EVENING LEIXIEE-PHILADICLPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 11. 1915. ' ' Jl ' "' ' ' ' ' ' " i ' 13 SWMRKETSTRONG-COPPER PRICE ADVANCED-MAY WHEAT DROPS IN CHICAGO MARKED STRENGTH DEVELOPED AFTER EARLY HESITATION Substantial Gains in Issues fraded In Copper ishares Rose on Advance I'm Price of Metal. Ww vnnK. Jan. 11. Alter a 1 ttlo VMlldtlon nt tho opening the stock mar va developed pronounced strength and mbiUntlal pains were mad In nil the I.tiiM in which Uiere vu a show of w moderate activity. Philadelphia 111 an Important factor In determining . -rin movomenta In a number of '(Mti n(1 no domttl,d from "ere was Erjer than from any othor quarter. The 'Mikity of stocKa conunuoa to press u Sif as the moat Important feature In the ..i .Itimllnii Tr Wfld rlnmnn. ilrtled tliat buylnlf orders were hard to JlL xcpt at advance prices. "There l evidence that tho market Is r nvrao1d conditions, resulting Smarlly from the heavy and aggressive FV.. ..nine In the last week of July. which could not bo covered In the ln lerral of business suspension and which i.. i..n Increased by trading operations M the resumption of Stock Exchango ZJ1 .(. ... San..!., nM.M folk. The opinion " "i""" "" for the Stock Hxohango reopened that JS, return of these borrowed stocks 'Tottld prove tho supromo test or me ' general understanding that Inability Vculd causo many suspensions as soon ti Stock Exchange rules wero again In frtree. B Jliit the opposite to the expected has oc- 'rtrfeiJ. The only mantei irounies now tr those or ine snort, interest. aioaKs hiive peen nusorueu iu u uvsreu umi iow Vmnnrehend and It requires only small t buying" orders to force brisk advances. A few buying ordors put Northern Pa Mfla un one point to 102 beroro noon, 'Mule New York Central roso 2'i to 694 Vlthout any effort on tho part of those eonrailtted to the long side. Canadian Pacific on throe transactions roso 1 to WW. and a gain of 1 points was mado n'-I'ennsylvanla to lOGTi. PBethlehem Steel was persistently bought W .-,- . ....... v.1,-1, nMfti1 . Kilt ..n nL Wi Saturday's close. Tho preferred was cne point, at S8. Tho rise was thought 4j be the result of tho large orders which tnl company is reported iu nuvo ecuurcu, principally from abroad. There Is still tiUr of a dividend on tho common stock tt'the near futuro and an Increase In the nt on the preferred. Maxwell Motors preferred was a Hron xeaturo. uviim uji u uum ouim 4w doao at 63. There -was no news til account for this rise, but It was ttonght that the automobile ohow would wobably cause nn Increase In the com- .a tni.lnn.a TT Q SIaa! nnnnmnn vna THJJAnj D uusuiww. '. . w. w......v.. .,..u nt& at 52 on tho good showing mode lfcn. Saturday by tho unfilled Uonnnge trj statement. ' Cower shares wero strong and active following the announcement of the nd- .vance In the price of electrolytic copper to 13ft cents per pound. Amalgamated Copper-gained 1 at 6515, Anferlcan Smelt Ini ttue IK to 60. Tonnessoe Copper nd- ",? nacfd tt to 33VS and Utah Copper was up ?en point at 61. wJMment stocks were strong on the ,TUtf that tho railroads would place large 'Aim for equipment In tho near future. Pressed Steel Car gained 2i to S3 nnd American Car and Foundry roso i to 46U. Heading wna quoted at HS'i, up from the SnaJ on"Saturday. Delaware and Hudson mado the largest rlee of any issue, being up four points M49. JCall money opened at 2V4, later stronght tnlng to 2H- There was a good supply. Tha foreign exchange market was steady, iemand being quoted at 4.S3 11-16. IMay wheat at Chicago took a violent Irop In the afternoon trading, the prlco UcunJng 6 cents a bushel. NEW YORK STOCK SALES Last Sals HleS tow Close 7Jf 30 ASM CM 35t MH 2PH l'3M mi 43X 22 ?1 S5X f,0H 7 3At 4!( 48 3fi!X 137 30 no 47)f 44 22 S7M noif Allcs Chulmerj prcf. '.'.'. 35 nwAirChem ,,40 4S 4R jlZI,. lflVre,fcuw''-' -fiM PW pW "Koonooprcr....l3fi 137 137 ""wwn 1,., ;tjH 30J "...iriic.ntanprcr...,, 03jf nt A met tan Car A Found. 4S 47 A"'fr,l,;n Cotton Oil.. 43W 41 Am. llldo LeAtb. pref 21 22 Am-,,''"' 20!f M) AitificantocomotlTei. Mi Sfl ArnerlcanSnieltlne bq qw ARietlcan nmAlilnr.Ar inn mm inni innl Am-Sucar ,104 104H 104H 104M AirtrlcnSugarrrcf.,..112J 113 113 113 AfnericanTel,ATcl....ll8tf 118X 118 118U American Tobacco..... .220 220 220 220 American Tobacco prcf.100 100-X IOOW 100W "i nooien pw. ...... 7PU ,mc 7B JWi riaconda Copper. 20) 20 20H Alti'Jon nt '"iM r4 Al Coast Lino rjou innw 100 '"idwln Loco 40 3l)J -t rrorc&Ohlo f.7K M1H ija llmoro & Ohio pref. . 70Jf 71 Jfhlehem Steel f,i wit Jfthlfticm Steel pref... 07 18 Brooklyn Ilapld Transit. 85 8H Co fornla Petroleum... Wt lfiK California I'etnref..... r.i Aa CanaUlan Padtlo 154) 160H ltoU 1C0M .cniri Leather. .... 38Jf 30 35!f BO'f v-rrscomo 41M 42 Ch no Copper 33 34W Chicago. CrcatW. pref.. 28 2714 hlc3f0,Mll.ASt.Paul X7M Wl" lueui-caliodyprcf. ... 00j( 100 Chi & Northwest 123 120 ColFucl&Iron Sfilf 20 i-on.can 44 Con Can pref 01 ,o 21K Trie 1st pref. 34H . enrol Gas... CornProdDcts ft7.f 70W cu P7H 86!f ir,u 49 42 33W 27 87)4 100 2n!( P4H 100U hl) tM 71 63 07H 80 ir,H 40 42H 34W 27H 88 100 T)Cl & Hudson 1d4 Del. Lack. & Western. .400 General Electric 143 General Motor R4 Ocn Motor prof 93 uooarlcli Co 2fi; 40W 00 22K mi ....11CH 118 1I0H USX nj oh mt uu 12SK 12SH 26Jf 2rH 40 40W 90 00 21H 22H 34K arn 140 140 140 401 401 401 144W U3H 144H 83M 83 83H 04 0-1 04 27 20W 27 Great Northern prof.. ..113U 114U 113JJ 114W ureatKorth Ore. Cent. SOW 28H S7 :8U Gccccnhclm 40U 40H 4014 0H 111 Central 107M irSM 108 10SM Harvester corp 73 73M 73 73M IlarvcstcrNJ 04K BMl 05 00U Irtertoro-Metropolltan. 10K ll)f 10U 11 W intcrhoro Met pref 0 60H CO International Paper..... 8U SW 8M Intcr'l Taper pref 34 3-1W 34 H Inspiration 17K 18H 17 Kansas City Southern... 22)f 22 21K 30 lWM 72H 07W Lthleh Valley. Lone Island Loose-Wiles Bis I ouIsyIIIc& Nashville Mackay Co Mackay Coorcf Maxwell Motor J7!f Maxwell llotor 1st prof. 48u Atoxwell Motor 2d pref. 20H Mercantlce Mnrlno pref. 4)f Minneapolis & St. Louis 10?f Vejlran retrollum.... 61 Mexican Pot. pref Missouri, Kansas &Texas 8!f Mo Kan & Tex pref. ... 20 Miami Copper. 17M Missouri Pacific 7H Montana l'owcr Co ... . 43 National Biscuit pref. . .122 Nat. Enamcllne 10K National Lead 44 N. Y. Air Brake 68H Nevada Consolidated. . . 12f N.Y.,N.H.&n 63 New York Central 87H N.Y..O.ftWcst 22H .133H 134H 134 60H 814 34M 18 22 134U 30 31 30 30 31 31 118K 117(4 118 2M 72 72S4 07 18 40 20U 4H 10H r.i 00, 27 17H 7 43H 123 10H 45H 57H 12 S3 87W 22 07U i8; 63I( 22lf 4!f 11 62 GO 10 mi 7M 43)( 123 10,'f 45? 67H 13 64 SOX 22H 07)f 18! 63Ji 22W 4U 11 62 BO ' OH 27 17J( 7H 43W 123 10W 46!f 57H 13 64 SO 22M Norfolk & Western 101H 101H 101W 101f CLEARING HOUSE REPORT Annual Statement Shows Local Emergency Currency Nearly All Retired. ,Th'e annual report of the Philadelphia Clearing House Committee Issued today Pijclosed the fact that of tho 12,101,M0 mersency currency taken out together With I2.51Z.O0O niltnlrin llm PloaHnr. Hmii. Ijut.ln thU Federal Hesen-e district, all Kd been retired except $327,600. Tho igjximum amount of loan certificates Is sued was 1,11,630,009, tho amount used JIO.-l&OOa. Who report goes on to show that there !r was a moment when there was the .ua question In the minds of tho Committal Hit in ttlA .nlciim. n ..- MStltutlon in the association. Tho re- ;ras upeaKS or the raising of the Cotton 'ijfnnd and the Qold Fund 'In which jwiaaelphla played a prominent part .J-VW Institution In the association was l&OrOUCtllV ATntnlno.l anA .1.. nn.lHn. Ikttrestlng figures resulted: 4J an4 ducouts unsecured fomuMou' I".'.'.'.'.'. iftsttu stock ..::;::: Wrf:ivr:;: few . wwwS'tru.ta.'.v::: : : : yjaUrM letter, of i.rintil K-n..' "'; ;.., PJeSSl U of n4lvWual de- fiSSiRf .trtki"baIauci."ot fei r VffVer.. ; :::,.:,.T.oi.o4,2".8T BiwcS tt,1,5li,'ed wh Ws ewr.4M8M.eo pina, if.?.cf f?1 1B1. w Pa" a follows! lETBTwiSX! f'4 wrtincatss 101,08.)0 lr,?.'i:Ttury (to order! cif. iinmAvi XW7RV vt...... -!.. . - M"; "r? ahirGS WX.II Va Plncaws eS"Bt lioiue due bills !!r Northern Pacific... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas FlttsburchCoal rrersed Steel Car Pressed Steel Car pref, Hallway Btcel Bprln j!. . 101 . 20 105 .118 . 1014 SOW 100 23f Pay Consolidated 16K 102W lOOTf 102 20Ji 20M 20H inO'f 105 10BM 120W 118'f 120H 17 10H 17 mi 30U 30 101 100U 101 26)4 25 25M lfilf 10K 10 Ttcadlnc Mfift 148K MOJf 147J Reading 1st pref 81 8(1K republic Iron & tod... 19U '2QH Itepubllcl.&8.prcf... 76M 76 Rock Island pref. lii IM Homely Co...' 2 H Quicksilver Mi U( Seaboard Air Lino prof. 38H 30 Eonthern Pacific r'4 S5H Ecuthem Railway 16M 15 BouthernRyprcf 68 68 Etudebaker 303( 38 TcmetEee Copper. 32H 33f Texas Company. TciasiPaclflc Third Avenue Toledo, St. Louis & W. Twin City HT Union Pacific Un Pacific pref Union Pac War ?.. U.S.O.I.P. & F.... United Railways Inv.. United Ry Inv pref... US Rubber U. S. Rubber 1st pref.. United States Steel.... USSteclpref U SExpress tuLCopper Western Union WisUnchouio Klec. ..: Western Maryland 133X 136 . 11 12 . 40) 41 . 1 2 07 08 86(4 20 76 IK 1H IK 30 4K 1SH 68 36M 32K 134 11 40K 3 07K .118K HOH 118 70M 27K 8 . 10K . 27 67K .103 5U( 70 27K OH 11 J8K 18H ira 70 27H 8)i 10 26K 57K 1U2 62K 51 K 80K 20K 76 1M 2 IK 30 85!( J5K 68 37K 32H 135 12 41 a 08 119K 70 27K OK 11 28K 67K 103 61K .100K 108 106K 107H 71 60 60K 71K UK 71 51K GO 74 11K 71 40K 60JJ 72 UK 71 S1K 69K 74 UK ..... ..... ... 1 IUI.osjust JM.&tO.lKKl oK,lU7a4Ul 67,OT5.-lVn 03.003.015 2H.875.IK10 08,630.000 lti.fWJ.O.Il) I-0O.HH.1M 1,B31,7)AS0S esi.sia.isa 12.000 w,wo lailSTO.ODO 15,8S3,4CO.B5 Hto Moi:tu,hd.ep,0.il.fI ,n " dSKJMiaS WH COla UBDUnlln. I A d.. AAA r. Ex-dividend. Total sales, 213.000 shares. Bescrve Banks' Discount Hates ,30 New Tprk H Phlladslphla 4, Boston yt Chicago r Vr St. l.ouls Vi Cleveland ,i Richmond j Atlanta Ji Kansas City .,.. 1$ Minneapolis ... J DallBS J Ban Francisco Days on 00 5 s 5 S a a p I s Torelfja Discount Bates Ixndon 'arts Par Serun ... msterdam Vienna . ... Dank - Pate or, last rate. change. ,. Aug-. 8. HlU ,. 8 Aur. 50, toil ,. 6 lice. S3, 10U ,, S . 'AUsT. 21, 1014 .. 6A Oct. il, toil 1 Pr nt ANK SURPLUS EXPANDS delpWa Institutions Beport la- R. of Over Two MiMonB. Cll lli!ffl d.?0Ja,., fl.Wl.000 below the W fiWKnb.,,?S tod: 'Ported an aajK rvuotfi ' " " life Jan. 11. '16. "Uy,i,i..-.-..--?9.5i5.cog AHiV " ,ST,O0O asffwii-.. .- D-mm fcTLS'-Sanka- . UbIouIooo Increase.j 03,000 8SJ.O0O 1B1 onn Ci 16.000 jSgtfa-..--:.: Vtm& & .... io, loa.uuu a.sis.uJO S"1?i..Joury 1, 181. 1J1 j.oij. tn.rn.wnii j.u. UZ.i2Stoao: January 1ft, ary 10, JOJO, 3.6J,m 1UMer old foi January J3. L"?. waa aj ."; Januai lKfl?.v SSt.'Ka EXmVU&VHX, aRHilf. sa Diwuss AgriciUtural Credits ton callad a waerjit of tbe upr8 t, uoaataa Is oUuto W for (be dlukiB of autl- aueciais Mfneiiitvrai M Emergency Currency Outstanding WAS1HNOTON, Jan. 1J. ln than pnn third of tho total amount of th emerrency currency Issued last July remains outstanding-, according; to an estimate prepared by the Treasury Department at the close of business un January 0. The total Issue of emergency currency was f3MS3.883. The currency re tired totaled I20I.SSS.K!!, leaving ! circula tion fU9,P28,0Ol of emergency currency. FOBEIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, Jan. .11. The, foreign exchange market opened dull, but steady,, jOmand ster-' ffi"'i juted at 4.nuOI.K)K; cables. mli mairl. 87Hff8mi franca. i.lSUj nnd r.lK. Powder Stock Quotations QUIET TRADING IN LOCAL MARKET; QUOTATIONS FIRM Northern Central and Elec tric Storage Battery Scored Advances Traction Is sues Still for Sale. Narrow fluctuations and llcht deallnga marked the resumption of business on the Philadelphia Stock Exchang-o today. Prices on the wholo ruled firm, except for a. thrco point decllrfo In Pcnnnylvanlii Steel preferred on the sale of one ahnrc. Most of tho trtulltiff won In odd lots, even such Usually nctlvo Issues as United States Steel nnd ncndlnB showing no dis position to develop liveliness. Northern Central was a firm Bpot, the buylnu corn Inn; from local houses, whllo offerings wero reported to emanate from Baltimore. All of tho Pennsylvania group ruled firm. Including the railroad stock Itself, nnd also Cambria Steel. Electric Stornrro Bat tcry moved up to 19. A sale of Keystone Watch Case Stock wbh mado at 81 to day. The lost quotation -was at 10SW on November SO, 1810. Since then tho compnny has bean In litigation with tho Government, but tho plea for dissolution was recently dented. About tho only eliaros to bIvc alrrns of hesitancy were tho tractions, which con tinued to appenr for sale In moderate quantities at the low levels established nt the close of last week. Nevertheless, some one appears to be willing to absorb Ilapld Transit at tho minimum limit of 11 and Union Traction at 3SH. Whether or not the Ilapld Transit Company will be able to nvnll Itself of the privilege of leasing tho new lines when they have been built by the city will depend greatly on the attitude of Union Traction stock holders. When the plnn was first broached opposition from this quarter was violent, but subsequently a moro concilia tory spirit appeared to develop. Of late, Interests affiliated wltlj the two companies have been rather roticent regarding tho matter, but some of tho recent selling of both stocks Is understood to havo been from so-called Inside sources, Incidentally tho voting trustees of the Itnpld Transit Company have decided to allow deposits of stock to continue until further notice. . .....wikniuL New vice president and treasurer of the First MortKage, Guarantee and Trust Company. He was for merly assistant cashier of the Franklin National Bank and as sistant treasurer of the Philadel phia Trust Company. NEW YORK BOND SALES mill. ... 711 .vw, jtmar "t vu :i.... uir.i . Us 2000 Ados Kxprmn Is. l.n". Close. (i. 7!H) Ami.r ltlil. A- T UK-00 Ainer Tol clt Is .1(11)00 do CVt -ts .(i Ann Arbor 4s... . wooij Armour Co 4V4s... 100U Argentina 6 2aHK) Atchison Is low) do rir 4s 40M) do nilj Is stp. .. 1UK) do cv Is 11)00 W1I Halt A Ohio 3!is.. ... 0011 ,, HX) do cv 4!4s MlOOii Halt ft O Swn ."H4".. 2KH) Deth Uteri 1st 3s.... -tiMiiu uo rrn iia.. 100O Urook Itap Tr 5s 400(1 .llrlt linn Tr K. 1. .MlOO Uurf ltoch & V 4Ui...looU !' Who cnl (lal ft nice lis.... tiiu ml LOCAL STOCK AND BOND SALES close. High. Low. Close. oai. .UKU m 1024 4r, 41) OK 22 Paid loco pref. ou uuii eei . . 14tl Eleo 8tor .... CO den Asn nref . . iu in uo n a casn - M Key Wat Cnse..H)SM xi irfhinh jrav.... ilk 4B do t c 7( 102 I.eh Val m 6 Lehigh Val Tr.. 1BH 20 do pref 27(5 4 Amer Gas 100 75 Atchison 101 North Central .. &1H Sie Venna MM, Kl B.10 : i I'nino. Hteel pref in no no 60 l-lilia Kleo 21 21 24 ') Press Steel Car . . M Itsu lMiPhlt nap T t e 11 11 11 mi uwys bc prin!ts . . i.-4i m . . . U-XO I fl .. .. HS54 n. .ISM .14 up 814 .. Kl 32 07 Heading 1 do 2d prof. . . 203 Tono lie! ITS Tono Mining 10 Union Paclflo 130 Union Traction 122 United Oaa Imp 174" u H teei 2 do orer 8 Westm Coal ... BS nONDfl. (300 Am Q & B Bs.. s.is B77 Cam Steel scrip 07W 10C0 City 4 irei8 reK.lOOVj 10110 city 4s 104? .. ,. 1C00 Key Tel 1st 3a OVA 1000 Ih N cons 4i 07U 1000 I.eh Val an Os cooo phiia cn 1st Bs, njr SSOO Phtln Elea 4s.. TOU BOO rhlla Rleo CJ...101W 102V4 102(4 43 43 l -III iS'.i 4!) i as iih as 81 81 81 70J, 7(1 78 70 7ni fliji I17CS (17W 07), tStJ 13! 13j! 27H 27 27fi 1011 100 100 lH!i 01 04K SI S.1 81 raw saw fiO 24 11 21. 73H 7S W-10 73H .3 1.1.10 4U 40 40 4tt . 4W 4H 4 7-10 in RHii nsy. 81 M BUS 32 Witt 10(1 lOflti 68(i 68K SS!i RS, B3H WJi 01 07W 07t! lootf inoif lootf 100U inow, 100U (ilti nil; ni U 07 OTti 1)7 1MB VIVA l.-iftR 07 07 TOK 78 101 101 fl7 79i 101 HALF HOURLY SALES 10 to 10.30 A. M. Bel. 4W ,...'.. M 12 Tonopnh lx -ronopan m renna TA do.. in do 32 n do 821 4 do......... saji a Ualdwln pfd..l02j 20 V 8 Steel ni 20 lUadlne 100 Penna eo u a 1 lOO union Trac S Leh Valley.. 2 neadlwr n 10 Rlec Storage. 48V4 1 .Pa Steel p?d. 00 iu u a Hteel.... CI 20 do SI 20 Ton Bel 4 7-1 iw no ....... , 10 U 8 Steel.. 10 North Cent. (M Lh Valley.. 10 Keadtne .'., 4 Am das...., 1 Penna 13 Cam Steel 43' 2U O 1 81K BONDS, Kleo Ba... S30O0 Am Gaa & 2000 Phlla Co 1st t (12 Cam Steel scrip. . , BOO Cam Steel scrip.... 8S . VI 07" $? 10.30 to 11 A. M. .101 ... 87J ... tT . . . Cm ... Ill', ... U7 ... U2' ... Ill ... 8251 ... Dili ...87 . (, . 88 .1112 Bs WIS... 1M axxi Canada South 3s 102 awM cent I.oatner 1st 3s... U7M 22000 Cent l"ac 1st 4 87K :i()0 dies & Ohio 414s 8Sf$ lOOOO Chi Ot West 4s. (WJJ 70011 Chi & Nwn con Bs ...Kxl'w 4700O Chi II A CJ Is nil HKK) Chi II & q III 4s Ill 2(0 cm It & Q Iowa 3s... Kill,, liH) Chi M P Wound 4s... M-i, liOrt) Chi Mil & Stl' l)lv 4s. 8U Inoc) do rid 414s S'JU 4H00O do ov 1143 II3J :iwotio do Ken 4tl 100 lllHimi Chl ft I & 1 col 4s. . 21 3000 do 4s 21 Hum Chl SIP M .t O Bs 11(1 lOiw Clov Cln Chl Ken 4b. . 7:1 aouo Col & South 4s 87 27200(1 Con O cv (!s W t 114 BOH Cumberland Tel (is... Utl 7(K) Dtn .1 Jllo Or rfd Ss. . 3l 6000 Uuluth Iron 3s luou 40UO Dt.tlolt United 4&l... mV, 2000 DIs Becur Corp 3s. . . 33 3WI llut'ont 1'owd 4!4.-. 81 2imil list Ten V&a con Bs.Hlln 1O0O Krle Ken 4s 08 I1O00 do tonv Ser A tail 17000 do conv 4s Bor 11 ... (l5Vi 2000 do prior 4 SOU tOOU Green Day deli II.... 10'i 21000 Hurt Man In Ss 21) 3000 Hud iMan r(d Bs 73ft ;i(R) Iowa Cential 4s .10 .VJ(iO 111 Central ;iV4s 11101.. 7SH 10000 111 Central rfd 4s.... 80 2000 Insp Copper cv Os lOlli 1)7 max) Imp Copper Us my. 2t(IM) Intelb Mot 4U.S 731 22000 Interb U T rer 3s 7t 11O0O Inter Mer Mar 4!4.... 33 BOW Intern! 'Pntrer 4s 81)i MXX) In Alcohol 3s WV, lOOO Intnl Btm limp .V. . 3S 1000 Kentucky Cent Is 8(1 MOO Laclede (las Ba lw 4000 Itfgo Shore 4s 1031 vo-fi 2000 Lk 8I1 deli Is 1023. . 1)1 S70UUl.li; ft M T Bs lOQVi 6000 Uirlllard Bs 100 2000 Louis ft Nash 4s 02L 0000 Mex Pet Co (Is VT,it 1000 Minn ft St I. 4s 40V4 ZOOM Mo Kan ft V 4s 77h i-ouo uo rrd 4b 3000 Mo Pao ov 3s. 20W Nat liiinm ft Stp 6S..10.T 1000 N Y Air Drake lis 1)1 1XJOO N V Canal Imp 414s..l8Vl 3000 N V City 4s 11)30 r. . .. l)5U 4(100 do 4s liioJ uuit do 4h 1038 Oli'i do 4s 1050 I'' do 4US lO0 Jn Alia inA1! 1..1TL 101 (13 Ulli 1)7 2i 01 o.i. 87 - b'M 8I 8SJ1, 11)2 li)4J nil: 1112 liu U7'4 PJi 87 87 S8 8NU lis , iSih IHif 101 JSS (13 UHi 117 P2' i III M's wait 81 88' 1111 87 ltf2 Kl J! 3m 2000 1000 2000 3000 IXWO 2000 12000 liOOO do 4jS do 4f4s d(, l(i. 101 Mav 1017 lOOti lOO' 101. 104 101 (El 103 BUS Steel..., 61i M IJih V Tr pfd. 27W 1 Penna 8241 40 Ton Mln 7 0-lfl 23 Reading . .73 11-16 loo Tonopah Mln. 7ts fl Cam Steel.,.. 45 BO U S Steel.... B1V1 23 North Cent... KlS 20 Cam Steel.... 43 20 Th Nav t o. 70U 60 Union Trac... 38W 0 Kiec Dioraa-o, oyi BONDS. 11000 City 4s 1038 registered loow 1000 Leh Valley an 6a 133VJ 11 to 11.30 a. ar. 10 Union raelncllSK 00 North Cent... Kt! 1 Penna MK IB Ualdwln prd.,10245 21)9 Hteel pfd.lOOJJ 10 Penna ...,62 11. It) 100 rhiia n t t o 11 noNDa 1000 City 4a 1043 100J4 11.30 A. K. to 12 M. 48U 100 U 8 Blsel.... SIS 48 (10 U Q 1 81 S1K 30 Atchison ..... (nil 01 17 Penna B2 1 Iteaatnr Sd pr 40 S Elea Storage 100 do......... 20 V 8 Steel,.., 23 Atchison ..... 23 Kleo Etorare 1 do.,. ...... M. 0T 45 ASH ot 40 40 BONDS. 1000 Leh Nv cons 4J4,.. 13 to 12.30 P, 10 Penna B2J1 25 Cam Steel..., 20 Tonopah Mln. 7 SO Press Stl Car, 11 Westmo Coal, B8u 8 Leh Nav a TAh Val Tr... 1SU 32 North Cant... 5 Ualdwln pfd.lCCrs 10 lUadlnr ..731M0 BONDS. 12000 Keystone Tel 1st B 01U 1000 l'hlla Kiss 4s 73 12,30 to 1 P. M. 10 U B Btsel..., MJi U Penna ....... 62J4 100 do BUS ICO U 8 Stee),,,. fil& 10 Ins Co N A.. 22 4 Penna ...., 63 30 Ton W.,...4 7.1 100 U 8 Steei:::: 61H 100 V 8 etest..,. 81W BONDS. 1000 Phlla Else 4s....,,,...,...., 78 1 to 1.30 p. jr. 12 U B Steel..,, 61Tb 20 Phlla n T to 11 2 Penna ....... 63U 60 ny 8tt pg, 2jg On Pont Inter. Powder pref.. filter, amok. Ppwd. ft Chem.. ' do pref .'. B. I. Du l'on-D Nemoura . . do pref do IVi Pr CCQt- tKind lleraules Powder Co do prsf ; : do 9 por cent, bonds. . . . . . . Atlas Powder . do d Pr cent, tonds Bid. .... oH . ...in.1 ::::! . ...iaa ....101 .... OT .,..100 .... w Ask. T3 30 Hid S3 85 120 103 100 103 07 DIVIDENDS DEOLABED Faoble's O" 4M and Coka Company, rr- United Cl(r Manufacturers Company, re. uli?aurtIy 1 pwt. WW Khruaxjrl.4 "nultt Teiho-y & To., reaular .uartsrly i Pa?21oY. pW Fbnury f to tol( of r. MrSSSake Siinln Company, regular monthlr wnU.yWi jfnwarySU to atoclt of rr5 'no'mlolon' Steel Corporation. reTJlr guar, i.ri?lWr "O o P"f"d, payal Vb f,Vv 1 to swes; of racord January IB. "nJoUolon: ttl Oorcpany, rwular e.mUnnual S14 p etTpaysWe HVOrasrr 1 19 stock of 'ama'co'mWBy of Korth Amarlea, ru !lMJan?SS TtM mW lury j to stock. 9t recor January ft. 25 Kor VT Case, 81 200 U B Steel.,.. 82 600 do 63 60 -Phlla Wee... ?4 DO Gen Asp pfd. 68 BONDS, 500 PhlU Kleo U 1.30 to 8 P. MT. 10 I-eh Valley. 40 V a Steel.. do ?-."!..!!. 8tt 10 in nav..... .". , 1 Penoa 638.15 100 lalihNavtC.. tH 100 18 Uh Nav 70 100 SO Uh Valley.. . TH do., do., do.. TBtt S3 . 83 62 63 a to a.30 p. ar. do 414 1003. I'M Nov MIT lOOt. do 4Via May 1037. ...10-lK do IU Nov 1037 llllU 3000 N Y Gas II ft P BS....101I 2000 N V N H ftHSW'Bl. Ul 6000 do Us 103' i UOOc) N V Itwy 6s tW, 1000 N Y State 4i4s 108VS- 1000 N Y Tel Ron 4Hs...... 113 1600 Norf ft West 4s 02 OOOO Nor Pao 3a t'l'.i 3000 Nor Pao 4s HO 400O Oro Short I, 4s 81) 1000 Ont Power Sa. 04 1000 Pacino Tol Bs vi"t 14000 Penna cv 3VSs 1) 2000 People's Oaa 6s 100(4 4000 PCCftStl, 4V4s Ser A 10 , lOOO Public Scrv N .1 6s... 87 i 4000 Reading itcn 4s 03 10000 Itcp Ir & 8 Bs 1040 OH 6000 StCftS' rfd cp 4s sta ntji 2(100 St L & 3 rfd 4s. . . . mlj 3000 St I, ft 8 V gen (Is.... 1(17 BOOO fill. PA NW 6s M2K 1.1000 Seaboard A L, adj 6s.. 1714 1000 South Hell Bs Ofili 4000 LAN Alaba. Ea 101(1. .100 6000 South Pao 4s 83 20000 South Pao cv 4s 80 105B0O do cv ret f p Bs MTU 30000 South Ilwy 4s. sono south ilwy 6s. louo Tenn u ir gen os.. iw 17X) Texas Co cv Us IK 24000 Third 'Ave 4s 82 22000 Third Avo adj 6s 77i 1000 U H Rubber Os 102 21X100 U B Steel Bs 1021; BOOl) tr a Steel reg Bs Ifllfi 3O0O Union Pao 4s 03 tono Union Pao rfd 4s N Boon Va s Urown Bros Kl(j 11000 va Itwy s JfOPO Wahoah 4s 1000 Wabash. 1st Bs Biooc) Wab Rm ct sta 4s. . 2000 Wab-P Ter 1st ct 4s. . rw n'a.l fil Imt 4s 7000 West P) & M, cr Bs. . ntw 1000 West Shore .4s ), 1000 West Union os ...... ur hi iit 1000 Wlscon Cent aen 4s. .83 85 83 Total sales. 2,.1(M.000 December Building Construction . BylWlnr construction In the United State. The Construction News reports that In De csrnber of 1014 there wer.772H Operations to wit 120.148,803, while In the same month of ISRSK' losses In 4T. BEARS PREDOMINATE IN WHEAT PIT TODAY; PRICES ARE LOWER Considerable Selling Forces May Down to 137J. Rally Quickly Runs It Vp to 138&. CHICAGO, Jan, 1.. Bearish sentiment predominated In tho wheat market at tho opening today nnd prices were lower. Tticro was considerable selling, led by a Inrgo commission house, which carried May down to Jl.37',4. Important Interests absorbed the offer lugs nt tho decline, nnd the market quick ly ran up to Jl.Wi for May. It Bcemed as thouRh export business was back of somo of the larger purchases made early. Tho ensh sltuntton was strong. Tho possibility of the Allies being able to forco the Dardanelles again was dis cussed. Tho cables from Liverpool wero late. Shipments from North America for tho week were 9,667,000 bushels. In Argen tina the weather generally was line. Ad vices from Russia show tho winter thus far has been comparatively mild thero and that a largo nren lacks snow cover ing. Alternate freezing and thawing were reported, which Is not favorablo. There hnvn been somo showers In tho united provinces of India and more are oxpected. This Is favorablo for tho crops there. France Is expected to make further purchases of grain. Native offers there am II rm nnd small, nnd threshing Is being done with great difficulty. The Government continues to supply millers from recont purchases. Tho roceipts of wheat at Minneapolis nnd Dulttth today were 558 cars, against bZL cars n year ago; at Winnipeg, 193 enrs, against 119 cars; at Chicago, 65 enrs, against 39 cars. Com wns ensy, with good commission selling. Important concerns picked up the offerings. World's shipments for the week were 782,000 bushels. A good In crease was expected In tho visible sup ply. Receipts here today were 392 cars. Tho weather In Argentina was favorable for the new crop. Trado In oats was fairly large. Tho market Improved a little nfter nn easier start. Receipts hero today were 100 cars. Provision wero very weak at the out- Bet. Tho selling was general. Pork broke 30c. nnd rib 16c Somo resting orders were reached. Leading futures ranted as follows: .Wheat- Open. Hlith. Ixjw. Close, 'ey 1.IUS 1.HUH Jiuly ).t t.SIW Cnrn (n.w ,IaIU'...ii -"... ...V.. ..V.....J .lay July .., Ohis January May ... July .., I-urd-January May ... lllbs Junuary Way ... Pork-Jsnuary 61 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS and h 3. .-.-. a.1a,ns)sn-u.Nrt. red, spot and Januarr. il.8331.:i(li No. 2 .o. 1 nuriuciii &".- fjOIt?..TI,A v,n,.. In. .. P.el!n"1 le, under esslrr outside advices, but ,,".n. canois 1.3.1U IMS 1.34K Sat close. 1.21'.; 1.24 7.V4 705 7BU 70S . B.V4 62Tt .10.ro ..10.85 .. 0.80 .10.22 BS'i B4 74 714 B1I 74H 17514 t-11 Bl 52 l.?8H 7Si 70i 10.B0 10.85 0.80 10.25 10.45 110.50 110.02 10.70 110.75 fIO.112. 0.75 0.75 10.07 10.12 10.12 10.3.1 .18.(17 ..10.20 18.07 10.20 Id. fAskcd. Nominal. 18.RT 18.80 18.37 18.83 10.S0 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, lnn. 11. HOOa. Receipts. 33. 000. Murket s nnd 10c. lower. Mixed and butchers, ja.toCti.n.'I: Rood heavy, D.80 ai; rough heavy, $n.50fflB.75: light, 10.&0 CfO; pigs, BfiO.40! bulk, n.7OU!.00. CAlTtH Itocelpti, 33 0(10. Mnrket IB end 2Bc. lower. Deevos, G7O.05; Nrows and hslfers, f1.BO&$.30: stnekera and feeders. 11.60 U0.23; Texas, JUO7.I0; calves. JS10. SIinEP, Ilcceipts. ;i7.O0O. larket 10 and 15c. lower. Nntlvo and Western, 3.BOtf K.0O; lambs, (3,IB03.S3. GRAIN AND FLOUR TTIIEAT There was little trading nil inn-ae mhsms b.iuia. Quotation!. Car lots. In rut,hr.if&n.'ii!-8T0,-4o enport. deliveries ssifr outside advices, out wlthAin mintnhlA chanro. ff11.'!!?!!'.', Pr lots in eipnrt elevator No. ?.T3Hff71Hc.i steamer, 7Sf.V.j No. 3, 70'4ff J, '".. c"r ,n, for local trade, as to olca ..... ..... . riiiMT, naif, inniD'K.i bwwn"i jellovr, now, 77n77Vc.t No. 3, yellow, new, 70 ,0e. ssnipln el ow, new, 71l73c,;new cob, per 7(. lbs.. 74tiTSc. OATH. Itecelpls. 10.B98 bushels. Trade Js nulet, but rtlces ruled steady. Quotations! N.9i.a white, MffBS.Uc.: standard white, 670 B'Lte.i No. 3 white. oliJM7c. .,.-: .Tt1"1 sesree and firm. .We nuote at Jl.uni.10 per bushel, as to auatlty. In export .,.v.il?r' .nd. l M&1.10 for small lots of n'itbX.?KllnJn mis. l'l.Oun. Hecelpts, 4S0 bble. and 1.B00, J .Jb. In sacks. Trade quiet nnd the Si. 5i, "Knout, Important chiuute. We quote per 1M lbs. inwood: Winter, clear. B.Bogn; iAl...'""""-. 12fm.W! do., pafnt, rn.B0rt7t Kansas, slrnlght, Jute sacks, fl.rPOil0.7! do., i!i..I"'.Jjl!.'."nck. d.7Bi07.10! sprlnK, first, Tiffi. 'W25 .',0- straight, lfl.4oad.00: do. iiVan!' ,''flt.1.1; 'lo.. favorite brands. 7.25 ItS.', ' !nU1". choice and fancy patent, i!iilw7i!2,iSli?f ml"". regular grades, winter, Jl.r:. 5-fil. winter, straight, w'.,.,: "tnt, in.(in7.iB. i,. !?i f'OlIIt. In small supply and firm. woodrat,i0.20n7Bt,?'babr.hy Rnd W"ter"' '" PROVISIONS o.To!S.KJlkotul(st without Important change. .a,,ln"Sh,v b"'i i ts. smoked and smoke ia,J$8a1e-l Western beef. In seta. t?rder' T&V'x iav ct- . knuckles nnd .Qf.' moked and afr-drled. ssneoe.i do.. oiSJ.TI" ".ccfi knuckles and tenders, smoked, rk, riimny. city cured, 5c; hntna. bonelui. ".jniS rl-ilwuvlio.. ikjiii. Smi. ,?2,ViVP11-lc- v- smokml. 12IJ12UC1 iinwi'iJ" VL,ckl.ni nccordlnit to nverngo. loose. il7r.ir! ' ,hrnkfnst bacon, os to brand and cunS" Vi'K c"re;I.17ffl8c.: do.. Vestcrn iViJiVnl'01'' '.nrJ- Western, refined, tlcrccs. Hv ui?i .rto'V,-. tyhs.. lUtllUc: do., puro m! Sf.1.?1. rcndcrl In tierces. U(tUjo.! do., pure city, kettle rendered, tn tubs, llJfllUc. REFINED SUGARS ..J1 . market quiet but nrm. nenncrs' .,...t. l'i,c'"s .Stnndnrd granulated, Be; line gran- 2v :03c.i powdered, B.O.V.! confectloncrn' A, 4.85c.; soft grades, 4.10.70c. DAIRY PRODUCTS niTTTKIt. Demand was fair and the market ruled nrm under light ortorlngs. Quo tations: Western, fresh, solid-packed, cream ery, fancy, specials, :10c.; extra, inc.; extra nrsts, 33c: nrsts, 32c; soconds, 2.-c.; ladle racked, 22ff24c; aa tn quality; nearby prints. ncy. n7c: do., averago extra, SOc. ; do., firsts, !UJf34c.; do., soconds. 28HROC. Special fancy brands of prims Jobbing nt 42fl44c. KflflSv The limited receipts of line fresh eggs were promptly cleaned up at full prices. Quotations In freo caeca, nearby, extras, 40c. per doz. ; nearby nrsts, $13.20 per standard rare; nearby good current receipts, $12.00 per standard caso: mixed, held nnd fresh nnd ordl nary stock. I0.80trll.70 per case -Western, ex tra nrsts, $1.1.20 per case: do., nrsts, $!2.CO por case: Southern, $12iifl2.CO per case. Ilefrlger ator eggs, eprlng packed, choice, 27T28c. per doz.; do., ordinary to fair. 23Q250. per doz. Fancy selected candied fresh eggs wero Jobbed out at 4nurlc. ner doz. CHKKSE. Trade quint, but offerings mod ente and values steadily hold. Quotations: New York, full-cream, earlier rccolpts. choice, IOC.; do., do., current make, choice. 15c: do., do., fair to good, MlStf H;o. ; do., part skims. 88l3c P OULTRY I.1VI5. Fowls nnd chickens sold slowly with ntntilo offerings at former rntcs. Ducks 1"4M n."E" ''l s-ISIKB: no si' in,,?tll'-.i Mhfr bims. smokeii, nJ,.L.'"S.nl. and averago. 14UU1 do., do. ters, . Nearb; 17c, 14IM sr ..pi . dry-picked rby, Ija2 ti In small suppl)' and a shade firmer, Quot tlonai Kowls, 13fMBo.: old roosters. 1010ttfl.i pr.rlng chickens, according to aualltn 12014it turkeys, lBfrl7e.i ducks, lBJ18c.i km7 I3A IBt-.i guineas, young, weighing 2 lbs. and over ap .-e, per pair. (He.: weighing HiCTlH 16. 40o.i pigeons, per pair, 18918c , VKKHSKM-Offerlngs of tlsslrabl. slock light, out values well sustained on this de scription, with, trade fair. Fowls and old rS.tr, He higher. Bquabs also firmer Quotations: TSjrkjys, dtr-packed Fancy, large nearby, 2oa21c, do., Western. SOo.i arersge rocelpti., ltljl8o,i inferior, 12015c. 1 No. 1 old, 180. Fowls, 12. to, box, dry-packed, selected mavy, lBc.j weighing .4Uto Jbs, apiece, lfl. do,, 4B454 lbs. npltce, 17!Jc,t do., 4 lbs. aniece, 17c.i ?n., 8M lbs, apiece. 14015: do., A Ihs, and under. 12m3e. Fowls, hhts.. Hrv-nlrA. (.....h ..... ,.,.. X .l.n. ... 1. .. AW"'VS' J"f"-?5"'. ,i"",V""'.?"Tf5 .,u., vu., , 1W1, .W.i UW.t ,.. ,. ll,. ... 3 lbs. and under. 12013c. Old rnos icited, iso, nroiunr chickens bs. apiece, 209122c.; do., fair tc fslr tn enntl. Ilflfftn. nnaatlnff hlU.ft "..... ..i 1"'. ---..:'..- z':-x. "i.".t, "(.nunen, in Doxes AlllK-iea, a to i IDS. to dos.. 22&-23C.: milk-rod, 23 to 29 lbs', to Si-A.112'-! corn-fed, 18 lo 24 lbs. to dot., JOOJlo.t. corn-fed, 25 to 80 lbs. to doz.. Wrf IPCS milk-fed, 31 to 3ft lbs, tos dot, HHor. mllk-fed, 37 to 42 lbs. to doi.. 14Uo.j mlllt.?ed, 43 to 47 lbs, to dot.lflUc.i mllk-fed, 4.lb. to doe., 17c, j mllk-fed, CO lbs. and ovsr, 18c; corn-fed. 31 to 30 lbs. to doz., l.tHOllo.l corn, fed, 37, to 42 lbs. to doz.. l.lUlfllc.i corn-fen, 43 to 47 lbs. to doz., 14UJl(!e.i corn-fsd, .48 lbs. and over to doz,, 17c.j corn-fed. 00 lbs, and oyer. Ue. Iteming chickens, dry-packed, !n bbls Western, mlllc-fed, ory-plcSed, 5 tbs. and over, llo.i Western, .mllk-fed, 4 bs. 16c.; tvettern, rnwc.r eitern. corn-fed, a lbs. and over, lttc.1 Westsrn, cotn fed, 4 lbs., 18c. I Western, corn-fed, dryplcked, mixed weights. I4c.i Western, corn-fsdi 3! lbs.. 14c: Western, corn-fed. 2Hv3 lbs., XI u Hprlng ducks, 1WI17C. Spring geeso.lSOllc, Squabs, per doz, White, werfhlng .11 to U Urn., per doz.. Ji.toflr,: white, weighing 0 to 10 lbs. per doz., $.1.8004.30) white, weighing 8 lbs., per doz., $3D3.80 do do.,, 7 lbs., per doz., 2.fK)ff2.80; do., do., onovi Ibs.j'per doz., $l.C0t2.1O: dJrk and No. 2, COc'tJJl.SS, FRESH FRUITS Demand only moderate, hut values generally well sustained. Quotations: Apples, N, Y., per bbl. King. f2r:t: Qreenlng, 2W3; York, Im perlal. 2?(2.B; lien Davis, $2$t2.50i Spy, $1,73 (2.B0; llaldwln, $l,7BO2.B0 other good eating varieties, $l,7B'(r2.BO: medium, $iai,COI apples. Western, per box. 75cO$l.BO; apples, pelawars nnd Pennsylvania, per hamper, BOtfOOo.f lemons, per box, $2(T2.B0; oranges, Florida, per box, $1.2.3; tangerines. Florida, per strap; fl.SOQS.AO; grapefruit, l'lorlda, per box, JlBif Iilneapples, per cmto Porto Itlcn, $1.25o2.23i "loilda, $lf2; cranberries, fancy lata varieties, Eer bbl., $20-1 i cranberries. Capo Cod. early lack, per hbl., $2tr:ij cranberries, early black. per cmto, 7.-,cJl.M): cranberries, jersey, per crate, 7ncft 11.23; poa and over, 17c. 1 Western, .mllk-fed, 4 bs. Western, mllk-fed, 8H lbs., 14c.JWet mllk-fed, dry-picked, mixed weights, 14R14 Western, milk. red. 2T8 lbs., 14c. t Weil bbl., $lj2; (Uuuc, tiosrs. strawberries, N. V., Kleffer. per Florida, per v, VEGETABLES Tho markot genernlly firm under moderate offerings and a fair Uoinnnd. Quotations: Whits potatoes, per tiush.Pcnn., free from frost, O05in3c; Now York, free from frost, 480600,1 whlto potatoes, Jersey, per basket, SBOlOc; Hncot potatoes. Delaware, per hamper, large, II. 10311. 2B: medium, WOiiOc. ; sweet potatoes, KBstcrn (hore. per hbl. No. 1, $2S2.7S No. 8, J1.B()1.73; sneets, Jersey, per bbl. No. J. $3.2 w:i..V): No, 2. $2(n'.B0; sweets, Jersey, per baa., C'OMc. Onions, choice, per bush., 80Q85C.; do., .irdlnary, per hush., (IMt70c.; do., choice, pe' 100-lb. bag, 1.001.00: do., medium, per 100-lb hue. il.25; do., seconds, per 100-lb. bag. $1; Cabbags, Danish, per ton. $1S17. CaullHower, New York, por crate, 75c.fnl.2S. Spinach, Norfolk, ner bbl., $101.30. Kale, Norfolk, per bbl., 0O4P75C. Lettuce. Florida, por basket, 2Q J. ; do.. North Carolina, per basket. $l,E0tt 2. Uenns. Florida, per basket, $1.2502.23v l'eas, Florida, per basket, $2.B00. Bggplsn: Florida, per .box, 2JM. Cucumbers, Florida, rcr basket, $t.7B5f.'l.60. Hquash, Florida, per hakket, tl.BonZ. Peppers. Florida, per car rier. $2.80ff3:so. Tomatoes, Florida, per car rier Fancy, $22.B0: choice, $101.50. Celery, New York, per hunch, 33050c. Mushrooms, Per 4-lb. basket. tlOl.CO. LONDON MARKET FIRM p Bs.... II7H I 4s S.1 I s (Utl 1 DS? 1021J 102JI (Unl (17 PC, 11(0, u 100 85 8.t 8()i 80 117 K71? T7s 77 102 102 inni ma 10t 101s; m 05 on .ni!a 117 2(t (I BS LIVE STOCK BECEIPTS CHIOAaO, Jan. 11. Today' rims of live stock at tho various centres follow: Hogs. Cattle. Sheen . uiius" u. a. i.iui,,,,, ,,,vaa Kansas City 10,000 Omaha 7,200 tit. Louis N. St. Yards... 12,500 Mt. Joseph 6,500 Oklahoma City BOO Fort Worth 2,200 Slottx City 7,000 85,000 IS.000 7,,-XJO 0,000 2, BOO 1,000 2,700 0,000 87.000 8,000 ln.ooo 2,000 0,000 7.10 n.ooo 3.000 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOrtK. Jan. 11. - On the coffee ex clmngo, shortly after the opening, futures ad vanced 5 to (i points abovo Saturday's flnals. Opening future: February, 0.35c. bid: March. H.47Cl.ri5e. : April. 8.55c. bid: May. ii.7OS0.72c; June, 6.oWe3c: July. 7.54ti ..Me: August. 7.fi07.83c; September, 7,07 7.72c; October. 7.70c. bid; December, 7.S10. bid. NEW YORK DUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, Jan. 1 1. HUTrEIt.-,Markst steady necelpts, BOSO packages. Creamery ex tra. 31c. I higher scoring, 34t4ffl36o.: fetate dairy K.IOJStic. ; Imitation creamyT25O20. SXiaS.-Market firm; receipts. 33O0 cases. Jre,h?,ra llillk3"-' frMn n"ts. 42c; near by whites, 47lN0c: nearby mixed, 41045c.; refrigerator, firsts, 27W28c. ELGIN BUTTER MARkei HM1IN. III.. Jan. II. -Putter la quoted at 32 cents per Pound, a decrease of one cent; 23u pounds sold. Bidding Is brisk. Investment Demand Good and Busi ness Was-Well Distributed. LONDON, Jan. 11. Firmness charac terized the trading- on the Stock Ex chango today. There wns n, fair Invest ment demand nnd business' wns well dis tributed. Price changes In the American depart ment were fractional nnd mixed. There was realizing- of Atchison. United States Steels did not respond to the favorablo report of the company's unfilled orders as of December 31. Canadlnit Pacifies were dull. GUt-edgod Investment Issues had a hard tone, nnd tho home railway group again showed buoyancy. Mexican Government bonds and the se curities of railways In that country were unsalable. Egyptian Issues were strong. Despite the falling oft In tho produc tion of the Hand mines lu December, Kaffirs were steady. There was buying of many shares, not withstanding criticisms that soma of tho Institution's dividends nro. Injudiciously high. Amsl Copper,, Atchison Haltlmoxe & Ohio Canadian Pacino Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago Ot Western Chl Ml) & St Paul Denver & Itlo Grande... Erie do 1st pref Illinois Central Mo Kansas & Texas New York Central Norfolk & Western N Y Ont i West Pennsylvania Heading Eo Pacific South Ilwy .'.,.. Union Pacific ., United States Steel Consols ,..., 4-Increase. Decrease, Ixmdon. N. Y. doso. equiv. .'.'. i'iP5 nn ....lniti .... 42ll .... 10 ,.T. 8014 .... 4tf .... 82 .... 85)( ....100 , '.'.'.". 00ft ,...101 .... 22U .... B4U .... tm! .... 87 .... IBS ....122 .... 53 ...68 0-10 iw - it i 'A 50VI 1 41? .1 -n n an laiiu. 87 10OT 105 uw. S4H im; lisvl Kilt J. .. 1.11 14 ?8 PRICES OF COTTON HIGHER werd 10.817 ODerstlons tn rosl There wero gains In 20 cities and RATES FOR MONEY Pblladslphla new iuis ,.,,.....,. Call. Boston ";,.;". ;.'.','""4!ie5W Jss CMorcantlie7ayer;'thfee'to's"lx. months, Phlla. delphla, 4m4U Pr tent NEW YORK CURB Did, Ask. Braden .,....,... i gH Ilr.AlII T Old iimi.mi IIS ?8y. iHr-Am T new ..................... 1". iJVi moldfleld Consolidated , 1T-18JH Greene cananta I a nose .. Mlplsslng Otis Kiev 5 Penna , 6 do, ,(. SO do, ........ to y a 1....... 5 Penna. 10 Phlla. Elea.... PONDS, 1S Cam 6lMl crip, .. 1000 Eleq & TeOP Tr 1 Penna ....... &3U 4 North Cent... $ 3 Am Osa,. .,..100 20 (Phlla Tr::.7SH fl.30 to 3 P, M. PhlU Blso,... 3 tSi Nav Itt 3 Penna ..,..63 8-1 ian iav v.. ua. NaT t 0 100 Tonopah 11; W V O I 22 trfib Nav t e. . QQ. 10 Phlla BTln 10 Poll Trao--. TH 100 PhlU Bite i 100 South Rwy. . . 15 COO UbV3 T. . lo?, 160 Tonopah lJel.. g 100 US Steel.... St 15 (SjM aioj-ugs. W BONPA 1000 Lwh -Vallw Coal Bs h$& Aft, V. ? loo mu Mu &s lOOO tipifllh Am Iron 04 do rtft, miiiMr.irevanian eterllnc 4.uro.bL,,Vl.,J Tobacco Products pref. -United vigw o.M.w do pref (United ProSt Willys Ovd ........ .An trer. World Kllm ...... Yukon Ovlo ....... 24 fitt '"M"" Tiv. .................... w'rs 8 IH ... .107 . Ul N.EW I,or,K-,Ja."- "i-Mttla attontlon was ld to dlsappolntlnjr Liverpool cables on tbs rval cotton market thtm mnmlnv im... nn the call were two points down to four up. and an advance to a net rain of from two to four points over Saturday's finals occurred In the first half hour of tradlnr. n.rm,n in..... and traders with Southern connections were tho best buyers and there was soma Liver pool seiiina. biveroooi cotton rutures were quiet. At the close prices were up 3 to 8 points. January . March . May July .... October . . December Bpot, (8, Bat. close. .....8.00 .....8.17 8.87 8.55 8.78 8.03 8. 8.17 8.85 8.M 8.77 .P4 . "'. Iw n..u H.irj n..n 8.47 8.IH 8.K7 0.01 8.18 8.84 8.M 8.78 8.01 Close. 8.03 8.20 8.41 8.60 8.82 8.08 RECEIVER FOR COA1 CO. WIIiMINaTpN. PfL. Jan. ll.-The Elliott. Chapman Coal and Cuke Company, a Delaware imu voluntary Dank. ruptcy In th. Itavlna a-i r.lrv In the United liabilities of ft 1.000 and assets of JW.OOO. Mel FSU" Stales Court here, with 18.000 and assets of ln nnn ,.V vlUo D. Chapman, of New York, and Charles W, Bush, of WMmln.ton, haV been apMinted recelvera. 60th Annual Statement of the Saving Fund Society of Germantown and Its Vicinity School Lane and Germantown Avenue '. CHARTERED 18S4 ' JANUARY 1, 1915 INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS 3.65 PER ANNUM Accounts May Be Opened and Business Transacted by Malt, ASSETS and other Bonds (par I I fit t ( t ! Mtt flilltiti f BAR SILVER Commercial bar silver was quoted at 40U t vw. miner, cents per ounce In New York, Quoted oi-nce, an advance of fi-16 penny. In London It was at 255, penca per ANNUAL UKETINrJS DIVIDEND NOTICE. fifties of the 1NS0BANCB i'OMPANV Of NOItTII tSt Walnut Street. Philadelphia. Jan. 11, 1019. Th Dlrsotors have this day declared a dividend of P 5. payable on January 18, 1815, to Stockholders of record January 1Wecia will b mailed. Cft V. HOUABD WHIOIIT, Treasurer. DIBECTOBV OF ACCOUNTANTS futillo AccounUnts 7ms Tha Buuxu. Audits, lovMtltsUwii. JtiiM! la) BtattaaBlav Ayr& THE CKNTKAI, NATIONA1 11ANK B3tT OV VUILADEU'UIA. Tn Annual .issugo lor Ulreclors of this Bankand for the purpji of action upon amendment to Article III of Articles of As sociation so that th stmt as amsaded will rad- -rhs Boardof Directors shall consist l not less than T nor more than U stockhold srs, as shall be determined by th Board ot Directors prior to any rsiular Annual Ut Int ot th Stockholders ot this Association, th tnumbsr so provided for beln continued from year o, fear until chanced bjr rnolu tlon of th Id Board." T will be bald at th banking- house, lafaytlt Bullalnr, Chestnut and Fifth ats.. I'bJLadsl. rhla. an Tuesday. January 11, 191S, batwssa lain and 1 p. el WILLIAM POST. Cashier. TJANKUN NATIONAL DAKS. Broad Chestnut btrocU. Palladelphla. December 80. 111. Th annual eUctlon for Director will k held at the bsnklsr hous. on Tusday, Jaa. uarr lt i'l'. btwa th hours ct 43 nai B4 1 B sloe p. m. f t Municipal, Railroad. sy.758.UUU) Loans on Collateral Morteaeres. P'irst Lien on Real Estate , . , Real Estate Banking House. Cash on Hand and in Banks , , Fttff) $9,443,620.2? il,y3Q.UC) 904,775.0(1 60,000.00 623,270.41 Total Assets ,.,.-.. .$1 1,323,595.63 LIABILITIES Individual Depositors ,,$10,137,906.55 Interest Added for 1914 , . . 355,689,08 llf f (Mif I t94( Surplus. Total Number of Depositors ..,,, 10,493,595.63 $830,000.00 28,748 TV, th Subscriber, Auditors, appointed by th Saving Fund Society of 0tt rnantown ami It vicinity, do hereby certify that w bivf examined th above statement, and th assets thertln named, and flfld thm correct: January 8, ISIS. SIANAOEItS Francl B. Pmvm John J. llnryl llorae T. Pett F. 11. Strawbrtdg Uarrtott O. Morris LewU W. Wtr Livingston H. Jones Wm. J. Montgamery Laulf a. Ua4r i: u. Hmvm. J. II. ft OUUsftMin Jsjt L. Waolatoq Thoraas B. fUU Conyers Button Osaar W. Wood W&. It. Emhardt Arthur II. Jos 1.1 VINO3T0N " ft-m&ti WM. N. J.JSICI Auditor FIOHHS JOKES, FresWwt M. vt-prlilt IT. Mar. and Traax At tfreasarer CONGRESSMAN ON BOARD OF LEHIGH VALLEY TRANSIT H. J. Steele, of Enston, Elected A Director of Company. ALL.ENTOWN. Pa.. Jan. ll.-Harry J. Stclc, of Easton. tlio new CongressTnan from the 26th district, elected-In Novem ber to succeed Congressman Fnlmor, was elected today a director of the Lehigh Valley Transit Company. - . Mr. Steele's1 election follows tho afc sorptloil by the LohlRh Valle.y Transit Company of tho Kastan Consolidated Electric Company. The 10 directors were re-elected ns follows: Colonel Harry C Trexlcr, E. M, Young. Harrison It. Fohr, Allentown; Charles M. Schwab, Warren A. "Wilbur, South Bethlehem; Charles H. I3rau, John C. Dawson, George 11. Frazlcr, Edwnrd 13. Smith and Charles E Ingersoll, Philadelphia. Colonel Trexlcr was re-elected chairman of tho board, nnd Harrison It. Fahr presi dent of tho company. Tho business vitality of'AUentown and this section In spite of the Industrial de pression Is revealed In tho annual state ment by President Fehr. There was n gain In tho gross receipts, and the com pany held to Its policy of expansion, ex pending nearly 12JO.O0O for botterments, In cluding 10 miles of cut-offs on tha Phila delphia division and tho reconstruction of tho lino between Allcntown nnd Bethle hem. Tho nsscts are j:o,WD,918.02, of -which J17.270.O0O wns expended for road and equipment and 11,606,000 for Investments In controlled companies. The operating; revenue of the last year was 11,853,006.60, and tho operating lncomo after deduct ing oxpenses and taxes, $715,350.01. The grosa Income was S41.ra3.S3 and the net Income after paying Interest qn bohds; discounts and legal expenses ?208,120.69, A dividend of 2 per cent, was declared on the proferrcd stock outstanding of it,-979.CS7.