Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 09, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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. whirl of society wilt go speeding
. k On Monday evening Miss
n?.1 ... , .lAbutnltte daughter of
Ml -ens lleokscher. of 2213 Walnut
vfflj ... - i.Mtt nt n. theatre party,
!beg !!.- . !, nellovue-Stmtford,
B?to htr "note, Gustavo A. Hockscher.
ti Tunis, u'"- " " -
.... win be guest of honor nt a
T,,l followed by supper at the Ritz
I".' . r, .,... W. Norrls.
"Sla junior cotillon will be held the
ktltr'51"0 .. ., . ,1lnnpr.q.
Many Will "" "" " "7 . ..
1L ButlUt. daughter of Mr. and Mr,
if.,.. lll be sucst of honor of Count
JfcM Adam do Trampe. at Uielr home.
?ftrt '" '. neaie. daughter of Mr.
JE?, A v. nealo. will bo given a din-
IS.T Datsnts. and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
.r 1128 Pino street, will enicrinin in
V.W. .-!. hcI .lohn A. Annle-
("' ... .....mcrntront was an-
JeTrYorK. wnuau v..o-v
j xjcenuy.
lone McMlehael "III bo guest of honor
IX'tro party on Tuesday, followed by
r "" . ,,. miT.Pnrlnn. to bo
LffLncto and aunt, Judge and Mrs.
LV JKMIchacl.
P.V.. . ihi, .lebutantcs who will go to
f. .. ....n,i ii dlnncr-danco that Mr.
I Thomas B. Gilford, of D851 East 53d
Hi ... t 1 t.nHH r9 Title a
iHtvr Vork. win bivo "" . """
Ut Handy Burton, daughter of Mr. and
Korea Burton, aro ansa iw ..w...
ima Ashton Dorr ami ina , ,u-
Wednesday, Miss Margaret Borwlnd,
;r of Mr- and Mrs. Henry A. Berwlnd,
Entertained at tno incairo uy v- ,
fltes Baker. Supper and dancing will
at tbelr residence, and Miss Jano E.
; daughter of Mrs. George J. Hardin
,Mt of honor at a luncheon to bo clvon
8?WllHam Honoll, Jr., at her residence
piiar'lsa Sophy Blsphani, daughter of
Plti Mrs. Clarenco wyau jjispnam, oi
. . t i1i make her debut from 4
III iu"
tSJollowlnir tho tea there will be In-
.. Mirl Hnnnlnc
Liu. r.iclvn Chew will bo guest of
fit" small dlnner-danco to be given by
iSdmolhcr, Mrs. Samuel Chew, or iuu
.'tiaiA MnrRtnn Jack. daughter of Dr.
iPcharles S. Jack will be guest of lionor
j..,. in hn ulvpn bv Mrs. Harold E.
&?ol Oreystonc, Haverford.
&uv Mr. and Mrs. William Struthera
tl 2033 De tancey street, will give a dinner
'in the nits-Carlton, to Introduce their
Wr mIm Helen Ellis.
Iiralier of dinners will precede this, nmong
r-iflll trt one by Mr. and Mrs. Ueorgo
Dlion. In honor of Miss Ituth Coxo.
terof Mr, and Mrs. Henry Brlnton COxe.
..j it,, wnilnn, .T. Tnvlnr. 1825 Pino
ifsrlli enlertaln In honor of Miss Mary
.'. n.l J-..1..am a Tn .nil Ta IT.nrV
'tan Fither.
Tnd Mrs. Sydney Thayer, of tho Dust
Y,.H nrlll .nt.rtnln In hnnnr et AflRft
iT Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
pd Mrs. Pemberton JJutchlnson, of 1833
street, will entertain In honor of their
J" ... . ... -r. . , .
ier,(Jnsj Agnes w. ttuiciunsou.
Saturday, the usual night for theatre
Jof which there will bo a few, Miss Mary
TJally, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ,
tfjBaily, will be guest of honor at a
Jjarty, to bo followed by supper at the
tlA-Slrfllnrrf in Iia t.lvnr liv Mr. nnfl TMrH.
imjVood, 0( 22U St. James place. ,
un Mrs, Louis Hodman Page, zooz spruce
rxw pva a tncatre party anu supper at
iU;Car!ton In honor or Mis uuth Coxc,
ter'of llr. and If rs. Hnrv yflrlnton Coxe.
W4 Mrs. Joseph Price TJunls, of Seminole
tgChestnut Hill, will give a theatro party
IQftnr flt fh. THi..rnpttnn In linnnp nt
tect, IJIaa Tunis and Miss Kate Furness
PhlUaelphta Operatic Society will 'pro-
oBerenade" at the Metropolitan Opera
k.tha evening ot January 21. On that
I lilfl trail d ttf nnri npiariAnliim hnvta will
t as many of the social leaders of
r2 during the regular season of grand
pABiDng those who will attend will be
rtwbury. T. DeWItt Cuyler, Clement
Rdman Wanamaker. Miss Nina Lee.
t ,. Halson, Alfred C, Harrison. Alex
;A ItenSSelari. V. Dnru Wnrrm Mi-o
m; . ' -.-.n ,,,..., ..-.
"nun uppmcott, Mrs. Thomas Willing
Ufuiry Brlnton Coxe, Jr., Mrs. Samuel
gwnley 0. Flagg. Jr J. Wlllta Martin,
pnal Morgan, Mrs. John Frederick
Mrs. Samuel P. Houston. Mrs, Sydney
ItrtfJeOttTA T. TVfl.la. tf.. T. Uawii
ppi Carlea P. Schlbener, Mr. and Mrs,
JwqwiI and Mrs. Waasllt Lepe.
tjfflkinj have been Issued by tho manage-
gwe wttenhouse for two Monday oven-
gj. ena pn January U and the other
ltet Jackson Freeman, of 1833 Spruce
in receive tomorrow afternoon, but
,lome as uual on tho foltywlng Sun-
-r'C" ,
ir , .
tBd Mrs. Louis cope Washburn, of
atih Rti-.i ...in ,... .. ,
W ' -"-i. "in kivu ici January
Ifi WO. In honor of the Misses Wash-
Br. John B. Carllle, of Merlon, en-
L.uinqer ot v last night In honor
! Stanley Megargea and, his Japa
, Who are at present visiting Mr.
ieaW m Qakmont, Pa.
Jwl will leave on Tuesday for
Pd some time as the, guest pf
"a Jt Rush, commandant of the
IM Mrs. Rmh in t ,i. .I...,.
jYjctorla Green. Will accomnanv her
1U iit Miss Dorla Russell.
tnauai Qerroan-Amerlcan Charity
Pace qn Monday. January 25. at
I f Music. The entire Droceeda of
SO tq the Citizen' Permanent
. under whoso supervision the'y
W. through, existing home relief
W the destitute unemployed of
Kldent Of th hnnnn.v l.narrl
Ul Hon Riufnlnh niinV.nhn
t'Ot are fUlnnal f TfIo AhM
JS' KOUfrey. Qm, p. Fartw,
Tower. The omterfl of the Executive Commtt
teo are Mathew Sonthelmer, chairman! Henry
Men, vice presldontj Edward W. Btegmann,
secretary; M. lllchnrds Mucklc, treasurer. WII
lard E. BarcUs Is chairman of tho Finance Committee.
MEMOlf-Mr. and Mrs. S. Earle Haines, of
Maplo avenue, have been cnterttflnlng Mrs.
Haines brother-in-law and sister, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Charles Burnham, of Winchester, Mass. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Haines nnd their guests went over
to New York yesterday to attend a bridge and
theatre party given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman
Smith, of l'clhnm Mnnor.
Mrs. Albert J, Clarke, corner of Latches lane
and Wynnewood avenue, will leave January 23
for Orand rtaplds, Mich., whore sho wilt be tho
guest of her sister, Mrs. doorso W. Holt.
Ths next meeting of tho Merlon branch ot
the Emergency Aid will bo held Monday at
10:30 o'clock ot the homo of Mrs. William H.
Wanamaker, Jr., on Highland avenue.
CYNWYD-Mrs. William P. Fries, of Cynwyd
road, entertained tho Friday aftornoon bridge
club, of which sho Is a member, yesterday.
Those pre&ent wcio Mrs, Itlchard M. Shoe
maker, Jr., Mrs. Claronce H. Vnndcrbeck, Miss
Jano I. Magee, Miss Elizabeth Lodgo Magce,
Mrs. Louis Davis, Mrs. William Scott, Miss
Helen Scott, Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Harold Croft and
Mrs. F. F. Hartcr.
Miss Ethel Porter, of Now noch'ellc. Now
York, will bo tho guest of Miss Katherlno S.
Hunslcker, of State road, during tho week ot
January 25.
wynmewood Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Prhnroso
Baugh will spend tho winter at their country
sent at Wynnowood.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Monaghan are occupylns
Uielr attractive new homo at Wynnewood Manor.
Mrs. Monaghan will bo remembered as Miss
Mnrguerlte M. Harrity," of Overbiook.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Schwartz and their two
UlUo sons recently returned from a week's stay
at Lnkewo'od.
AnDSIOHE-Mrs. H. Allen f Dalley. of Cilcnn
lane, and her uncle, Honry Baitol, have re
turned from a short visit to Atlantic City. Mr.
Bartol, who has been living In Nice for tho
laBt 20 years, recently returned from Europe
Ho Is now stopping at tho Art Club, but will
leave January 20 for California to spend tho
remnlnder of tho winter.
Miss Julia Musser, of Simpson road, Is visit
ing relatives In West Virginia.
Miss Meta Thompson, who has been tho
guest of Commodore and Mrs. James P.
.Parker, of 27 East Springfield avenue, will
leave today for her home In San Francisco.
Lleutonant William Wood Smjtho and Mrs.
Smythe gave an Informal oyster roast at tho
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Itlttenhouso Miller
on Mount Airy avenue.
The Women's Army and Navy Hollef Asso
ciation of tho 22d Ward Is arranging a dance,
to bo given on Tuesday evening, February 2, at
the Germantown Cricket Club. Tho money will
be used for the Philadelphia ward of tho Amer
ican Ambulance Hospital In Paris. TVie com--mltteo
In charge Includes Mrs. E. L. Baltear de
Mare, chairman: Mrs. Alexander W. Wlst?r, Jr.,
treasurer; Mrs. Alfred S. Weill, Mrs. Churchill
Williams, Mrs. Charles E. Morton, Mrs. J. Wlll
Inm White an'd Mrs. John H. Whlttaker.
Mrs. William Connell, of 233 West Hortterv
street, has as her guest Miss May Connell, of
Now York.
Miss Sarah Erdman, of 5322 Greene street, will
entertain at bridge today In honor of Miss
Lozicr, of New York, who Is her guest for
several d,ays.
Mrs. George Brooks dancing class will meet
tonight at Manhelm. Mrs. William K. Beard
will entertain at dinner beforo the dance In
honor of her son, John Beard.
The dancing class for the younger set, ar
ranged by Mrs. James Mapes Dodge and Mrs.
Joseph Loverlng Wharton, met last night at
Manhelm. The dance was a masked one and
much thought and taste wero displayed In the
selection of costumes.
Mrs. John K. Walter, of Buffalo, is visiting
her mother, Mrs. B. P. Dowees, at her home.
413 Church lane. Mrs. AValker will be remem
bered as Miss Helen V. Wrlgglns before her
marriage. '
Mlsa Alice Hawkins, of BIS Manhelm street,
will leave today for Kansas City, Mo to visit
friends for two months.
Mrs. Ida Virginia Beale, ot 113 East Price
street, will entertain at "(500" next Friday even
ing, January 15. The guests will Include Mrs.
jf B, Atkinson, Mrs, Luther Flnckel, Mrs. Ida
V.' Beale, Mrs. J. G. Beckel and Mrs. Charles
McCarty. Sr,
The Hevlew Club, ot Oak Lane, will give an
elaborate production of "The Piper" on Friday
evening. January 15. in the Mercantile Hall,
Broad and Master streets. The proceeds will
he for the building fund ot the club
The affair promises a great success. Mrs.
Elisabeth Lavendar Schreiner Is director, and
the cast includes Mrs. It. A. White, Jr., Mrs.
w If Shelly and Mrs. 8. I Noble, assisted
by" Mrs. John Dexter. Mrs. Paul Fisher, MJss
Mary Sauter, Miss Edna Crlspenn. Mrs. Anne
Simpson, Mrs. O. B. Lloyd, Mrs. , Charles
Crowell. Mrs. J. H. HmJw. Mrs. Arthur Car
roll Mrs, W. W. Foulke, Miss Porls Miller and
Miss Beta White. The children are Hichard
Conly, Frits FeuW Anne Stewart, Elisabeth
Goepp and Marguerite Smith.
Amonff the boxholders are Mrs. J. If. Wal
lace Mrs. Hrrion Landls, Mrs. I. N. Troth,
Mrs, W. Harry Mler, Mrs. V. W. Munn, Mrs.
CM La Teurette. Mrs. B, C. Miller, Mrs. WW.
lam A. Pom". .Mrs. John B. Miller. Mrs. a
F Feurer. Mrs. O. W. Stewart. Mrs. J. L.
Craig. Mrs. A. P. Da. Sanno. Mrs C. W. Asbury,
Mrs H. E. Asbury and Mlsa Marshall,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fletcher Hunter, of Colom
bia Pa- who have been the guests ot Mr, and
Mrs. WlUlam Hunter, of Summit avenue, Jen.
WBtown. left on Thursday for Camden, n. 3..
where they will reside maennltly.
Mr and Mrs. William Hunter, ot Summit
,vsu JwtMntwn. at onmi trvMs
tftrosflfc ?3l HuatM wlU
THE fact that rich luxurious materials are
having n vogue such na never before shows
the Inconsistencies of feminine fashions, as re
garded from tho viewpoint of tho economist,
for In a Benson when economy is uppermost In
the thoughts of even the ntTluent It does seem
odd thnt women's clothes should bo a composi
tion ot all that makes for sumptuousness In
iBKSiRt mmRmz i mmmm .
jjBwBHPBBi8S f-r
Pboto ijr Eugene O'Connor lSmfflisBBlyi ,vtPBIT:aS'
' - ' ' ' '" " M&lfWWWiKsOr
not return until the latter part of March.
Miss Lillian Hunter Is tho guest of Jnmes L.
Poalk and Miss Adelo Poalk, of Summit ave
nue, Jcnklntown.
Mrs. Carroll It. Williams, of 3703 Chestnut
street, will bo nt homo to the membcis of the
Plastic Club on Wednesday, January 13, from
4 until 6 o'clock.
Mlsa Juno Harmcr will be tho guest of Miss
Marlon Tyre. G716 North 7th street, Oak Lane,
over tho weck-ond. A number of small af
fairs will bo given In Miss Hnrmcr's honor.
Among them is a muslcalo and dnnco feuturday
ovenlng. Forty guests have been Invited, including-
Mr. and Mis. William Walton, of
Waferford, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Chailcs W.
Foulkford, of Wilmington, Del.
Miss Klslo D. Hepburn, of G310 North 13th
street. Oak Lane, will entertain the members
of the Sigma Delta Sorority of tho Girls' ,Noi
mal School this afternoon. Tho members
Include Mrs. O. Mllllottl. Miss Helen M. Huston,
Miss alary Hnllowell, Miss Nova Hartzcl, Miss
Gcnevlevo Lnssorty, Miss J. Hughes and Miss
Adelaide Jennings.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Macmunn, of 1318
Wagner avenue, Logan, have Issued Invitations
for tho wedding of their daughter, JIIss Edna
L Macmunn, to Harry K. Fritz, of Tioga,
which will take place Wcdnesdny evening, Jan
uary 27, at 7:30 o'clock, at tho Koosevclt, 21st
and Chestnut streets.
Mrs. Charles Mortlmoore, of 109 South 42d
street, has issued Invitations for a bridge, In
honor of her daughters. Miss Katharlno Mor
tlmoore and Miss I Dorothy Mortlmoore, on
Tuesday, February 2, at tho Blttenhouse. Thore
Will bo about 100 guests present, who will bo
solely from tho younger set.
Mrs. Robert J. Uoben, of 5133 Sprure street,
will be the hostess at a card party and tea,
given at her home this afternoon, when her
guests will be Mrs. Paul Connolly. Mrs. Will
iam Berry. Mrs. Thomas C. Poole, air's. Thomas,
Jackson, Mrs, John Costello, Mrs. M. Kernan.
Mrs. rt.J. Maynes, Mrs. Louis Claffy, Mrs.
Joseph Kinsell, Mrs. M. Glllbee, Mis. William
Loveland, Mies M. Nelson, Miss L. Nelson,
Mrs'. William Scattergood, Mrs. J. D. Williams.
Mrs. James J. Leyden, Miss Anna Kelly, MI39
ICathryn Doyle, Mrs. V. J. Donncr and Mrs.
John Schulze. . v
The engagement of Miss Laura M, Thless and
George W. Elliott, Flro Marshal of tho city,
was announced today at a luncheon given at
the home ot Miss Thless, S30G Walton avenue,
by her parents. The table and room were
decorated In pink. The engagement was an
nounced by the appearance In the centro of the
table of a large Kewplo bearing a ring and
cards. The guests were Mrs. Robert L. Clark,
Mrs. Frank E. Schofleld, Mrs. Paul Lelnroth,
Sirs. Ralph MoKonkey, MrB. D. Corson, Mrs.
Henry Hoyt, Mr. Charles Phillips, Miss Helen
C. Martin, Miss Genevra Wheeler, Mlsa Doro
thy Boswell, Miss Jane Green, Miss Eleanor
Wilson, Miss Estello Phillips, Miss iMariou
Murrow, MIbs Dorothy Price, Miss Alverda
Moore, Miss Mabel Reeves, Miss Florence
Wlnthrpp. No date for the wedding has been (
Thoto by l,ugne O'Connor
gowning. One notable extravagance Is the
wldo use of furs ot all kinds as trimming. A
lovely afternoon gown of Gobelin blue velvet
was worn by a little webutanto recently nt one
ot tho lens. Tho bodice was composed of folds
of tho velvet bound tightly around, and the
skirt which was quite short, was draped to
ono sldo nnd held In placo by a Jeweled orna
ment. That new departure In the realms of dancing.
Keen House, was successfully launched this
week, and each day has seen n gathering of
smart peoplo In tho rooms ot the Jones Wlster
houso on Itlttenhouso square. The undertak
ing seems to fill a long-felt want In this city,
for hero busy mations may send their young
daughters with tho assurance that they will
be carefully chaperoned by tho ladles who are
running the teas. And ono may drop In alone
nt any hour, feeling quite certain of meeting
friend with whom to chat or to dance.
Mrs. Harry Thayer was noticed at Keen
House tho otticr day, wearing a smart after
noon costumo of midnight blue velvet. The
skirt, which was mado quite full and short,
revealing fawn-colored topped boots, had
gathered oversklrt of black tatfota. The coat
was a rcdlngote and had a hlgh.standing
collar of skunk fur. Under this was worn
tailored blouso of fawn-colored crepe do chine.
A striking figure waa mnde by Miss Margaret
Megargec, who woro a trotteur of navy blue
gabardine. The Jacket was qulto short and
boxllkc, and had a military collar edged with
fur. Miss Megargee's hat was of black velvet,
helmet-shaped, and had two spreading Mercury
wings at tho front. Miss Ruth Coxe, who
dropped In for a danco or two, wore a suit of
cinnamon-brown cloth. Her hat was trimmed
with wide loops of brown ribbon and she car
ried brown furs.
Miss Mary Evelyn Chew appeared recently at
one of tho Bcllevue-Stratford the dnnsants
wealing a suit of beige-colored cloth, cut on
severely simple lines. The coat was quite
mannish, and was belted In at the waist In
Norfolk effect. Tho young girl's hat was of
brown with two hugo quills of beige color,
pointed sharply upward at either side. Spats
to match tho gown and civet cat furs com
pleted tho Interesting costume.
Theatre Parties and Dinners Will Make Up tho
Day's Doings.
Mlsa Dorothy Do Haven Deacon, daughter of
Mr. 'and Mrs. John Rldgwu) Deacon, will be
guest of honor nt a dinner to bo given by Mr.
and MrB. Fisher Hazard Lipplncott and Miss
Lucille Lipplncott; at tiie Merlon Cricket Club,
before tho dance. Tho table will bo decorated
with sweet peas and spring flowers, and the
guests will Include Miss Isabel Milno Rodgers,
Miss Edith Gilllngham, Miss Mary Laird. Wlll
ard Spencer, Jr., Foster Wood Daty, J. Carson
Moore Alfred Durand Norrls, Itoy Thorlngton
and Mr. and Mrs. Deacon.
Miss Margaret Fltler, sister of Mr. and Mrs.
N. Myers Fltler, of Gr-cystone, Rlverton, will be
guest of honor at a theatro party and supper to
bo given hy Joseph Mooro, Jr., of 1S21 Wnlnut
street. Mrs. Edwnrd T. Stotesbury nnd Mrs.
Alexander Van Rensselaer will chapcrone tho
party, which will Include Miss Virginia Roberts,
Miss Elsa Heath, Miss Gertrude Showell, Miss
Mary Evelyn Chew, Miss Charlotte Fnhncstock,
Miss Margaret Handy Burton, Miss Margaret
Berwlnd, Miss Joan N Thompson, Miss Frances
Tyson, Miss Hansell French Earle, Miss Katho
rlne Z. Ogden, Miss Anna Mary Wnlthour, Miss
Mary Stewait AVurts, Miss Mary Clayton, Miss
Huberta Potter, Ralston Blddlc, Arthur M.
Marls. F. Leonard Shlbely, Oliver Q. Wllllts,
Saunders L. Meade Albert Kennedy, P. Wilson
Prlchett. William L. McLean, Jr.. William Davis,
W. West Frnzler, 3d, and Thomas Halt.
Miss Athalla Hirst daughter of Mrs. James
R. Hirst, of St. Martins, will entertain at a
theatre party to be followed by tea at the
Rltz-Carlton, Blven by her mother. Among tho
guests will bo Miss Jean C. Bullitt, Miss Isabel
M. Rodgers, Miss Rosalie Hirst and Miss Eliza-
beth C. Yardley.
Miss Pauline Dlsston, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Dlsston, of 2121 Walnut street,
will be guest of honor at a theatre party and
supper at the Rltz-Carlton, to bo given by Mr.
and Mrs. P. Williamson Roberts, of 1713 Locust
Btreet. There will bo 16 guests present.
Mr. and Mm, W. H, Barnard nie spending a
few daya at Atlantlo City, N. J.
Mrs. Frederick Hill, of Elmlra. N. Y Is a
guest of her mother, Mrs. Job II. Jackson.
Miss Bessie Dunham ias returned from an ex
tended visit In Buffalo, N, Y,
Miss Elizabeth Rodgers, of Newburgh, N. Y
li the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M,
Hoopes, Jr.
0XD evening last week, a young man
we al know
Had said to a rfencf, "To the theatro
we'll go.
And oh I Dick," he went on, "if you'vo
Ume will you say
O'er the 'phone to inv home that !,
yo i wl atayf
Hoo this was all right, tut later we flni
'i'he young ptan flrat mentioned had some
change 0 mind;
Or perhapa he forgot, at leaslj so it's said,
fie went out to hta home and forthwith
to $ed.
The reat of the family all had gone out.
And the tnaldt, all alone, heard t'oma. ;npv-
ing about,
And they listened in fear, hoping natt
' twuM eeaaei
But oi (key Jhtpt n they iuat caikd the
A'oiy, he oy this time tucked away in his
Italf-awake, told these knockers to go
where it's hot.
But the cops had no humor, they could
not take fun,
So they Iroke down his door and went in
with a gun,
"When at last the orowd, struggling, ar
rived on the first floor,
The maids gathered courage, came in
from lack door.
They saw then the "felon," all took a good
"IVAv, fAaf Mr. Jaok," said the very wise
Oh I the oops then were frouM leeause
of the &tar.
But ae& squared them all telffe aqme very
good liquor. ,
And Psjm and Ifawuna coming home felt
Quite flighty
To tee there, the cops oadJafife in hi
Mrs Arthur T. Barney, wlfo of Lieutenant
Barney, U. S. N., lias organized a sewing club
among the ladles of the Glrard Estate, tho flr&t
meeting of which took place at her home, 2S13
South Cleveland terrace. After this week meet
ings are to be held ovory Thursday morning
at 10 o'clock, when tho members will sew for
an hour or two, after which luncheon will bo
scived. Tho members are Mrs. Guy Blssett.
Mrs. C. II. Bullock, Mis. Charles Davis, Mrs.
naymond S. Keycs, Mrs. Charles A. Lutz, Mrs.
M. H. Phllbiick, Mrs Ralph L. Shepard and
Mis. T. H. Winters.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Walter Glasgow, of 18th
and Mifflin streets, will entertain at dinner this
ovenlng In honor of Henry Kayo Gannon, of
New York. Covers will bo lnld for eight. Danc
ing will follow.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Stockley, of 1812
South Broad street, left this morning for At
lantic City, where they will Remain for a few
Miss Ellen Hagerty, of 1241 Christian street,
will entertain this ovenlng at "500", followed by
supper. Her guests will bo Miss Amanda Stran
ahan, Miss Elizabeth Rcnner, Miss Catherine
tlrover, Miss Louise Mlekly, Miss Louise Har
bnucr, Miss Rose DeCarlo, Miss Ethel Kearns.
Miss1 Evelyn Stcrrctt, Miss Flora AVolfslcffer,
SIlss Ray Goward and Miss Carrie Allen.
Miss May McKeever, of 20)3 South 12th street,
will entertain tho members of her card club
this evening. A buffet luncheon will be servett.
Her guests will be Miss Alice McCaulley, Miss
Alice Mcgcndy, Miss Anna Fleming, Miss Mar
garet Schcrr, Mls3 Mny Gertrude Taylor, Miss
May Megcndy nnd Miss Margaret Brogan.
Miss Adallne E. Gillinghnn, of 1617 South I3tll
btreet, entertained nt "600" last night. There
wero 16 guests present.
Miss Helen Millard, of 3730 North 18th street,
will entertain tho members of her card party
thlB ovenlng, when her guests will be Miss
Gladys De Camp, Miss Helen Brown, Miss Pearl
Westcott, Miss Edith Larzalero, Miss Mary
Wilkinson, Jack Peterman, Neville De Camp,
Waltor Milter, Nathnnlel M. Watson, Stanley
Vnndersllco and E. Raymond Scott.
Miss Grace E. Tilton, of 4521 North 19th street,
Is spending a few days In Atlantic City, as the
guest of Dr. and Mrs. II. I. Silvers, of Vent
nor. Mrs. F, J. Glmble, of 3353 North Park ave
nue, entertained at "BOO" yesterday, when her
guestH weie Mrs. William Alexander, Sirs, John
Costello, Mrs. Krebs, Mrs. William Lord, Mrs.
Thomas C. Taol, Mrs. Frank Kllgore, Mrs,
Robert Klncade, Mrs. Thomas Jackson, Mrs.
Taul Huyetto and Mrs. Melnotte Schiueffer.
The nurses alumnae of the Frankford Hos
pital gave a danco last night In the Scheldenach
dancing academy. Miss Kathryn Coyne, sec
jetary of the alumnae, was chairwoman of the
committee. Miss Mary Hoerll, of California, a
member of the alumnae, was present. The pro
ceeds will be devoted to a sick room in the
new hospital building.
Miss Clara Case, ot 813 Tulip street, was
hostess at "W last evening In honor ot Miss
Madallne Beyer and Miss Rose Beyer, ot At.
lantlo Qity. Pink and white roses, combined
wjth maidenhair fern, were used In the deflora
tions. Silver baskets tilled with natural sweet
bart roses and tied with pink bows were the
favors for the girls and the men received
boutonnleres ot uhllp carnations. Miss Case
was assisted In receiving by Miss mien O. Pat
terson, Miss Lillla and Miss Anita Bebara, of Ash
bourne street, entertained the members of
their euehre club yesterday afternoon. The
guests lnsluded Mtos Margaret. Miss Elizabeth
and Miss Katheryrw Law lor. Miss Louisa, Miss
Klla Hart. Miss Elizabeth Hart, MlM Sajrah
McMenamy, Miss Anna. JanU. Mws Mary P
nern, lira John Mathews. Miss Uargarst and
aiuMs iuttnryn Fmssrald.
Miss Bculah Turner Will be Married to
Lawrence Davies This Afternoon.
Miss Beulah N. W. Turner, daughter of
Sir. and Mrs. John S. Turner, of 440S Man
ayunk avenue, will become tho bride of Law
lence E. Davlcs, of 5442 Ridge avenue, to
night at C o'clock. The ceremony will be per
formed at the homo of the bride's parents, by
the Rov. Frank M. Gray, pastor of the WIssa
htckou Methodist Church, Terrace and Harvey
streets. Mr. Turner will give his daughter In
marriage. Sho will wear a gown of soft white
satin, trimmed with duchess lace and mads
with a court train. Bride roses and lilies of
tho valley will form her bouquet. The servlco
will be folowcd by a dinner. The bridegroom
and bride will tako a short southern trip, and
will be at homo after February 1, at 440S Mana
yunk avenue.
Tho marriage of Miss Nana Potsdamer,
daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Naphtall Potsdamer,
of 1610 Diamond street, to Amos E. Joel, will ba
solemnized tomorrow at 1 o'clock in the Draw
ing Room, 1620 North Broad street. Tho cere
mony wilt be performed by the Rev. Dr. Joseph
Krauskopf, of tho Keneseth Israel Congregation.
Tho brldo's father will give her In (marriage.
She will wear her traveling suit of dark blue
gabardine cloth trimmed with chiffon velvet
nnd a hat of silk and straw, of the same shade
of blue. Her corsage bouquet will be formed
ot orchids and lilies of the valley, Mrs. Isa
dora Levlno will bo matron of honor. Her suit
of dark blue gabardine cloth la trimmed with
black corded silk. A hat of white panne velvet,
ornamented with a Jet butterfly, and a corsage
bouquet of violets and gardenias, will complete
her costume.
Mr. Joel will have Isadore Levin for his best
man. The service will be followed by a wed
ding breakfast. The bridegroom and bride will
leae for a trip to New York, 'Washington,
D. C, Old Point Comfort and other points In
the South. They will live nt -4719 North 12th
street, Logan, where they will receive on Sun
das In February.
Tiio engagement of SIlss Wanda E, Groene
veld, the daughter ot Sirs. A. E. Groeneveld. of
3339 North 15th street, to J, Ellwood Calhoun, of
2230 Catharine street, was announced this after
noon at u luncheon and card party given by
Miss Groeneveld at her home, which was at
tractively decorated with baskets ot polnsettlaj
and red hearts. Mlsa Groeueveld'a guests were
Miss Florence Dielsbach, Sirs. Adolph W
Groeneveld, Mlsa Alice Asnlp, SIlss Laura,
Reichenbach, Mrs, Irwin English, Miss Mary
Weber, Miss Lillian Miller, Sirs, E. Zimmer
man, SIlss Dorothy Allen, Miss Caroline Bur
gess, Sliss Violet Shmldhelser, Miss Sarah Wise
man, SIlss Rene Shmldhelser, Mrs. Mertlce
Slirlver, SIlss Florence DreUbach and Sirs.
Harry Coulthard.
William Jphnson Slonkhouse, assisted by his
aunt, Miss Augustine Morgan Johnson, enter
tained at a Twelfth Night party and supper at
their home, 3839 North 19th street, this we"ek In
honor of Sir. Monkhouse's birthday. Their
guests were Sites Emma Lelner, SIlss OIU. Dud
bridge, Mlsa Edith Reynolds, SIlss Elizabeth
Bauermann, Slaurice Van Hart, Cupvln Roe,
Frederlak S. Balm, Louis P. SchaTer. Theodore
Barle Jennings and Sir. and Mrs. Walter F. '
Miss Slargaret Warrington will give a dinner
and "500" party tonight at her home on
Roehello avenue, Wlssahtakon. Her guests will
be SIlss Mildred Eekels, Miss Gsrtrude BaJr.
Miss Florence Eckels, William Kommel, Paul
Seabold, Burwell Warrington and Gilbert
Mr. d Mff, Joseph H. Kwlnj, of 629 East
Walnut Ian. Wlssahtekon, entertained M 4
&r and carOs last Right at t.hlr home, TJvlF
guests wsje Mr and Sirs. Cbarlsa Wfcltt, M
and Mrs. Hlfrt Letwtui, Jr.. Mr. J4
Warren II Le. Mr. Mr, fi R Ctarfc WS
Enmji4 Emus aM EwS