w WWMBlWi" pjwi 0X57 ' TOTi ,, a,;i.u. jj MONEY AT 2 PER" CENT IN 'NEW YORK-INVESTORS PICKING UP SECURITIES IPMENT SHARES iRONa FEATURES 1M H. Y. TRADING in L'.l WAS UlCUUV rning. and Irregular in fftemoon Money Kates !! asicr. .. . . 4lt . TkiA tMOI'bdt Ifl ;ltmued to move on the sumo lines Ji i tha greater part of the past jfat recession8 lu,u " "" USji .(, opening " k""' "' SsSiii of pronounced ntrenfitlj with WRXtneM In nianv Issues. In the lnr prl rM5td "llffh,:, m,.u fsS5it became trreKuinr. . m . ,. ef a natural bull market where fliwiKf ?a!HK..B 'i. m:s: in ;.: feiumJor"" Ueollnlnn tendency. B'X developed In Bpcclaltlcn nt wide low records for the dny. l.m i Imiim which snagod olt wcio - f! Pic Ac. Bethlehem Steel. Ha -? In 1 Ohio, Union rnclflc. Amnt- IZJiA Copper ana u. a, oico . IffWof ? money and a .CKnt '"SLrte of trde Improvement In tin? ilnduitrle" ouch as nre Incidental Hiilni "e hi slock market un. '..,. altalf. and each day Inorcnse.l IMerie iln "ho outlook Is reflected In KrSlhtnent of hluhor pi Ices. 'Mi iJutomen t shares, like the A.ucr 'ftSive iwirt Pioed Htcol Car. 'HljSSfr Mheted hy reports of or 'fifr tha larse railway systeiriH uiul fester, havo been In Bood demand frtwidiyi American locomotive led S lit In the extent of Its upturn after an ' lo"- Strength In this slock wan nUo (Sulii tP the fact that the heart milcs ilS.t'lh i compani Is about to leiuu for SCw wlioro he expects to seem.) laiRO I Sot There was a uood demand at 'dtllitni time for .American cm mm teX and P"'cd steal Cm'' iVSwcsn Bugar made the larKost ml IW" ?.r.J . , iftjii from lOt'A. tin !i ilffi Bjlhlehem Steel common, which S fifteen very active of late, now., in Si Urty trading". A point was lout soon 'St the openhiB. hut this was recovered jj&ilth an additional U. United States SttfttM tron- at K, Sffli'ittors of U S. Steol meet on Jnn "RirfM to act on dividends and uppiovn ' tsi rtport for the last quarter of 1011. I fit li likely that thern will be no chatiH.i imilnd comparod with the preccdlm; i!irtr- For the quarter ended Soptem lkr,, 1911. U. S. Steel leported net Miia of J,8:9,002. and after all ifiMTU' there remainou a ourpma 01 oniy lad Net earnings for the last nuar- ft. 1 rB eaiiumivu i"uHw .. im ..it if iTiIb atlmntft oraves cor- I rKfitltere may bo a deficit of at least i mjffl. If depreciation charpes show wlasMrlal reduction from the thlid : ItrtiUrn Maryland, which defaulted the JuiMry Interest on Its bonds, catialnt,' Iff stock to decline sharply, became ilwtJ! around midday, being up a full "Mint frem the closlns yestordny. It was atwikt that the weak holdings of tho tedchtdbeen cleaned out on the decline. TO (tocks of copper producing com Ttnlei reflected the Increased demand ir"tb metal fiom -both domestic and Srtltn lources. Amaleamatod after an rlr feline moved up over 1 point to Ssoj Utah Copper ranged from GO-) aenx. SMI money dropped to 2 per cent. short Si Were noon, with the renewal rate at jfjltv tent tUmitmtnt bulnj; was noted In Now jjfrk Central, Union Pacific and Northei n ftlfe Indicating an overflow of thede fend for short-term notes. Tools were "mimctlia In many specialties, Including timProducts. Central Leather and Third JiWtiS'H, and have been partly successful Is'lpduclnj; a little outstdo buylns. IfcUmitlonal Harvester Company, of Ji'tf'Jtrsey, has arranged for the sale iJ.RWmOOO Per cent, notes, maturing Wnitry 15, IMS, for tho purpose of re wi notej maturlne February 15, rttlojo advices are that the M. Humely C3ipny has been unable to redeem the JMM notes placed ln tho banks a jcar IJOW ' also unable to obtain funds (provide tor the $1,800,000 notes maturing wwca j. 0NDON MARKET FIRM Wmu Picked Up Horns Railway BPisiues at iiiguer x'rtceB. L0NDOV. .Tan 19 Ko.,,. lilac in Ilia ewhange showed flrmnese today. .WwiH railway aharos, which were IflCtlSfllllv hlffhAf r)IU..lal lr.tr.at. :gtJiw w$re ateadv,.but wcra with- American group dliplayed atrongth t ISSfl An flivnmnli nJnlnAn nm tka Pt.ri " "T tiuvtuoq iium i.iiM IP HarHman laeiiee niArA i ..- rt- ffi, There was buylnt? of United Lljr,clnc took place, because the Pptofit earnlnas for the first week Jaeimery y,u better than had been '?, wiled Copii.r .. . BSB0il.a!s, rt-."7 rauii K'a i Ala drande, -i.V. 'i a Trifmao .... Ea&l,ptei .. H"S'" . ffir'j. ihort pllle, Wa Buaithir kin. e-p Tw ...- f , ...tit Jiondon .N. X. cloe. eiul . M BlVi S ..IflHi JMVJ . ::i -'' .. 00 87" r- H asK ai - si ,110'J JOK'i l'i . S5 R3 Hi ,. trz sn t ,lw joo: u ., 221, 2l - ' ., M lOlft Vj : 2; :: . W Bid - 4 . . IV7 ... i4 :3 f BATES BOH, MONEY Call. Time. WHt1 iVM 4 AS M..' a c?u 28gi &,r. tHrA o .iVmon..ifa. O'rye Hanks' Discount Bates &L ' " W7 :'r .. iW ,1 60 a 6 s a s 9 a 80 a P P lit &oreIw DlBcuut Bte Bank rate. 6 5 a 5',f EUte of Ult Ctan Aug 40, lili Ue. 28, 1914 Auj St, 1011 at, h. tm fetQSg BUYINQ qOTTOW IwiWCjl l,h (Buj uifi" OSBftM- NEW YORK STOCK SALES last Sale ih i 7? 8H 01 fi u 7W m 01 .'ol 4 47tf Clow :7 7 MH 4SM Bl. Wt$ 29W Pi 1 47U CO 4t) m com GO 43f 2a Mi 57! ROM CO 2.' :2 814 2NU 00M 10O 'l r f..iii.. .,,, Aim cMmtt,.::::::;: ir AmAgChem ..., 4h Am As Chem pref oi Airimanl'itt bugar.,, Ajf Aire. On Can m Arnitlcancsnptef,,.., HW IM nwrririn tar Around. 47lf 47K f2v.f.'w' '" ' U'-iu mn iiw An-ctlrnnlollonOlI,. 44 Am. Hide & Leath, pref 2 Atnllnsffd Rjj Arrlcnn Locomotive 1, 2714 American f)nicitin mf; AtTlftlran fimptltnn tAr mm im flivl' a "r.aJ: ; 1WH K7K 10CW J07H AmSetlKdy. . .. 2fl) 3l)i 3IH 31M 'i".'"fn2.W.,lel..HhJ( IIS) U8 118H American Tobacco pref, lOOVf 100M 100VS 100! Anaconda Copper. sojj 2051 2f.H 2fiJi icr-on Mf 04) j Alchljonprcf. P0J mi M(cntune loo) K0 '..m ni i,oco 40 HaldwInLocoptef .. ..102 r uotuAOhlo mi nelllmoro ft Ohio pref.. 71 1'fthithrm Blcttl fin '.'"'''mekfiprct... 7J J rccklyn Ilapld 1 tanalt. Mi Ilulltrlck -17 talilrtnia Petroleum... mi Callforn a I'pi nrf . jii Canadian l'aclflo lnflw ifcT . ,ii i.pniflcr nu uma 101U 101M 101M 10IM 40 10) 71W M)f 7l( S M mi t'-iJi (AH VMI noH bum 100 110 no!. 40 102M 101 11 M f8U 7l'( m '7H mi 27 1 in 47U lf.ll 05 w 62 l)7Jf Kili 27JS 15li 47) lft7 3fi CcMial lea prof CrrsAOhlo J9U u 42 421f Uiiro corner :4U 34U MM Chicago, aicatW. pref,. 27M 87 J 27U 27Ij (liltlHi. J. II. .iht. iaul h8 l8Vj b8 hSJi C-hlc,MI. Ht. l'.ptef12fl 125 12.1 12 IhlANotlhwcst 125!,' 120 121 12(1 Irirkrlftlron 2514 25W 2J4 2."i Con. Can 4fl)i 4n!f 4(ll 40! Contanpref no no 00 Of) I e 22l 22M S2U 22JJ ll'iMrref ... w. 35' .''r. PR SB led MAS pref 2tt!i 20i 20'. iu 1 1 H8l l,7vj U7M 1.7!i Cctnl'toducls n't 10M 't 0' Corn 1'roducU pref C7K M 00 CO "iw iniueon 140 148 l4i 14 nei. uric &. Western.. 401 402 Dtno nndlllo brand. 4t 4 Den A Wo Grand pref.. Mi 7 t fnipll leclrlc 144K 144l 144H 144M ( moral Motor j-ajj fl Hi 80 ficn Motor pref ot 01 0. 04 CcodrlchCo ;7 n;s -SI 275i iratNcrthornpref....llllf 114'f 114!i 114M Great North Ore. Cent. :8i 1'Kis isvt :su Curpfnlilm ' llllv: AH A7 J7W Jll Central 10SH KIH llnnestercorp 73K 73M Jiioi.it-A uicpolltsn. ll'f irinrrio wet pref 60J PUBLIC INTEREST IB SECURITIES ' INCREASES DAILY Brokers Report Influx of Odd-lot Investors Key stone Telephone Com pany's Earnings Expand. 4C2 40-' 4 4 7 7 SM 3IH 75 18 22 113' .11 1H1S 52 17'f 71 i 43M Inlrrnallonall'aner. Intcr'l Taper pref . .. Indian Sleel pref. .. Irsplrallon Kansas City Southern. IcMgli Vallov Lorlllard pref 1, A M Tobacco pref Loose-Wiles Ills .... Ma j HI Motor .. -. Maxwell Motor 1st pref MM M rv. ell Motor S.I pref. 22!f AI Ht V&HS M prer ilran lelrclluin-. Miami Copper Mlftouri'l'srlflc Montana Power Co . Montana Power pref National Itlscult 121 Nat. Knamellng 10W Nst cnal Lead 45!t National Load pref 104 Ncoda Consolidated,.. 12IJ N.Y..N. II. 4 II 5t New York Central J8U N.Y..0.4 West 22) Norfolk A western North American NcitliPin 1 aclllc. . . . Nat Ity. Meilco 1 pref. 23 1'acir.cM.ill 20I Pfnn'jhnnla 1115 Feopla'sUas 120 ntucurgh Coal 17 Pittsburgh Coal pref ... 8.1 I IflECdSUelCar .'18ij Pullman Co 154 Hallway Steol Spring.... 25H Hoj Consolidated , idli 11U U) 0 35J5 73 18M 22 22 i:i4'f 13 IH KM .1121,' 114 114 ur4 30 I!) 545t 23 120 61M 17 7H 14 mt 108 73 Vli 50 9 35W 73 18U 2 m 111 ll! 115'4 30 30 18j IS'j 51J5 f3W 108 73 11 50 8W 35 7.1 18 120 51M 17J5 O'f 43 0')1, 122 Vfi lOJt 1HW 40 1075, 13 54 mi J2W 120 mi 17H 0' 4''! 1 09H 12J 10't AtM 40 107JS 107H 13 13 ,13"X 63' f r8W 8M 22 22)- lOUt 101H 101H lOUf ami rmi 001 ou5 102JJ huh 102 now 2T 23 Jii 21 If 20' 2011 105)a 104' 105M llt)if 110! unit 17W 17W 17H 814 SHt 84'f :8f US 38 B2,'t 152' 152't 2554 25H 25ij iB5f low inw ....'1475. 148W 1471f 147W 85 20'i 75'f i W Mi 30 86'( 10 B8!f 41 '4 now 32t Itradlnc. . Ilea (line 1st pref ... Stiff IteputllclronAateel... 201f Ilcrubllc LAS. pref... 76 Hock Island 'i Hock Island pref 1J Ill'melyCo Qu'clsllver Seaboard A'r Line pref. fccuthern 1'aclflc Eculhom hallwav bcuthcrn Ily pref Standard Milling fcludebakcr 'JeirisiceCopper. Texas Company IMrdAvenue Twin City BT Union Hag & Paper .... United Dry floods pref. Ilr.liin l-acillc Upton Po War 2i!, USHealty 51M Upltcu Lailnajslnr... 11 United Hylnvpref.... 2U5f lib Rubber 67f U. S. Ilubber 1st pref,.. 103 iTniifil Mates Steel 6Hf US Steel pref. 1075t 108 LiiLConDer 60 CJ Va Car Client 18 dopref 60 W estsrn Union f0 Wculnrlicufetlee 73H Westlnghouse pref 110 vmltru Aiaryiauu nu Wheeling A L K 2d pref. 3M VA 38W SO 15K 68 48 SOW 32W 135W 135W 135 41W 42 41W 08 08 08 6J 4't 4't iHi 48W no! now nv usw 88 20W 75W H 11 V.i Mi 3SW f5W 15! 58 45W 38W 32 80 20tJ 75W '' 1) 1W 1 38W 5H 15' 68 45W 38W 32W 135 4IW 08 4! 4SW 28 50 11W iO'i 671 28 48 11 29 67 Wnolwoitb Wool ortn pref OOJ 115 8 48 11 SO 6K 103W 103W IWW 621 C1W AUt 108W IU8W ,'.05 6U( 17j 81 SOW 73W 118 3W 116 17Jj 81 60W 74 118 13W 3W 01 116 17W 81 60W 73W US J3W 3W Ml 110 salee, 173,000 sham 'Potal, HABVEBTER CO. NOTE ISSUE NKV YORK, Jan, f.'.-The International HarvenUr Company has arransed with Chicago bunker for the financing to meet the maturity of 120,000,000 outetamllng. thrte-ear a per cent, riolea due February IS. Of theee notee jOuo.OOO weru muind by the Jnternatlonel Hne'tr Corporation at Its formation. The new flnanclng- will take the form of a 420 000 000 note !" Now York banker for. m.Hv. interci.ed in tlie roinpany'a nnanclns ay that the leVue will be handled entirely In Chicago. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Olrard- Khe "d ilarln Jn;urnce Company, nuarterly JB per ehere. payable January 12. qcnarleJ Warner Company, of pelaware. I, . ; .. nrtmmnn a nrl tV. ltP Cent. Oil flfftL nt .." pr.f.rr?dVu. American ripe C'onetructlon and Securltlee ompany. reaiular semljnnual 4 per cent on referteS! rayable February I to toek of ..... lamiarv till. r Company, regular quarter- . Ulliy..', rerord January iO. Kerr X-ae hhhiii vw,..i'j, .-.. .,... 1, a cente, payable March lb to aioK of WNdhvme!CClatUnooga and pt Uule. eeml annual 2le Pr cent., payable February 1. PA U 8, Illty Tipjnvment Company, 1 pe? cent . payable Pebruaxy 1 te atoc of record January 81, JJxpreaa Cpmpany Earntng WU8IIINTOK. Jan, IrThe total operat. In revenuea of nine principal txpresa coin, pa nle" tor the month of BewerolMr but lyeire Sa380Tie. acJordlni to talletlei Dubl abed by ih. ifueretite ioTmerc. Cemmllslon today. The total expenses mounIed to M.XBJjrtT. lESitiS i. net "revenue of au.taO.Tli operat. 5e tncoSiB " IWiIIO- fr the thrt pionlbe 1W.5 with bentember the companiee earned aissoaTo an eipended tllto: The !J,!ratlnJ Income w 118, Wl. lie mllagw eyelid V bie in tarrying pres mat ter was saw.60 government' bonds 111, 2s of 1930 UUr4 lisirw".. Saef llwup?a.-.,--U of t reglatered JJ u 16 coupon Hid. A ik. 103 .::::::, 'ion .iooii .jo 40li 163 BAR SILVER 1. tM&oa hf eih" was Meil4 t ?SH Investment buying; was n feature of the dealings on the Philadelphia Stock Kx change today, as It lias been since the turn of tlio year. Commission housoa reported n steady Incrense In tho buslnws nf cttstomera who purchased nmall lota for oaeh and took them ou.t of the market Thla ImR been rbeervablo particularly In I'emisjlvnnln, United Oils Improvement, Philadelphia llleetrlc, Cambria Steel, Kleotric Storage Hattory and Northern Central. The latter scored another nd vnnco today, goliiK to So'i on local buylnu. The offerings came from Hnlllmore, na they Old yesterday. United dan moved lip ncroes S3. The tractions ware still In supply nt tho low levels recently es tablished and Tonopah MlnliiB docllned slightly to I'd where largo lmlng orders eie met The company's December earnings fell off from "2,I00 In November to JCO.tCO. Incldentnll Panama Mlnlnc atonkholilorsj nre umleritood to be very well s.itlsllocl with the new deal mado with the Tonopah Mining Company, now that nil details are understood Stimulated bj the cncournglng report printed yca tcn.i, Lehigh Valley Transit preferred moved up nearly a point, crossing 23, whlla Philadelphia Traction sold off to 78. It becnnie known today that the re quired 85 per cent, of the abates qf tho I'alrmount Pnrk Trnspottatlon Company Tiad not been depoaltcd under tho proposed now financial plan when the time ex pired on Saturday. Home action on llto pnit of tho comjuiiy Is expected this cck. Local bond dealeia coiroboraleil the etoelt brokers In their statements that the public was entcilng the market for Investment purposes. Altliuugh business In bonds on the o.oliang was not e tinordlnailly Ini-gv, the "uvei-tlie-count-it" finding lins Increased cuti3ldorabl In the last few dajs, as the January dls bursiirnenta ucie dlfctrlbutnil. Today tlicie waB demand for Unldvtln 5s, Head ing .Tersev C'enttal Is, Klectlic uml I'eo ple'B Is, American Has and Electric Bs, City Is, Standard Gas Ch mid Philadelolilii I hloulilo Is. Price changes viore lnslgnlll- cunt Tin- Ketono Telopbonn Company's 1'ecHinber report of enrnlngH nna declded 1s i-ncnuraglng. nhoulng u gross grain nf llboS and a net Incioauo of $1178. The sui'tdus ns ?JS.8ll, u gain of $157 for the month, l.'or the 12 months the groin, in creaae was $55,118 over 191.1. and, while operdtins costs expanded f 11,601. the net Increase ne3 $IJ,SH, Thore was an in cienbc of ?oJ05 In Interest charges, lmv Ing a surplus for tho ycai of f3"7,fl", n gain ot $35,431. At the annual meeting to day retlilne dliectois were re-elected """w!jjtm r1' """" HALF HOURLY SALES 10 to 10.30 A. M. .'. Phlla It T t c 11 1 I! I f. 2, Tonopah Del 4'., w V S Htcel . . V) Penna Salt nn 1 Phlla i:ie... M Heading . . 71 IS", Tunnpali !lln, JS l.oh Na .... " M IJ li I.. . Hl'j ,vi I'enna ...,IK 11-1 11 Jll do.. M 11-10 SOU Tonorah .Mln, 7!j no.vua, f.'fM ItnMnlti let St., S7n Cam f'teel ecrlp l.sxi lleadlnr .ler Cent t. 1lKI Phll.1 Ulec 5s .Ml U S Hleel 1 teh Nov t o. 2i 1" O 1. 10 U H Rleel.... ', IT U I.. 7.1 Tonorah Mln. Sl, Bl"' ''? 711 St'. 811? 7'i 1IJIU U7 ? IHl'2 lot 10.30 to 11 A. M. 2.1 Nnrlh Cent... I'.". Am Can.. . 10 Cam Steel.. . 10 Ulec Horace. M4 JWI PhlU Klei-. r,.i'.i 2 i'enna . 45 SO Ton iicl . . . II 10 U S ateel.. TIONDS. 4 J-10 SIO00 Kloc & Peop Tr r Dt Am eras & i:iec .". . .. H10 Am Ona & Kleo .Is IWl Am Qae A b'len ,1s ... (W Cily ta 1MS rea 10OO l.eh Nav cone 4lja. 11 to 11.30 A. IT. 200 Phlta It T t o 11 100 Phlla n T t n 15 1I0 53 100 Ton Uol... 1 10O do 5- I Tonopah Attn. 20 Ualdwln pf.t.HUli 2o Ih Nav t c. 10 Leh Nav,. . . 7U 4 Pennn. BO Ualdwln pfd.102", 35 North Cent... 100 u a mtei.... uii 110ND3. lOX) lee & Peop Tr 4 11.30 A. M. to 12 M. fi Penn MU 10O North Cent... t do 52 11-18 21 do. . . . 75 North Cent... 85 124 I.eh V Tr pfd 8.VJ ..100 .. 07', 11 7-1fl 7TV too Standard BONDS. Cl.i (la... 3.1 81 28H S3 13 to 18,30 P. M. 10 Eleo Storace. 4341 2 Phlla Trac... 7S 10 do V'i 15 Kleo Sioraso, 105. 80 Tonopah Mln. Vn 20 Oen Aep pM, US 0 Union Trac... ssji 20 I'enna ....... Mfc 5 Am nwy pfd.lOi 12.30 to 1 P. M. tit Penna .. 40 do.... 10 do.... 4 Penna .. 11 do.... 15 do.... 13 Ho BO.NPS. 1000 Standard Gee a.. lOOO Htamlard uae na WW 100 Penna. 52W VUl h do 52J.J . 1 An HO ft 111 U-7 a uvt e t ttAe ira MV4 12 do 524 S2K 10 Union Trac. aa'.; 82! J , ku; 1 to 1.80 P. W, 5 Cam Steel .. 10 Penna ,. .. BO 'IVnopah Mln vui 11 .1 1 nONDd 12000 neadlnc gen 4a . . 10O Am Oae c K1J fe IT, "(in I'hlla F.lec . j:l'v t2'i 8 dn 24 lit 20 South llwy. . J5i, S3 Cam fuel serin. 6 Cam Bieel e-rip 1,30 to 2 P. M. 1 th Vall '! ''"'ou Tiae. J Penna, M, JO Penna S Upon Trac. . 3SS 150 U U I. , 8J UU.NLK '1? . 7H, A09U, 160011 Illeu k Peop Tr Js , 200 Am Has 4. T.leo p. 2omi Am Ua Kle is 1000 tlcadinf Term 5a les 2 to 2.30 P. M. 20 Ih Valley. . 7i M Phlla Eleo.. . ar ia U Q J. ...... We iO V O I. b. 30 Cam meet,,.. 4A PO.NpS, J18 Ceni Bteel rlp 0154 2.30 to 3 P. BT. rwx!.?.,Sn,fSpl,:i;.?,..T.,t.:iM hnfe-:s ii.il1hio:t?.54 J 0?ta Cent. . S't eJ flirth Cent.,: 85 NEW YORK OURB Slraden Copper . .:' Irltlia-Ainsrlsan T old ... If Uli.Amerlwn T new .., Soldfleld Cooolllte4 ! reene Canane ., ! I. llo OtU Klevalor . 1 rtr ClftttK i Unit df r Stores --.1. -T :. Tobaeeo Producla pref. ..d??Ps' ;. -y-i . WIUyaOerUi!4 ,-M do pref WorlJ Flint Yutson UoliJ Did. Aek. Is l? i"m in ;;;;::!! tM Tl" 7S :!::: 1 ? .:::::: 10I ::::.:: J81 if :::: !tl Pesialc, N. 3,, Sells Bonds PAAKAIC, K J J tt-Tfllty Okfk Veil HouB hei eW "laifilW 5t ?' J1- m' M4. WHEAT STRONGER AFTER THE SEVERE BREAK YESTERDAY Market Affected by Lack of Confirmation of Reports That Dardanelles Forts Had Fallen. Philadelphia Markets OnAIN AND PLOUU WHHAT. necelple, 120,740 buehele The market ruled Arm under renewed bullish speed lallon In the Wear, and pi-lees ndvanfed 'lc , with a fair demand for tuporl, Quotatlom far Idle In export elevator-No 2 rod, spot nj January, St ft(ll 3. No a red. ,Wlr.n. f I rnMrM.fi fit, t Northern Dultttli, t.4'rl W, fOlt.V, Kei-elpie, 80,028 liueh Kiport ln nuiry air mid prices Ic httlier Una! car lore unchaneed Quotatlnne fr lot. , in e port eleator No. 2, TmoTMte,, etean er, '-,., TJV.t .... ... i.ni.'at. . ".: ." " 'I iraor s. in iocHiion--no loco 'J yellow, new, HARRISON K. FEHR Re-elected president of the Le high Valley Transit Company at the annual meeting of the stockholders. NEW YORK BOND SALES 7' mei into & 1. 'l.VKio Ainer 'let cvt j i.oio Arner Writ Pap Oa 'nuu rniour c Via 1110 Alohlion ndj ia sip :)7iKn Atchison -ta .. . ni aii 111 A; nirm -in . Allan Co I.lna rlt I Utah. KllS 11; ; iljlj w w KPi 120.11) All.in C iTltifl rlt In Ml Hilii unit A. lllilo B iifn 17.HMI Halt A Oh i I'ia Ml, TWO lleth Kiel let ,"a IimB 4IIIH W, liMli Mtnl rfil .d k4 linlO llronk It T Ifl ... SS'j H.11. 5000 llrookUn Itan Tr le Iu2i, 170011 l.rnoMyn It 'I ". IUI HIM. llliMI llionk L'n HI. la. f.s 100 idHjii Canada Houtli 5i . lir." !MHI I'ent .ta conn 5 IIIJMj 5IIK i-nt l.en.her 1st . I1V5 2IU0.I rent I'ao ail 1. la .H7i llKitui fhea Oh ex 4iB . . 71 uoui ilj IV.s vit, 12HU.I do 5s lili", UOUU .'hi 01 Wet la O'l't liiun 1 hi fc Nwn kcii la .. mm 41000 Chl II & y 4s 711 71 111, iiu Kcn 4h tin 10UO ("ll II A 111 4. ... 114 HHJilU Chl M .& Ht P fd . .. XI inooo do cpc iirji, 1. Msi iln iv 4''ih . . . ll.",'. I1UU ,,i (ten H-j . . . .llSl'a I 10.111 L'lil It 1 b P col 1 . 2(1 I0O.KI I -hi MP MA.) deb Am 111', 15(1110 . Ill It I .. I" Is . . '.IIU 5(1.11 I In Cilt fill Km l.. 7.! MIIKI I ol R Honttl 4'4s SI (,.",r,00 ton llaa cv l!i . . . llll. r,(HKI 1 J I ,v llil.l rfil 4a ... Ut 4UU0 Dullltll H Mlmro ,i. Ull'a iltxx. Iietiult I'nllpil 41 ,H . Til 2IKKI Dul'ont Pnwd I'va . Hit. IIHllI 1. rlo Krn le . II'N l.miHI do ioiiv 19 Kur A. . "' .....Hi iln i uiu Is Her It . nl'k IIH'O lioiiLiai .1101111 na . ini CIlHO. till llTI. M lkPt Ml I IIU 1111 1171, II.' hi 541) C Nlllt. aih ni'i !"t ?? Ml, Inn I.121, 1.12, I . 7o;J ."la lliji, U')iJ 1 HC'j 7tj III.", Utt4 !"' 75 h MH III (.'I M2, li. l((l 1U' 115', J lit ii'i(.i inT4 in, i. 711 I 'A 1 Will I, Ml IIU', in'., II ,M 1 r. ' , 71 Nl II i II t 101N lulNi tiiii "(i ki. mn. 07, tuim lliain I'nna M A B lla tisi. tut . null, 211 . 754 Kltj . im, . :m . Ml . 117 ti'l . 74', IIS :;t . Kiij . 1101, . 117'j ll0,l mil, . lai .101 nil', . us Kmo Hen Kleo dob 5" luin) (lieut North 1nt 4',n. t25.i( lliul .Man In f . . .. 10011 do ifd 5s. ,. Ml(l III Btecl deli 1'in aiioo iiotklntr Vul 4 lis. . r.iHiil limn ceiilrnl In... . iim III Central ifd 4s.... 170UD Insn fori ei Oh lull). yfBWO do lis jiuiio inrern .iicc jS . wifltl lntcrb H T rcf 5a . I,KK) Inter Mcr Mac 4'3a . 40(10 Internl Paper da. ,. 100(1 K C l't B & M Is . 1.000 Kan City Ho lt Ms Jiaim.' I.k Hh del) 4 111:11 . ."1100 i.ik isiTh .... UOOD 1.1k A. M T 1 . . CfXKi Uulllnrd 5. . . 2.1011 Lnllll ft NuhIi col 5a KIM do 3 2lli hi do rep 4a . 100.1 .V & N Pen & All He KKUI Mich Htato Tel 5 V11KI Jlo Pac rol 5s 1 1 1 7 . 2(XHI N C J4 St t. 51 . I.M'j h(Kl) N ll I' ll t,a . JU, hViOu N Canal linn 4'sa. 1(ini, limo NyCAHlt, PA.NW5e...l(HiI 2ft.ni N i .'ity U I1VI . oil! 4000 iln la 11157 Oil' 500(1 iln 4a lU.Vi . M IIihiO do 4's . . lOOti PSK) do P.s Nn '17 .1005 1IMIIII do l'S Mas '57 Kill, 10UI do llja Nn '57.... IOPj MM0 N V N ll ,1 11 Os . WJi! ITOOll M Y Ituy Sa . Ml, :illim) M Y Stain 4'j . lose, :f4Ki ,N V Tg (.PI) 4'VB . ".,.TJ 4(i.rJiO Nor Par pi lor la . TOI4 U711IO N'nr Pno K"l ! HI ltOO Oro hhort I.lno 5n 1ICI', ll(liii) PnilOi Tc 5a.. HfiiJ 41.1110 IVnnii v .11,11 .. ii'i ;:.hxi Penni la llHii Ii7 2UHI IMbllc Hcr N J 5a . VP, 12000 rteadlus Ken 4u . . n.1'5 1IOt.ll llepuli Cubj 5s I II Ills tit,'. 5IWI itepuli Cuba fs1 lulls till. Hid) Hep It & H 5a lull) HJ, KifHi Hook Island rfd 4.. OS 17C) tlnck Utanri 5a .V, !, Hiand Con Qold 5a. sn mm HI I. 1 M 4. Ho 5s . 11734 1'ilHiO HI I. I M A- H Olf Is 07ij 2C0O HI I. A- a V rfil 4a (.'P, ..iH) Htarid Oas Pa. .. . HMj lMOi Heabnaid A I. adj 5s r 1m)0 Honih Pae cv is 8! 750(10 do cv ret f 11 5s US .Vsm Homh Pan rru l . su IIKO Houth Itwy la .11?, .vmo Houth Hhv 5s , . Iiss lOfio Tenn C a. I lat 5a .1011, SOdil Toiaa Co rv Ha . Ml', iron.) Tlilrd Ao la. . Rl'. fl5.i(IO Third Ao adl 5, 7S'J 100(1 Tol Pen & W 4i 41 .'17.1(0 U S Bteel 5.. , 11121, ."WK) IMS Steel rcu a 1I)." noon tlnloij. Pao 4a... . ltt'4 MOO Union Pao rv li . S'll, Sum Union Iao rfd 4a. . Ml woo Un Ha 8 V 4a . A I 2000 Va 0 Ilrown Hrne . BIT 1000 Va Car Clim lat Ra iK'i IKioo Wafcaeh Is . .,' .." 210.1.1 Itab Ilqa rt sta 4s . 2i, iron Wah.p Ter lat ct la., mi 111 IIM, tin tis', ini SI", II7. Ill lll'i 101 US', 1,1 , SHlJ 2'l 75J, 75 SlJ H4I. ti 11, u.i; ill, Ml till", trl II7', :;2?4 H)'rj llll'i 1171, CHirAOO, Jan. 12 -Lack of conflrma llon of the reports that noma of th forta of the Dntdanellea hn.l fallen, which were responsible foi the seveie break In whent yesterda. rauae.t the tnnrl.et to open nlroiiB todny. The now from nhroail was titilllah Wet ncnihei nng tcportcd fiom many counlrlfs, mill norne advices Indicated anxletv foi the einpa. Clermnn millers eomplnlncil nboul tho e.itclty nf wheat, and teports from Austria ieir.1idlttic seed Ini? were not avullnble, but It Is ncccpted It la on a smalt scale. A petition hna been sent to the Spanish Government anklnir for the abolition of the Import duty on whent. The market at LIeipool showed under line strength on n further advance In Argentine freight rates of 2s. 6d to CJs. Cd Tho lsjblp supply of whent In Hurope Is 77,600,000 bushels, niralnat 70,918,000 bushels last weak anil 770.600,000 bushels lost 5 in. Tho technical position here was much relieved by estetdny'B heavy aclllns, nnd It was believed export sales will con tinue large. Some traders showed nervousness because ot the attitude of Government nlllclals ah a result of tho high prices for foodstuffs. Local cash liumllcis leported n larRe export nnd milling demand. Many shorts covered here today. The sclllnjr was scattered. i'oiii was stronger beenuae of IniHe sales for export Tho news from nbron.l wub bullish, with pinto offcis higher on the further llse In Argentine fi eight niton. Thorn Is a continued good cxpoit' demand at Buenos Aires. Oats also wore higher. I.argo com mission concerns bought. The selling was scattered. Provisions moved up sharply on lighter rocolpts ot hogs than had been expected and beer use of the salo ot n largo lino of cash l.iril to a packer, who evidently has orders for It. Lending futures tanged as follows Yfsterdai'H "Ufa,!- upon iiirii. May . . 1 lin'ij 1 .IS, Jlll . 1.5.1(1 1.24 torn iiioh coner)j EH HT 74', 07', 112'i llll4 (Mlk I.IV liil(J uiu inoi, lot in.li, l,-il U2.J iii '.n'a tus(4 losi; lJ fc'J. Kiii-i mil! .ml ai't iifit! iial: 1151, tl.l'j IIKIT. llvlll V-- :: ;,f llll"i (111, .'.OHO West Che.s eji 11 415s ro?J ir) weal Kiieerno oa '"i 11,000 West Md 1st 4a '.1 Minn Wcat K W SI ci Ba "'-' 20IKI Wet Union 4tje 8V5 Total ale, fl.lt04.00O. XOCAL STOCK AND BOND SAXES Yee floss, lllall t-ntv. 25 Airer can . 70 Hold l.oco pref.JOV'lj 5 Ainer Hi pref..lOl 111 cam n.eei . . 50 Fief, htiirase. 20 Oen Aat'hslt 15 MhUh K'av . lllall Low. 102$, 102(5 45 20 do I r F, T aIi,I Val 121 l'eh Val Tr pref .to North Cent. 410 Penna ... m mi 45 mi, OS Til 7(? 101 4.1 OS 7ll 7M, "!) a 1 , ".TBI. Pf ni', . K Ml M3 Fjt I'anna Halt Mftf. 110 411 Phlla l-Jleo ..... SI nia , 11 ', ir ,n 3 Phlla, Trso . 20 llfaillnc 'JO So Wv . 115 Tono Mel nil Ton Minlne SR7 Tl O Imp. . 8M II K Steel n Tin True BONDS Yee ih-e. lii(H) Am O A Bl 5-;. .!,'' 3000 llaldln let 5 JW, 11. l cliy 4s 1UM ref I0OU 'BIO Cam bteel scrip J7J 1011)0 Rl & Peo Tr 4a. U'i 1000 T.h N i-ona Jlee lf, PHI a .lej ..1)1 JtiOO Iiead Jer Cent l ix1 liaift ltd Tar a re.. 20.O Plead icen 4" . .01 TVOO Stand Uaa t . 07'. 2j vm: S5 SIV4 0 52 52lJ un Ti Ti NJ't 52 ll 3s; lllsh. ii (; w no 25'i 7 Tl 154 M' S'j Cloee 101 4 ins; x 7B 7541 nil. sail S5 l)"J 7K 74 lie. i." mi Uon. Close h.1 K5 liA's 101 001, 01 18V' ml ml ' uou 0.1 60H, Ameiican Can Btsorganlzatlon DOVEIt, Pel . Jan. 13. Artistes of Incor poration have been Bled here liy tha American Can Company of Wa4chutt with i capital or 30O.OsX 'incorpoiatora are,,. W. Plielna, of YonkeM, N Y i Itenalaer lllnmou. of lie. and C. fa. Onen, of Cranford . J. The American Can "pan? !, Maeeaehu aatls. will taku over the prouertles In that sTaTe of ina American Can Cwnpany, wtilcti MV? been yranped Into a new eorperatlon. BANK GLEABJNCIS Bank clearing today eompata Hlth eorre $ ' SS?iV0 ""tut, UIU. .iSlTYorlr; S97.QSI,6ai 3.'4l,OJI T;sS,5v3 GERMAN BANK X03ES GOX.D HBKI.IN. Jan.. IS. -Fe tha Srt time alnca u -v: ,.r .. h.nahe Item" "bullkM), Imperial and loan nolil sd satta or other hanke " la ehn to rtjva Si?r"d fTs.Ooaooo Not rlrtulatioa tua Sttel euruliid fm,K0,Un), hlle 4lrtlU tr down 3i.7OU,00O, I.ov Close cloao 1 111 I ",M, 1 31i) l.SJ-i'l.aiU 12t, May July . . Oata laiumry May .. July Lard January liny . itlbs .Ununry Jlay . Pork 1 inuan May UK 75S 7BU 70 74. 7A!i 7.V, t70 t741, 751, nil. .ML 10.57 . 10 f, J 10 0". 10.U5 Kr. 10 (HI 10.b5 tWl, tAlld 5-, 51. 10,05 tlOU.' 10 20 10 25 10 20 18 05 Hid lAskcd 111 02 IS kS n Shi 10.25 IS 41 1S1I5 HH SO 10 71 0 71 10 12 1fill7 'law L1VEST0(,K QUOTATIONS niLtAuu, dan. im nuun i.eceipia, t-- 0(i.i, market steady, mixed and hutchern, ?n.rU fi (I IK) Ri-n.l liea, (I TOll M, rouRh heav. rtu in y; ' ,,.. v. ?."'. vi'r' -:..;,,:.-,i:, '.:: nni.r, ,vrL,-iMB, ,f-,'vv iiiuiivri a.viiuj . un the and Wcslorn fi 50510. lamb", fl,1jN (5 LIVE STOCK RECEIPTS cmcrso Jan 12 KolloivInK arn thtf rum at iiteaiocK nt rno allolls .eniii TSfmUr.i steamer tellnw, new, 7f77V,r i No, ,1 lellnw, new, tOffiniie.) sample jellow, ne 71B710 i new rob, per 7(1 !.. 717Cc. 0T. neteluts, 40,001 hush. Demand fair and prices Head) Quotations Mi -white, tV4(MS',e , standard white, ATOailic , No. a while, 50'4M7c. . ., ,. HVn. Hcarce nnd nrm We quote nt 11.11 01 10 rei bush, as to quality, in export el intor. and nt f ifil 10 for small lota ot noarby grain In bags I'l.OUIt. nerelpts, 1200 tibia and 11.481, "01, Ihs. In aicka The market dull a buyera larked conllderice nnd wero unwilling to ojer Me to nn extent Valucs-largely nominal. Wo quoic per inn it,, iii wood- Hlnler, clear. S?i"!!IS' '!! altalitlii, f3MiiW do. I.t'';; 5'6T, Knusas, alralght, jute aatka in soft (1 Tr. .... ........ ,.... ...... O, TtfT III! spring nrsi, rieni fotynssi do. straight. fiHn .ltHi, do, patent. f(l.i'Hff7 1.1: do., favorltn tranda S.,tt" Ml. dry mills, cholta and fnncj pnient 7 SSJ7 Vi. Iiy mill", reg ular gnidesj aimer, rlenr, ,', fiOflfl, .unto;, straight f!i21tf0 00. winter, patent. fOiiW ,' l'n R I MM'lt, in srnnll supply nnd stead;. Iiul quloi ivo quote neirln and Western, In wood, at J(I21(I75 per bid PKOVJS10NS The market quiet wltlio.it Important ehange Quotations In beef in eels, smoked and air-dried. -,0T)27.-.1 Western beef In seta, smoked. 2(!ff27e , do . city beef, kmnkles and ten.tcis, smoked and nlr-drlcd a.2e dp. yern beef, knuil.les nnd tenderi smoked J2IW2I Ao, imrna H I' emed ie 1S'4I I do, sklnnel looso HltlWe do, do amok ed. tlhvil' oilier hams emokrd ilty cured, as to iTrajiil and average 14ifilfle . hania smoked Veslein turcd IH.JllAc,. do., boiled, bonelos 20Ti2ic : picnic shoulder;. H, t . cured, loose, HMtl',c . do. smoked. UtTl'UC,. bellies, in nlclile. nctorrflnir to average, loose. 14ri4iie . breakfast bncon. as In brand and average chv cured 1751 ISc , do . Waafern rured ITfflSc : lard. Weslcr!!., refined, tierces. llir,l.,C. ,10, OO, UlOB, UTI ll I1".."," 'V" ilts kettle rendered In tierces JtPtl'Se . do,, puro Llty kettle rendered. In tuba llWUttc REFINED SUGARS Qiilei, but values nrmly held tlenneis' list prl es Standard granulated fie line gi an; mated 4 115c, powdered. 5 05c: contuctloners A, 1.85c, aoft grades, 1 Wl 70c, DAIRY PRODUCTS Ill'VI nil, Demand wne nirtlolent In nh e.nli the limited meipts uf raiir slot k ami Miluea were well maintained Quotations West- ,.. i..ii ...i.t.t.nnl. oil irnnmprv. ratuV. SPO clilH. ifw . extra !14c , exirn rusts, ..Ic , tlrata Il.'i . seconds. 2Sn : ladle-paeked. 2J112IC , ns to quality, nenrbv prints, rancy. !17i . do., aver age extra, ,i(lt , do, flrsls. .tytlle . do , , ee oucls, 28fi:.0c Hpeiinl raney bninde of prints Juhlil.'K al 42a4lc , , , KtltlH llacelpta of line uew-luld eggs vv.ro light and tlio market itilcd llrm. v.lth de mand fair. Quotations In tree cases Nearlij, extras 40 ic ilnz , nearby Urals. fll.2() per standard cstw. nearby good mrrerit receipts. SI2IA) per hlanOarJ case, mixed, held and fresii nnd. ordinary slock, f10bOtH70 per tnse; Western. xtn flrsls f 1,1 20 Per cans , do., Ilrste, H2li0 per case Huuthorn, J1212 .4) per cao Horrlgerator eggs, aprlng parked, choue. 271(2sp per doa . do. ordinary to fair, 21(-1 r,pr dor ranc selected tandled fresii eggs were fobbed out at 41W51c per d07. (JllKLbll. OTferlngs moderate nnd the market steady, but nude uulet Quotations New York, tiill-trcani, earlier receipts choice. 10c : do, do, idrrent mske, choice, I5c , do, do. fair to good, It' till IV . dp., pnrt eklnis, SD"lSc. POULTRY I.l K. orterlnge of desirable stock mod erate and the market steady, but trade quiet Quotations Povvla, l.ifllOc , old roosters. Ilia lilUc spring thickens, according to quallt. 12dil4e. tuile, 151117c, duiks. lSfjltu.. getse, 1,1b 1,1c . guineas, juung, weighing J lea. und over apiece, per pair, 50c, weighing nw l, lbs. apiece, per pair, 40tT41c : old, per pan, .'.Out I Oc . pigeons, ter pair, l.VTjlRe llltESMIl). Demand fair for. desirable stock uml the market nrm under light oner liiga I'urkevsle higher. Quotations 'lurkeys, drj-paiked Fancv, largo nearby, 21i2Jc. do.. Western 21c, nveingo receipts, liyloc., In-fi-rlor, lSQIAc , No. 1 old, 18c fowls, 12 to box dry-patked eelectcd heavy, 10c , weighing 4i('5 lea apiece, ISc , do., 4ii4'j lbs apiece, 17V'.: do, 4 llw. apiece, 17fl , do., .IVi lbs. nplicc. I.'4fl5'i.c. , do, .! lbs. and under. 12 11c ronlx. bbl di i -packed Western dry. 1. L.,.1 iltttr. ll,., nttlMri. 17p. ,1n. tin.. 4 lbs .. . .', . - 1 .1 ll.. , , .. .,. .In 't llid STATEFUNDS QROW But Pldlddelphla Holdings oil D poslt rail OtU jAceordlnr to tit statement ef th TreieufV Department the amount ot general fun4e et the Corr.mnneallh of Pennailvlnlfv on hand Da timber si, ,914, exriunlvo ot moneys appro. priaied to the atnklnt fund la fS,6Cn,lv9 ai compared with .1,407,FJ2 Oetiter .11. 1014 . Or th lotat deposits of Mtvm.imi, Phlladfi phla institutions hold nm,M0, as ajtlnst I,'M2,IIM October 111 The following unto sloe th amount of general funda on deposit In Philadelphia Institutions American Hank fH'S Hank nf Conmerce , .. f0,000 Iiank of North America lKi,0"i Coniral National Hank.,... .... ... 13.000 Commercial Trust . , ,...,,,..,., aoiKHi Pom Hxchaoge National Pank..... .. UO.poo rnrmers nna Aiecnanica' iiaii )ianK. d,i no.o Jii.t r.tj.o Pederal Trust Pliat, National flank ,.,,. .,.,...,,,., rrnnklln National Hank ....,,.,,. I'rnnltlln Trust ..,..,. .,,,., Fourth Htreet National Uank , I'lrst Morttaga Trdat i inn nermanlown Trust ., (luarantee 'Prust , Hamilton Trust . ., , National Pink nf Uermantorrn North Philadelphia Trust ....,,... ... People's Trust Quaker City National Hank Heal i:tnlo Title Insurance ,. Hepubllo llliel ,,., nittenhniisn Trust ,,., Textile National Hank , Wnvnr Junction Trust r West Philadelphia. Hank Total The amount or sinking fundi nf llie State en deposit November .10, 1U14, totals 112,074, of which Plillnileliihln lnstltutlona hold 160,074, distributed as fellows. National Hank nf Northern Liberties... l.fXIO Ninth National Hank , 2.1.0OI t'armci and Mechuuha' hatl. Uank.., 40,674 in ikm to.poo H'l.Oilll la.poo 4U,fsl ,0D .000 10.000 lO.uoa 24.000 10 000 51,0.10 25,000 J0.tK lOlXXI 55,000 10,0"O 1)0,000 .fOCO.RM Chicago. P H Vrds Kina.s City . (minlia St. Louis N. St. Vdi bt Joseph Oklalinnm City .... Port Worth Hloux City .. Hogi. Cattle Plicep l2,(Uin 5 "un is ooo .1.1 Odd Kl.lKN) "I0IHI l)RK) 7,5(10 lt,5dll 2 Km 2,500 I, 5.K1 51X1,1 1 t.'asi .HI 2,500 l.Ca) I .inn 2.500 ICO .'.,500 Jll) a Ml l.tOO NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NUW YOTtK. Ian l2.-Tlio corfco market opened weak prices being 2 to I points below last night's closing flgurits Opening futures. Febrtarv, niOc bid: March, iMtVhaSnc., Slay. fifi.lTi.l07o.. June, 0 5iirfl5(.c , luly. 7.40W7 50; August. 7,B0e. bid; S?eitcmber. 7.0UW7 d-'c , Ocober, T.UV bid, No vember 7 70c bid, Dot ember, 7 7&T7 S2c Salca, 1000 bags. NEW YORK BTJTTER AND EQGS NEW YOTUC. Jan 12 -riUTTr.n.-Market steady ttecelpts. 1,1, ram iiackages. Creamerv extra, 34c, higher corlns. ,'HHii:i5c , 8tate I'tirj 'lielllli,'., Iniliatton creaniory, LTgStk.'. COGS Market steady Receipts, 6(IS'J cases, Freeh extra nrste, 41o, , fresh flrata, l2o : near hs whites, JftVBSOc. nearby mixed. 4245c. refrigcrjtor flrsts, 27S28c, C COTTON PRICES HIGHER NEW YOIIK. Jan 12 Cotton prices I to 5 points up In the trading today. Yes clos. Onen. 11 a.m. t n m ' January ... . 8 0J ,, Mann May R20 x tl July HOD uctoDer December NS2 SOS 8 21 H It SH7 8 ST 001 24 8 45 MCt 8.SI R25 N 40 were P.m. 8 "i 8 40 8 81 8 S'l Open Trfiding' nt New Orleans NBW OP.I.KANS, Jan 12,-The New Orleana Elctk Uithunne has resumed unrcatrlcted trad ing In all cloasea of lilted atoi-ks with the ex cel lion of bark aharea MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS IONOPA1I 8TOCK8 nu. 11m Hotter . Midway Mlzpah Kxtrnslou . Montana Northern star Tonorah Uelmont . . lonoiall Kxleiulon Inuupnli Merger . . Tonopah limine ., . Diesel! Gula ... . West til" .HT ,IHI .2S II .15 41. .54 Atlaula nine Hull Huoth .,,, , Uulldog c O U Comb frac Dlamf D II . ... Daisy li'lurelic Unlddcld Pons . lIohlHeld Merger Jumbo Ext ..,-. Kewanaa Or,i . Sand Kn (lOMWIKI.l! STOCKH . ... ,, .. ,38 IHI , 21 (I! .17 OT .... .0. T ,M it'.. isn .... Pick .. falvr ralry Ato Klmperly . KJ? -dtr" .31 ' .12 ,10 ,10 MISCKIJMNCOUS. , ,0S IT 10 . UT'4 Asked. bl ,07 In 18 Jo? Hi .so :13 .04, ,00 on .on ..is 1Ji .KO 1 KM ,20 .13 '.li ,05 M 1,60 Want to Join Reserve System WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 -AppHcetlona from a lro number of State banks, specially in th South and SQUtbwtst, r received at the Tisaaury Department today for admlialon Into th regional reaertc jysttm The apptl eallon followed th announcement yesterday liiit th lnstltutlona would b admitted uja coaditlsn that they aire to all iue and reg ulation of the federal Bwrvs Act Thus far ltd Htate liutltuttana lutv algntRsd their Iniemten of comlinj Into lh uatem. It la e wcl.d by Pedeial Itwervo Board mernbw ioai many auort of State bank will won liilo lb ym from State jvbare th local law are not In conniet with th Jfderal law. SECURITIES AT AUCTION At aiwtlsn lh following curltl wr sold by S5J T. Freeman Co today 18 ah. Catawiss B It lat prer 5 sha Pell Traction m.. Jooo City sf PWia H du mi ai 7W IUHKOTOUY 0? ACCODfiiTANTS Public Accountants St'KAKiUN INS t. 7B uurse. tuiiltj. Ix-vntumonx, KUuncUl Btmmsnta. lilc , do do, .IVa lbs lie, do., do.. lb, and under, 12jlli Old roosters. dr-plckod, 1. Ilrail,,,. r'1,1, l.na.-s:oarliv. llhlHJ lhs. apjr. ailfi.V. do., ralr to good llli&lSc , Western, l'42 Iba. apiece, 20c , do., fair to good, llfllSu, Chkkona, dr -pat-ked, In bnxea Mlld-rnl III tr 111 lbs to doz. l.e . in Ik-fed .17 ti, 12 Iba lo dor, lit . milk-fed, 41 to 4i lh. to dux, 17c . inllk-fcd, IS lbs to dp., 1c milk-fed. Oil Iba ami ovei. Hie torn-fod. .11 to 42 lbs to do lltllB'V inrn-red 41 lo 47 IbJ. 10 dos lUc . corn-red. 48 lbs and iVvti t" dor, 17, lorn-fed. 00 lbs. and over, ISc Hoisting tliltkens, iliy-puked. In bbls. Western, inllk-fed drj-pkked .1 lb. and over He Western mllk-fet! I lbs. Hit'.. Western, milk-red, ll!-j lbs, 14ijt : W.slein milk-fed, ,lr-pcked. mixed weights lPHUK.c-.. Wcst etri. inllk-red. 2tjl lbs. lie. Western rorn ftd. S lbs ami over. Hie , Weslern corn-red, I lbs,, I5c . Western. t.oni-fed. dr-phked, mixed weights 14c. Western rorn-fed,.H4 lbs. !4c Western. orn-ffd iiWji n,s. 1.1c. Ducks, extra. Itlit7c . do ordinary lo good, I215c .leese, nearby 12l14e., do., Western. IU012C Kuiiabs. per doz.-Whlte weigh ng 11 tu 12 lbs. per dox, fl lOJrl while, welgliltu 0 to 10 lbs , per doz , J.I sof I .In. white, w.ign. lug s lbs. per dox , $1Jf'l."0 .In. do. 7 lbs peV dor, fJ.-.OfPJMl. dp do. Will", b per per doz . f 1 r,02.10 dark and No. 2, toca! 1.25. FRESII FRUITS The market Bteady on .holto etoelt of mont desirlprlons but demand was only mod erate Quotations Apples, New 1 ork, per Dbl vmg, e-w.i. "iioeniiig. e-uv. '"'".'i'J Pral, $2ji2 75, Heir Uavls, f.'M.'.aO, (-py, H.W Ji2.,V) Ualdwln. f 1 73T2.50. other good eatlus varieties, 1 75JJ2.M medium, flOl .'). upploa, Weatcrn, ler box, 75c8fl.5u, apples, Deluwar and Pennsylvania, icr hamper,, R0UbtK.'.i in,rtn.. ti,.r bnx. Uli2.5(i. oranges, b lorlua. tier box. fl.IMt3, tangerines Klurlda, per strap, fl.S0Ii2.SO. grapefruit, Ploilda. per box. fl-. Pineapples, per crate Porto Hlco. ft 25112.23! I'loilda, flrt2, cranberries fancy lata varieties, ,,.. KKI lrrri rr.nberrlea. Cjue Cod. early black, per bbl , f2tf.l, cranberries, do . cany black, per crate. .73c f 1 50. cruuberrles Jer Bey, per irate. 7,1c Cffl 23, near N. . Klelt i, per bbl.. flff2, atrawberrlea, Florida, per ql , 3000c. VEGETABLES Trade fair and values generally well sustained Quotations While potatoes, per bushel Pennsylvania, fres from frosr, uliif.lc ; Newt York. freo from Horn, ISJjJOe ; write imtaroes, Jersey, per basket, U5irlUo. sweet potatoes, Delaware, per hamper, large, (1. 1001 25, medium, MutCOOc, sweet potato., Fusteru Shore, per bbl. No 1. f2B2 73, Np. 2. 1 51)1.73, aweeta Jeraey, per bbl, No. 1, 13 2S B.1.50. No 2. fJO'-'W. aweeta, Jersey per baa , (VliiSOc Onions, choice, per buah buc . do , ordluaiy per bush , 707&o do, choke, per 100-lb bag, tl BWI.OO, do , medium, per 100-lb bag. ft 25, do, eeconda per lon-b. bag, fli .'iibbage. Danish, per ipn I13WIII Caulldower New York, per crate, 75c (ht I 25. Spinach. Norfolk, per bbl, J191 30. Kale, Norfolk, per III. G0O75o Lettuce I'lorlda. per liasket. 12QJ ; do . North Carolina, per basket, fl COM 2, Beans, Florida, per baaket, fl 2532,23. Pea. I'lorlda. per basket, fS . SW.8 r-BaPlant Florida, per box. t-'9 1. Cucumbers, Florida, rr basket, tl.73SI60 Squash, Plorlda, per U)ker. 1I5.VB2 Peppers, Plorlda, per car rier f i tWf.i.tiO Toinstoes, Plorlda. per car-Jler-Kancy. t!1t2M. choice, JIUrl.no Celery, New York, per bum h, J3t?50 Mushrooma, per .lb. basket, fiei.10 ANNUAL MKETJNfiS 2 Till! CKNTIIAI. NATIONAL WANK OP lllll.ADKI.l'IIIA Th. Annual Election for Directors of this Bank and for the purpose of action upon amendment to Article 111 of Articles nf As sociation ao that the same as amended will read- 'Th Board of Directors shall conalst of not less than 7 nor mora than IS stock holders, ahall be determined by th Hoard of Directors prior to any regular Annual nesting of the Stockholder of this Ao. elation, th number so provided for being continued from year to year until changed by resolution of ttr said Hoard." will ba held at the banking house, Lafayett Building, Chestnut and Fifth its, Phtladal phla, on Tuesday, January 13, 1919, between U m. and 1 p. m. WILLIAM TOST. Cashier. JroKTHVK8rBHNA.TIdALIl.,K - Philadelphia. January 12, 19J8. At th Annual Election held this day, th following Plreotera were re-elected; Kdward A. SohrnUU Edw C SahmldheUer Otto C Wolf Harry A Poth I). Cha Murtha, Otto W. Schauiu Godfrey P. lUbmann Wis li. Severn John II Hanlfen Unford C Nle A Haymond Baft John n Llvy Andy Brunt, Joseph P W'll.mait ' LINFORD C NICE Cashier 'tss&a TUB ANNUA!, MKETINO OV TUB IK7 stockholder o' tha Delaware losur, anc Company of Philadelphia will be held t th otnoe of tb Company. 713-717-718 Cbettnut street, on Monday, January JJtb, 1915, et 13 o'clock noon. Seven directors will ba elected. Polls will close tt 3 p. n. JOSEPH 0 BOZOtmi. aeoreiarjr. NORTinVJSSTKBN NA1IONX IlAMt PhlladalDhla. P January 2. Ifl IB. Th annual lsctlon for Dire, tor will b, held, at tb Banking Itouta on Tuesday, Jao ury t, 113, between tt m and 1 r. n. I4NJTOBDC NtCK. Ctlhlnr. Total .... f 80,674 FINANCIAL BRIEFS ltniiilKration to the United Htnte ln November totnle.l 28,208, asalnat 1W,71 far Nd ember, 1918, according to the of llclnl IlKiires. Dn Pont Powder preferred gold nt 75 todny, the highest price In several years. Tho Western Nntlonal Dank of Balti more, Md., lias retired fSO.OOO emergency curtency at the Philadelphia Subtreaaury, (Jioss earn I hi; 3 ot 2D railroads ln the fritiith week of December allowed a d creuse .if fl,365,7D3 or 11.10 per cent. The Amount of emergency currency out Btun.IinE lina been reduced to 1122,000,000. The New York bnnks lott to tho Bub trcnaury yesterday $1,993,000 nnd since Fri day $3,320,000. Tim Heading Trnnsit and Light Com pany icports a docreoso of (2414 In No vember cross earnings, but for tha 12 months there was a coin ln gross ot JM.211. Dl declaring; a scml-anrlual dividend of 2i per cent, today, the Nashville, Chat tanooga nnd St. Louis Railroad reduced the payment 1 per cent. Practically all wire mills have now advanced tholr prices fl per ton, putting nails on the basis ot fl.ES per kejr, At the annual meetlnu of Hudson Com panies, John It. Waterbury nnd Oscar L Gttbclman were, elected directors to succeed A. S. Wins and C. W. Talnter. Proxies of stockholders ot tho New Kej stone Copper Company aro belnff sought for the special meeting- Friday with view to preventing; the sale of the property to the Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company until an appraisal has been made and, If possible, until better terms are vecured. Inspiration Copper has offered one share of Its stock for each nine shares of New Keystone Cop per. The Aldlne Trust Company today In creased Its quartet ly dividend of U of 1 per cent, to s per cent., placing; tho stuck on n 6 per cent, basis. fteseives held by tho local Clearlnc f House banks at tlio end of last week ': wete ns follows. Philadelphia 110,008,000 North Aiucrhn 2,414,000 I'm mora and Mechanics' 2;23.,wi i: Northern Liberties eiO.OOO Southwark 319,000 Kensington 383.) t Pcnu 1,187,000 1 Manufacturers' 3T1.000 c oirard 7,834,000 I Tradesmen' 800,000 1 Corn DAChaugo 3,042,000 ; 1 i. Ion GTOOOO I'lrst , 3,P56,00C ; 'third 034.000 Sixth 34O,00t W highlit RS2,000 ('mtrul 3,610.000 ' hccurlty 604,00.1 i Centennial 1,053,000 1 Ninth mew i IVntlt s.0 J Northwestern 020,00.1 -j Knuthwestern 174000 t tourth Street O.siT.oou i Market Street l,5pT,0ii 3 Quaker City 0,9,000 4 Northern .i?Wx. 1 Franklin 5,051,000 A lextlle IM.OOO ' UnWlTC...... .&J.oo T IKal Kstate T 1 & T ,. ,760,00.) y Ohard Trust Co SO? -I W P T k T Co i.00O -J I hlla T H D ins I'IS'SSJ! 3 Prav I, & T Co 2,807,000 S Pa Co I I, & O A a,a72.O00 Total, bank 60'22T'5$ '- Totals, trust companies 18,831,000 j TolaU 178,153,000 1 FOUEIQN EXOHANOJ3 NEW YOUK, Jan. 12 Th forelm xchajige market opened flrjn. with demand atsrllng up K, to 4.M cables" 4.811,; francs, cable, BlsU, and marks, S7h- METAL MARKET QUIET NEW YOIIK. Jan. 12. Th mtl market waa nulet today. Tin Tor ftva-ton lot. 83UW K",c.' 2S.ton lots, 838ftte,; lead, 3,T0itT3.8o? , srelter. 3O5BO06C You Will Receive Very Attractive Investment Returns through puTchasin: a short terra note we now offer. Its Issue by a strong Public Utility Company is approved by its home State Commission and earnings exceed seven times the interest charges, Senti for Circular No. ISO describing this tnuMimertt William P. Bonbrlght & Co.,Inc. MORRIS W. STROUD, Jr, Manager 3T CHESTNUT STHEBT Philadelphia Neir York Uoton Detroit London) William P, Bonbrlght A Co. We Offer Baldwin Locomotive 1st 5s Jones & Laughlin 1st 5s Particular an application A. B. Leach & Co. us aopru Fourrw stubet Blt Phejit Lombsrd-SST. New VorV Chicago Huston Lfailsn HI M lotfklH (sf tM MSBie,
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