jV"hfiV 1 - gftjJPHtWiHiiViiL,in.irti iiiiinuiiniiifcwiiitw .J m i nm in.uifli.t . -Jt.i.........i . . . .. . rn - ... . . ...,.., ....- 1t .rf i nimann, - ii i' i ! i . i iwin-r n ii i T i i ! i li iiin-o linwilMww --- ... ,-" - i ' " '- iVl1 WEEK:' "THE MIRACLE MAN,'7 "COURAGE," SAM BERNARD, "GIRL OF GIILj THEATRK BAEDEKER Z THE NEW WEEK OAMllGK "Tho Miracle Man," with George Nash, Gall Kano, w, tr ".v ."A "" u. "v4"",'"" " v .:::.,,. "U" u""".:: ' " ' .in. 6n b t MKSIMtm mSKKIm ""f0 rSSWSHMKc vSS VS The Dramatic Telephone BfeKl il J&E. PlfwSSr W S3 By Walter Prlchard Eaton iiBHHf pi AYHOf fHF 1 1 ifi .IHHk 'it I J J LAI Lao fe 8PbHwB& ii 1 Sg I L IF to: rP TIIE past week brought nothing- new Philadelphia theatres. It quite outdid Itself with the nows that "K. & B." and the Shuberts had beffun rehearsals of that beatino comedy, "Tlie Lion and the Lamb." The Peace of Broadway has been signed and strife Is no more. The Bhuberts have given up their seats by "the open door." And America has a the Btrtca.1 trust again. It will probably be a mild little trust, attending strictly to Its business of book- ins Plays systematically and economically over tho United States. One guarantee of this Is memory. The fight of the Shu berts for the Bmall producer won't be soon forgotten- Another Is the fact that the theatres of the country will oontlnue to be divided between the two factions. The effect of the merger will be to elim inate a great many flrst-class playhouses In the smaller dtles. Chicago and Boston and St Louis settled their theatre ar rangements on a senslbte basis last year. Philadelphia's five remaining houses snatch so well the playgolng population that wiseacres ezpeot no alterations here. The wastes and duplications of competi tion elsewhere will be removed and book tags more efficiently adjusted. Jut to ths Theatrical Product The results of the merger will be a, cer tain addition of financial security. "Whether this will bo. reflected in bet ter plays la an open quiistlon. With the Increasing risks of the past few years, tho run of plays has suffered. The suc cessful plays haven't taken on a lower tone; "Within the Law" and "Kick In" are monuments to popular taste far hand somer than "Tho Girl tof the Golden 'TVest" and "Tho Palace of thi King." But It has grown increasingly evident that the subtler sort of play addressed to a smaller audience hasn't been able to worry along on a fair margin, as It used to. A pretty big success has grown neces sary In order to stave off ruin. The Peace of Broadway nnd the sav ings entailed by It will relax the strain a iiuie. iut producing only the very popular will still bo the safest course. And It looks on the surface as If tho evo lution of tho speculative touring system will go on again along tho same lines as before. New Plays for Philadelphia After tho brief breathing spaco of this barren week, productions como thick and fast again. Even "futures" are plenty. On January 18 Marie Tempest will begin a week's engagement at the Lyric, acting plays In which sha has been appearing in New Tork. The first half of tho week she will give Henry Arthur Jones' now comedy, "Mary Goes Flrst,"'a little study of tho wars over social precedence in tho English "provinces." Tho rest of her engagement will bo devoted to "Tho Mar riage of Kitty," familiar enough here. 7T Trt- (In the American Magazine.) The mlnuto the curtain rises and the tharacters are disclosed tho poor au thor has got to get out of sight and let tho characters do all tho talking. Now, people In dally life don't go around as a rule telling who they nro and all about themselves. They don't have to. How, then, Is tho author go ing to let you know what you must know about these peoplo without mak ing them net In a ridiculous manner? Tho tolephono Is a beneficent Inven tion, and It has be nod ted nobody so much no the dramatist. Think how few plays ot contemporary Ufa you now see without a telephone on the stage. Is It there to give a reallstla touch? It is not. It Is there to help the dramatist get his plot across; and a very potent help It Is. J. M. Barrio In his comical burlesque, A Slice of Life," which Ethol Barry more acted two or three winters ago, made fun of this use of the telephone. Each character, as he or she entered, rang somebody up In order to an nounce his or hor name for the benefit of tho audience. "Is this you, father?" asked Miss Barrymore In a languid voice. "This Is your daughter, Mrs. Hyphen-Brown you remember." Nono of Mr. Barrle's characters, of course, said any more, whlcfAwas what made lUIJilt mSOSSX AOADEMT OF MUSIC NEWMAN Kxqnlilte Color Views and Motion fletora TRAYELTAIKS NEXT FRI. iS- SAT. & FRANCEwar WITH ACTOAfc Timm-c-it HtDn tlvnulD BOO, 75. t Aran. Sc WAR PICTURES St Htppe'i. 1118 Chestnut St. Batlue UIiJIJaxJIjijU Market Capacity 'twKTs Street S8U0 tr, ,erp, helowCOth Hon., Tuei . Wed SONQ AND DANCB RBVUB POTTSBROS.&CO. BURKE &BURKB FRED WEBER BR00KS&1IARRI3 FredRcnelo&Sliter Thur , S"r! , flat. MOREVS TITANIC Hpectncnlar NoTeltt HOcornlaCamperg SCOTT & WILSON Tom&Slacla.Moore CyBcrtolettc & Co. Willie Hale & Bro. DAILY nt 2 ATX SEATS 10c KKNINCJ8 7 ANDO 10c 15o. tOo nnd a plajlet by Harold Chapln called "Tho Dumb and tho Blind." On February 8 tho Lyric will display Its third Winter Garden show this season, "Dancing Around," with the evcr-nmus-Ing Al Jolson in the lead Emma Trentlnl's engagement ends with next Saturday. During tho coming week thore v. Ill bo an extra matinee of "The Peasant Girl" at the Lyric on Wednes day, when Louise Torko will sing Miss Trontinl's part. The rest of the cast will remain unchanged. Plays by Shaw are getting surprisingly common In the American theatre. Re vivals, like the Little Theatre's, of "Arms and the Man," crop up every year, and hardly a season goes by without a new piece Last winter brought "Fanny's Concluded on Pare rive cum UUJ VfAHHVT. SU A Walnut BU. UTtb Smata OTOHTfl ZSs, BOO. TSa, IL00 Tom, and Than. Mat 23a and BOa Bat. Mat Sc Wo, TBo . tqox ma Mujosr akd a onu," Twtay lunitkt, Ctuuucrr Utcett umLE itaT U"" " J GRAND MtTodyJ to T The CRITIQ Jfext Vfk "COtM LONHSOJIH Li W,xo.. GftAND Broad Bt, and Montgomery Av. gEP. O. WIXON.mRDHNOEH.Oen Mr. NEXT WBHK H BART McIlUail Prutnts "THE SONG DOCTORS" 8 Philadelphia Boys and a Irl 8 Nlkko Troupg Clark &McCnllooth FlUalmmomc; Cameron Walter Wallers Nwat Laughing- Motion Plcluf "Tho Road to Tomorrow" A Delightful Fairyland Playlet, ttiiS5 3000 SEATS ft g?g German-American CHARITY BALL Academy of Music 3IQNDAY EVG., JANUARY 25TTI Proceed to the Clttzeae' Permanent niu OonualttM, for tb; UnMU, pi i) iuftario un mpIoyd of Philadelphia UZIltlvrvuilAti Ui'EKA JIOU8Q J FRANKLIN & GIRARD AVE. Matinee Daily Except Friday NKXT WEEK nnST TIME IN "STOCK" VIItOrI. IIKOOICS' ---" ffwyiwjywii A llnu'lj I'Uiy, Trntllne to lliuone uud Hlpo ut WHITE SLAVERY "l lunalilrr tiiut l lie in. grfut moral," I-enter Pol " iipcroii uimitu out a tttr, X'ollce Cn. OHKil.NAI. CAIIAUET HCENB y Jf8j3?&Kffii NIGHTS, 8 P. M , S5o TO J1.00. n: Mi - fmiP MRS. CAItTEIt DeHAVEN Tht Aristocrat! of VauttvtUt Mr. and Mrs. CARTER DeHAVEN In "Tht Utuher," A Flirtation In Four Bcnti. THE CVNSINOS Spain1! Foremoit Oanciri, TURELLY The On-Man Rand 5 Marvelous Manchurians Btnaatlonal Chlnfan Athlon McMahon and Chappelle "IIOW HUBBY MISSED THE TltAIN" HANLON BROS, and Company "Tho Haunted natal" LILIAN HERLEIN An International FaTorlto. H. Bart McHugh ProMnts "On The School Playgrounds" Philadelphia Jurtnll Artliti In "Kti DaW norlr. IIEARRT-SEWO NWWEST MOTIOK PICTURES cisii MI8S MAHION BENT The Universal Favortttt Rooney ent Twanty Minutes of Pat ann iuarion BEATS ALWAYS X WEEK IN ATtVAnnw. I1C1.H. ITILillKKT B3BBI KHT , nAGE 3186. Matrooolltan Oimwh Com! TUia ivu, "IMWI JMIOAD MU. U MjwlM." Btrartts A i Win iIiao, Ilua Moroit, .a rimca Broii;. PlslBrea, Tonljht.S ,10 l 4uo r "coyRAdov' K.E" TODAYS 15, ana v Btretoar. Lwl A j-. Company, New To Cavalleria. Rustic srk JAM 12. AT 8 -" .u.Mvau Double Followed Pnn-lLaccr Almnwi. Doe- B1U by HSan.va u romlK. Duthaoe, Ma It (aid JIM. Oaruao, BotuT Aioato. Taul- Conductor, Mr PoUcco. Beat Now on Sale. 1100 Chtitnut St. jWAf- fSPAS' Crow KPy. Theatre VAUDHVHiLB AND PICTtmES Dally at , lpe &.. I. and 9.10a, iSo. 50. LaatVrla. Eveaftj. at STJS re'rJ-iei"'-22i'?y. loot. 1lay is Wedaal&v. ik AdADEMY Saaw at Ueppe's, Ilia Ch.tn Riilie HurlrA J" PHILADELPHIA Tonight at 8.15 , n , iiiKr " rwtruwmh. .,. otar4t rx - ji. . ,.- v'w fw lMatr muxeir. Boloi 5 ?Z .ei5J niMnmv gATd.M Ma :""W 'iS, waHli" T " Trocacera Burlesquw; VmiA BH BHOWN AT VICTORIA THEATRE DTII & MARKET BTREETS rWeek coAunenclaji Mondays- varied voa-' 'od-ra In Conlunetlon With Varied "R.UFP-HOUSE IUDS The Blat Laurh In Vaodavtlle (,-oatiuuoue 11 a. u. to 11 flpQKP VISITORS TO NEW YORK SHOULD NOT PAIL TO VIBIT B. F. KEITH'S PALACE THEATRE tftli Street and Broadwa WONDERFUL BH0W8 IN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL IIOUgB IN THE WOnLD J Above 16tn 11 TO 11 elasco'a 1KU tbib STANLEY Ui,rk,t Bt a,m1u-J PlOTUnEJ aeTkHI8 David B "The Girl of the Golden West Next WfcFlorenoe Reed in tf&e Dacclntf Qlj; DO YOU KNOW WHAT A WOMAN WILL DO J" riymia OS MeKAUUHTON u TfisTWHi J8 m$im$ m javte r ietiy VT iffi i3 rtOUilN is M w jiismma E.fMiKWWJBX '.T.""'"x?rirwifjtiiifitiiiiii'inx '"mmffl&mssmm,. SKSKmsSwBHH&, HI fBnJI III imi ll r mmi WmSSSSSBSm AT DOOR. Higgtj Week COMMENCING MONDAY "HEAPS OF HIURITY" jrreseatea oy lANorOK, LUCIEB AVTJ COMPANY. DeWITT, BURNS and TORRENCE MINOLA HURST B lie "little LoajrhloadM" MOORE, O'BRIEN and CARMAOK IIHTE'S 0DLLEB1ANS BERNARD and SOARTH HARRY JOLSON THE SALAMBOS Seats (or Eienlnic Ptrrorasanc Mar s&.'iissi.Vi&.&.-isr- F1 BEN-HUR NEXTWEBII aSATS NOWMLLDJa A New UiMwal Comedy THE GIRL OF GIRLS Br OntUt Yeeeella and Sdward Paultea IM I CASINO TMKATRK MaUnee DaHy LOWBOH aAprPY OWLS GARRICKLast Mat. and Evg. POTASH &i PERLMUTTER NEXT WEEK-SEATS NOW BELLINa GEO M. COHAN?S Z3?T , Comedy Crajna THE MIRACLE MAN ARCH LjS.h wonaiis nrst miriuuu imrt iii uiureTui innip uj rncy numor d.uT'1 ill. .. Umh.i wt n.nAlra M.hn nHatvtnt 4n nvnmlf n mniitnl k .t.u - . hall.l thought Mr. Cohan rotalned his earlier vlrtu ..'"l i with a band of crooks verts. Critics havo in f1im. A fnrtnlffht onlv. LITTLE THEATRE "Courage," with Mrs. Jay's excellent company, laruson, i time on any bIhro. It deals howlnir tho trncedv and LlUe," a tehee little play" by Harold Brlghouso, completes tho hill. I .1.. !.. A r Dtnliarrlanri ntl TTnivllall rlft VWT.trll f. til-rifllrtAft 1 . ' "B p."" " " '" "L1"";. rj .".:r."?u". '; ",';.r"""",,?r' 'or , iia ivii.ii mo muBviii. wuiimut. jii mi nntaim.i.1. ' inlnprv of war and bellttllnt? Itn irti-5 u"if0 tv "ln FOMiEBT "The Qtrl of Qlrls," with Natallo Alt Aloxandor Clark, Ben 1r.,i? and a large cast. A musical comcay icaiuring tno mtiBio of Create VtsiitL1 Atlnntla City bandmaster. The book, by Edward Paulton, Is cnnrAJ.i!'1 efforts of a young Amerloan In Paris to becomo a writer of librettos Sj ii, naniKia n tlm ilntielnir craze. Ono week only. ' 't ytnnr.l'lf? "Th Tlello of IJond Stfc6t." wltli Bam Bernard. Mollln wu. ,- Covcrdalo and Sammy Loo. An elaborate, rowrltton revival of Mr, n nirvf nnnntar mnalpiil comedv of some years ago. ."The Rich Mr. iin,.ri The book Is by Owen Hall and Ilnrold Attcrldgol the muslo by Ivan cnt Lionel Mbnckton. Sir. uomara piays t-iggy as oi ota. two weeks oslt? WALNUT "A Fool, His Money and a Girl," with Hap Ward nnd Lucy r musloat comedy by Joseph A. Mltcnen, wiui acoro oy iiooDy jones,.ln Tthliiil half.ot tho old firm of Ward and Vokesdlsports hlmBolf na a tramp whdliinv among other places, the Boardwalk nt Atlantic City. Ono week only, CONTINUING. BItOAD -"Jerry," with Mlsa Bllllo Burko, Recording tho descent of an obstreper ous young lady from Chicago upon a quiet Philadelphia suburb. By -various wiles. Including pink pajamas and man nish riding breeches, sho wins a bash ful husband from her aunt. Amusing. Last week. LYRIC "Tho Peasant Girl," with Emma Trentlnl and Clifton Crawford. A Con tinental operottn, recording the capture of a "milk-fed tenor" and "chlckon hawk" by Miss Trentlnl. Tho muslo Is oxcellont nnd Mr. Crawford moat amusing. Last week. VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Mr. and Mrs. Carter Do Havcri In "Tho Mashor"; Pat Rooney and Marlon Bent In song, danco and dia logue; tho Marvelous Manchurians, Chinese acrobats; Tim McMahon and Edith Chapelle In "How Hubby Missed the Train"; El Brendel and Muriel Morgan In "On tho School Playgrounds"; Lillian Herleln, prima donna; the Hanlon Brothors in "Tho Haunted Hotol"; Burns, Kilmer and Grady, Eduardo and Ellsa Canslno, Spanish dancers, and tho movies. GRAND "Tho Song Doctors," with four Philadelphia Blngers; "The Road to To morrow," with Mario Ellne; the Nlkko Troupe of Japaneso wire walkers. Clark and McCollough In "Much Ado About Nothing"; FItzsIramons and Cameron In "Tho Billposter and tho Girl"; Walter Walters, ventriloquist, and moving pictures GLOBE Lancton, Lucior & Co. in "Heaps of Hilarity"; DeWitt, Burns and Torrence In "Tho Awakening of the Toys"; Mlnola Hurst and tho Llttlo-Laugh-Lnnder; Moore, O'Brien nnd Carmack: Billy Tult's Collegians; Ber nard and Scarth; Harry Jolson, black face, and tho Salombos WILLIAM VENN Joslo Flynn and her Ten Minstrel Misses; Henry Lewis In "A Vaudovlllo Cocktail"! Rmtu n.Tlmt In "Her Way"; Ruby RaymonTiM Red Holder In song and flanct OK ituHscu ana uaviB in "WflitA.-fe.SBS" cd," nnd tho Cavnnna Duo, en-nuB' OROBS KEYB (first half of wick-5-M S Song and Danco Review"; JPotmJP11 & Co. In "A Mlstnko in IiSuW Burko and Burko; Fred Webw w-B1'8 trlloqulBt; Brooks ana Harris InSfeoaE and Sisters, cyclists. , Mr 're stock. dmz AMERICAN "Little Lost Sister." SAo i.- i.i . .-,- ' "e t um tcaiuunt aLucK company Hfmrh ward R. Roso's familiar play pf 'VjF ..... .." ... u.ubi iui uil Eff time. Lately seen at the "W&inoi- BURLESQUE. f EMPIRE Charles Robinson's CuieaHali TIaiiiiMa. A aaaiI.bI.ha M&.TriSV" vmu..u. n ewu-o,n; uiniw-ij cuiuouiana, Buigcra anci gins in lai comedy ana vaudeville COMING. JANUARY IS. BROAD "The Legend of Leonora" m "xno Ladies HiiaKespearf," Maude Adams. Two typical BtttaWf- plays. The first and mora subsUntkBA! deals witn tno amazing mock trial a lady who was supposed to lis thrown a passenger out ot a rml-isaHir! train because ho threatened her chtfi health with open windows. Th tfcui Is a Httlo burlesque of "The Tamlii tho Shrow." At tho matinee 5tt Adams will revlvo "Quality StrH ono or tno earliest ana most can ing of Barrio's comedies '4 FORRBBT "Tho Girl From Utah," -rl Julia Sanderson, Donald Brian it! Joseph Cawthorno Paul Rubens' El a Hsh musical comedy of Jlormoni;'uaWt nnu young, in L.onaon, wen sunju; acted. Producod In New York tui! tms season. 1 LYRIC Mario Tempest, tho ciperlfti Concluded on rartlh CHESTNUT ST. Ee AFTERNOONS 1 to 5-10c & 15c HOME OF WORLD'S GREATEST PHOTO 'LAW 7toll--10c,15c,2j "In comparing the photo-drnma with the stage production, taking Into account tho variety ot Incidents, the fidelity to detail and the completeness ot the fllm play, ono must hand the palm to the movlnsr picture vorelon " Jilt. SMILKY, BULLETIN. "Eight reels of compelllns drama and superb photography, to say nothtns ot consistently exceptional acting on the fiart ot a capable cast." Silt. KNAFr, NQCIItER. "There Is no question of the effective ness of the piece in plioto-play There Is much ot visual beauty In the pictures." MIL TERMS, TELEGRAPH. 1 "It was Illco turning the pares of Hi! caine'n ramoua novel uut vutn a STeiw satisfaction of actually seeing the tf and uomen tho author so graphlcall arrlhpri im thftv pnnrt-d tho afffrcuEl story" Jill. DIEtpiC. IIECOKU. JJ; "It proven an exceptionally iiurui lne fllm nln.v. fnllnwlni? the story U M lated In the novel -rtlth greater partk larlty than was possible In the draraitu version " JIK. UUl'II, I'RESS. f "All the Incident reproduced In am detail, there being even more In tS photoplay than there wai In the buii version." 3IK. IIONTE, 1'UDUO US- GEK. f jsr2riJ Ss 2ND BIG WEEK Twice Daily, at 2.30 in the Afternoon, and 8.30 in the EveniM Preceded by Keystone Comedy and Short Dramatic Pictures Jj For Benefits at Lyrlo and Aflelphl Theatres, Apply Box Office or Phone Walnut 0TSMT- A FITTT PUT Beginning: Monday Evening l,V ,171 VF B7J.-L POP0LAII MAT. TIIUIISDAy. I1EBT SEATS REGULUt JIATLNEE SATUIIDAY MESSna. BIIUBEnT Present SAM BERNARD AMERICA'fl TAVOniTH COMEDIAN IN HIS GREAT LONDON AND NEW YOIJK JIUSICAL COMEDY HIJ "THE BELLE OF BOND STREE ORIGINAL, GORGEOUS, DAZZLING PRODUCTION Notable Company ot Uuslcal Comedy Favorites. Including- MOLUE KINO, inNEIlVA COVEIIDALE. FLORENCE NUGENT JEIlOltE. IUB0L CBAHB, criUL C1IAWICK, BAltMY LEB. JERB MoAULIFFE, on4 A CHORUS OF WONDERFULLY BEAUTIFUL GIRLS Mat. Today, 2:30; Tonight at 8??j Beginning Monday Evening Poslthfla Last Week! J LYRIC POPULAR MATINEE WEDNESDAY BEST SEATS 111 MISS LOUIE YORKE WILL SING THE TITLE ROLE MESBHS. M'LLE EMMA HHrmKnnr t !,,. IN TnE DELIGHTFUC OPERETTA TRIUMfMJ TRENTINI "sfffi THE QPEEN OF LIOITt OPERA with CLIFTON PEASAN' wwa rum CRAWFORD Giklf Tim KING OF COMEDIANS i r a cm anfiiwTfa 'NATION TIUT MAKES EVERYBODY HAPPY m.S LAST S TIMES LAST MATINEE 8ATOKQA4 DEQINNINO NTq JANUARY 18, FOR ONE WEBK ONU MARIE TEMPEST S3F3l wnw bt n umhau auwN8, and IUr Own Lon4o Ctrnpsny f tt-2tt&2EZ2? "JMARY G 0 E S ,F 1 RSj ' uwmat aivxuur JOWJM- S4TIBH AL ' VJl Kisaw --. "" . ;Z A COiiMST IN TltHWU AC10 SEATS ON SALB NSXT THURSDAY er AU PerfBrmince. r fTmBmmiv" i " t s ,'te II, KE IPsSUIhI