-r-J,?"jswn - EVENING LEDaER-rHItADELPHlX FRIDAY, JANUARY H, TOTS. w t HOUSAPS RESUME WORK IN STATE'S BIG INDUSTRIES it. --J Minns In XfisJp.rn JUS U1H " Pennsylvania in Operation fAftcr Long Period of Idle ness. firreaVnail, Jan. 8.-From nil parts Pennsylvania como cncourneinfj ro 2m .. . industrial activity, of V&.r. t fn work anil of now con- Bn reiui...t. - rnllal. Thin In VTnoVod Specially In the etoel and Ki'lS, two vital branchea of the 1C Eclipse nd Alice nunc of the Rr.hnrgh Coal Company, near Itoscoe, S bo started on full time Monday imu '"'.,,- n nn announcement ". by the company today. Trom BOO ? tnt men will be given employment In ftToMhe itwo mines, both of which It, been closed for many montlm. Ki:.i-. t, also beon civon of the re- !3on at Monesson of tho American rSESd Ita Plate Mill. On Monday fio men will return to work there after '.IttoSnt of the Pitts- Ftarsh Steel Company. a.t the samo place, & operation aguln yestoxday. glv ?tar employment to 1800 men. n- shut-down of soveral months K?.i nnlldttted Coal and Coko Com- fnv at Monongahela, resumed today, lvr.".. .nit of tho comDany s en- kS capacity soon betne In operation. CAPTAINS HAIL PROSPERITY i Industrial leaders, at Dinner, Speak ? of Better Times. 4 BUFFALO, Jan. 8. Ten presidents and L,0 presidents of railroad systems and number of high omdals of steel com Seanles were tho guests of honor at a "prosperity dinner" given by tho Cham rber of Commerce here last night. 7 , i... the BDeakcrs wero James A. Ifrarrell. president of the United States f Steel corporation, .. ". a. ! jr rdnl of the Lackawanna Steel Corpora tion1 Representative TV. D. B. Alney, of Pennsylvania: George A. Post, president 'of the American Railway Association, and Kew Tork. VThg iteneral tenor of the addresses was I Optimistic. SATJTOMOBHiE MEN OPTIMISTIC ifpredlct Tip-ward Turn of Business F'' Within Next Sixty Days. NEW YORK, Jan. 8. Automobile men, inhibitors at the 15th Annual Automobile Bhotr, In Grand Control Palace, today predicted a rapid upward turn In all com perclal and Industrial lines within the next CO days. F"Automoblle mori at this year's show l-.a 1IhIh .nl.H .. iinnlnw frt tr 5rt I lOIQ JUV HIWJl CK.o ,TW.O .U,l,,,,b v w v ''per cent above last year's sales," de fdftred S. A. Miles, manager of tills year's !,fauto exposition. "They declare tills to i be sound evidence that business condi .ittons are on tho mend." : .SDAOTIS WELCOME TJ. S. ITEMS ItBtrfferai Companies Kemqve Branch is, firflf.no 1-n 'jmannnAn ffS.COPENHAGEN, Jan. 8. Several Amcr Ikta companies have transferred their branch offices rpm Germany and Austria ' to Copenhagen, which has been found to offer excellent advantages for the dis tribution of goods. The port Is filled with 'American goods and vessels flying the American flag are discharging cargoes. EMERGENCY AID EXPENDS $50,000 APPROPRIATION Sum Given by Councls But to Good ,. Use. homTMl!irtt?.cy AM Committee an SUttM ) hAl V,nt " ,m1 I" h" trasury branch ," , bclo" no pattleulnr sum wn?rt i'.,C?mmltfco- Yesterday this wrSrn ii iVllc;1 ?.mons t,,rco committees most Piai)ell5.VCl1 ll ul ''MI'O cot l.fw Th?. l,omo ,,ellet vision Thla i?n rKM,..Bllc8 bol-nflr "warded Vm. m,.HnVr1oth t0 be mn '"to clothes lt, ,,iho, S0W,1S- So rct have been iSirvCmftnclS Vpo" tll,B 'vision that the 150 000 appropriated by Councils has been expended. 5 the rotnnlnder of tho fund from lho i.'. . lnLAmerlca Bazaar," JI000 wns Riven to the Hod Cross Commlttco and a like sum to tho Belgian Hellef Committee. Miss Henrietta Ely, hend of tho Ucd Cross Committee, yesterday organized a working corps of nurses. From the Dnld- i ' A'otnnder Henry and McMiclmcl Bchools tho committee yesterday received 220 garments. Yesterday tho commlttco received a copy of a cable message fiom Padcrowskl, the pianist, asking help for the many sufferers In Poland. The mes sage said thnt an area 'of his country three times as largo nn Belgium has been laid waste by the war and that tho people wero starving. Tho total receipts of the bazaar nro esti mated at W0.O00, one-fourth of this r.um having been realized by tho German booth alono. The sale of Belgian dolls brought In 6o0. Tho doctqrs' booth earned $2100 and the garden booth $1100. ITALY AND RUMANIA HAVE SECRET PACT TO WAR FOR ALLIES Paris Journal Predicts Early Simultaneous Declaration Against Austria and Turkey. MUSIC HATH CHARMS l-UK I MIS fcX-r'HIbUNbK Released Ilfo-termer Hastens to Hear Opera Airs on Phonograph. Seven years In nrlRnn linn nnt rlflmn.nnrl the love of Rafael Perri, 45 years old. I0r luO OOern.. TTa wnn rnlflnoprl frnm Ithe Eaatcrn Penitentiary at noon today, m ms nrst thought was to hear a phon- HPerrl, whoso release followed tho grant- "jsui b paraon Dy tne state Hoard or rlraons vesterdav. vim nnrvlntr nrllfa Utntince for the murder of James Con- u.ra September. 1?07. His case is n Mmrkable one, he having been saved w days before the day set for the exe- .vuiiqii. uovernor Stuart granted the re prieve and commuted tho "acntennn to llfo imprisonment when James Perri, a .Brother Of tha nrlnnnsr la anl1 In hn.ra '!?,. n R letter saying that he was the rally parson. He later disappeared. K, .?as met at tha prison door today Wanother brother, Nicholas Perri, who Meompanled him to a car nftcr ho had Sgaen farewell to the convicts. Tho two iMn, rejoicing, went to tho home of JJsanel, where his wife and bIx children ! 7,?!!lnr for hlm- Tho family lives I little house on East Wttenhouso near Osceola street. TRICKED ON "TIPPERARY" ay Nickels Gathered in by Ven dors of Eak Song EJheet. ' ' .mi?.len .men B:attered along Market 'mih.i?"? 6th Btreet near'y t0 City Hall, I&..U1 .,n n,ckela thls '"ornlng from iah.l tonB tht PeoP!e Who bought rtSrn.ihwa TlPPerary." Most of mSL.T found that 't was not. but the m Mler stayed lonff ' o"e Plac !KJk w,.who "turned for their money teh. to w&ol their loss. Sew 1?. aoId ,l o down from ll&r r , t mmlns. They spread sllkli Aret street where tho crowd mvS?&yv& aloft &reen-covered Ss tuffa with eight pages of pink Rrnir .- ie th8 cover ln a Bma te!th..e.the words tor "Tlpperary." M v.Ies( Pf tha pae8 t covered with Kir. S,t 80nsa that were new ten Kuhi ."H" nra tw Pages of muslo fi&. VPtrt but U la not "Tlpperary." Ti-- covr run the words "If a r ,f-7V ,0 PPerary." with the Jflnlicent of Ireland. Ulan Vthn knllnl., ,.. ----&- u tank .y' eoiiocHon ri k t0. Protest. "The musio Isn't f 9 said. ver said H was." the saleaman on- r IEBVES HER 07TH BIBTHDAY K'" f1' Ware' M Ea8t Wa,nut jjy today at home and received a S .i callere. Who congratulated the t.V ? on ner longevity. Until a , ,1 she waa in good health, but ?. Mrs. w .... v. . t artta.. ,. t.w ua uutA v u- POMAH 5TBUOK BY CAB vAnna, Phrter, H years jld, ml sireet, is at the Stetson Hoa "Hn a probable fracture of the internal injuries as the result Struck bv a. trnllav iur ttuiav 4 inamond strU. She started u rr0ni of the ear Jujt as tU i mjew on io po-er. Kr caa PAKIS, Jan. 8. Tho Petit Parislen states that a secret agreement exists between Italy nnd Ru mania whereby both nations will simul taneously declare war against Turkey and Austria. "This action," it adds, "will come speed ily, because Austria Is clearly preparing grounds for a separato peace, which would deprive Italy and Rumania of tho benefits they hopo to derive from tho Dual Mon archy's defeat." LONDON, Jan. 8. The conference be tween tho King of Rumania andvKlng Ferdinand of Bulgaria will tako place today or tomorrow at either Gradlstea or Bancasa, on tho railway south of Bucha rest, declares a dispatch to the Evening Standard from Rome. From tho Paris correspondent of tho Paris Post last night came a dispatch stating that Rumania had asked tho United States to care for her interests in Berlin and Vienna which, he adds, "can obviously mean but ono thing." So many are ttfe evidences that Ru mania Is preparing to enter, the war that tho news that It has aligned Itself with tho Allies Is expected almost hourly. Tho conference between the rulers and their Prime Ministers of Rumania and Bulgaria, it la believed, is to remove any possible cause of friction between the two countries and ultimately to bring about a new Balkan federation. RUMANIAN ENVOYS IN TJ. S. TO BUY WAR MUNITIONS WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. A commission composed of delegates of the Rumanian Government is now in tne united states. This commission Is charged with tho pur chase of arms and ammunition, cotton and sanitary supplies, amounting to at least $10,000,000, required by the Ruma nian Government. The commission is ln New York. t ACCUSED OF WHITE SLAVERY Woman Declares New York! Man Forced Her Into Life of Shame. Gugllelmo Conte, alias Williams, former ly a New York baker, was accused of wtfilte slavery ln the 7th and Carpenter streets station this morning, Mrs. Catlna Colombo, formerly of Elizabeth, N. J., asserted he forced her to a life of shame by threatening to kill her husband. TJie couple came liere from Baltimore. According to the woman, she met Conte at the home of a friend In Now York city. He compelled her to go to Boston with hlm and from there to Baltimore. Driven from the Southern city, they came to Philadelphia. Fearing the man would kill her, .the woman went to the station ihouse and told her story. Magistrate Carr held Conte under $2006 ball for a further hear ing, when he will be turned over to the United States Department of Justice. Mrs. Colombo was placed under the care of the Court Aid Society, UNIVERSITY NQTES Tha New Ycrlc Alumni Society lias Fledged $5(10 to Coach Vivian NlckalU to be expended on new rowing equipment. Mr. NlckalU ex necta to purchase new rowing machines to re place the obsolete m&chlnea now ln use. Wednesday, January 20. Is the date set for the annual bowl light between the Freshmen and sophomore classes. The sophs wilt be "out for blood" in this scrap as tha freshles have already humbled them In two out of three scrap this year. Th first dance of the Wharton School wtU be held In WeUhtman Hall op Friday evening;, January 15. Jf successful the dance will bei come an annual affair. The Combined Musical Clubs will take a four-day trip next Thursday, giving concerts In PprinitneW. Mass.: Waterbury. Conn., and at the West Tolnt Military Academy. Fraternities under the. new rushlnr agree- ment will start to rusn iresnmen on eeoruary k This dat was postponed a week on ac count at the faculty allowing tha students the Brit week in February, as well as. the last week In January for mid-year examinations. Ths faculty threw a gloom bomb Into tb joy Jarap of the students this week when it announced that all examinations would be re uulred and that no exemption would be fraoted. For this reason two weeks have faen set aside for the mid-rear examinations instead of the usual one week. Dr Leo e Howe, professor of International law. recently delivered, an address to the United State Universities Club of Argentine HrPUblio In Bueanos Aire Doctor Row sinks on "The Helatlon of the American Re buWI to the European Conflict." and In it E advocated woncerted action In order to avoid unaui Interference with neutral commerce la nerat and with purely iuterAnierlcan cqm JnewVto ptleuUr. t the recent Beaux Arts Society competition Pennsylvania architects tooK rour secnd ".Wi'IIrtlrtl mention out of the 12 draur. , receiving a larger number proportion to tie ueatans euo medala and eight mention out muted and ! ro?rB Bedal than any other Sltool The second medaU were rofved by fvkk Alst! W B- Rabeaold. J. A It. Thomp J V5L! ' h Tm.welL Tho mentions nn as?. t rAnm(. ana w wwr-v "' The PbJloiMtntan ARCHITECT JOHNSON FACES SUITS TO END 'ETERNAL' CONTRACT Director Cooke Plans to Bring Civil Action and - Appeals Will Be Taken to Highest Courts. The "perpetual contract" Hiving Philip H, Johnson tho pcrmnnent position of architect of the Department of Health and Charities may bo subjected to a legal test going to tho Tightest, courts tor an ultimate decision. Director Cooke, of the Department of Public Works, Is oxpoctcd to tnke action as a result of Councils' refusal yesterday to appropriate tho 1,OCO,000 for recon. structlon of tho Philadelphia tlcnoral H03. pltal In the general appropriation bill thnt Ihcluded overy other vital Item of the tl.SOO.OOO municipal loan and made tho bulk of the funds available as soon na "bonds are floated. The legal step contemplated hy Dl rector Cooke would bring Johnson into tho courts td defend In a civil action his contract In penpctulty and would settle for all llmo tho present moot question, which has twlco disrupted lho Depart ment of Health and Charities during the Ulanknbut-R Administration. Director Cooke contends that, under the Bullitt bill, all construction work dono by tha city must bo under the super vision of the Department nt Puhllo Works. Johnson's contract is for con struction work Under the Health Depart ment. CONTRACTS HELD IN ABEYANCE. D S. Ij. Zlcgler, tho now Director of. the Health Department, Is now holding In abeyance tho letting of contracts for Improvements to tho Homo for tho In digent which would bo ertectpd under Johnson's supervision, with his Inspectors on tho Job rtiul with Johnson tho arbiter In all disputes with, tho contractors. Tho advertising for the contracts wns Instituted by ex-Dlrcctor Harte. Tho' Organization leaders plainly Indi cated yesterday that Johnson had their approval for tho supervision of tho work of reconstructing Blorkley at a cost of tH.OOO.POO. liy the terms of Johnson's po litically Inspired contract, oxocuted with tho city In 1903, his share at 6 per cent. vould be fcWO.OOO at least. NO PROVISION r-OH BIXCRt13Y Tho Finance Committee reported favor ably to Councils tho bill opproprlatlng In bulk and making nvallable nil but 1,450,000 of tho $11,300,000 municipal loan. The "blanket" appropriation' bill did not Includo the $1,000,000 that would start tho work of relieving the congestion nnd tho unheal tliful condition In Blocktey's ram shackle wards. The other Item not Included Is the $100,000 for erection of a structure for the Municipal Court for the location of which sumdent land has not yet been obtained. A commlttco from tho Philadelphia Chapter of tho American Institute of Architecture Is Investigating tho con templated work In the Health Department for which Johnson would be tho archi tect under his "eternal" agreement.. Schuylkill Near Normal Again The Schuylkill Illver wns only three feet above uormiil height this morning, ac cording to Wlnllcld S. Oullcs, lock tendor for the Schuylkill Navigation Company nt Mnnayunk. Tho river fell three feet slnco yesterday. PLAN SUFFRAGE CAMPAIGN Congressional Union Will Try to Ob tain Legislative Action. A whirlwind campaign for woman suf frage In this Stato was planned at the meeting of the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage, held at llio homo of Miss Mary A. Burnham, 3101 Powelton nvenue, yesterday. A concerted effort will be made to hnvo tho equal suffrage bill, which will como Up before tho Legisla ture at HarrisburK nt Its present ses sion, pass that body. At tho Meeting Mloa Alice Paul, organ izer of the Congressional Union, urged tho united notion of all women who now voto nnd who desire to voto In tho con templated cttinpalgn, pointing out that tho woman voto would bo ono of tho slionget forces In obtaining better legl'lntlon. Miss Mabel Vernon, of Wilmington, who tins Just returned from nn eight months' toar of Novada, told of her ex periences thero. She hns taken up her 'hendnunrtei-H In Delaware, mid will lead n campaign In thnt State. Dr. Frances A. Van Gnskcu also spoke. She was a member of lho delegation of Democratic women who was received by President Wilson n few days ago on behalf of wrninn suffrage. Mote tlmn So suffrnglsts were present nt the meeting. Among them wcrot Miss Florence Danville, Mrs. Sonvltlo, Ml Fanny T. Cochran, Mrs. Theodora JLwIs, Mrs. K. O. Halllgan, Mrt S. tt Oren ough, Miss Cornelia drecnogh, Mr. James Monaghan, Mr. arid Mrs, John Lindsay, Miss Alice Carpenter, Miss M A. Uuiin. Mrs. M. C. Dowell, Mr. M. C. Morgan, Mrs. F. M. Shepard, Mrs. h. M. D. Mitchell, Mrs. J. A. Iluloh, Alt's, J. It. Copperrield, Mlns Julkt Lewis, Mrs. A. M. Sweet, Mrs. Thomas Williams, Mrs. Henry .fustics, Doctor Kahn kind Mrs. Harry Lowerruurg. MASK AND WIO GLTJB PLAY Dramatic Organization of TJ. of 3?. Chooses Production, "Paradise Prison," a musical comedy by Darrell If. Smith, author of "lloyal Arms," last year's . production, has been selected by tho Mask and Wig Club Of the University for this year's play, Charles L. Oltpln, composer of ths lyrics for "Itoynl Arms," will also com pose the music for "Paradise Prison," A prize of $200 was awarded to Mr. Smith for his composition of the two-act libretto. Spoclnl mention was given lo Edwin M. Lavlno for his manuscript, "Tho Landing of Mr. Columbus." Try-outs for the chorus will be held to night nt tho Mask and Wig clubhouse, 310 Quince street. Twenty-four students of tho University of Pennsylvania are to bo selected. tr. sToitis ornxs smo a. si. closes at biso p. m. ; ilviij on ijio.n oimnns filled GLOVES GREATLY UNDERPRICED $1 and $1.25 Kid Gloves Womon's two-olaspj In black, whlto and colors. Women's Long White Kid Gloves 2 VAI.UI3I Ji fCk I S2.150 VAI,UE tf 1 QfJ lS-lmttoit iPl.Dy I la-button OL.vO Women's Duplex Gloves, 50c Two-clnsp, In whlto nnd colors; "Kaysor" make; washable FIBST FLOOB, EIGHTH STREET SIDE HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Lit Double Yellow Trading Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until Noon : After That, Until ClosinR Time, Single Stamp3 Market Eighth Filbert Seventh Men Familiar With the Superior Style and Quality of "PELHAM" Suits and Over coats Are Coming brotn Far and Near to Reap 1 heir Share of 1 Ins Great Clothin Which comprises the Entire Stock of Liveright, Greenwald & Co., of 8th and Spring Garden Sis., This City The Prices Average One-Half of WhatYou Would Ordinarily Pay FOR FINE SAMPLE SUITS Really Worth $18 to $35 Many different kinds, including the swagger doublc-broastcd style with soft roll collar. They are, hand tailored, from a variety of the smartest winter materials. Also $12.50 Suits, $y .gfj $16.50 Suits, $Q '7g$20 Suits, $Q Jg $23.50 Suits $11 9 7 g $25.00 and $28.00 Suits, $ ? g gfj These are in tho best English and conservative fashions, including worsteds, tweeds, serges, cheviots and velours. Balmacaan arid Semi-Fittinq Styles Excellent assortment in blue and gray meltons, blue and black kerseys, Scotch tweeds, blue, Drown ana gray cmncnitias. $12.50 to $15 Kinds. In Subway Also $6.75 $20 and $22.50 Kinds, $ A gA $22 and $25 Kinds.... $ yg $16 and $18 Kinds $Q 7E; In Subway Also Oa J U $23.50 to $26.50 Kinds, $B Q JCL $28 and $30 Kinds!. . .$ A c!A Men's $3.50 Worsted Trousers, $1 QO I Men's $25 Full Dress & Tuxedo $j Milk Bill WSk'S TRULY A WONDERFUL aSe of Jewe , that Includes a Now Tork Importer's ontlro sample line nt itnmitmii Kronen, nn won ns attractive American ao- ' signs, nnd wo nro ablo to oltor many of these at Less Than Half Price , For convenience In selection, wo hnvo divided them into sovon lots, ns follows Lot 1 50c 1Q- ,r?s,'- , Jewelry " ffiS!) yr3r This lot Includes La Vnltlorcs -feftTK) 4, C J hill lilllllliuill llliu tium-iin..c HiiIbIi; some hnvo rhincstono settings, others sot with fancy colored stones. Lot 2 75c and $1.00 OQ La Vallieres V Gold-plated, platinum finish nnd some sterling sliver; beautifully shaded with rhlncstoncs and various colored stones. c Lot 3 25c and 50c Brooches and 1 .Bar Pins & Gold plated. Some set with pearls, others plain and en- graved; still others sot with whlto and colored stones. Xot 4 $7.00 to $10.00 Mesh A QQ Bags sw . Five to eicht inch frames; pierced or fancy engraved. Other $6 to $22.50 Mesh Bags, $2.I)S to $15. Lot 5 50c to $2.50 Trinkets, OCr to QOr Coin Holders & Vanity Cases "" - IGermnn silver and gold plated; plain nnd fancy chased designs. Lot 6 $2.00 to $10.00 Real QQ to A QO 1 French Jewelry -x Lot Includes brooches, barplns, slipper buckles, Jet 'broocheB, La Vallieres. dog collars of pearls, fancy head necklaces; also now beautiful neck-length pearl beads vlth solid-gold clasps. $3 to $6 Vanity Cases, $1.98 and $2.98 .Gorman silver nnd gold plated; beautifully hand engraved: In squares and oblong shapes. MAIN ARCADE AND 1ST FLOOR, STH AND MARKET More Value- Giving in January Clearances arc viaking havoc of prices, & furn ishings of highest quality are being underpriced most. our Men's Furnishings S Boys' $7.50 $A A Suits "ir.lrsj' 'With Extra Pair of Knickerbockers. Norfolk style suits in seventeen different styles, of fancy all-wool fabrics. Sizes 7 to IS years. Boys 85c Pants . . . &Qn Bloomers and Knickorbockers ln fancy cheviots, casstmores and bluo serges. Sizes 6 to 17 years. SECOND FLOOR, 7TH AND MARKET STS. Boys' n & '2.50 $ 1 Wash Suits, J- Striped galateas, tan, white or blue chambrays, percale, madras and pop lin. In sailor, Oliver Twist, Russian and the new Tommy Tucker styles. Sizes 2 to 10 years. Reserve Stocks From Philip JValcoff Go. and "Regatta" Wash Suit Co., New York. Boys' $7.50 & $8.50 CA Overcoats tmsiJJ Doublo-brcasted styles in fancy cheviots nnd tweeds. Sizes 8 to 18 years. Boys' $5.00 Double- $0 QA Breasted Overcoats -fW Smart, fancy cheviots, Sizes 7 to 18 years, Boys' $3.50 and $4.50 Reefers Fancy casslmeres, cheviots and bluo chin chlllas. Sizes 2H to 10. flro3 -- i ' $1 to $2 Silk Knitted Ties. 50 c Speclnl lot of nliout kIx hundred. rvo mull or pnone orucrn. IIlBh-Brado English hand-frame crochot and accordion ties, in rich two-tone and cross-stripe effects. They won't last long nt this price, so como enrly. 0R mm $3 and $4 French Flannel Shirts, $1 5Q Broken lines from our regular stock. Some havo the satin stripes. Good sizes $1.50 Neglige Shirts, 98c Fine percales and madras In rich colors. Full laundered; coat style; full. 25c Fibre-Plaited Sox 1 gc Three for KOc. Extreme high, silky lustre; fast colors; seamless feet and double heel and too. Black and colors. FIRST FLOOR, SEVENTH AND MARKET STREETS "Break Several leading furriers have asked us to Include their surplus ' stocks along with our own hence a very groat variety In new coats and sets of the choicest fashions at price cuts quite uiiubuui. Fur Prices' nf January Clearance 0..hai iajihm MHiAia imvA a air a a nH tn Includa tholr surplus $42.50 Genuine Black Fox Sets, $24.75 Extra large Iiolater imirt null shapely iinlmal-efTect neckpiece, trimmed with mounted head und (all. Handsomely lined. S25 Wilte Ice- ?1 A Cf Inuil irox Sets.. XOU IMS Ilctl Fox 27 SO HO Civet Cot" tS Set 910.50 Gray Coney Q QQ S55 sYikn'and' Illack Fox p&Vr. '34.75 S70 Persian MO Elfi T&4JJ to Illack Brussels C Lyux Sliifr. ,,,..,. 12 IlruaseU 7tt Lynx Mults . . O. t J ijaiau pes ., . Specials in Muffs 6.75 15 S5 IIrusels M C Ejfli Lynx Sets lO.OUJ 00 Xntural 2Q 7K Ilnrraan Set .. ! i Now melon-shape muff and shapely scarf. fOO Hudson Seal lOQ Jtt Set, ntch trimmed tJ. I J S47.S0 Hudson Seal Set. itch trimmed... QQ 7g Yellow Trading Stamps are much better than any other kind, because they secure merchandise that is superior in quality, at tractiveness and variety. Double stamps in the morning. y&8 Victor Record Club? And Secure the Advantages of Convenient Payments at the Cash Price? Many conveniences in cozy sound-proof rooms for comfortable selecting. Always, all the popular records ready for instant delivery. The new records always ready, too. No Trading Stamps. SECOND FLOOR rj Kit Coney nuns . , $27.50 Japanese Seal Bluffs ..... 1975 45 Natural 0 A 7C Skunk JIulT. 4T. J $32.50 Hudson Seal aiuITs Coats GOATS SPECIALLY PRICED '24.75 $40 Moire llu,.l. Pouy I $85 French Seal fgg 1SJ Hud..- 77SQ SECOND FLOOR f. Xho mcotlona wera ScheurluKr. ki.ittisr. '" zrrrr .i ' ' -r " Coaiai " w nbMn Socl.ty will nqt tv safa Ka'ffWSBw r? uiw ars vvzz tkfi BtlS. l J iv I TWO QRBAT SPECIALS POR TOMORROW IN Men's & Women's Shoes By taking all they had we cleaned up the entire surplus stock of a noted Philadelphia manufacturer, enabling us to offer you some very high-grade Men's $3 nr , LiAjO Women's $1 1ft js at uiiy $3 Shoes You have a wide choice of patent coltskin, gunraetal calf and glazed kidskin, some with dull leathers, othera with cloth tops in button, lace and Bluchcr styles, with flexible sewed sole3. All styles of heels are in the lot, including low heels fpr growing rls. All sizes are iiere, fn to all widths, C to E to $6 Shoes, Prominent Boston Maker's Surplus Stock Up-to-date models, including pat ent coltskin, gun-metal calf and tan calf, some with gray cloth and tan ooze tops, in button, lace and Blucher. Sizes 6 to 10 in lot. FIRST FLOOR, NORTH Women's and Misses' Apparel Some of the Best Values That Have Yet Marked the January Clearance Many prices have been clipped in half, that means reduced to less than the cost to make the garments, all of which are m new and desirable late winter styles. re For Misses' $ $16.50 to $20Coats, Smart three-quarter and full-length styles sketch shows one. Includo stylish mixtures, cheviots, corduroys and zibelines, in gray, black, blue and rich two-tone effects. Many with pretty fur collars. Misses' $18.50 $ 1 O Cfl Coats ...... LdijJ Illustration shows one of the several styles. Fine pebble cheviots, mixtures and plaids, in qlack, blue and brown; quite a few trimmed with fur cloth or velvet. Misses' & Women's $18.50 Suits, $10 Latest styles with long or short coats. Plain tailored and dressv effects, in fine diagonals, mixtures, cheviots and' serge, in navy blue, black, brown, plum and green, richly silk lined. ,. M Womeis $22.50 Top Coats . . .$13.75 Of fine black zibeline with belt, full ripple, guaranteed satin lining and handsome skunk dyed raccoon collar. 8BCOND FtflOR &125P Misses' and Women's $22.50 to $29.75 $1 9 7ft Dresses M.fl J Many different ualnty styles for attr&nt and evening fashion. t 1 riTimoTuens ;1N QVtt Bia KESTAPnANTWlBST OS" BVEIIVTUINQ AT LOWBST PttlCES PIBTU FJLOOIV : LIT HHOTUKKS : H
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers