Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 11, 1915, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2
ITsp " &m Evwisma lbdgbr-- Philadelphia mohpay, jakuaby h. iais f-S. TO REFUTE BRITISH REPORT OK CONTRABAND lion outlined, because the Tetitonto ! lies arc alleged te bo disregarding Inter national Uwi Is no reason, this dovern mnt will vigorously contend, for shut ting oft foodstuff shipments unless des tined fofr Iho armed forces of an enemy B1UT1SH MESS APPBOVES rigoit xo search snirs FIKST TWO OF SUNDAY'S CONVERTS HERE Reply to Shipping Protest ill B6 Met by Data on Trade With Neutral Couri- tries. tVAenmaxoN, Jan. ii.-jreeA Bri- tain's preliminary note replying to thin Government's shipping- protest was the engrossing1 subject In ofltelal and con gressional circles today. OfTlolnl Admin titration comment was withheld until the subsequent detailed note promised Is ' forthcoming. General opinion hero was that the note was extren&ly conciliatory and couched. In evert more friendly terms than the original protest Oillclnl.i said this Gov ernment would now mark time until the detailed British note Is received. No further Arpcrlean communication, except In cases of Individual ships or cargoes, will bo. sent to tho British Foreign Office. Orders wcro given today by tho Stato Department, however, to marshal facts hnd statistics regarding tho Volume of United States commerco wltli neutral nations. Assistance of tho Commerce and Treasury Departments was asked. They will submit complete data regarding- con traband and non-contraband merchandise ' shipped from the United States to rofuto tho contention made In the British reply that extra largo shlpmont of copper and Pthcr contraband to the neutral countries . la prima facie evidence that such mer chandise was Intended for re-exportation to England's foes. Some officials today saw evidences that the principal neutrals, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and tho Netherlands, would be officially drawn Into tho ship ping controversy. Although Great Britain 'specifically denied there was any com plaint agntnst these neutrals because of evident" efforts to violate neutrality by re exportations of contraband, the active as Well as tho moral support of these neu trals was believed possible. It woo thought that In some manner, by affidavits or notes, tho Foreign Office of the neutrals to the Stato Department, for transmission with prospective United States rejolndor note, the neutrals would deny that tho mere fact of Importation of abnormal quantities of copper and other supplies was a basis for suspicion that re-exportation In violation of neu trality was contemplated. Some officials expressed bellof that vol untary concession? and Icbs rigorous rules would be adopted by Great Britain while tho controversy is pending that would, to a largo extent, ameliorate con ditions complained of. Opinion was also held that the Treas ury rule withholding publication of cargo manifests for 30 days after sailing of Vessels might be revoked as a result of tho point made In the British reply that this secrecy renders cloee examination of vessels necessary. Tho position of Great Britain on food stuffs shipments caused the most com ment here today. It was regarded as the principal weakness of the British posl- I.ONDON, Jan. It Tne British press and public accept Great Britain's answer to tho American protest against the 'right of search" as opening the way for a speedy and amicable settlement of the points of dispute. There was gen eral approval today of tho fact that England maintains Its right to prevent needed assistance reaching her enemies. But It was generally agreed that the conciliatory tone adopted by the Gov ernment would prevent any strained re lations with the United States, some thing England Is desirous of avoiding. It was admitted at the Foreign Office that tho present note was In every way preliminary. Tho United States Is ex pected to make definite reply contradict ing some of tho contentions of tho Brit ish Government, ' This Is especially so in the claim made by tho Foreign Office that the copper trade between the United States and neu tral countries has Increased so enor mously that there Is little question that the bulk of tho Increase Is destined to roach Germany. Tho United States, It Is understood, will tako the position that In the past much of this copper and In fact, breut tiuanuues 01 gooas now ubicu uh i conditional contraband, reached theso neu tral cnuntHAM tlirnllEh flflrmnnv. 'Willi I German commerce swept oft tho seas and with Its ports closed to commerco the countries naturally have to import direct in tho opinion of tho United States as already communicated to, tho Stato De partment. The British Foreign Office al ready has compiled definite figures deal ing with this claim which havo been ro Berved for uso in the coming negotiations. Alt of tho British newspapers comment freely on the noto and take tho position tnnt it meets tha United States "more than half way." jF, --y- mm -llSillK BasasaViaiBaBaLaHBak it -fe-Cllflfe:.': 'tt fLIHrxi L$MmmWI ,1 tflasHMasasK' M7 1IJUH Mrs. Anna WHfong, of 5748 Market street, wn.3 the first woman and William W. Moon, of 5120 Irving street, was the first man to grasp the evangelist's hand when he made his call in the tabernacle last night. COONCILMEN FAVOR ELECTION IN SPRING FOR TRANSIT LOAN City-wide Demand for Early Decision of Question at Polls Echoed by Many Officials. WHEAT DROPS BUT FLOUR RISES WOMEN APPEAL TO WILSON FOR PEACE COMMISSION Declare War Is "Most Dreadful and Barbarous, in History." WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. The creation of a commission for tho prevention of war was urged upon President Wilson this afternoon by Mrs. Frank F. William, of Buffalo, N. Y a member of the New York State Federation of Women's CUibs. Mrs. William, who Is attending the Woman's Peaco Party meeting here, pre sented the federation's resolution calling the European wnr "the most dreadful and barbarous In history," and suggesting that Congress, while appropriating mil lions for war preparations nnd for pen sions, had expended nothing In tho causo of peace. The Woman's Peaco party, an organiza tion created at the woman's conference for peace, began work today on its plan to call a peace convention of the neutral nations. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, of New York, Is chairman of the women's meet ing hore, and Miss Jane Addams, of Chi cago, Is president of the new party. Tho women assent that they are endowed with "a peculiar moral passion of revolt against both the cruelty and the waste of war and as they are custodians of the life of the ages," they aro par ticularly well equipped to further peaco propaganda. They advocate limitation of armaments and nationalization of their manufacture, organized opposition to militarism, edu cation of the youth In the Ideals of peace and popular control of foreign policies. f ESflltBBl: , B3B9H This photograph, autographed by Billy Sunday and reproduced in beautiful photogravure, 10x15 inches, will be eent free on receipt of the attached coupon. No undertaking of Billy Sunday has matched In importance his Philadelphia campaign. Because of the intense interest in it the Public Ledger and Evening Ledger have arranged to cover every detail of Sunday's activities. Mr. Sunday's sermons will be printed in full every day. All of the articles will be generously illus. trated. The Public Ledger and Evening Ledger will give the clearest and fullest conception of what the Billy Sunday campaign means. Pin a dollar bill to the coupon behy and send, it in. The paper will be served to you without delay wherever you reside and this beautiful photogravure, especially suitable for framing, will be mailed to you. BILLY SUNDAY Subscription Blank Public Ledger Company Independence Square, Philadelphia. Enclosed find One Dollar for which send mo corn, blnatlon number 1 Public ledger Daily only for 9 weeks 2 Public Ledger Dally and Sunday for 6 weeks Public Ledger Daily and Evening Ledger for 6 week! 4 Evening Ledger Dally for 16 weeks 3 Evening Ledger and Sunday Ledger for 9 weeks Nam Adi(ff93 ,..,...., .,. gd ritiance,1n to form nwsf eonverun,tfor.y9U. wBWPgBgT ,'( MttSl ? Continued from l'njte One and 2 o'clock thcro was a great (lurry at tho Bourse. There could bo obtained no explanation of tho phenomlnal drop of 6 cents. But a few minutes lator thero was posted an European dispatch of a rumor that ono ot the forts at tho mouth of tho Dardanelles had been captured by an Italian fleet and that Russia would soon have nn open way to the sea through which sho would bo ablo to market her huge wheat crop. Within ten minutes wheat In Chicago bogan to mount throe-fourths nnd half a point at a tlmo until it had reached 135. The original drop began nt 139 and stepped at 133V&. Chicago showed tho flrst decline and was Immediately followed by New York, Boston and Baltimore Tho Influcnco was sharply felt here and no ono knew "where anyone was at" for nearly half an hour. Tho big bakers were silent todav ro- agrdlng their plans nnd the threatened in craso in the cost of bread. Tho Invariable reply to inquiries was that thero was nothing to be said and that when thero was any news it would come out ot Itself. Jt was learned at ono of the most Important bakeries from a seml-ofllcial sourco that thero was a common under standing among two groups of tho big houses and that concerted action would be mado If It became necessary to make the bread prices higher. SIZE OF LOAVES DIFFER. There Is not entire harmony among all of tho big houses owing largely to tho difference In the size and weight of loaves. There Is ose largo concern that distributes Its products to 41000 retail grocers. This loaf weighs 21 ounces and sells a' Ave cents. Many of the competi tors of this concern mnlco a 17-ounce loaf and it sells nt tho same price. Thero are still other bakeries that make loaves weighing much less than a pound, and they aro five-cent loaves also. But then the housewife gets with each loaf a dainty nrtistio wrapper and a piece of tinsel string, not to mention tho fancy name of the bread. These loaves do not sell In the poor districts and cut no figure In the problem of higher bread, out tney uo ngure In maintaining a sharp line of demarkatlon between two classes of large bakeshops. Grocers In many parts of the city havo been told by Hour distributors, they say, that nn increase in the cost of loaf bread surely will come within ten days unless there Is a very marked decline In tho market. Jewish bakers last week advanced cer tain kinds of bread 2 cents a largo loaf. These prices, they say, will obtain until the wheat stops skyscraplng and tho market returns to normal. LABOR APPEALS FOR EMBARGO. Organized labor in this city has gone on record, at .the regular meeting of the Central Labor Union, as opposing the continued exporting of whent and food Btuffs, and nppealing to President "Wilson to place a nation-wide embargo upon further shipments of grain and Dour abroad. The action was unanimous at tho meet ing yesterday. Speeches were made sup porting the resolutions by Joseph M. Richie, of the Building Trades Council, and by G. H. Ulrlch, president of the Central Labor "Union, who presided. "When the speakers explained why the price of bread would have to go up, how the grain supply was being depleted "by the selfiBhneBS of exporters" and nrices Jammed up to the top notch by specula tors, they were greeted with cries of: "We're on. We'll vote for It." Then the resolution went through. THE RESOLUTION. The resolution was Introduced following an editorial In the Kvenino Ledger pointing out the danger of continuing to send the wheat of this country abroad. The resolution follows: "Whereas, Tho last wheat crop was the largest in the history of the country, and promised cheap broad for the work ing people; and "Whereas, The great war In Europe has drawn laborers from the field and decreased the world supply of bread stuffs; and "Whereas, The decrease In the world supply has Increased tho demand upon the United States for wheat, and tho demand has been followed by such a rapid and unreasonable Increase In prlco, an increase maqe still greater by un scrupulous speculators, that unloss some way can De found to stop It bread will bo a luxury before the next wheat crop can be harvested, Therefore, be It "Resolved, That the Central Labor Union of Philadelphia do most urgently request the President of the United States to exercise his undoubted power to stop the export of wheat unfll normal prices are restored and then to permit the sale abroad of only so much as is not needed for home consumption," The delegate who adopted the resolu tion represented, directly and Indirectly, 3.000 persons. The. MS labor organiza tions of the city represented have a membership of 80,000. Of these 08,000 aro heads of families. As there are, on the average, five persons In a family, theso 63,000 represent 272,000. and the 23.000 bachelor members bring the total to ap proximately 360.000. Advices received from Washington state that It is within the power of the Inter state Commerce Commission greatly to curtail the exporting of wheat and flour by compelling tna railroads to abolish tha differentials in freight rates on the long haul from the whaat belt of the West to the Atlantic seaboard for export. These differentials, range from 5 cents a hundred weight to Boston, down to Hi cents to Baltimore, as against the raUs on wheat for domestic uses. The schedules are as follows. Pornenue. Export. Dirt. To Boton.. is ntJ 13 Scent To Uevr York Genu 13 3 cents To Philadelphia -'l cost 12 3 cents To Paitlwor Uwaii Utt 1H cu At tho present rate Qf xpun, shippers will not be able to make both ends meet, If the freight ratM sxport what are KP41 "? tfe 4mU rat. and tht .greater mMr tl foreign t)Ur wjj b vputf v jwy mwp lflt( ins? pay FIRST TO 'HIT TRAIL'" TELL HOW SUNDAY WON THEM TO FAITH Youth and Woman Describe Experience After "Billy" Sunday Had Inspired Them to Act. Developments In City's Trantit Fight Januaru 7 (afternoon) Ordinance introduced in Councils providing for special election that cttu mav 06 fofn iind for development ot rapid transit system, Januaru 7 (nlohtjEeveral thou sand residents of northeast demand that special election to ootatn tran sit funds bo held In Maroh, January 10 Central Labor Union, representing a membership of 80, 000 ivorktngmen, indorse Director Taylor's plans and demand special election March 1, January 11 Councilman in many wards throughout the city urge spe cial transit election in March. Tho young man nnd the woman who were the first to "hit the trail" In the Sunday tabernacle yesterday were happy when they were visited and asked to tell of their experiences. William W. Moon, the young man who Jumped forward to grasp, tho evangelist's hand Immediately upon the extension of the invitation, was seen nt his homo at 6120 Irving street, and ho talked freely of his doBlre and Intent to become a worker for Qod. "It was the happiest moment of my llfel" . This Is the way Mrs. Anna Wlllfong, 5748 Market street, described her experi ence of yesterday afternoon, when she loft her scat In the tabernacle and came to clasp "Billy" Sunday's hand, the flrst woman to "bit tho sawdust trail." "Tuesday afternoon was tho first time I heard Mr. Sunday," she said today. "I liked his sermon so well I decided to go again yesterday, although I had no Idea when I started for the meeting that he would call for converts. "When Mr. Sunday mado that appeal to his audlcnco to accept Christ as their redeemer the spirit of God moved me and I went to the platform and shook hands with tho evangelist nnd declarC my intention to give myself to God. I leu tno can ana I simply bad to respond. "I was alone when I walked to the pulpit, but not for very long, for I was soon polncd by hundreds of others who felt as I did. I know that Mr. Sunday will accomplish a world of good In Phil adelphia. His success may be measured already by the number of people who responded to his call yesterday." Moon did not make his Initial trip, along tho sawdust trail when ho grasped the hand of "Billy" Sunday and signed his namo to a card that officially proclaimed him n follower of the Nazarene. Moon, In telling how It came about that he was Mr. Sunday's first convert, said he had been a Christian off and on for nine years, but this time ho was going to stick be cause of Mr. Sunday's influence over his mind and heart. He has been unemployed for borne months. He was willing to talk about his conversion and said: "When I flrst heard that "Billy" Sun day was coming here I made up my mind that I'd be the flrst one to hit tho trail. In order not to miss the opportunity I at tended every meeting at the tabernacle except tno nrst one. "I had fully mado up my mind to de clare myself, yet when the call came yes terday for converts I was reluctant and nervous. I felt that 40,000 eyes were fixed upon me. But suddenlv something in. side of me said: 'William, go on!' I was sitting on the front seat. I suddenly got an Inspiration and Jumped up and gave Mr. Sunday my hand. 'I vo been converted several times be fore, but I didn't keep to the trail. For nine years I've been a member of the Oak Park United Presbyterian Church, of which the Rev. Thomas C. Pollock Is pastor, but I didn't stick to it. I'm not what you'd call bad, but careless and sometimes Indifferent, But when I shook hands with Mr. Sunday I mado up my mind that I was surely going to do bet ter this time. "I think Mr, Sunday Is a wonderful man. He Is u remarkable man, and the Influence ha has over his audiences Is wonderful. He contiols them at all times and can make them laugh or cry. There is no question that he will do a wonder ful lot of good to Philadelphia and Its people, and I think hewlll have to stay longer titan nine weeks so that nil t), population of the city can come under his said: lulluence." uv. 1f-, MOSQUITOS LACK HONOR Bo Camden Freeholders Will Let Dexterqua Insects Flitter, Let the advocates of the "higher In stinct in animals" theory talk to the members of the Camden County Board of Freeholders, They'll be convinced a mosquito has no sense of honor, Tho Board is tired of trying to deal with the pests so tired that never again will it appropriate a dollar for the pur pose. It says. The State Mosquito Com mission is all ready with a request for an appropriation of I1T.Q00 to fight the pests, but the Hoard says "No" In ad vance and so the sandy stretches of Camden County will be a veritable filyelan nelds next summer for the in sect tliat made New Jersey famous. "What's the user' asks President Prentice, of the Board. "Wa spend good money ditching, draining, oiling- and get ting rid of the Camden, mosquitoes Just to make room for those from Gloucester and Burlington. They blow In. on every wind. If we have to havo mosquitoes, we might as well patronize tha home product and save our money." Councllmen from all parts of the city today agree with tho expressed views of business men that the special election on tho 130,000,000 loan for transit develop ment should be held In March. The demand for a March election also was made by tho Central Labor Union nt an enthusiasts meeting yesterday in Its headquarters, 232 North Ninth street. Resolutions were adopted by tho 128 dele gates, Indorsing Director Taylor's plans and urging construction of the high-speed system nt tho earliest possible moment Director Taylor explained his transit plans to the delegates In detail, showing tho routes of the proposed lines, how they could bo obtained and tho bene ficial results that would follow. His ad dress frequently wiis Interrupted by ap plause Following adoption of the reso lution, It wns decided that each local present be represented nt tho transit demonstration Thursday night, when all cltlrcns and organizations Interested in the movement will parade on Broad street and attend u mass meeting at tho Academy of Music. This demonstration therefore will h n. typical expression of public opinion on the vital transit question. Business men and mechanics, employer and employe, landlord nnd tenant will be Bhoutder to shoulder at tho big meeting, and the re sult will be the same as an election of the people. The attitude of Councils on the subject Is shown by the expressed opinions of members of both chambers. Some of the Councllmanlc v!ob follow: RIGHT TO DEMAND ELECTION. "The people have the right to demand an election at the earliest possible mo ment." This Is the view of Select Coun cilman George P. Cox, of tho 43d Ward. ''I would like to seo the election held as soon as possible"' he said, "and I wilt vote along this line. It would bo foolish to postpone notion when the people of the entire city favor better transit fa cilities. Furthermore, the construction of the now system will give work to thousands of men In many lines and redound to the benefit of tho city. If an election is held In March, tho money necessary soon would be available and the actual construction work could be gotten under way in a short time. I know my constituents favor nn early rJectlon. They realize as well as, others that the sooner the new system Is started the better it will be for all concerned." The same opinion was held by Select Councilman Joseph J. Dllworth, of the 18th Ward. "The sooner the election is held, tho better," ho said. "There is no reason for delaying matters. Any one readily can see tho good results which will come from an adequate transit system, und I think all who have the Interest of the city at heart will favor an election at the earliest possible moment." DELAYS "DO NO GOOD." Select Councilman Ira D. Garman, of the 46th Ward, said: "I am In favor of a special election in March, Tho money for transit development should be made available as soon as possible. I think all citizens will ngree that It's best to go right ahead with the good work al ready started. Such a course is business like and brings more satisfactory results. Delays In a big undertaking of this kind do no good. So let us tnke the proper action to start the new system, nt an early date." "The high-speed transit system cannot come too soon," said Common Councilman George E. Dorwnrt, of the 21st Ward. "A great part of this section of the city is Isolated because of the poor facilities and I heartily favor an election In March In order to get things under way. Any person conversant with the plans for the proposed transit system knowns the,y ore practicable arid the sooner they can be carried gut the better it will bo for the people. Those who live In Roxborough are especially anxious to have o system which will enable ail to reach their homes with speed, and comfort," WORK ON SBWERS AND '.SUBWAYS. Delay on the transit question also is opposed by Robert D. Drlpps. Common Councilman from the" 22d Ward. He Uoa will make tttfs possible, I stand for 6tt eloction then. WORK FOR UNEMPLOYED VITAU JAmes M. McOurk, Common Council man of the 19th Ward, said! "The elec tion for the mOWOO loan In March would solve a problem that for a long tlmo has been before citizens of this clty-wo abso lute need for highly developed transit system. Again, ,lt would mean wont ror our unemployed, a problem that has grown so grave that nothing short of prompt action on the part of public spirited citizens can relieve the situation. It would please mo greatly to have the work of construction begin In all posilblo haste. I am heartily in favor of the proposed loan nnd an early election, When Common Councilman John Thompson, of the 21st Ward, was asked how ho stood on the question of an early election, he first said he had not given the matter, all the thought It de served and asked how tho olher members of Councils stood. He wns told tho great majority of them favorod an early elec tion and getting tho work Btarted as soon as possible. Mr. Thompson then said It was his opinion that whatever tno majority of Councils agreed on was about right and therefore he would favor an election in March, .... "I quite agree that It Is better to get the work started as soon as possible and I bellevo It wilt be a bad thing to put the beginning off for a year," ho Bald. "Tho pcopto want tho Improvement soon and they should havo It We council, men havo our duties towards tho people. Yes, March Is tho month for tho elec tion." FAVORS ELECTION IN MAY. Tho month of May appeals to Common Councilman William R. Horn, of the 23d Ward. "You know wo have an awful lot of very bad weather In the month of March," ho said, "and I fear that If the election Is held then wo wilt not get a full expression of tho will of tho people, and without an expression I believe that It would bo wrong for ub to go ahead with tho Improvement." "On tho othor hand," ho said, "I think Juno Is too lato a dato, so it strikes mo that May Is tho month for the election. Tho weather Is bound to bo good then and the peoplo will not havo gono on their vacations. "If tho election returned 15.000 In favor of the bond Issuo and 10,000 against It," he said, "that would not be tho will of the whole people. Wo should ,go ahead carefully. Tho peoplo will criticise us If wo rush this thing through without giving them tlmo to think It over and determlno If they want It. "I bcllovn in going ahead with the work as soon as It can bo done properly after a full expression of tho will of the peo ple," he concluded. Announcement was made today by George II. Williams, president of the Committee of Employes to Advocate the Development of the Philadelphia Navy Yard, that Congressman George S. Gra ham would act as the chairman of the transit meeting, which will be held in tho Academy of Music Thursday night Tho following will act as vice presi dents of tho meeting: Archbishop Frederick F. Prenaergast, rnna delphla. . ...,... Tho lit. Rev. Thomas James Garland, nishop Suffragan of the DIocmo of PcnnylvaK. ltatibl Joseph Krauskopf. Cyrus II. K. Curtis, Public LXDOun and KvE:.n i.nrxiKn ONLY THE POPE CA? BRING PEACE, Ml CARDINAL FAIli Church Stands Rcatlv i Receive Penitent M erents, He Declare Sermon in New York. m ono rifttti.."?!! j-i- .. :wi rrfi j-aroinai tuOM mj ,:' I .?!"& T"K Ja"'. ".-"Peacs . uiuuHiu iu mo worm only bv l i of tho Pope-he is tho one V,u &. mis service," snld Cnthrcdal. rtWc!f It was tho second time tho ni.... t spoken from tho pulpit since hi. J from the war zone last Oetni-. .!?? Tho Church, Cardinal Fnrlv ..S"?w!l sermon ot sorrow Colonel Jamts Elverson, Jr., Philadelphia In quirer. R. A. Van Valkpnburs, North American. Ocorea It. Ullrich, president of the Central Labor Union. M. P. Hanson, Philadelphia Record. John J. Collier, Evening Telegraph. P. J. Whaloy, Evenino Lkdoeb. Henry Stair Richardson. Evening Star. 'William It Comes, president Board of Trado. J. S. W. Holton, president Maritime Ex change. Howard B. French, first vice president Cham ber of Commerce. P. T. Flelsher, president Merchants and Manufacturers' Association. William Hpjicock, president United Business Men's Association. BUSINESS MEN ASK FOR LAW TO MAKE RAILROADS OBEY Legislature Will Be Urged to Give Commission Full Authority to Enforce Its Requirements. PEBANfJED YOUTH WAS BTTIOIDB Elghtesn-ynar-old diaries LebowlU, 21(5 North Corliss ptroet, whose body was found In Falrmount I'urk ntar the Bel mom Driving ilub Saturday, was tem porarily deranged when he shot ,blm,If . according to u verdict rttrp4 by the Coronar' Jury Ths youth's pwsnts at first dceJar4 he pad ieii munirj, but tlw verdjot wf rtti o. t4c tteM rovplver wus. aa- his bs4 wjn tli "I favor action on the transit matter at the earliest possible date. It is planned to institute the work of sewer relocation in March. That work, made possible by the MO,000 item In the 111,. 300,000 loan, will Include the lowering and changing of lines of sewers in the cen tral part of the city. If tlfo funds for the 130,000,000 loan were to be available this summer It Is probable the excavo tlons could be made not only for the ro location of sewers but also for tho sim ultaneous start of the subway work." Select Councilman William J. Crawford, of the 30th Ward, chimed In with the majority when asked how he stood. He said! "I have had no thought but to vote so that the work may be started as soon as possible, March Is the time to hold the election In order to attain this end. and I will vote according!)." "I believe it to be my 4uty as a mem ber of Select Council to give the people what they want at the earliest possible minute.- said Herbert L. Marls. "I don't believe In delaying Important Improve ment to quarel over fine points. I be- lleve every possible Improvement to the city's transit system should be made at ones." Of a similar trend was the sentiment expressed by Select Councilman George B. Dvl. pf tha 3UU Ward. He said thero was no reason apparent to him why there should be any delay in making such an Important Improvement as on transit and thut as a March election would enable the city to begin the work this year, the election should be held then William J. Huston, Select CouncUman from the th Ward, put himself on rec ord m follows: "I stand for what I think to ins the best thing for the people ef w eity. Ja this m I bbIc the transit UoBfovemMiti should be iuul as "w ertW mhI si bUtty oHu-J Legislation giving unquestionable Juris diction to the Pennsylvania Fubllo Serv ice Commission over the rates of the Pennsylvania Railroad and all other rail roads operating w'lthin the State, will be urged by the Transportation Committee of the United Business Men's Association before the Legislature at Harrlsburg as a result of the argument for a rehearing of the passenger rate Increase case before the commission last Friday, Attorneys for botli the Pennsylvania and the Beading delivered on that occa sion ah ultimatum to the commuters and to the commission that, should the effort to reduce the passenger rates be contin ued, the railroads would at once Institute proceedings questioning the right of the commission to puss upon the rates of the two companies on account of their charter rights, as fixed by the State Legislature. Earlier in the rate controversy between the commuters and the railroads, the' railroad attorneys declared that the Penn sylvania commission did not have the right to suspond proposed rate advances pending a formal hearing. This question, too, will be taken be fore the Legislature by the Business Men's Association and an effort will be made to havo legislation passed settling ueyono mspuie tne powers and preroga. tlyes of the commission in respect to railroad passenger rates. In a statement Issued today the asso ciation declares that the railroads are pot In a position legally to free them selves from the jurisdiction ot the commission. was filled with pent-up" EJ,I w over the bloodshed in SJ been persecuted from time Imin.mJrf but now It wns tho ono InstS which tho entire world turned 2 nJ,' about peace. q ""I Ho said his sentiments could not k. il nressed hotter Minn h . ..'. writer," whose words, the cardlnif lieved, wero prophetio. n8 quoted. U I If at some future day, ond the A.. J may not be so far rilntnnt ..... ?'' , of men. after havinir nrJSPr' your dlvorco from tho Church , i Christian teachings, frightened by kI i storms that are rumbling omlnonny to submerge your ship of tate-u!is ready tho sport of every wlnd-.!,. ;f call on tho Church for aid, even n2. 0I1U DUjR KJ JVM LUUl yOU rflay k curely count upon her assistance, im i that, unmindful of tho fact that rm cast her off and disowned her, ihij will be your ally nnd support In tin j " " H4IXI. Cardlnnl Farley told the story 61 t; Prodigal Son, and said the parabfo p . kureu mu BLury ui iiio oiaies ox the orU luuay. to in wus parent, ne sniu, "you haTetM'1 Imago of tho Church. Today the itnrZ which have been threatening for v..' havo burst upon tlio nations that &."" Hcrieu mo leacnmgs oi unriBlian charity nnd gave themselves to ambition. f2' rlotouB living. Now they find themieliuJ in tho ngonles of a world war, th J icrness aim ormauiy oi wmen art Us. tco nnn DDnciT cddm uinwi.-iii-nim.uiuf, Un.Hfln.jl Splendid Belief Fund the Trait i(, Horticultural Hall Show. J Home and foreign relief work, reali?? 132,000 through the brilliant Madt-W? America Bazaar held In Horticultural Hall last month, according to the JnlJ complete report of tho profits. This emi reoresonts one of tho moat rnnnnlminn. ) contributions for sufferers In Europe ulf; in rniinueipma. -Mrs. liorciay h. iw burton was chairman of the commute Tho German booth, of which Mr,v Walter S. Thomson was chairman, earnsj 1 ?702.74. Tne proceeds of other bootH conducted for certain designated chv ltlcs, and totaling $36,205,78, are as fol--. lows: The Belgian booth, under Mn.',' Charles B. Wright and Mrs. P. W. RtH erts, II213.30; the French booth, mial Mrs. Arturo de Heercn. $2031.50: til! r. .. . .. , ,. -. ..-"! B aoumern Kiicnen nome reueu, una4- Huh hnnth. linilnr Mm Burrl Gruhh usil Mrs. J. Parker Norris, 13215.65; the R4 Cross bath, under Mrs. William L. M Lean, I1320.8S; the garden booth, unite'-, Trn, Ohn.l... Ti Cm. tllftl fW! nml rtiT doctor's booth, under Mrs. John a n.nvni. i?inn For general relief 114,310.51 was earatii through exhibitions and booths conauciea in conjunction with tho bazaar, in lnHnB Ann.vlkll.nw n,n .1.A TftiaMffll Show, for which society women posel t J living models at tho Bltz-Carlton. J",. William J. Clothier was chairman off this committee. The JU.319.61 will bs aW vlded, 50 per cent, for home renei n, 25 per cent, each for tho Belgian ana tai Bed Cross divisions. ThA irrnrifl tntnl nftni- rieAUctlmt el' nenooq In IS1.4fiR29. iwhlfh will be 1W(W, to 153,000 when all tho items are return CITY WARNED TO GUARD I; AGAINST SMALLPOX! Danger In Slmilnrlty of Symptons fafe Those of Chicken Vox. A bulletin Issued by the Departwit. of Health warns tha public to Qbserri great care whenever a rash breaks pul on a child or nn adult, because ot tt, numerous cases in which n mild form it smallpox has been mistaken for cblcVa pox. Chicken pox Is prevalent to a 'w! extent in Philadelphia now, and the wrTj ing was issued for this reason. j The bulletin states that chicken pej snreada verV ranldlv. especially amort children, and causes considerable IncoaJj venlenco and economic loss, unc vjj operation of physicians Is sought to prfj vent the spread of tne disease in - delppla. THE WEATHER tf WILL EXHIBIT FALSE SCALES Chief Virdln Plans to Display Them Jn City Hall Pavilion, Chief John H. Vlrtlln, of the Bureau of Weights and Measures, is arranging an exhibit of false weights. hort meas ures and other apparatus of trickery that havo been confiscated by inspectors of Oils bureau In the effort to protect Phllu delphla housewives. The exhibit will be held in the pavilion In City Hall courtyard, where the "Know Your City Better Exhibit" Is now open. That exhibit closes next Saturday nnd pn tht following Saturday Chief Virdln will have on display the false scales and measures. HTJOB COAI) DEALS PENDING J, V. Thompson Negotiating Trans, fer of 20,000-Acre Tract, UNIONTOWN, Pa.. Jan ll.-Denial ws made this morning by J, V. Thompson of tht consummation .of a gigantic sale of coal lands in Greene County, but he ex pects to close two Important deals this Week. It was reported that Mr, Thompson bad transferred. 30,096 acrts of coklns coal to a New Xork syndicate for m,-9W.0W. Official Forecast j WASHINGTON, Jan. It ( For eastern Pennsylvania and New Je sey: naln tonight and Tuesday? wsnna tonight; gentle to moderate south o mithsnst tuins I The eastern area of high barometer Jji nn.ftlni. rift th. Mn.t tlila vttnrnlnlf SU: cloudiness Is increasing over the AtlanW-j States, A narrow trough of low parg eter extends from tho vicinity of Huflsos Bay southward across thr upper MJ region and the central valleys to u middle Oulf coast. It Is causing snow, flliriia In Its nnrthnrn norttan and UI& general rains Jo its central and southwJ portions. The disturbance is dnfUBJu slowly eastward, accompanied and pre? ceded by a colder area that overlies t8 plains States this morning. V, S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observation roads t 8 , in. Baslera tUs' law Station. 8 a.m. . fall, Wind. Ijy Wrtfttfj Aoiieoe, --ex,... ou au Atluntlo City..., 2U 20 BUmarck. N. D. Boaton, Man..., Burtalo. N. Y... Chicago, (Il (TlaveLand. O. . . . . Dnvr. Col 22 32 SO 21 24 28 2S U l'J . 12 8 , 21 ! 82 20 ati an 34 31 It Dcs Moln. la Detroit, men. . Duluta. Minn... aslveiton. Tux MtUru, N. C. llalou, Mont.. Huron. 8 I). Jacksonville, FU S4 SI Kansas city,.... 2 US LouUMlie, Ky SB SS MiuiDhU. Tana.. 0 40 New Orliaaa. La S3 CO 1.2i New york. N. Y 2 !M . . North l'Utte ... 12 13 .. Oklahoma., OkU. 30 30 rmudeipbia . .. w 29 Fhoanix. Arli . 42 40 Plttsourch. V. 38 31 Portland. He is Portland. Or... 40 Quebec, Can .... 13 St. I..OUH, Bait iMkt. S4 Fntudaav. 4G $4tulaa. P . . 2 Wasttlutoo . M Wttuai?- , a , Uo .. A ,.m: 1 la 42 .93 u :: w" s Zwvjm :: ww i ?M .,8 0 flouaj .01 BW 4 JtaW MB VO I0 .. BtV 12 ! .03 NW 8 Clear . S 8 ClOBiJr w to Clear .82 NW 14 CJ . NE 10 Coiit 8W 4 Clear .. a IV 4 C'laar .10 NE i " .14 NW 12 tlouar ft. u 19 Rftla .v a 'rr , .j p.p vnr SB 4 ou4 W 4 Clear nw io !;;, & O claw a 4 he; 8 N m H NW 10 NW 14 NW KB N SMS I iif cijiy I ier 13.(11 CloJ . aft 1?1-1 a .' -I I i iulr " ,8 i. i Tf