Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 11, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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mim of good
Evangelist,, as Athlete, Fol
lows Closely Rules of Diet
j. and Exercise Inculcated by
'Mike Murphy.
BIl!y" Sunday preaches tho way to
Spiritual salvation. But he also preaches
I" ,j, f0 the doctrine- of good health,
KL if his auditors did but Know It they
E...M Aa themselves nulto as much pbys-
f. j go0d by copying some of tho methods
!L which ho ltecps himself In a ported
FrhTtcftl condition as- they can profit
tfipMtually by "'" sermons.
ftnln. the way he gets himself Into
IK and stays on edge, Is tho Identical
l.Xd by which tho late Mlko Murphy
j.lDDed and trained his championship
iSSbaH and Olymplo teams. "Billy" Bun
Via and his trainer, Jack Cardiff, have
'oooled the Murphy system In all Its essen-
i)rtully the same results by following
, Jhi jiurphy-Sunday method of physical
lWi?niiitr"'Rimday exhausts himself In a
ry that tho nverago athlete could not
i ntna lor any iohblm i nmu, uui imju
islctlly Sunday Is an abnormal man and
Pi.n Miduro twice as much as most men
J f his age. For tho average man a
6...in.r la an extravagant luxury. Mlko
Murphy always told his athlotcs that they
fc could get the same results In after llfo
Jly looking after their own physical con-i-aitlon
that thoy did whllo In training with
f'tramer ana a runner.
Sunday's perfect physical condition Is
J 4n to his practice of throe of tho Mur-
feny. precepts for' good health:
vFlrt Clean living and a simple diet.
K. Second. Plenty of sleep.
Pv Third. Exercise, common sense bathing
Md massage.
5 kunday owes much of his good health
to, his simple diet. Ho doesn't overeat,
and thcreroro isn i suDject to an tno iiib
that are euro to follow violation of this
! first nils of good health. Neither docs
?1 smoke, and whllo ho can tolerato a
,,'jrftn who uses tobacco In the form of a
tplfle or a cigar, ho has a furious, hatred
lorjne cigarette,
lifts Murphy was always preaching to
htili nthletcs on the evils of overentlmr
ftn& the use of cigarettes. During the
Fglwt few years of his llfo Murphy pre-
letlo Training," which contained the re
lults of all his experiments and investi
gations covering a period of 30 years.
;, "Billy" Sunday bolleves In getting :0
hours of good sleep every night. And
Mike Murphy always Insisted that his
ithletes should retire regularly and get
the tame amount of sleep each night
But the most interesting part of the
'Mike Murphy system and tho feature of
l-'Bllly" Sunday's dally work which ap-
apcals most to the genorol public Is his
biniuienca uiiuu uro uuny routine or com
f and hot baths an- tho massage which
follows them. Readlntr reDorts of how
.''jack Cardiff, his trainer, handled Sunday
' In these particulars would lead one to
fcelltve that such a systom of training
U out or tne reacn or the average per
son 'ut Aiurpny in ins -oooic outlined a
tftitm by which the aver'oge person
toul4 take tho same treatment baths.
deep breathing, massage and nil In 15
minutes a day. "Billy" Sunday devotes
"more time than this to his treatment,
but that Is because he Is under Buch a
tremendous strain.
llnasmuch Mission to Provide Sub
jects for Shears.
j There was a stir among tho down-and-
euters of the city today when runners
from tho Inasmuch Mission went to tho
farthest .ends of Philadelphia and sum
moned the hairiest and most bewhlskered
Of the floating population to meet Super
intendent George Long before tho mission
icoors wis arternoon.
This is no Joko and them will h nn
assemblage SUCh ns hnft nflVftr hAn aann
lathe history of tho mission about 6
o clock. Mr. Long took a contract to
wpply seven of the hairiest wonders
ever seen to be used as subjects at the
annual shaving and hair-cutting contest
of the Italian .barbers of tho city, which'
Jill be held tonight at the Casino
n? ' Mr' lMnB sald he could Produce
Wld enough looking men, for he has been
to Intimate touch with' them all during
n cold weather.
Wo each of the seven chosen will be
nven a. warm supper, a free show and
men a haircul nnH n .tmv. ai..a,i
tone is paying tho bills. He win be at
tne mission in rnunri itn 1.1. -i. ..., ...
f cl0k Monday night will tako thenff
l? the theatre f?nlTiv H,,.!,.,- ,t. A I
foramnce. Than n. n- -. ..
v, ! fitt announce the contest and
request the audience to remain and see
a fun.
8,,ri" 1 1000' 't a said, will be pre-
iSrt !. the barber who docs the best
S.fcqulicie,t Job-8have and haircut.
iw " ?J?ct wl" be naked-to bring
uong a friend in M.niif,, i,i. . .1,.
thftfe?1 TJ10 snavng contest among
Km. n barbe has been an annual
ri,. v r ,eeveral years and the first
nie has always been J100O,
First of Weekly Conferences
on Legislation Were Held
in Reception Room of
n.Mch wl" ln somo measure ills,
pel tho Ills of unemployment In Philadel
phia s expected to follow a conference of
prominent women of tho city In tho
Mayors reception room this afternoon.
1 no unemployment problem was viewed
from overy nnglo and a determined effort
was made to advance remedial sugges
tions, which will be Incorporated In a
recommendation for presentation to the
The speakers wero James II. Mauror,
president of the Pennsylvania State Fed
eration of Labors George AV. Norrls,
Joseph II. Hagonborn and B. M. Little.
This confcrcnco marks tho beginning
of a series of meetings to enable tho
public-spirited women of Philadelphia to
hear and confer with the best qualified
speakers, men and women, on subjects
of city and State legislation.
Following this opening meeting at City
Hall, which was frco to tho public there
will be weekly meetings In tho auditori
um of tho Curtis Publishing Company, to
which tickets will bo necessary and to
which all women Intorested are welcome.
A cost ticket, costing ?1, has been Issued,
and can be obtained through the com
mltteo that has arranged tho conferences
at tho offices of tho clubs and associa
tions Indorsing tho movement and at the
With tho oxceptlon of February 22 tho
conferences In the nudttorlum of tho Cur
tis Publishing Company will be held
overy Monday from January to April,
from 3 until 4:30 p. m.
Tho Initial step In this work was
taken by tho Equal Franchlso Society of
Philadelphia last November, when a tem
porary committee of three members of
tho board, Mrs. Frank Miles Day, Miss
Mary A. Burnham and Miss Mary H.
Ingham, sent out letters to tho presi
dents of the following clubs: Mrs. Cor
nollua Stevenson, Civic Club; Miss Eliza
beth Klrkbrlde, College Club; Mrs. Wil
fred Lewis, Equal Franchise Society of
Philadelphia; Miss Mary A. Burnham,
Good Government League; Mrs. H. S.
Prontlse Nichols, Now Century Club; Mrs.
Benjamin F. Richardson, Phllomuslan
Club; Mrs. Augusta Eshner, Philadelphia
Council Jewish Women. Thcso organi
zations were asked to co-operato ln a
plan to study "The Government of our
city, as well ns of the social agencies
working therein."
The officers of the conference are Mrs.
Frank Miles Day, chairman; Miss Mary
II. Ingham, secretary, and Mrs. Augusta
Eshner, treasurer.
1 -1 1 1 1 11 1 -n 1 1 11
' ' Qj 'I
IN HIS WORKSHOP , ' ' ' ''K '4,$
5 &JWJL?Ir -
Began Modeling Flying Ma
chines at Eight Years.
Mother Encourages Nat
ural Talent.
Asks Damages From Proprietor of
WEST CHESTER, Pa, Jan. ll.-Sult has
been brought by Harmon Bond, a West
Goshen dairyman, against Zlba Martin,
proprietor of tho West Chester Creamery,
asking $3500 damages for a herd of cattle
recently killed by the State authorities
because of aphthous fever. It Is alleged
ln tho complaint that milk from tho
creamery operated by Martin had not
been pasteurized as required by law be
fore being sent to tho farm, where the
disease was communicated to tho cattle.
Four other dairymen will Join In the suit
pnd will ask heavy damages
A charge of furnishing unpasteurized
milk was made some time ago against
the creamery man.
&W Accused of Swindling Creditors
k westeaAtter Pour Years.
J. former Naw Vn.u v,..i
Lyied of hv.n; Z,2''"" '"". ac-
frtar. .- 1 " '"iw creditors lour
t$S.". ut . 0.. was taken back
lUnitM a..iy l.aay from Camden by
ifi. m. rar5,,al BoU tQ 'a trial.
m aV !2?'fit Ot Justice
WS& W V SS lasT foSr CyearflaU
SRu'rT" .W!L.? L
fet0rIL0,u!.?-Uro''Sn cities, united
KHMmVTjT . nor Jt"e in Camden
US flSA0d ,n 5000 ba 'w the Fed-
inVn ur'-, At JJaddon Heights
Iter "noting a Ave and ten
BtHf Kelatioa la Discussed at nirls'
Normal School.
' 'Wllllarn Byror Forbush, president
& American Tnvtf,,.. A nt.iu t ia
A. OflTMl. nn llm.. n . . -
. r v.. - otory in i;par
Si "Hers" LeaRUa tn lie held ln the
i JformaJ School at 4 o'clock this
lOUowlQK Btorlpj. m.r. tr,M hv
yin of tho i,o.,.. . ui. ..... ih.
r OClntu: "W IT r .ml TtrA
rJ Charlotte Npdlne; "Tba
tSl?t,y: "'h "on Noi Made.
ftsa, Mrm. L. H i-h!-v "Jimmy
Brper Jubn p Mahouy. and
Secretary Tumulty Will Uncover
Painting of President ln N. J. Capitol
TRENTON, N. J Jan. ll.-Joseph P.
Tumulty, secretary to President Wilson,
will unveil the portrait of the President
In the Governor's office at the Capitol
this afternoon, following a luncheon of
Democratic) editors and writers.
The painting Is by Seymour Thomas,
who was commissioned by both New
Jersey and the Federal Government to
paint portraits of tho President. The re
plica of t lie' one to be unveiled here today
now hangs In the White House gallery.
1,118,255,720 Pieces of Mali Han
died in 1013.
Although 1914 was supposedly a poor
business year the amount of business
done at the Philadelphia Postofllce
showed a notable Increase over' that
transacted the preceding year. The num
ber of pieces of mall of all classes han
dled by the locat office during the 12
month period ending December 31 was
l,118,iS!3,723, compared to 1.071,363,265 in
1913, or nn Increase of 4S,SS6,461. pieces.
The number of packages sent by parcel
post from Philadelphia proper during 191J
was 0,231,152, while lost year 18,701,065
pieces were dispatched.
Tho parcel post carriers In 1313 deliv
ered 4,914,208, while the following year
they were burdened with 8,273.501 pack
ages. Automobiles delivered 1,873,363 par
cels last year compared with 1,3S3,903 In'
In the parcels post Insurance business,
339,850 packages were Insured last year,
compared with only 79,516 In the previous
Action foe Revocation to Be BTeardJ
s January' 22,
The petitions filed Jointly by the Law and
Order Society and the Police Department
for the revocation of five cafe licenses
will bo heard on January 22 by Judges
Carr and Davis. It was Intended to hear
the cases on January 15, but owing to
Jury trials being listed In the Common
Pleas Court, the two Judges were unable
to leave their work ln the civil courts.
The licenses to be attacked are those of
John McDonald, northeast corner 9th and
Cherry streets; Hannah I Rogers, north
east corner 10th and Cherry streets! Helen
J Laubach, 619 West Glrard avenue; John
o Herrmann, 1215-19 Columbia avenue,
and Goorge E. Miles. 629-33 West Qlraril
Woman Pougbt Thirty Yeara for Re
lease of Bon.
nnsTOH. JaU. 1L Mrs. nutn M. fora-
There Is a boy ln this city with the
alllteratlvo namo of Percy Pierce, who
is particularly fortunato from two stand
points, one of which Is that ho was born
with a talent for mechanics and tho other
that he Is possessed of a mothr capable of
understanding tho natural gifts of her
son, and herself having no Httlo me
chanical genius and a great deal of ex
ecutive ability.
Mrs. Edith W. Pierce Is known through
out the length nnd breadth of the city,
and outside Us limits, too, for that mat
ter, as a most efficient inspector in the
Bureau of Street Cleaning.
Tho particular bent of Percy Pierce's
mind Is toward aviation, and It is not
going wide of the mark to say that ho
began the study of air flight at a younger
period of life than It had ever been taken
up seriously by any other boy.
It Is quite a relief to find no trace
of the infant prodigy about this youth.
To all appearances, he Is a normal boy,
tall but slightly built, and with an open,
honest countenance and the face of an
idealist. Ho impresses those with whom
he converses with the fact that he knows
his subject and knows that he knows it,
yet his knowledge Is not thrust down
one's throat. He also makes you feel
he Is a lltttle too serious, but what can
bo expected from one who was planning
flying machines and building them so
that they were made to fly at an ago
when his playmates were devoting their
surplus energies to mumbly peg, tip cat
and marbles?
Percy was found In his workshop in
the cellar ot his mother's home, 6103
Catharine street About half of thin
Place is filled with his workbench and
appliances Incident to his work. The
fact that he is In close contact with tho
ordinary implements of domesticity makes
no difference to him, as neatness and
order prevail. The confusion which Is
thought by some to be- a necessary ad
junct to genius Is entirely absent.
Packed away carefully is a headless
biplane gilder, upon which he expects
money Is
expressing myself, which means success.
"So, for ' tho same reason," she con
tinued, "give a child a chance to ex
press himself. With ovory one there are
latent powers, although often not found
until lato in life, sometimes not nt all,
because of a lack of encouragement.
The drawing-out process should bo started
as soon as possible. Individuality should
never be destroyed. That Is the great
fault of our public school system, the
samo mental food Is given to all nllke.
Just like feeding a thousand children with
tho same kind of physical food, whether
thoy like it or are ablo to digest It or not.
"I am never afraid to let him mako
flights In tho air," she said. "There is far
more danger ln letting our boys run the
Btreets or loaf about with ldlo compan
ions than over can be found In soaring
among the clouds."
when the
i.... Pomeroy's mother, Is dead.
The aged, broken, little woman, who had
fnUKtlt Iv v - -- .--- w
hir son. the l!f prisoner In solitary con
finement at Charlestown, died suddenly
fi?m pneumonia at the born of her
daughter, ln North Weymouth yesterday.
uS T Pomeroy's battle for tn pardon ot
tote son. Who has ve4 m a
velri for tM -r of two tUUe
children. - b sympathy WiK
&U pvr Jbe world.
to make repairs
At the age of 14 Percy was Invited to
attend an exhibition of aerial craft held
In Boston. Along with his ba?saira ha
paoked a few small gliders as samples to
Interest boys In the mysteries of flying.
Much to his astonishment, there was an
Instant demand for them, and In a few
minutes his stock was depleted. Later
In the afternoon he bought paper and
paste and sat up nearly all night making
these miniature air machines. The fol
lowing morning he put them on sale at
10 cents each. They went like hot cakes.
Then business Instincts came to the
surface. He wired his mother to mako
all the gliders possible and ship them
without delay.
During the next few days the home
circle was kept busy fostering the new
enterprise, with the result that Percy
returned home with h's pockets stuffed
with bank notes, for which he had
changed his nickels, dimes and quarters.
The venture netted him nearly 3500.
When this lad was a youngster of 10, he
calmly proceeded to develop an aeroplane
to be run by a two-horsepower engine.
Before this he had Invented a heavier
than-alr machine with vibrating planes
and screw propeller. To all intents and
purposes these were his own inventions.
First experiments were made ln the back
yard, and from the modest gliders the
evolution continued until his giant 26
footer was built last year In his cellar.
In this he made several, successful
flights, the gilder being towed by a 60
horsepower automobile. The towing rope
was cut after sufficient momentum had
been given to enable the machine to rise,
as It has no motive power of its own.
Percy believed he could make a success
ful flight and the auto started at a SO-mlle-an-hour
clip. When the brow pf the hill
was reached the inventor and pilot sud
denly realized he was soaring over the
auto at a dangerous angle. The controls
filled to respond quickly enough to save
jHhe right wing from a slight smash.
"When mothers have been disturbed by
the fact that Invention, or even the spirit
of invention, may take away their chil
dren's Interest from their studies. I in-,
variably say, 'Let them express them
selves,' " said Mrs. Pierce. "In my work,
whloli U in connection with the Street
Cleaning Department, ray duties lead mt
to- wojjt tn co-operation wb the munici
pality along lines of prevention Thte la
my own W, and by oomlpg Ju cootaot
with weweo and their tntrta I am fully
Haddonfleld Millionaire Pirst to Evi
dence New Interest in Religion.
HADDONFIELD, N. J., Jan. ll.-Thls
town Is feeling the result of the "Billy"
Sunday campaign In Philadelphia. Trail
hitters already have come forward, the
first being a local millionaire. The work
began yesterday morning when a meet
ing of delegates from every church In
town was held In the Presbyterian
church. A band of "welcomers" wns
Testerday afternoon 425 men gathered
In Artisans' Hall and heard George Long,
head of the Inasmuch Mission, of Phila
delphia, tell of the work being dono by
"Billy" Sunday. The meeting was ar
ranged by a committee of 25 persons ap
pointed in the morning.
Mr. Long was assisted by Mrs. Long,
Joseph M. Weston, of Camden, nnd
Henry W. Pennypacker, ot Haddonfleld.
At the conclusion of his talk, Mr. Long
asked those who believed the world
needed a greater Christianity to grasp
his hand as he walked through tho audi
ence. Henry D. Moore, known ns one of
the town's wealthiest men, was tho llrst
to grasp Mr. Long's hand.
Besides this manifestation, prayers
were offered In each church of the bor
ough for the Buccess of the "Billy" Sun
day campaign. The Rev. William Allen,
Jr., pastor or the First Presbyterian
Church, who last Sunday called the
"Sunday" campaign to the attention of
his congregation, strongly urged each
member of his church to attend tho
tnbernaclo meetings. Tho Rev. J. M. T.
Chlldrev. of tho First Baptist Church,
and the Rev. Alphonse Dare, of the
Methodist church, also offered prnyers.
At the conclusion of the morning serv
ices, each pastor asserted he noted many
members of his church present who had
mt nttpnilcil n. service for months, The
epeclal committee ot 25 persons will enrry
on follow-up work Tn welcoming converts.
British Vessels Ordered to Stay ln
Brazilian Ports.
RIO JANEIRO. Jan. 11. British vessels
all along the Brazilian and Argentlno
coast have been ordered to remain In
port because of the report that another
German squadron Is operating along the
Brazilian coast. No Information regard
ing ths composition of this squadron Is
available here, although one report says
that the Karlsruhe and her convoys have
been augmented by German warships that
ran the gauntlet of the British fleet ln
the North Sea and escaped.
There Is no confirmation of the reports
received on Saturday night that the
British cruiser Invincible sank the Ger
man battle cruiser Von der Tann In a
stand-up battle off the coast of Pernam-
buco. The Minister or .Marine, Admiral
Alpncar, says the Invincible sailed from
Recife, Pepiambuco, on Saturday after
noon, and that later she passed the
Argentine dreadnought Rlvadavla off
shore. He said that the warships may
have exchanged salutes and that this
may have been responsible for the story.
Nevertheless the reports of a battle be
tween the Invincible and a German war
ship continue to be circulated, although
the dlplomatlo officials ot both England
and Germany discredit them.
at Tanga,
Reported Xost
German Post.
BERLIN, Jan. ll.-The Official Press
Bureau publishes tho following:
"The Morgen Post prints details of a
recent British attack on Tanga, German
East Africa, which apparently emanated
from the German Colonial Office. The
first landing of 6000 British and Hindus
was repulsed by the Germans, who num
bered about 200, the British losing 6000
killed or wounded. The British attacked
the, next day with reinforcements, but
again were defeated with a loss of 3000.
They then re-embarked and sailed tor
Tanga l a seaport town of 009 popu
lation, of whom 100 are Buropea.ua. It Is
a starting point for caravans to the in
trlor of Genuon 8at Africa.
War Secretary Discounts Military
Value of Islands,
WASHINGTON, Jan. ll.-Bccretary of
War Garrison today appeared before the
Senate Philippine Committee In support
of tho bill to grant Independence to the
Filipinos. He aald he had no objection
to make tho preamble of tho bill require
"a Just, stabto and representative govern'
ment" Instead of merely "a stabto govern
ment." To tho suggestion of Senator Llppltt,
of Rhode Island, that nil tho people
should bo educated In English before In
dependence should bo granted, Garrison
replied that suoli n, condition never had
been established In tho United States,
since nil campaign lltcraturo In this
country was printed In sir or eight
languages. As to the Moros, ho said he
would ask that the bill bo amended to
provldo a special vlco governor to deal
with tholr affairs and with health and
education In the Islands.
Questioned ns to the military value of
tho Islands, tho Secretary said thoy wero
"obviously a military liability" to tho
United States.
"I do not think Initially we could hold
them," Secretary Garrison said, "nnrnlnnt
a first class military power. Any military
nation in tno far east from the very fact
of Its proximity could take them. Our
disadvantages In sending a defensive
force might bo compared to that of China
sending a defensive force to Cuba."
Postage Not Sufficient for Letters to
Postmaster Thornton announced today
many letters were being sent through
the local Poslofflco to Australia and New
Zealand with 2-cent stamps on them.
This, tho Postmaster said, should not
continue, ns the two countries did not
come within the scope of the agreements
between this country and Great Britain
by which letters could bo sent to Eng
land, Scotland, Ireland and Wales for 2
The countries which come under such
agreements, In addition to the four men
tioned, aro Canada, tho Bahamas, Cuba,
Moxlco, Panama, New Foundland, the
Canal Zone, Germany (by direct steam
ships only) nnd tho city of Shanghai. Tho
Postmaster wishes to call the attention
of the public to this fact In order to avoid
future complications Involving tho deten
tion ot mall for tho Antipodes not prop
erly prepaid.
i i
Board of Education Seeking
Site for Building in Which
Delinquents May Be
Establishment of a parental school to
caro for truants and runaways Is now
planned by tho Board of Education. The
last large city In tho United States to
found such an Institution, Philadelphia
will soon be able to gtvo to Its delin
quent boys such facilities as are provided
by other municipalities.
Tho Property Committee of the Edu
cation Board Is now engaged In a search
for a Bite In tho suburban section of tho
city, having been requested to tako such
action by the Commlttoo on Elementary
Schools, which Is constantly fnclng tho
problem of enforcing the compulsory
education act and Insuring tho preva
lence of classroom discipline throughout
the city.
Social workers and .educators have for
several years been agitating the estab
lishment of a school which will meet the
needs of boys who are not capnblo of
adapting themselves to ordinary classed,
but who are not so delinquent that the
Juvenile Court would bo Justified In com
mitting them to reformatories.
No date has been set for the erection
of tho school nor has any resolution been
Introduced determining tho number of
pupils to bo accommodated. It will ba
conducted under rigorous dlsclpllnaty
regulations with no features of normal
homo llfo eliminated. This plan has been
tried In various cities, but has been ap
plied with especial success In New Torlc.
Phllopatrian Ball February ID
Tho 4Sth annual ball of tho Catholic
Phllopatrian Institute will be held at
tho Bellevuc-Stratford on Monday, Feb
ruary 15. This was decided yesterday nt
a meeting of a special committed lu
chargo of the arrangements. Mr. I and
Mrs. James V. Herron will lead tho grand
march. Mr. Herron Is president of the
Institute nnd chairman of tho Arrange
ments Committee.
Women's Duplex
Tho famous "Kayser"
Two-clasp; white and
colors; washable.
IT A Up iHflii1lii,fiiff
Double Yellow Trading Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until
Noon : After That, Until Closing Time, Single Stamps
Market Eighth Filbert Seventh
New Undermtislins
Furnish a Most Important Phase of the January
White Sale
$3 Silk Petticoats at $1.98
Silk Jersey top and mcssallno In black
and the leading shades; plaited flounces.
All lengths.
i is
II l I
M-h Y
$1.50 Cambric Petticoats, 98c
With flounces of lace, insertion, loco
edge, ribbon run. Also some of embroidery.
$1 Gowns, 69c
Cambric; V, square
neck and Blip-over
models; lace, em
broidery and rlbbon-
- trimmed. All sizes.
$1 Combinations, 79c
Good quality nainsook, trimmed
witn lace, embroidery anil ribbon.
Other models have medallions of
eyelet embroidery. All sizes.
40c Cambric Drawers, 25c
With cluster of plaits nnd fine em
broidery ruffle. Open or buttoned
on side,
$3 Blanket Robes, $1.98
Sailor colinr. cord at wnlst. pocket
on side. Wanted shades; all sizes.
$1.50 to $3 Combinations,
98c to $1.98
Flno nainsook, with fancy Val.
'nco. omhrnlrtory medallions, bead
ing and ribbon, Also pretty all
over embroidery models.
We picture n 91.08 Model.
January Sale of Waists
Dainty New Styles in Qreat Variety and
Many of the Prices Half or Less
$3.00 Military $ CA
Blouses I.OVF
Like Sketch: Exceedingly Smart
Fine French vollo with many tlnv
plaits, dainty yokes nnd frilly high
collar ot embroidered organdio.
$1.50 Lingerie 'TO.,
Two pretty
Clearance Prices on Best
Makes and Styles
$2 and $3 Corsets, $1.50
R. & G., P. N, nnd American Lady
throe newest models ln coutll; me
dium nnd low bust. Sizes IS to 30.
$7 Lyra Corsets
Made ot strong coutll, graduating
front clasp; rubber gusset ln
back and Wnlulin boned.
50c to $1.50 W. B. Model
Brassieres and Bust Confiners,
39c, 50c and 75c
Trimmed with embroidery and lace:
also of all-over embroidery. Sizes 34
to 48.
H. & W. Corset Waiils
Children's sizes 2 to 14 years.. 25o
Misses' and College Girls' sizes, SOo
to SI. SO.
Women's sizes 19 to 36.. ill nnd St.no
Maternity WalBts. , . .Sl.no. (2 nud S3
styles, one shown.
Of cross-bar voile
with plain voile
sleeves, giving
chlo Jumper ef
fect. They have
daintily embroid
ered nnd lace
trimmed vestees.
$1.25 Voile
Waists, 69c
Pure white In
plain nnd striped
effects: showing
vest effects and
the newest col
$2 Voile Waists... 9gc
Mostly samples. Including all sizes
in the lot. Excellent quality,
sheer, snowy textures. Many beau
tiful and dressy kinds with wide
nlet panels, Venlse pattern Inser
tions and the newest flaring col
lars. S2.25 Voile Waists. $ 29
If V
Sailor rallar stylo with long
sleeves, seams joined by beading
and trimmed with plaits. Venlse
lace and embroidered designs.
a-3. Curtains and Draperies Si52
Savings From a Third to Almost Half
Including our own January clearances and floor samples
oi a prominent manuiaciurer.
65c Tabourettes, 38c
These are of oak or mission finish,
standing 18 Inches high, with 12
luch tops, legs reinforced with
screws and cross spindles,
60c Bamboo Tabourettes
Stands 18 inches high, with, 12. Inch
muttlng-covered top, legs reinforced
with side spindles,
$1.50 Scrim Curtains, pr. $1
Fine quality; white, cream and ecru;
nemsiucnea eage.
12Vac and 15c Figured Silk
oline and Bordered Case
ment Cloth, yd. 10c
$3 Lace Curtains, pair $1.98
Fine Scotch thread lace, button-hole
edge; Irish Point or Urussels effect
designs. 3H yards long.
50c Window Shades, 35c
Opaque shade cloth in all colors,
mounted on spring rollers. Com
plete with attachments.
$5.50 and $6.50 Lace
Curtains, $3.98 & $4,48
Imported flne net with plain or
scroll centres and wide borders of
elaborate designs, 2 and 3H
yards long.
$1 & $1.50 Pillow Slips, 59c
Japanese hand-embroidered and
hand-tinted all colors; some
with silk ruffles, others have tassels.
An Exceptional Bargain Sale of
Five Frame Body Brussels Rugs
From Schofield, Mason & Co.
Aagnificent all-over effects now so favored.
harmonious colorings.
Rich and
Every rug guaranteed perfect.
11.3x16 ft.,
11.3x12 ft.,
10.6x13.6 ft,
$36.50 $27.50
9x15 ft,
9x12 ft,
9x10.6 ft,
9x9 ft.
ff-oo $18.25
8.3x10.6 ft,
$7.5o $12.45
6.9x9, ft. --
$16.50 $11.95
6x9 ft. "-.WW
$9.50 $6.75
4.6x7-6 ft. " v
$450 $3,50
36x73 Ins.,
$2,75 $1 QQ
27x6 in... TA.i'O
$17S $1.35
aS7 Refrigerators
f ' f1 Si 8i Flan
If y3" tiMg $2.50
m JfjfspV Down;
ai-" j i-f. r j
W' V Week
Actual $35 Value $Off
Stone Lined &&
Special purchase. Famous "Nota.
seam" make, rounded corners, ad
justable shelves, perfect dry cold
air circulation.
$2.50 Oil U QQ
Heater. l-SO
room and
less and
Full lUe.
is smoke-
Miller burse?
Torrid qe
Heater, -a3C
Flu any sit gM
jet and give tight
and iieai Mt tho
u. time