Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 08, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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to fo,lon'
the text of the formal.
ff, ,ertnon delivered Inst nlRht bj
ji The evangollst did not Ad
m t,. ..rmon DevIAtlona-nnd they
WJflr plcmresquo Mid choraclerlstl
iLni of whnt toofc placo yesterday
.& tiberrtacle
Sir text ,aBt even,nB was ln Gen
ii"For I know mm mni no win
iv8lh,s children nnd his household
htm. mffi, eomDllment Hint
"" "..' . 11, V. ...!
r him.'
, .,i atlsflcd that was n iroou inaox
ttl'; ,,i,J . throw myself tonlitht
""..,. Aiirahnm thnn by savins,
firV.n,. for he will command
.fi.V. .mi his household after him.'
.?... ilncd that was n irood I
I'r orayerfut gympathy that I may
Si attention of this audience and
-.U hearts to eo with me to the most
jlM ne,a'' .... iniintlin iinol arountl
'S.i.finor sweet associations and
BE,,, memories than any other placo In
Krld-tlw home. The longer IliVo
,.T morel visit up ana down tins iana
r. ihe 3oys ana sorrows, mo success
'',.... M men and women, tho moro
JZrMr I. become impressed with tho
rtttl M Ktcst nslllutlon of the
rkan pefcle tdft' '? the homo, and
iThome should be the centre of all
CCulng. inspiring and uplifting.
if.ry homo should be dend to any
ffi disgraces and pollutes. I th nk
.qufstlon. whether It is a houpckpi
J ,orrow, weal or woo, Is moro1 with
Of orrui lifr nrnh.
min or woman mw -.. .-.
v.,t ..n hulld your palaces, you cam
!7 vour fortunes; you can spread Pen
7rurs on your floors; you can sit bo-
K, the flash of tho candelabra; you
rSttsh a button and havo n. retlnuo of
I?,. honored by walling on you; you
I Ln nwn the strcot In tho most mag-
miiI and faultless equipages, but I
Smii. nothing can mnko happy the
tir and mother of a Godless, drunken
fr of a boy, or a frivolous, coquettish.
roou-ior-iiuminb. . ........ .. .....
'. . Hrl that cads tho strcot with
rr Tom. Dick and Harry, and makes
'. ...... hnnil with nhnmo and dls-
i that you over gave her birth.
"ot only peace and nappiness centre
rat the home, but all tnat is moral anu
igtous as well. I believe tho downfall
most men nnd women can uo iruum
ftome defect In tho home. Every
icVleg gambler, overy drunkard roll-
anil staggering and vomiting ana
ottering' and spewing, every woman
it., r..llcrht district who Is selling
r virtue, was onco pure as tho morn
( Jew. No drunkard over Intended to
drunkard. The man who says I can
Ink or let It alone I notlco they never
lt alone tho mnn who tells me ho
'i drink ojj lot It alone lies. Tho
wkard begins with the moderate
niter. One of tho curses of tho world
lay Is the moderate drinker, not the
moderate drinkers.
'ou could ask 10 men for a definition
home, and they will give you 10 dlffcr-
t definitions. Tho ono will say it Is the
;t of hearth; tho next, plenty to eat
'the table, plenty to wear: work and
ifort; Intelligence and devotion; a
cetins; with a kiss when you como In;
regrettable goodbye when you leave.
another want looks out from homo,
ualor, vice, hunger and" nn empty tray;
tomb where the air Is rent with curses,
fc'BIMe, no Sabbath day, children who
Bsrobbers and thieves, obscene songs
Ifelr lullaby; every face a picture of
knt; the vestibule to the pit, tho door-
at of hell, a chain forging links to bind
'em donn to perdition.
Wjten to me. Nearly one-half of the
kates of tho reformatory, committed
leretfor crimes, commit the crimes for
tilch they are sent there while In a state
Involuntary or Involuntary vagrancy.
fe'rtnesls of vagrancy: it is a big
tieatlon to' answer In ono Berinon, but
am gplng to say something about that
ten One-tenth of them have lost their
irentsf one-half lost either fathor or
other, and 65 per cent, aro from homes
Here the parents have been divorced,
oken Ijomes and broken lives seem to
Jband In hand, they aro inseparably
nnceted Many times sons and daughters
brought up In Idleness; unrestrained
the expenditure of their money, rapld
aequlring extravagant habits, they
Tire' In escapades that scandalize so
ty, Indulge In fast horses, gambling,
Wand nomen, and ln the diversions of
s,ldle racing, lust and passions nnd
list they go to a premature grave and
jnremembered only for tho dissolute
tsjhcy led.
Ike women aro silly, frivolous, extrav
intMhey have thrown to tho winds all
Sf'ty. prudence, religion, and the vlr
uthat are so attractive In womon, and
w allowed them to be flattered, cajoled
flfbamboozled by a lot of jilted jays
Wcracked characters, and they turn
Ijhomes into third-rate gambling
wand boozo Joints. They have vaude
lejln their homes, they indulge In
soling, and the average, society woman
!j)I more familiar with the names of
lJ?iw'nes and champagnes than she Is
aTclaselc literature or tho word of
the prettiest picture that God has ever
Oted, or the world ever looked at. Is n
JM, and a mother that lovo Jesus
t& and they take hold of the hand of
Oldest chlM nnrl tho viavt nlil.of
Jjand the next child, down tho Una
awjroungest, and the whole family go
rang and singing into glory. Tho
"V'.i? ro the wt"ld may see is to
ii-t and a mther. without Christ,
r-. , iUff arma taking hold of the
wu of the oldest child nnd the next and
;' ""d on down to the youngest
SJjad see that whole family going to
W& I want to tell you In Phlladel
Zr,t. I18 eot too many Buoh so
syo hell you can amell the sulphur
' IOU trntn iirt n mUii I.. tt.. ...
nojia go, and when It Is old It will
m way to get rid of drunkards Js
w railing drunkards.
f1 Jr8r BOt rW 0t drunkards ' t0
'W Reason. A drunkard rnakes me
makes me sick to see in a com-
Jty llko this, dirty, stinking hell holes
miptlon. vomiting, puking, spewing
""nation. Thero goes a man stag.
J down the street drunk-see tho cop
and pinch him. Why not pinch the
lgU that madohltria drunkardT So
JPaj way to Bt rid of criminals Is
StS. ? tnem stP wl'lns- prostl.
t&S 2i Xiik ot th0 segregation of
tHdof what produces vlpe. You
iBST it"' 'istead of going to thai
Slnhi.a1 "d following tha thlnaH
S?m,:?9rl " ..X youngr men
Sfwtnr botwen the ages of 18 and
B h.?1,n,. There aro muU-
gs :" wno just Hv and the
i?,?' one or moro children means
,oy for a drunkard and another
VrOSUlUta. Tha or. iniilll.
families Who nr. In.f llvlnn-
a boy ilnmirB.il. .h ti .A..
JU8t tnultltiirl.. .v,.
SUonal life will never rise higher
' soma nr. ri.. i ....'L....
J Blgner than VOU a Inrllvfrlimla
Hi14.??9 dy- talking with Doc
&!,.. a. roan can talk aoout tho
S"" dfty out there Is but one
b tnat and you will settle
-u mat u tn, question of r-
home." That la whim In .-
Won, that Is where to settle
wwai. political, psychological
ot comes ud
.apoleon Bonaparte was asked.
& he replied, "Jlothtre, moth-
Jen women can make a
hell of a home nr n i....... . .
robo?;tandnrln0T M, F" " tongJe
?onr..Vr ttlctk9.?',I0 s,nnd behind your
counter. I wouldn't go to the preacher.
dJohmm!laM.Jh0 land of 'e "ee Is
r..mZiea w,hcnilhe d'lldrcn look llko a
with imita. ? ""ond-hand store
tons nn- m.,CndJ.m,r' rJpt,cd P""18' bu'-docsn-?Hh.li1Cl"".
hn"8nK down-It
that L? 1 h w dom of lrufh o e
social l..ml,eur ls t0, busy wllh "M
f? d?i C.1,b9' cte" (o ' much at-
lit U KIU',
htnL i IC,VOv.,ln ,bl.00d! T b,lav n Rood
til? Mnn I bl' 'Y"1"1 b,00d "d tllleV-
wni ! "1 hcrol b,ood nnd cowardly
' ln, virtuous blood, ln drinking
blood and aober blood. Tho lips of tho
Hapsburg tell of llcontlousness. Those of
sensua Ity from Mary. Queen of Scots,
dow5 o Charles the First nnd Charloi
Uio Second, James tho First, who showed
the world what your foot of n Scotchman
can bo when ho Is a foot-down to King
James tho Second.
"Scotch blood stands fbr stubbornness.
They aro full of stlck-to-lt-ivcness, I
know. Mrs. Suhday Is full-blooded
Scotch. English blood speaks of revor
enco for the English. That Is shown by
the fact that England spent $30,000,000 re
cently to put a crown on Georgo's block.
Danish blood tclli ot love of tho sea.
Welsh blood tells of religious fervor and
zeal for Ood. Jew blood tells of love of
money. From tho days of Abraham down
until now. Why? Listen.
"It makes my blood boll when I hear
men speak of a Jew nnd call him a
'sheeny' or a 'Christ killer.' If you evor
aro kept out of hell and walk tho streets
of heaven It will be by faith In the blood
of a Jew, which wns shed on tho cross
of Calvary, Jesus Christ Hear me. Thero
Is not n, crowned head of England that
docs not pay usury to a Jew. There Isn't
a Cabinet that hasn't a Jew for a mem
ber. When you nnd I buy a suit of
clothes wo pay tribute to tho Jow. Jews
control tho wholcsalo nnd retail tallor
mado clothes ln this country. You never
saw n Jew among the hoboes, nnd a
Weary Willie pnnhnndllng you for a
handout nnd mooching you for a flap
jack. A Judge who recently sentenced n
Jew for a crime pnld this tribute to tho
Hebrew race: 'For the 27 years I havo
been on tho bench you aro tho first rep
resentative of that raco that I have over
been called upon to sentence for a crime.'
All hall tho Jowl They aro God's chosen
people, nnd with tho Jew God Is going
to save this world.
"Anarchy Is not born ln tho anarchistic
riots of tho Haymarket. It ls kindled ln
tho home. What tho child is In tho homo
ho will bo ln tho Btreets and In public.
Hear mo! Forty-six million farmers In
this country aro being tnught how to take
care of tho hog, what slop to feed him,
how to feed him to add a row extra pounds
to his flesh nnd nn extra curl to his tall.
And wo havo got ln this country 23 uni
versities that have a department for tho
study of tho American hog, and only ono
university that has a department for the
study of tho American boy, and that Is
Clark University at Worcester, Mnss. In
other words, wo think more of slopping
nnd feeding tho hog thnn of feeding nnd
training tho boy and keeping him out of
hell. Wo aro going daffy over money. Wo
aro commercially crary.
"If a boy will not obey his father nnd
mother, he will not obey his social and
moral law. If he won't obey you In your
home. It Is out of such that annrchlnts,
nihilists, bomb-throwers and cutthroats
aro had. Ono of tho danger signs of our
times Is tho curse of tho Idle mother.
Many a woman never darns a stocking,
novcr a piece of hemstitching on a hand-
kercmer, never put any iaco or Insertion
on a thing; they manage to drag their old
carcasses around, and If they ever go out.
It, is to some entertainment, some bridge
whist party, some Dutch lunch, or out to
some opera, and out to some fashionables
dressmaker or some fashlonablo milliner
that eternal routine of brldgo whist, dress
makers, milliners; they .beat that little
path. They novcr go out tb help the poor;
they never try to do anything in the
homes of squalor or want; they never try
to btldgcrthe chasm and meet the fellow
with the dinner bucket. If he goes to
cluncl), ho thinks they are too stuck up,
great, big mlA's, and ho tells them to go
plumb to .
"And If jou die and they keep it out
of tho newspapers, no one will ever miss
you. Not even your husband, only when
he gets your millinery bill shoved under
his nose.
"I tell you whnt Is the matter with
you mothers. Ton are neglecting your
home for the lodge, for your clubs, for
your Uterarles and your society. You
ought to fit yourselves to be the intel
lectual companions of your j children;
make companions out of your children
Instead of letting the saloon get them.
You should spend more time with your
olllll ran T'Via' lannnlnn rf 41a nV..t .....1
?ity go, and when It ls old it
$V?nJjom ,ts training, I bell
Kii ch"d ls Properly trained It
BHjMfo astray. Listen to me. '
children. The' learning of the school and
collego will soon fade out of the minds
of tho girl and boy, but what they learn
at your kneo will stick when all else Is
gone. There nre few things I think mora
important than conversation. Think of
the good we could do in our homo or tho
pain wo can give with our tongues. Lov
ing conversation Is a great panacea many
a. time. In many a homo there Is none.
There is no regretful goodby when tho
children go to school, no affectionate
greeting when they come home, no fire
side chats meals are eaten In silence,
the old man nover speaks except when
he growls and wants some one to pass
him mora grub; for all practical purposes
it might as well be a deaf and dumb
asylum. Then there is the scolding In
the home, and the "Don't, don't, don't.'
And of all the devil-inspired sentences,
this ls the limit. A child sbould be seen
and not heard. Were you seen and not
heard when you were a ktdT I always
feel sorry for the boy that wears long
curls. When he goes down tha street
they'll say, 'Plpo his nibs.
"I will give you soma don'ts. Don't tell
the children what you don't mean. Don't
wait on them too much. Don't make them
wait too much on you. Don't break your
promises to them. Don't hurt their self
respect by punishing them "when com
pany Is present; wait until the company
goes home and then give them what Is
coming to them. And Xor heaven's sake,
I beg of you, don't overdress them; If
your husband Is rich enough and you
can afford to buy them fine clothes. In
heaven's name, don't do It. Don't send
them to school all decked put like a
French doll because that makes (he
other kids dissatisfied, makes the girl
discontented, Don't teva big fool and
overdress your kids Don't do It Don't
do It. Don't ba a fool.
" 'How old aro you. little boyT' asked
a man of a little fellow. He said, 'Five
at home, six at school and four In tha
street car Tha trouble Is, you let the
most of the moral training go to the
schoolteacher. I never aspired to but
one office In my life and that was a
member of the school board, and if I
ever wera to become a member the first
thing I would do would ba to pay the
schoolteachers U months In tha year In
stead of 9. It Is a disgrace, tha miserable
salaries we pay our schoolteachers In
this country. They go In in the fall with
their cheeks looking like rosea and they
come out ln tha spring looking Ilka lilies,
Thpv aDend their Uvea trying to make
something out of that nonenlty that bears
your name. average yeany wag's or
, snhoolteacher In this country la $500.
n riav for the school year, end tha aver.
aga wage Is L$0 a day (or tha calendar
two States that par less than 40 a
"Out in Jcffersonvllle, Ind.. there nro
E00 Inmates In tho reformatory; 2S4 of
them never attended Suhday school, 40S
had no trade, 262 of them were employed
at tho tlmo thoy committed tho crime for
which they were punished, 812 used liq
uor, 374 smoked cigarettes, S23 hnd not
reached tho 4th grade In tho publlo
schools, only 26 had ever been ln high
school, none hnd over graduated from
high school. Judge Fawcett, down In
Brooklyn, N. Y,, In sentencing a boy not
long ago, said! 'In the five years I havo
been on the bench I havo sentenced 2700
persons, and not one of them was a
member of a Sunday school.' If you
want to crush tho sources of reforma
tories on the head, you can do It with
Christianity, but one ot tho worst
source of juvenile crlmo Is tha lack of
Christianity In tho home.
"Susanna Wesley was tho mother of 19
children, and she held them for God.
When asked how sho did It sho replied;
By getting hold of their hearts In their
youth, and nover losing my grip.'
"I bellovo If tho motherhood of this
country wero no better than the man
hood, God would dump tho whole thing
In hell nnd quick stop It.
"You listen- to mo. You will never save
Philadelphia from Intemperance If you
run a boozo Joint In your homo and keep
beer and wlno In your collar nnd on Ice
In your sldobonrd. You will never savo
It from degradation If you run a boozo
Joint in your homo. I havo had mothers
como to mo wringing their hands and
say, 'My God, can't you savo my boyl
Ho Is a drunkard,' 'How ojd Is he 7' 'Be
tween 17 nnd 20 or 22.' 'Do you keep beer
In your homo, or liquor?' 'Yes,' nine
times out of 10. And then they como to
mo with that pica, You will find liquor
In their homes nnd that Is tho reason
tho boy Is a drunkard. I belleva the
greatest work done ln this world Is done
by tho tmo mothers. God did great
work with matter, but God did greater
work by his mother. The mother of tho
Wosleys did moro for this world than
some great monarch whoso Image Is
carved in marblo nnd cast ln bronzo, or
painted on canvas. I tell you tho train-Inr-of
Martin Luther, John Bunyan, Cal
vin and Lincoln Is a greater work than to
bo a Caesar, Charlomagnc, Alexander the
Great. To launch a boy or girl on llfo
for God Is a greater work than to launch
a battleship.
"Don't shut tho door lest tho sun fade
a llttlo patch of the 03-cent Ingrain carpet.
Don't pull tho blinds nnd turn tho homo
Into gloom. Don't repress tho merry
laughter that will shako tho cobwebs out
ot tho cprner. If you wnnt to ruin your
homo let children understand thnt all
mirtn shall ho left out. Let them re
gard It as a placo ln which to oat and
sleep and they will be swept along.
Young people must havo fun. They must
havo a good time. Then, In God's name,
make your homes ns attractive as you
can for them, so they won't want to go
"Let the flro burn, let tho lights blaze.
I hate to go Into a 20-foot square room,
lighted by n lG-candlo power light. It Is
the poorest economy ln tho world to have
a dim, dingy homo, or a dim, dingy
"One-half hour In the family circle will
Iron out tho difficulties ot tho day. Tho
tlmo W.I11 como too soon when tho family
clrclo will bo broken, the tlmo will como
too soon when you will long for tho touch
of a vanished hnnd; the saddest time ls
when tho homo Is gone. I tell you peo
ple ln old Philadelphia wo are drifting
away from tho old-fashioned home.
Fathers are busy, mothers give tholr
children to tho care of servants, whoso
only Interest is In the dollnrs they earn,
and thoy spend five nights n woek at some
opera, or some card party or bridge whist
club. You can clothe your children ln
silks and satins, bedeck them with Fronch
ribbons until they outrival a French milli
nery store, nnd yot they nro orphans,
though jou still live. Show me your chil
dren, show me tho company you keep,
show mo the nature of tho books you
read, and though I have never been ln
your home, "I will write you a perfect his
tory of it, and I will tell you how It came
"If It had not been for the expostulation
of the .mother of George Washington,
George Washington would have become a
midshipman In the British navy, and the
namo of that capital yonder would have
been somo other. John Randolph said In
tho House of Representatives: 'If It had
not been for my Godly mother, I. John
Randolph, would have been an Infidel.'
Gray, who wrote the 'Elegy on a Country
Graveyard,' said he was one of a largo
family of children that had the misfor
tune to survive their mother,' And I be
llevo the Ideal mother Is tho product of a
civilization that rose from the manger of
Store Opens 8:30 A. 2UV
iMvsm Miwjmwmw)MUMtwMitiujMmmmmmmmmiiimm
Store Closed SiSQ P, M
Atlanta Man Victim of Police Con
spiracy, Declares Foe of Crlmo.
Tho direct statement that Leo A,
Frank is Innocent of the charge of
murder and that his conviction Is a
frame-up of tho Atlanta police, was
made last night by William J, Burns, the
famous detective. In an address before
members of the Merlon Clvlo Association.
Tho detective was tha guest ot honor
of tho association at a dinner held in
the headquarters of tho Overbrook Golf
Club,-nt Overbrook. He spoke also of the
necessity for an efficient police force and
declared this cannot be had while there
Is politics In It.
"The conviction of Leo A, Frank, at
Atlanta, Ga.," said the deteotlve, "was e.
deliberate frame-up of tha police of that
city, who, when they wero confronted
with tho real evidence, waved It aside as
Inconsequential. I myself fully Investi
gated tho case, and I know that Frank
Is Innocent.
"There are hundreds of men today In
Jails, serving sentences for various
Crimea, who are tha victims of deliberate
frame-ups by tha pollco, ln an atfort to
clear themselves."
The detective declared tha hold of the
old-time politician on the police forces of
large cities Is going fast He declared
there can ba no efficient police force
until politics Is thrown out of It. He
said the head of a police force today
mast be honest and efficient or the news
papers would arouse publlo opinion, and
throw him out
Edward Bok, president of the associa
tion, and editor ot tha Ladles' Home
Journal, presided at the meeting. He
told the members Mr. Burns had been at
worlt some time In Merlon.
Among the speakers were Dr. Joseph
H. Odell and William J, Conlen, one of
the founders ot the association.
All the Police Have to learn Who
'John Stroam" Was,
Two photographs are all taie police have
to work -with ln heir attempt to Identify
a man, supposed to have been John
Stroam, who died In tho Jefferson Hos
pital front Injuries received as tha result
of beltuy struck by a trolley car.
When the man was taken to the hos
pital after the accident on December 23
no papers vre found on his clothing
nothing but the photographs, worn and
soiled. The photograph of & girl was In
a small frame that might be pinned upon
a coat lapel and one of a man was a
email picture pasted on cardboard.
The iman regained oonsclousnesti suf.
flclently to mutter a, name, wbloh sound
ed like "John Stroam." He was struok
uy a, car at tth and Market btreets.
year. There are U States In, Ibis Union Howard Bryant tha motorman, was btli
that pay teachers les than ?Mfl a year, for the aetion of the Coroner.
This Store Is Not Yet All We
Want It to Be
Contrasting the smallncss of the retail busi
ness in this city the centennial year, thirty-nine
years ago, some progress is evident. A fllekof the
Philadelphia daily newspapers forty years back
and the advertising pages and your good memories
will give the dates and methods of the advance of
the years.
Many people say we have had much to do with
Philadelphia's progress. We arc glad of it, but
more glad that we have much more we want to do
to better business ways and business life.
With the new 1915 days we newly set our
selves to new endeavors to bring to reality some
of our dreams. Just to dream grinds no meal.
The little motto gift of a woman of Rangoon,
Burmah, stares us in the face
"Nulla dies sine tinea"
January 8, 1915
300 Young Women's Prettiest
Coats at Half
Prices $10 to $18.50
Conts with the new Empire waist line antl coats
with the full and ripply skirts. There are coats with
the fetching "muff" collars which fasten high about
the throat.
There are coats of lustrous corduroy to slip over a
party frock, or wear to the matinee; there are warm
wraps to use during the
day for motoring or
shopping or walking.
At $10 Black, brown or
bluo zibclinc, lustrous nnd
pretty, mnde in a now style
nnd finished with fur col
lars. At $16.50 Wool plush,
of silky zibclinc and of
soft warm velour de laino.
At $18.50 Corduroys
and plushes, with satin lin
ings and fur collars.
14, 16, 18 or 20-year
AttlssaiMH&Vvl fi
n -
lT 3&
e & "
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
Evening Dresses in the Fashion
Would you enjoy an extra evening dress which cost you
as women say next to nothing?
Then please consider yourself especially invited to look
over a miscellaneous lot at $8.75, $18.50 and $25. They are
all eitner reaucea or SDeciai tmrcnases. ana tnere are very
interesting things, indeed, among them.
(First Floor, Central)
The Sweet Breath of Spring
in the Millinery Salons
New straw sailors. Smart new linen hats.
Fetching military turbans. Crepe and silk chapeaux.
The hats are charming and the prices moderate.
Women going south are buying many of them.
(Second Floor, Chestnut)
Silk and Wool Crepe Special
at 75c a Yard
Right along the same quality pretty crepe has been
selling for nearly twice as much, but this particular ship
ment came to us from the manufacturer to sell as a
Several good shades and a great deal of black.
(West Aisle)
.The Best $2 Crepe Meteor
,We Have Ever Had
There are seventy shades, including black and white
so many that we have given ;up one long counter to their
Crepe meteor is one of the most talked-of Spring silks.
(First Floor, Chestnut)
200 Men's Overcoats
From Kirschbaum
Special at $9 and $10.50
Less Than Regular Wholesale Cost
Our best pick of the winter's surplus of one of the
greatest popular-priced clothing houses in America.
These coats at $9 and $10.50 are the smart fancy effects
in cheviots and cassimeres very fashionable and popular
right now. They possess the highest kind of appeal to all
young men.
Mostly in the favorite wide-skirted effect and in a
dozen style variations. Some have shawl collars, some have
laid backs, some have silk-lined shoulders, all have satin
ined sleeves, some have belted backs, all are single'
breasted there's such a choice as you would never expect
at prices so low.
(We have never known Kirschbaum clothing to sell at
these low prices before.)
300 Other Overcoats Specials
$7.50 for 50 overcoats in good fancy mixtures. Small
$11.75 for 75 blue chinchilla and blue cheviot over
coats ; splendid for storm wear and everyday wear. '
$13.50 for 75 good fancy mixed overcoats, in a variety
of styles, including a number of good blue cheviots.
$14.50 for 60 overcoats, very fashionably tailored; in
cheviots and fancy mixtures.
(Sulnrnr Floor, Slnrket)
300 Boys' Norfolk Suits
at $8.75
Less Than Usual Wholesale Cost
These represent the season's clearaway of the best
maker of boys' suits that we know of. He is the man
that has made all of our finest suits in the season
and these are as good as the best we have had.
For boys all the way from 8 to 18 years.
(Flrit Floor, Market)
Waists in the White Sale
T.nfa nf nUlr wninta nt.-Sa.SK.
Lots of cotton waists lingerie and semi-tailored at 65c
to $1.65.
(Weot and Eait JUtlci, Mela Floor, Market)
We Have About 40 Down
Quilts Left From Over 240
They won't be long left at the price we have marked
on them $10 each. Extra large sizes.
Coverings of French sateen in several patterns Per
sian, Colonial and floral effects.
(Filth Floor, Market)
Save $1 to $3 on These
Derby Hats at $2
All well-made, new-style hats from a good maker who
had too many on his shelves and let some go for very little.
Not a freak hat in the lot.
(SubTrnr Onllery, Market)
A Little Lot of Desk Pads
at Special Prices
Some with leather corners, others with metal corners
and good selection in three sizes. 895 pads in all.
Prices are 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.
(Subway Gallery. Juniper)
40 Bicycles at a Low
Special Price
Atlas wheels, made up at a reduced price to keep the
factory going through the dull season.
Plain black finish, front and rear mud guards, Non
skid tires, 21- and 23-inch frames. Price $18, coaBter brake
$2 extra, (Subnar Oallerr, Cheatnut)
To Amateur Photographers
Tomorrow the Kiograph man will be here to show the
simplicity of a new method of transferring pho,tos pn ratal,
china, glas3 and wood. (11,1a Floor, jWerr