Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 09, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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The Wife Who Acted Household Drudge
t was talking the other day to a very
ttnslbls little married woman, and she
pr?8t some of her Views, matri
monial ana otnerwise, very rreeiy.
"My dear," said she, "when I was first
married, do you know 1 acted like the
most foolish woman on earth! I literally
made a perfect stave of myself for John.
Looking hack on tt now, I see where I
mads a great mistake. For the very best
man on earth doesn't approctato tho
drudge, and I was nothing moro or less
than a drudge.
"Wo weren't so very badly off, cither,
And I didn't need to work so hard, nor
keep my nose to the grindstone all tho
time tho way I did. My only excuse was
. that I was so perfectly crazy over John
that I wanted to work for him nil tho
"So I slaved over the pots and pans all
day long, and at n.'jht, when John came
nome, I was so tired that ijco'Jiant bo
bright and amusing and entertaining any
mors. 'What's tho matter with you,
Haryt he said to mo one day, after wo'd
Been married about a year. 'You seem
to hay's changed somehow lately, I don't
hear you. laugh nearly as much as you
used to do, and your face has a tired sort
of look about It Don't you feel well7'
1 hastily assured him that I "was In
perfect health, and changed the subject.
But that night when I went up to bed, I
topk a long look at myself In tho mirror.
For tho first tlmo I noticed several lines
on my face, and I also seemed to have
lost tho pretty complexion I always used
to have In tho old days.
"It doesn't matter, anyhow." I assured
myself confidently, "John caroa for mo so
much that ho never thinks of my looks."
and I slept tho sleep of the well-satisfied
But later, disillusionment was to come
to me. John would phono home at the
last mlnuto that business at tho ofTlco
was detaining him late, and that he'd
na,tch a morsel to oat in town, and
please not to keep dinner for him. And
I'd spend long lonely evenings at home
by myself.
At first I didn't suspect anything. But
no day, a woman friend of mine said to ,
I me, "Isn't It odd how you and John seem
iu uavo sucn opposite lames, jio is no
fond of gaiety and n good lime, while
Vjou iiko silling ai nome oesii now i ni
ways liko to accompany my husband
when ho goes out on parties but each to
her own tasle, of course."
A sort of shock went through mo at
her Idlo words, but I remained outwardly
calm rtnd Indifferent. So this was the
truo explanation of John's mysterious
overtime workl Ho wus going out "on
parties" and without his wife, too.
"I saw your husband Inst night at the
Rltz," continued my friend. "Ho certainly
dances well."
I changed the subject, but my thoughts
worked rapidly. When tho first shock of
surprise was over, I decided on a plan of
campaign. I would not lower myself by
making any sort of n scene, or accuse
John of deceiving mc, or play tho Injured
and neglected wife. No, I had-too much
schso for that. Instead of reforming
John, I would reform myself.
John didn't come homo early that night,
but tho following morning I asked him If
ho wouldn't tako mo out to dinner some-
wlicre, just for a change.
Ho looked rnther sheepish at first, and
murmured something about working lato
at tho ofllco, tu I gontly and firmly
waived all objections aside.
"You have been working too hard late
ly, Just as I have, John," I said decidedly,
"and It will bo bettor for us both to havo
a llttlo relaxation. I will meet you In
town at 7 o'clock, so that you will hava
plenty of tlmo to get through all your
olllce work by then."
And I carried out my plan. I went Into
town In tho morning Immediately after
John had left tho house, and I bought a
really beautiful llttlo evening gown at
tho sales. It fitted mo to perfection and
quits Justlilcd the llttlo extravagance.
"It's time I was a bit extravagant," said
I to myself, "It I am to keep John caring
about mo at all."
John and I had a perfectly lovely eve
ning, and ho complimented mo on my an-
pearanco warmly.
"I had no Idea you wcro so pretty,
Mary," he said, hulf apologetically, ns ho
helped mo Into my coait after the dinner
was over. "I've got seats for tho thcatro
tonight, so we'll just call a taxi."
Things have changed slnco. that nieht.
I am no longer tho household drudge, but
havo hired a llttlo maid who takes much
of tho work oft my hands. And John and
I are constantly together and very happy.
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Ey CLAVER MORRIS Author " "John B"ioa- solicitor.-
"I wish I could reform Mary's bed
room," said the homo decorator, tho other
day. "It is so absolutely hopeless that It
discourages me every tlmo I sco it
"What's the matter with It? I always
understood that she had such lovely
antiques left her by hor father, and she
always dresses well. That ought to bo
enough to speak for her good tasta In
arranging her furnishings," said her
"Not at all, my dear, there Is no- neces
nory connection between a well-dressed
girl and nn artistically furnished room.
I've known women who wcro as dowdy
on the street as anything you can Imag
ine, and yet their homes were beautiful.
It Isn't entirely a question of good taste,
It Is a matter of adaptation.
"Now, Marys furniture Is heavily
carved walnut, and In tho propor sottliTg
It would be handsome. But sho has It
stowed away in a room In which the
light Is poor, and all the hangings are
dark and dull. As soon as you come
in you get tho Impression of dullness,
heaviness, and you arc depressed in spite
of yourself. She has a four-poster bed,
and they aro tho most fashionable things
now. This, however. Is placed away back
In the most unbecoming of corners, and
you almost always bark your shins on it.
"1 could make this room over," said
tho home decorator, "and Mary wouldn't
believe her eyes."
"What would you do?" asked her
friend, "tell me, and I'll suggest to Mary
that you get the contract."
"My dear, it would bo a personal tri
umph, and I'd wnnt nothing bettor than
to show that lovely old stuff up in its
proper setting. In tho first placo. I'd
toko everything out and have tho wood
work done In a deep cream or gray. This
Is tho best way to bring out tho carving
and the lines of the walnut antiques.
"Thon I'd put tho fumlturo in again,
with the bed In tho most prominent placo,
and thd big, heavy bureau 111 the back
ground. The hangings aro qulto Impos
slbo, and they would havo to be ro
moved and others of some light brocaded
material put In their places. The best
thing to put up Is chintz, cretonne, tap
estry, If you can afford it These aro
all neutral, so to speak I mean, they
haven't any particular color, but nil col
ors aro Invthem. Or you could get them
with a deep red or a Delft blue predomi
nating. "Tho paper should be some cool, striped
or plain cream, tan or gray. This should
never bo tapestry or chintz effect, as It
makes too much decoration with hang
ings and wallpaper both of flowered ma
terials. "Lastly, I'd buy a pair of brass and
irons and tongs, and an nntlquo fendor
nt some auction shop. I'd decorate her
mantelpiece with a pair of walnut can
dlesticks, or one. of those lovely night
lamps. Add to this a walnut lamp on
tho table or desk, with a cretonne shade,
and you havo a perfectly charming bou
doir," said tho homo decorator.
An Old-Time Story
YBAItS and years ago, when this coun
try was much newer than now, thero
were no stores at which one could buy
fire fruit In winter. And If thero had
been, stores, where would the fruit have
eomo from- Fr there wero no railroads
to haul tho fine southern products north
In tho winter time.
So It was necessary for each farmer
to carefully preserve his own fruit from
freezing, to keep It fresh and firm, ready
for the winter eating.
Naturally every farmer tried to raise
fruit a llttlo better than that grown by
hla neighbors and to keep what ho had
grown In finer; fresher condition than
tho fruit grown by any other man. This
good-natured rivalry was tho cause of
many Ingenious devices for keeping fruit
and vegetables.
Ifarmer Trueman had on of tho finest
farms In the provinces, but for two years
Its bad had baJ luck keeping his prod
vets. Either tho fruit got too hot (which
jaado it wither and dry) or It got tpo cojd
l:ST va wnicn caao n iroze;.
s-s i j in im xiui Ul mis awry iiunscr xruo-
taxti declared ha waa going to, find soma
" way to keep his produce or "he'd know
tho reason why!" Ho puzzled over tho
problem for some time. "I think the very
best plaoe." ho Anally decided, "is a hole
in the ground, but it must be deeper and
better covered than any cellar hole I
havo ever dug before."
Bo ho went to work. Out back af the
bouse, in a sheltered spot, the hole was
dug. Bo deep was it that Farmer True
will could stand in it and bo unseen
from tho house, Eor days ho worked on
it, shaping It sides and deepening it
And all the time ho worked in Becret
Tou sea. all his neighbors knew of his
future with irujt mo year before, and
he, wanted to be am of success this time.
bior they bad a chance to criticise or
o when, ho was all through with the
dicing, ready to pack away the fruit,
jta covfd up the pit with grass and,
hay, "Thero, no ona will see that!" ho
h14 t himself, and ho went on about
Wo fruit g(ibriBS.
v'': Now, H haiMWMd that Farmer Trua-
i.ill' i UUk iuwUlr PatiMice'hiul tuun
Wy m Kfit W gradniwlr ajai tba storm ttml
But, ola, for PaUeneal .
0ho was glad to visit; vof course, all
Attle girls (and boys, too, for that mat
ter) like to visit grandmother, but oh!,
she was so glad to get home! She ran
to tho barn to eeo her favorite pets, she
ran to the garden to find the pumpkin
sho was to have for her own, and then
she started pell-mell for the house.
But, alas for Patience! Sho ran right
oter the fruit pit! The dried grass with
Which It was bidden gave way under her
feet and down she went into the pit.
Patience was so surprised she could not
tell what had happened to her. Never
had she teen or heap! of a pit on her
father's farm! What could it mean?
But she was a brave and sensible little
girl. She knew better than to sit down
and cry. She picked the grass and hay
out of her mouth and began to call for
help. Hearing no answer, she sat (pa
tiently waiting, sure that she would soon
be found,
But it was not so soon after all, for
her father was awax for the day. Not
till the night time waa she discovered.
And you ms.y be sure she was happy
when she finally was resouedl "J don't
think ratwh of your fruit nit. father."
she. .ial4 when the pit waa ejtalatoorf
Q HWi, "PUt
Guu TVlmbcrlcv, son 0 jtime, th
Marchioness 0 IFImtcrri, Is at Harptres
School, of u7ifci John Ertetph Is head
master. John ami Anne arc engaged to oe
married. 7ord Arthur Mcrict, uncle 0
Guy Wlmberteu, teams John that there Is
a plot to vut the boy out of the tray. Dick
ilcrlct, a cousin, and in tine for the in
heritance of the great Wimberlcv estates,
is concerned In the plot. The other plot
ters are Verttgan, a science master at
Ilarptree, Kho has a hola on ,ohn Crleloh,
and itrs. Trovers, Erlelgh's sister, Mrs.
Trovers teas deserted by the man she
loved, and this man teas accidentally
Mlled by John Erlctgh. Ycrtlgan persuaded
Erlelgh to let another man pay the
penalty for his crime, and now is in a
position to blacKmatl Erletgh. ilrs.
Trovers does not Unoxo that her own
IroCier killed the father of her child,
James. Two plots to kidnap Guy Vim
bertey have failed, and the detectives em
ployed to watch over the boy have begun
to track down the conspirators, Another
troup 0 conspirators also exists, out
there is no clue fo them. Verticrait visit
Mrs. Trovers, and when she threatens to
expose the plot, he teams 7ier that he will
make her miserable tor lite. lie also
threatens John Erlelgh's happiness.
The IVimoercis ask the Traverses to the
opera, and there James Travers falls in
lova with Guy's sister Joan. In an auto
mobile accident he saves her life, but is
teounded Jiimself.
lie loses Ms right hand, and his career
as a pianist, but he wins Joan Wlmberley'a
Lord Arthur asks John Erlctgh to dls
mlse Yertlgan.
ilrs. Tcnrers fells her brother that
Verttgan wants to marry her and that he
threatens to expose John Erleigh. John
says that Yertlgan shall not marry her.
Mrs. Travers sees Ycrtioan and informs
him that if he exposes Kileigh. she toill
expose htm. IVimberley shows his room
malo a fine new repoteer he bought. He
then takes his motor car for a trip home
to celebrate his mothrc's birthday with
her. Jle takes the teeapon with him. The
car brealcs downin the park about a mile
from the IVimberley mansion, lie pro
poses that he walk home while the chauf
feur is repairing the car, and asks the
chauffeur for a small electrio lamp, but
the chauffeur says he has to have it to
repair the car.
After walking half a mile TTfmSerlei;
trips over an obstruction and Is suddenly
enveloped in a blanket. Chloroform fumes
overcome him. When he awakens he finds
himself in an old barn. Bending over him
is Dr. Anderson, of John Erlelgh's school.
Dr. Anderson and an assistant attempt ta
transport him across a river. Il'lmberley
ntlempls to run, but Dr. Anderson over
takes him. In a struggle IVimberley drains
Ms revolver, fires and makes his escape.
Wlmberlcy reaches the mansion and is re
ceived by his mother with exclamations of
Joy. On the way he tosses the revolver
into a lake.
Lord Arthur discovers Yertlgan wound
ed. He says he was following two men
wno naa aitcmptca-io Kianap uuy ivtm
berley. Lord Arthur disbelieves the story and de
mands from Erlelglt that Verttgan be dis
missed. The truth is that Doctor Anderson.
who attempted the kfdnapping, is in a plot of
which Yertlgan knows ttothlno.
James Travers is deeply in love with-Lady
Joan Mertet.
Her mother and his mother agree that
the children must not be encouraged.
Without warning. Guv TVImberlej dis
appears. CHAPTER XVI-(ConUnued)
"VrBXT to finding the boy," said John
jJN Krlelgh slowly, "the most Important
thing Is to avoid a scandal that will ruin
the reputation of the Bchool."J
Inspector Russell shrugged his should
era. ever so slightly, and looked at his
notebook; Lord Alrthur Merlct frowned,
and the Angers of his right hand closed
tightly In his palm. It was 5 o'clock In
the morning, and the three men were In
Erlelgh's study nt the schoolhouse. They
looked llko men who had been up nil
night. Erleigh was haggard and pale, ns
though he had been through a long ill
ness. They wcro all three standing, Lord
Arthur with his back to tho fireplace, In
which tho fire had long been a mere heap
of ashes.
"The 8CI100I," repeated Erleigh, and ho
looked at tho facos of the other two men.
"Lady Wlmberley," said Lord Arthur
sharply. "Hang the school! It's my
sister-in-law I'm think of."
"I understand, gentlemen," snld the in
spector, "that you both really want the
same tiling. BIr. Erleigh Is thinking of
tho school "
"And Lady Wlmberley, of course,"
Erleigh broke In fiercely.
"Yes. and Lady Wlmberley," said the
inspector, "of course, the same as Lord
Arthur. You neither of you want a pub
lic scandal. You want mo to work quietly
so far as It Is possible."
"Yes." said Lord Arthur, "that's It."
"And let It bo supposed, for the moment,
that Lord Wlmberley has run away of his
own account."
"Yes," said Erleigh. "Boys do run
away from school high-spirited boys
with a love of adventure." ( ,
"And it's possible," continued tho In
spector, "Just possible that that Is what
has actually occurred."
Neither Lord Arthur nor John Erleigh
made any reply to this remark.
"Of course, gentlemen," tho inspector
continued, "wo shall know moro when
certain Inquiries havo been made. I havo
been telegraphing to London. Wo Bhall
find out something of tho whereabouts of
this Mr. Dick Merlet. I havo sent word
that Barker Is to bo Interviewed It's a
great pity, my lord, that you did not
come to' ub in tho first place. These pri
vate detectives aro excellent fellows, but
their hands are tied. You see, they havo
no authority. Now this Is tho position,"
and he turned back tho pages of his
notebook. Erleigh flung himself Into a
chair. Lord Arthur lit a cigarette.
. "Boy last seen at half-past Ave," read
the Inspector. "School cap and overcoat
missing, Nothing else, so far as we can
find out. No traces of any struggle,
either In study or garden. Possible for
him to havo gono out through the door
leading out of school yard, but no evi
dence that ho did so. Ho hns not been
seen by any one, so far as we can ascer
tain, either in the town or at any station
uown me line, or tho village within a
radius of four miles. Three attempts
have already been made to kidnap him,
of which you have given me full par
ticulars. Jtr. Vertlgan and Mr. Richard
Merlet are suspected of being concerned
In the boy's disappearance, but Mr. Ver
ttgan has not been questioned."
"You thought that best, didn't you?"
Lord Arthur Interrupted.
"Yes. my lord. We shall have him
most carefully watched, A deteotlvo will
bo down here tomorrow morning. Now
there is one thing I should like to men
tion, nnd that is the motive for kidnap
ping the boy."
Lord Arthur drew In his breath sharp
ly. Erleigh groaned and covered his
face with his hands.
"Both of you gentlemen," the Inspector
continued, "seem to think that this young
marquess has been made away with, and
ttiat seems to be the only reason, so far
as I can see, for suspecting Mr, Richard
Merlct of complicity in the affair. I sup
pose It has occurred to you; Lord Arthur,
that you being the next heir to the title
and estates "
"Oh, yes, yes," Lord Arthur Interrupt
ed angrily; "of courso they'll havo a
shot at me sooner or later."
"Well, you'll pardon mo saying so, my
lord, but I am suro that you've got hold
of a very wrong Idea. Such a crime Is so
horrible such an enterprise so unlikely
to succeed, that I do not think any sane
man would embark upon It. I fancy In a
few days. If his young lordship doesn't
turn up, his mother will recelvo a demand
for a ransom, and then I fancy we shell
bo ablo to deal with tho scoundrel."
"I only hope you may prove to be right,'
said Lord Arthur.
"I'd give 20 years of my life," said Er
leigh passionately, "If "
Then the door opened and a policeman
entered tho room.
"I camo straight in. sir," he said, "as
you told me. We've found this," and he
drew a cap from his pocket and handed It
to the inspector. Mr. Russell looked Inside
the cap and saw a largo W inked on the
"Tho boy's cap," ho said, handing It
to Lord Arthur. "Wliero was this found?"
"Down by tho river, sir half a mite
beyond the school boathouse down
stream." "In tho water?"
"By tho edge of the water, sir. It had
been in the water, dripping wet wo
wrung It out a bit-it was caught in somo
"I'll come along with you at once," said
the inspector. "I think, gentlemen, you'd
better botli go to bed. You can't do any
thing tonight, nnd there may bo plenty
for you to do tomorrow."
-.no, I'm coming along with you," said
Lord Arthur.
"I'd rather you did not, my lord. I
want you and Mr. Erleigh to stay here
and see that Mr. "Vertlgan does not leave
the house. Besides, fresh news may come
in nnd I'd like somo one to be hero to re
ceive it. I'll return before breakfast
time." Lord Arthur allowed himself to be per
suaded, and a minute later he was alone
With John Erleigh In his study.
"I'll go and watch outside the house,"
ho said. "You had better stay here."
"Erleigh did not move; did not even
raise his head from his hands. Lord
Arthur walked to the door and turned.
"Heaven help you. Erleigh," he said,
"If this boy is dead."
Ho opened tho door nnd closed It behind
him. John Erleigh raised his head and
stared dully at the ashes In tho fireleas
(Continued Monday.)
Copyrlffht, 10H, by th Associated Newspa-
pers. Limited.
I have met such a nice man here. He
is a friend of Amy's husband and so
clever and Interesting. I can't quite make
out what his profession Is, but ho ap
pears to have lots ot money, and Is cer
tainly very attractive."
Ho owns a really beautiful car, and
motored down hero a couple of days ago.
Wo had a delightful horseback canter this
morning, and now he suggests that t so
for an auto rldo with him and lunch at an
hotol about 15 miles from hero.
Ills ccusln, a very pleasant, entertain
ing girl, Is also staying here, and she Is
coming, too, with her fiance, so wo shall
bo qullo a merry llttlo party of four. The
cousin tells me that the hotel we aro
patronizing today is very smart, so I
havo decided to wear a brand-new waist
In honor of tho occasion.
It Is of whlto taffeta, cut rather
severely, with sleeves, collar and vest of
that lovely XJeorgette crepo so popular
Just now. Needless to say, the collar Is
very high, giving qulto tho chokor effect,
and rolling over at top. But what I am
particularly fond ot Is the long lino of
tiny mother o' pearl buttons that uns
from chin to waist line.
'Tho same little buttons are repeated on
llio cuff, too, nnd glvo tho blouso such a
smart, tailored appearance.
Tho nlco man's cousin Is wearing a very
pretty blouso. too. Itl,!
In palest lemon color 1$
epaulette effect on the ,i0S
In sieve Is very smart,
dollar, open at the throu.1
shadow lace. "J
Speaking of blouse,, Am,!
somo beaiillrni j.. n'
town. WljenshodonnJ.
morning I thought th M'
those cuto pictures of flu Jl1
llttlo boy who "asked forS?
matter of clothes, Amy (MS
to "ask for more," so th.r.1?
further analogy between Ut&
ture. Anyhow, this new ,P'g.
very smart. It is of whltfg
linen, with collar and ,.'
quality, of linen in a pretty
niiuiuur penecuy lovely tig
sont for is ot flno Gcorreiui
plaits of tho material in 4
bioovqb aro uencaioiy eralm
small floral design that looljg,
smart. Tho collar Is a hS,
velvet, cut very high aal'lj
with a tiny laco frill. :4j
I hear tho others calllni S
out to tho car now, so mtuti!
hopo tho nlco man will centlaS.
Interesting during tho moloj'J
was wnen horseback rldlnfr.ffi,'.
How the College .
Woman Originated
The college woman Is tho outgrowth of
progress which has been going on for tho
last 10O years. Tho college idea was
originated by Miss Emma Wlllard, whoso
school fop tho higher education of girls
was founded Just a century ago, at Troy.
N. Y. This was tho predecessor of all
tho colleges, co-oducatlonal yistltutions
and preparatory schools for women which
followed In succeeding years. Boforo that
time feminine higher education was a
thing unheard of, and Miss Wlllnrd's
school was not under State control She
tried to make legislators see that It was
their duty to provide for tho advanced
education of women, and failed.
This Is her proposed curriculum, and It
Is strange to see how closely It conforms,
In some 'particulars, to the present-day
standards; "Religious and moral Instruc
tion, literary Instruction, Including psy
chology and natural philosophy, domestic
instruction, Including a systematic treatise
on housewifery," and what sho termed
"ornamental Instruction."
This course in ornamental Instruction
Included drawing, painting, "elegant pen'
manshlp," music and the poetry of mo
tion In dariclng. In regaTd to the gentle
art of sewing, her comments are amus
ing. "Tho best style of useful needlework
should either be taught by the domestic
department, or made a qualification of
entrance. I consider that useful which
may contribute to tho decoration of a
lady's person, or tho convenience or neat
ness of her family. But the use of tho
needle for other purpose than these, as
It alfords little to assist In tho formation
of character, I would regard as a waste
of tlmo."
Imagine the horror of the modern col
lege maiden If Bhe had to pass an en
trances requirement In plain sewing. When
tho collego became an Institution, three
women were graduated from'Obeflln In
13(1, being tho first women to receive a
degreo in tho United States. When
Horaco Mnnn gavo the HbS
of tho men's colleges accept
anu uicu inuiiy Gcparaio ItaQim
women alono wcro founded.' Ii3
occasion lor 1110 starting t(
vassar, amiin, uryn aiaw, 1
many women s colleges, j!
yt"A PTS
i&'& mm
Boudoir lamps aro a thing "il
and a Joy forover, especially.!!!
anything like tho lacy oneiric
Tho base of tho lamp Is rMitt
eldd ware, In' cream color,,ertt
... ..,
maicn mo ivory uniea lunwxi
ular at present. The lampsliA
is entirely mado ot filet Ua
who knows how lovely thjki
will imagine now uaimy amf
wholo thing Is.
Tho other shado Is Bomcthfc!
ono already described, except am
a china base. This is ornMi&a
the prettiest llttlo roses, wltiitof
dull goldJioro nna were, jjouw
with electrio connections, loiji
thn thlntr to out imon mihtafiq
table or to supply a dim liSUi
Airnion "the. new housekeeping."
At the Women's Clubs
A meeting of the Women's League for
Oood Government in the I6th Ward was
held In the house of Mrs. Ernest M. Vail,
1700 Porter street, yesterday at 3 o'clock.
Interesting papers wcro read on the fol
lowing subjects: "The Bullitt Charter
nnd the Form of Government of Phila
delphia," "The Commission Form of
Government in Pittsburgh, Scranton and
i3 Third-class Cities In Pennsylvania,"
"The Educational Code and the Govern
ment of Our Publlo Schools," and "The
Makeup and Management of Councils,"
which waa read by Itobert Drlpps, Com
mon Councilman from the 22d Ward,
The officers of the league are Mtb. Er
nest M. Vail, chairman; Mrs. John J,
Egan, secretary; Mrs, Thomas Graham.
treasurer; Mrs. William G. Jenks, chair
man of tho Membership Committee; Mrs,
W. II. Smith, councilmanlo member, and
airs, jurneai ai. van, legislative delegate.
The Mualo Committee of the Phllo
muslan Club, SOU Walnut street, will hold
an Artists' Recital, on Monday evening,
January 1, at 8:15. Mr. and .Mrs. T.
Foster Why will entertain wltha well
chosen vocal program. The Current
Kvents Class, of which Miss Sara C. Col
lins is leader, will have for speaker at
its regular meeting next Wednesday
Bishop Berry, who will speak on "The
Campaign for Righteousness." The Phil
anthropy Section meets as usual today
at 10:S0 a, m-, with Mrs. George B. Scran
ton In charge.
On Monday. January U, at S pvin., the
legislative conference, planned under the
auspices of the New Century Club, will
be held In the Mayor's reception room,
City Halt. The subject will ba "Vn,
employment," and the speakers will in.
dude Director Norrla, James Maurer.
member t the State Legislature and
Jederajon of Labor; Mr. Brewer, of
Wanftmaker-s; Mr. Hagendorn and Miss
Pierce, of Jhe Consumers' League.
Women Teachers.
Teashera ' the nubile schnsli nt W,j
York, ally must be more than yeara j
of age to marry and continue in thslrl
lent for children's bread HJ
per onco In a while. Sewjli
mixtures with whipped MJg
encies can be garnished wlthJ
the grains may be soaKea 5
flavoring and added to varloaiS
which they glvo the effect ej
pensive nuts. Nn
Even In tho matter of iC
we find new Ideas. The oU
square wire box fastened paw
can be replaced by a new,tfi!5j
of metal which rotates, insitw
lnc drawn back and forwtrdi
Are. Since It Is made of nwil
nent metal and is easier lowm
'supplanting the mesh popper,
tint itanit linrrt ..nnHnilA SCRkH
The hatf-bursted seeds .&M
course, never be eaten andjsj
carefully discarded before VlM
prepared for eating. It is $
bursted grains whicli are ,
but thoio partly burst or ??
prove uo. And they shouIdfiM
eaten hot nnd freshly roaswo
ii(o Biurcu is inuai pcrEv, &
When freshly popped they l.e-rninn iniv.n,mni. rohl. JHl
are certainly as appetizing as crackers U Poppinir corn Is one of tbOjw
Another applicant has appeared to
carry oft the title of "The American
National Dish." No one else but the
humble popcorn elf, who Is distributed
by tho million bushels annually. No,
other nation can boast tho little ear
and grain which, when 'touched by the
maglo ot heat, bursts from his brown
prison nnd emerges a snowy, crispy
flower-head of appetizing starch.
While the Joys of popping corn may
seem to belong exclusively to tho Jack
knife ase. popcorn is more ot a food
product than It Is credited to be. It;
too, like all the corn kernels, contains
a quantity of starcn ana a nitie protein
or muscle food. There Is a slight differ
ence between It and other cooked corn
In which the starch kernels! have been
burst by heat. Because It Is chiefly
starch It combines best wltti fat and
sugar. So that we are following right
dietetics when we pour melted butter on
It or use It with a syrup.
Perhaps' the housewife has over
looked the possibilities ot popcorn on
the family table. Not long ago, at a
most delightful dinner, the soup courso
appeared graced witn crisp popcorn
and can be welcomed for their Variety.
If the soup happens to be a corn puree.
'so much tlie. more appropriate. An
oyster soup also lends itself happily In
combination with the parched, nut-like
flavor of the roasted grain.
Popcorn and milk Is a good equlva-
Ing tasks which can be learnnjl
thn smnllonf rhlMrrn. The TtV
who Is indoors on. a BtormyiESl
will amuse himself for an C
popper and corn. Let him -g
syrup, too. and manufactwffl
balls and sell them at his 2i
General Reduction Sale of
4 & 7$dtA Grade,
The season's most popular furs, including
Hudson Seal, Skunk and Im'L Bhe Fox
go-into this remarkable event at prices that aro
Va TO Vz less than usual
Cold weather has just begun j you'll have three more
months this yearpossibly longerto wear these
magnificent furs; this is the biggest saving opportunity
you have had this season I
m 3
1436 tfalHU.t Strut
Although dwtng the past wk W haM totJ more Mink anJ i
Tlrf 7 "V 'lft ' w" ar'y i
ii pf tjfa' original pc.
' ttoion. turn haom a fVi ehatee !
mmmmm & m mtm kfvmrks my
yas Nisw 51RDHOUSE8
fM rial