Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 11, 1915, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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r rfiH ti m
ctfmua it. k. ctmtis, i?itsT.
dh C JrfaHtn. fur'? Chfle if tualnrtton,
JiWl! Cfl11ln. John B. WllllAmii, PIrqMort
Kbrroni At. hoard i
CMt ft. It Cefctts, Cjiitrmin.
fr. ft, VtfAt.BT . ..- StecutlTi Editor
ygtiK cISaIiTIN; Qnrl gusliim Mahsirtr
rMIliea aatlr l PMUO UMn Bulldlnr,
Iadpnt!Mic 8jore, Philadelphia.
two CixwAt. . ....... .Broad AftS ChMtnut Btreti
AtUnrro Cm r-reni-tnlon Hutldlnr
Xw T0fc.... 1W-A, Metropolitan Tower
fcHtwatt..., .... 81T Home Insurance Building
tattoo ......... 8 Waterloo TUce, Tall 1111. B. W.
Nbw York l!nu The r fm "ii'Mln;
Loitw iiwauti 3 Pall Mall n;t, 8. w.
Kin lluntio 82 Hue Loula la urand
it carrier. DaiIt putt, nix eentt. My mall. polpald
ftutald of Philadelphia, except where forelim poetnse
l required, fiittt Ottr, one month, twenty.flve tentui
lUiir OitlV, one year, three dollar. All mall euli
seriptlon payable In advance.
MT AMrrt all communication to Evening
Itiptr, tnitplndenet Square, Philadelphia
sutiKUD At in puitABiunu ronTorrtc l srcoND-
' ?
rniLADEij'iiiA, Monday, jakuahv n. mis.
It U getting to some people arc afraid to go on
living on account of the Income tax, and
afraid to die on account of the inher
itance tax and the undertaker's
"Hitting the Trail" and After
YESTERDAY'S demonstration at tho Lo
gan Squaro tabernacle ought to convlnco
tho most skeptical that man Is a religious
animal. Tho Instinct of worship Is ns old
as tho deslro to proplttato an unknown nnd
offended Higher Power. "Billy" Sunday's
appeal was mado to emotions which Ho at
tht bade of every mind. This is a Chris
tian civilization, nnd nil our education Is
saturated with Christian principles. Tho
evangelist hero is doing his best to persuade
men to put Into practice tho theories with
which thoy havo long been familiar. Tho
fact that 1140 men and women responded
yesterday, when ho announced that "Tho
hour 1b come," demonstrates his power to
touch tho hidden springs of emotion In tho
Thoso familiar with this man's work In
other cities say that this Is only a faint
suggestion of what will ho accomplished un
der his direction before the campaign lo over.
Tho city is certainly In need of moral and
political regeneration, and If ho can mako It
even a little better his work will bo worth
ton times what It has cost. If ho can con
vince any considerable body of citizens that
public morals are but a reflex of private
morals and that a man who votes for tho
continuance of a partnership between gov
ernment and vice and for strengthening tho
combination of contracting corporations and
political machines which pursue that famous
policy of addition, division and silence ho
Will do a work which will leave no suspicion
In tho mind of any one that Christianity Is
a thing too fragile for everyday wear.
The Only- Bee With a Buzz
IT DID not require a speech at Indianapolis
to let men who follow politics as a profes
sion know that "Woodrow Wilson Is a candi
date to succeed himself. That fact has been
established for many months. It has been
on open secret in Washington that tho Presi
dent Is obsessed with tho Idea of a second
term. His party ought to bo obsessed with
tho same plan. There Is not another Demo
crat who would stand a ghost of a chanco.
There is little confidence nnywhero In the
Democracy! there Is some confidence In Mr.
Wilson. Ho has Impressed the country with
his sincerity; his party, on the other hand,
is renowned for its stupidity. It Is
Wilson ori nothing in 1916, so for as tho De
mocracy Is concerned. His is the only presi
dential beo with any buzz to It
Quit Insulting Sailors
CAPTAIN MORGAN, of tho battleship
Minnesota, will have tho support of
every rjght-mlnded man In his fight to pro
tect tho uniform of the navy from Insult, If
citizens who man our warships are good
enough to fight our battles they are good
enough to alt next to us In places of amuso
mtmt. or to participate In tho promiscuous
sports in places open to the general public.
Consequently, the refusal of the tlckot-seller
nt a West Philadelphia skating rink to allow
six sailors and a petty officer to enter the
place Is Indefensible. If the facts are as they
have been represented the management can
do no less than to make ample apology to
the, men. And It it can escape so lightly It
will be fortunate. Indeed, for the State law
provides a penalty of flno or Imprisonment
for those guilty of showing disrespect to the
uniform of men In the service of the United
This Is a democracy and not a snobocracy
or a cadocracy, and every honest citizen Is
entitled to the same rights that every other
citizen enjoys so long as he behaves himself.
Tho sailors and soldiers of the nation should
be welcomed to public places arid made to
feel that while they wear the uniform of the
United States they deserve and will havo the
respect of every citizen.
Democracy of Death
DEATH, which overtook the Russian
Grand Duke Alexander Mtcbaelovltch on
a. battlefield In Persia, did not know that he
was a Grand Duke. And one of the most
noteworthy social phenomena of the war is
the discovery of the British in the trenches
that noble and commoner are Just men. Dis
tinctions of birth and caste and wealth dis
appear when the soldiers are brought face to
fa.co with jJread realities. Death, the great
leveler of ranks, is sitting at the desk In the
f ehoolroom of war, teaching a momentous
lesson of human brotherhood, which It will
talce, the nations Involved a long time to
Escort a For Late Women
A, police oncer's duty should not be to ar
rest drunks, but to escort home'women who
" may be returning- tate at night from ft boqIsI ,
function or a theatre party. Miss Elizabeth
Ortedala, of Clifton.
THIS important pronouncements was mado
at a hearing held before the Borough
Council p Clifton Heights to consider the
region of ft "pooler" or "look-up11 for the
Ollftonlajis who come to Philadelphia, dine
jwt Wisely but top well, and then find thern
a$iv in need of assistance when they reach
ttrSlr hom town.
It ooiriM with the shock of surprise to those
who bava thought that the mission of the
pollc Is merely to preserve Grd,er. But the
lor it Is considered, the more there seems
to lw in It If the police power o govrnpnt
lw wtwi4d so as to limit Uo number of
hour of UtMW t wwfaji wei, ad Ml
scribo a minimum wftgo for girls and forbid
the empiqyment of minors below ft certain
age, why cannot it bo used for tho protec
tion of lone and uncsoorted females Who find
It necessary to be on tho street at nlght7
It Is much bettor to assign a policeman to
see a woman homo than to let tho woman
go alone and be knocked down by ft drunken
hniin nWl then havo to call out the whole
reserve to find tho beast, burden tho courts
with his" trial and finally crowd him Into
prison with other offenders.
Miss Grisdalo is right when sho modifies
tho old ndngo nnd suggests that a poilco
man In time la much more economical than
catling out nlno of them when It Ib too late.
Slop It and Slop It Quick
THE MDRU suggestion of an embargo on
wheat oxportatlons drovo tho morkot back
3 cents In Chicago. Tho speculators ran to
On Saturday also Washington was consid
ering a recent note from London, threaten
ing to revlvo Us embargo on rubber and wool,
and pointing out that "It Is entirely within
tho right of Great Brltnln or any other Gov
ernment to control Its export trado through
The Constitution Inhibits a tax on exports.
Tho authority of tho Government, however,
to establish an embargo has been complete
ly established. Thoro Is one major precedent
for It, nnd thero nro many minor ones Sena
tors whose oyes aro glued to tho main chanco
and who aro ready to trade the bread of tho
poor for foreign gold aro thumbing tho law
books In a desperate effort to discover somo
technicality, by means of which thoy may
keep tho pollco power of tho Government
away from tho speculators. They aro fol
lowing a blind lead.
A riso of orto cent In tho prlco of brend
would bo a national calamity. The strugglo
Is hard enough as It Is. Sco thoso long soup
linos and that army of men unemployed.
Theyllvolna land of plenty, a land to which
Providence has given bumper crops, nnd yet
avarlco proposes to ship so great a bulk of
these crops to Europe that citizens at homo
must take tho last cent out of their stock
ings for necessary food.
Nobody objects if tho wheat farmers mako
money, although thoro Is not a corporation
in the nation that would dare tako the profits
found in 1 40 wheat. Tho sleuths of tho law
would be after It, and Its directors would bo
headed straight for Jail. But tho farmers aro
not the ones taking tho profit. Most of them
have already sold. It Is the speculators who
have sought tho dearest market in the world
and pushed and buoyed and coaxed domestlo
prices to Its levol. They care nothing about
the city poor, nothing about tho millions of
working men whose fortunes aro at a low
ebb. Thoy cry for their pound of flesh, and
they have actually persuaded tho Adminis
tration to ask for Govemmont money where
with to assist them In taking safely abroad
In Government ships "the food that ought to
go into American moutha.
Send Europe our surplus. Tho armies aro
welcome to It and the speculators aro wel
come to what profit they can get. But when
these gentlemen undertake to pawn tho
American dinner, when they make Europe's
necessity America's necessity, and calmly tell
the poor to eat corn bread, If thoy can got It,
Instead of wheat bread. It Is time for the
Government to cease all efforts to help these
plunderers and rush to the defense of the
great masses.
Not ono buBhol of wheat should be allowed
to leave tho country until tho amount nor
mally consumed has been conservod and pro
tected. The Further, the Cheaper
"mllE further you ride tho cheaper It Is"
JL seems to be the principle underlying tho
exchange-ticket outrage in this city. The
ramifications of tho system aro such and its
abuses so many that Director Taylor has not
been able adequately to present them to tho
city. An expert could be kept busy for weeks
without coming to the end of the list. If tho
city be divided Into, say, 20 great squares,
numbered in order, it will be found, in many
Instances, that while It costs but 5 cents to
go from square 6 to square 17, it costs 8 cents
to go from square 16 to square 17. It Is pos
sible to get a very long rldo for 6 cents and a
very short ride for 8 cents. Llko Topsy, this
system has Just grown up, the result of
leases piled on leases.
The best feature of tho Taylor plan la that
It provides high-speed transit for all parts of
the city; the next best Is the fact that It
assures a universal five-cent fare, and abol
ishes forever the Irritating, unjust and perni
cious exchange-tlcket system. Philadel
phia 1 ltohlng for a chance to vote it out of
existence, not In June but in March.
It's a, hard time for whales when battle
ships mistake them for submarines.
Mr. McAdoo Is by far the most conspicu
ous son-in-law the nation has known.
Certainly a, man has made a good move
when he hits the trail Instead of the booze.
The five men who get Jobs on tho Federal
Trado Commission will believe that It Is a
good thing.
Marine insurance is dominated by Lloyds.
There are more ways than one of maintain
ing ft commercial blockade,
Marshall P. Wilder always carried a smile
with h(ra. He needs no other epitaph than
that he was the apostle of Joy and laughter.
i , i i ., . i
This Is the first tlmo in the history of any
country that statesmen devoted their ener
gies to robbing the country of its food supply
as fast as possible.
Prosperity, which has ben timid for bo'
long, is inclined to flirt a little more boldly
with the United States. It will be a match
yet if Congress does not Interfere,
Director Taylor la right the city ia pre
pared, legally and financially, to go ahead
with tlje transit plans. The thing now is
to see that it la prepared politically,-
Senator Penrose says that he and his
frlendsji&ve no objection to an Investigation
The friends of good government certainly are
far it. TpAt ptk?f 1 UWUJSBUS, so let ih
TTTZrAPBTt moday;
Europe r Vast Burial GroundSan
Francisco Uaa Ordered All Bodies
Itemoved From tho City Communal
THE dead have boon ordered out of Ban
A law recently passed decrees that all
bodies burled within tho city limits must bo
removed within, I believe, 14 months.
No wiser law was ever enacted. There
Is not ono excuso for permitting tho dead to
poison tho homo of tho living. Now York
city Is dotted over with cemeteries from tho
dingy and ancient graveyards that Ho hidden
In tho streets and alleys of tho lower town
to tho huge squares where tho dead nro
"parked" on tho heights of upper Broadway.
Only last year did tho legislators tako a
hand. They passed n law forbidding tho
establishment of new cemeteries in Greater
Now York and tho "adjacent" counties
Westchester, Rlohmond, Nassau nnd Rock
land. In tho mcantlmo the old cemeteries aro
being rapidly filled. Tho problem, "What
to do with tho dead?" will havo to bo faced
ero long.
Tho latest statistics nro to tho effect that
every 21 hours, world over, 00,000 pcoplo die
They confirm tho old popular theory thnt
thero Is a death every second. Day In and
day out, ovcry tlmo tho second hand ticks
somo ono dies. (It Is a moro cheerful corol
lary that ovcry second one Is born.) And
tho dead crowd tho living. They Ho thick in
tho cities They throng tho valleys and pre
empt tho hills They selzo upon the fairest
sites, and for them tho most beautiful land
scapes nro reserved. And obscurely they
mlnglo with tho flowing streams and tho
running waters.
And wo drink tho dead.
What will Europe be nftcr this war7
Tho earth is sown with the dead; through
tho rotting earth tho dead hands reach up to
pull tho living down dead pestilential hands.
A Valley of Dead
In a corner of northeastern Franco thero
Is a valley; when I saw It a few months ago
tho trenches spread a network across It and
many of the trenches wero already fillod. A
valley In tho sunlight; and It was where they
put tho British dead. Thousands upon thou
sands of them; men of tho Connaught
Rangers nnd tho Dublin Fusiliers, men from
Knt nnd Sussex and Yorkshire, Gordon
Highlanders; I do not know how many nro
there now. The day I was there tho dead ar
rived in long processions. The living stood
by and presented arms. A priest, his robes
revealing the khaki beneath, said: "Tho
Lord hath given, tho Lord hath taken away."
Brass trumpets sounded tho "Last Post."
Somewhero a dog howled. Tho living pre
sented arms, about-turned and went away.
French peasants shoveled In tho clods of
earth over mattter that was already running
darkly back to tho mlnoral kingdom.
And there tho dead He. They Ho under a
thicket of small, wooden crosses, with rudely
pnlntcd names. Officers and the mon thoy
led to death; and among them lies "Ethel
Fearney, of tho Red Cross," a girl who died
In vain.
This valley In France Is typical of Europe
How many dead, think you, have been stuffed
Into tho ground? A half million? A million?
It Is hard to get precise figures. You may be
sure that moro thpn you dare estimate have
been put to earth soldiers and civilians, and
tho lean, starved corpses of Belgium. And
each one of thoso uncounted dead, as he
darkens underground, Is planning his revenge
upon tho living. As ho lies thoro he has al
ready begun to poison tho springs of life. He
Is taking his vengeance on thoso who slew
him, on tho Innocent and on thoso who
are not yet born.
Did It need this war this monstrous thing
born of hato and arrogance and greed to
teach us the simple fact that tho dead aro
potent for evil?
What goes out of a man when ho dies, I
know not; but what he leaves behind I know
and all the Inexpressible degradations of
the material garment he walked the world In
It may not be our business thnt Europe has
poisoned the wells of the living with tho
awful dead though I think wo should havo
a word to say but undoubtedly we should
seo In It a warning and a lesson.
West Ahead of East
As I have Intimated, tho West la ahead "of
us, who are dwellers In tho tents of the East,
In this melancholy matter of dealing with
what the dead leave behind them when they
go otherwhere. They have, at least In some
places, evicted the dead from tho house of
the living. And It was in the West that there
arose the system of community mausoleums,
which Is the second best solution of the
problem. (I say second best, for all sane
thinkers ndmlt that tho best way to dispose
of the corpses that fall to right and left of
us one ft second Is to burn them wholly
with fire.) Those Western reformers saw
that a law of horrible inequality lay over the
dead. Tho rich man lay In a marble and
bronze mausoleum. Ho was shielded from
helminth and scarabaeus. The poor man was
fed to tho worms. So, to give tho boon of
equality to the dead, they began, In a co
operative way, to build community mauso
leums. The plan was exactly that of the home
bulldlng associations, which are so efficient
in the West. They paid in their funds little
by little. In time the mausoleum was built;
and the thousand members of the associa
tion each had a, crypt in the mighty build
ing, where his desiccated body, wrapped In
n leaden shroud, might He to eternity. Tho
Idea spread very rapidly. Today there are
150 such organizations, and they have vir
tually completed all their mausoleums. The
first to be erected In the East, I am Informed,
were thoso of Buffalo and Syracuse. A New
York "community" has been formed and a
mausoleum Is to be erected on Btaten Island.
Twelve hundred members have combined to
make this place of the dead a possible thing.
A crypt in the mausoleum costs a member
from 1200 up In perpetuity; and for the
member who la content to give to his ashes
the factitious Immorality of a funeral urn
the cost Is much less. The plan Is a good
one. The evidence lies Jn the fact that it Is
spreading rapidly over the country. These
oommunlsts In death have even a magazine
of their own devoted to their Interests; even
the smaller towns in the Weat havo taken
up the work, and it is bound to grow,
Seienca Condemns Burial
It ia a new kind of social work and it re
quires a moment's thought to see the Imme
diate advantages. There is no question that
ground-burial is a reversal to a lower form
of civilization The Greeks and Romans had
got far beyond it and it was brought back
again by bad theology or a bad Interpreta
ien of Oriental bHf. Modern solence bai
I ttpndnmned it- What seems moat erUiR is
that respect for tho dead should condemn It
onco for all. No man who knows what goes
on In tho grave would over sentenco a body
ho has kissed to Imprisonment therein. Flro
Is tho right, solvont. But tho mausoleum Is
not without Justification, and It has as well
an clement of permanency (In an Imperma
nent world) which Is lost In tho rapid de
struction of tho flames. Tho body Is laid
away In tho crypt with desiccating chemicals,
which In a short while will absorb the 80 per
cent, of molsturo of which tho body Is com
posed. What is left la a dry, mineral cfllgy
of tho man who was. And that will remain
for thousands of years.
It Is a step In tho right direction,
this West-born plan of communal mauso
leums. It gives thoso who lack wealth a
chanco to proservo tho bodies of their dead
in safety and splendor akin to that of Gen
eral Grant, who lies In state by tho river.
And there is no reason why a mausoleum of
this kind should not bo built to meet tho
purso needs even of tho poorest. Tho law
should permit It; In fact, the law should de
cree It. Thoso who wish to keep together
for futuro explorers of our antiquities tho
mineral remains of their dead should bo
obliged to place them In properly sterilized
mausoleums. And for tho rest of us thoso
of us who aro not making collections of
worn-out garments thero should wait tho
swift, beneficent tomb of flro.
Earth burial la due to false sentiment nnd
false theology. It should have no place In ft
civilized community. Look abroad, If you
don't bellove It. For years to como Europe
will poison tho air. The dead aro creeping
darkly through all tho rivers and streams
taking their vengeance.
The Story of a Story That "Got Across. The
Influence of tho Movies
N THE course of his article In Harper's
Weekly on "Tho Miracle of tho Movies"
W P. Lawson quotes a member of the Na
tional Board of Censorship as follows:
"I'll tell you an Incident that camo under
my notice not long ago, because it seems to
me typical of a certain kind of constructive
spiritual Influence of tho film whose Impor
tance wo nro JuBt beginning to appreclato. I
was sitting In a motion picture theatre in
Toledo, O., waiting for tho first reel of 'Lea
Mlserables' to begin. I noticed two couples
directly In front of me, ono a mlddle-agod
man and his wlfo talking about their neigh
bors, tho other a boy and girl talking about
themselves. They would have been flirting, I
suppose, except that the ring on the girl's
third finger which both examined now and
again with much interest showed that their
emotions had been standardized, so to speak.
So I did not frown disapproval as I might
have otherwise.
" 'Who s this Jean Valjean?' said the man
after a pause.
" 'I don't know, John,' said his wife, 'but
Sarah told me It was a swell release.'
"What tho younger couple said need not be
repeated. Suddenly the play began. The
great dream of Victor Hugo lived again be
fore their eyes. They were caught up In the
sweeping movement of the story and carried
along like leaves on the wind by the emo
tions the living shadows before them so
vividly delineated.
"The old bishop forgave the felon and let
him keep the stolen silver. The eyes of the
four In front of mo were wet. They entered
the death chamber of Fantlne with Father
Madaltne. They watch poor Cosette strug
gling with her load of water. They helped
Father Madaltne carry the little drudge from
the home of the Thenadlers. Their hearts
wero wrung with pity as the pathos of Jean
Valjean'a life grow. Yet as the last reel
ended the vision of Jean's real development,
the ultimate glory of his life, shone from
their faces and mirrored its own high colors
in their eyes. The story got across.
" 'I gotta do more reading," mumbled John
as he groped for his hat. 'I wouldn't have
missed this not for a coupla bucks I'
"The younger couple said nothing as they
left. The girl hid her sober, tear-streaked
face in her muff. And on the boy's face, as
he walked out with head erect, was an ex
pression of faint awe, while his chin had a
resolute tilt that spoke well for the fitness of
hla spirit at that moment.
"Now there is nothing here tangible, noth
ing that you can measure and weigh any
more than you can measure emotion or weigh
the breath of life. But If we could follow the
thought planted In the mluda of the four that
night during its germination and develop
ment wo might discover that its eventual re
sults would prove extremely tangible. That
Is the eort of influence we know as yet very
little about, but which I belleya in time we
will understand and direct for ethical ends,
We can deal now in practice with only the
mpre obvious effects of the motion picture
in the field of morality, but our standard
ar aypawie a,tiq we are trying all the, time
to learn more anA more."
tub? MiJl
A Freethinker's Impressions Evangelist ."Was Accused of SensationalaB
TN 1730,
Just 175 years ago, Georgo Whlto-
lleld camo hero from Ireland and roused
Philadelphia to a now religious fervor. From
a much smaller city ho drew audiences larger
thnn any of tho crowds that havo heard
"Billy" Sunday, and his fame traveled all
over tho country-
Whiteflold's messago and the manner of Its
delivery were so repugnant to many of tho
leading churchmen of tho day that after
opening their churches to him thoy turned
him out. Then he preached in tho fields. So
conservative a reporter as B. Franklin said
that audiences of 25,000 were not unusual.
Tho evangelist was bitterly criticised for
his collections Just as some critics of Sun
day declare that he profits too much flnan" l club, who, being of my. sentiments ln rtgrlj
daily fOr preaching tho gospel, so did tho
hostile critics of Whltofleld attack him. But
Just as Sunday can mako tho people glvo
freoly, so did Whltefleld make them "shell
out." Sunday has a tabernacle that was
built for his uso. And the people of two cen
turies ago built ono for Whltofleld.
The Impression that this man's preaching
mado on Philadelphia Is described by tho
froo-thlnklng Franklin In a way that Is not
only Interesting In Itself, but that has a spe
cial Interest at this time. Franklin wroto:
"In 1730 arrived among us from Ireland the
Rev. Mr. Whltefleld, who has made himself
remarkable thero as an Itinerant preacher.
He was at first permitted to preach in somo
of our churches; but tho clergy, taking a dis
like to him, soon refused him their pulpits,
and ho was obliged to preach in tho flelda.
Tho multitudes of all sects and denomina
tions that attend his sermons were enor
mous, and It was a matter of speculation to
me, who was one of tho number to observe
tho extraordinary lnfluenco of his oratory on
his hearers, how much they admired and re
spected him, notwithstanding hl3 common
abuse of them by assuring them that they
wero naturally half beasts and half dovlls.
Songs in Every Street
"It was wonderful to see tho change he
soon made In the habits and manners of our
Inhabitants. From being thoughtless or In
different about religious matters it seemed as
If all the world wero growing religious, so
that one could not walk through tho town
In the evening without hearing songs and
psalms sung by the families In every street.
"It being found Inconvenient to assemble
In tho open a,r subject to Inclemencies of
the weather, the building of a house was no
sooner propnsed'and persons appointed to re
ceive contributions, but sufficient sums were
soon procured to secure ground and to erect
a building, which was 100 feet long and 70
feet broad, about the size of Westminster
Hall; and tho work was carried on with such
spirit as to be finished In a much shorter
time than could have been expected. Both
house and grounds were veBted in trustees,
expressly for the use of any preacher of any
religious persuasion who might deslro to say
something to the people at Philadelphia; the
design In building not being to accommodate
any particular sect, but the Inhabitants In
general; so that even If the Mufti of Con
stantinople were to send a missionary to
preach Mohammedanism to us he would find
a pulpit at his service," ,
Whlteiteld An a Money Jlaleer
Franklln'a story of Whltefleld'a ability to
raise money for his own and special charities
is most Interesting. On this point hesaid)
"Mr, Whltefleld in leaving us went preach
ing all the way through the Colonies to
Georgia. The settlement of that province
had but lately been begun, but, instead of
being made with hardy, Industrious hus
bandmen, accustomed to labor, the only peo
ple fit for such an enterprise, It waa with
families of broken shopkeepers and other in
solvent debtors, many of indolent and idle
habits, taken out of the Jails, who, being set
down In the woods, unqualified for clearing
the lands, and unable to endure the hard
ships of a new settlement, perished in num
bers, leaving many helpless children unpro
vided for. The sight of their miserable sltua,
tlon Inspired the benevolent heart of Mr.
Whltefleld with the idea of building an or
phan house there, in which they might be
supported and educated. Returning north
ward he preached up this charity and made
large collections, for his eloquence had ft
wonderful power over the hearts and purses
of bis hearers, of which I xnyaelf was an ln
"I did not disapprove of the design, but
Oeorgla was then destitute of materials and
workmen, and It was proposed a send them
from Philadelphia at great expense, I
thought it would have bn Ijetttr to hay
and Turned Out of the Churches ihs lahernaele
built tho houso hero, and brought tha&H
dren to It. This I advised, but he was l
luto In his flrat project, rejected my cotuM
and I, therefore, rofused to contribute
happoned soon after to nttend one othtoiM
mons, In tho courso of which I percent h
Intended to tako a collection, and I sfltti
resolved ho would get nothing from ffl?I
had In my pockets a handful of copB
money, thrco or four silver aoimrs ana m
pistoles In gold. As he proceeded I bcjMtB
soften, and conduced to give me coppsw
Anotlmr stroke of his oratory made.M
ashamed of that, and determined me tofhB
the silver; nnd he finished so admirably (Ml
I emptied my pockets wholly Into the soM
tlon, gold and all.
"At this service there was also one el csl
to the building In Georgia, and suspeclitt
collection might bo taken, had by precacta
emptied his pockets before ho came ra
homo. Toward the conclusion of thj&
course, however, he felt a strong dealtjjs
give, and applied to a neighbor who wa w
him to borrow somo money for the jmrpe
Tho application was unfortunately raaJti
nnMlinna Ua nnln n.r.nn In thn COmrj&nV M
had tho firmness not to bo affected byii
nroacher. His answer was:
"Af nn.f nllinr flmp Frlpnd HODfelsMI
I would lend to theo freely; but not nowOjl
theo seems to be out of thy right sensew
Franklin Defends EvanRelUt J
"Somo of Whltefleld'a enemies affected,
.u. l. n..l.l nrrt1v thpftA Mill
BUP1JU3U (.UUI UD numu "-WJ ' ,,
tlons to his own prlvato emolument; My
who was Intimately acquainted with A
nwr hnri thn lp.nst HUSnlclOIl OS to UJ"
tegrity, but am to this day decidedly of
opinion that he was in all his conduct a tg
fectly honest man, and methlnks thatrt
to.iimnnv nnirM tn finvo tho more welgbljj
cause we had no religious connectloasjg
used, Indeed, sometimes to pray for BlS.
version, but never had tho satisfaction oOf
Hevlng that his prayers were neara. vi
waa a merely civil friendship, Blncerwj!
both sides, and lasted to his death. gi
"The following Instance will show M
thing of the terms on which we stood. TO
one of his arrivals from England at JJeg
he wrote to mo that he should soon come
Philadelphia, but knew not where he wog
lodge when thoro, as ho understood Ms
friend and host, Mr. Benezet, was Temjjg
to Germantown. My answer was: fl
"'You know my house; If you can ojg
shift with Its scanty accommodation,
will jbe most heartily welcome.' li
"Ho replied that If I made that M1&
for Christ's sake I should not miss wM
ward, And I returned; JPI
" 'Don't let me be mistaken. It Is nolffi
Christ's sake, but for your sake.' " jjl
Whltefleld had such a wonderful volc?t
he didn't need an audbphone to mamj
crowd of 25,000 hear him even out of
The wonders of Whltefleld's voice and nM
livery made Franklin an ardent aojW
Said Franklin; 3m
"He had a loud and clear voice, and affi
lated hla words and sentences so rn
that he could be heard nnd underatooditt,
great distance, eapeclally ns his audli
however numerous, observed the roost S
silence. He preached one evening irrai
top of the Courthouse steps, which are its
middle of Market street and on the ",'?
of Second street. Both streets were fl'leS
hearers to a considerable distance.
among the hindmost In Market street h&
the curiosity to learn how far he couWi
hea'd by retiring backward down the B
toward the river; and I found his voIcifi
tlnct until I came near Front street, K
spina noise from that street obscured ltag
aglnlng then a seral-clrcle of which m5
tance would be the radius and that JtiJJ
filled with auditors to each of whom I JK
allow two square feet, I computed vm
might well be heard oy more than aO.OOWg
recondled me to the newspaper acoouo
his having preached to 25,000 people UJfi
fields, and to the ancient histories of Ke2
haranging whole armies which I had fig
times doubted"
I am fevered with the sunset,
I am fretful with the bay,
' For tho wander-thirst Is on me
And my pul is in Cathay.
There's a schooner In the offlnjr
With hr nnl)a nnt with fire.
And my heart has gone aboard b9
For the Islands of Desire.
J must forth again tomorrow I
With the suaset I must be
Hull dawn en the. trail of rapture
In the weader of the sea.
-r-BtiIir3 i
cvvutf ON ai 4 4lMr 6l lr