EVENING LEBOEB-PHTLADELPUTA, MONDAY, JANUARY IT. 1918. rr - II I I m IJ I hLAL ItLw Jm y i L Bernard at L the Adelphi Tonight iJRcV'-PUlfy lloggonhelmer, the Hog- rru. iBiiuBitti t Ml Is ft very (food opltorao of Sum L ,i "Tho Dello of Bond Streot," u-n thev ore cheering up the trut Atlnntlo City Boardwalk on a tiry Saturday, up norc ui iuo jiui 1hl evening there Bhould bo Jst as t .vrfdlenoy" about this rewritten !M of "The Qlrl from Kays." . ?n the das of Hattle Williams rif.co wm vory far from being all liiS And even now thore aro a few Sills exploits of tho sufficiency ox- i. To vw: a i Six authors something no mod- pltce can or uwct-iwi. v- '-"?! s 5 M v WMffl IPs If ipll v iX s J! t. '1: 3 iwwM:flWycy5 MARIE TEMPEST oming to the Lyric, Monday, tho lotn. trat "Tlpperary," leased out for tho t4 time thla wlntor as part of a nut- fcal.ibow In Philadelphia, and proving Lttsnori, snort way we ure iiuwauuys i my Dopular song. Harold Crane lit to the novelty of tho piece by lntor lUon! "But my heart's (business if handkerchief pocket) right there R. E. 8.)" ' Item 3. Molllo King, who. as Piggy. qarki of some amateur financier, Yould have done well In tho Stockings (Change." She reminds ons of a dlsltlu med, blase, languorous baby (If you a Imagine any such thing). But Bhe igs In tho smallest, clearest and alto Ihtr most attractive volce,slnce Mltzt lajos. It.her Imitations aro a llttlo paln 11, it tar rate they remind us that khehBarrymore does tails like Eddie fotad that Gaby Dcslys -was tho girl W"Tork saw In tho plcco Instead of lit King-, Hem - Some good minor people. Cyril isMwIci, wearing, with equal asslnlnlty. rtt white spats and small black pants, tfpathlng suit mado up principally of irtu watch and Boston garters, with & w!T2nf" .,or n hnt- tomy Lee, i?h Ji5 Us,,oat,s t strength and daring with the grim determination on his faco that we simply must adrnlro theso cvotu Vfin a,a,dan:ln(r. Ahd Minerva Cover Mi8:.. J WM'-'ng charming that Minerva Coverdalo and a lady's maid ought to do. . IVi"1 5". ,?omo ver' nlco urnlturo and a roaiiy distinguished last act set, thrown into a story about a honeymoon that bo enmo a total eclipse on account of nn In nocent kiss that the brldo overheard. item C. Tho joyous spectacle of an American chorus girl attempting to re- ?fti ' !? .Bas'' rvo onl-' a "I'Penny bit with a hole In it." But, of course, tho main thing Is Bam Bernard and his Piggy Hoggcn noimor tho Hoggenhelmcr. It comes pretty closo to a real figure of com edy, this rich Mr. Hoggenhelmcr, of Park lane, who visits Hats ho doesn't Intend to rent, Juit because he has learned that rich men nro always bored and on me looiiout xor odd amusements. Mr. Bernard contributes a good deal moro than pretzel-twisted English and four oily little curls on his forehead, -which put to shame anything now extant In fem inine fashions. Ho gots tho man's In nocont egotism over In fine shnpo. Piggy brags with a natural pride of tho fact that with the aid of his money lie "knows a lot of people nrfd they'll soon know him." His volco. Is oily with tho money In which ho almost literally rolls. Ho pursues tho fomtnlne with something near tho avidity that ho bestows on money. Mr. Bernard's characterization Is bo unpleasantly perfect that whon ho wins Miss King her remark that "after all, Piggy has such a good heart," doesn't at all convince. It seems a more reflec tion on the rest of his anatomy. It Is real acting that Mr. Bernard does. Ho proves It when ho gots away with that Indecent If plauslblo question, "Who paid the rent for Mrs. Blp van Winkle when Rip van Wlnklo went away?" Tho inquisitive onthuslosm of Piggy la so entirely "In character" that tho song, which tho late B. F. Keith barred from all his theatres loses a great part of Its nolsomeness. Which Is nn undcnlablo feat And don't forget that Mr. Bernard Is funny alt tho same. Ho makes his own company laugh, and that's a very good test. Puppets for Chicago Chicago's Llttlo Theatre, where "Ana tol" and "Sophocles" have alternated, Is never happy unless It Is attempting the Impossible. So now that It has made Shaw's "Philanderer" Into a substantial success, It Is trying somo morning per formances of mnrionettCB. Tho Chicago Llttlo Theatre Puppets (probably Incorporated) made their tlrst bow last week In a fairy play straight from China, and called by the happy and promUIng tltlo of "Tho Deluded Dragon." Various notables of tho Windy City sup plied music, scenery and plot, while a real sculptress, Kathleen Wheeler, mod eled the particular gentry of this piece. Outside Italian marionette theatres In the slums this Is probably tho first ven ture In America at something that has been vastly popular in Germany and Rus sia. Munich's pupppct theatre enjoyed a reputation that gave It a place In all the announcements and advertisements by which the city authorities sought to attract American tourists. Tho Playgoer's "Omar" A "book" and "lyrlca" not at all high brow, A bunch of tunes, some chorus girls, and thou, Besides them, singing In this wilderness; Ah, wilderness Is operetta now. I1L mm HOTCUPLAYS U you have not yet seen the Vltagraph !! photoplay version of Hall Calne'a owl, 'The Christian." being shown at b,Chetnu fitrr.r-f Dnrn. TTnnnn. dfi so tjcraco. Unquestionably this photoplay ine Diegeat, most Interesting and virile wjlhown In this city since tho lncep 5R'0f the movies. Tho original produc es of the drama, In which Viola played lory Quayle and Edward J. Morcran. now JJM, John Storm, was not one wfilt bet !!." a good. On tho Bpeaklng stags sejplay was confined to half a dozen R(hm and a comparatively limited num Jfiln the wonderful mob scenes. In the aotcpiay version there are several hun- rotl. different ftfanfa. nnrl fiillv n thnit. w&i in the crowds that surgo and ebb mw in the various exciting episodes ( the film. MMr McCarthy Is doing a service ojatte photoplay art which cannot be JJE&Unir thft nilhlln aa .. i. KA In films, a crusade he began with "Spoilers." The obvious result of WiS?' wlu be that M fel!ow mana fjim bj forced to produce higher class I"?!?0- for longer runs. This will r..c!e4ner P'8' htter casts, more 2XI n? artlstlo productions and the il tUmlnatlon of tho slapstick W&r' wd the AVIld West melodrama. bjoh"!!' B,e "Th0 Chrttlan" Bna Be fTACtOR TURNS AVIATOR, . Cooper, of the Vltagraph Stock gffpwy, nude hU first air flight Thurs iil tiVJi.. 7 and la onthuslaatio !5a,rt UlAulnS sensation he Is thinking Si mr ' olns a professional avla rai?J 5r,t fllnt waB In the nature of ifiVlS? 'r VlolMte In which he Is to SdtaiV!!? .f an annn. Under the flrw?Da ot experienced aviator, moper was Introduced to the mya 31Ar,w airship's manipulation, and 3S,W ' fth after being a thousand Set il T' readY t0 make Mcond SSJ? '".novelty and excitement. SJJliiJ?11"", t0 a "wnsatlonal plo Sflih r 59(5el b'Pane will be used, jgm Mr, Cooper will be required to ImCnLt. li . ttnd ra,cue a maiden ggwew, flying away with her In the I"3fl8.i!..?,n .of buUet. One of thej 9SR h. " jPHOTOPLA.Y QTIIDB UlirJS.J?PBaA HOTJ8BV-VIU. jkrufiin?,r(,lu"a' Calne's "Bwtl iffrttJS01 irilUWS ?V.'S 'BimSb5K " " m7i.. . Jmra P"4t ot the L 'A 1 ThuAJ.i"'vr.f"f " " htt"-1;. iTuua or t&a Hen m, ...; TK.sss? X-,J!I"MIJ'aJy. "J941tw ti, "" jm Moyai Bos:-: vU , l.;fi vfUr" TbBr.4s ANNA PAVLOWA PAVLOWA, PEERLESS DANCER, INSTRUCTS LEDGER READERS First of a Series of Eighteen Illustrated Articles Will Appear in This Newspaper Tomorrow. The first of a remarkable scries of nrtl cleB by no less an authority than 2111c. Anna Pavlowa on tho modern social dance, with a photographic Illustration, will appear In tho Evening I.BDann to morrow. There nro 18 articles In tho series, which will be run Tuesdays and Thursdays until completed. A thorough education In throe of tho most charming of all tho many modern dances may bo obtained by a perusal of these articles. The first six describe Mile. Pavlown'a famous standnrdlxed one-step, the second six show how to dance the Pavlowana, Invented last summer by the great dancer, and tho third group de scribes how to master tho Czarina Wnltz, another ot Mile. Pavlowa's famous dances. Somo particular step and bodily posi tion of tho danco being described accom panies each article. Ivan Clustlne, ad mitted to be tho best masculine social dancer In Europe, Is Mile. Pavlowa's part ner nnd posed with her for tho photo graphs. Tho articles are so carefully and pains takingly prepared that any one may learn from them how to dance the three dances mado famous by MUo. Pavlowa without outsldo assistance. Readers of tho Evening Ledoeii are distinctly to be congratulated on this opportunity to save tho expense ot going to a dancing school. HARRY S. NORTHRUP As Lord Robert Urc In "The Christian," Chestnut Street Opera House. JKWEXiSOX "TnippoUtre," hrt fltys beginning- Monday) Thursday-, "iir. Wlgn ot th Cabbage I'atch" : Friday, "Noll of tha Clrcua"; Saturday, "zudora' and feature. FROLIC. 62d and Wyaluilng- avenue "Th Miatvr Key" every Monday! "Explolte or Elaine" every Wednesday, and "The Uon and Ibe Mouse'' Friday. ROXIIOHO Wodneaday, "Daughters of Men"; Saturday, "Cinderella." aEitllANTOWN-Monday and Tueaday. The lloaa of the Itancho." ''ftfHir, People' The Iluah Hsogje Lover," '"Tho Plot at the Railroad." "Haveil by Their ChM-114.' 'CupMBacka the Winner," Waraewei Wed needay. "Bhore Acre.' JTba Egyptian Mummy." "lur OoldJ "ran Moonjhlne Maid and tho Man." "The Curing or Myra May"t Thureday and Friday, ',rhe Bar 5aln., "JFroncho Blily'a Dad.1' "Love Acid Tet" "Sunehlne and Shadow." "Which Ham Is Bchmldtr" extra for Friday. "T of the Storm Country" and war newi: Sat urday. "Ttilta'a Punctured nornanc "A Matter of High Baoloelve.'' "Ho Wanted m. Panta.'' Snakevlllo'a Reform Wave." 'urown m uooa. - Llono . Eo- Wednee- unday, 'J.lly of the Valley"! Triday. "Sotm of the Geul'M Saturday. "Zudora'' and "Kit, tha Arkanaaa ''hravIi', ... RIDClE Monday. ,'TerlIi of Pauline." "Zu dori"i Tuea.iay. "Tha Criminal .Code'': Wed neaday, 'Threada of Doatlny": fhur.aday. "itIUlwi Dollar Myit;ry"i Vlday .,En i.'S'm JJterTace"! BAturday.'Trey .OJHeartV' .i.fs.uMondar. "Tne uarKaa voman.- aVuOA Monday. "TO Heart of the Night wind" 'TMokay Flunkie" Tueeday. "Tha '".V ttrtmmv i'TAahtM and ShiJowi' Minnie He-Haw" j Tuesday, "The Seats ot tho MlKhty"; Wednesday, 'Terlla of Paul ine"! Thureday, "Love Everlaetlng"; Fri day, "Aviator Traitor"; Saturday, "Fan tosma" and "Terrance OTlourke." , BOMBRSET Monday, "Zudora." "Scrub," "Tho Stranger" and Keystone comedy. Where tho Episodes of Zudora Will Be Shown, MONDAY. Jenklntown Auditorium. Tiffin, IDIh anif TlMs. ...nil. Belvltiere, 8320 dermanlown avenue. Royal, 2716 Glrard avenue. Keystone. KIT South street. Ideal. IDth and Columbia avenue. Fulton Hall. Kth and Catharine etreeti. Somereet, 277B Kensington avenue. Lehleh 'rheatre, 2S10 Wot Lehigh avenue. Benn. 64th and Woodland avenue. Paechall, Tlet and Woodland avenue. 68th St. Theatre, SSth and Woodland avenue, TUESDAY. Marconi, 1218 South 8th street. Electric, 8th nnd Washington avenue. Logan. 4R10 North Broad etreet. Aramlngo. Araralngo and Huntingdon streets. Verdi .tall. 713 Christian etreet. Becker Theatre, 18th and Snyder avenue. Becker Theatre. Tth and Dickinson streets. Southern, Broad and Reed etrects. Imperial, 2d nnd Laurel streets. Olympla. Broad and Kenllworth streets. Cedar, 00th and Codar Btreeta. Coliseum. Market etreet below 60th. Haverford, 00th and Haverford avenue. Arcade, 2928 Richmond etreet. West Allegheny, 25th and Allegheny avenuo. WEDNESDAY. Avoca, 20th and arcKean streets. Broadway, R2d and Oreenway avenue. Menhelm, B123 Oermantown avenue. Hoffman House, 6th and Tioga streets. THURSDAY. Bartram. 1516 South 63th street. Lehigh Palace, 037 West Lehigh avenue. Walton, Chtltea avenue and Chew street. FRIDAY, Hippodrome. Fall-mount and Lehigh avenues. New Daizteland. 2040 Frankford avenue. -Messina Halt. 70S Christian etreet. Amber. Amber and Frankford avenue. Mldrale, East Folia. , Liberty, Longshora street, Taeony, A. B. C, 3323 Chestnut street. SATURDAY, Jefferson, 20th and York streets. Windsor. Frankford and Kensington avenues. National. 6th and Reed streets. Rlttenhouse. 63d street and Haverford ave. Cayigo, Cayuga and Germantown avonuo. BtrandV12th and.Olrard avenue. Oreat Southern, 2020 South 3d street Pastime, J450 Point Breeie avenue. Wayne, 4163 Germantown avenue. TEMPIiB QTHTJ0K 43 TIMES PAHIS, Jan. U. The facade of the Cathedral at -Solssons was hit by Ger man shells Saturday night. TvliX THEATRICAL lWDEKER aJ ADELPHI "Tho Belle of Bond Street." with Sam Bornard. "Tho Girl from Kay"," re vamped. See review above 8:00 BROAD "Jerry," with Miss Blllle Burke. A comedy by Catherine Chlaholm Cushing-. lllsa Burks captures a husband In 8 cos tunica. Amusing- 8:13 FORKEST "Tho Girl ot Girls," with Natalie Alt. A now musical comedy, with score by Orctte Ventolin, the Atlantic city band master 8:16 OARHICK "Tha Mlraclo Man," with George Nash, W. H. Thompson and Gall Kane. Qeorgo Cohan's comedy-drama of tho crooks who try to exploit a. patriarchal healer and end as converts. Review tomorrow 8:15 KEITH'S Mr. and Mrs. Carter do Haven, "On the School Playground"; Moody and Bent and a -arlegated bill. Review tomor row 2.00, 8,00 LITTLH "Courage." The first production of an Englishman's play against war.... 8 30 WALNUT "A Fool. Ills Money nnd a Girl." witn Hap warn and Luoy Daly. A musical comedy exploltlne Mr. Ward's perennial tramp. Review tomorrow 8,00 WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT li I Pennsylvania Historical Society, 1300 Locust otreot. Free. .Fifty-seventh Street Improvement Associa tion, Glrard avenue and 00th street. U. of p. trustees, U, of P. Library. Free. Philadelphia Chapter American Institute of Architects, 120t Chancellor street. Frea. Oak Lane Improvement Association, Chtlten and Park avenues, Free, Missionary Conference, Adelphla Hotel. Free, jjcuiurv, iwum laii, riaverxorq t,onego. Contemporary Club, Bellevue-Stratford, ad dressed by Hon James M. Beck. Autumoblle Show, IMetronolltan Bid., Dread and Wallace. Open until 10.30 o'clock. New York Symphony Orchestra, Academy of Jluslo; 8 o'clock. Lecture. 'Mesico," the Rav. Dr. J, II. Mo Mahon, Girls' Catholla High School; 8 o'clock. TODAY'S PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR Buhltct fa Chang: AMBLER Ambler Peuut. CABIRIA CHESTNUT ST. OPERA HOUSE Home of World's Greatest Photoplays. A1TTEBNOONB, 1 TO 0, lOo and ISo, BVKNING8, 7 TO 11. IPC "" "" c. LEADER 41tt and Xoncuster Aye. SECOND OAVACITV WEEK THE CHRISTIAN Twice Dally Afternoons, t;S0, Ergs., 8:30 iTeccdcd by Keystone Comedy Pictures. OVERBROOK 63d and Haverford Aye. COUNTRY MOUSE a.rrln.to., CAYUGA Cayuga St. and Oermantown Aye. Exploit of Elaine, with Daly and White. She WJ His Mother, feat, Violet Mersereau. IND MIDVALE and Gasolene." ' MWL. BiirB",S. . .. f,nAi.yc:iLtnni!. and Tuesday. "Tha Snoll- oScay.. of nalne." SoTed," "" Political A Me." , Wedneaday 'nil Butler's Baby?'j Thursday, faster Key"' "n Dummy Hujbaad;' Friday, Pint" ou Shalt riot Flirt". Uturday, Kffi-naoi Fitt," Heart of the .BMdy."'' OKAHK-""?"",' "The Submarls TTesdwr''M" tfy-'.Wfdneidmy i to srftt'j Thuraday. "When It's On o J?nurOwn',i Friday ' "The Beautiful. Dn. known". Baturday, m woeine,- 'vaw. nuiiCtfd GARDEN East rails 63d and JjuisUowne Are. 1IVA11T. nw THK vmifT w TltlCKV FI.UNKIK JUDITH OF ltKTHIJUA. with BLANCHE SWEET MARKED WOMAN IRIS Kensington and Allegheny Ares. Shubert XVuture in B acts Featuring Barbara Tennjuit MASTER KEY, No. 6 FATTY and MINNIE HE HAW BELVIDERE Oermantawn Ay. beL fl raver' Ijme MYSTERY OF YELLOW SUNUONNET" ZUDOItA StVEEIHB AT THE FAIR THE RIDGE 18tb St. and , Rldre Ave. LOCUST 8ld aud Locust St. l'EIULH OF PAULINE ZUDORA. No. '" nnd OTHERS . PLTJJI TREE Exploit of Elaine, with Arnold Pair and l'earl White. Others. GERMANTOWN Germantown Ave, and School Laa JEFFERSON Wra-Fsj-num ft KatbJya tsth St. below Dauphin WUIlams are feat, ta REGENT 1931-81 Market Dl. ROBE OF THE RANCHO Hr Ttarld B lasco, featuring BESSIE- HAHRISCALB Tne Greatest of All Photo Plays THE SPOILERS -By Rex Beach a rreentul al ma cnestnut Ht. Op. Home TULPEHOCKEN Gfrmiuitown Av. & TuljahocVein St SPOILERS Featuring William Faxoum and Kathtyo WUUaine No advance la price. Storm of Life GRAND SI AND MABSXTX 6T8. "THK SPOILKI1K? Jan. 31t i, ta. WINDSOR SOMERSET Xatwtegtoa and jTli JSoMiIoitA Av, SUBMARINE SPY WlfEN T1B liONS KS04PE vinmina UDORA A GREAT MYSTIC STORY BY HAROLD MacGRATK BYNOrSlB. Eudom It left an orphan at an early aot. Her athtr h killed In a oott mine ht hat discovered, naif on hovr after learnlnp of the death of her hinoand J!u clora' mother, a flpfii rope ioalker u-(!h a c(rcu, it tetted telth verllffo. fallt, and Is killed. Zudora and the fortune from iht mine, tehtch later prows to t worth $10,000,601), are left to the ouardtanthln of Frdnfc Keene. a clrcu. man nnd the brdfher of Zudoru's mother. Eudora, civina promteo of oreat beautu, rcachtt the age of It, The uncle, iho hat tet himself up at a Hindu tntttlc, and tt fcnoum at llattam All, decide In hf. nreed that Zudora must die before the comtt into pottettlon of her oreat fortune to that U mau be left to him, the next of Mn, and he prevail upon the p-frl fo leave her money In hlf hands Ihroe jeart longer and to toy nothing to anu one about the fortune. llattam All teet an obttacte to hit teheme in the per son of John Storm, a iouno latoyer for tohom Zudora hat taken a fancy, and he commandt the girl to put Ihe man out of her mind. Storm comet to atk llattam All for tht hand of hit nlrce, At tret Ihe crystal pacir tcltl Hot listen to ihe pro jioial, but Zudora intlttt that if the can not marry .Storm tht tclll marry no one. "Well, ivell," sold Waasam All, "If 1014 take such a ttand I'll compromise. Solve my next 10 catct and you can marry him, fall In a tingle case and you must renounce htm." Zudora, uitng the knowledge pained from yean of association tellh her unele, unravelt a terlet of baffling mysfertct, EPISODE VII. THD PHANTOM OP THE FUTUP.E. A OREAT crowd was nssemblod boforo tho bulletin boards In Times Square. It was a remarkably Borloua looking crowd, too. There was much dubious shaking- ot heads and shrugging of shoul ders. It was not a baseball crowd, not an aggregation of sports awaiting the re sults at tho far-off raco tracks. "What do you know about that?" "Give mo a boat that floats on top of tho waterl" "Take It from mo, some one got fresh with tho torpodo tube. Wo'ro not at -war with any ono." "But what's this ray business? I never heard of anything- llko that before." Sandwiched In between a bulletin an nouncing a German check in Poland nnd another telling- of tho French being re pulsed at Dlxmudo were a fow lines which stirred all America for a fortnight. Tho news was thrco days' old, bocause the Oovernment had not Been fit to disclose tha catastrophe to tho public until they had located the cause. A submarine had been blown up In tho bay. There had been no sign of either mlno or torpedo, as one of the surviving olllccrs took oath. Thoy had been skimming along with only half speed, when suddenly ono of the en gineers complained of suffocation, com plained that ho had touched the port slda with his hand fand burned It badly. The commanding oMlcer signaled to Die engine room to stop. Tho order had hardly reached tho engine room when tho explosion occurred. All but five of the crow wro killed. It was a mighty sorlous business to the United fitatos Government. It might have been puroly accidental; It might liavo been dono with sinister purpose Tho Navat Department was, In the parlanco of the day, up In the air. Subsequent Investigation showed that the port sldo, near tho torpedo tubo un fortunately loaded for target practice had been melted, absolutely melted, after tho manner of motal oxposed to some terrlfla heat. And all this with tho plates protected by tho water. An agency that had been capablo of sending a heat ray through waterl Tills hit of news not only aroused tho United States, but set war rind Europe by the oars. Beoret agents from Germany nnd Russia camo to wow York, with millions to their credit. Dut neither they nor tho horn socrot oonrloe could find out anything. Tou cannot track the going or coming of tho wind; you cannot follow an ocean ripple. In an lntorvlow tho Secretary of War declared that the Government had not been approached by any Inventor of a heat ray. All they could do woa to wait and sco If tho maglcion had struck; acci dentally nnd experimentally or with deadly Intent. For three days tho newspapers ran scrim heads, but nothing further de veloped. Tho foreign agents wastod their gold and tho homo ogonts their time. Thon camo the blowing up of ono of tho J. B. Starr colliers, or rathor tho sinking. Tho plates showed tho same terrible agoncy which had destroyed tho sub marine. But this time thoro seemod to be a. slight clue. Tho Btarr pcoplo woro on a strike, and It -was deduced that somo personal enemy had destroyed tho collier. A collier had been anchored In the vicinity of tho submarine, and it seomed qulto posslblo that tho Inventor hod thrown his ray toward tho collier and the submarlno had had tho misfortune to pass In betweon. Immediately the Government announced that It had received a communication from the inventor, Btattng that ho de plored the fatal accident to the sub marine. It was postmarked Jorsey City. Tho secret agents went over that city as with a fine comb. Nothing was found. Tho leaders of the Starr striko were, per sistently shadowed, but nothing enmo of this endeavor. It was oven ascertained that tho strikers were as deeply mysti fied as any ono. John Storm was tho attorney for tho Starr company. On the day after tho sinking of tho collier he received a note typewritten and postmarked Boston that tho collier had been sunk accidentally. Immediately ho went down to the 3arr offices and laid the hot before the di rectors. "Gentlemen, there la a madman somt whero In New fork city. This postmark merely proves to mo that the man ferent to Boston or tha express purpose b( sending the note from there. I honestly believe that it has nothing; te do with the otrlke." "I Wish tho Lord wo knew, Storm," said th.o Vice president. "If thlg man can burn steel under water ho haa In his hands the terrible power of being able to de molish tho whole cJtj If tho whim strikes him. They tell mo that Wellington has gone orasy over the affair. They'd give a million for tho secret, If only to tak it out of tho hands of an Irresponslblo person. "Shall I send this note to the secret service people, to compare It with the other?" asked Storm. "Not a bad Idea." Twnntyfour hours later Storm received ft call from the secret service people). The two notes had been written upon the sama maohlne. It was a cul-du-sac. Every ono seemed to blunder Info a blind alloy. Sovornl times Storm thought of Zudora, but ho resisted tho Impulse. Ho did not oaro to liavo her tangled up in an affair llko this. Ah, if aho would but tako his advice marry him openly and defy that sly devil who oallod him self her undo! Four different times tho man had tried to kill him; but the baslo cause for this dsalro of his death was tho most putzltng mystery of all, Why should Hossam All wish his doath so earnestly na to risk hit own security In tho effort to accomplish his ends? Bo far It had never occurred to Storm that Hassara All might bo -wishing tho death of Zudora also. Btojm and Zudom wero having tea nt tho Claridgo one aftornoon, and -wheri they wore through sho suggested that thy take a look at tho bulletin board. Every ono was war news mad. "Lookl" sbn nrlnd. nhaw Vi-n m..,i, tho Emdan nt Inat nnA AnnttCTt.A ).,..." "If s a pity," said Storm. "That com mander was a bravo sailor. Well, he'll have a nlohe m history all hla own. Dy Goorgel" ho oxolalma suddenly. "What is it?" "Another Starr collier gono downl GlrJ. can you got baok homo alona? I must go down to the Starr office at onco. This Is no accident" But there was no evldoncs this time of any mysterious hoat ray. An infernal maahlno had been hidden In the engine room, In tho starboard bunkers, and had blown a great holo through tho plates. It was qulto evident that the strikers had taken ndvantago of tho confusion. After this notUIng moro was heard of tho heat ray. And by nnd by the public forgot, aa It always does, and turned once more to the ever-Increasing war bulletins. Copyright, 1011, by Harold MacOrnth. (Continued Wednesday.) Lectures on Ibsen, Dramas A Bcrles of lecture on Ibsen's dramas by Madame Bell-Ranske, of Now York city, will beirln tomorrow morning at 11:30 at the Acorn Club, and continue for Ave consecutive Tuesdays. Each week a different play will bo the subject of the" lecture. mmmmUHB D wSulliBWaaaR?-vl5iEFS iAVIaSBaaaH-ii iiilSIHr'aa.a.KSKcSr wit All Aboard for the Panama-Pacific and San Diego Expositions! Fifty Free Trips Given by Public Ledger-Evening Ledger. You Can Win One. A Few Months of Easy Work and You Get the Biggest Free Trip Ever Offered by Any Newspaper in This Country. Send for Full Details TODAY. ENTIRE TRIP IS FREE As a guest of the Public Ledger and Evening Ledger, you will bepro vided with every convenience, comfort and luxury. All railroad fares to both expositions and return, sleeping cars, meals, hotel accommo dations, exposition admissions, everything. 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