Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 09, 1915, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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H,i, JNJw...
fntt M it cortjb. Fsitr.
r tt&feYtt ltkuB..i t..k jtj. f nJfHttMi
Zfi I) fWilns JohH B, TVUl(nm, JMwtsr.
cjieslt. If CtnmKj Chairman.
WtAUaf,,. .... ExMUliwiMitef
w MAllttN., . . . . . , Genert l3ulnM Man(tet
imuk ,,,,., ,w,i , ,
PWbl!lifJ dally Jul Ptmuo Ltata Ilulldlnr,
liiiejtn'IcB5e" Square, Philadelphia,
Cn.vfiua, ,.,,,(,. .Croud an.l Chestnut Streets
I Cm, ,.i .... rmt-Vmo Building
:...,,.., ,1 v..... 170-A, Metropolitan Tower
p.;,,.,,..... ... , .hit imm insurance iiuiiain
,w,,..,i.S Waterloo risce. mil anil, B. W.
t NfeWftntmfiAiJdi
iti.. ..:- . ,..
' c Btnustu. The, Timn ltulldlns?
MH Bpimtr no.Frledrlchstraimi
!) ntineiH....... . . "Pill Xrnti rum. a. w.
hl BCEiu...... . .. , 32 Jtu I.ouls U Orand
SunscnirnoN TtnMs
f-At-rfcr, till fWLr. I4 lftls Itv malt, ot
utaM or Philadelphia, except whtn Mreltn poi
l On1.y, n year, three dollars. All mall i
rtrtlfn payable In advance '
Mx, a6oo walnut
jej AtiAms all comftiMtilcatloii to Evening
jCeifarr, ItoScrenAtntt Square, PMtaittphia. "
. tr"; ': ,.."', . : : . , ,
' xxtmrap IT Ttiti rniUDru-im rosrorncc ii stco.sn-
CtABs iitr MATTEJ.
' ' ' ' I l , . , , - Ii !;
iTt'er be afraid to give; U (a a prcJuild to
Make It a March Election
ftTICte' no Uhlfo into transit and emoacu
h? Into It by no Jokers. Tho ways nro
eased, so let It slldo. There Is no need to
day the launching.
Construction of tho delivery loop wilt tako
ho year longer than construction o tho
(Broad street subway. Tho relocation of
rWcra will bo undor way In March. It Is a
rork that fits Into tho digging of tho sub
y itsolf. Tho two must go together. By
tarch. specifications for tho delivery loop
rjl! bo ready to hand to bidders.
I'.An election In Juno would hold tho whole
oject Up until fall. An altogether useless
ivpd foolish delay would bo occasioned.
Nothing whatever would bo gained; a great
eal would bo lost.
Transference to tho city of tho personal
operty tax has Increased tho borrowing
ipaclty of tho municipality more than tho
millions it Is proposed to borrow.
fvti.lt Is not enough that necessary ordinances
rve been introduced in Councils. Tnoy
Bllghly smash open tho road for transit, but
is tho people themselves who must Anally
ecldo. That their verdict will bo favorable
clear, but why wither their enthusiasm
Hf lengthen their suspense? They know
Iwhat they want and they know that they
I want It now. They aro not looking for
icpldcn apples next year; they want tho
fwibway-elovated system begun this year.
e'-Tho demonstration on January 14 should
o pointed steadily at the one vital issue.
Rfttnoly,' a JIarch election. There Is no
tensor any doubt that there will be rapid
Tho obstructionists havo been
wept aside.
It Is now mainly a question of
When work shall begin. A 'March election
iit be the slogan. Have done with delay.
Wet the tortoises out pt tho road. Tho very
irospect of actual achievement has stupe
fied and dulled them, They want to delay,
(to wait, to blunder along in miserly fashion.
tjejlghtlng In postponement. But March Is
tho month; it is the appointed time Stand
together on that, hold fast to it, make it tho
tesuo. There Is Councils and thero aro the
Councllmen. Are they for beginning rapid
trnnalt now or aro they in favor of holding
iK, tip anothor year? Tho question Is before
them and the public wants an answer.
K -
Aeroplane Darts
HN AMpRICAN steel company has refused
:Xian order for 100,000 aeroplane darts for
,tii use- of tho French. The Evening Ledger
published a Picture of this new instrument
if warfare recently. It is about 8 Inches
ngV so grooved that It falls point down,
find would. It is said. If it hit a man anuaro
B the top of the head, go straight through
rum iengtnwise.
rhn nrHev wnn rMfrtrl "fnt- Tttntinna rxt
ir : .:. :. . r. : .:. :
Mteutrouty. it mignt just as wen nave Deen
Iected for reasons of humanity. The whole
rworm miuuuereu wjiuh uomos woro uroppea
fn Antwerp. Since then men have becoma
EikccuBtomed to such outrages, which appar-
gRitly have been perpetrated by Germans and
Jlles alike. Wo can conceive of no emer
gency which would justify the use of aero
jtlane darts, resistless and death-dealing.
tipy can serve no military purpose. As well
olson the water supply. As the war pro-
ppresses cruelty becomes more and more the
psue, although tho world has been so
Tilled by outrages that they aro accepted
a matter of course.
Aliens Must Bo Permitted to "Work
IH5 United States Court sitting In Cali
fornia Rnd the State courts of New York
re establishing precedents which will make
difficult. Jf npt Impossible, for any labor
gitatora to block the building of the new
ubways here. Thousands of laborers will
' Deeded to handle a pick and shovel in the
serrations. America does not produce
Hjor enough of this kind to meet the de-
, and never baft produced enbugh. The
Jsh immigrants built the great railroad
( two or three generations ago, and their
dney was pot affected by their lack of
SttisepsWp papers. The Italians, Hun-
Iftrtanw anLJ?o.lesL aro. doing the coarse work
Bjayv BUt New York politicians, respond
tS to the demand of labor leaders, secured
Im passage of a law forbidding the employ-
tut of any aliens on publlo contracts.
rk on the new subways In New York city
stopped a few weeks ago because some
iilne agitators sought to have the. law
The New York court, however,
th wfo and far-seeing discretion, declared
xi th. Jaw Is Invalid because it Is contrary
: tii pubJto policy. The aliens are once mora
the trenolis ngbUng; the battle for eorn-
bt transportation on Manhattan Island.
In Ailitona. a law forbidding anv emolover
ftvm work to mora than one alien out of
kwir ftve hands has bean In validated by
y&aI courts on. tha ground that it de-
raftftts f their natural rights with-
it m frMW of Jaw. V rxbt to work
jrjtttMPtMS y the Constitution ta every
t wfcstjyw M t a. aHi or .it. I
(rafeyte Uk 1li s4 tii powtw or I
;. - KYSyTKa-EflrlaBB-'PHItAPBI.gHtA-, HAtgggAT. JAK.ABT JK
IBS States. uKde gule of polled regulation,
Id afenr that fight iieos not exist
These aro both righteous decisions, resting
bn the fundamental principle of justice.
And they nre of immense practical Import
16 every community whom great publle
worlts must bo Carried on
Buying Death ,
TBA'INa to get cured cheap and dying
early as a result Is a favorite diversion
of the American people. They guzzle patent
medicines with tho enthusiasm and reckless
gullibility of children turned looao In tho
pink lemonade section of a circus.
t)r. Held Hunt recently gavo a free public
lecture at tho Harvard Medical School. Ho
pointed out that tho absence of tho slightest
curative power In many of the patent medi
cines commonly sold was hot of so great Im
portance as tho prcsctico In them of dele
torlous substances. Analysis of ono "remedy"
showed It to contain wood Instead of grain
nlcohol, "and still another, containing coal
tar, caused 1300 deaths and 13,000 Injuiles
and diseases." Purity In a diug docs not
mean that It is Harmless, l'uro carDono
ncld, for instance, can kill a little bit quicker
than impuro carbolic acid.
Men who peddle death for a price, after
having smeared It over with lies, deserve tho
penitentiary Instead of limousines nnd pal
aces. But somehow or other they find pub
lications tq shnro with them their dripping
profits, and their lawyers have been able to
read most of tho protection for tho public out
of tho statutes. No patent medicine of any
sort should bo licensed for salo unless it car
ries with It a warranty by tho United States
Publlo Health Servlco that it will do what
it is advertised to do. As such a warranty
could nover bo got, It follows that tho salo of
patent medicines should be outlawed en
tirely. The President at Indianapolis
THH noteworthy thing In President Wil
son's Indianapolis speech was not Its de
fense of tho Democracy nnd Its policies, nor
its exhibition of him as tho masterful nnd
controlling mind In Its councils, but the pica
to tho Independent voter, Bometimcs called
a progressive, to Join forces with tho De
mocracy. This was tho firing of tho first gun for
tho campaign of 1910, and It revealed tho
processes of the President's mind. Ho knows
as welt as any ono else that If ho enrcs for
rcnomlnatlon ho can havo it on a gold plat
ter with none to say him nay. Ho dominates
his party by tho forco of his superior Intel
lect nnd tho driving power of his determined
will. Ho can havo from it whatever ho
wishes. But he has been studying election
returns, and ho has discovered that thero is
a largo body of voters who aro not closely
bound to any party, and ho knows that
without their support a Democratic presi
dential nomination would bo worthless to
him or to any ono else. Moro of this sort
of appeal to tho Independent voters may bo
expected as tho months go by, but no ono
can make it more subtly than this one-tlmo
professor of politics, who has grown so great
that oven on Jackson Day ho overshadows
the sturdy Democrat In whoso honor tho
anniversary was observed.
"My Kind or None"
ANEW Blockley Is not so Important to
Councils as the architect's fees that go
with It. It must bo a Philip H. Johnson
hospital or no hospital at all. . Somo experts
who have studied tho situation aro Inclined
to believe that "no hospital" would bo worth
almost as much to tho city as the othcrkind;
but that is a matter of opinion and not tho
Tho clever device of chaining lucrative
Jobs to Organization favorites by giving
them perpetual contracts is harp practice
of tho kind tho courts do not like. They aro
Inclined to smell a rat in all agreements of
that sort, and to dcclaro them null and void.
That is whero the Johnson contract ought to
be in court, on its merits and" demerits.
Tho people, It is true, havo voted a million
for a now Blockley; but overruling tho popu
lar will is ono of tho easiest things Councils
docs. It even overrules J;he statutes of tho
State, If Mr. Charles Seger and somo of his
friends do not like them. Men who think
that people who live In tenements ought not
to havo bathtubs, on tho ground that they
aro 'not used to cleanliness, cannot be ex
pected to care very much what conveniences
the sick are afforded.
Stand and Deliver
THE farmers of the United States who
raise grain cannot get any profit out of
tho great price they are willing to pay for
it on tho other side of the sea, "because tho.
whole profit Is eaten up by tho extortionate
charges for ocean carriage," says the Presi
dent. Ho proposes, therefore, that the
United States buy Bhlps to enable these
farmers to get full profit out of. tho great
price Europe Is willing to pay. And as the
price In Europe rises cent by cent, cent by
cent It rises In tho United States. Tho Presi
dent's plan might very properly be described
as a schema "to Increase tho cost of bread
in the United States for tho greater profit
of a few farmers nnd many speculators and
for the punishment of those who havo to
buy what they eat."
More police or more tabernacle.
No more wooden cars for New York sub
ways. Steal and more steel.
The English Government has ordered half
U million razors In this country probably
for the use of its African troops.
There is one way to assure noninterfer
ence with the Dacla by England. Make Mr,
Roosevelt her captain.
High ocean freight rates aro due to tho
war, of course, and also to the decision of
owners to get all that the traffic will stand.
Selling municipal bonds by popular sub
scription is one of the easiest things the
Blankenburg Administration does. There
are always plenty of buyers, but never
plenty of bonds.
Now Paraguay has Joined tho revolution
ary movement which has been making its
way around the world. A few international
polloeipen with ' good shooting irons aro
1 wwi'i' 'nwi '' ii w
The naval celller Proteus Is the longest
vessel tba has yet passed through tho Pan
ama Canal, but the Proteus will be dwarfed
to a birch bark canoe when the Ship of State
sails over the Isthmus on Hs way to the
Panama Fair.
There Is no more worthy philanthropy in
the city than the Child Federation. The
record of tts first year's work is such as to
sh? the. hsart of every one interested in
the oonservatkjnkqf human Jif,8ad in the
tuF&sftrtr&UeR. at
flourfch. afcaut J
haUJy cluldraaj
JWg.-iMWiaLaXSaaJWIWft I
miium&mdm i.
'! Ii lull i I ' ' i
Lire n Tissue of Habits tho Royal
Bond to Achievement If Wo Tako
Cnro df Our Habits Success Will
Takd Care of Itself.
"r0V an act reap a habit! sow a habit
kjreap a character" in this senso man Is
his own creator. Wo atart life with Very
little, probably with not moro than n wilt nnd
a capacity. Tho first conscious acts of llfo
aro ttio formation of habits; chlldjon do
things becauso they Ilkd to do them or be
cause they aro compelled to do them. They
do not know nt tho time that they are build
ing tip tho self they must carry nil through
llfo. "Ijlfe," says Amlel, "Is but a tlssuo of
Tho Into Professor James, of Harvard,
slated this fact very clearly In his book on
psychology! "Wo aro spinning our own
fates, good or evil, nnd never to be undone.
Every smallest stroko of vlrltio or of vlco
leaves Its scar. Tho drunken Itlp Van Wln
klo In Jefferson's play excuses himself for
every fresh dereliction by saying, 'I won't
count this timet' Well, ho may not count It
and a kind heaven may not count it, but It Is
being counted none tho less. Down among
his nerve cells nnd fibres tho molecules nro
counting it, registering nnd dtorlng It up, to
bo used against him when the next tempta
tion cqmes. Nothing wo ever do Is, In strict
lltcralness, wiped out. Of course, this has
its good sldo as well as its bad ono. A-j wo
bocomo permanent drunkards by so many
separate drinks, so wc becomo saints In tho
moral, nnd authorities and experts in tho
practical nnd scientific spheres, by so many
separate acts and hours of work.
Somo Fine Morning
"Let no youth havo any anxiety about tho
upshot of his education, whatever tho lino
of It may bo. If ho keeps faithfully busy
each hour of tho working day, he may safely
leave tho final result to Itself. Ho can cer
tainly count upon waking up some lino morn
ing to find himself one of tho competent ones
of his generation, in whatsoever pursuit ho
may havo singled out."
It Is a feature of human naturo to wish to
do twico what has been dono onco with somo
degreo of bucccss. This tendency Is what
makes habit-forming so easy. Seeing that
the second attempt Is usually less difficult
than the first, wc understand how powerful
becomes tho liability to constant repetition,
until tho liability posies into automatic cer
tainty. In this way movements of tho mind
or body becomo instinctive and aro per
formed without any conscious effort.
A habit has been likened to a physical
groove In tho brain along which impulses
run easily, and tho moro Impulses that pass
along it the deeper becomes tho groovo andH
tho moro easily and Inevitably the subse
quent impulses travel. This physical groovo
illustration may bo itself illustrated by tho
history of Broadway, New York. When tho
city was only a cluster of houses at tho ex
tromo tip of Manhattan Island, which wo
now call tho Battery, tho worthy settlers
brought their cows In to bo milked along a
path which grew broader every day, because,
being In tho centre of tho settlement, tho
people on both sides of it drove their cattle
that way. As the vlllago extended into tho
country tho houses wcro built upon either
sldo of tho cOwpath, which grew still
broader each year as moro cows went to and
from pasture, until at length It became a
well-marked road. Travel passed along It
naturally, simply becauso It was well marked
and convenient, until It becamo ono of tho
lo'ngest and busiest thoroughfares In tho
Neckties and Thought
If wo had to dress today for tho first tlmo
In llfo It would bo a long and difficult under
taking. Wc should have to study tho mean
ing nnd probable place of each garment. To
put tho studs In the shirt, to discover what
to do with tho unattached collar, to decide
which was the back and which tho front ot
each article, would present a scries of serious
probloms. To adjust the necktlo alono would
lnvolvo a largo amount of physical and
mental effort. Yet each day wo dress and
undress without giving tho process a slnglo
thought. Habit has enabled us to perform
tho series of Intricate acts unconsciously and
while thinking of nn entirely different sub
ject. i Sir James Paget has made an estimate
that an expert pianist can strike 24 notes In a
second. Each note necessitates the passing of
a nervo current from the oyo to tho brain
and from the brain to tho fingers. Each noto
requires three movements of a finger, tho
bending down and raising up, and nt least
one lateral, making no fewer than 72 motions
In a second, not to mention tho movements ot
the wrist and elbow and shoulder, and each
requires the control of the will to regulate
tho speed, force and direction. Padcrowskl
or Hoffmann can do Itcaslly for an hour with
out pause. But tho only way In which the
performance is posslblo is by tho uncon
scious action which nothing but habit can
Habit docs away with tho difficult task of
making up the mind on every movement or
action which must bo performed in life. If a
man, has the habit of doing honest and care
ful work, ho docs not have to discuss tho
question every flvo minutes of how well a
thing needs to be dono; thero is only one way
to do it; and ho cannot do It any other. If
tho habit of study has been acquired, the
student does not have to fight every night to
decide whether ho will sit down to his books
or spend the evening at some place of amuse
ment; he goes to his studies automatically,
as if It were the only course open.
The Easier Way to Succeed
Professor Vlrchow.'of Berlin, wrote: "flow
often have I found myself in a state of
despondency and with a feeling of depres
sion! What has sayed me has been the habit
of work, which has not forsaken me even In
the days of outward misfortune the habit of
scientific work." To cultivate good habits Is
to found a partnership with nature. For ex
ample, food Is more easily digested, the func
tions of the body are mde regular, the
faculties are truer in their exercise and the
mind la more contented and happy In an In
dustrious life than in a lazy one.
This Is Nature saying, "I am on the side
of the worker" The triumphs of men of
good habits and tha U$t comprehends almost
all that the world delights to honor are
proof that they enlisted the forces of the
universe in their own behalf.
A Dot on the Map
Trqta tb D MqIqc HtfltUr and Leader.
Pronhiff over his geography assignment In a
long-, drowsy afternoon, a boy suddenly became
filled with e, thirst for JinowUds. for now
field, for a glimpse of the wonder that lies
beyond the pau of description about otlur
ijitnep. a tittle uot on a map grows into
Lite and asiigntfui places under th masts
jLA at yoiMbAit Imagination, a jug at hU-
i as raystiwioiiwy ciutsga Koqt A cata
' I ' SI
lopue of dry facts and the student Is alt at
once allo to a great dead world In which-still
glow the beauty and mystery of tho present
nnd tho future
In lltciature and nrt nnd music and every sort
of education thero lies this touchstono to a
whlqr and moro comprehensive existence.
Teachers despair over tho dullness of some pu
pils, their Indifference to tho mere facts, but
It Is frequently hard to tell what subtle, revo
lutionizing Influences nio working their mighty
wny unseen, t-'omethlns of this fnlth in the re
vealing power ot education lies In tho soul
of the most efficient teacher.
A More or Less Cheerful Meditation on a
Gentle Pastime
OST of us regard murder as thoroughly
Impolite. And yet millions of us aro
murderers. Most of us ore murderers, and
without knowing it. Thero is tho pathetic
port of it. Great and accomplished murder
ers nio going to their graves unhonored and
unsung, without flowers or offers of marriage
from tho ladles.
You know, it Is only tho hopeless block
head who resorts to tho bullet or tho pellot
of cjnnldo when desirous of muidcr. That
kind of murder is nothing moro than a
momentary absence of self-control. If you
don't bollovo you aro a potential murderer,
step out of your door somo evening, pro
pared to call upon tho young lady of your
choice. An urchin throws a muddy snowball
which fetches up ngalnst tho bosomj of your
shirt. In your opinion death Is too good
for that urchin. Tho wholo train of tragic
consequences of that snowball flashes
tin on gh your mind. Having to dress again,
beginning with tho very fundamental ot tho
shirt, you may be lato to your appointment.
Tho lady of your choice may conceive- a
poor opinion of you on account of that. Sho
may say you Nay. That snowball may havo
ruined your life: Well, that urchin was a
murderer then. And In your thoughts you,,
too, nro a murderer. Many a real pistol
murder results from tho over-hasty trans
lation of such a thought Into action, In a
momentary lapse of self-control.
Nagging wives are dally doing murder. I
once had a large, sweet-natured St. Ber
nard dog. I also had somo chickens. Ono
day one of tho moro Immature chickons
broko a leg. I put tho leg In a splinter and
tho chicken in a box. Tho box I placed on
tho back stoop, near tho spot favored by my
dog for his matutinal nap. Tho chicken
cheeped. The dog stood it for a long time.
Then ho walked over and with every Justifi
cation piled open the slats of that box and
killed that cheeping chicken. Cheeping wives
havo been killed In Just such a mood of Im
patience. Tho electric chair is an Insensate
object. Had it a conscience and a voice,
what cries It would utter at its work!
Tako tho caso of an employer who sud
denly discharges an old and faithful em
ploye. Ho murders that cmployo with a
word, as neatly as if it wero dono with a
phot. Invalids may bo slowly murdering the
generous or defenseless wights upon whom
they aro dependent. John Keats was mur
dered by a critic. Plain people, not geniuses,
but Just honest corner grocers, aro being
hacked to pieces overy day by thoughtless
criticism, by moro successful competitors.
Jealous and mlschlovous peoplo actually pur
sue murder us a pastime. A fqw of tho
downright diabolical variety mako it a fine
nrt. In somo fashion wo nre all murderers.
Tho glutton sinks his own teeth in him
self every time ho sits down to tho table.
Probably ho eats mince pie for breakfast,
with nobody to tell him differently. Tho
person who talis to tell him differently is
himself a murderer.
But thero is one type of human helng
that nature, with elaborate cunning, Beems to
have fashioned deliberately to do murder.
Wherever these people meet they recognize
each other In a flash. They form u sort of
guild,1 Of course, the one universal In
strument of murder Is In every one's hand
or rather mouth; but In the mouths of these
people the Instrument takes on a sharper
edge, and their skill In tho use of it Is as
much a natural gift as Caruso's gift of
sorig. The instrument can sou have failed
to guess it Is, of course, tho Tongue. And
the guild Is tho great and universally dis
tributed Grand Order of Gossips.
The man who shoots another goes to the
electric chair," The gossip goes to afternoon
The Teachers
W.hlnto- Gladden, in tho Atlantic
It may be iafel utd that many sthooU In
which morals are never taught from textbooks
or by foimdi exortlsas furnlh a mot stimu
lating drill in the higher nnd finer moralities
every da. Many of us know teaehers who,
without much preaching, convey, in all their
Intercourse with their pupils, the influences and
qualities which purify and Invigorate character.
A considerable aqualntanea with teachers Im
presses roe with the belief that the feeling of
their responsibility for the moral welfare ot
their pupils nnd their appreciation of the values
of character are steadily deepening among
them. NO profession Is s, aere4 that shallow
and aeif'eeeslng person do not nnd a plaea
in it. but 1 bltere that as much seriousness
and devotion may be found among the teaohsra
ot our common Reboots as among uby otasr
elass of i!nw-tii, clergy not ej(Ud.
Whichever "Way the Great War Goes
Coming True The Lud of the .thousand Years of Waiting.
mHI3 BusBlan army has Invaded Hungary.
J. It forced tho passes of tho Carpathians
and in four columns, It is pressing on.
What is curious is this:
Out of overy threo inhabitants of Hungary,
at least ono is praying that tho raid may
becomo an invasion victorious and com
plete. Of courso I am referring to tho
Croats, tq tho thrco million Rumanians and
tho threo and a half millions of Sorbs who
dwell in tho land under tho sway (not al
ways gentle) of tho Magyars. It 13 a fact of
equal moment that all tho Hungarians aro
not of ono mind regarding this war. Tho
men of '48 aro dead, it may be, but their
sons live. They remember tho hope and de
spair of that bloody rovolutlon. Tho mem
ory lives though it was long ago that tho
lns rebel was hanged and Hungary was de
graded to a province of the Hap3burg em
pire. And moro than ono Hungarian docs
not know whother his hatred for tho Invader
Is greater than his ago-old hate for Austrian
If you doubt this fact, ask tho Hungarians
who havo come, In their thousands, to this
country. I'vo been talking to some of them.
It was last evening, and wo sat at a table,
and when the sllvovltsa was sent out In tall,
pale bottles we talked of theso things. They
mnde me one of them, becauso they remem
bered a sin of my youth what tlmo I lived
in their land and translated (for a notnbio
occasion) that "Szozat" which Is tho soul of
Hungary. And wo sang It onco moro:
"To tho Motherland, unfaltering
Thy faith be, O Magyar!"
And drank out of tall palo glasses.
I did not hear ono good word for tho de
crepit feudalism of tho Austrian Emplro;
few Hungarians savo those who aro in ono
way or nnothor in Its pay or tied to tho
wheels of government would weep at Its
Victory in Defeat
For Hi tho defeat of Austria they see a
now and frco Hungaiy tho hopo and dream
of '48 come true tho splendid dream of Kos
suth Lajos mado a reality.
"And how many Hungarians are there?"
I asked.
Thero was a dispute. The Magyar with
the hoavlest voice said nine millions; an
other said thero wero less than eight, nnd ho
added: "Even In our own land wo aro in a
minority" which led to nmplo discussion.
Geographically 'the country Is a basin, ringed
round by mountains. In this hollow a half
dozen nationalities are shut up. It Is the
Magyar's land, but he does not sit at tho
head of the table. The German Immigrant
sits thero. Then In the south of Hungary
aro the Serbs threo millions and a half.
Naturally enough their eyes are on Servla in
these herolo days: and tholr hearts are
there. They would fain be a part of that
ancient kingdom.
How many Croats there are In Hungary
no one seemed to know; perhaps there are a
million or two, and their dream Is of a
greater lllyrla, which shall unite Bosnia,
Herzegovina, Montenogro and, it may be,
Dalmatla a splendid dream. Thon In tho
north of Hungary are the Moravians, who
hope to found with Bohemia a new Czech
State. The Rumanians of Transylvania
have tholr dream, too, It Is tho old dream
of union with their brother Rumanians of
the Balkans, ot Bessarabia and of Mace
don. And so there is not In Hungary one way
of thinking since thero are bIx. But all
those races aro one In their hatred of the
Austro-German lords of the land.
"What we Magyars want Is a simple thing
wo want our own government, Wo want
Magyar rule. And wo'vo fought for It for
oyer a thousand years. We'll get. it, too
that Is what we shall pick up out of the
ruins of this war,"
Heads or Tails Tbey Win
And another Hungarian said; "Whether
Austria loses or wins we win,"
"How cap that be?"
"A victory will leave her as weak as a de
feat. You can't haul an old totjering struc
ture about as Austria has been hauled about
io this wojr," he explained, "without knocH
ing It to pieces."
"So that Is why a million Magyars have
been doing tho heaviest fighting for Austria
why they have Indeed done the only real
fighting?" '
"I don't think any one reasoned It out In
advance," he saldy i
"Simply went to war?"
"you see they had to. The Hungarians
had no choice. They were in the army, or
they wre drafted into it with on ohance
to revolt as buHooks in a yoke. And thajj,"
he went on, "at first the v,ar wax l'OfiUhr
Jt was ft lurrh. boysl war. The! sur
dri ArobguKe was to ba aveni 6ryi
the Magyar Dream of Freedom h
was to be wiped out. And war against Itui
sla was popular for the Hungarians hiaij
not forgotten that sho aided tho Austrian,,
Emperor to fasten on their shackles. That
was the first thought But now that thsi"
war has spread that It Is a clear alignment w
of tho feudal forces of Europo (Turkey, Quxa
many, Austria) against tho best tho world 9
has got In democracy (republican France,
democratic England, tho agrarian Russia),
why tho Hungarians havo thought twice.
They seo that German-Austrian vlctcnr,
means for them a stronger, If not a harsher 3
taskmaster. It means a heavier German
hand over Hungary, and tho Magyar dream
of freedom pushed back and back."
lirnH...l.,,.. it..-.. .. ....ii - ..- '
jtitjtiiiwjuiti uieiu 13 uu (luuBiiuu ui. a re7j
volt in Hungary"
"Not until tho war Is over. Wo are In It
and we'll flgfit loyally to thq end. We'll feo
to tho last ditch. Our own leaders our own
Premier our own statesmen havo taken Us
Into tho war. Whether they wero foolu or!
traitors to tno raco tloesp't matter now.
Wo'vo got to fight It out. But the end ot,
tho war, no matter1 how it is decided, Till
mean a now Hungary" and he threw at ttj
a mighty word a tremendous word: "AltvT'
Sclf-rulo of tho Races
After all, for thes Hungaiian3 the onvx
thing is Hungary.
And aren't they right?
This war is being fought for tho liberation
of nationalities. That is tho occult meaninsj
of It all. Tho German shall not hold hu
thrall tfio Polo or tho Italian or tho Serb.
German shall go to German and Slav to
Slav. Tho nations will divide along the lines -of
race and language, erecting their own .
governments exactly the governments which
aro tho natural products of their civilization. J
Tho right of orfo raco to rule another alien ,
raco Is being fought on a hundred battlefields, j
I admit the question Is not quite so simple a3i
that: but in its 'broad essence it is true. It
was posed in the battles of tho Balkan war.
when Turkey alono was tho Issue. It (i
belnsr asked attain of Austria and Germany.
And what of tho flvo millions of Germans Vj
who havo settled In Russia preferring Rus
sian "tyranny" to Prussian militarism? And ;
tho Croats nnd Serbs of Hungary? Well,
they aro thero by choice. They aro national jBI
refugees like tho millions of their brother fl
in Amorlca; and their wishes, ono way or
tho other, can havo little weight with thai
nationalists who stand by flAg and country-
Wherefore raising the tall, Palo glasses I
they drank to the formldablo word and to a .
free and independent Hungary. One of the 91
aspects of that new freedom upon whicn
they wero oloquent was the economic ospeot, i
Hungary, although over o. thousand, yesrs
old. Is practically unbroken ground. Under '
a national, modern and self-respecting gov
ernment it would offer innumerable chances ;
for tho nrosDector. the exDorter. tho manO- 3
facturer. As It Is, Hungary is a country ofrl
burled and sleeping wealth. Tho Magyars,!
Will dig It up onco they aro tholr own OTSS" J
These things they said sitting at tables
and then they sang Vorosmarty's national
hymn, whereof there has been mention, for,.
they are a singing race. A fighting, slnginft
kissing race worthy of freedom. And they
shouted "EJ HaJI" nnd tho glasses clinked.
The groping spires have lost tho sky,
That reach from Tcrmonde town;
There are no bells, to travel by,
The minster chimes are down.
It's foith we must, alone, alone,
And try to find the ways
The bells that we have, always known,
War broko their hearts today.
They uted to call the morning
Along the glided street,
And then their rhymes w? re laughter,
And all their 11018 were sweet.
1 heard them stumble down the air
Llke'aeraphlm betrayed;
God must have heard their broken praer
That, made my soul afraid.
The Termonde bells are gone, ore gone.
And what Is left to say?
It's forth we must, by bitter dawn.
To try to find the way.
They used to call the children
To go to sleep at night;
And then the)r songs were tender
ind drowsy with delight.
The wind -will look for them In vain
Within the, empty tower.
w ehall not hear them stng again
At dawn or twilight hour.
It's fotth we must, awy, away,
And far from, Termonde town, '
But thl is a.15 1 know today.
The chime, the chimes re down!
Tiny used to ring at evening
To help the. people pray.
Who wander how bew!W4
And Annt And the wy
-Uwtco UfiiAffX CouUUflr. tu Atktaut,