Cenual. rNdlt-Bft. licenser, small plant; or watcW Tni. soft ur hard coal. C 388. ledger Orf. fcni'it,JifJ?1?i'.BU SALT M"ATAtJElT" Oil I'lViL-lRU B,,?J'BI1 DIHBCT OR ON COM- ffiitcAo,:rmrK J i" ..aardenef.'maiTTeS, wishes situation ?". cnllenian'a farm, understands all bramiiea, ana engines and ntnchlnerj ; best K,'i,iBi "..care, of Wlndrush cetste. W School Isue, Otn. al'p!1Atrsntt" ro"'fI"' flrsrIais Cpii KoTRVoOnO ilBN d7iirrw"o7k"aTTrtmte Is eienints: can furnish best of references; clerical work preferred C .128. Ledger Office JAPANL'Sd wants position In famll), general rJiU?jJ2.'cci8jnjnoao5N, 18th at. MACHINIST, n'll around, 0 s'ears' expcrfetfcc-7 now and repair work, wants position nni wj!ir?l VV.1'" to 173, ledger IJrancli, lOlh . nnd DurdnorMephone Diamond I767. .$ AND WIK-li UeFman. want poaltrona" man as butler and houseman, wife cook, good M,AN AN) WIKJL colored, bufler nnd liousc- 1111-1 mm cook fli imp. Ledger OfTlco. -AU;ci!ANlasJ drauKliirinaTi " t jar6bfond op, deilrei roattlon where tfchnlcnl knuwl uio nnd ability Ii npproclatetl. llrat-clajs reference. J HO, Ledger Ccnirnl rniMTBU - Tounir married imiit 23. experl encM compositor, with ellKht knowledKe of adscrtlalnff deatrca position .r 744. Ledger flrt-c1aaa placo; referenco. I 114. Ied Off. STDNOUKAHIinri anil hookheeper. lilRh- acnoni irrnd , 4 enra' oxperlenee, beat ref,. would like interview. J IBl, ledger Central. SriNna!lAIIjriK and penernl omei nmn do alrea po.'ltlon; 10 enra exp .T ilSS Il Cent. TKCA8L'HRR or nsnlstnnt of thentrr Younjc man VO, now pnipIoMMl .furnish iho beat of roferenm. J 7M. tsOdRer Central WANTIH), n position bi euprrlnteiidpnt or na alstnnt Hiiprrlntendent In a llthopraj hip plant or Iirxe printing rttnbllflhment tj one thor ounhlj fn miliar nlth tho work nnl cnpnblo nf RllneT entire aatlafnctlon, habits uban JntMvporreet.T flTr,lKr Central VMIT12 rotinle nnt position on KPiittennn'a plao Rood horseman nnd atock, wife good nnuaeworker an plico ref D 27 N" orf YOt'MO '.ViN-S9ien eara with larpe paint. arilah, ml or nnd clienilcnt tnamiracturlntr rnmpnn aa naalatnnt Rrnrral ruperlntendent, deslrea pohltlon. exceptional experlenre and ntllllv In factory mansKenicnt nnd nfiltnnca Jn H"nontlhlo executUe J 7M IjdgcrVnt. YfdffTcTMiN nmnltlnus (?" i, wifh TnV veraltv education dalrea to become con-' necteililth a hnalneaa whlth offera an np portunltv for advancement on Ih baIi of merit roaeiBca executho ability and a knowledge of credltw. I) 111. ldgcr Office Yl)UN(f MAX 2 rion' employed' wlshea to rnako rhance: flva yenra In responalHe nfflro pouion;.KnowieoEo nr sienoKrnnny and ipp- w ritlnrr: Cwfitl educate t hntj initmiuo nnn enerv Intervlow rollcltrd. I, Offlci. 020. Ledger VOU.VO MAN 24 rnrri of nre. married dn- cuca roatuon or uny Kina. ear rnaiiior Tni. en'-e In clrlcal line beat icferenc-. 221fl cn.reH sr YtdTN't alncle mnii. with road nnd order-fill Inc experience wonls a t'hanca to earn hlj llvlnp and a permanent position I 112, ledger yfflce. p YOl'N'O MAS. t-lerl'-nl machinery and textlta exp , open for position T 146 Ledger Central EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES riUST-Cl.Afl (ooka rbrfs. plain cooka. will do housework, competent Protestant cham bartnnlda trained nurrea, cblldnuraei, laun dreasea by the dav or wck ladlea' inaldd. Koverneacfi butlera thiuffeura. girls Intely nrrhed; Scotch Irish NorwoUan: American Troteatants for bousenrrk: wish situation!, city or countiy: nil rerercneea nunranieeu, Mrs Knne. ftil 3 IDtJi. Icust a.010 AUTOMOBILES LOANS on automobile nejtotlaffd. placed In ft era re Lyona Co., IKl'J Land Tit la lUdg. ATJTO LIVERY AND GABAGES CONTINENTAL! OAHAtiK. J2TII AND NOR rls ats., Horace and repairing at moderate prices. CMtYSTAL PALArK QAItAflB Car a tnkvn on dead and lln aturat?e; repalr Iiik a spetdnltj . taia ta hire. 1U1 Alrdrlo t. iMiono Tlo-za. 0227. BUSINESS NOTICES Wo csn afford to remodel nr repair your furs much cheaper than tbo largo do- FURS parltiiftit stores Wo she you expert wnrKirnusiiiii. i-,iinio ueimont ul v. ('HAS J HOOS. .1117 Arch St BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BARBERS having their own eslsbllshment can Ircresse their Income by handling our free talking machine offer. Apply LS32 Arch at. ' COAL and lumber yHrd. with feed store. ralT road siding, eatahllshed -to eara, 1211 husi tiers 121 (V agent selling for heirs Addrrsj M Ml, Ledger Offjie. . S25CO WANTBls In Instalments t eiiulpmetit of tiroicrly In ciritri. nf city aood security and returns. L US'.'. Ledger Central AtnOMOMILi: arceesorlea business of Charles Sn Uh & Co., .1'.' N. Cioad st . for sale. Call or address at store. CLEANING AND DYEINO o3t I'EATHERS ED. DVrD MAIL A73D rANtres lIOT.IMOCI.eatiiut. CLI DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD FISH NFW IMPORTATION tine singing German canaries S-t each: overy bird guaranteed good singer, cages, SI upward, call where you will, tlin lurgest and best atock In the city to select from birds ion safely be sent to all parta by express ' I C VAULT, R051arket st. FINE-IIRED poultry breeding rtock, tho llnust slock obtainable; Rirrerl Tlymouth Rocks, IVyandottM, Leghorn Hurt Cochins, Mlnorcas; call and se our Immense stock. B C. VAHLIft MI'l Market at. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINER.T DHRKSMAKINtl taught short, prae. votirsu McDowell SOI penekla nijg . JIJhA Market. Hemstitching dine, while ou wait, A. Reich, ard. 111,1 chstnuf Pictorial Review ralterns. j?0R SALE ANTIQURS-Chalra, 100 jrs. old. lit ins hog. bur.SH) brlc-a-brao, MV- to i Tifi Walipit nff.T.fAlTn. oool iimb. id, touxhi, iol4 "n rnrn aoitj, reined, ex u AMiir. t-.-i :-" -,-, -,-.- rard ae. a olJ7 w2 TlTflH lllfiV. urn horse. years elJTwSr; -"--:- .- .i-L-j " i m ,. rapieil, suiiu au,i iwui,., iao nsrnaa- harnettj aitl Ilght spring wagon tluenther iJJmWr CO. 2th and Uiav. rerry roan tousehuld woods In fin. eonJItlon. uth llroad st INSTRUCTION KRSNCH In Ibce. months fcjr raOneil joung X arisian isuy; wiar vvuiaraniionai meiiHiuj farms moderate. S4IIS. I. Htrlhln, 1304 Arch (10 a. in -10 P I" ) ESPRlKN0fi telier In llt.ratur. and etaq. eras Hon wUhas private pupils .rentngs. L 018, L4lr Central Musical WANTED FURNITURE Tii?&IXi Ktna ytW'iR'ri v. J'?gi4j(.';. ROOMS FOR RENT & vugs, "m M "v. Sui. TjiwmT with ruiiulog water, BROAD, la.. 4l-Neamr.tttr 2d IW rooru: Bear bath, honelltu uieciiuoa wis BROAD N 81S-Vry djstrgbl, W4II.b,tea furnl.hsd roms rtusouable boatd optylal C8RAH A B . lT-lalrM frva room, pit- Vl rarunj i-swiia.'w TiisKf'Mirr. -T- iwat urlu neatlr fiirTsl)7d I 3EOHITAUY. Hienoir.. account., nrt mf.nnr dealrw potltlonjbeatref c IJ20, LcdKrjOff. HCcIltrrAHVr"li Vra oaperle'nce. exp. ato .JiORMt'jinttemtocil, rgdRer Cent v I-5filIl.ltA"-fT nilTfaWn its-.Ire, rsll'lnn n"' rxwai un at-4 Sov -r .- . - .. i -. nusrij tHHtWSi. fWHi itOOMS FOR RENT tlirsiNt'f, J"'7 lieeiraMe single and double i umiing o' r alt t-ftnirntences ilirftfVli, -irfcs 1'san' nlcdv furhlih-d room adjoining bath Phone Preston ".121 eilBSfNVr;, IT-riesiraWe InomiT prl-a(o fnnilly- talile board negtri HarlNt 7S01 X. DTaMOND. iWJ-K-ofil room, tun wntr outh. Mpia giro gipgj-m lilamnnd nil 'i tlTn.nr AeT IPUtl-llrlght'toom, rrlv fnm lly. suitable for 1 or 2 refined catholic men seeking a good home, term reasonable ORKEW. lTHI-t'nfurnlehed rooms, ftinnlng wnicr privsip nmn, uwnpr ilONTOOMKUY AVB. W. KHI-Twrt hlcell turn front rooms, sulthhlo for gentlemn, board op. fine lonnerttons to centre of clt) 1'OW ELTON, aIV-Delrable turn inc.tnrlce for a ftw buslnr Mptr. Haring 1."2 v. 81-RI.Vrt tbB," ltll-Unre comforlaWy furnlahed rtoat room, aitjoltung bath seim rnto beds, aijltahle for Jwo (rhtlemen BPItill'l-), llTniStT lit aiitl "Hd"lory front moms, single nr suite (running water SPRt'CE, IttT-One ortwn cnmforlalilo roohts. furnished nrjinfntnlsuWIi r,teonnble SPRl'Cli ISiKI-SSnlT front TooinrTitrnlsliei' "ni-nlfnt lo bath SPRUCE. llWS-Deflrnble suite, with prlsvte bath; open fire: phonal owner, SPRt'Cti, 4020 N'ewty opened. rry nttraethe fur, rooms all conetnlencee. Pree 2S1.1 W'ALS'UT ST.. COil-fcw desirable Aacanrlee turn nr ttnfurn. , refined neighborhood pil ate phone WALNUT, -1101 2d lloor, unftirn., bath; eoulh- ern exposure; pleasant rooms. Preston 272(1 D WALNUT, 4121 Desirable fnm room: light, wann conxenient In bath; board optional ItTII, N. HIS- Furnished rooms; woll-henled, Jiousejtecpjng lodging; conxenlences; pjtone 12TH, S. IH-Prhato family will rent com . forlald; furn, rooms to ref. gentlemen, ph JSTH, 8.. til? front rooms, -Prhale family will rent furn also other rooms, retropubic 11TH. N, 1011 Lnrge front rooms 'well heal- ed suit gentlamen Poplar J7fHW. 1.1TI1, N. p.'l acntlemcn nr married couple widi-furnshedroomln ffl."eiinn!' IRTIf, N, IMA Two trt dcalrnblo lnrite comfortably furnished rooms, well tinted. Jtome cook(nE; Poplar MM. TtlTlI. N . 2(k rur'nieli'ed housekeeping rooms; 2 tinliirtilslied roorra, Hlimond 0073 D 17TII, H 25.1 Silling room and bedroom, ati single room nllomenlencetK 2lsr. N.. 117 Nurses can Itac nicely furnlsln.il rooms, prliale house; all conv.; phone. 24TII, N . 1715 Large furn or unrur. room prlvato family, Phone, Diamond .V)7 4,'iTlCs, 210-iVtlractTve 2d-flonr rront room, bath ailjolning; SIB monthly lrston r.fl.11 64TII. S 2 furn. 41H Mother and daughter will rent rolirna lo adults; housekeep phone HANDSOMELY furnished front room In large modern prUnlo home; electric lights, 10 minutes to City Hall. Telephone Raring 41.1 Professional Offices. LOCUST, 1601- First-floor offlco: suitable for oculist or physician: $.n per montn. luTH, S , .114 Physician desires to sharo office wnn reiiapio uoctor; running wmpr. BOARDING ARCH, 2021.2025 Handsomolf furnished. In rlttftln? superior table gfl: table. Si CEDAR AVE mitt DeslrnTio fur. moms witlLBooii inbin poariu prnate, woou. tti v LOCUST ST. IW7 Well-hented rooms ror gen tlemen prlvato family: hot-water heat PINE, W127 Two doslrablo room., with board nnl n hnnritln. limtMA hill. A hnmn for S foW liualr.es gentlemen enrage in rrnr Raring ,4,2 v. I'linto ntspta(vi at I.CU cent. POWULTON AVE , 41V17 Well-lteatcd, attrne. rms., with board, prhato family, inoacrate SPRI'CE 1210 AttrnctUo roomn also suite, with prlvato bat It, tablo tioard WI.N1'T KM4 Deslrabte furnished" rooms oxccptlotial table board; conv Raring 74? WALNUT 41.11 I'urnlshod rooms with board; deslrnnlo location, near 'L".refs exchanged. WALNUT SP05 Exceptlonnrtabla board, also beautifully furnished rooms, moderate prices. BOARD WANTED WARM sunny rootrs, qLlet, refined location, with hoard ror a pi eopie; i csi i iuih. yreier- ren Addreas J 751, lrtlger central. APARTMENTS WALNUT. 1222-21 (Kenwood) Desirable vacs.; slngl or en suite, prlv. baths; will change lo suit tenant, moderate rate. Walnut 81SI. SPRING (IARDEN, different housas; mill Excellent apta In S snmo furn'd; kitchenettes. CHILTON APARTMENTS 3JIS DARINO ST. Two first-floor rooms, stilt dentjst or doctor or apartments Mrs Holla McClaln, manager LION'S HEAD Hnndsomely furnished npts. 1213-1B Locust. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME. UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON l'IRST FLOOR Apply on Premises 17TH AND rilUsrNUT-HkPK balh: low rent )'. R. Co.. 1 It7 npt , 2 f'enna ims , rudg ITTII, N , CIO (Tho Altuonesson) Housokeep Ing, $.'0-f25 rnfrienco re(itlred. FOR VACANCIES and complete Information of all npartmenis free, loneult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th nnd hpruco sis Phono Walnut ISO or write for "Apartment Directory," January Edition. Free. HAMILTON COURT CHESTNUT AND .101 Jt 8fS. One Hou-cLeepIng Apt., One Housekeeping Apt., (1 Rooms ant Rath 3 Rooms and lath. R. II. TH TCIIElt, Manager REAL ESTATE FOR SALE flKHMANTOWN CHOICE properties In all sections of atn.. Ml, Airy. CPest II.: all prices. Write for speelil list. J. II. Chadwlck & Co.. 6018 Uermantown MOUNT AIRV AND CHESTNUT ' nnnpwnTitat HILL Pelham Trust Co 8740 Oermanlown ave MAIN LINE. PA. It. R- CHESTER VALLHV I'ARM. Ill acres, bar gain A. P. Heald,. West Choslir. Pa. NEW JKRHISV Atlantlo City. N. J. SNAPS In choice collages, hotels.lots. etc Sale, lent. exo. Choicest cor. lot Ventnor, $1000 bel roat Uruckmann. :iltl (luarantee Rldg. " " llatlilonllelil. N. J. 7lAVB SEVERAL PINE PROPERTIES at bargain prp-es WJI. CARRY MARSHALL. Ml KnVinl t Camden. , Woodhiiry llflghls, N.T. SHVl'.HAI, deilrable homes and Improved l.bldg r ion at reasonabU prices John Mayhew. rjENNSYI.VANIA 1'A1IM8 us) ACRE!. location, land, buildings, water aipf railroad facilities, all rlrst class; has ei.rytliing tliat gos to make tt good farm - leeveral stock farms cheap. ISO. 200 and 2M acres, the very bast oJlaMsnclchsapj stale your wants QATIIAN O. ilARbl. West Choiter Pa r,Vlt(Trl FRl'lT I'AIOI, S seres: (J10 trees miles of Hruad St. Station, Phlla., po.l lively lo b sold J R. Thompson, 113 N U!4I Wist Ohealer. Pa REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantlo City. N. J. ilOTBI.8 cotlagea. apartmsnts. etc, to ex. ir Plilladtlphla properties CHAa M s. l'aiuu. avs Atlantla City HfrifLt' REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Factories. Warehouses. 31fr. Floors. ' CUNTRAL-FLOCiR BPAC-LOV RENT I', ii. Coiiifiajy. U17 Peana. Rldg. (ljllus, Uujluess Uqoms, Etc. DB-HIASLM oVa. 11th floor. PtnnsylvanU tBU. iSib ad Chestnut Fer parlkulaia u3y to cashier. Id floor, West Bnl Tr mix JSKXCHU HD oi'iXSHr'-'NITY tor isuakian SLa m. "inr & Hr Mff-iifiv TWO "LDDt, MltaU. for light saaaufa.iu is. eg f yWw J N Broad 4. West Plilladeluhla. WWT PHI I t hi.!-., fi iTiTl Fairmuuat 'aik orient (ai mg Osoige s iueiiiai irsixi anj trolley ,J1 (fssi'natl Aiplv utuncs rusr . Sid Jigd Purk.l le ue MPRTGAGB3 Sf.. MONEY TO LOAN SHORT TaM! loaiu n auiooiuUlles wn j a pt41ry u-i cu . tau isno v, tuttg S CRA PPLE I -it .I- i i.i.r i i in tail ii rTr r i "- "" " J-J " - - -' - " - - THE PADDED CELL JAN. 12. 1911 (ATM MARY BY A BOY) 0m thi2 way from school. -p.m.- jc met a Brass bat-id. it plavep AT TMFPRDcMT- Dl aree. ixl Thp vyil l Wftc- AM Tvr B FELLSRA VfCRa AUSTRIAlJ HUKISARlAeJS . OUT CAME RUfJNIrJG OUGR AMD WP SOOH HORRtEO BACK. I WAS RUNNIMG AROUWD Trlt7 CHICKtrJ YARD WHDN I LIPPGO IM TUB MUI AMD TboK A SPILL AMD GOT ALL MOO AMD UET UIB. HOOKOP A BOMCM OP CRACKCP43 M THE. PAUTRIE3 AND HD A FCA5T AFTOR. WHICH ,VMG VU5NT OMCTR TO ANSGLS AND I GOT MV lUATCH FIXEP. Oeo TPtE UrY back out Popped a F6LL.6f FftOM. DAI3'5 ANB HE Told U3 To BUY HIM A Sf CIGAR. HE 3Awe ta lOtf AND WS. TQOrf TMef5f NoTer- This txarv vuilc appqa Cvsy DaV Urirt VbO'vJE HAD frJouSH. IT U A REAL, DIARY AMD U!E "TLtlNK "YOU'LL. LIKE IT. "S rUNISHED. "Mamma, tvero you fond of fllrtlns when you were young?" "I am afraid I was, dear " "And were you ever punished for It mamma?" "Cruelly, dear. I married your father." !rWTHwN.CXp ( MAM S3A,VS IT vt1tL ---1 1 BB VWARME. J ffS51 J ' VTOMORROV4 ! (Tp- I Cf- lIMtl f J Qfr IIL l"N I Hl "r WHY HAVE WE NO SUPERMEN LIKE THE GERMANS? I fe 55 t I I till How they mlsht hrichton Regent street. r-Jja&J&9!ir?t I MJrVP-Z. VET - Aml honor us with their gallantry- TAKING TIUsJ 8V TiH JOKII- ' laOCK- He X'aw tlust we ail cnaga I HUsr klsws ywi aa ijij. h aa 1 ploase tnitg't l Mil- Id Indeed' slake toe mu4l uf lun in' k-ir Thire'a nvi lUiia hoar tutu; u ufnnnxxnil will lal uuU-ii. vvu Uvow. ON THE SUBJECT OF CLOCKS I don't lllto rlocks. For ono reason, I have nnplcnwuit memories of our lin.ll clock. And n clocWmnker once told ma that It would cost 16 cents to repair my lock nnd J5 to put It together afraln. And I alwaM meet my ivlfo by tho clock on Chestnut street Any man will understand why I don't like that clock. il) sunder. LOOKINu FOR GERMAN SPIES. wimiiniM i"r- '"(TffF How they might wake, up our res taurants, rxj" Punch. How amusing to see them meat a super-superman. ra ii ct) Mafey Jllll cjlwih vn-LiOH FATHER IS SO STRONG FOR THE ALLIES THAT IT LOOKS AS IF BILLY WERE GOING TO LOSE HIS GERMAN HELMET -T i Cr Wa7T7T ' MAD afP-l Na i ,'3S . V" f ' And another time my wlfa made mo pay $1(0 for a ficnulne antique that had no work. Mr aon and daughter iraar rfoeVa on their rtoeklns, nhtch mnoT 1M Vary much. But of all the clocka on earth, this little, Joy-killer ta the one I hat worst of all. A LIVING EXAMPLE. "Robert, tell me what a 'figure ef speech' la?" "You are! You've bien speakla for over an hour now." TEN DOLLARa. Wlfie Soma peopla prolU by mla takea. Hubby Tea, like the minister that married u. Intricate MechanlBm "I don't know how to taki this chicken apart," declared the bride. "Well, we tackled an automobile suc cessfully," Bald tha young huaband. ''W ought to be able to handle a imall job like thli. Where's the book ot Inatruc tlonat" Brooklyn CUUen. ' ' ' ' ' " " ii-a-aW i-a-fe aaV ' 9 rC?s -.-. J- xrinr nc s. i -cracea nis isnaxu j 1 I - Atllla .S-Hiasir1 1 tr&tr&ajr