Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 09, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Store Opens 8:30 A. M.
Store Closes 8:30 P. M
What Women Want
Van feminists ot loday knotf far less
-in what they want than Beatrice Halo
w her book, entitled "What Women
whl" (Frederick Stokes Company, New
XnM Many feel Vnguo Impulses toward
freedom from the ancient sex slavery, but
V,w voco these Bcntlments so W6I1 ns Mrs.
jfl, jjer book Is born, not from .tha jiaa
.torts of ft propagandist, but from tho
niiunal processes or a well-balanced
ind Sho champloils a cause too great
tnr one sex alone, a causo which needs
)? energies of man and -woman. Her
Ideas fit tho gentto words ot Edward Car
renter, who says:
vha trio fated: the man, tho woman, aiyl tho
AtiA SerSn all creation,
Experienced In an absolutely normal life
of wife and mother, nlong with her artis
tic (raining as an actress, writer and a
speaker, Mrs. Halo Is so normal In her
outlook on tho whole unrest of woman
and of man that it Is hard to Imagine
her Ideas ns being questioned by oven tho
most rabid anil-feminist. She speaks tho
language that every thinking lay woman
must Ulldcrsiana, uniccimicai nnu unsci
nttflc, and sees deep Into tho future lives
jf men and women.
"It Is lime that man and 'women to
gether bent their efforts to building up
life, Instead of wealth. It la tlmo that
our'senso of values changed, so that tho
child may bocomp moro Important than
a machine and n. gardon m'oro necessary
than a skyscraper. It Is tlmo that tho
world's greatest regard should ba given
to him who serves best, not to him who
most successfully compotes.
"I do not pretend that tho Infusion of
women Irtto tho world's affairs will In
stantly have thlsjrcsult. There aro plenty
of selfish and right women, many who
aro grasping and greody; thero aro no1
virtues in women BUperlor to tlioss found
jn men. "
Such words como from n person who
believes in humanity. In men, women,
children, science, art and economics
nd not In tho one-sided curo-all of any
of these activities. Such a pejson dreams,
but not unreasonably; hopes, but not
without foundation.
One of tho most satisfying portions of
the book Is that In wlllch sho dovotes time
and thought to tho "Now Jinn," An
eager reador, believing In tho necessity
for tho sexes to work together1; may read
much Into tho book, but no ono can fall
to see that In Mrs. Halo's mind there
li a conception ot a -inow Man' as won
as a "Now Woman." Tho latter docs
pot gain everything at tho expense of
the man but for, his ultimata good as
well. If only ho so wished.
"Llko a second Adam, ho Is faced with
the presenco of a newly created being,
and with tho problem of how to deal
with her. While tho old-faahlned
man continues to obtain from woman
the superficial graces ha demands, tho
new man gives tho highest, asks tho
highest In return and wins It."
Like tho greatest champion of the
Children's Age, Ellen Key, Mrs. Halo
believes that from tho new woman will
come tho now child not only physically
Improved by tho new status of woman,
"Nwhlch looks upon motherhood as a great
and natural process Instead, of sentimen
tal disgrace, but mentally as well, be
cause of tho wider horizon of women.
Instinctive motherhood Is not necessarily
universal, and If a mother finds herselt
without It, sho Is not ashamed. Indi
vidual talents are found in the world of
motherhood as well as In tho other pro
fessions, and it la rot to Imagino that all
women mako good cooks, good mothers,
or even good wives. Feminism must
allow for theso talents, but
, " underneath theso surface fluc
tuations tho deep racial needs of women
' remain the same. They are three. A few
women .need only ono; some need two,
but tho great mass need all three love,
children and work."
Such thoughts as theso aro rare In cur
rent literature. And decidedly (Jharacter
ittlo of tho wholo book Is this apprecia
tion of the growth of humanity, through
the growth of women. Bigger- women
mean bigger men, children, homes, pur
poses. Two Love Incubators
' "Just a little love incubator, a-hatchlng
cut lovo all tho time," Is Cherub, the wee
heroine of Helen S. Woodruff's latest
book, "The Little House" George H.
Doran Company). Scarcely less of a lovo
Incubator Is old Aunt Caroline, though
of moro ample proportions. Tho theme Is
love in its sweetest guise, that of a. little
girt who welds parted loves. The reader
experiences moro than once that rare
sensation of a lUmp-clogged throat, due
entirely to the thrilling beauty of the tale.
Little Cherub, proporly christened Doro
thy, Is a Yankee-born child, daughter of
a Southern girl who eloped 'to wed her
Northern sweetheart. This disrupted her
family, driving her inottfer mad and es
tranging the fiery old"'Southern Colonel,
her father. But the little child led them,
and love and peace were restored.
Probably some will say that the. picture
ot the old Southern darky Is overdrawn.
But It Is not. The Negro parson, who runs
away with one of the sisters, taking all
the church funds; the little pickaninny,,
the old mammy, and the typical old butler
are a)l true to life, to say nothing of a
rich and amusing exposition of the darkey
An excellent sidelight on tho Negro
problem Is contained In this grapblo state
ment; "We emancipate a race that Is no more
able to take care of itself than a. child
Is, and when temptation comes and a.
memper or it rails, we uiamo tnem rainer
wan ourselves."
A. Cape, Cod Comedy
The latest story by Joseph C. Lincoln
("Kent Knowles: 'Quahaug'," D. Apple
Ion & Co., New York) Is more of a novel
than any of Us predecessors, but this
difference In construction-has had no ef
fect on the humorous quality which
marks nil of his writing. Ono could
apeak, In this connection, of tho "Lln
colnlan humor," but that tho term hns
been pre-empted by another Lincoln.
There Is, however, a bit of similarity be
tween the two brands! both are Indige
nously American and both are of tho nat
ural, spontaneous kind. But tho humdr
of Joseph C. Is all his own, and thoso
who have read his previous books know
what to expect In "Kent Knowles."
Thoso who haven't had that delightful
experience might welt begin with this
story. Thoy wilt find Capo Codders, of
course, with all their homely wit and
commonense, but this tlmo the tali
goes abroad, oven to a Parisian cabaret,
"Quahaug" Is tho Capo Codders' nlck
namo for Knowles, a writer of books
who has como among them and lives
with a genial old maid relative named
Hepzlbah. "Quahaug" Is "clam." Its
application Is fitting. The process by
which Knowles crawls out of his shell
Involves a trip nbroad, n lovo affair and
much else, and when he comes back to
America ho brings a wife. In poor lodg
ings In London ho and his old-maid trav
eling companion find tho girl, tho daugh
ter of a man who had taught hor that
Hepzy'a family had swindled him out of
aforttine. Sho demands her rights. Tho
truth Is, her embezzling father had
wrecked tho fortune of Hcpzy's father.
And Knowles and Hcpzy keep tho secret
and take her out Into tho country for
her health. She hates them nnd draws
largely on tho mythical funds which sho
expects to bo restored to her. Finally bIio
has to be told tho truth, and then sho
runs away to Paris.
The story is, well worked out and Is
effectively told There is as much story
as humor. Tho author has como oft with
flying colors from his most ambitious ef
fort in fiction.
Tho book Is of additional Interest from
tho fact that it strongly contrasts Eng
lish and American customs find Ideas.
Vaudeville as It Is
Vaudeville as an art may seem a non
existent entity to "high-brows" who em
ploy such language. As a matter of fact,
thoro Is as much of tho artistic method
needed In "getting It across" to a variety
audienco as In any other occupation
where a human must bring another
human Into tuno with his mood. Other
people besides Carollno Caffin Tiavo noted
this, but none has set It down so con
vincingly as sho has dono In "Vaudevlllo"
(Mltchel Kennerloy, New York).
In tho various chapters of her book sho
has grouped soma hundred performers
under heads as dlvcrso and ns interesting
ns "Tho Forco of Personality, "Marvels
of Strength and Daring" and "Music and
Near-Music." Tho description and an
alysis of each one's "act," tho location
of Just the thing that distinguishes It, Is
really remarkably keen.
As if Miss Coffin hadn't supplied plenty
of stimulus and amusement, tho publisher
has scattered through the volume almost
CO caricatures by de Zayas that aro in
tholr own way quite as subtle an'analysts.
A Woman's Idol
A llfo made beautiful and useful after
a first and grievous fall Is the themo of
Richardson Wright's novel, "Tho Open
Door" (MoBrlde, Nast & Co.),
"Go tho wholo was; or go not at all
either go on and on until the blttor be
comes sweet, as It docs, I assure you; or
else rectify tho mistake at the very be
ginning." This Is tho advice that Kitty
Flint gives a friend, a young married
woman, and it reveals tho secret of her
life. Kitty Flint snatched her life from
ruin and dedicated It to others. There
Is pathos and some of the Irony of llfo
In tho fact that sho bestows so much of
her love upon the son of her old sweet
heart and partner In sin, whose Imago
sho keeps ever In her heart.
Kitty Flint's front door was never
locked she feared that her love might
return and find the way barred. Tho
years passed, and he never came until
one Christmas Day, and then her heart
broke, maybe of Joy.
The scene of the plot Is laid In a Penn
sylvania town and the life of the village
Is well portrayed. A notable feature of
the' book Is the rare and wholesome
humor that runs throughout. In tech
nique the work Is masterful.
El Dorado
Tfin,. nfit Int.nJ . hba ,1ia VatinmH.
I acldo International Exposition in San
crancisco, and many others who ere nrm
advocates of the "See America First"
campaign, will find much of Interest In
'The Tourist' Carlfnrnla." hv Ruth
T, Kedtle Wood iDodd, Mead & Co., New
orit). Besides many explicit instruc
tions as to the mode of travel steam
boats, trains and trolleys to all points
ot interest the book sites much valua
ble Information about hotels, restau
rants, cafes, cabarets, theatres, con
certs and everything- In fact, the keen
tourist might seek In the- way of enjoy
ment. Sport lovers will find much of Interest
In the Daces which tall of the fiKhtintr
luoa and of other fishing for gamy fish,
both large and small. The haunts of the
jear and other wild animals are not lor-
; forgotten, nrti" nm flu wnnrtAra nt tha
. Tosemlte. -
' The book Is small enough to be carried
conveniently In the pocket, but besides
outline of many of the trips in more
;r less detail, the author has not failed
10 DrlniT In th Hv of ha mM rnu.
ben tin pans sold, for $5 and shovels
r w a piece. An Incidental account
t9t the earthquake of 1906. early historical
rents in the "Golden West," and little
I anecdotes of Bret Harte and Mark Twain,
Ifre some of tho features of this mlnla
;tur Baedeker.
& Our International Trade
CSy of protection, and free trade with
$n countries should; tx, extended,
?Wd war the ia, cf our nation as
JJ- Subsidies are menaces Jo pro-
pw hUoit Brown, initruetor in Political
conemy t Yale University and author
,J?,l?traaUonal Trade and Exchange"
m Macmiuaa company, New fork). He
Sa2?,?r ubJeet on purely aoonomiq
d. The book U Uawly, mi UmwstU
fUj Intended as college textbook,
"Will 4ouWiM flna R. Wide readto?
??, th0J10 otrtt4 In the preWww
North American Review
Century Old and Unwed
The North. American (Review begins the
celebration of Its centenary, and Colonel
Harvey stands aside this month to let
tho Review speak for Itself which It
does after & flashing fashion not unfamil
iar to Its readers of recent years.
"We are no lady," It begins, "either In
conceivably perfect or more agreeably
human; so wo frankly confess our age;
we are 1W years old. and still single. Not
that we have not been the recipient of
proposals; far from It; wo have received
many offers of periodical matrimony from
other like Institutions whose Intentions
were manifestly honorable; but. alas!
none seemed to be fitting or advanta
geous; Invariably tho prpponent was too
young or too frivolous. Our solitary
parent. tb.e Monthly Anthology, too, was
unwed, buK tlmt Is a point In the family
record upon which, naturally, In common
with Abel, we care not to dwell, especially
since, although by no means as young as
we used to be, we cannot feel certain that
we have yet reached the age ot Indiscretion."
"The Story of Our Navy"
William 0. Stevens' book. "The Story
of Our Navy" (Harper Ss Brothers, New
York), Is an Inspiring account of the
American sea forces from their very mod
est beginnings to their present Imposing
strength. Tho 315 pages of this most In
teresting narrative are filled with brim
ming stories of our struggles on the high
eeas; how. against seemingly Insurmount
able odds, we finally have risen to tho
place among nations where today we de
jnand respect.
The author Is professor of English at
the United States Naval Academy and
evidently has made a roost thorough study
of the subject. His story Is fasclnatlntr,
and well calculated to stir patrlotlo
thoughts. The tllsutratlons are works ot
tho printers' art. and a more valuable
chronicle of tho navy's growth would be
difficult to And. Students seeking1 knowl
edge should avail themselves of this book.
It Is a story that olds the interest from
coyer to cover.
The Kaiser
An Intimate view of Knlser Wllhelm 6t
Germany, his strength altd his weakness,
both ns o man nnd an emperor, Is given
In "The Knlser" (Doubloday, Pago &
Company), edited by Asa Don Dickinson.
Tho hook Is a compilation, tho contribu
tors being selected from a wide field of
both friend nnd foe to tho Fatherland.
It Is admirably edited and the varying
opinions nro blended Into an excellent
treatise upon tho "Most Interesting man
In Burope."
Every phase of the Emperor's person
ality la dcnlt with, hi sfolblcs, his llttto
vanities, his proclivities for much-speaking
nnd preaching, his belief that "noth
ing must happen In tho world without
tho consent of Germany," his Inordinate
lovo of being photographed, and hlfl
clinging hold on tho old theory of dlvlno
right all aro treated In convincing man
ner. None tho less forcefully la presented
the Kaiser's strength ot character nlid
his stern regard for truth and right. He
takes tho "king business" seriously, we
nro told, nnd ho works hard at It. Ger
many first Is his 'motto. This Is carried to
the degreo that he drinks only German
wines. On this score he onco remon
strated with tho great Blsmarcjt, who
Tcpllcd that his patriotism did not extend
to his stomach. Some of tho chroniclers
are disposed to explain mnny of tho
seemingly tdlo boasts of the Kaiser with
tho statement that they aro mndo when
ho Is Intoxicated; this Is denied. How
over, thero Is no dispute ot the Justness
of tho title of "William, tho Indiscreet."
Tho Kaiser Is assailed for his notable
declaration In 1902 that "Now another
emplro has arisen. The 'German pcoplo
has onco moro an emperor ot Its own
choice With tho sword on tho field of
battle has tho crown been won." Not
withstanding Ills weaknesses, tho Kaiser
Is described ns a man of power. It Is
pointed out, supported by statistics of tho
vest expansion commercially that has
taken placo under his rolgn, that no
other country has shown such marvelous
Tho great work of tho Emperor now Is
building a navy commensurate In strength
with his army, tho most powerful In tho
world. His ambition Is or was beforo
tho presont war to bo lord of tho seas
as well as of tho land. ,'
At this time the book la particularly
Interesting, and It Is ono of tho most
comprohenstvo and Instructive treaties to
bo found.
The Changing Drama
Books on tho drama nro as thick ns
leaves In spring. Every week brings a
now one. But It really Is a now ono;
that Is tho hopeful thing in all this
multitudinous writing about tho theatre.
Each book seizes on some fresh anglo of
this vnst vnnd changing question of public
amusement. '
Ono of tho nowest bears tho significant
tltlo, "Tho Changing Djama," and en
deavors to think In a sstcmatlc man
ner about all that Is happening to tho
plays, playwrights and theatres of
civilization. Naturally it leaves out of
consideration tho greatest thing that has
yet happened to them, tho war. Our
books have not yet caught up, and tho
effect of European conflict on tho drama
will bo some years In developing.
Archibald Henderson, author of "The
Changing Drama," wroto an amazing
nnd highly Interesting compendium of
Bernard Shaw. Tho present book Is
as varied and complete. A fow chapter
hendlngs give an Idea of this: Drama In
tho Now Age, Sclenco and tho New
Drama, The Play and tho Reader, The
Battle With Illusions.
Dilittante Depreciations
Even these days of specialization bring
forth occasional literary dllettants. B.
Russel Herts In his "Depreciations" (Al
bert nnd Charles Boni, N. Y.) can hardly
be inllcd anything else. Not only does
the little volume of a few hundred pages
cover a wide field of thought, but it can
not ovon be sajd to do so with any
great uniqueness -or stylo. Any of us
might have had Just such Interesting
thought on many subjects, and most any
of us might have written them down with
equal success. There nro many sugges
tions of original thinking, but thoy nre
vague, and when you consider that Mr.
Herts thinks upon all subjects from "The
Import of the Superficial" to "A Visit to
G. K. C," you enn hardly expect him to
touch great depths on any one. Ho ap
parently lives up to his belief In super
ficialities. In tho end all we can say la
that Mr. Herts has a mind which skims
round on great potentialities, otters sug
gestions to other minds and fills In many
evident gaps with epigrams. The author
himself feels that his book may bo only
a pln-prlck. We are Inclined to agree
with him or, perhaps, even think It less
The New Books
A Hit o hooka received for riiuj.
Mora txtensive comment will o made on
thasn whose importance warrants further
TUB WORLD WAH. By Elbert Francis
Baldwin. JUcmlllnn, New York. A volume
ot Information and analyale concerning- the
nations now Involved In war, their military
preparedness their forelm polll. and the
cauaM ot conflict. Impartial and thorough.
Arthur Davidson Flcke. Macmlllan, New
York. A sequence ot 07 sonnets ot a philo
sophic nature.
Sottas OF KABm. By Itablndrlnath Tagore.
Macmlllan. New York. Another volum ot
music and beauty out of the East. Many
beautiful poems of tho Hindu Nobel prlte
dinner, translated by tho poet himself.
,1'owell. Scrlbners, New York, A fat voluma
of war pictures taken with both pen ana
camera and covering the German operations
In Belgium. Mr. Powell was one of the few
correspondents to sea real flrhlfng. . ,
Barrle. Scrlbners. New York. The short
war play ot Kaiser and Kultur already
Grlnted In the Pubmo I.Eliorl.
torlcal approach. By Lucius Hoklns Miller,
of Princeton. Henry Holt. New York. The
basal facts of Christianity discussed with
comnletA frankness in a cnnitrnpflv imlHt
ny cnemon Lflmfir. xuueneu itenberiey.
New York. A well-Illustrated account ot tha
now tendencies, scenlo and literary, that are
maklnr themseltes felt In the theatra tnriav.
PEACE PIJAN. By James Howard Kehter.
Reprinted from tha Forum. Mitchell, Ken
nerley, New. York. ,A little voluma putting
forth . a "noncontrovarslal, nonpolltlcal5
proposition for furthering peace.
SfplUEa IN C1RBY. Ily Barry Pain. Btokes.
NewYork. A collection of "short stories by
tho English humorist and man of letters.
THE ORANlJ ASSIZE. By Hush Carton.
Doubleday-Page. Long Island, N. Y, An
entirely reverent treatment of tha final
judgment. In whlclr such social symptoms aa
lha Plutocrat and the Agitator are tried and
THE PABTOn'S WIFE. By tha author of
"Elizabeth and Her German Garden. Double-day-Page,
Long Island. N. Y. A story In
the familiar and charming vein ot this long
popular writer,
APPEARANCES. . By Lowes Dickinson.
Double-Page. Long Island, N. Y. A book
of travel sketches of India, China. Japan and
America In which thero Is a deal of every
day philosophy aa wall as beautiful word
EPOEIST. By Prank Wedeklad. Translated
by Samuel Eliot, Jr. Albert andCharles
Boni, New York, A translation of one of
Wedeklnd'a best known German dramas ot
pathology aadpaaslon, '
PfiRHH. By Geore-ei fronvn. AIKrt m
Charles Boni. Nw York. A collection of
brilliant undergraduate verse In an uncon
ventional and gsneraUy charming strain.
BLEEPING, WATERS. By John Trevena,
Mitchell Kennerloy, New York. A novel of
English Ufa by a man set apart In the
breesy hills of Dartmoor.
' What Manner, of Man is This
Whose raeiMgCt with Uj picturque, heart's tirTing
phrases and sayings, has changed the lives of a quarter
of a million?
Bo WUhint, T. EUb. LL. D.
ia the only book that expUlna "Billy" Sunday. Contains
ta beart of hi message awl retains ll the wonderful
fte!l o b pUtfwm uttersmees.
mi tan, froSty miitraffd. Tw sltIoJ. $$.f o4 if
?Miili Tf WW - irmsJVH C9-, rkpllia
BBB&At JSm.3
BBS? ft JSsMi
ml a lot
Via Unit 1
in represent I
trrn. I
Monday Will, Bring a Great Sale
(In the Wanamaker Lower-Price Store)
5000 and More Women's and Girls' Suits, Dresses,
Coats, Skirts and Furs
1140 Topcoats, Starting
at $5
725 Silk Dresses, Starting
" at $4.50
2600 Children's Frocks, i Starting
at 35c
" 325 Women's Suits, Starting
at $6.75
The sale comprises a number of special purchases made from the better manufacturers of
New York and some hundreds of the prettiest things in our own stocks garments not more than a
week, or two in the store, but already reduced for quick clearaway.
Everything Is New New and Good; Nobody's
Old, Picked, -Over, Left-Over Stock; Nobody's
Bankrupt Stock xi
The savings are remarkable. The dresses, coats and suits are in new and good styles. They
are well made, of good fabrics and in desirable colors. .
Coats for Women and Young Women
At $5 Full-length coata of chinchilla with plush
collars and wide belts; also three-quarter-length coats
of tweed, cheviot and zibeline.
At $G.75 Full-length coats of astrakhan cloth
with wide set-in plush, belts, satin lined.
At $7.50 Coats of chinchilla, astrakhan cloth,
zibeline and boucle in plain and fancy effects; some
satin lined.
At $8.75 Astrakhan cloth coats with wide belts
and fur collars.
At $10 Coats of Hindoo lynx, heavy boucle coat
ing or Arabian and striped Ural lamb fur cloth, with
guaranteed satin linings.
At $12.75 Full-length coats of striped Ural lamb
fur cloth; plush belts; braid ornaments; satin lined.
At $15 An interesting collection of duvetyne,
velour cloth, Kitten's ear cloth, Scotch tweeds, zibeline
and broadcloth coats in many good-looking models, all
handsomely lined; usually but ono or two of a kind.
At $13.50 and $15 are corduroy coats with wide
belts and collars of fur cloth or fur; satin lined.
Favorite" Fur Cloth Coats
At $12.75 to $25 Baby lamb and broadtail fur
cloth coats in many good styles; satin lined throughout.
At $13.50 Coats of baby lamb fur cloth with cir
cular skirt effects and witi set-in belts.
At $13.50 to $25 Other fur-cloth coats of Hudson
seal, sealskin and other fur cloths in many good
Silk Dresses
At $4.50, $6.25, $8.75, $11.75, $14.75, $16.50 and
$19.75 are dresses of crepe meteor, channeuse and
velvet, sometimes combined with satin; many charm
ing little frocks suitable for street or afternoon wear;
all exceptionally attractive for their prices.
At $6.25, $8.75 and up to $16.50 A collection of
dancing frocks and evening dresses chiffon, satin,
net and lace dresses in numbers of pretty styles. Deli
cate and darker colors.
Hundreds of Suits and Skirts
$6.75, $8.75, $12 and $18.75 are the prices of the
suits. There are many smart models and sizes for
women and young women. Greatly reduced. In the col
lection' find suits of broadcloth, crepe cloth, diagonal
suitings, fur cloth and velvets. Some are fur cloth and
velvet trimmed.
$2, $3, $5 and $7.50 for skirts of. serge, poplin,
striped worsteds and broadcloths in many styles.
Little Girls' Dresses, 35c to $3
These are in 6 to 14 year sizes.
. At 35c Percale and gingham dresses in good
At 50c Checked and striped gingham dresses.
At $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3 White voile, batisa
and lawn dresses, trimmed with embroideries and
A Little Sale of Furs, Too
$7,50 to $15 for black fox scarfs.
$12 to $20 for black lynx scarfs.
$8.75 for melon-shaped coney muffs finished with
two ruffles.
$8.50 to $7,50 for black coney muffs.
$5to $J8.60 for dyed wolf scarfs; $8.50 to $20 for
$7.50 to $15 for "Skunk scarfs.
$15 to $22.60 for Japanese mink muffs.
$5 for Persian paw sets.
$16.60 for dyed black wolf sets.
$12 to $14.75 for French coney and fiteh seta.
$25 for dyed raccoon sets.
$35 for Hudson seal (sheared muskratj and'ntch
SHFi for snotted Ivnx seta.
$45 for sable-dyed ringtail sets.
(Sulmay Floor, Market)
TQiir i' ni'" iirnMi"iwmnrT7-"Tirr-
iiiijil.ii ii. i in iiirinrii ijiiti" rn in i ' i 'I'TppufrriTiininiinnnpiTTii